4t?'i MV VI Wbtl I'll ' Stye iEtumfnn 3B?raid 3caa2iaBss(tKi.3ji!i - .. . aw IUAMATH C0UNTY1 OPFICIALNBWIPAPIR KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER -n T....TT-iTtrf-aTiTiii r.T-iaxr.nz" rmr- -T-"--iT-r.m.f: sjrmih Year No, WW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1917. Fries) Fff) c- 3-., r.k V ' 0. S. SHIP SUNK BY GERMANS NVER OPENED FRE BY SHELLS AT THREE MILES srjIOATtOMMANRKIt HKrTNF.R TO TOW SURVIVORS t jj.mil Owned by Amrrkan star Uwl Vorhwasi CfrjrlM NMm IKdUr rg of Mm tons and Marhlery--4aVial 1r d In Washington Hay Ik, Not NhWv. LMK., March II. That AMrr Imlmmmt- AlgWjttt, rmtg ftWlXtV Vft 10 LtXS4u, WSSsUSJl tra0ankM fr tarty totey, elMflflreaad MMHka wet mm to B . The 4ittr OMJMNl SHf M A flMABNI OC tlwVt RSMW$ MM HfWI ItttfrwMr Ukfn ltfftAri, mm! I MPP ptAMd Ml tlw fllltpt ttfetctl J""rrrrrvyiririrvinAeiji mi I ''" ,,a'Skbaajant SOME CHANGES III MWMAMVWMAVWMAMWWtWMrtM flst new Mtol ii iMNMIMMMT f IM MHMMirlMt r. MbMh the Mrvlvore k he amassed to low ww Mfeasaal. NIW YORK, March 14. The Al miita vat owned by the American Ktr list, and carried a million dol hr urgo of meat, drug and inarhln MT. Practically all members of (he new re Americans. WASHINGTON. I. c. March 14. h itMraltr agreed In official cir cuital the sinking of the Algonquin ""Wawii war, although It la fajWMd as a demonstration that Cwaauy will carry out her threat of Mates warfare. It k declared that the government Mag all that U possible at Ihla "a to arm American merchantmen. Oernmne Take CVmnm MCW YORK. March 14. United " government agent say that waita agenta are taking a conaii of ""aa-Amerlcan In till country. r "formation la said to como from "Aamuan agenta wlm worked for """"' auppnerd spiv. The do Hrtawot of JiiMIco la watching the taker. . WATER USERS BOARD TO MEET .4 awelln or ih .,..... ji . H" '" b0 "eld In tbla city "Mortar, according to Albert K. T "ry or (,, hw f this Jl-rwlu , mornBI tm( h0 J" the matter of the laaalng of o canal to the Callfornla-Ore-tta, ,,r cwiwny will come up at u. ... .' ?.' Blr uld Ih.t .. .h. ,..!- wn enginecra held here it waa agreed by thoae l reaoliiilnn n...-J .4 .1.- IRRIGATION LAWS WERE EFFECTED MIM.H lllll MrT i:.NTII(t:i,Y OVICIt MHiK MITIUTIO.X AaotMailt Nutti Knglurrr Trll if Work ArrowIMir liy Nlaln lffl. tatair TuwanU IVrfrtllng Ijihh fur Project 1 Till Htatr- MM lm. wrtMt Addition to M. Hmiutm lirUlf lo rrtlflmlln of H"iiiU. n ik. ..;, r m n-Vu"' on ni'neera held here Mai iJ.ii rew,0 Paaaod at tba !t "ww tbl. canal' arl.-.'tJ,ndnce M meet- u7VWataa.1Hna. . KytSaVaf ! ",,ne". Project Man. W .. "' and renreunntatlv.. tk. 5iS!.r'A!MclUo. The, board "filkltr " ccoraiBg to S?.toytiuth.Vh.i ktWrrT,H0 to live out on tka - w w wn si iLrjM. ""i ,ut to give out 'any, tM aot Hy lKltC" A. CTM'KH ' AwUlant Rtate Kuglnecr It cannot be aald of the IrgUlnturf which ha Juat adjourned that It in tlrely overlooked the Imtwrtancv f Irrigation development In Oregon. On the other hand. I It In Ituliutry akrd for Utile In the way of legislation, In whlrlriother aectlona of the atale wcrt Interealed. In fact, the only phaae of Irrlgalon which may be aald to bo of general Intercet. throughout tho atale la an appropriation for the car rying on of Irrigation work. The moat Important leglalatlve act aa far aa Irrigation U concerned wa the re-enactment of the Irrigation IU- trlct law under liouno bill No. lr.S. Irrigation dtairlcla In general nre or ganlted for the purpooe of reclaim ing arid land or for openttlng Irrlga. lion aytlema and to inable the land owner to inatie uomi tor uie pay ment of connlrurtlou clmrge-i, levy aiine-iamenla on the laud and lo cuter Into contract with the United State for tlie reclamation of the dUtrlct land. The Irrigation district Inw licc.im o Involved, complice ted and unwork able with uncle provisions through lll-conaldered amrudmetil which were made eilon after eewiloii, thai further amendment of the statute would have reudcrcd It almost un workable. However, numerous chang er were deemed ncceary In order to meet the new condition, and the United Slate reclamation ae rvlce wa anxious to hnto tho act ho amended a lo make It applicable lo conditions on United Htatis reclamation projects, In view of tbla condition, an cutirn now codo watuibmbllled In the legl- laiuro, ana nil acriioun m mn nu i were repealed. Tho new code cIiiuiki'h a number of minor detail relative to organisation, tho moat Important perhnp being tbo Niibntllutlon of throo directors for tio and tho provision thai no luud owner III tbo district ahall bo entitled to volo uuleaa bo owiim onu acre or moro of land. Under Iho now statute the elato engineer I required lo either approve or dUappcgvc. u projoct, and la authorlied to mako u Held lnMc tlon. He la'alao required to approve tho work of tho dUlrlct before Until payment lo tbo contractor I made. Change wore made In tho aectlnua relatlvo to the lintunnco of bond. While tint old Htutule made It mn,nd. tory that a band election uhould bu hold, It In optlonul under tho now law, and tho time of maturity or bond I left to tho discretion of tho district. The provlalona of Iho ilntuto rela tive to tbo making or astamcnU were changed In order to make It po Ibla to aeea Irrigated land within tbo d I trlct In proportion to the ben ellla Ihey received from tho construe tlon of tho Irrigation work. The moat Important addition to the old atatute la the provision of the now law relating to tho certification or bond. Thla atatute wa patterned aWor tbe eucceeafully oporatlng stat ute Id CalUorala, and provide that aay Irrlwtlon ilU(rlct may mako ap- lleat Ion to a board constating oi mo elate taglaeer; attorney general " tke euperlBUndent of nanKS, to nave the bonda of tbe dUtrlot cert I led. Tbla board la required to matrb an ex- R. R. STRIKE ORDERS ARE ISSUED Waaaateaaaae ,ais)aa)aaawatttt sMta-sata. v Had Bombs for Munition Plants I iJJwaBBBVYaBBBBBBaH I gB RLaaaaERsiniaaHilaBBBB ? itftaaaBBaK iUkwmmm!M h xIbbtsbTsbTsbv aBTsBTsfJvn 'TaBTa 45BMBBTsVJaaTaBTsBTsi 4 LaBBBBBaMBaV BBBBBm'f '"siBBBBM iS LfaVaVaVaVafM & ggVCN&MBBTaBTsBTsBTsaiL7JB 't BBBBBBBMMMl : aBBBaVlFil '-ajafBBBBBBBBBBBPnSa 9 MBBTsbTsBTsBTsbT VawaWil 'if i.aBBBBBBMBBBBBBBMkl kAMMii bbbbbbVs A eBBBBBBaH mUl JH laC I aaaaaaaaaaMmaaaWltf-OTltls ,1 aaaaaaaaaaf aaaaafffffllfWaaM H LbbbbbbbbbbK' taBBBBBBallfU D BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV?aftlBBBBBBBBBBBBBK AJmBMBBbH 1 PmBbV. ' V"" JHoBBBBaVVMHlBKaFr t BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT T 1 aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVSaT .BBBBBBBBBBBM '-J WF u avjBjVw - i BBBBBBBVBBBBBBBLaaBBBBBrBW M tt BMBBBBBBBBBbI: ' ' aBBBBBRjlBMBBBBBA H laaBBBBBBMBBBBBflaBBBBBBBBBBBBBVunaM J' BBBBBBBBBBBB!' A! RMVjMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMflaKrak ? BBBBBBBBBBBBWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH ? BBBBBBBBBBBBBlV 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM 'allHr'.illllllll K BBBBBBBBBBBBK aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBByBBBBBBBBBBBBWti R ;;m iflaBtiiiiiiiniil $Z 11 fammH.MMM.ialMalMalMaHM.ialMaB IM ' I RRRRRHtli ' BBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ) hJteTtWXicaaaaBaMilsa u iniuiii nnriiA wm mtm WITHJERMANY OFFICIAL MESSAGES RECEIVED AT WAHHINGTON KTATK MX SHIFH IN HAKIIEK AT HHANO IIAI 8EI2EII AND UtTARDEI) WASHINGTON. O. C. March H. China broke relatlonx with Germany today, according to offlcial navy de partment menages. The Chinese aelaed sis ships in tbe Shanghai harbor and are aendlng the crews ashore, replacing tbem with armed guards. FRCP;CBICK KOLB Zl Frederick Kolb. & German, waajN. J., where many millions in ammu uiuirtii tn lloboken.N. J., with bombs1 ultlon was blown up some months which the police thoro bcllovo were for the cxploitlon of munition plants. Ills partner cnnfeHsed they had placed more bomlm near the scene of the lllitclt Tom explosion at Coinmunlpaw, ago. Kolb Is also believed to have bcou employed at thq Canadiau Car and Foundry company plant at Kingsland, N. J., when the explosion occurred there, nmlnatlon of tho lauds In tho district. parm upon Iho amount of available water supply, tbe feasibility of the project In general, and determine whether the laudit In Ihu district, to gether with thu works to bo construc ted with tho money arising from the Issuance of bonds and other ussets of tho district are equal to twlca tho nmouut or tho bond Itaiue to bu ccrtl lied. If (he board Duds conditions satisfactory and all requirements or tho Htatuto uro compiled with, a re port Is made to tho secretary of state, who In turn Is required to certify the InlRtitlon district bonds. When tho bonds are so certified they become, "legal Investment lor all trust "funds, and for tho tuuds or all "Insurance companies, banks, "both commercial and savings, "trust companies and bonding "companies, " Whllo II Is difficult lo determluo In ndvunce how a now statute will oper ato, almost every featuro of tho new law has been worked out lu actual practice, either In this: atato or'somo othor state, nnd the revision of the atatute has been such aa to eliminate only those features of tbe old law which have been found unsatisfac tory," For tbla reaaon It la believed that Oregon now baa the best Irriga tion district jaw on the statute books. The orgsnliatlon of a large lum ber of Irrigation districts within the pnst year and the prospect that a ENDEAVORERS TO JAKE LECTURE "FAMINE. OUPHANAGK, AND IN DUSTRIAL WORK AT DAMON, INDIA," WILL BE SUBJECT OF THE EVENING number of now districts will bo or-' ganlted In the near future points to tho fact that Irrigation development lu the future will be almost exclusive ly under tlic-lrrlgatlon district plan, it Is, therefore, of great importance to tho atato that we have a statute under which these districts can suc cessfully operate, aud also a statute under which bends may bu Issued uud llnd u market. Tho provision for the certification of irrigation district bonds should develop a ready market for these securities, us such bonds nuy now be handled by contractors aud ot licit) with tho atuturunce that us boon us tho works are constructed and the land Increased tn value, the bonds can be certified and find a ready market. Undoubtedly the pass ago of the Irrigation district law will greatly stimulate Irrigation develop ment In this state. - In summing up tbe effect of the ac tion of tho last legislature bn Irriga tion development In Oregon, It must be admitted thu( very little or a con structive nature was accomplished. While the revision or tbe Irrigation district law. making It applicable to all Irrigation projects, Including Carey act projects and United States reclamation service projects, will. It anticipated, do much to further Irri gation development and to provide a more practical method of operating Irrigation proJecU. there t Uttle that A Continued on Page 4 The Chrlatlau Eudeavorera ot the First Christian churcn wtn put on a lecture next Sunday night, entitled. "Famine, orphanage and Industrial Work at Damob, India," by the mln Istcr, Mr. W. K. Rambo, illustrated by over seventy lantern slides, made from photographs taken on tbe Held, many of them by Mr. Rambo himself. Mr. Rambo opened the station at Damoh In 1894, three years ahead of the railroad, crossing a great Jungle to reach tho place. He took thirteen orphan boys at a nucleus, having started the orphanago previously at Dllaspur. During his thirteen years in India he saw the institution grow to be one of the largest, best equipped and suc cessful of its kind In India. The lec ture is a thrilling narrative of per houal experiences lu that great field and work. Admission free. Every body invited. Tbo Endeavorera will tnko a tree will offering for the Damoh work, which has been support ed almost entirely by them since the beginning. MAN WITH MAPS orders out for IINflCD 1DDCCT NEXT SATURDAY TAKEN IN NEW JERSEY WITH MAPS OK RAILWAY BRIDGES. TUNNELS AND WHAT Is BE LIEVED TO BE NAVY YARD a NEWARK, K. J., March II. A man giving bis name as Edwin Black of Hoboken. was arrested at Mllburn. N. J., today, and waa found to nave maps of railways, terminals, bridges and tunnels In this vicinity in bis possession. He said tbe maps were given him by a German off tbe liner Vaterland, which Is tied up at Hoboken, and claimed that he used tbem to And his way. Another map be bad is declared by the police to be of the Brooklyn navy yard. Black said he had drawn it from his Imagination.. - - -r- UNLESS COUNTERMAND BEFORE THEN KLAMATH VISITOR PRAISES SPIRIT GOD RESERVES RIGHT TO TEST SINCERITY l4int night's discourse at the Gos pel hall by Evangelist Tupper ou "Heaven's Acid Test,' was a presenta tion of mans need of strict conform ity to God'sdemands. "Auy deviation, whatsoever the pretext, Is ratal," said the speaker. That God reserves the right to, and employs a means or, testing tbe sin cerity or every Individual in these days, when we are long on profession and short on practice, waa strongly emphasised. Tonight's service will appeal to every lover of liberty aud the perpet uation or the country's constitutional rights, It was said. Cunard Liner Sunk WASHINGTON, D. 0 March H. -Consul Froat at Queenstown reported to the state department Oat tbe Our ard liner Folio, with one American on board, wa torpedoed on March 10th, There were no passengers aboard. Tan aurvlvora were landed at Dun-garioa. VERMONT MAN WHO VISITED THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY l &.Y8 HE WAS ASTONISHED AT RAILROAD ENTHUSLSM Orders Show That RsdlroMlaCMriTajsS the Bulk of CliUgW Freight WM Be Affected Flrs4-Mrchaa Say Food SltswtioK Now Is flertsMS, swat That Strike Win Increase It an Pro portion Iauaedkttely. CHICAGO. March H. Strike or ders o members of tbe four Wg rail road brotherhoods have been tamed. and are to go into eff ectSaUrdny af ternoon at 4 o'clock, unless they are countermanded. The orders show that the railroads carrying the-bulk, of ClUeago's-frasgkt will be the first to be affected. Chicago merchants declare that tbe food situation is now serious, and that tt will be Increased In proportion and results Immediately on tbe strike going into effect. Praise for the optimism and loyal ty of the Klamath territory was voiced by William Goldman, state manager for tbe National Life Insur ance company of Vermont, following a fortnight's trip through Klamath, Siskiyou, Josephine, Jackson. Doug- las and Linn counties, says the Port land Qregonlan recently. "I was astonished at the enthusi asm of the Klamath Falls people over the proposed new Strahorn railroad, and their happiness over the prospect or being brought 200 miles nearer Portland," said Mr. Goldman. "Despite the tact that little atten tion Is paid them by Portland people, the residents of Klamath county have a meat kindly reeling for Portland. It takes them ten days to get mer chandise from Portland, and only forty-eight hours from California, but they prerer to trade with Port land. "Klamath Falls has one or the fin est hotels for a city of its size In America, yet for every Portlander who registers there are twenty Call fornlans. "The spirit of Klamath Fulls Is shown by the fact that they raised $375,000 to hasten the construction of tho Strahorn road, which they al ready regard as a certainty. There Is no car shortage trouble In that local ity, and the Klamath Falls people at tribute tho rush of cars their way to the prospect that a competing road Is about to enter that territory." m Klamath Hoy In Chin A lotter received by James Lytle from L. C. Wlshard, formerly of this city, states that be Is on board the U. S. 8, Palos up the Yangste River, near Shanghai, China, where he will be forced to remain until June for high water, as the destroyer te un able to move now, Wlshard Is chief electrician on board the ablp, and la engaged la electrical work In that vicinity for the government. NEW YORK. March 14. Presi dent Wilson has the power to operate railroads In case or war and la tbe event the strike is declared by tbe railroad brotherhoods. Brotherhood officers announced that they are determined to have a peaceful settlement If possible, but both sides are firm in their position so far. The railroad officials have express ed the hope that President Daniel Williard of the Baltimore A- Ohio road, who rose from the position of engineer to the president's omce, shall be given charge ahould the pres ident decide to seise the roads to op erate tbem, J It is believed that the president will take a hand In tbe present situa tion, possibly prior to the conference to be held and announced for tomor row. I.OS ANGELES. March 14. Preal. dent E. P. Ripley or the. Santa Fe railroad, is unaltered In hla, determi nation to fight, ahould the railroad strike be called, be announced today. Strike la Called BELLBVUE, Ohio, March 14. Or ders calling for a strike on the Nlckle Plate railroad has been placed In tbe hands ot tbe railroad brotherhood offi cers. The order calls for the strike on Saturday. Railroad Rumor Afloat A rumor that the Southern Pacllc railroad plans to start construction work on tbe Modoc Northern railroad at Susanvllle within the next nitty. days floated rapidly about the atreeta today. It could not be confirmed. Business Men Meet Tcight There will be a meeting ot the Business Men's Aaaoetatlon at'tbe city halt tonight, at 8 o'clock." Matters of importance to every member ammbe. discussed, and President looks for a large aUnduee. , a ;.? V W H 5.?. tt Ha, MoK Mftgr SKS mere is nay. anaBwsmisaMsjpi, yj cattle at Modoc fotot.,aiillisf .MjtiKW' Siemens from miw.OtWM & A 1 3 in A. ' l i VJl :?. i-i a VI mmt$te :.m W'Wa$K ' S ASWlkSa 1 i V. Miiv.',Ku-. e, ." X tjr37VlTgF"'r " . ?''... t. . , ., ni.uVt.l.,,r : ,3T VOKLV.VbT