-4J1 & $. ' &, f "V1 .tfl H V ". Sin? lEuenmn -,.. jk 4 t k. t KLAMATH Fi MATH COUNTY OFMCIAL NEWSPAPER J. OFFICIAL Nl , .- Ji"s?R'' ,M. jji'Mlif .H- !? . M- . JS' vt 1-J -t oil KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, ltl7. Hmlh Year X. .:w Herald "anPKSs. EwiniRK GERMANY ARMED ,- Congress Adjourns at Noon t'SlE AHMBtt NEUTRALITY MIX Mil X EXTRA HKHHION Clerks WIN Ik Htopped Towlgbt. and rain the t4lmMl0Ml NMlMdOM ran Hc-h " I EntlleM gat for Net First Work e ttw Xttt Cwgre, WHI He M Pee At. ptfrtetloa IUIU Ift Owr WA3HINMTON, U. C, Marcfc 1. Th ality.fourth ecnloa of coagreea tajearat tine die at noon Sunday. The tlock will be stopped toalght, leaaocura rslon will be hold until iwe it the earllctl, unless Ik later hUomI Huailon force one. PmMtnt Wilton notlned coegree- Jeul leader today that ha would not M MjwlrajKWloB unless tke prea at cb&ireM fills to peaa tke armed eettrsllty bill. Tb em work ot the Matt congress III be to roiM on appropriations kith fall to itnai tho preeeat cob irru, Kwu l( the army appropriation Mil U lut, the president l detir. miard not to mil an extra aeaalon. leuior Stone expretsed confidence In President WlUon, but aald that h 4M aot believe any prealdapt ahould hare "mch broad towar" aa the prw Mr at bat atked. KLAMATH HAS HAD 44 INCHES SNOW OOMIMItKIl WITH tiAHT YEAR'S I.NCIII-W, HKVKN CUMJDY DAYH1N FKURUAMY, KINK PAR TLY CLOUDY, g CLKAR Klamath Fall Imm had 44 Intbea o( 3w bo (ar thl winter, compared .th 39 latt year, according to the Uport nt tho United Btatea raclama tlon oDIce. The monthly report for February Jowt that there were II clear daya, Je partly clear and aeren cloudy. The precipitation for the month wa Ml Inches, not more than .58 iacaea nltini In any 14 houra. The toUl ofall won eight .Inehea. The mom temperature waa 38.fi; wn minimum, 14.6; mmb, tfi.fi; lmum, 4& and minimum 9 below Mro. v lleporta HMklmf ) NKW OULHANB, March 5. OM Wt of the Brltlih ituair Knbtht JmMDloni told of a kattU with a grman tubmarlne or their rrtral . They aald the auhmariae taut . hot at the ateamer wltk no jw. The Companions guaaer Ired lvo ,hot. elDklng the aubmarla. AlfairLMTKaMva rred Btarr. Klamath eouaty aalmal Jtar, reported to Blaloglet Wirt y that tWcmty-lM aaulrraU waea HW anr BeataM at m at4 ef alfalfa Uava. imuhI kw B'rnru farmer ihere, ";!; ' NEUTMUn BILL CERTAIN - Tomorrow 0t0m0 S.P. FILING AN APPEAL CAUrORMA IUIUIOAU (X)MMIH MUX RKITriKN Tl) MDIMKY UK CIMON DATK FOH MIU l!TO KFFKCT IN NOW MAIICH MYH Word received hy Petrctary Fleet f the Commercial Club from Dlahop neater, iramc aaatwievw"' handling the club'a rate work In Cal. Iforala, aaya that the effective date for the reduction of rate baa been chanted from March 4th to March lOtb, to give the Southern Paellc lime to change their tafjffe. t The BoutbtTB Pacific la coaalderjBg Dllng'aB appeal o the rallroad.com mlaaloai reueetUg a re4lef from tha order, aaya thaKHter from Blahop a llaltlcr. The commlaalon hat refuaed to tMidlfr their decUlon regarding the ralca from California iolnta to thla city. , The railroad company ha not tuny dctitrmlncd U file the apiteal yet, fcowexer. B06 HUNTERS LEAVE TODAY KIMBALL HUNDH IIIH MKN OLT TO ROUND LAKK IIMION TO DK- OIV WOHK W)R HBABON ON DKUTLKJ WHK PATHOL NBXT Four of tho crow kept by J. F. Kimball of tho Klamath Countiee Fire Patrol Aaaoclatlon, left today for the Round Lake region, to atari their acaaon'a work ou the pine beetlea. After the beetle work la etarted and the fire aeaaon bcglna they win devote their nttcntlon to both. rh mm. to ao out are will uauuii William Nltachelm, Harold Ogle aud Carl drubb. ... mm. ThlHv JarkrabbMa v. i. Arant reDorU today tnai no aecurcd thirty Jackrabblta with two quaru or old polaoned oata, which were prepared two montna a. Animal Hauter KUIa Five Fred Btarr, predatory animal hunt er In thla county, reported to B. A. Ward, government hlologlat, that he has aeeured five eoyotea In the fifteen daya ha hie been at work. aw DemtHTCr ! ArgeV k nmii in the Nurml caae waa heard yeaterday afternoon In circuit urt by Judge. Kuynenoaii. -diet hae not been handed down yet. Inaugural Crawd Oatker WAWINUTON, P. C March S.--iii miu At hrinelni huge crowde for ihe Inauguration ceremonlea Moa.1 dayr A h g mirM wm e irilv ZSJZ ikaa the-oath kWa- Ayaad Mam publWy Me. kM NO d4?era.h! .?WIni" ! CONSIDERS SENT n00mmtmittmmm Author of the ii imiw m m : i jj i iiBmrgc!S -... r . ....---.-;-:.( iHT 'tiipHmlBBaaBmBmBmfmlBmmi B'''! 5-S; AXTbaaBmamamViBBmR ""fk ui tt tiiS' fBmmamammmmmn ammmv'fj aaiammmK, lammmmmmmmr BmBm''BmBmBmm4'BmBmammrvmr mamamammammaBSymamamaBPCiBiffMamal amBmamBmBmktJmamVBRlmmmBBmBll mamBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBar P-bHJ?" WiHslalmaaaaaaaaaaa amr - aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS'-V'V' 'mmBBBBBBBail1 mmmmmmmmmlV:JiH eBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVifaBBBBBBBBBBBBBV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBaPHlllamBBVVK I Wf immr . I ' -9 . kwp -w-.-- - -i f Were al M.ace vnmMn Art ent the Inatructlont which were to Ion Texaaaad Now Mexico to Mex line Mexico and Japan again the! Ico for her apolla. MERRILL HOLDS ELECTION MONDAY TWO MKMUKK8 OP OOVNaL, THBASUHBR AND CITY RE CORDKH TO BK KLEOTED IN VALLEY TOWN (Hprrlal to The Herald) mbrhill. March 3. The election of two raembora of the city council, the city treasurer and the city record er wll; be held In thla city Monday. Thn eandldatea for election are Geo. WHmm and J. 8. rruita lor iae coi-ntll; E. M. Bubb tor city treasurer and P. D. Olney for the oRce of elty mrnPllMr. The mayor la not elected at thla time. Johnson Believes Growth President of Klamath Manufacturing Company Here and Prepares for Largest Run Thia Year U la tho belief of Robert A. John? ton, president of the Klamath Manu facturing company, that tho Pacldc coast la due for a etaady growth of prosperity and advancement, provid ing than me menean-uer) w atlon does not Inlorfere to tod groat an extent. "We nave seen It coming tor some time; ad 1 believe, after vUltlag the o..i ..a -aoitth. talklni wltk my friaala u oaorrtog ealiM, tkat ltelkg.'B:M'B"w w A Ca4We4w aavkeM gUia ket tor, eredR aa aM'aad .. hard JTget, akdery .maa.th.t wanted (Ji f,Uk-"i '&? "' . t ZIMMERMAN I Infamm Lttttrl ., i Vn UtTRlalea walWAatamt ana uc HOUSE WIVES LEAGUE TO WAR NEXT WEDNESDAY 18 DATE BET FOR DEMONSTRATIONS AND TO ASK MAYOR TO OPEN WARE? HOYSES AND SELL FOOD LOS ANOELE8. March 3. The Houaewlvea League ot California to day etarted a atate wide movement to reduce the high coata of foodatuffa. Demonatratlona will be made and telegrama acnt to nil cltlea aaklng that demonatratloua bo madu next Wadneaday. Local womeu plan to aak the mayor to open the warehouses and aelt all food held for apcculatlon. Is Cominj wofk has been able to get It, I be lieve," aald Mr. Johnson. , Mr. Johaaon Is maktag arraage menta for the largeat aeaaon at hla mllla on the Uppep, LaMkey' over had. A aavea year eontraei kaa been mado wltk the Weed Lumbar com paay for logs, and a loggHtrala la to atari hauling y to the Upper Lake. , A amir wlirbo completed aa aooa aa oaalhw from ihe railroad la the aaw. mill oil the lake. Mr. Jokaaoa aays ia skai k kss.aaveral.aUUioa foot of led la the lake, wklok at aUtag M'Mr.fa' . if aariA . STRAHORN WORKS WIIH KLARAIH FALLS OFFICIALS tlfCMOXH HELD YKMTEROAY AND MTU LAT NIGHT Complete I'arienUadta la Baata of CoHpcrMtoa Between Mr. Ntrakora ' aad CMy OaVtalu Drtaib of Rail romt Work Gone Otr CoaaptHely ad Actkw to Be Take to Wand t Prellmhaariw la Owtttncel nobcrt E. Strahorn spent practic ally al day yeaterday 'and until late Inat night with the mayor, city coun ell and city attorney on -the problem of constructing the railroad from thla city to Dairy. Following conference held yester day .between-Mr. Strahorn, and Mayor nwei. tke council met laacatglrt' with him and the.clty attorney at the city ball, and worked unill a late hour In atralghtenlng out all details and outlining the atepa to be taken by the council to start the construc tion of the railroad from thla city to Dairy. While unable to give but any defi nite Information torJay. Mr. Strahorj said that he found things here In some-Abat better shape 4ban ho bad expected from reporU. Statements made by member of the council after the meeting indicate that Mr. Strahoru and the council are wurklnK harmoniously, and will ',Jave fomethln definite to announce hv the time Mr; Strahorn leaves. Mr. Strahorn continue to believe In the woasibllltles cf this country, aud eays that after searching the map from Canada to the Mealcan line, and Kjt.t nud west, he is unable to And a rcijn to rich in Its natural state in a iHvnn.lt) of resource aa thla and the region north and east of thla city. which hla network of railroad lines will tap- M.r. Strahorn etpoctt to return to California Suudny. WAR VETERANS DILL PASSES WORD RKCK1VBD .LATE TODAY BY CAPTAIN APPLEGATE PROM ItEPRESENTATIVE N. J. WN NOW TELLS. THE TALE WASHINGTON, D. C.J March 3, The Indian War Veterana bill passed the house today with Smoot amend ment. It only awalU the signature of Prealdent Wilson to become a law. v - 'FriacoLawbivalid SAN FRANCISCO, March 3. 8u rwrtor Judce Sturtevant haa declared that, the red light abatement act l Invalid, and that the resorts eroaea under the Injenetlon may be opened. Meg Break ; Agate , CHICAOO, March I-Hogaoa tke koof c4d today for 111.30. aaotker ' TA DACC WflW J . ' -gjam L- ' '"''?' J , -ill t .fM - Heated Debate Held in Senate Chamber JUUUUJUljnrarararafVV'arrniii "" "" 0 Secretary of War Who aaya couditions atcjdlly grow inr araver. and the situation between the United Statea and Germany can hardly last much longer on the pres eut baiil '.1LLED TO LIVE SOBKlfLY. AM) GODLY, BAYS EVANGELIST t UvungflUt Purdoni drew a picture of this aeneratlon with 1U character laitc frivolity, lightness and pleasure loving tendeucles, even with a form of godliness, where the evil servant or professed follower of Christ would say. ''My Lord delay etn nia coming. Pacing the eventualities of the Juditment we are called to "live so berly, rlahteousiy and godly In this mViu.nl world, looking for that blersed hope and the glorloua appear ing of the. groit God and our Savior. J8iif. Christ. Titus. 3:13-13, he said. "The Standard of the Judgment," to night and "The Plan of Salvation.' for Sunday nlght'a services were an nounced. am " 0A On Way to lakevlew v Miss Georgia Cross of Portland, who' Is on her way to Lakevlew to tcticb in the city schools of that place, Is In the. city today, being compelled to watt over here a day on account of the. stage service: But three peases gtira can be taken care of at thia tlme .1 aw ' ' ltlologtst Leaves) Tomorrow Tl. A. Ward, government biologist, who has been working In thla county for' number of weeka, loavea In tke morning for the WlUameUe Valley; where he will continue nia worn ror a time, He expecta to return here uext summer for further work. Divorce Testlmoaw Take) Testimony In the divorce case of Mra Warner waa heard yeaterday by ! mmaVrnW afjRRBnfjRRCTSj::-raBW liJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJm vH' ' IJJJJJJJI IJJJJJJjKIAmH. JJJJJJJJJJjBIPJiJJI" BBaHaBmBamaaSmBaH ' BBaakPSilanBBH amaamttaPBmaal' BmSmSmJBJBJBmBBsx 'n'iviKS !?&t Judge, ,Kttkeadallv kv tka elreuHlaUiea. court. JThe data for' tae uerrue irmi 'T. i...J.,- .wit'lnitn' t vat. v""fc '- ... T -.. -" y SJibvj . LETCH .r M f yitf, , , ) !. w ilSbWj WAR CERTAIN IP ANOTHER 8EL 8I7NK tieitater CtMgreM far: of laMslTadn .tor Ask: -Nestt We Waat CaaJl MaMgMer AttHaMm - BERLIN, via UBdoa..Marek ' 3. Admission la madia, .he; Oer- many today that isMtmtlea 4 were tent the Ocrmaa, miadaier.' . 4 in Mexico regarding the poaaikll- d ,ltle of Mexico'a part la HeetH- itles against America. ,. . r A a 4aaaa4A'aA -TrrT'" - WA8H1KOTON. D.. C. March i Germany' admission of tkM aetaalHr' of the Zimmerman lMter'aaeV 'eee tnln the paosage of the armed neutral ity bill now before theaaaite ., Senator Braadegee opeaed the de bate today and said : "War la eertala If another of our. vessels la auak after the action takeajtj coagreaa. .Woji't you sUad up and tght Mke aaai. or are you going to lie aapiaely by? Shall we wait until the eiamghter act ually comes, and akalt 'we allawaa edict of a fdreigsi peeenUte destroy American cuwravx. ; Senator LaFollctte's attitude a the bill is not kaowa. Secreury .Laaatmg aaaouaeedthat there ia no tatentiea of eoaveylag vu.uu.lc and auL thai aoarorlajr BU ammunitions carrtsjtm aa act of war. Ho also aald thatlPjam esUblishmeat of .n lane ot w,aralma la the mm as a eouvoy. WASHINGTON. . C. Marek,3.-r The senate unanimously paaeed the couference report of the 'legtamtlve executive Judiciary apprpprtetloji bill. Wleto SlfM BUI WASHINGTON. D. C. March 3. Prratdaot WUaoa auraedVke nostomce npproprtattoa bill today, earrylagtka "bone dry'' pravtowas. ' WASHINGTON, D. C, March 3. U U learned that the Costa Rlean government waa aware of Genaaa aetivltlea there. A recent re-uast' was made, presumably by akAmer? (can 8rm, for a.' laafaaelaavjm. aaajkj Hsu a. high power wtreteee ptani ear the Panama canal. It waa. refuaed af ter Investigation. aaH wae'.heRevfd to be a Qermanirm whtek.aiMle.lkef. renoeat. vew vnair: v .. . . . r Jf $0& .... C.' - - "--- - nj-LTm rorcigH asanassacj ; p sawv .f?;,.ni forms tho JBaem-lraWtttililaBmi tim did not receive aw,i"proBe4tloa4of, 'irfm aa aiuaaaa wicat siaiBsaaj. n i , .! EL-PA .. . Consul G Mexico'a uiuaautV S-liili- F.T-TT;."r-SS55 A l v" . Ji-.,A'stta.i-&l.JU.'. .,. flT iiL ....V JL-. mmmm. Aaj aiuaapt ta slMMlj. pa ,r ,j atSSSE- mXfjmgmFl- "''fS . SfLM.- ' J8 V 9 m t fSJSKS i A ,u-l ".tl :r, a I vi L-v .; m .? h - i;T77'?WA. JH&A .-. ATn iiiiuff'...- .. a' .wiit' ,.-r,v ,'vj1' '