,'f; 0 Stf lEiDmtnn Iterato f,l wm r,11f-r -r-rr- i . ,--.,,. --,-,-r-.- -t.-.. . -. i i- i i ' KLAMATH COUNTY KLAMATH FAULT OFFICIAL NEWIPAP1K OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ffiTurtrtTTC? wmm fcw,il,Vir-Ju.l.IIO KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1017. Government Has Startling Facts CARRANZA TO BE ASKED TO EXPLAIN ATTITUDE srfsjassnBsnjsnjds M ions Loaned to Mexico by Teutons C. 8. WILL RELEASE WHEN PROP. KK TIME HERE teend Ttul tirraiMM la TNI Omelry Aic I'ImmIm Ksjarltera I Hnkv. That Count roe HMWterir. Former Uerataa AMfcMMfcir Here. at (Htm (or Dtataalllag of Interned Orrmaa Hhlea nnd Other Order, My IL J. RENDER WASHINGTON, D. C March 1. Tie government haa learned that Gersian, In America bave "loaned Illtotui of dollars" lo Carrauia and taralibed money to purchase ameltor shut In Mtilco recently. It has also toon learned that Count BrniorR sent all Ilia Instructions covrrlag I lie dismantling of the lu Ureed German vcmuU or other bual sen ind Instructs Oermsn consuls la Amtrlra at tho aamo time the Jilm srman letter wan sent. These orders In many respect are MartllnR, and prove that draplte the lm that ivare existed, Germany wan plotting hoatlle acta In America. The government la prepared to ike new aenaallonal disclosures "at the proper time." KENQ PROPERTY SOIDTO HUBER DErlD FILED WITH THB COUNTY (XKItK HHOWH HALE OF MUCH OV THE TOWN OF KBNO, FOIL MKIILY KNOWN AH DOTEN The aalu of a portion of tho city of wo, n hamlet twelve rallea south t of ttilH city, from John Snow. te to V. W. Hubcr, baa been re corded at tho county Clark's osice. Mr. Bduwioom, a resident of that wttlon, U Interested In property "re. Keno's name war formorly Men, The property dlapoaed of constate tho caat half of tho aoutlioatt quur w of section 12, townahlp 40 aouth. "ne 7 oast, w. M., containing 80 "rw, which property lira within the town ilmltK. H. I. OMrUl Inspecting W. Mtllealr lllunlnt.mt.ini r Bhaala dlvlalon of tho 8outhern "wine, Itoadmaiter Tom Counor and Wtolou Engineer O. A. Weater nr "M In Superintendent Metcalfe ar, i i Shuts, last night, on their month- JLr.'pCUon tr,p over Tbw jwt to the end of the Mb today, to ", and win return to Dunsmulr. a 'ortyMeers Tonight ronignt at Houston's opera bouu neyoun, j0,kB of lne ct w, nioy " wW thy ah!l .'"'ouOy, tra4 "Forty. IHra D,Bce g f h,'NrUe, Jf'loq wf f that SENATE PAHMEM NAVAL HILL . s f) WAHIIINUTON. II. 0.. Marrh e 1, Tlio senate unanimously 4 pa.svd the. administration's half million naval bill tlila after- noon without ratline (he roll. It Include provisions for three battleships, une battle cruiser. three acout rrulMir. fifteen de- atroyera and sixty-eight subraa- rlncit. KLAMATH CLUB TAKES UP TUIE UNO DRAWINGS hTlt.lllOUN WIM, WOHK WITU rl.t'lt TO UVT rilAIMJK AiiiiouikwI Tlial IterlaiMlhHi CtnmU clini to ltiulrv Hepoult of Nearly fCNNI by Krery AppHranl Ik-fore llio hmwlMK Held Tliat "poor" man N Therrby Kllmlnutnl, ami Make It it SprultJm. A dcleriniiUMl effort U beluK made, bv tho Commercial Club und other Intrreated, In which work llobert 8trn. born will aaaUt, ul tho aollcltntlon of Fred Fleet, aetrotury of tho club, to ellmlunto tho doHaltlng of nearly 200 by every applicant at (ho open ing of tho l.ulo Uke land thla Hprlim. Couimunlcalloii with CongreHHinnu HI n not I dlviilKca tho fact thot tho rec. ,m,..w, !tnir llio mnltor. nntl ulao nnnouncea ,. nwidffi riininiiiNiiiii in Htm kuiihiiiui .that both the drawing on thla prop erty nnd thn Californlii londa will 'probably be held in thla city. Tho eommlaajon hud, however, oo rlded to require tho depoattlnir of $190 by every applicant. It la bold here that tui8 practically ollmlnatea tho "iwor" man, and makes It n spec ulated proportion largely. It Ih held that ordinarily land drawings do uot rennlro the placing of auch auraa. Mr. Blruhorn will tnko tho propo alllou up with llio Southern Pacific on iiiu rnturu to San Frunclaco In an on- l.unvni. in Iihvm a rhanco made. Mr, Rinnnil aald that tho rommlseiou might riconalder Ha declalon. it ! rti thai auch a atipuiation win Iimoii thouaanda of people out of Klamath county who would otnerwiao draw, Twenty Arrcn fltangva llanda Deoda transferring the aoutbeaat quarter of the nor'theaat quarter of eetlon 84, townahlp 39 aouth, range to mi w. M.. and tbe northweat ..,.... a, h northweat ouarter of ,sua,w. -, .. - iik MMMikAAMi Miiavijir ni hcudb i, HW pviurnn -.. ..-. -- t,.-..ki. ....tk run 10 salt. W. M., tcb eontilnlag ten acrea, haa beai AM with tbe county clerk fro I). Firatow to C. K. Davldaou, Women Held in gaaBailBMBaMgaBaaMajajaUiBiiaMaMaj r.Vfr'"-''-?. BgaglllllllllllBgaglagllgllgalJggfal ff'HaUftr.-'.. IgalgBTVigalgalgalBgalgNRTI KgfiiiiiiiggBPi3ga.g ar2'vATagagagagaB''7MBft gBggVi9fc vgaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ'rajac&gaaafafafafafaf kLg.'gfgfgH:aggfgfgfg EVlaglllllllllllggPwa aag lagaaaagaagaagaagaagaHaViiagr HWIigllliaagllllHiWM l-iuJrKJgfagfagfagfagfagfaHrgSB flrgaagaagaaHgagaV-gaa VKgfttttHaHafHS'XaPPgl KKigagaBBgB8W FaT399gHIgBgHK'UB mW'jLmmmml'mwWmfifc ggagVglBiUgtfglaB ''gagaaT'.gaaBNEgaaga mm llellle Wheetikaa Iirc are tbe three LondoriCTf held on tho chance of a plot to mur der Premier David t.loyd George and Arthur Henderson, member of tho Urltlsh war council. They are Mra. Luke Walker's Dog Gets Rabies-Killed Reports That Dog in Yainax and Beatty Country Probably Spread Disease and Fears Epidemic Indications that an outbreak of tho rablca la liable to occur on tho K lain.it h Indian reservation In tho vicinity of Yainax and Ueatty la tho word brought to tho city by Luko Walker, cattlo Man, who returned .here yesterday from a vlalt to that country, whoso dog waa afflicted and killed. A dun with rablca waa loose lu that neighborhood aoveral woeka ago, and wn aeon at both of those points, and la known to have fought with a large uuniber of doge while traveling be tween these towna, aays Mr, Walker. 'FRISCO TO GET NAVAL STATION HI.WATi: ADOITS AMENDMENT TO NAVAL HILL APPROPRIATING MILLION AND A HALF FOR HAHK AT SAN FRANCISCO RAY WASHINGTON. D. 0., March . The aenato today adopted an amend raent to tbe naval bill appropriating a million and a half dollars for a naval base at San Francisco Bay. Sen. itor Phelan strongly supported the bill. i The navy department declared that Mam Island la not equipped to repair auper-dreadnoughta. ( Poison Hot, Against Lloyd George Mra. Wlaule Maaoai Whrtrdomi and berdilthtera. Mra; Winnie Maaon and Mia Hettle Whoeldon. Attorney General 8lr Frederick K. 8mlth asserted In court that It was the plan of the women to "A Jurgo number of dogs were "Jailed" at Yainax following the visit of the dog with the rubles, but I un derstand they wore turned loote, aomo biliig killed." Bald Walker. It Ih understood . that ' Wm. II. Freor, Indian agent, Is working on tho case, and Ih making efforts to pre vent the spread of tho trouble. Kays Huy GrttlnK Sraive K. II. Moore, Poo Valley farmer, waa lu tho city today, and reports, Unit t hay (a becoming scarce In hla section of tho county, and that stockmen are having difficulty ttdlug over the re cont spell of winter weather, llrltiah RcpulatHl RERUN, March 2 It Is announced that British attacks bavo' been ro pulsed In the trenchos east of Hou chct after terrific hand flghtlug. Re peated clashes have occurred In tho Ancre regions. ' m Will. Give Lecture lit H. Dunbar, auperlntendeiit of tbe city schools, und Mr. Hogg will glvo an Illustrated lecture Sunday night at 8 o'clock at tbe Bummers school bouse on "Great Britain and Her Possessions." Dentists Organise The dentists of the city met laat ntgbt and organised a Klamath-Lake county dental society, expected to be coma a suborganlutlon of thn abate body later. Dr. Leonard waa chosen president and Dr. Westarfeid. mk tary.tmuurer. Another nunting wHl bt bald next Thursday night. WWWWMWWW Mra. WheeMoai shoot -the two idea mcntWn'WwIth irrowa poisoned with curarl when they were at Walton Heath on gov ernment affairs. Thla photograph shows tho three women in prison. FILM COMPANY TO TAKE CRATER ONK OF THB DIGGK8T FIRMS RE. CKIVKS 1'KRMIT FROM THE CtOYKRNMKNT TO I'SE CRATER NATIONAL PARK The Relig Polyscope Motion Picture company, ouo of the biggest motion nirtiirn concerns In the business, has Until Bran ted a permit by tbe govern ' nit at to use Crater Lake National J Park for making motion picture pro ductions. When they will start tho work Is not known now, but probably during the coming summer season. Thla is tbe first company to under take work or this kind In this local ity on such a targe scale, and means Hint Klamath county's scenic points in other sections will also undoubtedly ho used for this purpose from now on. Tbe Aiming In tho park means much In the way of advertising and moklng this part of the country a renter for film companies, for Its many scenic advantages about Upper I Klamath Lake, the Lava Beds and , Ice Caves, mountain streams, timber, Lower Klamath Lake and tho pell caus, oud other Interesting points. four American Released NEW YORK. March 2, A Berlin wlrelesrt sya that four of tbe Amer ican Yarrowdale. prisoners were re leabed Wednesday, Is Hack In City R. A Johnson, president of the Klamath Manufacturing comnauy, has leturued to Klamath Falls from Call forula points. Ttase to Buy New License Chief of Police Baldwin announces that March 1st Is the end of tbe dog license nscal year, and that beginning on that data all dog owners In thn city are expected to purchase licenses for another year. r . ; Mexican Generals Names Given Out WWWWWWWmm0W00W0WWmAA KAIHER REPORTED ILL The AMSTERDAM. March 2 l;ir is reported confined to 4 bis room with a severe chill, which Is not regarded serious. 4 He Is receiving bis ministers and a is communicating- with bead- quarters, despite his Illness. STRAHORN URGES HASTE BE MADE TO START WORK RIMING PRICKS DO NOT HELP SIT. CATION Hope Ioos Ends WUI Be Gathered l and That Railroad Matter Be Settled Huricdly, to Start CosMtruc thin Mayor Making Sure AH Thimr Go Through Without HRcli Ik-fore City I Tied I'p. A large number of Klamath Falls business men turned out to greet Robert E. Strahorn on his arrival here last uight and gave three rousing cheers for "Robert E. Strahorn, Em pire Pullder," as he stepped off the train. Mr. Strahorn responded with a shoit speech of acknowledgement, at tor which the enthusiastic crowd cheered again, and adjourned to the White Pelican hotel. Following din ner hut night an informal reception wus held at the hotel, at which a num ber of local people attended to meet and Inlk with Mr. Strahorn. today be la In conference with Mayor Crlsler, upon whose Invitation be came here at this time, and mem bers of tbe council, and It la ex pected that a meeting with Mr. Stra horn and the council will be held to night. The vlalt of Mr. Strahorn to tbla city nt this time la at the Invitation of Mr. Crlsler. In order that the de tails end closing up of work In rais ins th money snd terralnala for the railroad be wound up, and put Into shape at this time, to Insure construe Hon of the railroad. The mayor Is deslrloua to know that nil loose ends are connected up; that tho necessary funds are raised, and rights of way In such shape to cause no trouble, so that no hitch will oc cur after tho city haa sold Its bonds and has the money on band. Details In connection with the proposed road with which he Is not familiar, are alto to be gone over. Mr. Strahorn said last nlht that it the city secure Its bond money, tbe right? of way cletned up In shape, the only remaining matter Is the terminal ratio. s He urges that all haste fee made in BRITISH EMBASSY DENIMS ANT KNOWLEDGE OF PLOT Hcaato Atfofrtasl for Isasjris Armed NevtralHy ML tmawa I'attlt Alter Wsnml sidereal late this tx Advised NEW YORK. March 2. The police and American Agenta f tbe Department of Justice e name LnJa Canera. Oenscal, ejfc-iitt regon nnd General Hnerta aa ' being connected with the Ger man-Mexico plot against the United States. They say the Germans planned . to substitute Obregon or Ca- e bera for Carransa la the presl- dent's chair, bat that the Amnr- lean recognition of Carranaa stopped 'their plans. WASHINGTON D. C. March I. Under orders Issued from the state department Ambassador Fletcher, at Mexico City, will ask Carraasa to ex plain hla attitude regarding the Sim merman letter and German plot against the United State. The British embassy denied today any knowledge of tbe Zimmerman let ter until it waa made public Wednes day. The aenate today adopted by a vote of c 4 to 15 the resolutions tatmme illntely consider ts armed neutrality bill. By a previews arrangement no tion on this bill waa suspended until disposal is made of the naval bill late thla afternoon. It la expected a loag debate will take place on the resolu tion, but It Is expected to pans. Other Instrumentalities In the house as resolutions will probably be' shelved by the senate, and the full senate bill sent back as a substitute., WASHINGTON. D. C. March J. Secretary Lansing has been advised officially by Germany tbat the Amer ican Yarrnwdale prisoners will be re leased and transferred to the Swiss border, probably on March 7th. WASHINGTON. D. C, March 2. Secretary Lansing has been advised that the liner Tratlonian haa been tor pedoed without warning, and that one American aboard was saved. wludlng up all loose ends, nnd that the various ends be gathered up and no time lost in tbe preparation el the necessary preliminaries, so that eats Btructlon work can be started aa neon as possible. ' " "Within tbe last month the price of steel rails haa gone up tl.tv a ssdU, so that If work were started nasi? would cost ua iie.eeo more. " ne last night, "trw "This make it evUntf aJenjt i r tF :'- risen la other materials MfMrj work of thla naaff'wanM, . most desirable until rnrleeeiWt,s less nurnea action on an. nmsnTsnnnU"-'.'. . vt't-MZ I ' .twt'wmwv; iv3i , . w. ua &. saja ; iM tWS wzmrZiitiL