ml . M KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL WEWIFAF1K iMi!l'l. . it i lumt I t r i tt iTnriiTiT'T Tin lit TV 'i sjsttath Vwr-M WILSON ORDERS NATIONAL FOOD PROBE LORD CARSON Says Not Solved Yet; Hopes Held AVOWi HILL TO INCREASE THK NAVV 40O,( ft Lard of AdaUmlty Amowmw flat Lord Maker. PrraMmt of ritfi Board of Isvetlas, U ransg Mnm to Cosnbet NabeM ism Dariag Fehraary Nearly IS.M Vessels Arrived Mi LeaX LOKDO.V, Fab, II. "The sneasA- rise Bturt It grave, serlos, and l trowlsg worse. It la yet unsolved. tat I ta confldsnt that mesas rea now Mil dled lll mitigate Ha eerl tiiMM," daturt sir Edward car ws, Im lord of Iba admiralty, be Ifn tat house or commons today. Hr Carson asked (or the naaaaga rfsMIl which will add 460,000 Baa lo gataad's navy, and declared thai tks tspsulon ot tba counlry'a naval fercai nude tbla necessary. Canes announced tbat Lord Flak f. bow president or tbe board of In tttilcai on tbe admrlalty atat, la de tail! Means or combatting tba aub Mrlaa atnaro. t faring eighteen daya of February wrly 11,000 veaaala arrived and da. md froai British porta, be aald. as order was laaued today declar- lei tbat all veaaala carrying good a to or Iron porta of countries which aro main to England art liable to rap. roe and condensation unlaaa they nil at a port of the alllee an route hr examination. WAR MAY BAR NEW CITIZENS HUSO OF PAPERS AT THIS TIMK "Wl CimKKHHlr PAPCM BY 1ATIVKH OF OOVNT1UW AT AB WITH ir. g. iiaiuI TBKM foreigners SUUlvlns- far oltUanlili Mari at the nrMnt ! mum nt JJja ibam In caae tbe United ttataa " w war with their native land. "Vawrous snn1litln. n. .i,i.. )?' p,pw been made all over country by Auatrlana and Oar 2Jll0ll the atralnod relations arsK 'nd U h" BroUM, WW' !, dl"lon aa to their chances fwlvlng them. .'JJ,on " of the revlied atatutea 'No alien Iia i.. . ,, .,. I !. or do..:;:.".n"u:'.! i,qr: flinty with which the United "N are at .. .. .k. . . .... JWkaiion .hail then be admitted to JJjJ, cltucn of tbe United IO IDDllrstln. r. a.., .- to m! dMl,rn ot the lateatlon mSU fP -tr, aid that I I. limit ... i. ...... iMaaoJi ' vr""Wy i en.ani a aow vie, presld.nt f . x..ti..d ,..: " appoints iM....' TwakT of the ual- . re oi reitnta, Sip lEunmn literals 00m00wm00mm0w0wwwwwww Foreign Official Who Hampered Gerard Ciunt Montgelsy, lirnd or the American division or tho German for- olga office, la the offlclal wlio tried to compel Ambaasador Gerard to sign an agreement that the Prusslan-Amer-lenn treaty or 1799 waa atlll In force. The American ambaasador reftmed IKilut blank to consider vuch n matter uulea be waa permitted to communi cate In code with Washington. When thU demand waa denied the ambaasa dor waa ready to leave, and ho waa Anally permitted to go. MAY BE I LKARNKD HK IH TO IIH CliAllOKU WITH VIOLATING KKUTItALITY LAWH FIUJHKCUTOU ADMITH IMI-OltTANT UI-a-'HNDANT BAN FRANCIBCO, Fob. 81. Fed- era! Prosecutor i'roslon will seek an Indictment against A. Carnegie Rosa, British conaul hero, lor violating American neutrality. It It nuthorltlvo ly learned. Preaton retused to conHrm tho re port, hut aald that "an Important do. fendant la aoon to be added to tho Hat of tboae Indicted." m WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. Jl. Preeldest Wilson bis nominated Wm. B. Colver. a 8t. Puul newspaper man, and John Franklin Fort of New Jor- ear, aembera of the Federal Trade i t . ,d a, E3Laa1faaBm?l Daw. ;r2!i.eSjBjBjBja; ys&dW Pjfc 4jf,- Me --i I aXtaaasaaaYFJns. Tr HBHBBBBBBJBBBFgjgajpVgraBak naHHHBHHHeaBSgBBK9BB4l l Ci .i lEtaVaaaaaaaSSlaaaaHHi 1 M ' ? aaVasa ,n4 i4 5 HBSlF'wOflTCiELAS BRITISH CONSUL NDITEO lcogilwloa KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY ADMITS SUBMARINE MENACE edsarffiaaiig1sa GEN. FUNSTON'S BODY ENROUTE SAN FRANCISCO captain kitziii-gh lee staff accompany AND General t'olUpard Following Strewn iu Duties on Border Completed Order Kmdlag Gourds Hoaae Day of llli Death Biggest Job waa at Vein Crwa Kaaanaa Gave Dean). tlful Hrvord am Retara Froea Island BAN ANTONIO. Tex., Feb. II. Tim ljtly of General Funston, who diet Itere Monday, waa taken to tbo Soutlitrn I'aclflc station list night ipl Mlarvd on board tho private car tor Bin Francisco, where the funeral party will arrive Friday. j Captain Fluhush loe and !-. bers or lienernl untou'a star! are no nmtpnnylnK the body. Uurlal Ik to take plare lit the military cemctvry at I Im I'renldlo, where (icnernl Funston j wm In curatuaiid at tho time of the Kmi TraiidKo carthqtinke, nnd Is to L birliil with rull mllltnry honors. (enirnl Funston was 51 years old.; Kver slnr! Miirrh. 1916, when he was iiluced lu command or all United Stall- forces on tho Mexican border, General Funston has worked at an unusual pare. At critical tltnus In boidtr developments ho frequently remained on duty twenty-four hours. Tomorrow Washington' fllrthday. Tomorrow, February 33, la tbo an niversary of the birth of George Washington, father or his country, llrsl president nnd commander or Its nrmles In tho Hovolutlonnry War. A number of social events, In tho city will commemorate the occasion, while In the city schools programa will be held this week or a Washington and pntrlotlc nature. The postofflco will bo closed all day tomorrow except between the houra of 8 and 10 a. m. Tho carrier aer vlco window wll bo open from 9 to 10 o'clock, nnd the general delivery fiom 8 to 9 o'clock. AMBROSE NAMES FIRE "DON'TS" e FIHK BTATI8T1CM , . e Compllod by Chief Ambrose 19,3 per cent strictly prevent- able. O 3,6 per cont partly provontablo, 49.1 pur cent unknown, prob .alt ..Ll (lu tieAttonlahlA W HUIU II(1VI UWfOHtBWIWi e Oregon la alsth from top In Hat e of statea In having the largest e number of fires of unknown origin. The following are some "dont'a" and "navera" given by Klath Am. broie, chief of the Klamath Falla fire department, relating to the pre veutlen of Brea. Chief Ambrose la starting a campaign to clean up Places considered Bra traps or dan. CwMW wed OS; PjBCal i. German Ambassador ' Leaves With a Smile BjaaaaaayStlaataaaaaaaaaTJiaaayLjK TMMMa1'1te-igssassaaMajsJBaaaMtj iaBBBBBBBBBBBfWaiialViatilllHl fi iiBTaaBaasrsawAS sbssjissssssssssssbj w ssssssssssjbssbm a. Jrvja"ATaaBaraaaaaamaj M fafafafafafaaWL. Vtjkalfafafafal'slfafafafafat. SaafafafafafafafaB i 3HafJTaja-KyaH-aH jjSHFSiHi W BSBBBS'SaTaieaBBaBBBBaS XhVHWBSI fi SSSSSSaSBSSSlaTaapSfawI.-A.V-i -WsaswSjBwawBiatJBjapgjJ.; KEaTasS IfBUfPaTaTf lsaiaalTaaaaaaaWaTtraMBiaiaarHgfi M llRsaaaBa IVaaaWeaeaalaMasWaWtssWKW Coimrt von Ucrnstorff, former am basKndor from Germany, left tbe United States with tho eame amlle he hail worn for tho past two years and murc UurlnK (nc tO'Ing time alnco tho European war began. Tbla photo graph shows him on tbe rear or the STRAHORN TALKS OF RAILROAO HAVti $7,000,000 WlUi DK SPENT IN SOUTHEIIN OKKGON TO nt'lLU 400 MILES OF IMIL KOAD TO MARKET PRODUCTS SAN FRANCIBCO, Feb. SI. Rob. ert K. Btrahorn, a man of wide exper. lence In railroad work, aald here that he had planned to build 400 miles of railroad In 8outbern Oregon, at a cost of $7,000,000, nnd a line from Idikcvlcw to Flannlgan, Nov., con necting with the Western Pacific. "Tbla railroad." aald 8trahorn, plana to connect at Bend, Ore., the Union Pacific and Hill systems, the Deschutes and Oregon Trunk branch es, with the Southern I'aclflc at Klam nth Fulls, and Oregon Short Line at Crane, and the California, Nevada t Oregon narrow gauge aat Lakevlew, and the Weitorn Pacific at Flannlgan. The railroads, aa planned, would acrve the vast territory of Eastern Oregon, giving ready access to the North, South or East, for products which hitherto have been a long way from market. Surveys, accenting to Btrahorn, are completed for moat of the territory, and assurance, he aald, baa been given of co-operation 'from both tbe Hill and Harrlman Intereata. Farm Property Deed FUd. A deed from Chester Anderson to Leon W. Andoreon for the south half of the northwest quarter, northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section II'; also the' northeast quar ter of the northwest quarter ot north, cast quarter, section 30, all In town ship 39 south, range 7 east, W. M was flted today with tho oouaty clerk here. . FEBRUARY 21, 1917. train that took him from Washing ton to New York to board the Scan dinavian liner Frederick VIII with CcuiiloH von Dcrnstorff and Princess KlUabcth Ilartzfcldt, wife of a mem ber of the Austro-Ilungarinn embas sy In Washington. SNOWBALLING AT CRATER LAKE II. K. MOMYEK TELKPHONE8 E. PECTS 80 INCHES TO COME. EIGHT PEOPLE HAVE BEEN IN PARK NO COLD WEATHER A snow storm was raging In Crater Lake National Pack yesterday. H. E. Momyer, who recently resumed his dultld there, telephoned tbat bo ex perts twenty Inches to fall before It stops. Up to this time tho snowfall In the piirk has been comparatively light, there being but seven feet at head quarters the first or this week, com pared to over twelve feet at the same period last year. ThU storm may bring It up to nearly normal. A letter received yesterday from Mr. Momyer said that eight people have visited tho park this winter so far. Ho aald skiing Is fine, though somewhat difficult going up hill. Coming down la accomplished with much less effort, according to Mr. Momyer. When Mr. Momyer came out ot tho park last fall ho left a seK-reglatre-ing thermometer at the government headquarters, and found when he re. turned a few daya ago tbat tbe cold. est It had registered waa four de grees below sero. He had expected It to be much lower. Civil Service) Exam tn March. An open competitive examination under the civil service for a male stenographer and typewriter for fleld servlco will' bo held In this city on March 17 th. Information on the ex amlnatlon may he secured at the Iocs) postoflce, Asks $400,000 for Investigation 0WWWW0WWW00WWAAA0AAAAlQ HOBBS MURDER CASE BE RETRIED CIRCUIT COURT ADJOURNS OVER WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. FRIDAY CALENDAR DAY. HOBBS CASE IN TWO WEEKS The case against Mr.'and Mrs. J: H. Hobbs of 'Algesia for tbe murder of Ed Way, also'df'Algpma, will be tried again, District Attorney Duncan an. nounced today., A Jury was unable to Agree in tbe first trial. " The circuit court adjourned y ester- u, isui rriusy. cmeuu-r u.,. w it will reconvene at 2 o clock for the) setting of cases. The Hobbs case Is expected to come up again In about two weeks, no -date having been set yet for the starting of the trial. No court will be held tomorrow, owing to its being Washington's birthday. CABINET MEMBERS LOOK FOR NITRATE PLAN TRIP TO VISIT SITES FOR POSSIBLE LOCATION OF NI TRATE PLANTS AT PLACES WHERE DEPOSITS ARE FOUND SPOKANE, Wash., Feb. 21. Sec. retarles Lane, Baker and Houston, three members of President Wilson's cabinet, are planning a trip West to visit a number of suggested nitrate deposits, it is announced by Lieuten ant Colonel Keller or the corps of en gineers at Washington, in a letter to the Chamber of Commerce here. Among the places they will visit will be a site at Priest rapids on the Columbia River. The government is desirous of es tablishing a number of nitrate plants In tho country. Lake and Harney counties have such deposits, and ef forts have been made to have the government Investigate them. HAWLEY ASKS CRATER MONEY WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb, 21, Representative Hawley appeared be fore the bouae appropriations com. atltiee last Thursday to present ar guments In support of various appro- priattong desired for his district In the sundry civil bill. He urged the appropriation this season of f 50,000 to complete roads KLAMATH VALLT OFFICIAL )l(U?til :"?. -m. fc trie flew Oeats GRAVE NEW YORK FOOD RIOTS CAUMt ACTION ri 4p New York asad Chicago to as". ' ;- j-im com (Horace Xaiacd Mayor MltcbeS All Aid la lower Protesrte Made to Wiboa Many W'otaca Cadi "at MltchHI's OaVc. r WASHINGTON, D. C, Few. 31 Derlariag that the food, sit oat lorn cost, stttaten a grave pmeleai, the federal trade coeaswisatos) I $& tt' of ..looi prices Immediately, wMhevf wallins for the S400.000 cosgrese. It -. BeUewwd - , rrnucut nenrj siu direct uw aiTeau Batioa. V ASHINGTON. D. ,C, Feb. 21.' President Wilson ia determined, that ' congress shall immediately pass a $400,000 appropriation to finance, a nation wide food probe. It was, an nounced today at the White House, o ThU conclusion was reached fol lowing tho food riots which have ocv ctixred in Jjc York thU week,. Representative Borland, in the house, and Senator, Borah in the sen ate, are expected to lead the admin istration's fight for the appropriation! The first Investigation will prob ably bo made In New York and Cht cago. Cold storage corporations' are to he subjected to "particular ecru tiny," it Is announced here. Chairman Davtea of the federal trade commission, predicts that food riot;, will occur throughout the coun try unless prompt ictlon Is taken. NEW YORK, Feb. 21. Mayor Mitchell of this city baa promised to do all within his power' to cope with tbe increased food prices which have resulted in serious riots this week. Thousands of women have called at tuu city ball, demanding action, and have made threats to "starve on tn city hall steps." unless the mayor takes action. Fifty women called tbla morning to Bee the mayor. A delegation of sev en called a little later, and a few min utes later 100 other women appeared. They appointed a committee, which was admitted to the mayor's office, where they entered vigorous protests. Several women's organisations have forwarded protests to President Wiltcn. declaring that thousands of women In the world's richest and largest city are starving. ' CHICAGO, Feb. 21. The price of hogrf smashed all records today, Cell ing for $18.95 per hundred, Pigs were selling for 111. These price nre, the highest since the Cltfll War prices prevailed on tbe market. . , sssssssgaBg In Crater Lake Park, Other Crater Lake appropriations) urged.twgrs ft . 000 for a water sywWaaVjebjsjttiter. Lake Lodge and at-ta'eajtaM - west entrances to tbe park;?!!,!!?, for aslg-iag trail from the lodge to. vvt:r the abore of, the ke,Llv -jhtA. .&W ,u ,V: The bill also contained . tlnttraiitfftar ii& Dm Klamath orolect ofiBBAt. tv-. . . , 2,000 for otberark,3p , Mai !& !-r ji tfl a m rl - -A 1 m$ ia I i, 'il . M m K J. ... W&M8 14 1L . Jf) 'tWWMO