R-1' rv.S',ufrtf KtUffAY, nCNHVARV M, IVT THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ..jrra ffia' 1 m hSSf Mj liu K STt Is1?. 41 A ft. m fcif smaJiiuuLAiig??' H Abott People You Know FIRST ' MfLYKUMATHWKATHKR v - ti A Yeeterday aad last night's weather statistics: Maximum yesterday, 38 deg. Mlalmuai Jast nltht, IS deg. Precipitation for 4 hours to 4:J0yeeterday, .1 Inch. EMU stated enow fall, 1.5 Inches. Total precipitation to date for February. .T Inch. U. S. R. S. recordi. AAAMAArtAAMMMAAMMmWMMMMAffMM fine Gro-e ResMeats hi CM. 1 J. Trammel and Geo. Kcifcr were Falls visitors todar. ' Albany Mam In City. M. Summcrficld of Albany, It a Klamath Falls visitor on business today. IVwVtaem erfaCltr- E4 Freuer. Poe Valley farmer, la the cltr todar on business. Goes to Port. Dr. A. A. 8oale, county coroner and local physician, left this moraine for Fort Klamath on medical business. at CMjr. P. B. McDonald, resident or Merrill. easse op to the Falla last night on Balmm Minister names ft tfe State Department Meet llrothrr Here. Lawrence Horton of Yonna Valley was In the cltr last night to meet his brother. L. J. Horton. who arrived from MarshCeld this week to visit at thf ranch. Mill frVrcman lteck Here. Ed Pike, general foreman at the Pelican liar mill, returned last night from San Francisco, where he haa been for several days on business, and vent out to the milt todar. SHOWING OF 191 7 COATS AND SUITS We have received several express shipments of new Coats and Suits this week. The colors are mostly gold, apple, mustard and navy. The styles are decidedly different from those shown last season and we want you to visit the suit department tomorrow so we may have your opinion; we believe they will meet with your approval. Lakcview Kheepauta Visits. uan Manor, well known aheepman of Lakeview. is In the cltr todar on business and looking after a large band of sheep he Is feeding this win ter at Bonansa. !PsW-:;; Ste4lSt' t-AWi ?rrv 73 vljtPk' b?l t i"-5t -;k ' ---------------------------! -tjs' " lFi H-K7l ir !k'i i&llV- ?N------------------------W'' j si" 'r-i .jf I. '' :''' Si &"- j".i Wr-. ,----------------------- -v.'''l -l M ES5HslFI w F W? 2;fB I P5!0P:!3-1l HosaetoMe. Mr. and Mrs. Aldred Beaver arrir ed in the cltr last night. Mr. Beaver haa Just sold his hardware business in Springfield. Ore., and takes this op portunity to par a long promised visit to hU ma-ln-law, Mrs. Nate Otterbeln. Loral People Retara Here. Mr. and Mrs. Lake Walker of this cltr returned last night from San Francisco, where ther have been this winter. Mr. Walker haa been back here since ther went to the cltr. but Mrs. Walker has been spending the winter here. Coaactt Meets Tonight. A meeting of the cltr council has been called for tonight by Mayor Crlaler In the council chamber. W. J. Long of the SplUer-Rorick bond house of Toledo. Is expected to be present, and the bonds on which this house bid, and put up a $15,000 check as security, and on which deal the council has been working with him ; for several days will be the topic of discussion. New Slip-poo Veils 10c A new creation and Just received; suitable for street or autoing, requires no pins or tying, iust slip it on; comes in brown and black. Bwalh Cotton 10c New colors and white in all sizes; colors guaran teed to boil. New Children's Dresses $1 Some dainty patterns in the new middy suit; very clever combinations. u a Special Sale New Waists Drummer samples of best selling waists in voiles, organdies and Swisses; most ly embroidered styles. S1J0 Waist, for $2.00 Waists for S2.50 Waists for $3.00 Wauls for $4 50 Waists for 95c $1.29 $1.59 $1.98 $2.98 Sport Stripe Silks 75c Full yard wide, comes in Emerald, Copenhagen, orange, navy and ecru grounds. New Middy Blonces A comprehensive show ing of new middies in white and sport effects from 59c to $2.50. Breakfast Sets New shipment; a great variety of patterns and styles. $1.25 to $1.75. Papers la Woods Estate Filed. Papers in the estate ot Wllaelmlaa P. Woods, who died la 1914. have been filed with the county clerk aad worn to by Robert Ublman, that Wit f red R. Woods, husband, la the sole heir to propertr in this county and Florida left by the deceased. The propertr la at Bomnsa. and consist of lots 13 to 24 Inclusive, In block , south half of said block In addition to Bonanxa. - Since the German .note on the new submarine warfare, Minister Stephen Paoaretof, representing Bulgaria In fc. rtii i. . . wiv UBii-itnH, u nw crj - lve. Shonld his government endorse) the German policy it mar result in his: dismissal from the United States. This! photograph shows him hurrying to see Secretary;of State Lansing. I have good foar rooaa boavse for 02S on easy tenon. Yoa'll have to harry. See Chllcote. 23 ATTENDS OPENING OF BIG BRIDGE ORPHEPS HEATER Tbaraday aad Friday "BARRIERS OF SOCIETY" Red Feather Photoplay ia Five Acts Fearteeata Episode of "Liberty" A Modern Jean of Arc ADMISSION TEX CENTS The Orpheus gives only one show aeh evening, beginning promptly at o'clock. C. C. Brower bag returned from a business and legal trip to Salem and Portland. While at Salem he ap peared before the supreme court for the defendant in the esse of a bank in Iowa against M. R. Doty, seeking to foreclose a chattel mortgage given by Mr. Doty to a manufacturing com pany in connection with a contract for machinery. The bank claims to have bought the mortgage from the company. Mr. Doty claims the bank is fraudulently stand- The More Education The More Cash everybody knows a credit store that has to hire a bookkeeper, a col. lector, aad lose a great away accounts, cinsot compete with a store that doe not have any of the above expenses, aad does not lose any accoaats. Do aot blame the credit store, as they have to make up the lose somewhere. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT IS lbs, Cane Sugar $8.83 it sack I4ob Flour $2.00 " eaa Oaraatioa Milk 10c 4 rvu- l jaa l""aB ---. !. ISo Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes Everyone knows the tremendous increase in shoes the past six months. We were fortunate- in having an extra large stock on hand that we owned at the old price. We are at present able to offer a very good selection of men's and boys' and women's and children's shoes for much less than the market value. Try us on shoes and note the difference in prices. i r? it if a jnw itrw? orwn.ifrn a htvtinc. j. r . maouiisjl. A-uvirn i lng in with the company in order to help them defeat his rights against the company for not fulfilling their contract with him. It is considered there are many complicated questions In the case, both of law and facts, which are of much interest both to lawyers and to any persons buying goods and giving notes on time con tracts. While in Portland, Mr. Brower en joyed the opportunity of personally meeting many of the boys of Troop A and Battery A of the Oregon National Gurads, on their return from the bor der at Calexlco; and also of being present at the ceremonies of opening the great interstate bridge at Van couver. He says the bridge is not only the longest in the world, but is certainly a beauty in construction for strength and permanency. Over $10,000 for Protection of Forest 1916 (Continued from Page 1) barm, and is one of the spots we are still watching carefully. It is encouraging to report that the forest service bss secured some appro priation for beetle work, and It is to be hoped that we may yet receive the Fame co-operation from them in this line that they give in the fire protec- f tlon. Much Infestation originates on national forests and drifta into our timber. The financial report shows that a total of $10,488.70 waa spent In pro teiling the forests of this area from fire and beetle and for construction work. Of this (8,230.97 was spent fur salaries and $2,257,73 for con struction work and miscellaneous items. In the fire protection department, $6,870.81, was expended In salaries and $1,748.48 in construction work. In the protection i from pine beetle, il.Z60.16 In salaries and $C09.2S for rolfirellaneous items. H OUSTON' Metropolitan Amusements s HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE DARK STAR THEATER II. A. Kolfe Presents Emmy Wehlen The charming Viennese Actress and Recent star of "Marriage a Ijj Carlo" in Charles Koran's Play of Peculiar Problems and Tense Sitnatlons. "WHKN A WOMAN LOVKH" A Five-Act Photodrama ADMISSION 10 and 18 CKXTH TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED The return of the ladder borrowed from me the fall of 1915. I need It. O. A. Stearns. tZ-2f Bayo Beans, pound life White Beans, pound 12c Red Beans, pound 12c Head Rice 3 lb. 85c California Walnuts, pouad , . lnc Muscat ftai-ia. pound 10c SW W j .... v. Me Italian Prunes, pound 10c Vtort Klaauth Ratter 80c Same, Urge, pouad . . 13 J, c ' i caa Toatatoea :, .Apples, bos . , t . ,i,io to flJVO x!.ftmh Ems, per doeea . . .300 .! tamA amut-L -. . ea tin ?iffirj-zr ' ... :l. ,"', (l)'''lli Figs, pouad ISlHc Dried Peaches, pound lie lelly, pergUas' toe Preserves, jar asc u AMand Fruit Store they sometimes start. The human enemy Is no more .desired than the lightning. I o me luuuguuui, turwaru iuokidb woodsman the yearly addition to the accumulation of dead material on the ground represents a constant menace. It Is Impossible for us here to ignore the patent fact that In certain locali ties the danger from this source Is In creasing year by year. In order to mlnlmixe this haxard to an extent consistent with reasonable expense, this association has been engaged for years in constructing strategic road and trails, and extending its telephone lines to every danger point. It has been the theory of the man agement of this association that no beetle control work should bo under taken In timber likely to be logged off within five years. It appears mora j than likely that from the several log ging operations around the Klamath Lake and through this untreated tract tree-killing beetles ere filtering Into the timber embraced In our original control operations, but that prompt attention on our part should bead off serious damage. 'XWXMWMWWWMWWWWWWWXWWmOWmOPPOP'Mt Moving Pictures TEMPLE THEATER "Our Other Liven," Vitagraph Drama in Three Parts The Wizard's Wot," Grant, Policeman Reporter, Scries "Meter ia the Kitchen," Kalem Comedy Hearst Pathe .News" Current Events against you and the above named de fendant, Mxtle McCumber, for the Rum ot threo thousand dollars, togetb er with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 8th day of February, 1915, and for the sum of three hundred dollars' attor ney's fees, and the costs of suit and a decree foreclosing one certain mnrt gage upon the lands and premise hereafter described, given by you aad the said Utile McCumber to the plaintiff above named on the Ith day of July, 1909, to secure the payment of the raid sums of money above men tloncil upon the following described lands and real estate, to-wlt: The southwest quarter and the west one half of the southeast quar ter and the southeast quarter of the noutheast quarter of section twelve, In township thirty-eight, south of range eleven, east of the Willamette Meridian, In Klamath county, Ore gon, and that the slid lands be sold to sat isfy the said Judgment and the n. feeds of said sale be applied to tbt satisfaction of the same, and tliat joa and each of you, the abotn named At fendanto bo forever barrnl nnit fore closed of nil right, title and clilm ot equity of redemption In and to tbt lands and premises above described. This summons Is pubtUhed In tk Kvimlng Herald, a dally txxvmmjwr oi genefnl circulation, printed, publlthtd and circulated at Ktumnth Knlln, Ore Kon. and uf general circulation In tht fnld county and stule, by onlcr uf the Honorable I). V. Kuykeinl.ill, Jiidjeot tliti iibote entitled remit. Kuril orilrr being doted Kobrunry .1st. 1VIT: the nmt publication of lliU aiiimuoni to be made upon Friday, the 23d lar of February, 1917, and the lt l' Mention to be made upon Krliln)', the 6th day or April, 1917. HOItACK Kl. MANNING. Attorney for I'hliitln". LonmlM Iltilldliig, Klamath KiiIIk. Orr. 32-2-9-I6-23.30-6 WWWWWWMWWWWWMWWWMwyww The following Is a short synopsis of the five-act photodrama, "When a Wo. man Loves," at the Star tenight: Ruth, a waitress In a cheap restau rant, contributes what she can to the support of her family at home, until the mother's III health brings the do mestic situation to a crisis. Having insufficient money for their needs, Ruth Is tempted to "play the horses," at which, after losing, she dons male attire, and entering the poolroom, Is arrested in a raid. After a night In the station house her identity la dis closed, as also, her Inability to pay the fine. A wealthy young attorney, Ar thur Loewe, on the scene at the time, straightens matters out, Ruth, how ever, has lost her position, and In seeking another, at a beautiful gum mer hotel, runs into ber elder liter, who tome time before, left hove for the gayer life of the city, In.ebmpuy with two pseudo gentlemen card MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTIOX PICTURES Tt'ESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill, Otegen Summons (Equity No. 855) In the Circuit Court or the State of Oregon, for the County of Klam ath. A. S. Moorland, Plaintiff, vs. Charles H. McCumber and Lltxlo Mc Cumber (formerly tho wife of Charles II. McCumber), and II. W. Teters, Defendants. To Charles H. McCumber, the above named Defendant: In the namo of the Stato of Oregen: you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed agalnxt you in the above entitled suit on or before Friday, the tb day of April, 1917, that being the day of the last publication of this summons and the laat day In which you, the defendant, are required to answer said complaint aa fixed by the order of publication of this summons, and if you fall to ap pear and answer, aa aforesaid, the sharps, one of whom she Uvea with The Silver Lake infestation no long- The other. Powers. l quick to realise plaintiff will apply to the court for er presents the serious aspect of 1914, that Ruth prettlneea will prove a the relief craved for In his comnialnt. j but !, yet contains vast possibilities of , wonderful decoy for their vIcthM"' to-wlt: Per adjudgment and decree Prectutions Go for Nought Sometimes but moil timei they rJTwt llirir purpose. Wo arc surpriHcd when u puir of our kIiuch proven dr-fcelive. It has happened, of courae, but it liuppeiM only by u combination of circumstances which it is bnyond human skill to control. lo hewn, tho manufacturrra of our shot uro u.1 jealous of their reputation as wc am of ours. From the selection or leather to the wiikina of the show, every process fa in the hands of expert thousands of dollars ore spent annuaUy to ace that not one shoe is faulty. J hen the shoes are inspected by this store. Every one of our salespeople knows that on no uccount must u defective shoo be sold, 1- suS5'. Ui".tninR IU happen, but all wo usk of our customers accidents i hT1" " l,l l,porlu,lily to " BUC Regal Shoe Store ll for Xetthton Men's Shoes-the World's Ftaert ..?3yw .. ..1.. t;r.m&&j fr-tS. ' ."il'x ' 'V