r?f$M X& ,3 KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NKWIPAPIR -i f tfl. rf . j. J KLAMATH FAUtm; OFFICIAL NCWIPAFtK f,.TW. r i-i nni-,11, M M mmmmmmmr i ? w H'l ' r 1 ri 'Til' """-mf- t't- rrrn i-r1 aastsalh Vm Xe, MIS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 6, If 17. H t 'J THREE I ," ZIMMERMAN DEFENDS ACT America Should Not Become Excited, Said ATR.'AL AND JUBTIPIABLF. PRECAUTION, CLAIMED I hnipn,- Mrp Marie Drew iMpr. Mom llctf." HafaJ Klmniannan I am Tnal lstovrtMM fteajaranag Japan llccame Kavwa Mesfwrtaae Teat Aatovfcaa Owvsi at Ok MUSwif WPM4pf AMSTKKDAM. Marek d.Forelgn Nlalster Slmmemaa defeaded tke Genaaa-Meilro-Japaa plot before the Rekhatag today, over whkh It It ru 1 anwtd he wm lea Msedkrial keed. "America la not Justified la bees. lag excited," ae aald. "I auppos our etep Bade a deep Impreasloa abroad, hat It was only a national aad Justi fiable precaution on our pari. "I an sorry that our taatructloaa regarding Japan became kaowa. It li a misfortune that tka American government obtained ikan, but, Ikat doe aot alter the fact that tho step wa uecessary." TOKIO. March 6. Field Marakall Tfraieh, premier of Japaa, told tka tailed Press today Ikat Japaa know tll where hc true latere Ilea, auJ tin: it would be committing an act of (liter inadneft for Japaa to at) impi m violate mm with tka alllt-i WASHINGTON D. C. March . To "set Kuropo right" aa to the poal tkm of America oa tka International itnitlon, President Wlleon kaa In. strurted that coplea of his Inaugural addrc bo brought to tka attention of all foreign gorerumenta aa a aource of Inforrautlon. WAHIIINHTON, D. C March 6. Karen of telegram are reaching Irea Meat Wilson from all parts of tho country tuggeitlng that he proceed lth the rourae tkat tka majority of congrem approves, Mm at Hianawsis School A meet of the literary aoclety of nunimera achool will be keld aait Thursday evening at o'clock, wkoa wry ona U Invited to be preeeat. vwo nnu cogee will be aervtd. a i liarkProMCWirerato w. raui Johnaon of tke Klamath "velopmant company of tkla city, warned lait night 'from Ian Fran HTlr "ere " n for a week -""ting on tho terminal fund. ""IfmmmBBBmawganngegtm) . I'alewt la KIM. went laaued by the United "WCS to Kmll Bm-llnv ,.. h l Jth tho county clerk's oHce la tkla wrwi w RltlMT UMK UVM VANl'nitvua ii i. 4 a - ( . v., Mrvn w t S? S. "ft- I ". tke kwlldlag, a I " tructure, buraed. - Some e I r."e M lit the build- ISf Wero t6m JWM from e tae upper sterlea. ' d A,. SHELDON WILL MEETTEACHERS WILL ANHIVK HERE TBWRSaMY XKJHT TO VIHIT MKJM NCflOOL. Jl'UtiK DtUMTK A?ID MKKT TKACMKflM ttATVKDAt; . Vr. II. U. 8hldon, dean of tke arfcool of education of, the llnlveralty of Oregon. Vlll arrive la tke city Thunday nlgkt thla week oa matter efackeet bwlaeMhiad kitereat Id Klamath county. Wlill.) hero Or. Hbcldon will vltlt and unak at the high achool, will m-tH with the teachers of the county In a meeting here, confer with Coua ly (Superintendent Wells, atteud the Urcwer Lyceum number at llouaton opera hou Haturday night, aad Judge the AhlanlKlamath Fa I la do bato A inciting of all the teacher In the county who can bo here ha been railed by Superintendent Well,, and la to be held at the Central achool Hat. unUy alternoon at J: JO o'clock. Dr. Sheldon will be preeeat, and will peak to the teacher on tke alandardlsatlon of the school In the county. The tnndardltatlon of all Oregon Mchoota la a subject that la receiving mu'h attention throughout the atate at IbU time, It being one of the fore, mo! ilealrea of State Superintendent Churchill to kavo as many school aa possible In the atate awarded ataad. ardUed tchool certificate. WANT NAME OF MOUNTAIN KEPT The changing of the name of A. row Mountain, located two and a half mile eoutbwcat of Merrill, to Sheep Peak or Sheep Mountain la Bndlng dlafavor among ploneera of the coun ly who are endeavoring to have the original name replaced. Captain O. C. Applegate and other ploneera aro working on the matter. Tboy say the mountain la In tke esact ahapa of an arrow. It la alao aald that all the landowner la tke vicin ity dealre that tke original name be retained. Tke mountain la located In aad o cuplea tke greater part of tke Adama ackool section. l)r, Alkiaaow Takea Below Dr. Atklaaon of Dorrl, wky kaa been attended by Dr. L. L. True of tkla city, la reported aa being aerere. ly lck. Dr. Atklaaoa baa been uaea to Baa Pranclaeo for treatment. i m Leavee for IHwtlaiHl ' Captain J. W. Slemeaa of thla ally left thk moralag far rartlaad. to be aaae aa a bualawn trip far aereral days. GERMANS AUSTRIAN NOIE HAS STRETCHED POIII, 13 BELIEF AVS CANNOT UIVK VV fUOIT TO SINK KSKXt Nateascwt, Howwver, Imea Net ! claile Might to Reak Neutral lanaflrn Had 'tleai a t ? Ohm a Anwtrm an thw aTamrngkal MAgalt talaajlal fJBwnKW anaaajB ggtmBamaj WASHINGTON. I). C. March . Auiirls's reply to Amertca'a retueat as to whether the pledgee gttea by Austria U UieArwaaaderalt'feib. nmrlae case still keld waa received thla morning by Secretary Lanalng. The note said that Austria could not give up her right to alnk "enemy" merchantmen. As the (tateracnt did not Include neutral mtrchantmen. It I believed Auvtrla stretched a point to avoid a break. ADAMSON LAW DECISION TODAY WA8HINOTON. D. C, March t. the aupromo court pay decide the Ailumtoa eight hour law today. The court meet aad tke emer gency Icglilatlon wklck Prealdoat Wilson forced through congreaa to avert a nation-wide atrlke of railroad men which would have tied up tke traffic of tke country auy be decreed couklltutlonal or unconstitutional at that time. Should this decision not be among thoHo handed down, there I a chance that It may be banded dawa aest Monday. Itallroad men aay tkat upon tke corrt'a decision la tkla caae depend the amicable settlement or renewed fight between the railroad opeaatora and the tralamea. The law waa to have gone Into elect Jaauary let. but pending tke aupreme eoart'a deal alon tke addltloaal pay of tka railroad men under Its provision kaa been keld up If tke law la declared constltu tlonal the 4Qe,Q railroad mea will receive thla additional pay. Ilaata Teachera to Meet Tho Klamath county teacher mem bera of the Xlamatk Baata Pair Aa aoclatlon, wklck waa formed la tkla city aeveral weeks ago, will meet fcere again Saturday afternoon at the eoua ty agriculturlet'a oSee ta further per feet their efgaabMtwa aad make pUna for tke , commualty fatra for whlek purpoao tka araaalaatloa, was formed. aasasajsad aaaai III II, Pickett of Mtenourl, waa kaa Juat bought improved raaek gear Datrla. baaajM atek C BetarNr a4 braaeliai pawaMata wklta rtata wth kta family to bU mw kaaae. artka fiU km U-year-eM dguikter, eoatracud MtaaawtMka trip. Dr. A. A. enk raarm Mr. Pickett aa betag la a crhleal eeadl-tlon, 0f00AtM0AAA0MAAAAaAAAAAAAAAA0AfaAaAAAaAAAAAA0A ' . British Premier E&'P rt flsiSBBlBBBBBBBBBKslViaB aamBBKX; z ' mBaalBnVBLBBHIt v Axl mmasjeii3jirVf vammaBmammmaawaaamnsswsL-L jX'7TraH BaaBaW:v:-v affaBBMBnanSalBnBBffaBBB Hu?HSKRjBHBtfgHII BW't-mYaaBBBnYeaaVaVaV bbbjc sf Jisi v HBiHIIBTsVawkawaVaVaVaVaVaVJaBVBl aanjBanaBBsjjE)HSBFwaps3aawS3Txqm Bwww4BBePr&2&ft H?Hr iiSSaSSsssBVaaasaaaal BBBBBBsaaBaT'Qur' f v 3. j. Bn?Vw9BaaaBBBaaapaBBBBj BHHHHHHHHHHHFwjsseaaAieHuwiiEauBHSBnenBnsBBenBBne aBBBBaHKf ' '' !f!lBSiaBBBaBefKi HMsaaaMSlBinneaWfj BwaaawaaawsBwaaBwaaJfi .jfHBN&wtfwiV&ESSbi&i'Jl v aVaVaVaVaVaVsmTaVaVaVsvaT mt V Hana?iv?5 BnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBtT SaVyir"BBKL aannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnni $ jaaBF ?i7vav.tni,vi BaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBj - "akyXV 41 il'-iiiii I BTannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm'alCifLBaO BBBnannnnnnnnnBBBnr tr &: i ftfwPAl bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbViWt lSV0tfiAj$V BmaBBBBBBBBBjamaBBBmj . Ir M-'l-!fVW:tt-"i Y gananananannnnnnnnnnnal ii'YnkV,ivl ini sanananannnnnnnnnnnnVJ Tl A BaannnnnnBBnaatr:tJIS awaanannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnr mI -awaannnnnnnnnVBwaBnnnnnnnnnnal A7 v annW BBBBBBBBnBBBJ '' MaVaBnB ' SmBBT'5$,iY-'-vv'S aaanMannnnW " w!-.raT s anaaaT c il aBBmmBBBBw tvjAigmj , , Amaar j Ak. tjR BaawcnannnnW'n" aaanwar' vV j v sfsnaa4.'s-aB! ' ,P ? "$ David Llod Oeorge, premier on born. It la the most receut photo Great Britain nnd Irelnud, Is here1 graph of the man oil whom Qreat shown with hi son. walking through! Drltaln depends to ae her from con the Welsh vlllngo In which he wua I quost by Germuuy. TtKLOIVM nilKAD WILL UK CVT OFF LONDON, Murch 0. it I annouue that after Saturday Holland will be compelled to prohibit the exportation of bread to Belgium because of the Carman submarine warfare. LONDON, March . It la reported that aeroplanes bombed the furnaces at Brebac, Oertuany, Sunday. BERLIN, March . it la reported that aeveral HrltUh attack east of BouchaivctnPN have boeu fiuatrated by an "annihilating" Are. PARIS. March . It la reportod that German efforta to drive French troope Into the Caarlerea wood from tkelr trenches have tailed. rarmar UHaga awlMrlptlc C, Bowajan of tke Merrill counry la la the city today aa bnalnesa, and brougbt In a subscription for the ger minal fund. Mr, Bowman aaya proa pacta la the valley are good except for Me shortage of feed at tkla ikme. - , TeSUKMsMaeoa " Manager Qlnsbaitk of the Warn atk ladUn reswattaa.,aaw(ll. la In the elty today, aad aaaaaaeea tkat ke esaeaw ta start opiraUoaa at tke mill ea Marek tetk, provldlag tke weatk or will nermll. 1 ARE , ' 4 BEFORE REICHSTAG Visits Birthplace HKXATK MKKTeS IN EXTRA SESSION WASHINGTON. D. C.( March 6. Senator Lodge, republican. Intro duced the armed neutrality bill in the .senate this afternoon when It convened In extra session, and Chairman Marahall sustained the Owen objection, that the bill was out of order. President Wilson showed a deter mination to fight for tho continuation of his appotntmont of Dr. Gruysou when he sent tho uomlnatlon to the senate in extra session today. Tho democrat and republicans will bold cnucusua tonight to-"discuss fully" the questions of Importance be fore that body now. -An adjournment of the senate was forced that an or ganised light may be made. Hack; From the Km Dr. and, Mr. Warren Hunt of tbl city have returned from an extended trip -through tho East, from Florida to Boston, Including stops at Wash ington, .D.-C, Philadelphia. Niagara Palls.'Columbus add Chicago. They saw Niagara Falls completely froaen over. They are glad to get kome, pnhl tho doctoi lodny. Point Jammed With Munitions Is Marked aiajaanaainjaajalaiaBng THE BREWERS TO APPEAR SATURDAY MUSICAL ORGANIZATION OF MRS, BREWER AND HER TWO TAL E.N TED DAUGHTERS WILL GIVE A WIDE VAR1ETV OF ENTER TAINMENT The Brewers, the musical organlxa tlon to be aeen on the local Lyceum course Saturday Bight, tbis.week.iia a compaiyc9mpoaed of Mrs. Eleanor E. Brewer and her two talented daughters, Grace Montana and Ruth Marie. All three are talented musicians, giving a wide variety of entertain ment. Mrs. Brewer, who has extend ed exjerlcnce as a teacher of music, is the accompanist and manager. Miss Grace Brewer is a violin, trombone, piano and vocal soloist. Upon the flnt named of these Instruments she Itt particularly adeptfwlnnlng recog nition as an unusual artist wherever h!i," hsg appeared. t Mlu Ruth Brewer is a clarinet so loist and reader, and a pianist of much more than usual ability. Tke combination of talents embraced la the company gives assurance of a most cbjoyable concert on the occs ulcn of their visit here. Fonr Thoswaad Homeless From Flood CHATTANOOGA. Teunr. March 6 Four thousand people here were forced to abandon, their homes last night and today when the Tennesaee River unexpectedly rose over its banks. A large part of the city Is Inundated. Relief is not expected from the high water until Thursday, BOOZE STATISTICS FDRTHER ASTOUND Statistics compiled by Mayor C. B. Crtsler on the wet and dry situation In Klamath Falls show an astounding difference In tho number of arreata in the city during the "wet" and the "semi-dry" nnd the "bone dry" periods. During the year 1915, when the city was "wet' there were 345 ar rests made for drunkenness. During thirteen months-when the state prohibition law waa In effect, from January 1, 1916, to February 1, 1917, there wre but 136 arreata for drunkenness. During January, 1917, there were twenty-sis arrests on thla charge, and la February, 1917, under the "bone dry' law, one arrest oa this charge The figure were compiled by Mayor Crlcter to aend Mayor F. C. Harley, who had written' here for la formation, doubtless" owlag to the similarity of tho two eltlea' position with regard ta'prooaeeU'fer.tkeMm portatloa of boore tram OaJIforalaV Aatorfc lr ateejneit port freavCallfojr; ula". and Klamath Falla a railroad part, HELD '' L l'LOT IN INDIA ALSO NIPFXB Vf THE BCD Since the Arrest of Keek Tlirec Mora Take by Jke Oa Adaatte Ma Is of KoaV-laa to fet I'm la la New WMkl nitlo4Hbid Flat at NEW YORK, March 6. Tke ar rest of three alleged Geraua ptettera added startling revelaUea to Oer .nuu utMUearlpAjaieatadar. ;- ,-y The-. police aave arrested Schwartz; who admite ha la aa plice or Frita Kolb.'areeted yeeterday la a hotel room Iliad with koenbe. Their plan. It la said, waa ta aet bombs oa the Black Tom peninsula, which is now Jammed with atuaKioaa. Dr. ErneatSekunaer; Gerikaa.,aad Dr, Chanader ChaUabertyJKIada, bavo also been arrested' and -are charged with plotting to start a revo lution In ladle. - j The detectives claisi they admitted after a grilliag tkat t6,M of ,tka German prepogaada fund aad been furnished them to carry eat the bmL siipvf if nmiPT BTibaksii Fa. . aWSJaWaf , j, DENIES HEARING WASHINGaW. D. C. Marek 6. v; The aupreme eaart today dealed a re- n , htsiring of the DIgYa-CamlaettI eaaa, and the court's mandate Beading J the men to prison Is expected to be hand ed down within a moath. - The court today awarded the ateam- -Dome, charged with tke reepoaatbM Ity ot a plot to blow up tke Caaadwa Pacific bridge oa tke United Btatee northern boundary line, must ataad trial. Borne waa arrested la Taa- cower. t N The court today awarded tkt ateam. er Appam to It British owners. r No damages were awarded tke own ers of the Norwegian steamer Belja. which sunk aa the result of a colli sion with the steamer Beaver off Point Reyes, by the aupreme court. m DMslaeae Ms to Meet A meeting of the baalaeaa men 9t the city Is to be held today, far the purpose of securing eo-operatiea oa raising money for tke teraUael.fuad ftJ from California wholesale aad paet nesa houses, aceordlaf trW Paul Johuson, who has returned froct'Cal. Ifornla. ' l . ' am ' JT j- c WW ? a a q STEAMER MWinHsal AV MhV' A ; dwyi MOBILB. llarekC.Tka,ffi steamer UfUM, aajaa laavmaaa, PensaealaM area eatli oua.Ma, iIk Miai lMMXt ;)vr-.-' rwmA - NelHearei :. h iSyi-'K-. v' JU- .. f t j . . '. s : AjBPaaWji tB eMwaaKagaVfJ-. mw s&2mi2aME! aaar aa . snmVaBBaitarlwBBBBBBBBBsTN HBa L .. VJaV faW t; 'wj J V y vfl ? AWt, ..' A