C?;iT s, PTw JK-.i .nS-itfiiiisdil- IV IV?1? i -' , ri" j-C'CJ ., ' i J,yj' r 4&TA4 n A- . 3. b ws V tf tX '-$ v( if t 'J: i- ' ;- . it i, SuiS.t. &! ti Hrrald L klaiiath comrm OFFICIAL NEWIPAFI1 -MS z ? ? 4 J- fJJ' w &'?Wii KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 28, 1917. .. - Ota Eutmmn SjrSBBmRmmHmmmmmmmmBp. IXt' i Rfeveatk Year No. IS1 ESS- -i JtJ',ifiA T-.-1- jLZfii& & . M, b?v AS ,. ' , sm, Ml tWi- m i KV t . Ifcvrl E'J ft 4-1 COMMlTEE HOLDS UP WILSON'S ; ! ROBT. L STRAHORN WIU ARRIVE TOMORROW NI GlfT J gyggYPYMWW sJPPbjssafjpMPPPP . ' Vr Two Restrictions In Tower" Bill Made ACTBOKIIATtOX TO CMC OTHER MEANS DENIED I TIV?E9vbb sr PITPPPaDawRj wwsajar Risk Bnreaa I Ii Out laaeiUd bjr UF iIUMtaUM -Fated WIP I'M efGune mi - WASHINGTON, D. .. Feb, II. r . TM kouae foreign affaire committee ' PM up Prestdeat WMeea's mM far power to kaadla lb tateraaUoaal awaattos, making tw layorUat ra trtcUoM. . AviboritatlM of tba araaHaafa mitt "otbtr laMnMBtaUHUaa aM Ireai guna, guaatre ui aioaer u atrkbta (roa Iba bill. Atao a aravl (a forbidding tba um of a war rtak barvau lo Inaiiro naalUoa carrlara iBMrttg br two ItatocraU aa4 Urw rtpubllcaa. aal waa IM wltM lb mlnnrtly rtport. Tbk bill graata tba HM'ot gvai. glaum aad fieO.OOO.OtO lo arotact fi ihlpt and clilttaa. Tba botiaa la ai vitnM io obm iaa Mil. WA8IIIN0TON, D. C, Fab. II. AMbtMBdor Oaranl aal partr aalM fwm OoniBaa to4r, aeraUry Laa Mag aaaoa'aeal. I WA8HIN0T0N. D. C, Fab. II. ;ina wBBta mlllUry ooaiailUaa igraa a tba raport of Ua amy Mil car nlni aaftaaalBNat provMlsg far Mharaat KUIU17 tralalat- VAIHINOTON, D. C. Fab. II. Tba Lnuta paaaai tba Bwrlaag aaiaal l to tba aualry dvll Mil today, appropriating MOI.IIt for'tka fad mi iBteatlgatkm oj food arkaa. ' aaaaaiBMaajaa WABHINOTON, D. C.AiWtrla . .ctally danln tbat bar aabaurlM eaak Ha l.ymin Uw, Aatbaaaadar Paalatd wblta. 1 Two HHUmi ' ' IAUIIAU MM.L m.. ' X. . wwnuun, rea, ia tbb antiaa Uaat.n Haadly aad Ariaa kava baaa " Twalw sanrlrora at tba Ariaa taadad. (slP . 1 PRICE OF GAS SET BY 6ARA6ES .. V fi'': ....... . . . raxfM CHX ro riFTV GAIk I4IKM AT tTANaUltD MUCK AM LOWKR TMAM MTAIb fWOK IWVMB IM TMI CIW ' It - It ilf Thn Tbo nruu . k .uu '...u. Pktt1 ' reu prto , Hr.pl.' feM,""-?0- ! afact today la tale alty. fi&Hml -! . ""it tbat bw will fsSI BUt k..i. U . ,"" w " ? ,,. vi.-TT' , vbb aaaaaaa lAtaaaate'taa 1 a B-JAL-'ibll i JHwae aid ta The, iiaaiaaTav tkku. ThiMkree eaata M a oea- ' JL ' I BBBBBBTWaBBBBBB gOB I aBHBHBMBiaBBl .B.BBBB1 I waar' or . .-tfi:ij-jcrixT'uivg'.....--..-i--.i v. t-lerk.4 7- Z!TliZ??Tr ". Tt!"FC?Ti .?.? .WT31-T?7.J: t'- e retail ariaa --.!-..- -- K" aauai g -. .. - 7 : . . - aiwat redueuoa at tMalaboat lo.tfo aoaaaa taat air, wiwoa 'iW ' laarpafor.'"' MMIMMMMMMMMMMVWMMMWMIAM Big Navy m Virr.y Rapraaeatatlva rrad A. Brlttaa of Cblugo hag olfarad la tha bout a bill to appropriate 1111,000,000 for tmaadlata uaa, ao that til ablpa of the Ualtad Stataa aavy, aow undar couraa of conatruetloa, auy bo ruahad to completion. Tbla auai, ba aays, would aiaka It poaalbla to uaa triple aklfta, worklag all night aad all day. LAKEVIEW WOOL, SHEEP BOUGHT AlVntOVOH BALK SLIGHT, NVM BER OP BALM) ARK RBFORTKD AND MARXKT HHOWa OONUD PtABUC ACTIVm' LlKBVIBW. Fab. II. Tba put waek kaa eoea bomo aeUrlty la both tka Uaib aad wool market, although aatea kava baaa rather alight, aaya tka Laka Oouaty JBaaalaar. Ma Daly, aa laeal raareeeataura or taa 4UU Uam Packlag coaaaay of Pa Fraaalaeo, kaa baaa tka oaiy one. auy. lai laaba. la the put few daya ba kaa eoatractad for oter 1,000 kaid. I. B. Ckaadlar. akeap aa aad raaeher.of Crooked Creak Valley, kaa eoatraeted kla eoaraa wataar laatae 10 Mr, Daly far 11.75, Tkay auataar about 1,100 bead. Daa Chaadlar ef Drawn Vallay, alao caatraetea aia eoaraa vataar taaiaw, anria about 1,HI kaad, to Mr. Daly far tB.TS, lulllvaa itephaaaoa aaya aaatraeted their taa wooled laataa farM.ll, aa did aleo coareree or Now Plaa Craak. Boajo yoarirag watkara ware aurckaaed far M. Taa only laeal coatracta reeeatly mmU for wool kava baea Mtdo by D. J, Wlleoi, loeal raarootMaUva of te Uatoa PP aad Cattle eoajpaay of RMa., Mr. Wlloaa baa HrAaeed the WW A padera a4 tka T. J. Murpy tPMattor -' Tkla BMkee a teial of - - - .. . . -- raieaa . 4 - bbHL9bbbHbI gVBtai tf .BB A .BBBBBBBH dBBaBB'i wUbbbbbbbbbH LACONIA LIFE BOAT SWAMPED BYBIG SWELL i:iUHT OF TWKXTY.TWO OCCC I'A.VTH DIE DiniXO MOHT Ufeawat Xo. Ftawc Agplt Caawrd LtoerVHMaby WMrti WMai W Haanratcal Dantog law MaP. WABHINOTON, D. C, Feb. II; DUpatchaa receive today froai Aneer. lean Consul Froat at Queaaatowa. de- clarea tbat the Uconla'e lifeboat No, I, la which Mm. Hoy aad Mtae Hoy died of oapoeure. waa "raked ai ftaag asalaat tpCwaraVUa)ar'aMa by a mouataJaoua awell." The boat llled with water, aad waa only kept aloat by Ita air tankn. It became eeparated from the other life'- boata, aad eight of the twenty-two oc- capaala eaceambed during the algbt. The dlapatcbea aay Mm. Hoy euc cumbed Bret, at 1:10 a. aa., aad Miaa Hoy died one hour later. BERLIN, Feb. 8. Oermaa aewe papera editorially Juatlfy tba torpedo log of tka Lacoala. Tkey declare It waa la accordance with Ike Oermaa waralaaa tkat hoaplUl aklpa will be torpedoed. They aaeert tka Lacoala waa formerly Hated aa a Brltlak aux iliary erulaer. a Htuchery Work Niarttac Tba lumber kaa beea purekaaed aad la being tranaported for coaatruc- Uoa work oa the Klamath hatchery oa Crooked Creek, betweea tbla city aad Fort Klamath, whlck te to be tka largeat Iroflt batckary fa tka elate. Work will atart Brat oa Ua Ice bouee, hatchery bulldtag and a bungalow on tba alto for tba uaa of tbo hatchery auperiateadaat aad em- oloyee. It la plaaaed that a maa la to be atatloaed tkere all year round. 1 m " M. B. AM Society to NwH The Ladlee' Aid Society of tka M. B. churck of tkla city will meet wltk Mra. L. M. Halaea. 101 Mlchlgea ave nue, Thnraday artarnooa at l:P, All mambere laylted. LOCAL WOMAN PASSES BEYOND MRS. W. I. TAYLOR, MOTBKPi OF UNKHNRACM ROYS OF TaYM CUV, SVOOVMRB AFTB ILL NMSS OF LONG PRMOD 'mw. W, I. Taylor, wlfa of W, I. TayW of tbla atty.aHoa at HI0 tkla mefataf , at the age of 4 yaare. two tptp aAdtkraa cay, at taa Bleak- burtkoffRal,. ". .' ' '.- yW(:nw mx&js&izxr mum PBf ,wrB laamaaiai maawi. BPW too ataer c wa iwiw1 back pyg of thl, Mr, who wMh the kaibaad aaata ajtaaEaftlaplaMr. trte 1P iniMidr " '" "" ' ip" i ' - . --- ..-..i i- .....i , . .j -?a Germaiis Rely on . Oa theee two mighty men the Germane, and, In fact, the Auatrlana. Turka and the Bulgarians, rely for miration. They are responsible fur the break with the United States, General von lllndenburg and Gen- era! von Luilendorff, the one eulef LOCAL BASEBALLS TEAM IS ASSURED ASSOCIATION KLKCT8 OFFICKItS APFOINTS COMM1TTKK IXVK8T MATE TOR NKW BALL PARK OR HKDUCTION OF RENT Klamath Falls la assured of a base ball team this year, and the strong eat tbat can be secured, according to I. H. Carnahan, as-preeldent of the baseball organisation. Tka business awn will support It aa they alwaya kava, aald Mr. Caraaaaa today,.'. Tho oRcerg of the aaaoclatlon elect- ad last night were Fred Garrlch pres- Moat, O. B. Wllley eecreUry, Leslie HI Rogers treasurer, and George Watts manager. The board of di rectors are A. J. Wlgglna, Fraacta OMe, Fred Houatoa, O, R. Wllley and J. H. Carnahan. ' A committee ot'tkreo was appoint ed to taveetlgate tka eecurlng of a now park or a reduction of tp rent of tka presaat prk. Tke aaaoalattou PM on aa aTeracaof aver aev a maatk Mat aaauaar. Tkla aemmUtte paspa ef'A.V. Wlpaa K..Supr- a"jaaa.riv rii"niJijM' ,"MP V"" a"alBBfe?sBWer OHfCAOO, Fab. II. Mop sold to day for 111.11 perbuadred, tka klgh- 1 i . jy . . . ' l9E?aBBBBBBPaBM IBtgmVmRmlmlBigmBll BBRmBBRmBBRmBBRmBBRmBBRmBBRmBBRmBBRmBBRmR BaBBBBVBBBVBBBVBBBVBBBVBBBVBBBVBBBVBBBVBBBVBrVBM ;tBammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbTIbbbbbbbbbbbbb mBfaffaffaffaffaffaffaffaV , BBRmBRmBRmBRmBRmBRmBRmaRBT .vTBmamvaawBmT1 gammmmmmmmmmBfiaa HSvtnBmBaSmBmBM ISiij?:'."aBRmBPw' -BBRmm-i-- HRat - "jBRfe r RmaFAi bbw BmS aRmalBBBBHHBTfl aVBmueHmBVBmaaKBBBmBaVBmuiaVsr's -vvr,i'iat"lm?'Pbi, BmjmBBmmgVwaaaaBBaaenBBBmmBim I ttH VON HlNPEWamtft CEN vow LUPENPORff "1 pHeo'ever ptd-prt, 5 These Two tor Salvation of tbo general staff and the other the chief or staff, were taken to Berlin from the ctutern front, and today von liiiiUt-itburg has become a greater bcro In Germany than the kaiser, and tleitetnl vou Ludcndorff Is hardly less popular. KM? LOSES HORSEIN CREEK TKAM GOING FROM BONANZA TO QLV 11ROKR THROUGH ICE OF CREEK ICE HELD UP THE WATER The Hamaker stage .company near ly lost a home yesterday by drown ing near Oly when team going from Bonanaa to Bly broke through the lc.e on Courtright Creek, one horse's head going under the water, and waa held there until unhitched. It takea a team fourteen houra to make thle trip now, a distance of II miles, according to Mont Hamaker, who la la tke' city today. s The Lakevlew stage, ka aays, kas not been through tor, tour daya, A report from' the Fort country aaya the aaow la Bve feet deep In placea fence posts Ping obliterated la many laeea. . Jap piawew Radl .,. . J. F, Lopar, laundrymaa at the KtesMtVFaUe BUam )gapry. pN JW!? tba lauadry, ad la compelled to lay off. Mr..Loper had takea out an .tna aecMoat laauranea polky.but a few Pya before. . - Believed rime Here For Important wwwwwmiwwmmmwimwmiwmO ALLIES EXPECT AND WANT U.S. TO DECLAIIE WAR HAYS SKKATOR HALE OX RKTOKX rap aWBOFB VJatt - Xow Yeefc ' VJPVerHar emSwam " Tv-"-. ThaB',Arttr3cue Cpagw War. NEW TORKr Feb. 28.-Tk(,.lfner Finland arrived today carrying many American passengers. Including Fred erick Hale, senator-elect from Maine. Senator Hale baa been in Europe for several months, studying war con ditions, WhUe there he talked with Lloyd George aad Premier Brtand of Krar.ct and other h!h ally 'ofltetala. "The allies expect America to enter the war soon.' Mr. Hale aald oa hie arrival here. "They all want ua to declare war. and believe the moral effect of a few Americana fighting in France will be tremendous, and prob ably change the course of the war." PAMPHLETS OUT FOR ELECTION LAKEVIEW PREPARES TO HOLD SECOND BOND ELECTION FOR THE STRAHORN RAILROAD ON MARCH STH LAKEVIEW, Feb. 18. The pam phlet? calling for a city bonding elec tion have been distributed. The elec tion has been called for March Sth. This election waa called for No vember 14th last, but due to the ract that Keeler Brothers failed to aead tho pamphlets calling for the elec tion as provided by law, tke whole matter waa Illegal, and It waa neces sary to hold the election again. The election held last November skowed a vote of about twelve to one In favor of tke 110,000 bond tesue to pur chase fights of way and terminals for the Strahorn road. J. J, Monroe ot'WIllow Ranch, A? Of Rebnett of, New Piae Creek aad Jamea Duke, residing south 'of Lake view, ware In Lakevlew IP taller part of last week la tke tatereet of tka proposed ttrakora road from Lakevlew to Flaanlgan. Theee tkxee mea compose tP right of way eow mittee, and tkay were Pro to Inter view ike farmers. Mr. Moam,aptai tPt.tho saatpeat wm .entirely favor. aWetoaeproieet.bat farmers were actaa User FbBWad Arttrea la aTVVVfakaT BBbbbbbbbW AmBBBBBBT4a9BaVmVammBmBfmB) wpnaa Stadraag War CiaPlaai fee Two Maaewi TtBr, WK tAaml ' TM,r ?? " ' f y ojBBiea taatjn llpiVIM WW 9 pfwRMeaBavSlifjr' O., or to laya, third ralL eommtttee haaaadd,no Pya Ue deep far IP slgaed, . ' ' H yat'tp Mjaaapt to rapt P way PtsSfetftS ' . BBBSte-aiBmBBemBi i-BBBBn .v KAwbbbbbM? ammBB.BBBBsjummmmammmmmj 4 - . :r ;s$s;' : MAYOR. -SATS -rtwwijS(..wwfJiAfc fi. i Wlemrew 'TVS i. .iVii. We 1 im asaaay eat saps. Word waa KoPrt at l"1!: CrlaUr Oiat Mr.'SttaPi p-r avf KHBJBgawww on, eBBWJaBBRFajgmjmj rtr. .-rjX5,sm' rarz,r ?. t ji ?.'. y. r -.' "(,"' iWAf a mra aa mm1BuaAK.asssas isBeeSBsgU-ft-J!L' t 1I CrflaBlBimBBBBBVnibmBfcBBB Apf lanWWaw9wawawpvmmmBBMf jBVR hern at Dal Jloate. Pts jba ImaPsaal ... - .. '- -tar.'v--s,ir wub'-aua, aaa)osrJaiaBaap-''aBpi-'. that um etty cewaen hear grssaisaiB with tp sale of Ma Psiaa; aPUat it i wovia uaa to eioaa up ua and confer with htaa. -Mr. answered lmaWlater.tlswPp; here tomorrow aia- J. t ' It is felt iavloeal eireleVpteoagt with the railroad aUsPptf.MMnV hp- mw - wav .. wwsarVv. of all detalle neeeesary to with Ue eUrtiag of aetual tloa of Uo rallroaaV .1 Mr. Btrahora will P asked by tp mayor to eonfer with tPeowaoq to straighten out a feaaattara waleh he ap memPra pt tho eeiaefldealro to know to aafegmard tke elty'a Inter ests. " W. J. Long. reprosentaUva of SpRs- er-Rorkk boadtag bouse, wklch Ps purchased tke bends, asleaa tp'onr, takes advaatage cjf Ita option' annul- ling the sale wlttla Bfteea days of . their aceeptanca, la ta the eMyajtd vill remain bee. " Bert E. WPmaw. ehairaaanv P IP cltlsen'a rlgkldW way sweamPaa p aounced thM hMrnlng tPtaRtp rlgkt of way has boon seenroi wRh the exception of tPt wkleh la ex pected win Pro to P neadaavBSd. and tkat part of It ready tof opera tions to begin. "Wapvethla matter la rppe, and tP deep to tp prrp- eity can P aaanred of ao ataseaRy there." said Mr. WHhrow. , " f ", Captain J. W. Biemeaa.annoancP before ha left for California tPt the terminal fund bj auflkleatly along i causa "no delay. Cap.' W, RPrieta said Monday ntgkt JPt tPra ehoaM P no delay with the. termlaal rand niw, " Mr. Crlsler aald Monday night tPt the time baa.arrtvp tar tP aaaaetl aad Mr. Btrahora. to 00 operate. Ha said tP atflePr tha matter epwd lsTi irMBAPs warn grkW waupmmm.MmA ita WBwwwvaBt www wee" f ? rT,sw eoafer with Mrt Mrahorn. .J2hM wmwr ' turn wwmmmm sawi V.W. - " . - - - ..'"l tkat ft mm- thA''alt'ia eeatassaesuj . . .u J ' 1 '1 aM m '"-i wweT IfwPjPkF w"awf mpvyaV Bfjannm Bmft anunsaj efJeewe;wwrk;la;eaafpy ... -. ..-- - -Ri' .o'..ri'' Klamath 'Fataf ppaJa'aro'lBiPpa taat too ranraaa aaaner aw eanaaaiiws) jt an tf, ees 1 mtmmmmmryvo reed P stortod p sea .:- a-. ---. "o.iwaawei jaw- asna jbb -ymmmw- Aa.i-rAi-.r-J-t- " v-' WWJWWOAr -1.-11 .lr'; T- - UP" :.a gep wasnasw mmssjawv araapto latereaiP m ti H"fi'Ail mmwv '-j-a.sm.. r r ' ' janmmmmmmmmmnfammmmmmmmmBBammmmmmmw. aaPatMaJSBBnaoJsaraaiPPW 1 jwKaBHBBBBBaBVSBfRa mmmtmBmmm IftlWMM' '.liss rs p ffl m $J tit J K 1 t It 'J1 iy teW fc'i 1" " ". - -ii ' ."lit J.-! Af-V, V , ,, , . e ,,