fr iEuimmg Herald KLAMATH COUNTY KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREtON, THUR5SDAY, MARCH 8, 1917. re1 Me Mr sjraih,Y"r""-V"' WW GERMAN PLOT $ 4-1 GENERAL IS WILSON IS ILL: ORDER TO ARM IS EXPECTED SOON 0)00tAlAAAAm iMMMWWWNMWWMWWWWWMWMWWMWWWWWWMWWMWMWMWWWWMMMMWWM Played Villa Against Carranza and America W0WWWWWWWWWWWW mCAM TO rOHMCaHIOMH AND OTIIKH nillNTHIKM Uborrra lo hat Iter l'rd fur imrirtlw Work m Piussraa Caast lermdeil rT and Mm ef rVravlaa Navy IUM o Parlllc AIM (mMm Ptaaard WHJi Tea rravln Kebsnarlae. JtKW YORK, March . Federal aetfwrtlka her today drrtaml Hut kaoiilMf f al to la fee anrartesl that Ilia SIMON WORKING ON BIRD RESERVE HXIMi WHAT MAV UK FAULTY STEP IV DECLARING LOWER KMMATH LAKE FEDERAL RK. NERVEMAY ABOLISH IT Two AmericanWomen Who Died m Laconia Disaster and Two Others Who Escaped "! aiaimi t r gtr .i-jaxaaa zvenc- r Jetjr lava lau low la to a UKEDO. Tci., March H.Oermau esty has been playing Villa against Camus. Grrmtn Intervals nave been send lag Money (o Villa ami Inciting blm lo attrrlly gslnt Atuerlra and General Carrsua, At the Mine lime German feats have bem seeking to allien Gamtua against America. Villa was approached on February Ittk by flcrman agent, who proposed tstl a renewal of the border raids be d. Alter a conference an agrre rtt was readied. In rase of war Wl was lu scud a small band ot Mjakrs lo oiHirste at widely scparat- W points along Hie American boun Villa waa promised a quarter of a Wlo dollars, nart of which was mm m advance. f WASHINGTON. I), C.. March 8.- Qernian olnt ritmniiv ...r..i connection with Mexico and Japan " Included scattered efforts In In- 0m. and Houth erca. it H reported. Hindu laborers wero to bo used tn KniCtlVc Work mi thn . and the revelations also Involvo J"! and men In the Peruvian navy Wot lo raid tho allies' commerce 'HkBjir,,,C,flC' U"'Di lW PrU'" 'llni oWovorod this part of Ilia " A number of Peruviana and a .J."." rtcmlill agont hava boen wea. Comes In Pea HAVANA, March 8 n. 7 Md stair officer arrived here to. v on special train and In custody w Penitentiary. V. N. Ambaasauor Dead "He, United State, ambassador to Jgj N today a, the result of a 2!V apoplexy, word hae been re- , - we py relatlvea. Oaa HMa Today Tfc. eounty coun opiMi tu M tiktL m' ro lproveiet WeaT.. I?00' ,M tf4 to let ?lrart for the work. WAHIIINCTON, I). U., March . lleprrcntalho Klnnnt Is t'lidi'nterlni: t soenro the otrliisliiu of oevnral IbouMiid ucrcm of rrclntnutlon tmiU from federal bind rencrvas In Klamath county. He has placed before the de partments the contention that those bird retime cannot bt uphold on such laud under tin- rcxt'rvatloiu made by the state lu ceding llio land to tho federal government. Ill pofltlou Is thai tho statu rrded I ho lauds for the purport or icclama tlon, and that thuy raiiuot bo dealt with eicrpt In accordance with Ihn reclamation law. This phao of tho matter apparently had csrupi'd notice ot tho federal authorities, and an In quiry la under way as to the authority for placing ch lands within the bird reserve. Thlit applies to the Immense acreage of laiidn In the Ixiwer Klamath take dlrtrlct, now a nwamp, und which local parties ore. endeavoring lo have luken out of the ganto retime. In or der that It may bo drained and cultivated. The government reclamation ser vice has Infratlguted tho drainage of UiIh land lo some, extent, but Hip pise- lug of tho land In a resort o by Presi dent Hoosovult forentsllud work being done. It Is believed now that by stopping tho connecting canal between the Klamath Klvcr und tho lake u large part ot tho lako and awamp will be drained through tho shutting off or tho water supply and by evaporation. ELKS PLAN BIG TIMHONIGHT CI.AHH OK CANDIDATES NUMtlKIt INO 1 WIMi ItK TAKKN OVKU THK NOT AND HtHNINd HANDH AT H. I. O. K. TKMPLK TONKlHr. A big time Is planned by tho mem- bera of Klamath rails Lodge rjo. 147 U. P. O, Klks of this elty tor tontgni, when a class of candidates numbering Is will be Initiated. A number of apeclal feature are being nremred by the members of the lodge for the occasion, and the mem ber of the lodge aa well aa the can- dldate are eipectlng, te enjoy . Ote oraaloa. ' !J3"AJ Mammmmmmmmm Rgaaimmmmmmmmmmmmmi . r "i jtflstTj.3Rf m jbjRgaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmB as aammmmmmma i IaaTSfl f'MTl iaaMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i taammmmmmmm'laBmVraiKBll'' asBmmmmmflSwBaBmmmmms1-'! I t'Jig(9HgS?ammmV SaaBBBBBBBBammmwBBBBBBmii U v?bbbbbbbbPItb(bbbbbV SsaammmmmmmmmnaBBBBBBBBBBalR ir v, -jaBBBBBBBBBBujSsaBBBBBBaa ' KSaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB! '.'JTi lyujjSRgaammaRgaamamaa ammmmmmmmmmmmaBommamBiil S w 'mm t ijjasKsswaMSMsiiaBsaaaaai SsaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaSaa BbSIHIBi a gaammmmmmmVuffiSiSBBaav" t "ammm-.!,:,:3a.2'ammmmmamau l)BBmmmmmmmmT96S?jaaaBKrtBBmK lkJaaV 'igaammmmmm?! u aammmmmmmwaijJQREsvSMpli. :1HH X3!Ks sNmmmamBBBBiM 'BaaaaBBaW&flaHgtaara CJaBaaam t RRRKprjSPsSSWIKaF-i'i RRLajiRRSasfv h BKfli. I ggB lwflgaPB i fr!aBaam'SBBR"Vll'lfl1iS?fv HLgBlsaHliB fisw.aaaajaiMaaaasajaawW i wmmfimmmjgiTtjP SENATE MEMBERS CONTINUE THEIR BICKERING HABIT I.MMKDIATK C.IDKIUTIO. OV ItfLK AHKKD Sraiilor Martla Aska for I'aaalmosw Strain Since Break Puts President Abed WWWWWWWW0WWW00V r , 4.000 ARK ItECRl'ITKD DELAYS ARMED XEITRAUTI-DECISIOX WASHINGTON, D. C. Jtarch ' 8. A record In recruiting was ,i:eculre Rested Well Last NJaM. made here today when more'4 than 4,000 men. exclusive of Couseat to Consider Llmillag of KHd enlistments and re-cnllit- 4( ! ments, was reached. They are IMmU Senator Suct-MMa De.. credited to the International dc- imhiikts WIKon's Slatesaeat That lt velPnts. ' Ik I'M'les to Call Extra SeasJoa , I'ntetM Rules Revtseil. SUPREME COURT t e) tThc senate abolished tlic old lltallAI lifi II A I I ilia rule-of unlimited debate and ! IIPHIII ll III II adoptl:,tae1ttloturvfte by a 1 Ul IIULUU If VLfllllJ vote of 76 to 3 late today. Sen- utors (ironns, Larolettc and Sherman opposed tho rale. )) DECISION' RENDERED IX CASE OF IOWA ai.NK AGAINST M. R. DOTY AFFIRMED OX ABATE MENT PLEA COMJCS BACK lMPSUll BCDT JAPPIS HOY PTMNtC C. HARPIS MISS MUtABCTH HOY MRS HENRY G.BOSTON 3 Mr. Albert Ilarrlo Hoy and her daughter, Mix Elisabeth Hoy, of Chi cago and IxMidon, died from exposure In tho open boat thoy took after the l.uconln was torpedoed by a (lorman Hiibmiirluo. Mrs. Frank K. Harris, wife ( Lieutenant Colonel Harris of the 1'itlted States army, lived hemic. ally through the torrlble night she spent In the boat, aa did Mrs. Henry fi. Loston. daughter of Qranger Far well of Chicago. Mrs. Boston's h un ban J was a subject, so despite her birth, that fart takes her from tho protection of the Unltod States uu thurltles. STATE OFFICER BREWERS 6IVE IS BACK HOME! VARIED PROGRAM MRS. R. E. WATTKNHUIMJ, STATE PRESIDENT OF THK RKBKKAH ASSEMIILV, HAM COMPLETED OFFICIAL VISITS FOR A TIME Mrs. II. E. Wattenburg, state presi- dout or tho Kobokah Assembly of Ore gon, returned homo last night from her official trip to lodge over tho state. On thin trip alio visited tho lodge in Portland and lodges lu ull counties south of Portland. On this visit and and one Mr. Wat tenbura made last summer she has ended on 140 of the 199 lodge,' 130 of the visits being official, r Bhe lert homo February td on her last trip. UmiiuIIv the state president visit half the lodges, but Mr. Wattenburg vis ited one-third more during her term of office, Mm. Wattanhura Is a member of tae.acaool board, and prominent In I Unary und wiclnl work In this city. I MRS. ELEANOR IIREWER AND HER TWO DAl'MHTKHS APPEAR HERE SATURDAY XHJHT AT HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE A varied program ot violin, clari net, trombone, piano and vocal solos, piano trios, musical talking sketches and readings, alo orchestra selec tlons, Is glved by the Rrewois, th'o musical ontortaluers to bo seeu boro 8uturda.v night In connection with tho local Lyceum course. This compuuy Is composed ot Mr. Eleanor E. Brewer and her two duughtors, Ruth M. and Grace M. They give a thoroughly good enter tulnraont, satisfying to aU patrons. They have had everav years' experi ence, covering a number ot state, and hava always pleased, They, will appear at the Houston opera house Saturday night. Tickets nnwiw on nle. WASHINGTON. D. C, March S Senator Martin has asked tbe unani mous consent of tbe senate for tbe liu-l mediate consideration of the cloture rule limiting debate. . Senator Sherman today denounced th dcclI!,on of .hc ,,. Jud NoIand rresiacni wuson statement inai u .1 The Orcgos supreme court upheld Is "useless to call an extra session un til the rule are revised." "A flllbustorer would not succeed at an extra session," said 8herman, and added, that "only when the time I limited does a filibuster prevail." Senator Hollls offered an amend ment providing that a majority In ot tbe circuit court here, lu his deci sion In the Clorlnda Trust and Sav ings bank ot Iowa against M. R. Doty ot this city, according to word re ceived today by E. L. Elliott, attorney for the plaintiff. The case went to the supreme court on a pica of abatement that there ex- Rut Trying Weeks Stace Mato- matJc Break May Keep Wan aa ! for Several Days Ha StlgJ Today Americana lieertac Kium Without Troable. stead or two-thlrds of the senate shall ilcd a collusion between the bank limit debate. inna tne We Manufacturing company. Judge Nolaud held that a collusion did not exist, and has been upheld. Tbe supreme court action brings the case back into the circuit court here. The case was brought to collect on some machinery. WASHINGTON. D. C, March 8. Senator Norrlg defended the obstruc tionists today In tho senate, declar ing that If their action in blocking the nrmed neutrality bill was treason, "then make the most of it." Hc said he favored the cloture rule. WASHINGTON, D. C, March S. Dr. Grayson, tbe Wbtte House pay ciciau. announced this moraine thai' President Wilson spent a restful algal last nighfc-ttreug&--B1-Mgtr fevt-r today. Hi? Illness is due to the trjlas weckr, following the diplomatic break nlth Germany. He may remain la bed lor several days. The president's Illness is delaying the armed neutrality decision The order to arm merchant ships, how ever, ig expected soon. Lrand W hillock. American ambas sador to Belgium, cable that Germa ny Is permitting Americans to leave Iiclplum freely. CAMP STATES RATES REDUCED ONE SUBMARINE SINKS 47 SHIPS ON RECENT TRIP 90,000 TONS SUNK Ji:RMAX . PRISONERS CAPTURED AT THREE POINTS. FALL OF.RAUDAD EXPECTED BERLIN, Mnrch 8. One subma- REV. HURD HANDS RESIGNATION OFFICERS OF CONGREGATION HAVE CONSIDERED THE MAT TER AND WILL GIVE OFFICIAL NOTICE NEXT SUNDAY AND MAINTENANCE BE REDUCED OPERATION CHARGES THIS ACRE FROM 1 LAST YEAR WILL V YEAR TO 83 CENTS AN Iter, Chas T. Huril has tendered his resignation as pastor or the First Presbyterian ehurch of this city, to take effect April 1st, and his officers rim. on u ieia trip sunk twenty-oue nave nlreRdy glvcil tto mBtter ,,,,, steamers, ten Milling vessels and aix-'oratlon. Tho congregation will be tithing boats, It is announced officially notified next Sunday morn- teen here, for u tolul of 90,000 tons. Violent artillery Are In the Cham- puguu (list vli-t is reported today. Ing. It Is with very deep rgeret that Mr. Hurd Is allowed to sever his relation with this church, but that Is made necessary by tbe ill health ot hla ram- PARIS, Match 8. German prison-Illy In this location. He will, how- ors have been ci.uturcd lu trench raids over, continue to occupy the for . .!..... ,t..nt ..-i.. .. .h. 1.,-. three more Sunday. w """ '. " .. Rev. Hurd's new charge will be the uine. between tne uisne ami me Aisue MouU Baker cnurch , SeaUe atid northeast Embernail fronts Dorrl to Have Dance The Dorrls ire department will give a big ball on March lth for the benefit of the new Are bell fund in that city. LONDON, March 8. The British cavalry I but twelve mile from Big. dad. The if port of It fall I ex ported. The operatiou and .. maintenance charge under the first and ateoad units of the Klamath irrigation pro ject will be 85 cents an acre this year, according to an announcement, made today by Manager Camp of the Klamath project. "This Is a reduction of 15 cents an acre over last year," said Mr, Camp, "us it was SI for that period. Wo have the ennuis in shape now, and be lieve that tlil8 year we WM be aD,e to pay expenses under this charge. "Three years ugo a charge ot but T cents an aere wan made, but the ditches became run down and the wa ter service to the farmer waa poor. In 1915 it was raised to 11.15, with the co-operation of the director of the Water Users Association, under which amount it was posslblo o'put the ditches Into shape and give good service. . "lu 191C the charge was reduced to f 1, un acre, aud this year we are able to reduce It to 85 cents, aad believe we will be able, to keep the lyatem la good order," Child DUa From Saalda ?& LONG BEACH, March " l.iaW " . . . -- . ...a Jenkins , ugea an atom, aieauaara x i. .. . muU of --"----a"--L " . A . ,, ,Wm.. ...,..., L -y-jw , , ? , and leU arm.wl.aUafwaieaa r . v died In convuWlaaa);li.:, 'y ( i?J ' . J'Vtl :u