iVHIIBH " "' ATOaSK2Mi-- . fn ' J- . X.l-.."-rfTi . iiAl Jt .-'"V - . v - SSoWM-nf tf&l . iM -Mi. . ifenVf- . ?Mt t m! 115 vi 'Wi iStm' -rt-'i liTj-' v i 5 A k lt M (Pj lEumtim HeralD m '" i if a I ii Mli t J KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER , KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAHER i ftl ft'! BMaMr - tfrth Yrar X. ." KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1917. '4 J v;ii sffiteaESracTW ai :i ------ W i i in i-in inTTtrarirT,,r7T' """ u Germany riots Against America lih II lll'il JpnUQIII PITTfD !l fiMM n fi rnAn "hi,. - . I I I: ; Business Meet Mr. i illH IVfcH OX TRAIN TONIGHT AT I niMi o'cmn;k feeWtcil time I Ripe fur Important ActD to lie Taken In Regard lu Hurling tMHMmHIuN Work un the hfMMt River Link of llallruad. t K-prtt HaWrued Cowaael Wanted !hr Major Mil Conuctt; t "it fct drairrd thai all baalue men Mkl other mierr-rtrd trill he at the taWhrm ParMc mitai tonight at MO) te meet awl walrtnwa Hubert K. Mubotu. who will arrive hat-a to ajahl. Thl, wua brought mm at lha twrtleg of iIm Muainrae Men'e Asuorie Mi lax alitil, aad nwmhtrn of lha ajaariailoM haw bra away rlrralat auhe idan today. Mr. Mtrehom will ltiictMalH la lha tetfa! Nrjha r m wiw - - Robert K. Hlralioni, rallniad build. r. Will arrive In Ilia city tonight frum M Mimic, Calif., In confer htr with Ik dly rounrll, anil It U cxih-cImI tkit IliU vtult will Ue of the utmoit laiK.rtaiire to Klamath KalU niul IU railroad klimllon. Mr. Strahorn Is coming at the aug. fiatloa o( Mayor CrUIrr, who Inform 'H tm Tuesday of the altuallon. Tim .Mt kaN nld the 1300,000 bond by Mrti the city la to construct the rail Mm) link from thla city to Hprague Km. I Xlamalli .-oilo nrn muloim that wk on lhl road begin aa soon as atsslblo, snd that nothing occur to Marrupt It, now that It aceni aa ttetgb dure Ih nothing to. prevent Uton and ro-oMratlon between the .varkiu funds, bond Issues nud the ho twkiit of the right of way. ttsci'Sklon with Mayor Crlsler und Hjsrsl member of the council brlug wKthc fnct that ho for aH the city I werned llltlo ninnds In tha wny to out tlx, detail. The mayor and vH "f U'o ccuucll fool thnt they aro otJ railroad builders, mid have an Hd t the point now whoro Mr. ;Nrahorn's expert knowledgo along line will bo of great value to tktm. The pcuplu of Klamath rails hnvo "n Wtlontly working and waiting iw.tlie winding up of tbo work that !! bcn necessarily preliminary to tlelall UiaVmust be gone over to fW construction. Mr. Rtrahorna visit hero will bo Hlchod wjth anxious tycs, nud It Is "orally hopod that he will find con ns rlUfctory. 5 Thou- In charge of the funds und t w wny ,uvo ,,w thpy ro l,ro" Jl. and It la bellmd.the time Is W for nctlou. ' lj'0,a,,l"'h Twelve Vrata 'ii" ovrnat thermometer reg 122 "Vd dr8 !' " thl l'2JJ,B "l the reclamation service, lwch, l the coldest march morning wijplve years that the government "been keeping records here. There !!" I"1 record kept back of 1901. !??i't'0n f' h ' 'ct , M the Willamette Valley baa had "mot snow, and that the condition Mlg (encrnl j . "' Forty na. tnm m.i. ru.t t IWmfOlM, Mian., M.ret, J . L2f ' "" co,t of ,,v' wti-iiigfcar'j rl""lB lnntl hl.lul.An. .-J, wMk man with l.1- -u in . lii v l,w .7 - "r vt v cents Men Will Strahorn MAMWMWMMAMMMAMWWMAWMMMM & .&&&??& ju,.' ItOIIKHT :. HTIUIIOrtN Tlie ata) In wImini Klamath Falls awl Klamath foamy la looking "to . Mty;itMM aat of ihajaad.!' MIKMCNH KKNIW Willi: HAS KHANCISCO. March I i:xcl to Ktart Iioiiik Haturduy or Kiindny. Looks kixm here. CAI'T. J. Wi 8IKMKNR. Captain Sli'im-usi I In Sun Franclrco wnrKInK o-i the lorml tint loud, and other report re ceded from him Indicate ood siicccmi In Han Francisco. Tho metsnge wa received by his son, John Rlrmens. INSTALLS WIND HILUNSWAMP li. F. WILLKTH KXI'KtXH T IUIAIX UOO AtllKM AT AIIV UV W1NUMII.I. lll'ILT AM) TAT. KNTKD II V IXKUI. MAN. U. V. Wlllcls, of (his city, lias re cently lustnlled on hi,, title land which formerly convtltuted tho government experiment station at Ady, a wind mill built and Invented by C. A. Carl son, of this city, for keeping the land dralnged of which thero Is 300 acres. Tho government formerly had a gasoline pump stationed at this point to keep tho water off the land but Mr. Wlllots has Installed the windmill be Having tlint It will bo more econo mical and do the work on well. This la a novelty for dalnlug tulo land and Is the first to be established for this purpose. Tho windmill Is different from tho ordinary mill, especially pertaining to tho gear arrangement, The patent Vocured by Mr. Curln.n on his mill (Ilea In tho goar arrangoWnt. ( The mill ha a sixty Inch lift and draw, up three and three fourths gallons of water with1 every stroke of tha akaft. U la' possible should the mill prove elective and Mr, Wlllats beltavee It will bo. that Mr. Carlson will find n good local market for his mill which has been constructed especially tor jp't, u SXMi ,'TaMBBBBBBBBBBBBk gccccccK;- ' vM .gggggggecKL;' '-trCPS '" HigjgKil ' 1gggggggggggggggggtlt w BBMPW-frMr: .BB.'BBBBr aVaVk?$r BBBBBmaigsV aiaiaiaiaiaVw BBBBBBBVaBLV aBBBBLBW CONSUL HITTER INCURS ENMITY AT WASHINGTON ( UIVIMi t)l!T OF HMII-OtaXDA Itll.M UiNHI.NU I'uUllrsliun of Urrwway'a I'mpaeal to IH'taln Fhe AlitrrkaN OmsMlar OfllrerM IMmilca IjiaalnK- I'eare IVHferracr NaggtstiiHM After llronhliMC (NT With Urrataay Caaaas Xotc I'rglag Bitter Call aa IHIU8K DKBATKH a WASHINGTON. U. C. March I. -Tlio house adopted a rule for immediate consideration on tbe armed neutrality bill thla afternoon. It allows three hour for cencrsl debate. v WASHINGTON, D. C...MJl.I. It Ih reimrted that Secretary Lansing I Investigating propaganda scheme of KwIm Minister Hitter. Ill ujibllcatlon of Germany ' pro- pntnl to detain five American consu lirSfflcer has displeased lousing. I'earc coufcrenre suggestions have been given out for a week following llin break with Germany to newspa Kin. and before the state department did, has resulted In an "urgent call" to Kilter to visit Secretary, Lansing. EXTRA SESSION LOOKS PROBABLE sfxatoh xonmti inmhth on a OMI'l.hTK UIHCt?8SIN OF AIJj AI'I'IUU'IIIATIOX llll.LS, AND OTIlivllh WANT BTR. HK8SION WASHINGTON. U. C. March I. CoiiaUi' Norrlir, ludopendont rcpu llcau. him; that he will ItwUt of a full and complcto discussion of all appro Ptlutlon bills. If bin throat Is carried out it will make an extra session of the senate ueccsrary. Senator Thomas, democrat, also ha demanded an extra losslon. POULTRY MARKET DECLARED BUSTED EAST HIDE POULTnV DKALE1W AHK FOOD COMMISSIONER TO I.VTEKCKDE, DECLAKJNG SOY (OTT PARALYJ5BD MARKET NKW YORfC. Malta 1. Bait Bide poultry dealers have asked rood Com mlssloner HartUjaa to latereed with Jnwlak Italian eouscwlveawko baye beyeetttw tkaaj. ' -i ( The'deUray that tkelr ear cott has paralysed the poultry market. Chickens are oKered at It cent, tbe cheapest In three years, and Lara re How One Great m Meets High Cost of living The Intcrborough Radlp Transit company of New York city, the larg est traction company In the world, has long made provision against the high cost of living and food. riots so far as It own employes are concerned. In the upper photograph here is shown a bakeabop of tbe company In New York city. Tho lower photograph showa one of the three general stores with the employes In front. These X gHHHHHBBHHHHIIHHHHIHCIlHHH IIPBKalaHMlHnrrfflBmmBmammmmmuLa j' ktaBBVR?a10KBBBEaHt VviaiSBBLV at IBBBBBMJlNWvaBBBjajBrwaaXaraBBBBKSua 3S faTBTaTBTaVBaaBaBMilll lagaBBBBBBBBBBBBBr.-' . ".t-'iPM 2 B bBbK'ShbbI i "' ""P "- W' bbBPB h BHLBLfiBiBlElOaBaiiL'lBBBa'K &bBRbbHbbV IMbbbbbbH'bHbIbH n MHKKgiK anlP fgggaa:.BBKSrkgal b n EKaBBaMSae9inBVV3BHaBBHBBH 3 uXBmmVSs-yflKT'aLaEis '". LmmmmmmmmmmmmV Sbbbbw ,'-T;ri4.VlalBBBmaHf' bbbVIbbbbbS! I ammmmWEaKFARBmmalBTjL-LJBmmmmmmmmmmmmlW ATTORNEY DUNCANlMOSICIANS HERE RECOROS ALGOHOLi WANT REAL BAND HEOEIVES IlLANKH FOIt PKHMlTS,l!.t'KKItS OF MOVEMENT BAY AND OTHKIl LEGAL IIEgUlltK MENTS UY WIUCH IMI1HITKIIS AND Fl'ltCHASEIlS MUST APPLY I Ethyl alcohol may be legally pio-i cured upon application to the district attorney ouly. W. M. Duncan, district attorney. Is" in receipt of the Importing and the sale applications, afnilavlcs nud mlu which place upon him the work of keeping track or the alcohol trade In Klamath county. The "bone dry" law permit of the Importation Into the state only by ap plication to the district attorney with the filling out of an application stat ing purpose of use, and other required fact. After the importer receives tho al cohol tbe prospective purchaser must then make application to tho district attorney and receive a permit which must be prosented to tbe seller bofore he Is allowed to dispose of his alcohol. Thi. nun also o throuah tho dl. trlct attorney' office, aad the law re quire that certain facte be known and sworn to before he makes out the permit. , Thus the district attorney ha a rec ord of all alcohol brought Into his district and a record of all Its sale. a Taylor Femoral la Teworrovr The funeral or Mr. W. T. (Mike) Taylor, wao died la tkle city yeator dayornng, will be held from tbe Wfcltloek undertaking parlor tomor row aftaraoo at I o'clock. Rev. V; H, Cox of the Eleventh atreet Baptist church, this city, will have charge of ana lateraeat will, take j - Corporation stores do a business of S4.i0.000 a year among tlie zi.uuu employe Koi the company. They sell at wholesale prices plus the overhead charges, and thus save their customers about 20 per cent over the prevailing retail price of the neighborhood. President Theodore l. Shouts, bead of tbe com puny, the railroad man who became famous on the Panama canal, and oth er high officials patronise the stores. T1IEKE IS PLENTY OF MATER. IAL TO ORGANIZE, AND KLAM ATII NEEDS ONE NOW Much interest is being displayed Klamath Falls muslcalclrcles at In the present time and It is probable; that n meeting or all ttiose interesteu l U'o orsanlsatlng of a band will be pcr-,ilieu tor tno near imure. Those familiar with the situation hi re say there is plenty of talent in I ho city for a band and that al It needs is organisation. This city did not have n organised baud last year and on occasions of bull games und other times a few musicians of the city congregated and played, which local musicians say was not a satisfactory arrangement. With the promised organisation of a Ftroug ball team this year, the lay ing of plans for a county fair and other orcaslons looming up. local (band men say that Klamath Falls should have a baud thla year and are hnvhiB- nlans for calllaa a meeting for tho purposo of organising one. That there aro many musicians In the city who will be glad to help In the work and will cooperate to give Klamath a band la not doubttd by those' behind the movement. Moves Into New Location. Chns. Donart. proprietor of the Ratio pool room and confectionery etore on Main atreet, between Sixth and Seventh atreet, hat moved to a new location on Main atreet, oae door west of tbe restaurant on tha south west corner of Sixth and Main. He Is having the place remodeled and renovated tor occupancy. Attempt to Japan and Mexico WASHINGTON, I). C. March conferred with President Wilson today. He rerusea to aiecaaa - purpose of hi visit, but said tbe "over, night" developmsaU la Ike war t-Kcetlon are very serious. i WASHINGTON, D. C. March mlttce of the senate bas agreed to report out tae beasa rastaue.;v made and referred today, substantially In the same form aa ks presented. The senate will undoubtedly pasa u reaeiauea. Tae ..s committee removed the LaFollette GKIIMANY PLOTS AGAINST AMERICA. WASHINGTON, D. C, March 1. aa alliaarr wttn ssenco aai lupmm mvumm .-uxnes - mmr wot rr, ... - . . '- vealed today by the admlaMraUoBki Mlulater Zimmeraaaa on Jaauar-r lath, German Envoy oa Eckhardt at Mexico CMy.' Tlie letter says la aart: Oa the 1st of February Germany tetrad to becte the eabmarlne warfare. An endeavor will nrntral. -----. -'"--. "If unwirciv, propose an alliance with Mexico on Ih tliat we will make war together and wake peace together. :- will tire- Mnancial aanoort. it betna "" will rerowiuer lier lost territory In New form tin- president of Mexico as oon as certain that there vrtt ha .m eaaV break with America. Snggrst to the president of Mexico on jronr os hsklativcv thnt he communicate with Japan, and saggeat naVring to mediate between Germany fall attention to the president of ruthless submarine warfare promises within n few month. Thl and other dornmenU are In UEMEYES LETTER DID NOT REACH JAPAN OR MEXICO. ii'iuuiVR-nv li c tlirrli 1 flranlaiw I - ilmia 'm'1 1, .-cj-...--.a.v.., - -, .-.... ... that Zimmerman's letter reached Carraasa or Japan, and la i neither of them would consider anch n preposition. He refused to discuss' the govern menu aourcea-jsf "some one's life be endangered." He stated, however. meat has full evidence of the plot, and vou llemstorff and von Eckhardt. tanning Intimated that the government worked four .ntoaOy before conclusive evidence was obtained on the plot. The Japanese embassy lias sent a second statement pledgteg caaHnmeal rriemtchlp between Japan ami America, nud n continuance of Jaaan'a ro tations with the allies. The htntement said: "Under no circumstances will Jaaaa) eaantala such an invitation as Germany attempted." WILSON SAYS LETTER AUTHENTIC. WASHINGTON, P. C, March 1. Senator Lodge latradncedw tlon inquiring into tlie currectnesi. of Senator Swansou formally anneunced: , "Tlie president authorise mi te, say that the text or the Zimmermun letter to the German easbaeaVi at Mexico City proposing an alliance between Japan and Mexico,- la aanama tially correct." '( Senator LaFollette demanded a tesolutloa Inquiring when llM.safteaj. nieut got tlie letter, and Senator Works all the Information he haa, " , ? " nmirman Stone of the foreign rotation committee aayeeiad la the. ate to refajr the resolution to hla commltteo "for rnrther lawetlaaillBaiJbe. fore IH advised action w taken' tatimatiag tnat Is belilml the letter to excite public opinion, JAPANESE AM1USSADOR DENDS8 WASHINGTON, D. C, March 1 . ..... ..nuiin f ttu nMMu' ulut. sml nd know that Germany I mistaken If Mexko, ir Germaay make war on PRWlDEXT WILSON STANDS PAT. . -WASHINGTON, B: V? March ii grrwa today that be eland latly hah hnl power and the vote of credit to enable He said that he will not sign tho I involve 1. Secretary of Wir,aWMM i . T 1. The foreign retatkma eaav amendment, also referred toaay. ( . .' A plot wherrta a..A a - - - a letter sea ay . - .. - ia care of Ceaat Tea n-ta :'-. be made to kee ;jM'VaHaal - i t-)."vr- 4 Mexico, Texas and Ai an to thla plan. AW? and Jaaan. Mexico that the imalujmaal aff taav ' I to rompH England to tlie hands of uirsiileat W! w - - v T- Is certain that the Mater tl.e text of the JU insistea tnat mo - -'4 .' $1 KNOWLEDGE - Japanese Aasaaaaador tlats jaanM ... J v;. tmUL "I aaa ajilhBa4Ml. la. 'a .mmm'am she think JaaW&w:aillrhi:. &$i - ...... ... L.J',Lij?0.iAuis'Wi. AaseHca." t--5 vEtal the bin tuhandl Wannj mmmmM; i -' '.rv'W.&fcSalCVssi's.'W'l .U L.JlVXJ&a&f!rAil lMMmaV"?L?' K-.,3-ir, , .&, Stt-P;-'iannnt -twxx9mmjmimMm!mw , w bW until UvanfaieM to", haa. I -1 . W! m &J SI Ih a "ii M ? j?: TH'I .m Mii mi m i vS I . WViv A J! ,. - m ,M m: ftwdt W tilt boycottcrs. 'FJ:jl m' '' , . 111 BJAab ' i fV-tJ- .& , I rSh