r i r f,il 1 f fl f i h S iiurnum Herald KLAMATH COUNTY KLAMATH VAULT OFFICIAL fflWtPAraK 5 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ," m . sxftixuwaxxswajFxsKxsssssssssssstiaseL Hdlh Year ' 'M1 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY FEBRUARY 20, 1917. Wannf I 5 Germany Repeats "Zone" NEW YORK WOMEN RIOT; GENERAL FUNSTON DIES Chief of U. S. Field Forces Drops Dead MHWWMWWWWWMWMMMM MMWWMMMWMNWW Official Statement Issued From Berlin nUWUK.NT NAY UK GIVEN FOW- Kit TO AIT MWWWWWWWWWWMWWMWWMWW K MM P- 'I'll AkJ by Lan. g sad UrrriTi Wllaoej Nut Kv BMUd to flu Itrfure Hct Give rourr o Pttrtrrt Commerce Whli atDrriariag War. ,-MrU Owc. I m 10 llrr Altitude. BKRLI.V, Feb. :o.-A German offl. till tUUtilent lllcd today My: "II aut be rrix-aled again.. Whoever dan patlrl the burred souo will Itrbk!" WASIIINKTON. l. C, Feb, 30. Ittttur l-imlng mid Attorney Gen. Mil Oratory mkej I lie annate judl- rlry commlttt- today tu Immediately tM i bill empowering lh prenldent to rmkUc (lie (irenrnt International illutloo without declaring war. 8fli a law would enable tint pre. Oil tu employ the nrttiy and navy to rott trade and commerce, with nny Wllfriit, provided tlmi commerce iocinot tlnUtu International Inw. If l bill iiim It It understood Hint Pmldtnt WlUon will not go tmfore (otntM utile to declare war. AMBTKItDAM. Feb. S-O.Ambna-or IVnlli'liI at Vienna h naked Atitrla o uVilne ih- uttltudn kIio U -wagon the niibiHuriiio warfare. Ho Plurlly Inquired wlu-llier Auatria Mllhdrii Iht nwturauce of safe ly to American In Aut-onu und Persia MbMrlno rir. t-ltiijci Hill Pawy-, WASHINGTON, l. C, Feb. 20, .Tito ifplouage bill provltl ItiK drattlc piiuahmeut fur any one aecurlng military Informa tion In Ilm I.' tilled Kutr for n ftriln power paed tho cti--to today by a vote of 60 to to. STRAH0RNWAITIN6 ON OREGON TOWNS TIME NOT Itt.UlY TO ASK PORT- i .AM) foii HKit txi.NTitim tio'x TO INTKIIX A.M CK.NTHAI, OK. MiO ItAII.UAV HVHTKM. AAAAA0w0wi0amA00i0wwwwi0wwwi0i0mmm WMWWWWWWWWWWWMWWW On Way Home From Germany by Way of Spain I HNffiH9lw RRRRRRBw JpjBaBB RRRKu4BRv RsHIHP 4RRRB?iJBw RRRRRRBRWpA'i " ,;!rBL 9HHRH9BIkjWPi TBK iiv I MPQr ll-'?K?Kr2 .IHhKJ' awr w??ve - ) '1 ' ltiil i?3H jflBHIMBr rK ;sjK' .M 'IRRI RPRf lWWWWWWNMWWW 300 CLAMOR ill MAYOR'S OFFICE IN CITY HALL AmbAMdor and Mr. Oerrd left ParU today. fcf MtdrUJ aad'jirjcxpecliito leave Spain noon or the l)itltfI HtatiM. Couniellor Drew haw benn ordcri-il to Vienna To alt Arabaarador Penflpld. MAYOR CRISLER BACK IN CHAR6E .i NEW ROAD WILL CUTOUT GRADE U CAM.KD HV I.XJU.NTV tX)UHT R NKW IIOAI) AllOLM) WKHT DK HIM-.UOHK TO HTABT WRLV TIIIH HPIIINO Blilit uc called tudny for tho bullll. ,DIOftho nntv Knn .....I J .. H ou "vii.. iu.u iiiuuiiu inu .,.; B'do hill to eliminate tho heavy 'I , ,',r'. "'lor tho nuthtdrliatlon 1 " Klamath ronnty court. TU. road will 0ve tho preacnt am., i .'. U,")V0 lh0 D,,,'n I'"16". 'M n' "l rotnrn to tho pro- " M J'ut oaat of tho old connly '"! '. U will have a grade aVi?i' Vor l per cont' ,hu, doln n L.a ,",(l rR(l0 tbU road. !X,,reh 8,h "nrt " "''"lory, i? !.dny l,,nt work w ' !.?, ,7 ,hat " lh0 "" w tart .'. U p,ttnnel to complete tho k. . """M Pronram waa ilven at fOlXCII.MAN IMrTV HTKIW DOWN UtO.M OKKICK UHT NIGHT. PA VI MS CUTTING OKDINANCK TO IIK lUtAUX ,1 !h Ohrlitli ti Rc,onco "Ml laat night way wo will be affected when f T'i . J' uwwtit'i pupil' cliuntTurk la driven from Kurope and I f ItiH .ii. "'""' lovera or .aianunopie iu mm um-r ., -."v uru nroinnt fn. h. ..itni . - ... .-, ,u i-vilWli Drluy tit Klntimth KalU, IUnd, likevlew mid other tommuiiltleN In dlirlinralnK deulln rolnrldontnl wltli Hut eniKtructlon of the Central Ore Kon Itallvrny project liavr deferred for tttvnritl Wfekii the ImuiKurntlon of the eainimlan In Portland for aiding the railtnlUittlcii or tlitunlertiikli)K, oajMi the Porttnud OreKunlan. Hubert K, Htrnlmrn, nt the head of ih oroli-rt I now In California, mid until hi return to Portland the Port. I The city council convened laat ulght Und railway committee will not -tart wl,n Mor c- " CrUler back In tho work. Committee meeting have been 'hair " toJourn of aeveral week hold, however, und detail of tho prog- '" California. Councilman Doty tcp re thti far made hua been checked iw "n n ''' r the nffalr up. With every forward Men Hie of the city to tho ma or. Judgo A. I-. committee la more aauguluo of ultl- Invltt commended the mayor pro male urcrm, mid confident of tho " ' ' conduct of tho office, benefit that will acrruc to Oregon a Two ordinance, one relating to u whole and Portland In particular ( flro hazard and fire prevention and from tho ronitrurtlon of the railway. 'the other to tno dutlc and privilege Mr. Btrahom ha advUed hi Port. 'of tho fire chief wero brought In by land office, and the committee mem- City Attorney Grocbeck and referred ber that II would not bo conalatent to to the Judiciary coiumlttco. atnrt tho Portland campaign aaklng! ho matter of cutting pavement for financial aid until tho various com-aj replacement was brought up, nnd mu nit leu, which had already nmumml city Attorney tiroeibcck waaavked to certain reponlbllltie, hrd dl fmrao an ordinance. which would pro- charged them. That thee rcaponal Ude for the replacement of the pave-!- bllltle will bo met antUfactorlly In a.mcnt through tho city engineer, to prevent holea being left In the pave ment and permanent damage done. (I. J. Walton, local manager of the California-Oregon Power company, wa printout at the meeting. He aa 8U rod tho council that hi company In ready to replace pavement cutting at nil time, In accordance with the wlrhe of tho council. Mr. Walton alao Informed the coun cil that action towards Inatalllng the elty lighting ayitem la being upheld' by tho non-arrival of carload of fix-1 turoa ahlppod from the East laat month, Ho aald the pole are here, and tbnt tno fixture are the only thing now holding up the work, ,HeN alio ald It would take thirty-Are to forty days to complete the work aftor The Port of tho Turk la destined to It la started. play In world affulra wa outlined by A petition tor a pemit w exieno ir--nii. Pnriinm nt the Ooinol Hail the small eating atand Joctd on nenr the postofflro In last night's er.,Maln street, between SUth and Bev vlco. What the Olble sy about enth street, waa referred to the ire "when he shall come to hie end, and, , committee for consideration, none shall help hl'm," and the vital; Mayor Crlelcr suggested a sidewalk affected wnen mo ordinance near mo ciwj -i,- Con- Ing. A general aldewaiR auoussion will followed, but no notion waa takes, lm made clear In toulght'a dlscovjrse, Mayor Cruier also reportea ai t MRS. INNES ASKS FOR NEW TRIAL WIFK OF FORMKR KKDKHA1. AT TOItNKV OONVICTKD OF Ull CK.VV, WILIi HAVK HKAIUNO NKXT MONTH ATLANTA, Ga., Feb. 20.- Mellon for a now trial ha beeu made by t tomey reprcentlng Mr. Ida Inuus. recently convicted of larceny after trtitt In connection with the dliup pearance of tho Nelm sister In Texan two year ago. The hearing was set for March 17th. BI6 ANNUALjELKS' BALL IS JONIGHT I.AIUiK SOCIAL KVK.VT 1IKLI) IN KKAMATH FA1.US KVKKY YKAIl ItV MK'Ali UHHiK WII.I TAKK 1-I.ACK TONIGHT IN TKMPLE FOOD SITUATION MOST SERIOUS IN YEAR8 Dea-ad Relief Freea Mayor MateheU. Sobw Uadare a-IUcs nS - lag Riot Today Followed Tl-lu in Teseaaeat Districts Teatecday. l-der Arreeted Alter Alteicatloai WIUi Police 2,000 More Gather: I ri.AYI.VG WITH UTLK GIRL IX LOBBV Bmly Lie State fat Old AIM Te day, aad WIU Arrive 8a : rtsro FtMajr te Charge ef 1 Ogter D-trial to Take lee SlUlUrr Ceetcry at 1 FIMry J' United States Loses Valuable Army Man Concluded oa Page I TORKEHPART WAS OUTLINED WHAT PART THK TUHK IS Dl TINKO TO PLAV IN THK WORM AFFAIRS OUTLINED RY EVAN GKL1HT PL'IIDOM LAST NK1HT v Ri'j!?Tn-r3iBi K WaligiMH It kv ,f B "v M" S 1l;,HyH i ff Bi E RRRK jttl H , H" " J llaf J i Ka i oa i RflR; tM i(!s)Hl ri I:KJ ' I I "' - M I '! Li "J I tit ' B '-'I HHHP S:'ii The big annual ball ghen by Elks Lodge N. 1247 of this elty will be held nt the beautiful temple of the local lodge tonight. A large number of iintttitlons have been sent out In the city and tho Klntimth Valley, many being extended to persons outside of the lodge, as well a members. Thin ball Is the largcbt tiuglo so- ! clal function of ltt nature In the city each year. The Peerless orchestra has been engaged, the temple placed tn special order mid complete arrange ments made for an enjoyable occn s-lon. The largest uttendauco to a fuuc tlon of this nature held In the city Is expected to be present .tonight. NEW YORK. Feb. 20 Crying "We want bread." more than 300 women. bare headed and scantily clad, storm' ed the city hall today demandng re- lef from the high cost of food from Mayor Mitchell. Some declared their families are starving. Most of the women carried babies, their faces showing the pinch of hunger. This followed serloua food sluts jestcrday In tho tenement dis tricts, placing before New York the mo.-t hcrions food situation in year. Marie Oani"and Mr. Ida Harris led the women. After an altercation with the police Miss Gnnx was arrested. The women attempted to storm the patrol wagon, but the police forced them back. A "delegation at head quarters tqld tho police there wero 2,000 women forming at Rutgers Square to march to the city hall. Tears streamed down the faces of the women as they cried to the cordon of police for bread. obneraii Frederick funaton i lMMjmfmssTsswmBEsstrts Is necery to have the planking oh the BaptaMM anal bridge replaced, aa It la wort out. TAX ROLLS WILL BE READY MONDAY HIIF.IUFF HUMPHREY SAYS THE TAX ROLLS WILL RE 'READY FOR COLLECTION AHEAD OF ,DATE SET RY LAW The tux tolls for Klamath county will be open next Monday, George Humphrey, sheriff, announced today. Although not required by law to be onen before March 1st. Mr. Humphrey suys that they will be ready by Mon-j day. and will bo opened for the tax payers on that date tor collection. The book wero turned over to' the sheriff's office today from the county ascessor's office. ' Puyment of taxes may be made In two payment under the Oregon law. The first half la duo and delinquent (after April Sth. TWO AMERICANS FINALLY RESCUED WERE AMONG SURVIVORS OF NORWEGIAN STEAMER DA-RE- TIE, SUNK RY GERMAN 8UH KHELL FIRE LONDON, Feb. 20. Two Ameri cans are survivors of the Norwegian steamer Delbetie, which was sunk by shell Are from a German submarine recently. They wore rescued after thirteen hours in an open boat, the Norwegian embasay announced today. John Guerra of -Loa Angelea la one of the men. PAN ANTONIO. Tex, Fee. Jt Major General Frederick' lete-, commander of the So-then depart- saent of the United Bfatee sunay tenet ed on the Mexican ' Border, dropped r dead at :1S last night ia the lofcer nt th- SI -nthnn- nl . ,.,,....., nn. n -i . .it l ..''' 4 no uHvmi i put -me mnm v little agister of hotel sHat'v-em hc suddenly stiffened In trie e-airaad toppled ever uaeoaacloa. The General died before the arrival or tie physicians who were msb inoned. -- The body lay In state this afternoon from 3:30 to nightfall la the old Ala mo, where Davy Crockett and many Texas heroes perished mere than three quarters of a century ago. The body will reach Ban Frsactoeo Friday In a private car, in charge of hie staff; officers. '(( m r& "f , "-i i .. s"ft.r . r. niT ' ' t. iw,: " I ?$ -131 . i -H 4 r.$ rat . ml SAN FRANCISCO. Feb.-20. Oea eral J. Franklin Bell, major general of the Western department of the United States army, announced today that Genera Fnnston will he buried in inc military cemetery i toe rrre- vvi sidlo here, with full military. honor. V 'S ine aate oi tne lunerni oa not o as ' Vi set as yet.' ' "5 " .'A- ar'-i sVj 5 ArtUlery Heard Freea 4ls PARIS, Feh. 0. The French bun prlaed the German, raiding a trenclj In North Fltrey aad capturing ntany prisoners, 1t la aanounead. Heavy ar tillery Are c be beard here from the Ota and Alme reaJea . h, "i Mr. Funston, who is In SaajFran- cisco. collapsed When notided of the death of her huitasMd but -lent, and . . v.- . . - is prostrated wuaajriei. fy Jr ,- je. The death of General Faaatoniatvnp, 4s this time la one of the greatest toe JcA to the United States arm foriacase V, -iF ttlcv e-Mf llaiir nnetetmtaa la -! r . Ci . w. ,....,. V.. v - ,.i. ,.! . . . 4-.. .B, J Ttt M H& ' nave oeen a iobb tnoe ia,"-r ct -.a-..oj ... . ... ijtf.. .TV ,TJ cnarge. it naa oeen preaiciee inav .$, ha v.i, l.t kam Kn In vham Mf t i 4Mt larger military operations tocaaeTtv34MJ war; that Is, actually l theield. jsat.V 'M a he haa.beea U charaWafK- ft'lh; lean border, His knowledge or. tow ..Ui'JfS army, ft condition, the Marteaa sites- ZM& tlnu and ability are InvalnaWe to the United 8tatea. , hfi'M'l He baa been called a -rernedt- f fm linn nt nonorml IT. 8. nr-Kt.H-1 5 K n'R strong, alert and ful ef.tutnrglamll-f Itary genius. He waa, net igradaaie pM& of Weat Point, but wgi1t-aAiiriVit tlon hy hard slugging iMfiA0Qmlr1&$gf When the Bpantah war bro oat bilv . . ... '. -. ..ii-'! -V.-fitSK" worn wun me n.ansa Temnieeu -ap'u.K was promoted front ctyMltto-'BjrgnW dler general 1 tqgM piece of conspicuous bravery 's)ti?.v .V ... hlllo-JaVai- --.v., ; wiw m w af w wqpfwi oa a rft tlear. Ue.bridw-aJ-a-: ,.- faiv th tore! -'flMl''i. and &l&&$d-'l his capture wuenerM In'iant ll '-!;.' that la fa(iar. ? la 111 commkad u's;ll4'tf JMte then la HaweM.' :Te : gn tae .eettrvaa brought hhaek , u i .'M Er,i - i, ; -. .!-:,' m:m rii B titba SSSWV1?! nH:i" ". ih hi i isi ii M 4 V 5 31 ,. ;.t ui hfil m '"Or! m shl l iV ft ,! '. VA fr Tl . rm,r-- vj u V ' - s 'h v J.V. K.n v'y?v ', ryfAl' '"