ft KLAMATH COUNTY'S KLAMATH ALLT OFFICIAL NEWSPAVtt , OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER -T7nnriTntTTTi'r,"'"Ke-'"!"! r- - T- .t - -- - -- - . . . 0(TfHlli Year Xo. .4 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1917. Three American Ships Are Sunk and Believed Captain Is Prisoner on Sub I WAAAAMVrflMWnAlA WVWAWVWWWMWViMMMWWyWWWWVWMWywWMWMWWMMWWMWMWWWWWWWMW RAILROAD STRIKE SETHED TODAY MWN IUU AOAMSON LAW GRAVE TO TALK SAYS LANSING muitic ktkp nv phesidkxt KXPMTED HOOX OrwTarat IYrn Off Three Ship-, Are MMnK Submarine IVuIm-iI Asmm Ufrtxwi. ldUag for Cap. tale, eed Relief of Hum irtr I flat Ik and Xlne Mailer An Held ftataic-i on Uoard HabmaHur. WASHINGTON. II. C. March It The president ia urglug the VN4lmr of shipbuilding, and drastic step I expected soon. IS UPHELD BY SUPREME COURT WWMWWWWWMWWWWWWWMWWW f010 Britts. 7boft Bagdad 0 j4ra6ian Mgifs 11 Stcr-Mry .amdug ald after a tajf-rence with President WIN sea that the situation U too rtr to dlscuM, ' U).DO., March lit Three Ann-f oaa attaawlilM, the City of Memphis tea Wind, ami the VlRllanrla, hate wasaak. V 1 ' roertrrn are' mluing from the Vlajtaarla and nine from the Oty of tbe VlelUnrU Man torpedoed with, twandar. 1W lily of niiiliU wait alieUed sat toned,) 4,nrr Hh, rrpw had m,. b aaani hoat,. "AHHI.MiTOX, . JUrrtl IB. Aaeriran Consul Frt, at Queen- we, nan rubied that he fnara Cap Wa Boraili and nlan ammu fnuu City of Memphle are priuaer -"d a German Mifamerinr. Ibel lifeboat In which Captain Hof J hi. MP has tMim ttmmi, and "J- thai u waa abandoned has the captain and aim nallor "wat. wvlwr of the t'llv or MMHuhii "llbst llMiiuhMlluul .... "Mfcooata after thrtr ship had been Jjjj". loosing for (he rantalu of the TWWlr INI IhIbIho fnu l... ! KU :, " - - uro .! - pnia and Vlgilant-lai f Thlnl llrrrm Ulll kiii,i APRAMKNTO. H.k mi.. 1 "" nt- ZT. .. ?n l)0,'tt"' who "unlHUIrd .c diii nH killed InthQ uum .'''," wurrd fnvorablo report "OB the RhHI'llllilv rmionlll.. lu kin !.. rofor,utorlci on unotlu-r ikkf tmiv ccru,n 'uron of !. !'ea,Cl1 "umure. It provldi-a ' "i.ooo lino, a yoar'a ImprUon n"l tli! fiirrnlm.. - . mii.. "i vinto iur mijf E? ora(,ir t0 prlV8 a prlaonor of hwon " rar t0 ,ot tt em lluy u Sought inrorm.iion la wanted na to tlio wifboulii ..r m- ..... S'h?.r!""B t0 B rd. received to. S ?' lc,b,' of ollco Baldwin. The nZt 5,.mu,, or ,e' flve In heliht; HO pound In otUf... . """ "" circular acar wtwtui and acar on hU Hint lei - --- aauia amii- a j. -- ...u nnee rrom a bum ---. ui ivr, riu. 5 Wtor , ' offered'. A "Help u ""Mr whn m .ii. . .. ' .. .. - nnu hot oojri '.vara. O. B. Handttrwin ahar. 00. lowaj abould be not). IJiW WOHK.tlll.r: lr' "MMlll i:i'. rimr m.uik wiim: t'liirf Jutr Whlln AaM IhfUlon l llarl tin "Aillliutll) Ikuutlrii f ruhlli lnltt" S.i) Contt'iilloti Ttwt t'oiiKl'iMi Ailed HaMlly In Wrutut toerunirut llaa ItUlil to Men HltiMtloii. WAHIIINIJTON, Marrh !. The Niipremn umrt of lint l.'nltrd Klivti't upheld the roiiktltulloiiiillly of t tit Adamton law In n JpcUlon ImiuloU down tudar. Chief Junllcc While leud a leiiRlhy opinion upbuldtiiK the law. Jiutlcca McHejnold". Day, IMlqry and Van De vcnlrr Knve dlwentliiR oplnlnn J 11 ht Ire While declnred Ihu law to bo baaed ou "authority beiiotten uf public Intereit." He ld he kw no merit In the contention lliut coiiRremi nrled without pruixT conalilemllon The coin rovuriiy wna before the pub lic for n Iuiir limit beforn the pri'Hl- dent took nrtlou, and before the ijutii- lion whn dlncui(d by const ox ml act lun tnkrn, mild the chief Jiutlce. Juntlco Whltu diclared the law to be workable If n "candid effort" lu made to abide, by It. llu held that rotiRrem IioIUh tho power to 111I01H Ihu art becaiihe, nl thouRh the MxInR of witRei; In n mai ler of private riRht, Ihu rallroails mid their rmployeN had failed to ukico. "In tlew of tho apimllliiK wltun- tlon which the piciddent pointed out, to aay thai Ihu Roverununt did not have the rlttht to ronusly the lt na tion would bo to declare that private rlRht had deHtroed puhlle. rlcht," tinld Juntlco white. Ilia opinion declureii that the law merely huIh the t-lRht hour day im tho nUndard day, and leavrtt the amount of waaeM open to tho cmploycrH and em ploy en for1 aettletnent. NAVY TO RUSH SHIPBUILDING I'BKHIDKNT AM DAMKLH (XX FKU AND WIMi TAKK KTKI'K Tt) ItUNH I'lUMJItAM, IHIXd f I lfl,(M)t,(M)( AI'I'ltOrillATlOX 7 y JVar cuss I 0 U TRwJeaottM J Tewj?-J J Ik fi nit.L 1, 1 I V aL '&k'itr6t.MttlM.lj $. jb GERMANS SAY EVACUATION IS CARRIED OUT ritKXCII ItAVK Mt;L-lKI TOWWS l TllltKi; HAYS too The llrlilnh army of the TlRrln.i the arrow,- followed the old caravan lleneral Xaltite, piiMd the site of the loute from .I'ornln. whUli Alrxauder Toer of lt.ibel, mid tlrlvlni; the the (ireat used., ami helped form too Ttirki berore them. eni them tlrnt j wedgo which pimhed the Turka west. Into IhiRdad, the famed elly of the In the meantime an army fromtho Aiablau .S'lRhts, ami then piiHhed Suer. its Indicated by the arrow, ha them tnt acinus the TlRrl. They panned Mount Slnnl, and Is near tho entered and took iosneaAlon of the Hhnrt of the Dead Sea, thirty miles place. The ItimslaliH, i:n nhowu by fiom Jenih4ilcm. , LAND OPENING WILL BE HELD APRIL 25 Lakeview and Sacramento Offices to Handle Applications Commis sioner! to Be Provided Ignition Announcement t.'hen Out Kroin lliiiliuarti'n. Say ItriliMi I'litfl Itatr Ocruidnl 300 Square MileH in Aira ami AUne HckIobh. Otllrial taernianStatenient Say MoTrment. I'repured Long Aro. IJEIIMN. March 19, "A atrip of land between Arras and. tbeAianc lies been systematically evacuated by ui," ttald mi ofticinl fiermau state ment. I lie btragetle movements were prepared long ago, and have been car ried out without, our forces being dis turbed by the enemy, who followed in n hesltatliiR manner," says the state ment. COMMERCIALS MEDIATORS, CHIEFS MANAGERS AGREE I'AHIS, March 19. A French ofli- clnl htutcment saya the French have occupied Ultl towns, in the last three days. LONDON. March 1. An official xtutemcut Riven out today says the Uritlsh forces have occupied BOO Eqtiare miles in the Arias and Aisnc regions. WABIIINOTON, I). C. Mnreh 1!.- Tim navy department has uppoiled to thu uhlubulldors to provide Immedl atoly 800 nddltlonnl lflO-fout motor boats and stibmurlne chasers. Tho bids will be opened Wednesday. Tho, government Ih preparing in commandeer private motor boats of in fficlon t alio and speed to net oh Bub- marino putrels: Naval mllltlu and eiillstvd voltin- teors In a reserve force, composed largely of Atlantic fishermen, will bo used for crows. Threats to aeliu certain munition fartorlea which fall to live American orders precedence over European or der, and for asking unreasonable prlcM, are madeby the government, followtm a conference buwoon tho protldent and Secretary Daniels to day. It Is announced that tbolr names Word wm received today at tho United States Uoclamatlon office ntnted that it Is now planned to hold the Tulo Uike laud opeuliiR ou April 25th. The Uikevlew and Sucramento land offices will handle the land office part WITH THK AISMY. March l'J. The (lormun retreat covers a thirteen mile front from Chaulncss to Olse, and is betug carried on in a reckless manner. Only machine guus are cov ering their retreat. The allies are taking many prisoners. for the uppjicunta for, tho laud, to i make their applications at laud offices. United States commissioners are to bo empowered to take tueh appli cations, It being undcn.tood that onu is to bu lu Klnmath Falls and ouo at of tho work, but It la not necessary ronie California point and their terms will be published, if they rcfiiso to ugreo "to show the country where the Wk ot patriotic co-opcrutlou lies." Tho provision that government work hUuII bo done on an eight hour day baHls'has been suspended so fur as they upply to shipyards, President Wilson has notillod Dan iels that tho navy department is au thorised to use the $115,000,000 pproprlutlou to speed up tho ship ping. e Man IIun I.eK'Hroke W, I, Norrls of illy buffered a com pound fracture of the leg last night when ho was kicked by a hqrsii at the O. K. Livery barn In this city. Ho will bo operated on tomorrow by Drn, Trttax and Hunt at tho niuekburu hospital. Contract la Signed .1. A. Maddox and T. A. Lynch huvol "r'ns yet. signed tho contract for the construe lion of the West Sido road Improve ment, (ho blda for which were called by tho county court. Work la to bo gin as aoon ai the weather permits. Water Uwr Meet Today Tho board of dlrectoib of tho Klum nth Wuter Users Association mot Sat urday and ndjoumed until today, meeting again thlh afternoon. No an nouncement has been given out by tho Commission Bert a. Thpraas of this city filed hi notorial commission with the I'ouuly clerk lodti)', Father' Herlously III Mrs. AI Duncan of llouania was brought here this morning by K. B. ilemy In on orfort to catch tho morn ing train for Duusniuir,' where her father la not expected in live. Mr. Heury left lust night at 10 o'clock to bring Mr. Duncan, but waa ttnnblo lo catch, the train on account or the ronds, , WESTERN PACIFIC ' TO ENTER RENO II. I. COMI'KTi; WITH Ktll'TIIKHX I'ACIr'IC THHIti: HY I'UHCHAS IXtJ I'AUT OF XC.t)., WHICH t'tl.VXKCTS WITH liAKKVIKW DIRECTORS TURN OUT WEDNESDAY XKCKSS1TY F IM.MKDIATK AC TION CIIOK.NT If Work of Organization lo He Con tinned Ilefore It s Allowed to Fall in Arreant or Dfocontinued, iood Support Slust lie Had Future lropect for Work to He Voder taken Great Need Income 1 Wednesday is the day set by the dltwtora.iil the,KlamatUCommercial Club to commence the, canvass for new members. Were it not for the fact that the i necessity of immediate action is urg ent, the matter would be delayed tin til the San Francisco and Sacratneuto delegations of business men, several of whom are board members, had re turned from the southern trip. it is deemed necessary at this tf me, however, if the work of the organiza tion is to be continued, to secure a sufficient revenue to finance it prop erly before, it is allowed to fall into arrears, or else to discontinue the work altogether. The myriad matters which should be undertaken this year will require a considerably heavier income than ba been necessary in the past, but it Is believed that tlt'o public spirited business men of Klamath Falls will meet this call with tho sumo sort of resHnse that has always becu given. ItAlLROAD MANAGERS ASSVeUS 0 XO STRIKE BE HELD International Crteia Held 1 for Quirk Settle-wat of DMacaMea Hetwrcn lUilroad Maaagra aaal Hrotherhoodw Agi eeaaeat SajM4 Ity All Three Bodica Made Sakjact on Derision of AdaatMoa Lavw. ( SAN FltANUlSCO, March 11). i'ueldcnt C. M. Levy of the Western Pnrlflv has announced that tho West ern 1't.cllle will gain entry to Reno, New, in competition with tho South ern Tactile by the purchase of 105 miles of the Novuda-Callfornla-Ore-gou railroad. '1 ho California railroad commission will bn asked to sanction the deal whereby the, Western Pacific will ac quire the N.-C.-O. line from Hackstaff to Keno, a dtstanco of flfty-livo miles, mid forty mlletr of road between Dlulrsden through Crilcoot to Plumas .liiuttion, negotiations for which are under way. Tho X.-C.-O. lino extending from I,i;l:evlow, Ore., to Rono, has been mentioned In connection with tho Western Pad Ho us a possible loute PACIFIST NOW WANTS TO FIGHT GEXKRAIi SHERWOOD. WHO OP POKED ARMED XKL'TRAMTV IIIMi .VOW URGES PRESIDENT TO DECLARE WAR WASII1NUTON, D. C, March 13, Ceucral laaae Sherwood, a pacifist congressman up to this time, and who opposed the armed neutrality bill In the senate, urged President Wilson today to call an extra session of con gress Immediately, and declaro war on (Set many. Oeueral Sherwood offered to resign his teat In congress and fight. ROX SOCIAL IH NEXT OX THE PROGRAM The next entertainment to bo given In the west hall of I. O. O, F. Temple will be lu tho nature of a box social, to bo given Wednesday night of this week. Au admission feo of. 50 cents per eouplo will bu charged, while the boxes will be drawn for. Each box, with "supper for two" will coal 50 cents. Tho boxes will bo numbered, and corresponding numbers 'drawn to by which the Hill Interests could en- determine choice of partners for the ler California, I refreshments.- NEW YORK, March M-Ikti road manager aathortaed ta fed eral mediator early tbJa Barn-slag to make the ajereiaaiy coaceaaloaw ta Oat bioUieslieoda -te-aetHe ta "amure the nation that there irM no strike." Tli l action waa taken a m raanK of the international crista. The agreement to settle the strike on u ImkLs of an eight boar day and a pro-rata pay for overtime waa i later this morning by the1 the brotherhood chiefs and the tall road managers. The agreement provides that if the AOunison law U lield coaatHatiacwl, lite conflicts between the law and the lat signed agreement shall Be ad justed to tbe court's decMoa. If the Ainmann law is found an constitutional by the supreme court, today's agreement is to govern she railroads and the brotherhoods. The mediators wrote the railroad managers expressing their "sincerett appreciation," and added: "This ac tion, we trust, proa-bes a Ions Peri od of hearty co-operation between the railroads and their'employes." This specific agreement covers only tbrco classes of railroad service which were represented at the conference, and where unchanged tbe present schedule stands. SAN FRANCISCO. March 19. The Southern Pacific has announced the cancellation of all freight embargoes as a result of the settlement of tbe strike today. CH1CAUO, March 19 Instruction for the permanent cancellation of the striko orders have been received at the brotherhood quarters here today. WASHINGTON. D, C, March 19. The brothorhood chiefs announced to day that they will remain here a few days to assist In arranging the schedules. Collection Taken Tho sura of $10.65 waa taken at the India Illustrated lecture glvea by W. E. Rumbo, pastor of tbe Chris tian church, last night, under the.au splcer, of tho Christian Endeavor So ciety. The church waa full, nearly 300 being present. The high school octette sang it number' of seleetloe. i--'i ., -t. Guard to Be IliwnhHJjsiL IfrVg WASHINGTON. D. C. aMrcVrt'.-' ' the deraobil!at"l,on of, the ,aJUlljl, aunruv iM'u vwni-iui7;vtHv,HS. dangers "BnitAiMl 1 , a a nounces.iJ'The V9nlmmRMmkt work was held up bribe aitaw$'y bustor, fei j? tv' V ':ti ( : "ifen ;mp