i i ,i3 Stye 1 uimmn Wtralb KLAMATH COUNTY'! OFFICIAL NBWIPAPER KLAMATH VALLT OFFICIAL NBWtPAttir, i&l jjir"-i"'r"r""''"r',''tf'f"" "irt ir,yrrt- Metralh fear X. MM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 20, ltl7. ,i . - i. , e War Declaration Depends on Fate Of First Armed Ship in Barred Zone ACT OF SINKING WEE SHIPS NO? 10 CAUSE WAR T-miJ-nwwwiwiwwwwwwwiwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwa o ,..-, , inn-nn.-nnnnngrvTnnmunAfVxnjuuiJXfUUUi.TfWiJVirLr AOAINNT HITVATION roMixu UhVmOw AdvlaabHMy of f'aUlag Qmi'ii Together Merer April IS. tab That IVogram Itora Not Call fsr Imrlaralkm of War at Thla Iff rwMH ud Obtest Ar steaming Mrpa U tie Taamt BUSINESS MEN LEAVE THURSDAY WILL CANVAM4 MX IIIAMTHCO AMI NACltAMKNTO llt'HINKNM HIUUM to Ni;c:i;itK financial AIII FOR TERMINAL PIlMtS RUSSIA WILL BEND EVERY EFFORT 1 ,. . . . . . . .. 1 llllllnnnnnJLnrJurvuuvAnrlJuuIu-.VLanAr. Mala of War KtbU t WASHINGTON. D. C, March II Certain members of tho faMitt freely declared this af. ttneon that a state of war IsU art!! America aad 0r- f Mir. They Indicated that the trmMtnt' address to congress 4 vNI tar that a stats of war haa stare tea Aagoasala was A fiaak waknikuton. d. c Man aw. aftH drrlerailoa of r deawwaa sate the fate of Urn Mm armed aewrkaa HaTr which cornea lato ran. rt with a German eshmarlae or otlu ir vessel in the barred as. It was efcrkswd her today. Prldent Wllua will MM drvlarr war as a remit of I ha kinking of the sW freighter laat MatimUy. Ma la aaatttki forcing the situation, Ml aamtloa Um advlmbUllly of call, hsjteacrm, together before April IS. a trek that hb program doe not tfH for a declaration of war at IhU aaaar, e rwmleat and cabinet an aaa "em the steps thla afteraooa to ba A (omniltttii of the litir.iueitn men of IhU city will Iravr Thurday (or California point Id (irritant Klatu alb's claim for help uu ti Hiralioru terminal fund, according to President Kvkelnon of the llu.im-M Men' Amu- rUilmi of IhU city. Tbo men whu Mill make the I rip are Fred Houston. J. W. Roberts. Percy Evans, Carl I'lnlh anil Paul Johnson. Thla committee ba a tut of mora than 100 Han Francisco and Callfor nla builnraa men anil firm which thf rail uoun and place before tlirm the urgency of the Klamath re gion railroad altuatlon, and the ben tnt to be derived by them by aiding In thla wotk. Captain J. W. Hleniaaa, prraldent of tba Coaiawrclal Club, and Paul John, aog aaent a wk la San FrancUeo, placing lb Mluatlontbefore the 8aa Pranclaco Chamber or Commerce, which body' anctlon tt waa necra aary to receive before It wu imMlble to gtt the merchant' ear. The matter baa been under I uveal I gallon by them, and favorable report from their Invenllgallon have bin received. The local- committee of bualnraa men will pend omn time now calling on the merchant for aid, and It I believed thli campaign will rnmplcto the railroad terminal fund, the only atep to be arromplUhrd be fore Klamath I entirely ready for the railroad construction according to Hubert K. Rtrahorn'ii plan. COUNCIL TAKES LAST STEP TO BUILD RAILROAD MOO.OOO IKiMi IUI)I.A.CK l.VMK)t HI,V I'AHMKI) IH lloniU Kmleil to Arrive Thla Week from Howling Firm to lie Mfnetl by Mayor 'crlaler H'arraaU Hold and 9IU.000 Paid on Tlirm Two Week tu Wlad I'p All Detail, Bat aa Muoa aa Doaua Hlgard Crly I lleailr to s Make Ilalldtag Coatraet GERMANS DESTROY COMMITTEE WILL EVERYTHING IN OUTLINE COURSE DITU AC DCTDC.T I n I II III IlLlllLnl imai) op nutrcriitH appoints c-ommitti-:k to woiik ox x. PKIUI.WK ( HIIK HKH AXI IIL1MI. TIMtT M.1IIK 11V THK f.OVKR.. IStM IIV.VAMITKII ,:T If III I.KAHI.VCi HITCH NEW YOHK. March M. Captain awii aud member of IiIh crow pre lT rcitorlwl mUalng are aafo at How, ay a cablegram received reai uorum and went to hi agctila WABIIlNdTON, U. C, March 10. vetlrmatlon thm iim niv n iuum. Wa wa not warned before unk haa " rew,vl by tho offlclala of the ""w department. "W YORK. March 10. Humor. MUrdere for a Uerman revolt were J"1 In America two day ago ra vaconlrnied. MORN MAY START BEND WORK W THAT IP K FINDH tXNI. TJo.Ng HATIHPACTOHV WAV "ART RAIMU.U tXNHTUfC N HOVTH FROM THBKH J' " 30,-Tbat there ia a tta ftl! of bcgiDolag conitructloa og !7.OrH0D, California But.r. ui WpmS? ihl uw u the report 2 & Robl traUora, who 5J2Jtop4r moralag with Mr. lf ttt tag. ,il wnMrucllon will begin la not cejrtaln by any mennx," Mr. Strn horn raid. "A number of mattorn have arlnen lnce I made my flrnl extl mate of the cont of tho road which will make tho work more dlltlcult than at Mrnt exe'trd, Kleel rail, for uaample, have advanced In price near. ly S30 u ton, adding nevcral thou and per mile to the rout of the road llowiiver, uuder certnlii rondllloiiM, which I phall luveatlgulu whlln here, It may be poiiilbla to proceed," Axked about tho ntport einnnntliiK from Hun Kranrlmo of an nlllnnce UctwcTii lilnifolf and tho Hill line and tlm poMlblo coiiHtrucllon of a lino lo l.iiri'ko, Cullf,. from Klnnuith FhIIh, and m on lo Hnu FruucUco, Mr. Blnilinrn Mid ml the O.. C. ft K l Ktlll an liidcHnUont lino aud haa no connection with nuy other Intercut, and mat tnvro u aunoiuioiy iiouiiuk to the Kurvka lluu story. "Ban Francisco I ho Intoroetoil III the poiwlblllty or a 'connection wl(ii Kureka and cHperlally In Iho Central Oregon line, thut tho newapapeni tlieie made a great f about tho rumor that were Hying around.' Mr. Htrnliurn Mild, In lonnerlloii with local OHlblll tloa, Mr. Strahorn Maid that ho wan continually making additional con. nectlon, which gavo further (insur ance or tho aucceaa of tho ontorprlHC. He expect definitely to open tho Portland campaign within tho next ten day. i a ' Woader Why Not? Considering tho fart that tho bdx toclal to bo held In the west hall of I, O. O. F. Temple tomorrow night I creating ao much Interest among the ladles, It la strange that some of the retail merchant are not nawimui tranki. i aa ' Down From Fort KUwaUi. Clyde Rkort cam down Utight fram. Fort Klamath on a business trip to. thla cltr. . J The city council unanimously paed the ordinance providing for the $300,000 bond liuue for tbo Klnmnth Knlln to Dairy railroad, tho laat neccKsary ctp for the city gov. ernment to take before It I ready to lgn a contract for the work. Tho bond are expected to arrive this week from Hplttcr-Horick ft Co. of Toledo, Ohio, which Mayor Crla ler will xlgn before tcivlng for Cal ifornia the latter part of the week, he imlil litKt night. Cnptalu J. W. SlemciiH, whore bid on the warrants for the bond Ihiiio wa accepted by the council, paid $10,000 down on the deal, and ha sixty day to turn over tho remainder of tho sum. City Attorney (iroewbeck said last night that it wilt probably take about two week for the city to wind up all the drtnllf, but thnt aa boon as the IioikIh are receive d and hlgncd tho city is In shape to make a contract for Iho construction of the rallroud. Hubert K. Htraborn, who was here hevernl davit ago working over de lulls with tho council, I now In Uond, mid Ik expected to arrive here shortly after IiIh return to Portland, accord liiK to hi ptuiiK when bo waa here. It la expected that hi next trip will see the Hrst uteps taken for actual count ruction work, a date for which ho hnu mated lie Is almost ready to announce. Whllo In Uond ho Is getting tu touch with tho situation, aud haa said that work may start out of Bend thla KtTinmor If ho finds things In condition to nogutlate. Klnmnth people will watch llend closely now, for It Is or Iho utmost Importance to Klamath Falls that Demi goes through with Its proposition or raising tho neceeeary fuiid and providing terminal and Urltfctli Koldlerw Kind Ihittlm, Cabi net and Helmet Filled With Kx ndoklvua to tixploue When Opened. Howaea, Fence, Tree enoT Kvery thing In Unreal Front Ituyr In Wrecked Preach Attacking Hear . JS:. . tirrman Itrvolutkm Humored LONDON. March JO. A revo- lutlon in Oermany is rumored here In fluunclal circles, but bus not been confirmed. WITH THK DRITI8H ARMY, March SO. The Hermans destroyed Peronnc before evacuating. A sixteenth century church, nation. a monuments und many of the prin cipal buildings wcro destroyed, ap parently by dynamite. Hrltlsh aoldlcra are finding bottle, cablneta and holmnta filled with ex plosives arranged to explode when opened. PAlilS. March SO. "Slight prog ress" Is being m lie despite the bad weather, u French official statement sayi. The (fcrmuiis are destroying tree, houses, fcncoK mid everything in their retreat from Roye. They even en tered the Iioiicos along the way and destroyed the furniture. The French aro fiercely uttackiuc their tear. MUCH WATER IS WASTED DAILY A louiiulttec or three members of tl'- Klamath Water User Association will outline a course of action to be taken by the UBfoclatlun on the recent contract made between the govern ment and the California-Oregon Pow er company, was the result of the meeting of the board of directors of the association In this city Saturday and yeMerduy. This committee will meet and be prepared to report at the' next meet ing of the board of directors, which. U to be held here on the first Saturday in April. The contract between the govern ment and the power company pro vides for the leasing or the Keno Irri gation ditch on the west side of Link Itlver for a term of years, gives the power company the right to make Im provements subject to the approval or the reclamation service, and also the privilege or erecting a dam at the head or the river. Tho board or directors or the water users association believes that since they liavo contributed thousands of dollars to the upkeep and mainten mice of the oannl as well as furnish- Iiik security to the extent or over 1.000,000 to the reclamation service when they began work In this coun tiy. that the water users have on in terest in the canal, and' should have been consulted before a contract waa made leasing the canal to anyone, ac cording to Albert E. Elder, secretary of the board of directors. The board also reels that the action on the part or the government for the use or this canal by the power company given by the contract was made with the Intention or a perpet ual use of the canal for power pur poses, according to Mr. Elder, Mr. Elder Mild today that the steps to be takcu by the water users association are not entirely completed SIEMENS URGES THAT SUPPORT BE GIVEN TO CLUB Mt'ttT NOT UK ALLOWED TO Itl'N IN DEBT Klamath COcmnercial Clab Had Ar proximately 73 Paying Member LnM Year aad Existed oh Lea Than $2,000, According to Prrei deut Hietaetw I'alem the People Utcethe Clab Better Happort, ObU gallons Will lie Too Great to Exist. SPEEDY VICTORY IN WAR DESIREO AMERICA PREPARING TO RKCOG- ' ' N1ZK REGIME ,.' Information Received at Hays RMMdaa Troops la Central of HeUlagfors ia Fwlaad Aeaaaral Njortoa aad Foarteea Naval OaV rem Killed New meat Has Sapaort of Army, it; PBTROGRAD. March 30. "The provisional government win eneYgy at hand, aad with the" bnoas&aseH1reMB0B wll af . ... i j -.,. . .t w-i.r. Tne Klamatn Commercial Club op-J" iwy icwrj- in we a,ai Ismiul .inrinr ik. ..... v... iik n..iWar.." Forelan Minister IttlakaW-dm; ,.., 1.M..MB fM -,&U IUC J- , - . . . . .l.-iul A.V support oi aoouc ?o paying awm-i" '""' bers." according to Captain J. W.I "0ur Problems are now iaimease. Siemens, president. ?"u n w'" B,TO la """ new "The activities or the club we're kept alive on less than S2.000. which 4 .1 ? mawst' "A refsjBMgabi, : 3RJJ& :T'": was recehed from membership fees and subscriptions.' he said today, 'This year, however, the people or Klamath Falls must give the club better support; or it will run in debt, and the directors are determined not ti permit this. We will close up shop first." ,Eld President Siemens. A j ear lies ahead with much more work to accomplish than last. This takes money, and the fact that this year promises to be fuller of activi ties than any previous year for a long time, makes It necessary that the Commercial Club must be given more support. The boaVd of directors of the Corn- national edifice. But, In ao doing, we will enormously strengthen oar moral forces to obtain the victory," he said. The friendliness of the people to ward Grand Duke, Nicholas haa bam cemented by the information received that he Induced Cxar Nicholas to at dlcate. . WASHINGTON. D. C, March 30. America Is preparing to recognise the . new Russian government when the regime Is definitely re-established. It was learned today. The new Russian government .Aaa the support or the army and navy. Ambassador Francis reports. STOCKHOLAf. March 30 In far. motion recelvedtftere says that the Russian troops are In control ot the mercinl Club wilt start a membership I Helslnfors In Finland, .following the campaign tomorrow for new members and the directors believe there are 100 or more people in Klamath Falls that ought and can take out member ships In the Commercial Club. Commercial Clubs and Chambers ot Commerce are rapidly becoming That 510,000 galloua ot wuter lire wasted in this city dairy la tho state ment or Cart Adams', who Is in charge or the Dumping Plant or the Callfor- rlght or way, so that the line may be nla-Oregon Power company, to Kleth completed through from this city to Ambrose, chief of the fire department t...l .. Mxm. hIs iIaIsi mm vstaatlhl' .. . . . . ... aunng a cousuitation tney neiu yes- Uetid at as early a date aa possible. A petition presented the council laat night by Joo McDonald to bo giv en permission to remodel a building at 609 aud 611 Main street with a now rront, now floor and rc-plasterlng was granted by the council. The work Is estimated to cost 600. Mayor CrUler was authorised to aecuro two (35 atop watches for the local police on his trip to California. i aa VaudevllllsU Leave Today Angelo May and her troupe of vau deville entertalnera closed their three nights' engagement bare last sight at the Star theater, wbera they have appeared. They put on a clean, semi clasilo dancing, musical aad aster, tainlng show, Taw will go from here to Dorrli, and then on north, terday, Thero Is more water being used by Klamath Falls people at this time than during the summer months, said Mr, Adams, and the mily'explauntlou given is that many water users arc allowing their water faucets to run all night to prevent freezing. Mr. Adams says that It la necessary to keep one pump going continually, and sometimes the emergency has to be used to keep tho reservoirs lull, The single pump has a capacity or ISO gallons per minute, 1 5,000 gal lons as hour or 1, 080,000 gallons ev ery twenty.four hours, Mr. Adams says that at least half of tha water pumped lato the reser voirs la waited, which would amount to 510,000 gallon dally, morn and mnra ImtwirtAtit IniHrii. and It Is not desired to make and defi-.mcl)tg , tne ,.,ve.. clteg nd ,owng nlte announcement at this time. jof , emntryt Kvery cty or town of any sixe that Is In a healthy condl- Forntrr Itoideiit Is Married. '.I'0" and Nat boaBts ot any opportun- Wor.l hnu I...PU rrlvl In thl. cltv ,c8 r i"ai, iiitrim-ui or even aiiiiouncing the marriage or Mrs. Rose Sonle. formerly or Klamath Fulls, to James E. Hrotton or Indiana, 8unday March 8th. The wedding ceremony took place nt the home or the bride's father at Pomona, Cullf., where Mrs. Soule has been residing since she left Klamath Falls. Mrs. Sptile's hus band mot a tragic death here when thrown off a wagon ou Ewnuna Heights several years ago. Mrs, Soule still owus considerable Klam ath property. Hew for Stock Feed. J. L. Fordney, Lungcl! Valley farm er, is in town today,, und has three teams with which he 'will haul hay and grain for stock which .needs feed badly In the Langell Valley district. Gospel Hcrvlcea Tonight Tonight's discourse at the Gospel hall, ."Where la Hell, Are Your Friends Thero?" will mark tho be ginning or the fifth week or the evan gelistic series. Tho Interest contin ues unabated.' n good climate. Is supporting a some such organisation. The more solid the community the more solid Is the commercial organisation, where the various business, civic and general In terests tor the welfare of the city are combined tor 'co-operation and """ The board of directors feel that Klamath Falls cannot miss such an opportunity to place upon a perma nent basis at this time an organisa tion which ran and will grow with the city. And as Klamath Fall .be comes more and more a center for a number of varied industries, an or ganisation that will Baieguard and act in the rapacity or a stabiliser aa well us placing n the proper places the facts and Information that will at tract the homeseeker, the business man, capita) and Industries. revolution riots. The gendarmle or Finland has been abolished, and the Fins have express.' ed confidence In the new regime, om clal dispatches say. Hay lUte Received A rate on hay from Willamette Valley points of 80 centa perUOO or $0 a ton will go into effect- April 1st on the Southern Pacific, J. G, Stubhs, general freight agent at Baa Fran cisco, has notified the local office. HIGHER FREIGHT RATES WANTED WASHINGTON; D. C. March 80. Congress will.be asked to legislate to provide increased freight rates to cover the increased payrolls, aa a re sult ot the supreme court decision upholding the Adamson law yester day, railroad officials announced to. day. A "The supreme court decided, that' congress has the power, to Ix .-the trainmen's wages and so It. haa tho right to legislate on railroad rates." a government official said; The eight hour commission's workj which stopped when the railroads an. Joined the operation ot the iiamaea law, will be resumed. It will' gather. . data on the effect of the Uwaad IH .. 1..A I, MAnila. in4.u'W..ft'rth. btluakL. imvp it ,cuf v .wjOTnt - v iwim- tlon to congress when it recoaveae; ns M' f& VU 1 , ,i ? NKW YORK. March 30 agers of the raiueaa: .arataaraeeaa aro conferring and prepartaf. Iff j arate agreements which are to so sfo.- sented, and will cover, the TlrtstH 'WfK railroads on the' atrlge-ajroememf .ffftMliL jfefr al A Kf4F4W .eft . i -mk AvM YaT: 'i 'fffifti . V If ,!La ;? !V m