hS i 'yf . Sty? lEuttmn Berald SSSKSSJJIjri.T!jr--jtj ., . . ""SnW' KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NKWS PAPER -f f ,f Mj XAMATH FAU v OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER rf Wtrnlh Vmr X". . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1917. VMmJHisX.1 GUNNERS TO WILL PROJECT MUNITION SHIPS LAXM.Wi AXXOLXCKH AFTER TALKIXU TO WILMOX turner Hlramer and Munition hhl to Ik Treated Alike n slag Hay Action lit It Taken Since liermany Annuunreri All Milp IthhlH Certain Xm Are lit Ik Hank Without Prernutiottn Taken WAHIHXUTO.V, D. V.. Marrh I1L Anaed geanla if navy gunner may k placed im board all American wer. rhsatMru which will enter the Imrrrtl mm, Nerretary lnlag notiRrd all tarig dlplnuMU tnday, after rtm frrar with -reldcnt Wilson. ,'o only pataareger ahipa, but ntu aMiea shlpa arc asai la ne urntrd. "la view of Germauy'a aunwttnre- nwet Ibal all ahlp wllhin certain aw ant in he sunk without prima u- tkm far lite Mr of Mm peraonji iti kasrd, awl mUImhii eterrWIng Hie lisJM of vllt ami earth? Amrriru U ariffWlaM putr m board Autre- kaa ateirhanliiirn sailing thrwugty l he 'asitiil area armed miania for I he Stoterllou of the vemeht and Hie live ef the Ihe perMiiu on liotnl," nld nerretary listlng'a announcement. Herniary .aniMu believe thai ihe rewnre ul tuval gunner Mill not etvr ihe nii'iTlinnl veaU ihe Multm of ttrhlp. The.nutnl iteurtinrnl lnt refuted tuillnilur H pinna, hut II U known, howevir, thai American Inventors, hi. fladlna Tlii'iiui IMIann, are designing nrihndk of ihrtlrrlug merchantmen from sabaiarluca. Rvrry amateur wlrrleaa station In Asxrlra will he dismantled If war l derlanjd, It I. aultiorlllvely stated. OuVlal admit lhat the many re.MtrU f hktdtn German wlrelem aUtlnn re eaaiiK Ihem more anxiety that komb plot. L FAIRS ORGANIZED T1IOOL TEACHERS AXI PATRONS MET HATl'IIDAV AXI lK4 llIU OX XA.MK THAT WIIX LIUVK XAHMK-IATIUX IKN The cnnitliutlon nmi hyloH for " Klamath County Svtioul Kulr Amo Wlon wcru udoiuod Buturdny after wn at the nuvtliiK hold In tliu coun w "rrlculmrlHt'B onico. ThU tiumo chumm to Ichvo inomboiahlii In tneaaoflntlon open to nil pnrtH of tlio wuDty. it u plunnod to hold the fnlrn ' the fall. CM. ChnrpcnliiR of Mt. I.nkl. proa nt of dm iiHolatlon, prcnldu.1, and no.o ire,i,t WOio John llutchliw, "WImiIs M. p. Ford, Spring Lake; f. Krcuw, Miller Hill; Muttla Po. w, Bummer; Johhu l. Hone, Henley; "' MHIcr. 1'lno Orovo; Mra. Ilrod- j,n,..i , ' Uk,i Frwk Btewrl and i WrlRlu, -Miller Hill;, and Mra. loeyue, KiHiileen Coyote Killed rourteon Ayotea have boon pre ra nt the county clork'a ofllco for Tkn. . n"CH aUr, U,B P"1 W0k b.... r,",,"K '" ll, ,,lde wero Row "'. MonnnM, 1; M. T. Xrnott. rr' i Walter 1'omeroy. T. D. Joh'nn.', Jol,n , oUy,coh is p Role, Yalnux, 7; W. 0. Catop- '. rrlH 7""' ,J U,,rt W" ''' wwir COUNTY SCHOO - uuijnfiftciiinjiLMMyMMWMMAWMWWMWWWWWMMWWWW jll - S. P. PLAN FOR RAILROADS coxxt.ctiox with railroad here plaxxed 'itilnim uf ihe Itarrka fiMM Hall, mail l'r"in Trlnlilail In INincra utiil Mnrthllrhl anl ihe rntruriiiiu uf . Line Frem ThU ftty IKmn ihe hlitmath lllrrr in Trtnlilml U An iKitnunl li) Kun Franrlorti I'aiirr. The Han KranrUro Cltronlrle tirlnt rd Ihe follinhiR rtfently rannrtlliiK the ronottiK thin nf rnltriMd In North ern California ntrl Kauthern Oreeon, nhlrh. If done, tnenn timrli ti Klntii nth r'nlln. Tin tiroiuitnt route Ir.nln from till rlty doHti the Klnmnth Klv er to Trlnliliiil, on which routn rail rond iprrtilntluu It ft Ijren Inlked of for krtt'ml rtri. It wmilil plnco. Khinath Full ltllli it fe linnm of the oeean, nihl.tvould intttie I hit city a rentritl iIiIiiiik iliit for u InrgK ter ritory In l.uiteru and Southern Ore- Ron. The urnile down the Klnmiilli Itlver I Mild to he excellent. t'oltowliiK Ir the ntor. IteteallnE a rntllral reirraiiReinenL of the rnllread innp of Northern Cal Ifornlu nmi Oregon, the Chrmilrle linn received Information from an appar ently authentic source ct the pliiu of Hit! Hill linen to enter Situ I'mticlnco liy the uy of Kuretiti, (Wrnlmralloii of this Intoinuitlim hnit been reriired, dlitelmiliiR ueRotla- tlonit for irntkitiji) nrmnceiueut liy which Hill uoulil munniit out-thlrd of thti cot of the Kureka-Hnn KVonclnca linn of tliu Norlhweiitern I'nclttc. I'll i. new rotmtrurtlon Invohed In thl, couiirehUKle rendjiiHtment In- rliiilfn: A -HIM Ilium to hulld Kimtli from lleml. Oie.. In conjunction with the Strnhoin piojeet to Klamath Fnllit, mil thenro by the way of the Klamath tlh.T to tin. roiiHt at Trinidad, a few mllen north of l.'urckn. where a Junc tion would be matin with the ircoiit Hue Ihroi.'Kli Sauxnllto. II Roiitherti I'uclllc to build the roaiit ronnectlou from Trlnlilail to MnrMillilil, lirlnplliK the Rap In the rommeil ronxt ri'tito to Portland and ih.li.ii uway with the IiIkIi erode haul over Ihe Slalclyrn on the Shasta route. C t'ttimtrurtlou of Ihe detour and tiiinel in aolil lha nreient Rrndo over the WIIIIIh bill, tliim opeultiR the en tire eoat Hue an a low-Rrado route between Fan FrnnrUeo and Portland. It wi h a Hcoict trip niatle by louU Hill pornonnlly to Kurvka two mnnthti ago that pave the clew which reunited In the dUrcvory or theHO radical plan. Hill villi to Kureka, Htayed at the homo of a pomonal friend and left without beliiR recoRiilred. The Infor niatlon which comex to thu Chronicle l that ho went to Kmiikii by the Klamath Itlver road und tralla. llniiHiial m hiicIi a trip may appear fnr Him hniid of n Rroat ttntlHCOtltl- nentul railroad ayntem, friend of Hill any that It In not unusual ror nun to miikn mieh Deraonal roconimlBsaiicei of new territory. Furthermore, It has been learned that In the preceding fall ho had gone over tho Kaiteru Ore- Kou neet Ion of the proposed new con Htrtirtlon Inrocnlto, mid uccompanled only by n cluuffuur. In connection with theKcuicioure tho recent meeting of Hill and Stra hnrn nt Del Mont gnrim BlBnlflcnnce. Diralmrn him snciirnd tho rights Of way between Mend and Klamath Falls. After the Mel Monte meeting mil iu. an intflrvinw in wiiicn ne retire- ented' hlmelf an "friendly" totho IS ANNOUNCED Btruborn project. flul how wug Hill to get south to ALLIES AAAAAAAAAAAMMA0MVMVVVWWWWVVAAA'VMVVVVMMMMt't Another Outlet The titinuuiiecmont Inst weok of tho lilll-Stinlioin-Soiitliorn Paclllc co-op-, crullte plan to make use of the Eure. ku cohni lino to Portland and of tho ronnettliig- up of the 8lrahorn road here with this const lino by way of Klamath River, run bo seen In the above map. Tho Southern Paclllc hag completed Its Hue from Kugeuo to Powers, n point south of Marshnold, and nl.so from Sail Francisco to Trial dud, u point north of Kureka, Calif., IcavliiB Icsh tlinu 100 miles between the two links. Tho titllUutlon of the Htiahoin road by tho Hill lluou from this clty to Trinidad, as proposed, will moan tho construction of a line from thl city down the Klamath Riv er, which may easily bo traced on the abovo map, and Is over a route about which rumors have been floating for u your or so. This would give hiii mid a largo section of Kaiteru and San FtunclHco after coming down the Klamath River to the coast. Tblg was tho question which, a long as It re. mnlncd unanswered, left tho other discoveries In mystery. And tho in formation that survey hig parties, sup posed to be working under HIII o.'den had been seen In the Klamath River country only added to tho mystery. The sclutlon, which reveals the Pltm In a much clearer light, eamo when it was learned that the propoml, for n Joint use of the Euroka-8an Francisco line bad been made, "HIII bellove. ha can force a track ago agreement from Eureka south," (s the explanation wmen came trom one In close touch with Suuthern Pit-1 BE ON ALL SHIPS WIN VICTORY AT BAGDAD to Big Empire Southern Oregon territory on outlet on a fine grade direct to tho sea nt Kifrka, and make Klamath Falls a shipping center lo and a distributing center from this seaport, placing it lthln a comparatively few hours of the ocean, This lino would also connect direct ly with tho Middle West and the East. Tho recent decision allowing the Cen tral Paclllc and the Southern Paclllc to i emaln one organisation, und the lessenlnK of the burden of cost of con struction on the,, Southern Pacific coast route, Is believed, will leave open the way for the Southern Pacific to complete the Natron cut-off. This suit is piiictlcully Ihe only reason President Spioule of the Southern Pa clllc bus given fur the non-completion of this cut-ofT. Visitors n t Kureka say adequate fucitlties huo been mado at Kureka to haudle a gieut umount of shipping, elite executive oflleetf, "And tho South ern Paclllc and Santa Fe tiro quite willing to listen to such proposals. The construction in the Eel River can. yon lino cost an Immense amount of money, If Hill wants to assume one third or this cost there will be llttlu objection, for It Is recognised" that the development of tho north coast coun try would cqpie much more rapidly in this way,' It Is pointed out that the North western Pacific's new construction be tween Willits and Eureka Is all with heavy rails and steel bridge suitable if or kvy traffic, and that the only lai. , Continued rage 4 i WrrWrWWrrviMMMMiMMVW JOHNSON WILL RESI6N OFFICE THURSDAY NOON i:ti:a hkssiox of coxgkesh is iilVKX AS IlKAHOX Kny Thai In I tench I hr Hl Decision He lla Cousiilered Xo IndlvMaal llenlrra. His Own or Anyone's Klsr. Obligation, and Duly to People and Xationul Situation In iirmt Crist tint et ut'it Him. SACRAMENTO. March 13. Gover nor Hiram Johnson will resign the governorship Thursday at noon, he aunouueed today. -Ue-luiied the following statement: "I shnll resign as governor Thurs day noon. In reaching my decision I hnvo not considered any Individual's desires, my own on anybody's else. I have hud in mind only my obligation of duty to the people of California v lin have expressed confidence in me, and treated me with a generosity sel dom accorded any man In public life. "Our nation confronts a great In ternational crisis in which California should play due part. The extra ses sion of congicbs called try the presi Umt for April reU'lcr It Imivr.ilhe that every icpresentatlve should lend his piesencc and aid to the govern ment In this crisis. "I shall, thercrore, resign Thurs dty and prepnie to do my part for California In the nation's councils." RAILROAD MEN TO MEET SOON HEAD OF FOl'lt UROTHKHHOODS WITH OPKRATIXO HKAIIS TO MKKT MARCH I.1TH, DESPITE SIPHKMIJ tXll'llT DECISIOX , CHICACO; March 13, A meetini; of the heads of the four railroad brotherhoods with the operating heads of the railroads will bo held in Now York on March 15th. The meeting will be held despite the supreme court decision on the AilaiUMiin law. Marriage License Issued A marriage licence was Issued to Jos. U. Duly and Miss Gladys Bamber Saturday night at the county clerk's office. It Is understood ithe wedding was to be held today. The groom Is employed at tho Central garage. They will live in tho Pitts flat. Fort Mini Oets Water Right Victor 1), Jcnes of the Fort Klam ath country has tiled with the county clerk here his water right secured from tfte state for seven actes of laud in Wood Itlver Valley, Man led by Justice O. T. Adderson and Mrs. A. B, Gil lette were' married by H, W, Qowen, Justice of the peace, several weeks ago, according to tne returns on me license filed today, . A 00A0AA00AA0 1 J9' 1, HONOR STUDENTS 1 1 NAMED AT CHRI8TIXK Mt'KDOCH RECEIVES HHIHrXT GRADE FOI', FIRST MIX WKKKH OF HECOXD KEMK8- TER WITH AVERAGE OF 00.4 The best giade made during th first six weeks of the second semester wag that of Christine Murdoch. The total average of her work in six sub jects wis 96.4 per cent. The students carrying five subjects and all of which were 90 rr cent or above were: Ber nice Nichols, Miriam Martin. Beatrice Hensley, Florence Dowllng and Mnr- Jorie Detxell. Those students who are cairying four subjects or more and who made an overage cf 90 per cent or above in four subjects were Audrey Gardner, Gladys Poole, Helen DuFault. Pearl U-avitt, Alleen Smith, Dorothy Miler, Ruth Miller. Marie Griffith. Veva Mar tin, Alma Brookfleld, Margaret Wor den, Ulancbe Warren, Neva Faugbt, Vera Wood, Ruth Masten, Clara Cal kins. Margaret Whltconib. Constance Miller, Mylor Calkins, George Riggs I.ucy Hbtchkins, Ernel Stearns. Mil dred Thrasher, Margaret Upp, Cecil Adams and Mildred Whltconib. ONLY PARTS OF COUNTYHAYLESS THREE HUNDRED TONS IX WOOD RIVER VALLEV. IT IS SAID, AND ALSO HAY IX OTHER PLACES SOME PARTS IX BAD SHAPE Reports comlug to the city from vurlotiE parts of the couuty Indicate that there Is hay left in some districts while others are In need of much feed. 'there are 300 tons of extra haled hay In the Wood River Vulley, ac cording to a prominent rancher who has been lu. the city for several days. Captain J. W. Siemens, president of the Commercial Club, who re turned from Portland .last night, said today that the rates on the railroad hay will be fl less a ton from Wil lamette Valley points south of Port land than was quoted from Portland. The local office of the Southern Pa cific company has received word that J. I. Stubbs has made application to the Interstate commerce commiaslon for the special rate tor the shipment or buy. It will be necessary to charge the regular rate at this time, but that paid above the emergency rate asked for will be refuuded after 'the new rate Is published thirty days, they are Informed. J. Frank Adams, who has Just re turned from California, says condi tio!. aie not much bettor in Califor nia and that there is a shortage of hay there also. He can sell .'50 tons which lie has with ease there, if be And that he can get alcng without It. He said today there Is considerable hay In portions of this county, and that It Is probably being held for a good price. To Lorate.at Algoata Jan. H. Kline, formerly ofBonaaxa, Is In town today, and expects to locate ut Algouiu shortly. HIGH TURKS DESTROY THEIR ARTILLERY ARTILLERY TAKEN OR THHOW , IX TIGRIS Honar Law Makes Anapssaceaatast. Mosul Is .Vest Objective Point f British Forces Cnder General i Maudes Three Grant Ftereas of li Allta Xow Encircle Maaspataanla Survivors of Xersresian Bent Iaasi LONDON. March 12. British troops have achieved a brilllsat -victory at Bagdad, capturing the city, ac cording to details which Boaar Law announced today. Two-thirds of the Turkish artillery has either-been captured 'or thrown ' Into the Tigris River by the Turks. Mosul is the next objective point for General Maudes troops. Three great forces of the entente allies troops now encircle Mesopotamia. LONDON.. March 12. Two. boat loads cr survivors of the Norwegian steamer Storstad which were ataatng. landed safely on the IrtanlwaWtoeny. p tS-1 f i I BERLIN. March "li. Entente forrea on the western front lost sev enteen aeroplanes 'and two captive balloons yesterday, It Is officially an nounced. , LONDON. March IS. The Duchess of Connaught Is seriously III with an attack of pneumonia. Her attending phyElci.cna announce today that she is preceptibly weaker. an' Will Do Tintfcer Robert A. Jjhasba. president of the Klamath Manufacturing company, and K. G. Cummlhga of this city, have hied ait assumed business name of the "Johnson-Cummlngs Timber com pauy,' with the county clerk's office, to do u general holding, buying and belling of timber lands business. WORDEN FARMERS ATTEND MEETIN6 Twcntv f.trincis of the Worden neighborhood were present at the meeting held Saturday afternoon of the Worden Farmers' Club, Methods of extermination and con trol of the squirrel pest were ex plained by Agriculturist Glalsyerj i He also showed the poison mixer how to mix the poison and outlined general pluns for the year's wohk. CYCLOXK RELIEF J HEING OMAXfWO uviunicpi ii IhJ UaMfc. . .oat .-uiTvno.wo, inn, . ?''?fcft The organised relief, work for tie trie- $$$ time of the cyclone which struek New' - castle yesterday, killing tweW W V' sons and wrecking mMtasarsAaBasnlira yJfz worth. of,property.taJNHiWl-lf- ibdh' a. .A ',.." " Ai : t ..,. 'Ii .Vf" I; i'f t" -ff t, r.iaiwa ! Indiana cities are seadlM fnsVfa'A' 1 roiieye tne aiiKnia,l..-,ivi.. i iilsfTT . . .r,.i" ni 'r iit ' iBouga tae presesK: Ulna only- twsty,'ieeSPir,f?; A still rt-1VMiSJ ,f "