The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 10, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    g, tf W
imnP.iv. m,iu h m,
Kudor " ilMrn ,M
.umiMflTtiN. March 10. -Mr.
fcfcro ' ",,,u"" w oU kur,lr
i of ik atr-anicr mchioc r inue
pit, Wrll liar
uiipmnhtoN. March 19, Mr,
jM VKln AlIHlou,
Halld, stent Winder
aiiwimmiN. Mirth 10. Jobs
lku, ubulMInx a new stera wheel
IIIIEtr II "I" ""e "-"
nj(f-i thi. t:cii.
(tMflrtni Win Kajalaamt
uiipMNOTON. March !.. R.
Tuftf baa ""' oli""
nr ifcnoel completed for hie Hurt
KaaM r Xew MM
lHIPMNOTON. March 10. There
Itinaor that Hhlpplngtou sola
! nc ml" ",l autanw.
HWwlngi"n NorMjr
aillPPINtlTOK. March 19. Thee
ma early at Mr and Mm. Herbert
HuT Wr4aemla Tli evening M
wii la rinl anil dancing. Those
meat report an enjoyable tlaae.
tu Atkrn Club of BMpplngtoo
net Tiirwhr afternoon at Mr. II. C
htnu's. Thoie present were Mm
H H. Vanrey. Mm. W. D. Harlan.
Mm A. Ilrrarrllit, Mm. Ueo. Neor
kiM, Mm. T. HarUell. Mrs. B. R.
Tmrnr, Mr. II Hill. Mm. W. Ilaler.
Mm V. B. Plnnrll, Mm. (leo. McLalu
asMrs. J. Keti-r. I.unch wa served
if ! bMlnui, Mr. I'utman. Ml
Ma Harden, Mia l-ord and Mies
MtUmM met e lUltore 10 the club,
TV irurncxtn ra spent III acle-
tort. All rpxitt an enjoyable lime.
MilatinRiuN IVraonalu
IIIIPPINdTOS, March 10. Mm.
HCNlmanaml Mm. K. II. Yancay
irrt In Klamaili ralla Tucaday, do-
Uom (.io)ltta:.
Ml Marcarrl Mrlteynolda of tlo
imh U vUlihiK Mt. Wallar llatar
Ilri OitmUk. lAiriN
ORINDAI.K. March 10, Mr. Prlc
kurtnted Hie farm that Jama Rlaaa-
k!f ku bf en ll Inr on, Ha vipacta to
mot on the plant In ilia oaar future.
Arrant lurimntlo altoiH Iha
KkHMlh IU.In. .UlCMk(. S3
. Wa aaaouiire lo Hut awMIe Itat
a hata Ukm over the O. UL an
Mai, aad wui gvanuMw Um beat
M aanlre to aU all
Twwww,wiiMiiaaa mm
A Woman's
Ho woman earn to keep mack
My In the house. Mil, every
day tome occasion arwaa wham aha
fail need ror a little mora aaaM?
m ihe reels aafa In keaalaf m
" Why not atart a cheek aa
ttT it .oivea tha problem la a
af. convenient manner.
"Furrowi Of Care"
tilmladacala)tMlaetlmt mHPn4fcta by UNDRRWOODH
l,,,,ICKAJaT,1ll(H4elen baa much to do wHIt a
waaii'a apparetA aae, Va may eeHy patala iroar youthful heuty
"""Kit Hie use of tWa Cw4 la a rtalaty preiatrathw. wlilw
wum, and .lellgMfwHr parfumed. .I'KICK laV.
osazs r'vsrimwarr
MT. I.AKI, Mnrrh lo. Tho l.n.ll,.,,
Aid mat at Ihe clmrrli Weduemtuy uf.
lecnoon, The annual buNlne nnt
Ing and election of ofttVei was fol
lowed by a social time, ni which u)n
retiring offlrei entertained Hit mem.
here of Ihe troclety,
A delightful afternoon win peril
with iirograni ami social hour. He.
r rash men t a were nerved ul the rlo..
of I he program,
Tbe officer elected rr Hit coiiiIuk
aar at Mm. (' prMliloiil, Mm,
Uwla vlra iirwldfriil. Mm. Hlxwad
arcu'lary and Mm, MrUllan ir .
Art flab Mm.
MT. IAKI. March 10. The Ml.
Uhl Art Club m with Mr. Addlaon
and Mm, Wt at tli Ikhuo of Mm.
Addlaon Turaday afiariKMiu Thrrti
wara many preaent. and tha altorniMiii
ra aajoyad by all. Tbi next !
Inir will b at lh, home or Mm. Cha.
Ml. Ukl rrrwnaU
MT. I.AKI. March I ".Mm. Orlf.
8th or Klatnaih Kalla ha Un vUlt-
Ing hor anna, Clyde and Kvirnt cirlf.
Nth. Hhi rciurncl Thumdny to th
John Koonti wa a vUltnr ul Hie
falla Wadnnulay. Mm. KuoMi re-
tamed to Ml. Ukl with him, after a
vUlt with her daughter. Mm. Alexan
der, or Klamath Kail.
Move Hack to Town
OIIINUAI.K, March 10. Mr. Car
alenaen baa moved bark In hla home
he purchased of A. Hwluer. He ban
been feeding cattle, for Mr. Whliellne
all winter.
Imc a Horse
ORINIiAI.K, March 10. II. 8. Fox
purchased another bunch of homes a
few days ago. He aUo had the mU
fori u tie la oe one rf hU hrii mares
a abort lime ago,
lletarn From t'allfomls
. OHINDAI.K, March 10. Mr. Kar
acow extecta lo return to hU big
ranch In the, I'levnn illmrlrt ihla
aprlng. He ha Ix-en lit Ing In Cali
fornia Ihe pai year or mote.
OrbttUle IVtmiimU
OUINllAI.K. March 10. Frank
Dennett made a hiiNlnras trip to
Klamtth Fall Thiimday of IhU week.
Tho Htanahle Itrothem were liiwl-
news caller In the county neat Wed-
newlay or thl week.
T. O. Hague waa n hualnoM caller
at J. A. Rlanable'a Tuesday or Ihla
i Mr! and Mm. C O. Hunt and family
apent Bunday, March 4lh, with Mr.
and Mm. Oeo. Hhell and family of
Jamea Moore U sawing his wood
tbla week, and baa a targe pile of
Btevo rosier vlalted Ihe Orlndale
school Thursday of this week.
Homy bowda while you wall. See
In Um County Couil of iha Mate of
Oregon, for llio Couuly of KUm
nth, In lli MiiIIit of Ihe Kalaln of Marr,
A. Wlli i, iiImi known n Mary A.
ii ,.. L ..
Jiuiea, DecenaH,
To MukkIo Ifgan. J. H. Ilrown, Kllen
li IMwnril Hlnea, Mary Wll-
llniiiH, MarKl Wllaon. Ilattle
Ilrown, I.UWHOH IIIiim, Kraneea
llliiiN, llert IIIiikh, Jnme Hlnea,
Mm M. I' limit h, Mm. Ha rah
MiKlnley, Aalmry Krcat, David!
l-riwt, Till lor Knm. Mm.
M. C'orheti, Molle A. Ilrown i anld rlly for their approval,
mill John Hoe Ilrown, her hn-j rialil propoaed ordlann'o providing
Innil; to nil nthem unknown,! for Hie graallag 1o the Kcno I'ower
If aurh there be; ihe unknown, company a gfly 6) year franchlao
helm of ialil Mary A. Wilcox, alao. In aald city or KUaMtb Kail. Oregon,
known a Mary A. Jonee, de-(for Ihe purpoea of ahpplylng electric
retiaed; alao nil other peraona or Ity tor any and nil purponex, and to
panic unknown claiming any charge and collect tolln tlii-ref or, pro
rlghl, till-, eataie, lieu, or Inter Vlillng for the' manner of liiHtullnHon
el In the real entnie described , and operatlog In aald city, that the
herein; eervlce propoaed aaonM Im co-eilena.
H iippearlng to ihe aallafacileit of, Ire with com pet Ins romuunlea and
thja court frnni Itu, verified the heat known practical
of John N. Wafren, adiulnlairalor of! aacbieery. for farfeltiire of rlghu on
the eniaie of Mary A. Wilcox, alao.
kiiuwn aaUry A. Joni, deceased, on
file herein, that II would be lor the
advantage, beiiefll mid bent Interest
of aald estate and those Interested
therein thai a portion nr tho whole of
the real propeity .or aald estate be
It U therefore ordered that all -per-hoUk
luterei'ted In Ihe estate or aald
deceased, appear at Ihe room of the
"""""i (-".- aa hv awwava wa iHViUii Faji aa at 1 ivkuiuu mm
county court, In the county court to installation aad operation by the
hoiue of Klamath county. In lh city
of Klamnlh FnlU, Oregon, berorn this
Kiiirt, on ThurKday, Ihe 19th day or
April, I!tl7, at the hour or id o'clock
a. in., and then and there show cause,
ir any exlHt, why tin order of. sale
! should not he made by this court as
prayed for In slid petition,
The real properly belonging to Ihe
ertnte of ahl Mary A. Wilcox, also
known aa uMry A. Jones, deceased, la
particularly dvarrlbed aa followa, to te
wn: Tbe north one-hair or Ihe north-
eaxt quarter, Ihe southeast quarter
or ihe nor t beaut quarter, and Ihe'
nerthenat quarter of tho southeast
quarter of section thirteen, In town.
Khlp forty-one south, range Ihlrr
leep real or the Willamette Merid
ian. In Klamnlh county, Oregon,
containing 1C0 acres, more or less,
according lo the U. 8. government
survey thereof.
II Is further ordered that copy or
this Order bo published tor not less
than tour weeks In tho dally Kvenlng
Herald, a public newspaper published
and of general circulation In Klamath
county. Oregon.
I la led March III. 1017.
10-1". 21-31-7 County Judge.
Not lee or HlierirN Hale of Ileal Prop,
erty on Kxeeatlom
(UwNo. 898)
In Ihe Circuit Court or tbe State or
Oregon, for the County or Klam
T. J. Jackson, Plaintiff,
Joseph Rail, Defendant.
Notice la horcby given that by vir
tue or nn execution and order or aale,
duly humed 014 or tbe above entitled
court and can no on tbe Id day of
March, 1917, upon a Judgment made
and entered in aald court and cauae on
tho 2d day or December, 1916, in fa.
vor of the plaintiff above named, aad
ngalnat tho defendant above named,
directing that I aatlsfy the numa men
tloned lu said Judgment, and herein
after ret forth, out of tho personal j
property or said defeudant. Joaeph
nail, nud ir sufficient personal prop.'gon, together with the proper vouch-
erty could not bo found, then out of
Ihe ron property Belonging 10 ssia
Now, therefore, by virtue or aald
execution and order or sale, and In
compliance with aald writ, I have
duly levied on the following deacrlbed
real property belonging to aald de
fendant on the date when aald Judg
ment waa given, entered and docket
ed aa required by law (aald real prop
erty having been heretofore attached
la this action) to-wit:
The north one-half of the aouth
weat quarter, and the south one
half or tho northwest quarter, sec
tion 13, In township 30 south,
range 9 east, W, M.; and lota 16,
l, 31 and 33, section II, In town
ahlp 16 south, range 7 enat, W. M.,
In Klamath county, Oregon,
there being Inauflalent personal prop
erty of aald defendant, and I being
unable to find sufficient personal prop,
erty belonging to aald defendant,
Joaeph Ball, io aatlafy aald Judgment,
and I will, on Friday, tha 10th day of
April, 1917. at I o'clock In tha after.
noon or aald uay, aeu at puouo auc
said above described property,
Hald'Judgmout cbaalata ot a balance
due or 1136.00, the
.J .J anlaeaJ In h. Inll J
ruiiuviBW ae-ia we - - ---
amount of 1430.00, Including attor
nev fee, tho aunt or 1196,90 having
been 'heretofore nald ihereon by de
rendant. .
The proceedi derived from aald
aale will ba applied In the aatletactloa
of tald execution and Judgment, aad
T?7wte$ '- ewsty'ajei atate. and
tlon, to the highest bidder for cun, ., u . , kd d .-rf lh
the overpliM, If any there be, will be
paid Into the abate Mtltltd court to
be dlaaoMd of N "' law required
and directed.
Dated March 10. 1917,
'OKO. U. HUMI'llltKV,
ui,..rittfiiBiliP,ii.i,i n,..,..
- ""'" " "--" " ""-"
I'ubllc notice la.her.'l)' given thai
nn Initiative petition im niexl in Ihe
olfli-e or llco jridge of Ihe city of
KlnniAlh Fa 1 1 a, Oregon, mi to-w: ihe
Hih duy or March, 1917. oriterlng that
o rniKHMsJ ordinance thereto attached
be auhmltted to Ihe l"itnl voter of
neglect or avoldaaeeaf Ha obllgatlona.
that the work of laatalllug tbe ays-
tern ahall begin within one year aad
extended ao that every locality within
the city limits ehould have access for
service cot later than three yearn
from acceptance of franchise, that tbe
Keao Power company pay fSO 'or this
franchke and an additional 1 per
rentum on Ita groan receipts In tbe
city, payable anaaally, regulation aa
city and public utllllliii romuilsalon
or On-gon, aad that tbe city may lake
over andmcaulre the plant at Its fair
valuallon to be tied by the public
service, commlaalon, and fixing the
maximum ratee for aervlco to cltlsena.
ProblblU sale of franchise aad
plant without tha consent of the legal
totem or Klamath Fall during exist
ence or franchise.
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon,
this Sth day of March, 1917.
A. 1.. LRAVtTT, Police Judge.
.Vatic of Klirrlaw of a Hoard of He
f tha Klaamtli Draan
ago Matrirt af Klamath County,
To ihe ownera K land situate In the
KUasath Drainage. District of
Klamath County, Oregon.
Nolle la hereby given that a meet
Ing ol tha ownera 'of land situate la
tbe Klamath Dralai-ge District of
Klamath county. Oregon, la called
ror the purpose of electing a board
of tLree aupervlsorn aa and lu tbe
manner provided by law tor said
Klamath Drainage District, aucb
meeting to be af the omce of aald
Klamath Drainage District at No. 713
Main street. In the city of Klamath
Fulls, Klamath county, Oregon, on
Saturday, the 17th day of March,
A D. 1917, at tbe hour of t o'clock In
the afternoon on aald date.
County Clerk of Klamath County
Oregon. 6-1 It
Notice of Appointment of
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Klamath County
In tha Matter of the Eetate of Law.
renc R. Cardwell, Deceased.
Notice to hereby given that I have
been appointed admtawtrator of the
eetate of Lawrence R. Cardwell, de
ceased, by the above entitled court
All parties having clalma agaiast the
aald eetate are hereby aotlned to ore-
sent them to me at my residence near
Fort Klamath, Klamath oouaty, Ore-
era attached thereto, within etx
raontba from the 16th day of Feb
ruary, A. D. 1917.
Admialatrator of the Rotate of Law
rence R. Cardwel, Deceased.
Bammona for Publication la For
doaara of Tax Ue
la tha Circuit Court at tho State of
. Orofoar for Klamath Ceuaty
Nolle Utley Realty Company, a cor
poratioa, Plaintiff,
ve. ; v .
B. W., Johnaon. Defenaat;
To aVW. Johnson, tha above named
In tha name of tbe State f Oregen:
You are hereby noUiedi that Nolle
Utley Realty Company, a corporation,
tha holder of Certlteate of -Delln.
quency numbered 88. leaned oa tha
19th day of October, 1111, by tha tax
eolleetor of tho county at Klamath,
state of Oregon, for tha amount of
three aad 94.109 dollar, tho aame
balm tha amount than due and da
llnqueat far the taieafor tha year
1911. toaatbar wltrraeaaKy. intereat
and eoata thereon upon, tha real prop
erty ataoeeed to you, ef.whleb yea are
the owner aa anneal mi record, altn-
roltowa, to. wit;
Tha north hair of tha north haf
oj tha J&Vg'
M-f wyy w paj-.-eai afar.
tewaahlp II aouthlraaa IB eaat
You are further aatMod that aald
Nolte' UtUv Realty OaauMUur. a ear
1 narstUa. baa aald tuaa aa aaM ntem.
bea far prter or nunanaint- yean,
with 'tha rau of lataraat oa aald
ameuata aa follewa: 'p
Year till, paid Oet. 19, 1911, tax
receipt No. 6041, amount S.fW, rilo or
Intereat U per cent par annum.
Tear 1911, paid Oct. 10, 1916, tax
receipt No, 6509, amount S.70, rale or
Internal 16 per rent per annum.
Year 1914. aald Oct. 30. 116. lux
receipt Ho. 9S3I. amount 3.39, rate or
intereat is percent per annum. .
Year 1916, paid Oct. 30, IHIC, lax
receipt No. 694a, amount 2.8G, rate of
Intereat 16 per cent per annum.
Bald K. W. Johnaon
aa the owner of .the legal title of the
above deacrlhed property aa the name.
.&.Wm f9 mMJi.mmJ mmtt ...1. .ff . I..A
mpyvmin .. ..uiv, wuv wu moiii'iiunn, iuvit.
other peraona above named are here
by notified that Nolte Utley company.
a corporation, plaintiff iierein, win
apply to tbe circuit court of the coun
ty and stale aforesaid ror a decree
foreclosing the lien against the prop
erty above deacrlhed, and mentioned
In aald certificate. And you are here
by summoned to appear-witiiinlxty
days after tbe first publication of this
aiimmona, exclusive or Ihe day or snld
nmi puoiicsticn, ana aerenu tins
action or pay tho amount due as
above shown, together will, conts and
accruMi intercut, ana in case or your
falluro lo do ao. a decree will be ren
dered roreeloalng tbe lien or aald
taxes and coats agaluat the land and
premise above named.
This summon I publlhed by or
der ot tbe Honorable D. V. Kuykcn
dall, Judge of the circuit court of tbe
atate of Oregon, ror tbe county or
Klamath, and aald order waa made
and dated the 30th day or January,
1917, aad the diteof tbe first publl
ration or this 'summons Is Ihe Srd
day or February, 1917.
All proceaa and papem In thi pro-
ceedlngs may be served upon tbe un;1? and state aforesaid ror a decree
demlgned realding within the state or
Oregon at tbe addreaa hereinafter
Attorney -for Plaintiff.
Address Lakeview. Oregon.
Summon for Publication la Fore
closure of Tax Lien
in tbe Circuit Court of the State ol
Oregon, for Klamath County
Nolte Utley Really 'Company, a cor
poration, Plaintiff,
Charles R. Howard. Defendant.
To Charles R. Howard, tbe above
named Defendant:
In the name or tbe Slate or Oregen:
You are hereby notified that Nolte
Utley Realty Company, a corporation.
lt f is
tho holder of Certificate of Delln
quency numbered 892, luued on the
30th day of October, 1916, by the tax
toiicuor or the county of Klamath,
atafn of Oreccn, for the amount or
three ii ml :m-I0) ilollam, the name
l,flni llfi. (ilfUiiltit tl.,.n lif ...i n.
1 llii'jiieiit for tin- tnxvii tor tho year
iiMi, lojtciiier nun penalty, Interott
and i ml thereon upon the real prop
erly acccimed to you, of which you are
the owner nn nppram of record, aim-
nled In Maid county and stole, and!
particularly lioumUil and dexcrlbiHl ail
..t I.. .. .. I.. I
Tbo no 11 tli half of the north hair
of the north west quarter or the
Houthenu quarter of section 0,
tounxtilii ?.f, south, range 14 east,
W. M.
You are further notified that said
Nolle Utley Really Company, n cor
poration, ha paid lixes on sold prem
ised ror prior or subsequent years.
with Ihe rnle of Interest on said
amount iu follew:
Year 101.1, paid Oct. 30, 191C, tix
receipt No. f.r.OH, amount 3.7C, rate of
Interest If, per cent Per annum.
Year I9U, paid Oct. 30. 1910. tax
receipt No. 6239. amount 3.38. rate of
Intereat IS per cent per annum,
Year llfi. paid Oct. 30. 1910. tax. ' " kT ZZLVGL J--
receipt No. 5858, amount 2,80, rate of!
ft rt on
interest is per cent per annum.
Slid Charles R. Howard
aa the owner or the legal title or tbe
aborr described property aa tbe same
appears or record, and each ot the
other peraons above named are here
by notified that Nolte Utley Company,
a corporation, plaintiff herein, will
apply to the circuit court of tbe conn
iureviuiug luv lieu Bgiuiiai me prop
erty above described, and mentioned
In said certificate. And you are here -
by xummoned to appear within sixty
days after tbe tlmt publication of this
summons, exclusive of tbe day or said
rlritt publication, and defend this
action or pay tbe amount due as
above shown, together with costs and
lccruei! Interest, and in case or your
falturob do ao, a decree will be ren
dered" foreclosing the lien or aald
tuxei nnd costs against the land and
premises above named.
This summon is published by or
der of tbe Honorable D. V. Kuyken
dell. Judge ot tbe circuit court or the
state ot Oregon, ror the county or
Klamath, and aald order was made
and dated the 30th day or January,
1917. and tbe dite or tbe tint publi-
don't be content
with taste alone
You had to be up to lately. But not
any more.
Because this new Chesterfield Cigarette
not only pleases the taste but, in addition,
gives smokers a new land of cigarette enjoy
ment Chesterfields let you know you are twuJeing
they "SATISFY"
And yet, they're mild
The blend is what does it the new and
skilful proportioning of the pure, larturaiv
w 1 S R .f.A-1
imponeu anu jjomesue looac-
mti A nil f hf) hln1 ran't lw
.. m ww . -.-
Try Chesterfields. Today.
cation or thle aammoaa la the Srd
day or February, 1917.
All proceaa aad paper la thle pro.
ceding nuy ha eerved aeon the ua
demlgned redding within the aUta of
Oregon at the addraaa harelaafter
Attoraar for Plaint IV.
Addreua Lakeview, Oregon.
Almost everyone known that Sage
Tea and Sulphur, properly eompouad-
iA lirln tialr lb. aaMl wdA mA
"""" "' "- " - " -'
or streaked. Yearn ago tha only way
to get tbla mixture waa to make It at
borne, which Is' massy aad trouble
some. Nowadays, by asklag at aay
drug store for "Wyeth'a Saga aad Sul
phur Compound." you will avt Urge
bottle or this famous old recipe. Im
proved by the addition of other in
gredients, for about 60 cents.
Don't stay gray! Try It! No one
1 can possibly tell that you darkened
your hair, aa It does R ao naturally
and evenly. You dampen a sponge or
sort brush with It, aad draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time: by morning the gray
hair disappears, and after another ap
plication or two, your hair becomes
beautifully dark, glossy aad attract.
Wyeth'a Sage aad Sulphur Com
pound la a delightful Collet reqafcrrte
ror tbose who desire dark hair aad a
youth rul appearance. It la not la
tended ror the cure, mitigation or
prevention of dlaaaae. Adv.
'- A. 1 .,
S i s
- w
-" .. V . MK!
'i'A ' . vrA.'.
. ' . -T" '
t V.'
s t,t rrofr