jv ' yVM5l j, 1 g KLAMATH C0UNTY1 OFFICIAL NEWIPAPER , !,- KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NEWIPAFUI T 1-PL1T--.- "-"" .--ttr..i r -. lh Vr-. sMMM KLAMATH FALLS, OMGON, MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1917. " , rjrf'pl7iSJl OfcM' vff p" ir . rr VJ jjiiSsa i 5 ' BarTM . . . -,., ... ,,- aaaWaw Baasaasnasaaaai 1 iv WON EXPLAINS SITUATION i 0) O 0) ' MarOR N.UM Ml TO 0 DAW TO FI.MHH irp I Lrair Aftrr Wac-udlag Tfcaw Wah Council. Mays mkI Cfcjr At on IWatts of RaMruad y a ...., ri-ririiiru-uinj-.vj SENATORS RIDE NEUTRALITY BILL OUT OF SESSION AAAAAAAAAAVVVVMtAAMAAAAAVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVVMMAAAMWVyM WWWWWWWMWMWWWWM ' aQulad1 MW(WMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWMWMWWWMW COUNCIL AND STRAHORN AGREE IN CONFERENCE f Progress Is Believed To Be Satisfactory Wihon Publicly Inaugurated Today "aM With 11111 No TrmrM ----'- -- , l-ff "- """ " - - - Ksetrt Hirahorn Ift yesterday raise on hl return Is Callforala after bmiIiik with tk ctttmell, Mayer fritter ud I ho city attorn?, durlag m in opportunity by Mr. Strabera t aife all questions aad atralghtea at all matters before aalllag ibalr Major Crlster Mid today that there vh ao trouble between tbe council ud Mr. Strahorn In worklag out the fetalis, and there I no chanre. for a httth r carrying out Uto program, Mr. Hirahorn expressed himself at artMed with the progress made by taerlty In ltH work, and ugurlag that "" are no fleiaya from now on. aawmr, It w take from tfty to any (ays to ktarl operations. Captain J. W. Slemeae returaed Met alght from Baa rraaclaeo. and rati Johnson will be hack toalght, aire they were In the latareata of tat ttralnat fund. CaaUIn Siemens said lata moratag wai iaey ran with the vartouB Cham v committees, to which all the roB)lBnt merrhanu belonged, aa4 iptalaed tliw situation to them, Thty "had a favorable report from ena Caiaber rowmlttce, and expects wwn, ne Mill. It It Planned to ant lh Ifwal mar. to ro.o)erata In aendlag liter, wre to the houtea with which they wjana ny thu meant secure tauch from Hnii Kranclwo, lacraaiaato, id Other Callfnrnlm Mtt , CapUIn Rlemetla aatd lh nrna. JJJta ' ood, and that ha eiaecU - irom that source aa aooa aa V w laformeJ of the altuaUol. fftRCH MISSIONS SFFWTIIKEN Mh HKItMON AND DATA ON tlbl..i.. r,u MIHMIONARK WORK VKN AT Hl'NDAY NORNlKa "WVICKg annual March oterlig for for- ib. 7?;! ." wo tha Carl. ---.v nunaay BMralaf, whea i f frli collactM tr Tl tormon and teloai. TBS m..... M.it. " Two -.!,. . .... . . Wra .Ih,:r." " .Wttttt af tat. ... ""UI. HOWlHtt lalM IIIMliMM ,l.a a . Vw ' HaaWaMHu aaa ..a 7 V w 2JM Induitrlai saaaot at !t re Rav. mmdUm.'l wessaasrt KLfctKX HOLD l'l WINMKM OF awe ct)(iitKMHMK U'iKtm Mrorcw lea4rra in Filiatar. Nallac That Onaatry la Hhaaaed aa Kyaa of lh WktrM Attaaafta Have Defeat Kates Cliaafed smI Maf Call asi rUtra Hasalow laaaac dlaleiy HeyN Few Ttiwan Maay a WAHIIINtiTON, D. C. Marrh S. Tile armed neutrality blt was fill, tmstcred to death In llio senate yes terday. President Wilson denounced tlio seaate'a failure to pass the bill, aad Issued tba following statement: "More than 500 membera of con gress were ready and auiloUs to pae the bill. Nothing was accomplished because a group of eleven senatora, representing ao opinion but their own, plaosd America In a helpless and contemptible position before the eyea of the world." -ajrllsoa wants tuo senate's rules changed to limit debate. Vth this rule effected hu may call aa extra session. WASHINGTON, D. C, March 5. Wilson has ashod legal authorities to give him an oplalon within the nest twenty-four hours to ascertain If lie haa the power to arm ships without aa authorisation by congress. If they report he haa sot the power ho will call an estra aeaaloa of con gress as soon aa the aenata acta on tbe revision of rules. s BOMB PLOT IS ' FOOND IN EAST QKRMAN ARHKHTKD CXNFKN8Ks) WHOLHMAMC PJVOT AND INTKN. TION OV ACOOMPUCCR TO "GMT WIWON" HOBOKRN. March S. A whole- sale hawk put, and possibly a plan ef a attack oa Prealdaat Wllsoa, is a lleved to have beaa rayaalad tola af tariMM la tka arrest of Rlckard Kolk In a hotel room Ilia with eipleelvaa aad hoaba,' ; It la reporte tkat aa has coafaasad IMUMM aeeompllce latsnded to go to WaaalegtoB to "gat Wllsoa, -T, i n a i . Xawla r.' What of atty haa ai'irM'lTdMty.vlk papers r?WMM iwwar to aolamalae mar. I aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa! 1 I bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt.'?','- ' " J" BBBBBBBBmBmm I BmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaLtf SBBBBBBBBBBBBb! I H aBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBwP'ns aBBamBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT I I BmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjaW-LLLI I Bb aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBKQ ud. jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 9 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaF .gLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLw PBaaaavsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBKV maaaaaaaaaaamBL'u mmBBBBWxmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKaBBBBBBBBBBBmmVtw smiBaaaSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafrmaaaaaaaaaaaar i BBBmBBBmBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrV C.mmBBBBBBBM JBB-a W BBBBBmBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBB'-'TgSBBBBBBalrT''! aaaaalTi1 'KftHfflSH gSBBBBBBBai'sWayn-BBBMR HCtsHVBaaamw . dmmaat i.LnlrizWKBSSKi, aBBBBBBSaK-iliffH a-maaamarOTjgmma ,- jg s3S!V' v aamBBBBBB'MgSSBBml sfsfsaaaaf t' i ''. Hi: v- SammraaamTS arnVgaaal " JamWu sS'l BBBBBOBBBBBBBBBBBW Q aBBBaCtfV BBmaBECSnr U mBmjgsmmKmKgsmj v T,-" mamaflsBbL. 9BBBBBSgsi3R -wvii,. jc gas BrB ,&J 'TbbKSKj "I 1 KafaHLr-aB'WiV 1 i FvmaaaaaKaaVaaaWwajsasw(Yi m fyvPsalBWfflllww'"MWv 4 I0LE LANDS TO BE THROWN OPEN MIDDLE OF APRIL FI.KKT HHltS FltOSI CLIFORMA It KfltKJiKXTATI VK Fall So Far in Effort lu Have Fee Payment Itemovnl, Uut Have Se cured OpraJajr, Land m MowUi or More Karlicr. Writes ItKr Sln ajutt, Kader ami Others Worfclag With Those In Cltarge. WAfllUNOTON. D. C, March 5. Prssldeat Wllsoa took the oath at IS: 47, aad appeared on 'the platform accompanied by Mrs. Wltoon at ,1:30, after partklpattag with Vice Preal deat Marahall la the inauguration in tho aeaata chamber. A raw breeae waa blowing, but tho tua ahoae. The wlad forced Presi dent Wilson to wear nil allk hat and overcoat during tbe delivery of bla address. .. Mrs. Wilson wore a simple black gowk and a seml-mouraing veil. The present cabinet attended tbe president. Indicating the membera will remain In their iiositlons. It waa necessary to call cavalrymen to push back tho thouseads who got beyond control of the -police and boy scouts. The heaviest guard to attend a president In tlmo of peace la history accompanied Wilson on tho Inaugural parade on Pennsylvania avenue. Following Marshall's Inauguration, fteea new senators were sworn In aad the seuate adjourned until to morrow. Petty Thlevtac Reported Many persona, la the city, report that there la ooaaMerable petty thlev lag going oa. One reaMeat missed a place of muak amaag other amall articles front the houae, and later toaad It at a aeeoad haad store, her name still oa l Other artistes la ctate electric llsht glebee, .money, Jewelry M faaeral aaaertmeotof arlMe that iadleata It H aetaf dona by boyt. am ii Blnk ISmm Ojiia m& GwttMB There la near talrteea feet or mere of awow. at Crater Lake, aeoerdlag to Agrlraltarlst Hack H. R. amlsyer, Klsmath eeunty ag riculturist, returned hiat, alght from Ban Praaclsco, wherehoj! haa been with; Mrs, OlaUyer aad bahy. which la Improving, for several 'weeks. Mr. Qlalayer will resume hla'4Uea here, whleh have been csredffafby R, A. Ward, toveramsat blaieglat, daring hla abeeaoe. and who left foMhe WM lametts Valley Bunday motalag, ThwoVtlirfO adufeot"of aoow ea tao Kwasaiamaaiav aotorc. M. I. Rtoiayor. who haa juat rsturasdila to f,, Ottosar. wo waK hla tothoaarh. , mwee The Tule Lake lands reclaimed by the United States reclamation service, amounting approximately to 4,900 cr?3 in Oregon and California, are to. be opened about the- mlddleof AprC iwUk'JtoMr'br.r received from John EARadar of. tbe Second CongresloBaL DUtrlct'jqf California, by Secretary Fred Fleet of the Kla'm atu ConTraerclal Club. In a letter today. Mr. Radcr rites that Director I)als, Attorneys Ktlng and Hleu of the reclamation service. Represents' live Slnuott and himself and Commis sioner Tallman are working on tbe proposition. "The rules and regulatlous are be ing prepared, and I believe our Inter view with tbe several officials will be of material benefit in the opening of tliesfl lauds," writes Mr. Rader. "We were not successful iu having them eliminate the question of initial payment. Tbe department Is advised that a reasonable payment of tbla kind should be made to show good fnltli, as the successful party would have to niako It anyhow, and those who aro not successful can w Undraw the payment within three to Ave days after tbe drawings are completed. "The lime of the opening will be ndtanced at least thirty das, if uot more, by reason of our presentation of the facts and necessity of early opening, so whoever the party, may be that obtains tho land may bo In a po sition to put In a crop this year. I believe the department will be able to have tbe opening from April 5 to 80." The land drawing will be adver tised in advance, and a time set for making application and registration. During tho Ave daya that will be allowed for.-flllng application all en; tries where they are found for tbe same piece of land will be considered as simultaneous applications, and will be drawn for In the following man lier: Numbered cards corresponding to the numbers furnished the applicants will be placed In blank envelopes and thoroughly mixed before all thpse in terested who may be present. The envelopes will then be drawn one by one and the number of the en closed cards read, tbe penon holding that number to have the first selec tion, and the senond card the second selection, until the lands have been disposed of. In the past many people hae regis tered with the view aad hope of se curing the' right to an early applica tion, and then have sold this right to otherg for a consideration, and have in this way speculated In tho lands aad mate the boaaade-' homesteader 4 developer Pay, for their acquired rights. ' With a view'te discouraging this, all eppUeaata will be obliged to Says National Life 4 Is Affected by Strife WASHINGTON, D. C March 3. Presides Wlbea declared today la his laaMgaral address before a throws of thesmade strwtcMag; far btfoad the reach of his voire, at the national capital, that the war la aaWthsg fir national life. "We liave been deeply wronged nuua tlte high seas. We have set uMicd to Injure or wrong in return, ami we have retained m coasadesssaese iif standiac apart from the European strife, remaining hHewt I term transcending the Immediate issnes, of the war MseJf. . The president surged the awe of aimed neutrality, saying: " "We saay be drawn by cirruMfctai,cs to s snore active oiir right and a wore Immediate association with the giant Itself." Hut we neither desire conquest or advantage, and 'wish that ran be had only nt tbe root of another people." ' The president declared: "American believe all nations are interested in a world peace; That actual equality of nations la matters of right aad privaraje la an essential principal of pence; - - "That vrace ranmot rest srcuralz or.Jmitljr ea-aa I"-' "VT- - ' . ., "V imwer; TtuU the seas must be equally free for the sale of the goods of jaH peoples under the rules set up by common agreement- "That natloual armaments must be limited to necessities of cnlcr and domestic safety." The president's conclusion' was au eloquent plea for "Aaaetic in reeling and purpose, and in n vision of Its opportunity aad service. it V V wift v-r, BASEBALL CLUB PLANS OUTLINED AGGRESSIVE ORGANIZATION IS PLANNED WITH LINKUP OF STRONG PLAYERS, SAYS MAN AGER WATTS CoaUaaed oa Page i For tbe benefit of tbe baseball fans Manager Watts of the Klamath Falls baseball dub, makes a brief out line of tbe contemplated ball club for tbe coming season. "It is needless to say that we are out for a winning club, first, last and all the time, and right now I want to emphasise the fact that in addition to a first class organisation we are going to have a clean-cut aggiegatiou of ball players. "Auy player that aspires to pugllls tic or football fame on this club this season will And himself out of a job right off tho bat, regardless of his ability as a ball player. "This doesn't necessarily mean that we are going to give you a club composed of lawn tennis phenoms, and it Is quite possible that we may omit the biotherly loo cause in our contracts. Any ball club that lacks aggressiveness Isn't worth the price of a long ahot cigar. "In regard to the personnel of the club, Jimmy Clarke aud Frank Bow den are on hand to take care of their respective positions, and In all prob ability tbe balance of the team will bo picked from the following players: Jack O'Nenl. Santa Clara, first base; Francis Rooney, Santa Clara, or Bllaky Morgan, O. A. C, second base; Joe Mahur, Santa Clara, shortstop; John Johnston, Sacramento, Jimmy Sheeny. U. of O,, Uuy-Thorapson, U.of W, Leapy Und, Portland, aad Ray Crawford, outaelders; Tad Bandoa, St. Mary's. Fltipatrkk, gaate Clara. Mickey Shade, Sacrameato, Bert Cook, Klamath Falls. Lefty .Taoiup son. U. of W.. and Rarl Hilton. K. C. H. 8., pitchers. SITE ELECTION HELD WEDNESDAY VOTERS OF SCHOOL DMTMCT WILE CAST BALLOTS MARCH T TO DECIDE ON PVRCHAbcTOF NEWLY' ,& ; PROPOSED SITE j Tbe school diatefct election at tbe Central school teMleclde whether the school board ahall purchase the school site in the Nichols Addltlea will be held In this city Wednesday, March Tth, this week. Tbe site is to be bought at a coat of $45,000, to be held until it is de sired to move the present Central school off Main street. This will leave that property in po sition to be sold. -- A meetlag waa held .last week at the Commercial Club for a discuasiou by tho voters as 'to tbelr oplajoaa, and to ask queatloaa coacernlag the proposed move. ' Ha,, ISO Acre Farm Now C. A. Hill waa la the city today from his farm twelve miles dowa the valley. Mr. Hilt recently purchased the Pierce Combs ranch of over 100 acres, and la now farming lit acres. Snow Caved Bara la s,, Roy Moore of tbla city, who visited Merrill yesterday,, reports that saow cayed In the large Merrill bara la the city of Mawlll?aome time ago. aads that a number of jtutomobllH la tho barn were aamtgadK ?, r "J sK .j. V-Wl I Itf Fries Notorial Chaa. J, rerpeoa tojafJeraor. has died his BUry.mWi eamk-v ' lr. arllt. ,!. aua,' oUrll- S1 ' ' .. - , a,- ii Jr " V, yuA la",, Jffijgl"a , The regular asaattai?ol tM.'oRy.'i': council will be eM,taeWuV M iSfrOWjV-? .tf . .. ' ' ' il ' w JA, .Lti'Y.7 uaii, v -a ,, f (at?-; ' s- . ?,..tK&:'fa Jl r!"T-' s . ,, . . iji: - ,':jst;r i v1 l( i tJ J.K m r. tet . V.i. I " . ...J.iL ,... .i. it-iiC:' U- iSyivV iKv'.T'A" i&i ATCaWSil lUllAVj ;VJ." i,n.t i" V1