w 5W m,ilrs-f I-kT srA?' my Ti I? i- 5Efrg iEuimhtg Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'! OrrlClALNEWIAPER KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWIFAPSK --.r . -m utit wnnr m cr" T'"- Tr-".- mrrralh VmrN-r, JW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1017. a "7r - ' b ' Wilson Issues Formal Statement $. (y v- Cfl-OPERATIOM OF I PRESS UNO' PUBLIC LS ASKED MKWIUX IH REACHED ON LHUAL ADVICE And Will Arm U. S. Merchantmen wwiwii,hw,w aiw ..................-.-..J - n 1 1 1, 1..-. rn--ir.- 1 n n n n n n-.yvm.-uvuwinr Kari Bepartnirat Aai II l rMfwra to Feral Gana m llsaam to Mwriw taw a ln4 east Ha Xit Aaeeaaced Whnher Air In It Used Cabal i and Xrpapare Net la rub. N Name of Armed Ships BBmBSBBBBBOk VASMIKGTOX, D. C, Man leW Wlto ymeraay ai wfcisa learnt ItWwl stale wkefkrr afJaant ho famished. Ike pmMrwt dratrae Ike tea ef ike ernes ami law MfeUBi . "rr'el " WW gfrawwaTiBPwJMmBp"" awaaaVaaaayeBW'eM w yWHTf HiR i Re narked hie dsrlslsn alter re wrriag ha advice fHHM Hemlai j lamssg aad Caked NtaH Attornry Ike navy dseertaaeat naasmares mat H U prepared to favalek gwaaers meMguae, ' Monetary HanKm kaa reejaaelod the fektoeaVes a to eceMl etalesa (a ef ship movrmrata, aed the newae. m aet to mMWi the hmn ef Ik I ekhjMs ior what porta (Hoy are i er aallmM data. I'm I In i . - ... . .- ..w-wn rramuy M mm IMBWH erraatlle Meriaa c-eeapeay lias need Ami hla ahtoa kUImMm rrrrlvre tke aNtlKrMr to REDUCED RATES ON PORUAND DAY SECURED BY CLUB ClrTTOXSKF.D mk.il being fur. NIHHKD SHEEP MEN Klamath I'omatmial (lab, FirM Xa. Uaaal Haak aail Fred Murphy WerkhHI lit .till Murk aatl Mlicep Men to Provide Fred fur Animal. ItoOaietl lUto uf M a Tun uh Hay from lvrtlaad Herumi rOUTI.ANI. March 10. I ob. Ulavd a rHluer4 raiu of IS a ton froai I'oiitanil an Wlllinclte Valley Mate. Alkerg llmilicr ren furaUh fol. kw: Any quantity of cheat bay at U a Ion at Cortland; oat and wtcb II at Cortland; alfalfa, forllaad. and oat bay. Portland. WAR DECLARED ON GERMAN SUBS t The President of the United States II6.SU at IH.60 at ' errlary llentela of Ika aary kaa actlen a yrt, kai la lwwo 10 Mitiila a few kenra. t Fair MtcIIm Hefd Te InicroMcd la the formlug of KUmath County School Fair Aaao .tlillon met tiiu afternoon at the faiy nRrlculttirlat'a oflce at 1:30 .welt, tu romiilote the organlMtlon. , organlMtlon to the VKIaautk ;Pty School ralr AawclatloR," Si i Ch,n, '" lnc,ud" , Wwb to rorno up for adoption to (ayi m IS AFLAME REBELLION WITH 'ypOllM.tTION MMVOOLKI1 ; ACRONM TIIK BOROKR TULM f AHHAHHINATION OF ADMIR. J uiUirHNON BUKMlH AlBtru ..- ... ferM.ii iareai. ia w-W o m, , iWMfiW Bttim vr IlLUt Bam I. . .aW aaiii. . r" " aaaaaa wua ' Ainlraln ... id..... - ""ia ana aeea i' ", i; ftp tOVurnin.ni k.. i ... .a. iki- .'"" wasapHMa na C Prevent Ue atfarar i"i T Mhlla mi uh.. '" aTemieat w? will rig t h . .v1 raainn rnr a u.iki. i. - w ..,..- p. The above telrgram wna rrrelved today from Captain J. V. Hlemena, prcaldcnt of tbo Commrrrlul Club, who U la Portland, nnd la the reaull of a request aent hint xwtcrday by Secretary Pred Fleet to secure re duced rate for abllng bay. Decrctary Fleet haa wired AMtatani Oencral I'aaaenger Agent lllnsbaw of the Houthern Pacific at Portland lo con firm the ratea, and have the local oMre of tbe 8outbern Pacific notified of the change. It le believed tln aecurlng of Ihoae ralea will materially aid In .helping the acute hay alt nation In thla comity which eslata, owing to tho unexpect ed long winter ipcll. Tbe Flrat National bank and Fred Murphy of the O. K. Tranafer com pany of thla city, havn ordered and aold a carload of rotten cuke, and have telegraphed for another to be aent a noon an HKxlbte from Ban Francldco lo aid tho feed altuallon, It la aald that to ounce of till rake will keep a abeep a day, and that It take lesa than two poundH for n hone. A carload contrtltutCH twenty ton'n of tho meal. O. W. McCormlck, who baa 1,30o bead of abeep In the !va lleda, wa in tho city today after acouring tbe Merrill country without auccoaa, look ing for hay, and la going to bring hla aheep out of the beda. Ho aaya thcro la four Inchea of anow there. II la cattonary for aheep men to take tbe,abeep Into tho beda early, an the mow usually disappears there rat. Mr. McCormlck aaya thero aro 4,000 head of aheep lu the lava lleda. It Is reported that there Is no hay la the Merrill country to be had at any price, past price running from IB to f 36 a ton 1. HhcWoa Hpaake Dr. H. D. Sheldon, head of the school of education at the state uni versity, spoke to a large number of city and county scnooi teacnera ana patroaa at tbe Central sehoqj this t ternooa at I: so on "Soma Recant Movmeta la Education. Dr. Shel don spoke at the Central and RlVer akfo schools yesterday afternoon at (ha retaest of Superintendent Dun bar, Ha leaves la the morning on hie return to Rugane after making a trip through California. at .asasasammsmasmasmN r PSI . mam .'''' JJi-v.'vJiammammamma BBH' r-r tL --i-i rtjammmnaammBBama. aW., vJJr-t'yamam;Jf:;fmamma I aaavr,' u r.s .'AvSfBmBEf-yfmamBBmk an -T. 'i.i'.Sjilki k vr2BBmaaBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBUBmBBmi I If ZA.f - i rTsmawlH" iwfasaaWfcwssmaaMaMmaaaaaaaaaaaal Kmmt&Bzasmmm laPaaFlaBBaBBBBBBBBBBBHHBV sA'asaasmHsl ''maBlsmasaf UWf rimaHKsasmasasmaV -- (v aVBBffsBffsBffsBwSamaffmaffsBffsBffsBffsafftmaW '-y '' smaBBHaBmaBmasmaBv ViW flaVaaVaaVaaVaaVBWaaVaaVaaVaaVaaVaaVBO mi$ wmj Aeammaamammmmmmmm WVmamfa9BBiHisBBBBBmV''': X imrXm SflmBmBLBLmaismBLH .amamBmBmBmBsmm. VvKaMIV" amBBsmBBsmW .BBmV SaP .IBBLBBLBBLBBLBBLBBLBBLBBLBmBH BBBBBBBBBmBV J ft .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH .ABBBBBBBBBBmBW f MwJk .aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBH MBBBrVCv .aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi IHBBBHBKmfiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH PORTLAND CLUB I Armed Ships WiU Fire on Sub- BACKS KLAMATH ON TULE LANDS PAKHEH ItKfJOtfTIOX WHICH W KK.XT KAST marines on Sight I'oMtcNtiun of Klamath Coaiweiclal (lab Tliat (be Fe Which la to Re Charged All Apallcaats for -Tale Lake Lean On eaten la Too Hlgfa, aad That Oaealas HkoaM Re HcM Like Other Land Opealaga A copy of a roiolutloa passed by are to he fly ROBERT . HK.VDKB WASRINOTOX, D. C. March lBvAwrricaa caapowered (o Mre oa Oermun aabaMriaes om sight. Secretary Laaateg aaade tills pUln when he declared Ikai aeatfral i ran be pitwamtd aot In be safcject toeearch before attack, esaca Oaraaaky a oaarcd (hat Iter abmarinea traald dlsrraaurd Ike lalciMltoaol law. Thla aaeaaa that AaaerlcaB aklps wttl take no ckaacea. ' If Geraaaay faMUs her threat to nalatato Ike -ilhlaaa i are" oa Ike high sea, clashea brtwrea Clrnnaa Mieixhaatmea are inevitable. It l eSlriaHy teterareted that lhh ilerbitoa kaa braaajkt Oie of war aear. ANTICIPATES WAIt CNXK8S GKRMAXY CHANGES Aa salrraallwaal law aaaert keilevea that If aaaa free fkfat, K wffl lose Ma faoamntty' froai attack. war aalem Geraaaay ehaagaa her aaaoaaced rlewa. t. - WOODROW WIIJtON RAILROADS WIN DIVORCE SUIT Hl'IT HltOt'GIIT UV THE GOVERN'. MEXT TO DIVORCE THE CRX- THAI, PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN PACIFIC WON UV RAILROADS CUBAN SOLDIERS rami ii -it it --r- T - " wiiHirfwTOJCD. c, Mfrch . Taa MMirtjraller of U carreaty kaa lied "far a UtaaMBt froai all -tlaaal kaaka af tka eauntry at. the etosa ef btwktess oa March 5th. NEW YORK, March 10. Tho rail roada won the' government ault brought to divorce the Central Pacific from tbe Southorn Pacific, according to Geuoral Counsel Dlalr of tbe Suittliern Paclflo here. Tho null was Instituted In tbe fed eral district court of Utah, and It was claimed that the ownership of 'the Central Pacific by the southern Pa cific was lit violation of the Shermau law, Judgo Hook wrote a favorable opinion and Judge Carlin a dissenting opinion. ' , HelU a Deeea Maxwells Tho Howie garage reports that one carload of 1117 Maxwell cars have been sold, and past of another car which haa bean ordered la already old, awklag practiaally twelve ears wld'vo far thla aeaaoa. Mr, Howie says: the MaiwelUbaa a number- of new 'feature, thla iaeaee, Imaortaat meag which Is a nlna-lnftH longer aprlng. PRENIIIEXT .MEXOCAL INFOIUIS t.MTi:i PI(IS OF SITUATION t A.Mr AMERICAN MARINES OC CIPV HAXI.I IS - ' HAVANA. Mnick,10 President Menocal Informed the United Pres today tFTut hla Kovemmeut troopo have defeated (lie rebels outside of Santiago and are now waiting to en ter the city, Hevadded that federal troopa nmat run down tbe amnll scattered bands, and! that many of them are now sur rendering. The situation will probably clear ooii. A detachment of American mariues are occupying BauluU, thirty miira irow oauiinau, (u ia reponeu. HAVANA, March 10, An uncon- armed report, which la widespread, Indicate that Cuban federal troopa M11V UVV1IIIIVU, 0UIMV , Agrkatori.t at.'wardea., H. R. OUIayer, coMty mjrteuUur tat. left tkta morning for'Wordan to attend' tka eeydBMala-of the the Oregon Development bureau of Portland baa.beea received, by Petri tary Fred Fleet of the Klamath Com. merclal Club, upholding tbe conten tion taken by tbe local club regard ing tbe opening of tbe Tulo Like lands. It Ik believed here, however, that It la probably too late to change the plang now. The resolution baa been forwarded to tbe commissioner of the general land office at NVashlngtonJ D. C. The resolution if as follews: "Tho Oregon Development bureau, reprexentlng a large number of com mercial organisations throughout tbe xtato requests that tbe rcgulitlouti govciulug the drawing for lands in I tbo Tul'e Lake reclamation of Klam-j atk.Palla. be the same a drawings In previous' years In other places, and that only entry and flllng fees be charged applicants for the lands. If the full initial payment of three hun dred dollar is collected from each applicant it will prevent many poor neu from entering this competition, white unsuccessful applicants will be at great Inconvenience in Securing a return of their money." 4 WHITE ROOK" PREPARRD BY GOVERNMENT. WASHINGTON, p. C, March 10. The gorsraaaral la 'MWlilto Baa." which will ttceril the Grraaa hetrszaea w roatlacarf. It w cerrr all Ika ptata discovered. ' The book is expected to aid la (he aUgateg ef the ftalaterleaa) trie, and mwr aatloaal palriotlcm la the Caked States. GERMAN OFFICERS ARE SENTENCED. FLORENCE, 8. C March 10. Eight ooerers of tka Gsrsaaa ftatafct er Llebeafefci were aealeaced today to case year la the seaJtewslarjr ami a Sae of S308 aack ow a charge of -fcav lag sank 'their ahto whRe lajlatand, foUowtog tlie Amerlcaa-Germaa diplomatic break. DOMB FOUND IN CLEVELAND STATION CLEVELAND, Ohio, March 10. Deterllwa today planted la ike waiting room of tbe Union railroad staUew, wHh tkrea feet of faae attacked. OeVials are convinced that there waa a plot to daasrajr the etatioa. j 8AVAGE MUNITION PLANT DAMAGED . 5 DEFEAT REBELS VALLEY DEBATERS WIN FROM LOCALS Worook last week. ciuhMarmed there DECISION OF, JUDGES IS TWO TO ONE IN FAVOIt OF ASHLAND TEAM IN DISTRICT CHAMPION. MIIP CONTEST LAST NIGHT The Aahlautl debating team wou a ictory by a two to one decision jver the Klamath county high scnooi team lust night In this city fqr tbe district championship of Southern Oregon. Persons' attending the coutett said It was one of the closest they ever witnessed. The Judges were CfH: D. Ululdou, Fred Peterson and Homer Uilllngs. ) y Tho members of tbe Ashland team were Cleo Kirk and Fred Abbott. The Klamath debaters were Emma Hon slk and Beatrice Henley. UTICA, N. Y., March 16. The Savage Araaa aad Maahtoa tnaaysaj's A here, where saachme gaaa aro being made far tka aRhm, waa jsma nlaa aged by ire today, believed to have keea of lareadlary GERMANS ARRESTED IX CHICAGO. " ' CHICAGO, March 10.. Several Germaaii, ketievad-to he natters frees aa tateraed Geraaa cratoer, were arrested here today. Oaoial "Frita Waif," aa employe of tbe Albert Pick compear. Federal refaaed to dtsrrose Ike reasons for their arrest. WAR TAXES LEVIED ON GERMAN SUBJECTS, NEW YORK, March 10 Federal agents deck have evidence proviag that Grrmaa agents hare IQisa war taxes am Oee man aabjecta la America for more tbaa a year neat. Tkey ate now kwreat. igatlag to Sad if fand collected for German Red Croaa kaa left the J m -M 1 V; . YACHTING CLUBvWILL OFFER EQUIPMENT CLEVELAND. Ohio, March 10 The later-Lake Yackttaaj Aa lioa, with more than 8,000 asemberh, la holdtag a seaaloa today, ais hi prraared to pass a resolution osTeriag Its eatlre asMlpaaeat to eke gesia meat In case of war. In City From Bray. Marion Nine of Bray ie In the city for a few day. la From Ranek Today,, , J. H, Wise, wka kf farming Ue old Hortoa-raach, ia In Iowa oa husiaaas. MEMBER OF SCHOOL BOARD WRITES OF SITUATION I note by your editorial that the i many would have believed the aecu schcol board is being criticised for! Won, no Matter how false? ... .iv.ff mr rt,.hitoi.v ... th fact. ! ' nm "u, we could legally regarding the proposal to buy the school site. We called a mass meeting, and at that meeting presented all the (acta In our possession. That only a few were present was due, perhaps, to the abort notice aad Its Inconspicuous dis play In the paper. Wa also read a statement of the facta to the voters,' about f fty being present, before open-1 lag the polls. It has been said that wa should have carried on a campaign for the purchase. That Is matter -ef opin ion. There were plenty of reaaeas why voter honestly dltwed aa to the advisability of tho purehaae at 'tkta time, and at the prleea asked for same of the property, Jf we had urged the Burehafo,' "now fcuey would have charged that we' were Interested that there. was graft In it aad how attempt to Influence votes for or against the site, even before, election day, without being Uable'to preseuc tlon. -, This ig a persoaai statement,, made without consulting ' the other "mem bers of tN board,,aa4persoaaHy have no apologies to er for the course pursued, aad with whlekf I ' agreed in every particular. y Personal' matters should not eater Into tke question of puMio mtsfoaU but some people seem aot tarko'hkJo' 4. -vM to shut them outtlrely T?i, ,. ;f 'V m r cc- .i K - VJ , .,?l ....-!.S?'. The 'iniiiHleto' diepeky paper" meaUoaed by. Mr." aue to we raet.iaM.UM at laeetM waaakaai.A4aT;: omee oaanaajfiipioaf a- iw,ni iiUc' Ik . tka saaar'at 'hi K$mi lMWi fififew ir.L'i. m mwk? ! ri f;wri a i '"M VJ- . 1-ft . $& .,.. "si! .a;ttVi w rahiil.i. V