r v-wrp""?- .f ?fr wi .&.! , M-Mf- -Mt-V-- ate jgugjfttg mfoaia KLAMATH COUMTY1 OFFICIAL NEW1PAPIK Pi ft f KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NEWtPAPO 1 y.f.fm.mm.-arK.r ,T- ...,,tT aajsta4hYeM-feMtt KLAMATH PALL OMGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1017. W General Move For Peace Exoected To Be Launched in Four Months ' - i ' !i ft I NOD SITUATION HID UNREST OF PEOPLE INDICATE rwHMUTV or one nation BREAKING reatog Ceatkttoe) Than NeNtwr KM ' fee WIh Drrfalv Victory WW lead i Peace. WMmnm Vkteqr, is llnMiM Wlhua; Kay (MM Net Lake Makena tarn Qerettoa Mttltoi by Jnly , WAMIINGTON. O. 0., Mirth II. A general peace Mtt to to be touack I whala four meatha, Ig Ike belief la dlptoaMtto art aktaJ i lure. M to declared that ike acute feed akasttoa, witk regard parttoutorly to tt central powers; uareet of la a h) tedkates dkwttotoetlea toward thp etttale ceblaeta, art tke peeetMl- . M( eee bsiIob breablaa arter Um nm, footers a growing eeavteUoa Hat aeltker ilda caa wla decisive Ttotory. aad will toad to a mm wltk. at victory, It to suggested by Prea. 4aM Wilson. H la thought that July 1 will ilea astrate the success or failure of the ebntsrlae warrara. mm LINK DITCH WORK TO BBGIN Wft Is to begta dying sooa oa the akja llaa Irrigation 4 Itch, accordlag to Mr. CunBlaihMB of Plaa Grove, he la to. town today securing scrap to sad other equlpmeat. tTals work la to bo done ky tke pri nt toad owners to that rag loa, a km to carry the water, wklck will to reaped, to extend Croat Bear Alto ft lo too (Irlmce raack aaar the Tbe water U lo be Uken (row the to canal by a pumping plaat, which to bo Installed. Mr. Cunningham "n (he work will start M aooa as to,wMihfr Permit, the farmers totof lite ork theaisclvea. waVltlNrM ACTnON MAY HTOP REMKK WAHIIINoton, D. C. March II. Jtotorpttiolng or the Norwegian ship JJJI may bait all ItolghM Keller Oaktai conflratatloa of the attack !2.in tet raltor wark rr"1 ro dlwouragN, bocauaa Oar. dwkroyad the gtorstsa la onea m f Maes which bad bftea dsslgnBted froai attack. talHtW !?UK March ll.-Oaratany unomcmiiw ki.ii. .-. . ""'" """ ......- i iji n rui-r.iL ilili-u jirLnn-nn.iLi--fi-ruVin i im.i-i nrurTn-i-LTTrui-i-n-rLr.u-r KENO DITCH IS LEASED TO CO. POWER COMPANY aorki:mkmt foii tkx vkah I'KHIOU HHJNKIt Coatrait MOe Um Moatli Whereby UillforalaOraguM l"owcr OMpnay Is to llato IV of UoverHmrm Irri gMltoM Canal for Th Year for RcMal of f l.eeo Year May Make ltliprCM4WiU. AMMMMMMMMMVMWMMAWWVMMAMIMAMMMWMMWMffMMMWWAAA RAILRO ATI 1 "Jr? a if vv ! MMAMMMMMWMMMMNMMMMWIMMWMAMMWMMMaM . . - ( MEN BACK THE PRESIDENT MfMMMtoMWMMWMMMM ' "4 LittU Group of WiUhl Men," Said the President A.iticinr:;"! "?"? "H . -""" iieigiaa re- tnnlrman Hoover or tka roller j-"mion left Wo, to make l Hollatid. today tor .Cadis, rraageataata tor I AOtK TO CilVK j IRISH raoaiUM tx Ep.or,u uw ". Hto u .. Vwl"M4,f WMtot, Marth WrVlaaiaMtl. ? IntereMlag foatarto or S a!",.Wm U " MrWMII t 2 ureat Haaaa, with aavaral mw n angle, , J!T M.,k? 14 Fat Ira, ta aaVT! " PWir JJM,i n oMiMMMt af 'aaaaav'M' 4ka fS '' ''. The Keno Irrigation canal lia been by the government ' Call- rornla-Orrgon I'owcr comauy for a period or ten years, according to a copy of a ccnlract received today by R. K. Ilradbury, a director of the ... Aft. ...... ..... J A tl swaaiain naier usent uwpciaiion The contract was signed February 14, 1117. by Franklin K. lno, Hecre tary of the Interior, and by Ales J. Itoaboroagh, vice prcaldeul f the power conpasy, The leave of this canal, which iro. vldea that lasprovements may be made by the iower company also permits or the erection of a dam at I lie head of Link River, If the coniny elect, within two years, comes as a distinct surprise to the board of directors of the Water Users Association, as the members had received no Intimation of the lease until the contract was re ceived today. What the ultimate outcome of the deal and the purpose of the govern ment lu leasing this cans I to which the Water Users Association lias con tributed some 110,000 for Its upkeep and maintenance alone, la Informs tlon which has not been conveyed to the association. The contract reads: "The United Hutcs hereby leases to the coinpunyL for a period of len years from thu date of this contract at an niinunl rental of 11,000 per year, the Keno canal of the Klamath project the right to uso Ktfi cubic feet of wa ter per second therein, In addition to tho I0S second feel which the com pany uow claims as successors to the Mooro llrothers, and Is using. 'The aforesaid rental shall bo pay able In advance, the first of which poments shall be duo at the date of signing this contract, and aald lease shall be subject to the condition! hereinafter stated. Tho Secretary of tho Interior ahall bavo tho right In his discretion to renew this lease of the Keno canal after tho expjratlon of aald ten year period for a further uarlod of ten years, ou the same terms." The compauy ahall be permlttedto make such Improvements In the Keno canal at lis own expenso ns may be approved by tho Secretary of tho in terlor. Auy further liuprovomeute made by tho company, tho Secrotary of the Interior expressly declares that tha reclamation service shall bear one-hair the reasonable costs, shall be a eredlt on account of the rentnl charge paid and payable up to the iiHit of aueh charcos.'and.any aaai ttonel amount or aueh oaattf share shall ba paid to the eampgny by tha raciaBMtioa aervice. Tha agreement also includes a pro. vision that the California-oregon Pownr Maiiir auy elect to coa atruet.n am ea'Uak Rlvar at or near tha auttot of Upper Klamath Uke. TM wttanr of tka Utortor la to i Jw Attaaa wuaia two year from tka atoaiai af tha agreemeat of thair la- 4ssatfihaaaaMBaratoatoto eaaatrwat lha, aamilwktokrtvarte to j1 dgtfrl!" IflailHl-P fliKB llgSglllBIH fnaaaaaa aa.HaaflK iaaaaarVB liaaVgCiM i4vB BT ..BBBBBBBVaWaBU llaSBBBB sW -'BBBBBBBBBBal llmmmLVKMKmm I EB1 MaaaaaaaaaaaM 1 - MBBBBBBBaf feSi'Ma.l saBBBBBBBBBBSBaBmsffl aSBBBBBam Si PtaSBmPlBBBBBBBBBBBBf SlaiaMfl? I VHiaiaia.B:'iaHEl IrSJlliaV mtk& I sffisffisaBBBBBBBfi I BBBBBBBBBBBV'dgg) 0JbsbBBBBBBBBbH bbW 'bbbbbbbbbP'' I sJbbbbbbbbVbsbbV"' -iBBaawc1 afal bbbbbbbbbbI - gasBsaaV PPr I -xLnaaaaaVnte-aT .ILbbbbbbW .aamal aaaasasBBBBBBBamV isasBBBBBBBw'' ''T I "&" JinBaBaasfBi I .aaBBBV -1 JBBaBBBBBaaFaW BBBBBBBBBBB:i!il I iJaBBBBBBatfl I LbbbW-J BbB iiaaaPaaBBBV lm&QKKKKlSBwBBKBmEmRRIRRnHKM wsjBBBajmiLT ?lBBBi---BBBBBBBBPjBnijfiF MdjggilasX 3ntamDiBBBBBWaaw BBBBBbVMbbKBBBBBBBBbKs1b BBBBBBBBBBBBBBaKt' amBBBBBBBa aBBBBBBBBBBB3aBBBHBBBvBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'.'.raW BBBBBBBBBEaBBriBBF!. laBm; WrBBBBBBBBBBBBB'ar BBBBBBBBBBUK JIvSaBBBBBBBBBBmBfe' waBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW BVjkR;'lBBBBBBBlaBrP'V BngBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlilla?rtjLaBBllgSBf - . gfi gaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaPHr' flnBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBSBMBalBBBfiH bBBBBBBBBBBBBbWVI BBBBBBBBBBBBb1 '"Vl BBBBBBBBT7lislSBBBBBBBBBBBBBnaVk'- 7$1 I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCVWBBBaBBBW 4BW HbBBBBBbT: BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbHbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI BBBBBBm4aVPVHaKlBBBVaBBBBV 3) BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBamBBBBBBBBBBBB BBbI aBBBBBWMPSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl HHHPBaP''VR-lVPFflAL BaMWfBB'' i'VBBBBBBBBBBBl M bbLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsS'E -TC sbV bbbbbbbbbV BBaP9LHnaaaW9 V VaWBBBBBBBBBBBBBWT K,-8S nana bbbbbbbbVPIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbS BBsnBBala" WKKKKfftKKtttttKKiKm aaTflaiMMP MHMrWiFlrnRMrvHHMalKS3 -i. l .i.jfc.iF ORDINANCE FOR BOND WARRANTS WAS ADOPTED ONE MORE OROI.VAXCK TO RE I'ASSEO AND aTY fKXE Special MeetMc la to Be llrtd WeU tcselay Xlght far the tatrodactloa of Uoad Orrtiaaac. Whtok WMBt Last Feraashiry ik eikBKsaMl Kseci. t loa. of Ordtaaace taStafdMat Jfcp. l.t T&" asalas .Koarteoa' V&mi .rr " v ' V.V.5aV TheaaleVof feohoBttojfeWatUe-y'that In tha at 'aaaamWaMml i-tWJbV-W!l'drrAP, IN CASE OF: WAR NOT HOLD STRIKE THE DAKGBR OF 8TRIKE ROW - GREAT, HOWEVER-, Mewttar la to llrutbetbeod , Mttt to Effort to Settle . h Vs HeU Tkarsdar ar H.j RaBBWBMl A - j- It 1M H r MeaaatlaaWaHRaaawr , 4 FearcfaHy RaHwaxJ tilbitloa aari AiteasptM Plaa Actlea Xot -.WASHINGTON. D. C. March IS.-; iLeaders of the four railroad brother hood, Informed PresMeat Wltoea to-i n-.B ' i the eveat the Vattrt J- yr toere JJi,i'. r", ' house or the city aaa exercised their option under the fourteen day limit. The action token tost night by the council prevails over any option tbat -MWstfmTh I'fTWtJgaa? i Assurances were aivea by the trala men that they would ataad by tka president, but no assurances were giv en that a strike will not be' called i" might be taken by the city oclals?now- a letier seni 10 me preaiaeas saw i that the heads of the' breikerkoods will confer Thursday 'with the rail road managers in'an'ehTort to asttle their dlCereacee. and expresaed koae WltUAM O.aTONt.MO. UAMeaA.OOajM.N.N.V. WILklAM P. KiaY, AMK. V MARRV LANB.ORB. WCSUCV OONeS.W9M 4f AMta K.VAOAHAN. Mtaa.' BOBT.M UVTOU.CTTC.W1S. UOflN P WORXiCA., ALacarr.cuMMiNa,iowA to.vs.Noaat,Nca. noacs t. cuapp. minm. aolc o.gronna.n.o. e i Thi. i. iii. "iiiiin woun or Wilful men." according to the atatement Issued by -President Wilson after the defeat of tho bill directing him to arm merchant ships Jn the last hours-of tho sesaW of the United States sen nto. Kach or the meu nee an explanation of hla own to tka efect that he opposed the bill on constitutional or public grounds. And each In-turn has otered his eiptoaatlona for his actlom tho government nt the end of tfty' jenrs. If the dum Is constructed the com puny agrees to furnish electric power during tho fifty year period for all pumplug requirements tor the Irriga tion or draluago of lands deriving their ater supply from or la eon uection with the works of the Klam ath project, or otherwise made part of the project within twenty-Bve miles from the town of Merrill at a rata of seven mills per kilowatt hour. In the case of the power tor the drainage of Tule Lake tha charge tor the power ahall be seven mills per kilowatt hour between the hours of d p. m. and 11 p. m., and at the rata ot five mills per kilowatt hour during other times ot the day. All aueh power ahall be delivered by the company at Ita own expense wherever there Is an Installation, for BIG FIRE RA6ES IN LOS ANGELES HOPELESS LOVE OF BLIND GIRL GASOLINE EXPLOSION STARTS A PATHETIC STORY OF THE BEAU CONFLAGRATION WHICH T1FUL UUND'GIRL STIRS EV. THREATENS' TO DHBTHOY THEJ EIIY HEART TO SYMPATHETIC WEST SIDE OF BROADWAY UKHI-OXSK LOS ANQELKS, March II. A gas. ollne explosion In a down hair dressing store this atternuou atarted a fire which th,reaiens to de stroy tho west aide of Broadway ML. a !... u. A k.lt... 0.Utk aueh pmpl! rpuriH- . o : 100 XiT power or more, for -M "" R,eVen firemen hWbeen Injured bualneiaatan average load toctor of i Qy9Nom9 w,B MWRe Tweny wrr " 7:"":. -...:... . reicrt'tro tbe Ocol 1 "" 5 i? Z1V: :. Zxl Mamtoi hotel by flraaMa Mr. Geofge Kletne, whose name has I ufiumn n uouiouuiu wura ib( wii town . rountrv since he first launched hla I V...l...... ..J....I . iiiiirvvttius iuvvutuia liiwiuvuuh w "(J io Vadls," Is also sponsor for the beautiful six part photo drama, "Tfee Last lu s of Pompeii," which Is an nouuied for Saturday night at Hous ton's opera house. This new production la a photo dra matisation of Lord Bui war Lyttoa'a j famous uoe of tbe same Utto, and to pwmplng by private IndlvMuato, - -T,' ' ,--- areman wcre h", f'"? the text. The pa hut only to namplag by tka United . fSl?i !! Z. ZZ. ! fflUhalle et hopeleaa love atory of the 8tasorby tka Water Uaeira Aaaocto-l"""' "H warewued only hyl,ove,r w,d iowr g,rl Njrd" ta r" tlon or otbaraucceaaor la lntereet of "wvof.Jl "" jlated In Pictorial detail, aad aaa a the United State, or to orgaatoaUoaa . .T"'. ,.TT7TTl aymnathclle response In every Heart. -- - ' - i I BB HUUHBBB SB - m BWHIIISBWI II. MSIII I Ji tae'ir; .' beyond aWtol or thi JLTSSKfffSL or Indlnjdual pumping water tofany lanaa or me project mm w-ertw Gerrwa tteeaa GaUty 4 M. 0. Oerrue plead, guilty laftta eairt thia anaraaaa, aaavwaa deaarUMnt at a Into-aaar today. - J"-UTn. Maeal. HaVanRaHaal aBBBBBmj rbbj aaaBas) The Habai case' wa aat for reirlil ea Mfrtk Mtk by, Jadg KuyksnaaJI all Uwas, dent city of Pompeii aad Ita ear rqundluys. sc thrllllbgly daaertbed la Dnlwtr b Hoel. are shown upon tho screen, and comprise a series. af pic tures that art A delight to tka eye at fha Laat Dajraot.raaj M-iiui,i-.t. oMtaaaa af to ika atoaait eeurt aMa attoraaaa. A nau." aa rrc4a-,br Mr, Ktotoe, l-T'TT. ."-... .:- - . "..'. -tl 1 -. -- .--. .- j I ... .U.J- ,k' kl .kaln' iliilM m..sspv'rjsr "w?r?r "'-t - :?r.r.-,!r '.Vv.t't KayfcnrtnrKji iUtfy, -"i -i vA: drawn: 1$i - H t achievements ot theage,' on thetesue. A communication from A. P. Davis of tht United States reclamation ser vice formally notiled th council of t!e transfer of the Ankeny ditch to the city and tbe abandonment of the ditch from the Leavitt tract brougb he city by tbe government. Tbo Union Oil company's petition for a building permit to erect a stor age atation on Sixth atreet was with drawn laat night. Tbe Initiative petition filed for an ordinance providing- tor the granting of a franchise to the Keno Power company last weak with the police Judge was Introduced last night. It will come up again at 'the next regu lar meeting allowing the members ot the council a week to Investigate the petition. A request fro mthe Klamath Manu facturing company at Sblpplagton for the use of 1,000 feet of Are hose, to be stationed near their plants, while they are doing reconstruction nnd moving work, was presented aad re ferred to Fire Chief Ambrose to be allowed under bis discretion. Mayor Crlsler brought up the sub ject of supplying the city wltha 5 gallon gasoline tank nnd pump, to be used at the city hall for the city Ire engine aad other purposes. It was laid over for a week tor investiga tion aad consideration. that success will attend their effort. The railroad board of eoeelllaUoB and mediation Plana to renew tke at- tempt to settle tke railroad strike sit uation. It la not ksiwa what' form tbe board's action will, take. The fear to expressed that ahoaM a strike come bow tke sUuatloe M be worse than would have reaaHed last summer. It to polated oat taat a railroad tie-up might preveat aha spei rial fcsslon or congress called foraext month. , SIXTtEH.YEAK , OLD NAY USED STORED ON THE BfcOOMIXGCAMeT ' RANCH IN NORTHERN PART OF M m CARLINE OFFICIAL SHOT BY ITALIAN GENERAL MANAGER OF SFRJSCK LBS COMPANIES STREET CAR SYSTEM SHOT BY MAN WITH A GRUDGE FOR ACCIDENT RAN DIEQO, March II. William Clayton, general manager of ,the Spreoktes' oompaales, owners of the toeal street car aystenywaa akot yea torday fteraon by Lorapab Bellomo, Mjitoiwa."1 t , ls'', j dram letrae 'ear joaajMSBM,.wvMet t ., X I lntofi:ba:ioajaot aix yearaago COUNTY FOR JUST SUCH I GKNCY AS EXISTS AT PRESENT Hay that haa been In a barn far alxteen yearn on the Btoomlafcamp ranch In Wood River Valley to belBg used this year oa account ot tka hay shortage,, according to George OHeld. local stockman, wko kaa returaed from a trip over tka raaarvattoa and northern part of the eounty. V Mr. Ofleld reports that la parta'af that district eoadlttoas are vary'hrt and tkat somecattle awaara aaa baW-C -VM Ing the moat dlBcult tlmse In yeafir:r X: I xne nay Betag aaea am saw aaaans 's,i Ingcamp.ptaee has aeea stored ha the , v.',.; burn for years, aonse tor alxtaea. aaai ?; aa It kaa' been neceasary. a4l;iirSiJ was not jfaeer nayed tor thatotrtfiSy head of cattle far aueh as aaaataWsW':. ,m .t " - -- '-. 4aaJTfiB -r.w,x s uv wewv Kiawwfeapaasnjfjtjt.j out at the.rate of iweato JbrtaVA"' nMHHMPVi yx li.wii vei 'ip NEW YORK. Mareh M Into) Humtort.raaortodto H hsjato' thpaen)tolajtffj wawa rsss'iaaaaisB BBBBBBBBSiaBKaBB by-NewlBs3a1totwes,?-'f '"vfi'zi ' i7': "" ro abroad. if v. 'I , r? ..tfl :UllJ$i- 'tiii&te if 7 "ti, hJ&SsL , Ar.'t'4