"::.Si K 4 wrm ww Wifl lj,TW tj .. f-'f' , OK ! w , - 1 v, i - .' fe iL. M .. . 1 -v-.. H" .. a - ? 1? upntnn HmtUi -t IS, -v -w-. - - . .j &' KLAMATH COUNTY'! OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALL OFFICIAL NEWfTAr -gsZ2&ataaittsmirsmx?uisxa3-Hivt2BBi. i. i . ixjanaeauesss Ktorentli Vmr N. Ml KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1917. r?l IT ft... saw i 'in-as w ft k m &" fe tA L? I rfiv i'jfc WILSON SENATE COMMITTEE Ooture Rule , Presented to Senate nro third vote ok the hex ,m: necessary Has Appro at f lrtamt Wll- bn Will Limit Drhalr oh Any Hill to hrc llmtr Will Ho lNlrNlMl In Kraal Tomortiitt IMrralic Praetor lit Oppoar Re-Htrtlow of rmetar Htoe WASHINGTON. I). C, March A ?. ffofir.tltr 'fkltli atllAttiwI ftiA A srnalc niht Inln this afternoon , . to cud the Mlbiiitrrlng. Il; r said: 'Ttaltora may And tltrlr war Into congress, and by Mil- buterlug hold the senate at bay while a furvlnu foo thundered at our nalc." WAHHI.VGTOX, ii, ?., March 7 The aenalo nilca committee ha egn-ed m a rlottiro rule which pro. tides thai by a two-tlilnto vole of the Mtr, debate on any bill may Ih Hut- Jlcd lo tmt lnmr fur each ewmr. : iTIMhlrtil U'IImin i)riMTii nf (he wte. It Milllie rtwHtr to tin , mm l MUJUIiriirW M-M4m loiNumitr. kib...ll a . . . , WASIIINMTON, t, C, Mitrch 7. ..bcmocrutlc Hvimtora uro iirt-imrliiR to ,I'mm. ihu luMilvctlotKof Boiiotor Pionr, (linlrinnn of tliu forulgn rli llonii romiultioo, f n nuht UvUp H I- pniliiiblf (hut Hrtmtor IllHliiurk III nuctriM Htoiut, I'rc.lden Wllaun nuU democratic vnaturM rttr n conforonco Iwvo irwd iiion n "ri-uaonobto cloturo" .rropoaltiuu, which will bo iiri'Hcntod the rcpubllrana na a compromise, If (iiiTKiiiriil, Wilton will probably 'Wll n mBliiii koou lo pnaa tho nrmod utrulHy b, C WAHIIIMflTnw n n -..-. -. M: Kcpubllcuii Hoitatora at a cucu fx' "MMtlnr (IrotHH'il (!nramlii. nml Hrnn. ;l Ifom tho unte steering commit. ?, '. ThlR tho flmt oMclal robukn y Iho Hoiiato of the flllbuatcrurn. ,.." AKlltKI-rr i ., .. .. . VJ Hie I'miiocrnllc rmirn. ruiinM Ihn S-,' ClOtUI'U amomlmitni thU iNiniiuiii Is """"""' WK w,nAHH,N(,TW. ; 0.. March 7. , wttu tho view of tralnlni a (littiro B..r irn,y of '' mlllloii men. the war MrttnOIlt llBK saWnJ l. hn..l.H I r Maimaiidora to prepare a Hit of jil'xty P- 7Jn-. each flawit fpr poealblo ,:7m"101" to omcora to.conduct tiP'! "Hum wnrw. UI 'WiAa.- " ---. "Tliwe la' no IninAalla.ai Httvn An ,i'. l.ltn n army of votuatanra. hlit R&lJlH SOVornmLiit wi.ho. k. nr. hart.,1 '7"" " "v WARIUNflTrtM r,f .... .. V hat hAn l...-'. ... A- ....... W rlirn " mai aian nail' ii.: .7 " 0,,e 0I tha b" of active 9Jl1l v.ww "h vrmiiiy nuu dkx. A-iaa) laai. . , 1,. j i , r Si:7 An WVwta ,. ihW c- rmLKW ai ask . . ' . i -i " !!..,' -""" ia anreaaiai tue ""Hnt proMianda. " '" - Will Be FMMMMMMSMWMMAMt'iAMVMiMAMMSM President Giving His Inaugural Four Years Ago Thin iihiitogmith wa. token four yearn no wlictt I'rcaldent. Wllaon de- llvorod hla Innugtirul mldrosa nt tliu root of tho main h(vpb "f tlm Capitol. Tho Htuno kind of a Htund waa built at tho Htune fipot for tho ccromonlca of May-ch 5th, TniitHMit Ik Ihinuiiietl SKArriJ., M"urch 7. Tho United BtntP Brmy trntiBport Ulx la return iiiR to Hcattlo with u broken steering Hear, after leaving thU port for ttio Philippine!), m UmnUmtH HuspU'lniKtl ST, PAUL,- Minn., March 7.0or uinp American who constitute one fourth nf tho Minnesota National lunrdsmuu. ure under ausplclon, fol lowing, tho conviction of, JTlVftto BuharfohberR for disobedience, Mtl!1 Ma la City, . , ; 7 fi ( '- '? JBii'w"Bepf JarrillMe.lii;yr terday OB'ft builueMrlp. v I aaaaWaaaaaWaBaWMaaaaaal Ii C tiPaalllllllllllllllllllH iM'alllllllllllllllllllB lif'Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal I aUHHI jpajBBvavAvBjKAB"aBPai BaHBHalKC LaaaaafleBaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaa afW jlB8aKfi 111 P W'-WBUanl7l l'P, , aaPt'lSil! I BBBKaBeBBmllV aBBBheV I SaftaBBBBVBBBHBaVrStl HAS AAAAAAAA0m0W0WWWWWWWWWWWWW FIFTEEN AIRSHIPS SI BROUGHT DOWN J BERLIN FRENCH ATTACK AT CAURIERES REPULSED AunumrcmI Thai SM.M9 O r HttlitplHa: MhmK DeUini rirat atwlTtilnlof Matrhhrl Uua-ldM Araorr4 Cntlaer Ranak Htrark Mlaw lit FtalaM Ray auMiae Damagrtl Krenrh Make ItKltl.lN, March 7. It la aaaovae. i'd that fifteen aeroptaae have beea shot down on the western (real. Tie Krcnch attack at Caarteree woods haa ben repulsed. It la aald thai from MaretTr to 1 owr 100,000 eroaa tons were euak by iiibmarlnca. The Kuailan armored cruiser Rurlk struck a mine In Finland Day aad was dumugod. I'AUIH, March 7. German at tvmpu to pvuetrato western trenches hnv been chocked, the Ocrmana sua tulnlng heavy loaHca. A French raid between piatif and Alsne gained many prlNonora". Alnnl Iteach Uagitod LONDON. March 7. The Drltlah nro iilmoat within range of Bagdad, It In announced. Their cavalry eo paKocJ the Turkish rear guard at Lajj on Monday. GERMAN PRESS LAUDS SENATORS SKXATOItH HTONK AND LA FOL l.l.TTK all) TO UKPRK8E.NT I.KHT 81'IRIT IN AMKR1GA. AM) lh:oiLK WON'T JOIN IN WAR AMSTERDAM, March 7. The Oer man prey lauda Senatora .Stone aad LaFollette aa repreaentatlvea of the "beat spirit In America regarding tholr stand In stemming Wllaon's un reasoning ambition." They say tho American people "pro pose not to Join In the Insanity of war." EDISON FAVORS SANDY HOOK SITE KILKH MINORITY REPORT FOR -LABORATORY HTK, AND IT M BKPORTKD WILL RBtKIN TMK ClUlRMANtUIlP IF RWRCTRD. ANNAPOLIS, March 7. TlWtaUi Kdlson l4 mlaerHr renort today favoring, Sunny Hook Mte for a.val ciaerlnwUlag Uagtt- It IsreMmd tea ne wW rtko elwlmaaiktt tko avol art- ory boa?;iOI.,r a 't,yrt'i4(v. POWER AGREES ON DEBATE UMIT American Victim Mrs. Mary Hoy of Chicago and her daughter Klltabcth died at 1:30 a.m., Monday, February 16th, In an open boat after the Laeoala had been sunk by a Oermaa submarine. 8he died In SIX SOBSGRIBE TO TERMINALS NUMBER OF MRRRILL IHSTIHCT RKMOKNTH AND OT1IKRH CON "TRIBUTE TO TKRMJNAL FUND. ONE MAY GIVE MORE LATER Six subscriptions have been receiv ed by Captain J. W. Siemens at the First State and Savings bank In this city for the terminal railroad. fund for tho Four of tliu donors are rol)eutg of, the Merrill district. One of thoso glvlng money voluntarily sent in his subscription, stating that he hopes to be able to give mora later. They are as follews: Frank Xumpfe . , vv. A..O. Bunnell ....... . , J, A. Brown ... , .. . ... . N. S. Merrill itftti I. U. Applegate , Father Marshall Workwfj for Fun ,1 That bunch ofjlyumy fellows who Iwvo charge of the danee to be given la the weat hall of Odd Fellowa Tern tomorrow ntgkt. ard working to beat the band (net the oreheatra), w.-Y L-t'.m -. aa.-t-au at... II ' but m? they are "working forifun." Their gueeu war aaveuefun. " a)ftBBWaao., &tfifJA.. LywMHm WMmtL Wy rom i mt - v- v,:, I aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm lm.m.mHHimflH.l.Bmral.m.m.m.mH BmBBBBBBBBWaKBBMflM4 BBBBBBBBBBBmaT 'ff ' ,2V .,!BSBBKr-'!Tk .Wfl 9b' v-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB pSU'3BBl'9gjKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi BBBBBBBBBBBBBW:'n9BBBBVBBBBmaam4V T"BBBBBBBBBBBBBb1 ttSJlaaH BTBBBBBBBBE-' '' r fiaBBBCELi: r' " 'fiGtpZ&BU gBBBBBBBBBBBnEHBBBKRLBNllBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBmBBVEiBBBBBBBBBBBBBV aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWaSlQ BTBBTBBTBBTBBTBBTBBTBBTffIl'J3l?'4 '4aitlfBBmi lBBBBBBBBBmrTvl .SS'SSSkS WJiM-S0R&iii&jl I .MPS. MARY HOV WWMWNMMWMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNWWMMWVWV of the Laconia her daughter's arms, killed by expo sure in the icy ocean. Miss Hoy died a few minutes later. The death or thoi-i' two may bo the overt act to pre cllluo war between tho United iitutPii and Germany. MANY COME OUT TO HEAR RIPPEY ItOSKBUKG EVANGELIST HKKE AND KPE.IKS TO COMFORTABLY FILLED BOOM AT GOSPEL HALL Tho Gospel hall was comfortably " filled last night lo hear Evangelist J. A. Rlppey of Roseburg. His distlnc- tmnt between the ceremonial law or tht Lcvlticnl priesthood, known as tho law of Moses, that waa termed a yokcof bondage against us, and the Moral l.uw of Ten Commandments, which ho rend, were perfect convert- lag tho soul, holy, just and good. He presented means of Identifying sin and acquainting us with the need .fas. 00 'of a Savior By contract the differ . 40.00 1 enco and purpose of each could bo , 35.00. clearly seen as attested by tho prac- ju.tiu ucauy uuaniinuuH vote ui enuurae 100.00 j moot given by the congregation at the 35,00, close of the service. "The Christian Sabbata" waa an nounced aa the subject for tonight's service. Johnson to Announce Plana .BACRAMENTO. March 7. Dover nor Johnson said today that he will ....A.t.A. 1.1. f.tlitw. nlaMa nn nawt aunounce, his, future .plana on next Friday. .'I .am Portland Mm Mere. v M, J. Geary of Portland i in the city for a feW days "ou business, " TO WWMWWMWW Expect Instructions Will Be Issued Soon VW00W0W00000 0mwJ9 RAILROAD LAND SUIT IS FILED i GOVERNMENT AHK8 FOR VOHz. FEITURE OF OREOOX-CAUFOR. MA ILttLROAD LANDS IN SUIT FILED IN WASHINGTON WASHINGTON. D. C, March 7. Because the Oregon-Caltforala rail road and other tailed, to comply with! Uha.iioiidltlona ubob aAlfkayftwo, -tizas? -i- ."-.-r ri--J million acres 01 vreaniu. whu mum grauted them, the government flled suit today asking for a forfeiture of the land. The lands are valued at more than j $30,000,000. FEE PROBABLY NOT BE REDUCED LETTER FROM DIRECTOR DA VIS F RECL.MAT10X SERVICE GIVES REASONS FOR REQUIR ING FEE OF NEARLY S200. It Is considered doubtful that local parties will be able to get the regis tration fee in connection with the Tulc Lake laud opening reduced from an amount equalling nearly $200, ac cording to a letter received from A. P. Davis, director and engineer of the reclamation service, sent to Senator Chamberlain and received by the Commercial Club here. The letter says "negotiations are pending to have the filings and pay ments for the Oregon lands made at Klamath Falls, where the payments can be promptly returned to the un successful applicants.- It Is also .ex pected that a commissioner represent ing the United States and competent to administer oaths, can be tempo rarily stationed on the California side to receive application),- and tilings at that point. "The Initial payment is required by law to ba 5 per ceut of the con struction charge. The construction charge U $15 per acre, 5 per cent of which Is, $3.35, So that the charge on eighty acres will be $180, which the law requires dopositcd at the time of filing." "The suggestion made that no de posit be required hag been tried and found to fall, It means that any transient traveler or speculator ean try hie luck at the drawing, and If successful, sell h(s chance to some body else, but he would hardly risk doing thla If he has to make a sub stantial payment at the' time of lllag., Leaves for Nevada. .,. William O'Brien or. thla city left tble; morning for CarsoarNev.Mo eaw gage in mining, work whereibe;waa formerly located, ' - ' A KM j MVWWVWWVWMMMMMMMMMMMWWIWMMV LEARNED PRESIDENT BAS TMK LEGAL ALTHORrrr. Danieb WIU Thr Iaarfrart bbbt JtSWT -i ..... .. .. ias&saijfci HaH FraWfcro to 'basse l0aW'Xa;SS . ', ?3- 8teaoMlila Ltee WMch Arm Their Doala Oerefamsomt ia Keiae HMftyaraW U WASHINGTON, D. C, Marek 7. tf $ The announcement that- ::PrteIdsat'" , Wilson wUl Instruct Secretwryjoea)-' tela of the navy to arm Amerioaa iiaer-'" l j 3. f .'-5-c- .-.' - fK ' 'i.bnrf'-'rt-t..-'V"V-41 hmtrtwmittA- ll ll II ll !! I . fllll Pfft Kiibmarlnea In the baiTed ' ox-) pected soon. It was learned autboritlvely today . thai the president has been Informed by competent, legal authority that he' h.-iu the power to order, the, arming without first obtaining the consent of the senate. " Secretary Daniels will then Instruct . the Boston, Philadelphia aad San. Francisco navy yards to Imuo guns to the owners of steamship tinea who de sire to arm their vessels. WASHINGTON,, D. C. Mnrck 7., ' The government will seise the private J p sMpyarda in thla country la Ue.aear ' future unless the bnlMlng.,ofwnr Khips which they have had under con struction for months u 'Immediately speeded tip, Secretary" Daniel (aai- '' nounced. today. If necessary, he plana to use tho powers given under the new naval bill which was passed at the last aetatoa of congress. SAN FRANQPCO. March 7 It to reported that prafaratioaa have been completed at the Mare Island aavy yard to arm all coast merchantmen! Says AustrtoM Note Framd ' ROME, March 7. The Auetriaa uote to the United States la charac terised as an "Impudent fraud" by aa Italian paper, the Ideanailoaale. TO MUSTER OUT . All GUARDSMEN BECAUSE CONGRESS FAILED TO PASS ARMY APPROPRIATION BILL ALL NATIONAL GVAtsM MEN WILL hUJ MCarTRaHal'sWT tfwft? SAN ANTONIO, Marek T.AIin tlonal guardsmen have been ordered 'A rf mustered out by Anril 1st. uj. l--i The r'eaaoa alven waa Uwaamw of - coagreaoito; :JMaia,aaM'BM,aij bill :at iarteeaAj: mrm:t'M. done, will .toavs.tl unpnparedaad wlth''a gfe;-erla f aciagjgo ' &.& fwm. Kato Btoat Rotondcfor,li;; Firat- ajaaBVIamv4(l beea'atodftb ta hBtlKfi! milaasm " "'i' J mi& ::k mmsflBBBBBBV MsW S ' ' fffWT.MJW'-r. . -Jf BmBtoaVTaT Aa. ' i v. afca.' S$ . '!? -- tA4 ! at. '- x ; feX VS..' laivs; m-A ..t.v'Jt.t.''. m& B J. ". "T i.lll -' , -il -. iur "j.v . . -.liAl' s.