The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 13, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    ."v- -
rant. AV,MAmHI, ftl
-r-, (mr-1
A Lecture
.r lrn on .nriu
rkV Mr. rt "I"' !
ft '. r. n-.r.i i,r (.aeluraaala
.at M "; '-." .., ,.i...i, 1.1...
ft .V."i.. u. Introduced bv
-Sell llaln f Wlh
J re '" words.
",i...iHni una well niisw.
.. of I hi' lhr was
"" "T.u .!.. aiianllon. II r.
0 wiin ". "'
BOS f'll'w!
Ykliatrhlni. hi (.iiritiian iK-wore
EJSril y known. htv lo Ho with
klTrf'.'. i...i i.i luat what war
,-, II.Mn.. ..", - -:-- n.-
!... rtiker Kilily. In her work
T'.T .wii.iiiiiiroii Writings,'
.JE .kit Hrleiire. "
! .'V. ' T.-.l rlelll aMIfUt" III.
i manna i " -- . --
.. in kiKiihrr cf her works.
' ' .lie . 'Th
huT!!)' I right thinking and
; u MiireMloii or itis inougnia.
i, tkri cewlder what constitutes
'.."JiVki.. in rdict upon la lir
BIS, "-,. ,i...l, MHJ tk.rakv
r leira " " """- "" "
.mm of Ttmagtit to Ha-anan
'-,.! ill deeply lnti-rftd, vkrtk.
"'r. ..-.M.. I ika fart nr ant.
2 rt biJki of i bought Our
lrtUif In fart Ilia meet Import
TiMst la the world la each nun of
?" 7 nritfArlly Intcrestd hi our
mi taMlbta fr there w find our
mL at life and mlttenc. W an
.iMMtad In Urn thought of re.
MM. . business aaastmt
5li ik thinking of society M a
!yf W rsnnnl fall lo agree thai
lulu k Ik miMi rissatlal ( all
tiliaj t carry on the world affairs.
It tkracat government la based, law
..i. foaniltllnn bualnsaa U eon.
MttM tad tsrrlcd on. human rela
itaAiHin fermed: In fthort. It U la
tkKkt laat tbe whole scheme and
b at our affair- It fonadM. Lot
urn irr lo contrite of a day with
at huakuM In It and a will roaliM
ikHikoaghl I Indrtd lha vary atodiu
h4 nrrtai ot uro. mop iniaaiai
tMtkf world "uld bo an Inert aiaat.
Mkv dMn.. Man'a worth to
UattH aad to w Iny depeoda upoa
iu tkorikt hn rnlertala. lilt
tkiaikuaad bl life to hand In band.
TWf are rrintlileni and Inaotwrahl.
,lf ikra It k lo b through thought
ttiltk world U to rind tho real and
nrula mned) for lt Ilia, and that la
tart Cbrltllon Hrlonr teachoa. It
Mrrir anwl be through a dlfferaat or.
4rr of Iklnklnt- IIinii any which hat
kMtrwrally known to maaklnd up
kttkekftfftit time, Hiwrutallva phll.
Mkr. pbylral wlmce, awro Intel
bctulbM and lofty IdealUa. aeho
half Iktdlosy, materia raodlra,
manty. hyimotUm. mraawrtim,
h4 aaar other nrntemt of thlnklnt.
ikNgk jtrtn every oiiportualty. to
m Bwaiiy nceq tor aaaaiBoai,
kMltk. aad neare. have fallen far
Uwrt of that need. Words aad theo
rlM Ibere have been a plenty, but
urn Mt Man a itmny or work.
MM tbe Only Hoiirte of InloHbjaari
it miins an aniwer to iae auea
U kow to think rightly. Christian
tfkect recoinltm that there mutt
iwtaurlly be a tl or alaadard ae
rrH to which thought may be
newtred It rlllit or wrona. lha aaama
larnturai taw meaauraa with
futtMM tbe corrortneta or Incorrect
Meef auibenvitlcal think lag. What
1MB if tkUitnndarftT 1 unuu.Hu
f tk World u n mju. If kn. ua
M.n U Iu It good tblnklag, ba4
-i, S?ucr ,n maieriai pae-
ir- ioeo rauii D accouaiea
i.!Si.a nilonii baala reaeha for
'""aauon or evil aad tho
"! or good.
aJ! !T lPJ,"IUon ot Chrlaila M.
K J& WdyT, polatad oat with
'""""nt the total dlealaillar.
JMrjeiellBg lotelllgeaee, auttor
I .Jft??. J non-lntelllgeaeTah. llold.
"ejajaaaai mr anM ahtliiM AHIWMllak At la .
a'7rV," intar' latelll.
la?.,2fl.U",UU, couW f
"oie reatonibie preaiiM that late).
mSt. .uitl fwo frosi Mlad. mi
"ll thought and uS Stki ot.
duaa'..ri,.,r,,,,,,ott 0t
SLf'0"'""" cause. Mlad, he.
all1b-iu.ieJL,'r,'H1?.,!,,ort"e' "con
SJlSatJ ,.on'wb,CB'ryto
las HnpiMMltioiMi Qsweslta of
rWakValfae u a a . . .a
Ufa ...: '"' v w" now or oaiir
Utlkaan "ST W.,to afKaJit u
Mie7ihu.H, ,n th0 "hlwrnVl otwar
thai i7i7;.," . ' "' an
ru. 8he iccognlied that maltae
S. ik." rv10,r10, :Poral phenow.
2J' vlHiialltod coacapta of the
jjone iruo Mind. Clod. Jesus eg-
ha i
vr "" "viBiive
nature of avll
aa "a llaj. " la
JajH? ,H n truth. Thus erll
WUh? SJ!1? H.con atorUI
ltk.t ul'" Snwaeter, while
lfLiin!00d. .Dd. "! a tko
SffieiPhH dV?t MM. o.
K thero
kJ3. "T l,00 of It aa "a Ha-
wit. h. :r". ? or ana
. Ja human min lZTt?Tr ... .
ThaV. ,:u"?
" told IfcSi. .Mtt?liS,
i't rtd, . "erwseea to1 know
5i Bt' ,h,K JlTaaea
tk.i""10 l' of Use f. but HMUI
WWUDmmn At. "-. ""I "Wat twang
'WlMhoif,?.'cJn "Nvtreltlea has
! i a th ni'f wl.,rn,r, MM. "Mat.
'kteonirri,.,,,0"t WhUh wa
ST ' doubtful aid laasertala lal
f'Wfol the buatsg latemwwSa"
on Christian Sciena
and evorylhlng wu In truth tmiitnl,
the next ami far morn ImiNirtMiii iii..
1...H whm, iimw btii, ninrini miiiii, anil
He ulnfiil nml rilicaM'd rnnilltloint wan
lu be maatered ami denlroynl liy tlui
one true Mind, (lo.l, xiiU iuiilnn
he Miel without lomiiromliMt, nml
throtigh her wrlilnga .. ,enrly Hud.
dated the lawN of tho mm trim Mind
aad the arleiillfk way in which tlw
Uwa ran be med to mil.Jumitu, iir
eome aad deitror all nvii nmi n..,i,.
that Mlllloiti of tnaiiktiul hnvi IhroiiRli
iinr ipiiiraiin in lilitllt tcn
healed, romrorterd and iiurltled, Her
prewlte, whlili U In perfect nrrord
With the lllble. Illlt Ihern la Inn on..
Ood, dlvlun Mlnil, who rreoten only
good, baa btm proven by Irrofutnl.l.i
warns in on ine tiatU nml ulnrlliiK
paini ni ngni minKing,
Ihrll faat (Hit Ttimugti ltllit
Tho dUtlnnlon drawn l.y 4'iuUtlun
Rclenre between the morinl nml tin
iMmortal, the material ami the iplr
dual, l no now thltiR, mi priom.l
opinion. It la a aplrllual ami eternal
fact, tbe renlral truth of tin lilhln.
This Rclenre polnu nut Mint it u
through tbe rorrert iindemtnmllng of
he one true Mlad and hit relatlonohlp
to that Mind that man may free, him.
aelf from all evil condition. I In learn
io put out or thought tbe evil and
temporal senae of eilatenM. with iu
sinful aad diseased beliefs, and grad-
nsny gains mai onaciittiiinea wbleli
haowa only good and la not lubiiwt t
sin. disease or death. This Is but the
reiteration In prumt.da- langunge of
the fttatement mailo by f'nul to the
Itoataa. that, "to be rarnallv niind.i
Is death: hut to be altlrllually minded
la life and pear." Thero U uoihlnK .
MIIA aftuti.t .hI.Iiiii.IIIm ... ...I .1 ' wwm PIMIKHIItl .r ll(lai
naneoaeas. Hpiriiuaiity u imply
goodaeas. Kulrltunl mlmletlneu I
right thinning, that li. thlnklnc In at.
cord with the one true tiu, divine
una. ir an evil, mn, and dlaeaae li
Mental, then It mux be apparent that
the thing lo be done li to itoo ihlnb.
Ing evil aad to think only guod. Krum
the world's point of view It may m
a monuateniAl If not an ImpoMlbte
task to rast out all evil thinking.
Without a aitre and certain law to go
oy it would be . llut to the man
who haa gained even a ullalit under
landing of the demnmtrable miiirem.
acy of the divine Mind over all evil.
the MrromplUhmenl irem but the
natural and Inevitable imteonio of the
law of doit, operating through right
thinking or spiritual undomtamllnK.
The Natnre of MImI
Cause ilguinen power. Divine Mind
being the one ratine. It mum havo all
Kwrr. Uelng the only Mind. It mum
all-wine. Uelng tho only true nuh-
rtanre, there la nothing to limit It,
therefore It mutt be everywhere.
Mind's etpn-iulon or manifestation,
which U Its rreallon, mutt necetisrlly
be mental and aplrttual, since effect
aiutt have the same character and tin.
lure as Its rauie. Mind's rreallon loo
mutt be barmonloiit and good, being
the creation or an ali-wie and all-intelligent
route. There being mi ratine
precedent to Mind, there ran be no
aubeequent cause. Mlud, therefore,
must be and Is tclf-oducni nml eter
nal, without beginning and without
end, Now tbla Mind, an Mated before,
la the oue Ond, ami aa understood In
Christian Hclenre It tynonymoiu with
Spirit, father. Ixive. names whlrh
tbe Scriptures apply to Ikliy. living
consideration roust then chsrncterlie
Mlad's relationship with Us creation.
Intelligence, wisdom, lore, goodness,
harmony, are seen to mark tho nstur
al order of this creation. Perfection
Is Its sttndsrd and no element of ovll
or destruction la there.
Acknowledging the divine Mlud at
the alone cause, Christian Hclenre
than reasona logically from cause to
elect aad hrlags out wbst mutt bo
true about man and the unlverso
which spring from snd ore tho ex
praaalOB or Mlad. This Is tho second
atop toward getting a true basis for
right thinking, and brings to light tbe
eorrect and complete idea of creation
Mind and lt manifestation, (iod
aad Ills universe, Including man.
causa and effect na tho baala for all
iruaWlhouaht. Hero then Is to be
fouad the true and coiupleto standard,
Ood's standard, exact, scientific, un
changing. Man's RclatJoaslilp to Mlnil
Reasoning then from Mind s tho
orlmary cause, let us see wbnt niati
reallls. How Is ho related to Mind?
What Is his function, bis destiny TJTho
Bible designates man n. nous imago,
son, ad holr. It also says that be Is
made arter uoas iisenoss, mus mu
lu klm nut to be the living represen
tative or esoressloa of Clod. Theao
terms of course appiy m ino ruai mm
alamal man. not to the mortal ft ml
transient sense of man. Hut It Is tho
real man we want to know about and
bring to light. Since Clod Is Mind Slid
Mlnd'a only mode of expression mutt
bo through Its Ideas, the very Import
ant fact Is seen that tho real man mutt
bo and therefore Is the outcome of
Mind, Is Mind's Idea, and Is a state of
consciousness forover expressing Clod.
He Is a celestial: divine In nature, the
Individualised Idea of (iod, Ills func
tion and destiny ig forever lo reflect
and express Mind and intelligence In
It. limitless unfoldmeiU. Men Is for
va nradaatlnad to roflect Qod. and
tit la u lha oslv nredestlnatlon there in.
' Z m.-7.Tt a-l .!... tft
o uarwisn ncieu i
man, tho real. true, normal man,
foreVer linked to Qod as Idea la linked
to Mlad, for Clod Is Mind and man Is
Mlnd'a Idea. The real man, being
mental aad spiritual, cannot be, and
therefore la not, materially, Physically
or mortally conditioned; since such
soadltions are temporal, not the off
soring ot eternal Mind, but of its op.
iMMlte, mindless matter. Man ns Ides
cannot mi away imm or u ,
ated from Ood, for Clod la his Intelll
fence, his life, bla substance; nor can
Ood abandon, overlook or forget man,
for Ha cannof be aeparated from HU
BUBlfeetittos. Msa't life, health, anil
wslt-betng are tbrafore iy
mailaf of divine eoacem. This uu ty
of akw aid God" Is a most asaeatiai
aeiivig "ha taachlBia ofOhrhtlaa
Ssisaee, far without noma ! !'
rss arltiMl eaiue aad ills right.
fill reliiilDiinlilp to that rune, man
U wltliiiiit ii kuI.IIiir Hlar by which lo
i hurt hlx wny out of I In wilderness of
I'll I III W, (,,
The Atonement
' fl''l iniinot evolve nuythlng
unlike hlmxeir, iiiiin unlit iMMtsets the
viumt iiunlliy nml xuhMinre as his ere
nlr. JemiN hiiIiI, "I nml my Father
are one." If w mil to recognise the
reUiloimlilti lit-iween (0I and man
lii'te inlluilMl. i, full I,. Minn n,
i. ....... ....,. ..- : . . -"",. ...
""" ru,o "i oeing, tin- iital part of
i hrlntliitiliy, iliu ery hoy iu the sslva-
iion or iiiniiKimi, This oneness "of
' i wiiu nmi in riunlliy hut not In
illllitillly U Indeed tin, ilorlrlnn of
iili'iienieiit nit Clirlmlmi H.lnncn ..
PlnliiK It, or i In. tioiirluo of at-one-mriit.
Ki-eii lu (he Ru r ChrUIInn
Ik'lime. the iloctrlim of atonement is
no i(i)cr ii iiiiumii dnrtrlno but a
tplrltllUl fnrl. iiiitti- mnira nntnral
nml eternul i.iioiiom with l"l. divine
miihi. Ainu nepiirateil rrum Uod would
In) like ii number I'd severed from
iiuiimiiimuii.', or a tone tepsrsted
from intuit:, or a ntv of Usui senarat.
eU front the .uu. He wotilit ho a non-
eniny. Aa the number Im one with
nuilieirtiilci. ii k the tone Is no with
ni'ii'lr, , the rn- of light Is one with
the mm, mi limn Is one with (iod. So
lern: a (Iod In. man U. They are
cteriiNiiy rorr-lated in thought aud
ncilon. a relet lonnhln clearly delned
by Jcmi udon ho mild "As tb Fsllier
kmtttetri me, eMti Mt know the
I-a liter, "
The (.1iHl.oV
In plnre of iui obtcurn. mrsterloitt.
or lirii hi fill concept or Uod and His
creiiion, ('lirUUsn Hcleuce unfolds, as
we have tlinwii. the true Idea or sclen
Itle conceit of Ood ami man. which
U Hi. coriier-iione of right thinking
nml IIvIuk. nml tho war to Christian
hrallug The coming of this true Ides
of (im nn d mini In your aomwiouincs
nml mine, l the coming of the Christ
that It to free us from the bondsge of
eill nml devitoy all illneaie. It U Im
iHiriaiit that we underttand Jutt what
In meant hy tho Christ. Chrlit Is de.
fin I'd on piiKii r.S3 or the Chrlttlan
Hclenre text hook ,,,8cleiice and lleslth
"mi kcv to inn Hcntiturea" by sirs
Kdily, mi "the divine msnlfeslstion of
Ood, which comet to the flesh to de
stroy litraruste error." Christ then Is
tlui true Idea of (Iod snd man which
romc lo illfPtifQ the wrong concept
of rilMeiirn enshrined In human con
Tliln true Idea, the mttrllual Idea, of
(Iod ami miiD. inught by-Jemis. Is what
Chrlttlaii hclemn muktw Plain to tho
world Indny. It ft tho Chrut which
shows the rohurldenco end spirit.
pnl nrrceinriit iHitween Uod and man
The Clirltt-lilen ts Indeed the pearl of
urcat prirn, the redeemer, the savior.
It coihk ti e.irli of us to lead .us out
of evil Into kooiI. out of error Into
Truth, out of Ignorsnco Into Intelll-
aenre, oui or mnnor inin itpiru, away
riom enrtn lo Know (iod. -
Th,i)loelnns have for many years
ronritscd the C'lirlst-ldea with the cor
poreal ninn Jesin. Christian Science
ntaket plain the dlstlnrtlon between
the pemonnl Jestit and tbe Chrut.
the true Idea of (Iod. which must
coma to each Individual consciousness
nnd resurrect It from false beliefs. To
cling in a corporeal savior Is to wor
ship n noun it concent, anil Jesus said
that the r1enH profits nothing. Jesus
war a hutnau person. Cbrltt is tbe
true spiritual Idca.of life which Jesus
undent ood and emexnllfled better
then nit others, but which la know
ahlo nnd understandable by each of
in. This truo lilci must be Individ
ually understood before man can
know (Iod. This Idea lives through
lha lutes and Is tho saving Imparts
Hon of Uod, tho emanation of His love
and goodncit. ovwr extonded to him
who tired of tho husks of mortality,
would return to tils Fether'a house
and seek for higher and better things.
Falsa OoareoU
When we begin to lay hold of the
truo sense of beitur. actually to realise
In tplte of nil tho conflict and distress
or mortui exittonco mat mere is in
deed a Uod who Is altogether good.
who In uII-wIho and mi-powerful, ana
who is now svnllttbli. to help us over
come und innstor evil just as soon as
wo turn lo Him, then out thinking be.
to change, we begin to seex ror ana
in set ncouainted with Qod. to obey
tho Scriptural commnitd, "Acquaint
now thysolf with Mm, and be at
A stranger is ono who U unknown,
strange. Uod Is therefore strange to
us If wo do not actually know Him
TIUs foreign concept of Uod as strange
la Just what Christian ncionco m nere
to remove. iet us suppose mat. sir.
A and Mr. 11 llvo In the same com
uuinlty. A common belief In the
eoramunlly la that Mr. D Is unap
proarhable, distant, difficult to under,
aland. Mr. A. without any personal
Investigation, believes the report aad
holds aloof from Mr. 11, although he
Is lu dire neod of a friend. Mr, 0. In
fact, Is not the kind of a person com.
mon report hair made him out to be;
he la not distant or difficult to under
stand, but on tho contrary Is easily ap
proachable Is interested In doing
good, Is rlinrlUWo, kind, and glad to
hli (itht'ia. What has kept tho men
apart 7 What nan made tnem Strang
ers? Nothing but a false concept en.
terlnlncd by Mr. A, a concept which
had no bails In fact, was not the out
come of truth, but was simply a false
belief, n lie. Mr, A waa deprived of
Mr. Da friendship and friendly assist,
anre for no reason at all. The false
concept was the barrier. What waa
needed to tcttoro a normal relation
ship witt tho I null In tho conscious
licit, of Mr. A. .
Is not tho lout on plain What la It
but a falsn concept that Is between
suffering humanity and Uod? It la
nut that ami uouung more, now
many have nrcopted tlto common au
perstltlou that Rod la distant, unap
proachable, and difficult to under
stand, even while the, Dlble describes
Him as a Ood "at hand" and not afar
off, who has said, "I will put my laws
Into their mind. ad write them la
their hearts: aad I will be to them; a
Qod. aad they ahull bo. to ma a .poor
pie." . uarisuaa ( aeieao iapaw our
(tit eoaeapts otjOog, Hogs away with
mystery, superstition, Ignorsnce and
fesr, and enthrone la man the true
consciousness of Ood which shows
Him to be all-good, all-powsrful, ever
nvllable, all-wise, to he the Ood who
presently "healstk alt thy dlsesses,"
be they mental, physical, moral or of
other nature.
Uelng acquainted with (iod, It It
well to remember, la simply a stste of
mind; In cither words, tine conscious
neti. To know Ood rnnn mutt be
think Ins correctly about (Iod. and
that Is Jtikt what Chrlstlmi Hclonco Is
helping man to do,
When the geatat man of Narnreth
voiced the message, "Repent: for the
kingdom or heaven is nt hand." bo
volenti lbs demand of Truth to those
or every age, laboriag In the shadow
of liciioranco. superstition and fear.
Ilepent t-lmnly means to ilmnee your
mind. Some men think thin privilege,
especially n it pertains to religion.
Is confined to the women, hm a not.
Change your mini, rhango your
thoughts, put away falne concepts of
Uod. for now, here, at hand, Is to be
found the harmonious ttnto or being,
even at the point of eonscloutness, for
Jesus also said, "The Kingdom of Uod
(s within you."
Mental TmasfuimaHofl Necessary
With a correct uaderttsndlng of
divine Mind as lha one intelllaent
cause, and man aa Mind's eternal Idea,
wntise real seiraoog is goodness, as
the basis for right thinking. Chris
Hon Science shows man how to make
this truth prmctleaM in his dally
problems. The method is tbe sup
planting In conaetoaeeteai of the tem
poral aad mortal aemse of Ufa and.
selfhood with the true and eternal
facta of spiritual lira and manhood.
It l a mental tranaformatlon which!
gradually 'exchanges a material foH
the spiritual sens of being.
Mental transformation is recoanK
ed by society aa tho wsy of progress
and reform. All eaaestionsi effort is
but the surDlaatiaff of lanorant and
limited concepts of being with more
intelligent ones. Tyranny and slaver
bav disappeared as ranldly as man's
thought has gained a clearer sense of
the rights of man. Tie whole process
or meniai ensage seem it ine natural
and right way to better things. And
so It la not only la attaining better
thing Inhumaa society, but In that
far more Important realm or thought
which deals with man's relMlonsnlit
to Ood. Through the tesehlngs of
Christlsn Selene the fslie and limit
ed concepts of Ood aad men are giving
way to that true sea or being wuch
liberates from tae tyranny or aia asta
tbe slavery of diseased beliefs.
The greatest proclamation of emaa-
clitatlon ever uttered was given by
Jems whea he saM. Ye snsll know
the truth, aad tk truth sball make
yon free " W cannot know what la
true while wo believe what ia false.
Two objects caaaot occupy tho same
space at tbe same time, no more can
an erroneous concept, of Ood and the
true Idea of Him be In thought to
gether. Truth (Thaajass Mast's Viewpoint
That consciousness must change
upon which haa dawned tbe tru Idea
of Ood and man. Life's outlook can
not remain the same, in place of re
garding blauelf aa auaortai or a few
days set loose In a world of Injustice.
misery and woe, to weather tho storms
as beat be may or he crushed by them,
with a vague concept of Ood, distant
end Indifferent to his needs, man be
gins to give place in bis consciousness
to the true snd eternal Idea, of crea
tion. Ho finds himself coming Into
conscious touch with his creator and
begins to recognise the meaning of
John's statement, "Oar fellowship is
with tbe rather.' Tnrougn tue ansa
os of mortality ho begins to see
light and to reallio that he has Indeed
a part to til In tb Inlalte plan.
With his -new understanding bo reas
ons that If God bo good and all-oow-
erful end man is In reality hi idea,
nnlv sjood can be man's birthright.
Aad from tblt slniplo bat basic truth
I'o begin to meet ana master erirs
Recoanlilna that his true selfhood
la ihe reflection of Uod. man seeks to
order his thinking no that oalr good.
nets nnd love. Ood's Wnusl !. will
ever b manifested la his coaaclous-
nots. With tho true Mm of perfect
Qod and perfect man aa hla model ho
seeks always to thing ia accord wiin
nod, good. Mam m uoao living wit
ness and expression, tho verv embodi
ment of eood. Knowing Ood aa in
corporeal good, he know that Deity
can never anpear In nayaica! outline
but la manifested lu Hla, Ideas, and
that therefore ovory good thought and
every kind word or dd I Qod In ac
tion ( Iov expressing- Itaett'aa mans
real selfhood. RealUiac aa never be
fore the nearness or oea: be strives
earnestly to think so.aa to bo at-one,
with Htm. Ho seek each1 day and
hour to think and to Itv un to highest
understanding or lire, as ikmt, ana so
far SB In him lies to 1st his true self
hood over appear lu thought and act.
Ho I putting off the old rosn.aa Paul
terms the mortal self,' aad la' putting
on tho new man or uoa-a maaaag.
Wn hava already stated that.' aa ex.
nlaiaad in Christian Science, all evil.
aln. rflanu and mortality fat but tho
supposititious oppoelt of the spiritual
nu iruc t'lcauuii. - -w t.,vf ..
universal' Ho la a big oae. but what
of that? Can any on get nearer
truth or in any way caango.truia oy
telling a big lie or bv telling many
lies, or by nutttna all tk He together
lln aomo form of orgaamed falsity? Ia
there any more trutn. ia a milium net
than In one? Ia) the sum ot a column
of aero more than sera or la ' aero as
big aa a, goose-egg any nearer some-
tniag taaa oa na email aa a pinaeser
Of course not. Tb aaaatlM eoof roat
Ing eat oaa of us, mow muca aoager
ra w' solas' to bedomlaated and
tooled bar th seemlnr rallty of evil's
lie, expressed in am. amass, mom
and material man? ") ,
, IMvlao) Wisdom Jltmnwlsll '
On doe not And tike Warfare with
th world, tho fletb, , avll, an
naay'tittk; but Is ther;aaythlng that
ia worm wane mat w realty easyr
Onlv th. foolish man UoeaUat with
th slugamrd'a ease. X4ka a man In an
naaiaaia raes. tne aiianssK tw unrieusii
Science lads piengyoot tatngs io
occupy hla attention. ; ohatacto that!
cannot b dodged bntiMnVb vorJ
coat in only one wsj, we must aeo
u h seurs. He ,anMt
by dodging th cbttaui. howrr btft
they reem. He mui press on, rnow.
Ittg full well that he fiat tb means at
hand of overcoraliir ,all obstacle it
he Is faithful ind '. Imltent.
Evil does not yclld Its usurped
authority simply because man desires
to be rid of It. It must be combated
Intelligently. Man must know some
thing of Its nature and be wise enough
to detect IU deceitful subtleties, bring
Its lies from under cover. Until he Is
wise, msn cannot be good. "How
much better Is it to get wltdom thsn
gold!," said Solomon, and Jesus ad
raonltbcd his followers to bo as wise
ss seritents. Only u man reflects Cod
docs he gsin wisdom, ror an wis
dom It In Uod, it Indigenous to
Mind, and Is naturally reflected hy
Mind's Idea. man. U'ltdom so gained
tranerendft nil mortal opinion and hti-
msn ' conjecture. It enaoies man to
Judge nnd act righteously, to avoid
use loss conflicts, and always to meet
evil with good. It enables him to
distinguish between the thing of tho
moment nnd tho things or eternity.
Wisdom points tbe right way in every
human sltustion and exalts Principle,
which It Ood, to be the one lawgiver
lu man's dally life.
Watchfahsrss .Veetled
rVulpped with divine wisdom, msn
becomes a watchmen at tbe door of
consciousness, alert and vigilant. He
scrutinises tbe thoughts thst seek
entrance there, separates Just so far
aa he knows how the chaff from the
wheat, the raise from tbe true, tbe
mortal from the Immortal, and rejects
tbe evil and mortal as baring no right
to eater. Keeping his mlad tilled with
goodness be finds to be tbe best pro
tection against all evil. Fear, dis
couragement, hatred, disease, dis
honesty, selfishness, lust, and all sin.
he strives to keep out of bis thought,
for be knows that they are not of
Ood and therefor do not properly
belong to HI reflection, man. He
naree to dlsaaree with these thieves
and robbers that would deprive him
or Lspplness and health and despoil
Ms cmrscicr. ' u hntMi . 3rkcib
atioaiMifttlon, or muketh a lie," as
Joha puts It. he seeks to exclude from
his thought. Ho stops tolerating evil;
In -::.rclounes. stoita talking about dwelling upon It, out turns upon
It -ir en enmv snd drive It out with
tPiugl'lK of Triitt. He begins tc
realise that man as Ood hs made
Mm Is not tbe slave of evil in any
form but has dominion over It. Evil
can bave no more power over man
than over bis Maker, since man Is one
with Ood.
Vswerei-hux Kvll
Christian Science shows man how
to defend himself against evil In every
form. It shows that evil sees to
control aad reach man either through
mental suggestion, tbat It, through
elvl thoughts thrust Into his con
sciousness, or by way of tbe physical
senses. In the last analysis both
methods ar auccestlon. Evil's subtle
argument always Is. as science ana
Health explains, "it is i" IP. sour.
It seeks to make man believe Its
claim of tin or sickness la a part of
his real self. Man finds that. Just be-
cause tbe body says, -you nave a
rein." he does not bave to respond.
'Yes. 1 have a. pain and I am sick."
or because mental suggestion says. "I
hat that man," he needs to accept
fuch1 a thought Into his consciousness.
He learns that these claims or evil
are Just a Dart of evil's lie abonf-man.
They are no part of the one Infinite
Mind or It manifestation, ana man
haa every reason in the world to dls
nute them and deny their legality.
He learns to assert with all the au-
thorlir of Ood Himself what is tne
eart of belna;. namely, that man la In
reality made by ood. is His uaeness
and Idea. I divine In quality and
character: that he cannot be sick be
muse Ood never made him sick, but
made him perfect and so forever main
tains him; that an tne ciaims or Dis
cordant and diseased material sense
are contrary to Ood. good, therefore
He and Incapable of encroaching, in
-fringing or imposing upon or in any
way making a condition for Ood's
creature. Because sickness is not a
nhnnomnnen at Ood he knows that it
cannot be a condition of man who is of
land la Ood. Qod alone is tbe sub
stance aft conamon or man. ru
knowg too tbat there Is nothing In
Ood's man that can respond to mental
suggestion. Man is animated by tbe
divine Mind alone. Such conscious
realisation of the spiritual facts ot
helns- a Christian 8clenco treatment.
It Is an antidote that evil and slckoes,
cannot withstand ana a specinc tor
mental suggestion that Is unfailing.
ror it h all the nower of Ood behind
it. It la Ood-enforced. It la Ood
imparting Himself through His Idea
and i. omnlnotent to tbe tearing
down of tbe strongholds ot evil. A
Christian Science treatment aesoiates
error and liberates man. mus
through right thinking Christian
flctance heals the sick, breaks in
nieces tbe slave whip or sin. bamsnes
the tvrant fear, and establishes the
government of divine Principal, uod,
' CluiatMa Science a Sure Defease
J- We all know tbat when suit is
brought by on man against ano.uer
that th defendant usually appears In
court to defend himself. If the de
fendant by reason of his Ignorance of
this right falls to appear or because of
his negligence falla to put In a de
fens,Mhe plaintiff, even though his
claims are raise, may secure a juus-
ment lumlust tne aerenaant oy ae
fault, the same as though the claim
were proven true.
Let us aunnose that A. sues II. The
claims that he makes against 0. are
false. B.t shoutd appear, produce the
tru facts, so exposing the falsity of
A.'s claim, wnicn wouia men oe can
out of court as worthless aad B.
would be in-,ao danger. Tbe truth
haa saved him. But suppose B.
through Ignorance of hi rights, or
fear of A. or because he is negligent,
fall to defend himself. Judgment Is
given against htm and be suffers from
th false claims the aamo as though
they were true. HI own folly has
punished him. Mortals are in mueh
the urn position aa B., the man who
ia hin auad. Claims are being made
against them, against their life, hsppl
ness aaa aeatin.: -vvh is mn i.niu..n
and has a host of false witnesses, n
la of interest to note that evil Is de
fined In the original ten or toe nieie
aa aeetuer. Th clalau are totally
tola, gad all that awn needs to do is
U aaaert hla rights, kaow and declare
tb trutk, that vl never ha had, has
not now, nnd never can hsve sny
legitimate claim on msn or his being:
tbat msn I of Ood, It subject only
to' His law, and has a Uod-glven right
to life, to health and to happiness.
When man understands his divine
rights he csnnot be made the victim
of evil, tin or disease
If, however, mortal man has not
learned or hit rights to Immunity
from evil and tlrkncfm, or Is afraid
of tlit-'e claims snd puts In no defense.
or If knowing hit rlghtg he neglects
to defend hlmeir, in any of these
cstet Judgment It taken sgslntt him
as though ilio claims were true, tlnce
nothing It done to expose their falsity.
My friend, we have been allowing
unjust Judgment to bo taken against
uk. We havo not been defending our
rights to life, health nnd hspplness,
sometimes because of negligence,
more often because of Ignorance.
Christian Science shows u how to
make our defense, expose the falsity
of evils claims and preserve the Into
grlty or our well-being.
How lo (Iain aa Understanding of
Christian Hriewre
Tbe question Is often asked. What
la necessary for one to acquire that
understanding of Uod and man which
displace tbe faleo concepts of materi
ality with the truth of spiritual being.
beats tbe sick, and enables one to
solve life's problem? Earnest study
or the truth as set rortn in tne bidm
and Science aad Health, and Its con
stant application In dally life. Is
essential. It Is also necessary In
approaching this queslon to remem
ber tbat Ood and not man governs tbe
universe. It I Ood's will and not
the personal will of mortal man tbat
must control. Not Infrequently people
come to Cbristlaa Science for help
with tbe desire to have Ood work In
their way. They wish to tell Ood
what to do and perhaps offer a little
advice on the best way for Him to do
It. Such a state of mind never gets
near to Ood, for It has failed to recog
nize that man's whole being is tne
expression of Ood and is eterlslly sub.
jeet to His win, wnicn governs tne
universe for tbo benefit and happi
ness of all.
Self-surrender, surrender of tbe
mortal semte of selfhood. Is neccessary
to know God. Mortal msn must be
llllnt: to let God's will be done
whether or not It coincides with bis
persons! preference. Many business
deals ought never to work out tbe
way men would bave them, and
Christian Science will never help
through a dishonest business deal or
give the slightest assistance to any
evil purpose. It Is the operation of
God's will alone. Ocd dwelleth with
htm that Is of an humble and contrite
spirit. Friends. It requires true
con rare to be humble.
It should further be borne in mind
tbat Uod eschews all evil, that he does
not tolerate selfishness, self-will, dis
honesty or sin In any form. He who
seeks to understand Ood must de so
with this fact in mind and be willing
to surrender the mortal tense of self
and all of hi. false mortal beliefs as
rapidly es tbey come to light. Ho
must be sincere and honest. Some
try to get to heaven carryinR a little
hell along with them, under cover.
Hell Is cur sinful beliefs and the Ores
of suffering ther Inevitably bring.
Such a one makes no headway In
Christian Science and soon finds tbat
he cannot lay hold of heaven with one
hand while holding on to hell with
tho other. We cannot serve two
masters. Uod is One and Infinite,
and His blessings come not to tbe
self-seeker, to the hypocrite or to the
worldly-wise, who, snugly wrapped in
the garments of hla self-conceit would
try a little of God In a way ot his own.
tl Is the self-surrender of her who
gave the widow's mite, her earthly all,
tbe contrition of the publican, tho
brotherly love ot tho good Samaritan,
that marks the earnest seeker for Ood
and enables him to reach the heart of
ever-present Love. Jesus said. "Ex
cept ye . . . become as little chil
dren, ye shall not enter into the king
dom ot heaven." This showed that
tbe kingdom of heaven Is not a place
but a state of consciousness, to flld
which one must acquire the childlike
qualities or love, gentleness, numiuty,
unselfishness, purity and goodness,
Thua we see that heaven Is not a fu
ture stste of regal refuge but a pres
ent reward for righteous tninxing.
Instead of dying his way Into heaven,
roan must think his way in. and this
is Just aa truo this day and hour as
when Jesus 8aia It. it is tnese cnttu
like qualities of thought thst one
needs to sain an understanding ot
Christian Science, to gain the Mind of
Christ, tho consciousness or Trutn.
Little by little, through study and
application, one-acquires these qual
ities of thought and comes into living
oneness with ever present good. Ood.
Thus is man's consciousness so filled
with goodness that sin, disease and
sorrow are brought under subjection,
cast out, and destroyed.
Through true prayer man learns to
know Ood. A correct understanding
of prayer Is therefore essential to an
understanding of Christian Science.
Scientific prayer Is the modus of all
Christian accomplishment. A Chris
tian Science treatment is prayer. As
Christian Science explains it. prayer is
not Imploring a far-away Dlety. It is
the simple and natural process ot
thinking In accord with the ever-pres-ent
Principle, Incorporeal good, God.
It Is that thinking which shuts out tho
claims ot material senso nnd places
all trust, confidence, and faith In
Ood, relying solely upon His power
and wisdom to protect and maintain
the Integrity or His universe. Includ
ing man. Thus we see that the
Scriptural command. "Pray without
ceasing," simply means to think
righteously always. Through prayer
thus understood man finds his one
ness In thought and character with
Ood, his scientific and oternal unity
with divine Mind, everlasting good.
Through prayer lie gains tbo light of
Truth In consciousness that drive out
fear, hoala dlseaso, and gives man the
moral strength which resists and over
comes sin. Prayer la man'a active
manifestation or his oneness with
Uod. It Is right mental activity based
on a true ccneont of Ood and man.
Ilnco aln. disease- aad all ovll la tho
lutcome of wrong thinking. It must
be plain that the prayer of right
tklakalg la the only way that over
comes tae world, the leak, and -nil
evil, It U man'a Qod-giv privilege
whereby he Snda his oa with tk
Infinite and bis plac la th laflalt ?
"On earth peace, good will toward
aided Jesus' mlalstrr. ffwr near! k
'two thousand year, these words "aad
the prayer of th Mister: "Thy kino-.
dom come. Thy will be don I earth
aa It Is In heaven," hard been en the
lips of Christendom. But what I th
trouble? Something ha fslled.
Somewhere there ha been a hitch.
nometning nas been oat of gear.
"This people draw near me with their
mouth," wrote Isaiah, "aad with their
lips do honor me, but have removed
their heart fsr from me." The trouble
has not been with men' words. It has
been with men's thoughts. River of
words will not bring Ood' kingdom
to earth In a tbousaad centuries; ual
versal right thinking will establish It
In a day. And universal right tklnk- ,
Ing I no more and no lea than every
Individual thinking, that la, praytag
rightly. We each bave a duty to per
form, not only to oarsevels, but to so
ciety. The brotherhood of man can
never be a fact wall aa evil thoaght
remains In your conschmns or
mine. Our words and oar thoughts
need to be brought into agreement.
Mi. Eddy
Mrs. Eddy, tb Discoverer aad
Founder of Christian Science, wa n
gentle, refined, and cnltard New
England woman. A natlv of New
Hampshire, she received her early re
ligious training from PvriUn snronts,
becoming member of th eoaigraffa
tional church In her girlhood. Mrs.
Eddy early In life evinced a deeply re
ligious nature. She was ever ekiag
for tbe truth about lira a th Bible
taught it. without concern for merely
man-made doctrines, aa evidenced by
her refusal to accept the doetrln of
predestination whea ah Joined th
orthodox church.
Passing through human trial of
more than usual severity hat always
trusting In Ood aad eeeklag to knew
more of Him, Mrs. Eddy dlaeorared
the law of Christian healing at a time
when a severe accident threatened
ber life aad her entire trast had to be
Placed in other than material reme
dies. Her first glimpse of this spirit
ual law through which she was then
healed was followed by complete re
tirement from society for sarerat
years in order that she might th
more diligently devote her Urn to th
study of th Scriptures and glean
from them a fuller understanding of
this law and its application to human
needs. In 1875 th text-book of
Christian Sclence'Scienc and Health
with Key to tbe Scriptures." waa pab
llthed by her, setting forth th result
of her labors. The Bible, with which
all tbe tesehlngs of Christian hVlence
aro la agreement, and this book, have
ever since remained the baala of all
Christian Science teaching.
For her unfaltering courage In the
face of world opposed to her, for
ber unfailing devotion to Principle.
for her love for Ood aad her devotion
to the cans of nnlrersal betteraseat.
and for ber wise and loving leader
ship. Christian Scientist honor and
respect Mrs. Eddy. They recogalae
ber great work for them and far nil
mankind, even the reopening; and
making plain of the way for Indlvid
usl and universal salvation. To held
a lesser opiates of ber end her Mse
work would he to deny what I tree.
It would be to shut out honesty and
leave the heart frosen with the In
gratitude which aat the doer en
good, to him who is thus deceived.
We all need gratitude, for gratitude
goes hand in hand with right think
ing. Gratitude Is indeed the acknow
ledgment ot good present. Gratitude
Is tbe recognition ot Ood with n aad
opeaa the doors of Uiougkt to. heaven
ly things.
Many expressions ot the hlghets re
gard aad respect for phyalciaae aad
ministers are to bo fouad in the writ
ings of Mrs. Eddy, although aha could
not concur with- their view upon
medical and rellgjona aabjecta. Chris
tian Scientists entertain no hostility
toward tbe nMdUcol. profeeslon nor
toward those whose religious opinions
differ from their own. They respect
In the fullest degree the right of every
individual to thing aa he or she may
choose upoa medical or reHgtona nut
ters, free from interference from oth
ers, and tbey ask but the same prtvlt
ege for themselves.
Cumin ton
My friends, but two thing are hap
pening In the world today. Every ex
perience, every phenomenon, howso
ever Insignificant or howsoever Im
portant It may seem, from the mortal
combat of nations to the kind thoaght
or tbe little child, to but n part either
ot tbe temporal aad disappearing phe
nomena of evil destroying Itself, or, a
part of the true aad eadurlng phe
nomena of Ood manifesting Himself.
Neither you nor I can awerve a hair,
breadth the immutable operation ot
these law of Ood. What yon aad I
may do Is to choose whether we shall
be dominated and deceived by evil
hastening to IU final destructloa. with
its attendant hell of suffering, or
whether we sball be obedient to the
divine Mind, Ood. aad partakers ot
tbe genulae happiness, health and
welt being to which we are rightfully
Christian Scleace doea not argue
with any one. It doe not urge any
one to accept It tesehlngs. It simply
presents them to the world an they
are and points to the evidence of the
multitude ot men and women who
have tried them and found them not
wanting. The choice must be Indlvl .
vtdual. No one can work out our sal
vation for us. No one can know Qod
by proxy. Uk the river that fioweth
for all and gtveth freely .to htm who
cometh to It. whosoever he may he be.
but goeth not out of Its course for any
man, so Christlaa Seieaee I a stream
of living water Bowing out Into hu
man consciousness. tree to an wnov
will nartake of lUbleaslaas. . i
As stated on page let of teleaee . ..ft I
and Health, "Ther I hut one real at v -' VI
traetlon. (hat erf BBlrlt.'V.aa laesir ,. ,'!
or later every man. woman and ehild ? h
must find hi or her correct retailon-
hip .with' Ood, nnd fiad It la Utfwur '
IBM in. bum tsaeaea. .ai-vugm rsgai v
thiaUac. the ansrtUadtag and dem.i..v v-;,.
oaatretio of Ood aad Ilia Meg.
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