V, if i- p - - a..ii- - i STprr-l.tf- V Wf-- V1UV" V -V w W .... i. .. ...u. ... ji. .... ... - a a fe . ! !- - W. t i fi KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, FEMUARY If, 1917 jnrtralh Veer Priest Hn i, , "..: '' 'r IteraOl r . - Ma 4 ' TW'awetSW - Smr- swi- " O RELATIONS REGARDED HOPEFUL ' ' '', YARROWDALE NOJEg INT TO GERMAN! , , ., HiWt . r ' t, ..- mv ata a li ' . "? I s. Wilson Not Going jp ess Now IU UJllgl wrtTATtOX VKCHAMORD RLT-RK UKVKI ROIWVIi ft "Overt Act" Mm (torwTHL Rat rmMnri Net 10 IVromiliMi fsr Kveataalltlre IWmmm Mm raw Wsrfsre Hwm to Kate Whimo. id JsasseacMmertcan Relation BKbmi "Mere tWewdsy.r WAKIIINOTON, I. C. Feb. ltoctaVot Wilson hss bo present la- testlen of folai before coagreee to owm the UnuD'AMfhu ettua ties In sny way. It m learned an tbsrlllvtly today. Although tan dangerous particulars of th Itustlaa remain unckaaged. efrlaU regard that retetlcaa wltk tieranay are more hopeful at Ibis (MM H& at any since (ha diplomatic trsak vccurred. Ko "uvsrt act" has occurred yal. President WIImb, however, does not latad to atop preparing for evnntu,- aJMU( merely because the staking or skips by aubmsrlnes baa apparently alsaiped, Japanne-Amerlcan rolatlona ar "ore friendly" since Wllsoa took tke tea stand against Germany, Ambaesa tar Sato, Japanea raprwaUtlvt, dt krtd today, WAHIHNOTO.V, D. 0., Ftfc. 1. Tatra arc 1 00,000 aplaala tka trnltanl totea, knator OvtrnaR daclard In tu ifiiatr durlai debate ovar the WMMNNMMMMNMMM IMM(MM t SWEARS MEXICAN PLACED BOMB AT BAY' CITY PARADE CttXMTARLK UMAHUv Tt HLKV.V MIXCKTRlAIi BernttorlFs Ship u Sea '.f 5 at Halifax JtaajJadaMI .av fm kUl f"JfpaBl ifHwlaaW" HasM IH4PV WMRi aWajWa) awyavVvaBBfBB Itaatedl laaamas Par WMrh Waa CeaiTktatf, aatd Too Umlttw Mumlar Kaw Trial Uiat Kffert to Nawo BtniySi Lift. AS FRANCISCO, rcb. 19; Pe tlarlng that ha hat- beaa unable to leap alace the conviction of Thojnaa J. Moonay, preuartdneaa parade bomb l.lanttir convicted of murder by n Jury ilat week, Harry Johnston, deputy con. unite of Ban Mato county, awore to nn affidavit today that he aaar a nya lerloua Meilcan place the ault case ar where the eiploalon occurred. Johnson said that h followed the Mexican from the place whero he left the ault case. II accosted klaa, and waa told by Ike Hoilcan tkat It waa aa old bar, aad he wantedto get rid of It. Johnson aald tkat two days latsr ke sty the same Mexican board a boat tumid tnr flaatlla. Ha maid hn feared "I ttffoaajie bill. Overman kaa ' keen in become Involve; In tba case, aad to "swir co-operating wltk tke depart- has aald nothing, anat or justice In drafting the . ieas Tke last -effort to save tke life of Mooney, convicted for plant lag a bomb at Meuart and Market streets '.VASIIINdTON. 1). C. rah. 19 on Julv lid. -which resulted In the The Mexlran twkaeey kaa received . killing of ten persons, was made to- coaimiiiilri.ticn from Bolivia, calling .day when his attorneys formally apon American nations to Join a eon moved for a new trial; ftrsarc to dcsl with eomnlleatloBB ie. .Hltlnx frcm the Uerman submarlnoHatcMTy Man Arrive- Here. "rec. tiio cnmmnnlcatlon aeaiblng ly denounces n?rmany'a sen warfare, VWts Miller HIN Hchoel. I MIm Kdna Wells, Klamath.county aoo aunerlntendeat. Is visiting the "lller Hill school today la connection yi'k nor duties. myste H. H. Pollock, former mnnuier or the Spencer Creek fish hatchery ar rived In the city last night from Bon neville, whero he has been stationed. Ii. V. Strasa, who Is to have charge of the erectlith of the Klamath Hatchery on Crooked. Creek,, also came for the week end. lights nous Flashed, Reported Systematic Sifiialling in Cazadero HilU Out on Pacific Reported to Federal Proaacutor 8ANTA ROSA, Csllf., reb,i-rfyi fcwulo light' aliBslllng.- vlalble- far JM on the Pacific o'ma, ass bean go- , on In the Cwderehllle fr sav- trl weeks, according to fraak Of far! Mr, Opfer bm reporUi the matter to Federal Prosecutor Praston here, Some Blghie the Hghte ware all red, and oa ethers all whits, he said. Twles they were arrxated in the form of a creea, and ohe formed, a triangle. ; A Orders Immediate Release of Citizens . J .tf ' ', JteetLfcTtfca i&W- it? SZt.& . r T 0000mvm0im0i0im000t00A0l00Af' OtmMAH SHIP AND SOB FIGHT RUNNING DUEL ON OCEAN VXDfiDltSsU MOAV COLLAPSiai ANDMXKft rnack The I ask of exaastalBg thecrsdeti tlsls of the various members 'of the Oermaa party on beard tke Scandinavian-American liner Frederlk VIII, from New York to Copenhagen, was done Saturday by a corps of Canadian Immigration, aad customs officials at Halifax. Tke scip waa taken Into a winded portion of Halifax harbor for, this piirpcrv. A aauill army of ofB-' cnU bourdeil the shl'i. nud the length of I lift vblp's.stay hero will depend on wlietlrr they. And evorythlag aatlsfac lory with the papers of the Qeraian party, whkh, includes Count von Bern- storir, former tlerman ambassador to the United States. The moat careful secrecy prevails as to the operations of tke officiate, but the personnel of the investigating force, Immigration officials, traaslat- jet' r i or., snd; wesnxiasiBer. tsiented that. UeCwoTk Vwa, te earetsl and aMUVgfaf y Report tkat it was neasible tkat Haaa Tanecker -and Wolf von Tgel. who flgured In the revelations con nected wltk tke alleged plot to destroy the Wetland canal, and reported on the ahlp. might be removed by the British naval authorities, were with out confirmation. The Frederick VIII waa under tke glare of a searchlight from a patrol.boat all Bight, while the rule not allowing boats, to approach close to tke liner wascaretully en forced. Members of tke Oermaa par ty were early oa deck, though their shore view ta not insplrtnc a Jail' on one hand aid a brewery on tke other. The psseeagers will uadeTtBo dream ataaces be allowed to laid. Mt STOCKMAN TAKES TEACHER AS BRIDE H. C. WI.NStOW, PHOMJNKXT MKR. KILIj STOCKMAN, AND MISH I'KAHIi srra.TKN8, HIGH SCHOOL TrA47HKR AT MSJUULI, WKD. a, C. Wlnalow, a prominent stock man or the Merrill dlatrlctaad Ml'sn Pearl Stevens, teacher In, tke Merrill high school, were married la this city Saturday night, Acoomiuinled by a number of .their friends from the Merrill district, the party arrived in the city 'Saturday, The license was procured, 'and the couple waa married' Saturdayfevenln, The bride is a former student at the University, and Is a toacksr In tho Merrill high' school. The greora la a woll known. stockman of Merrill, The bridal party, returned home Hunday. Mrs. Wlnslow will continue her school work for the remainder of the year, .''.. " ,,i . . m . Kormer.Ix?cl Bey VlsMii Here,, Harry, oataraeaux, wrmeriy a resi dent of thla city. . la here visiting frlendgfor.iverardayii, ,aa!arneaux la wun.wsiie srarge Bisprese enssiwar, doing' relief, work, ,reeeatiy;ass'tlBg In the, heavy work at HomBrooic, which has 'ahttt.eewn slaee ike, stats weVry:vV4,' ' JURY FAILS TO REACJMrERDICT VXAUR TO AGRKK A TO INNO CK.NCR ON OCUiT OF MR. AND MRS. MOHRS ON TJHAxVFOR THK , MURDER OF Kl WAV i Tke Jnry, mrs, In the caae ot Mr. and Harry Hobbs, on trial here for the jnurder ot Kd Way 'at Algoma, was. unable to reach' a verdict, "they reported to' Judge Knykeadall 8atur- V The ;Jury waa out 'aafcexlmately iwenty-eix'hou'rs. VLJ' 'i The circuit will conrene again In the morning, when this ease Is ex pected ioW up again. ..' ftTThe expense of the caae was M.800. rtty CeMBcll Meets Teidst, , j The 'regular weekl'meetlng of the city council will be. held,, tonight ht tkn.rlty.'ka'M at 8 o'cleek.iMajor Crlt. ler; is expected to arrive kome this week. .Councilman 'Dety is acting Mayor, Cotncllmsn s . .' U . ' .. , . TeAe. Pasltio at CMeemtii; , tdnand,Qowen're here thla morn. lagforCbllul.wh.resbsjaccep. ted' a 'peetUoa la MarUa Bnither.- genemtameeenaBaiee;5Bore.. vra. Oowe ecgeeti to meve there later Iq thesprrgg.; . ' vt AM AmericamXeeeAakABsTl !- r tmtes4aeS 1 Iks ?.? n . RisMswr T , lu Arrives ka New Vetfr AMer Flffiacf n,HrJ irw WaJcfc WHSwhmari., I i vSK MWmWB BeSSeSL SPSS, . BeSSBWSM lielglslw flteiaal silt ssi flciowd. s rC"1 P " W j. rthe- UaMed Metes . 'j ;! "ww-1 : -'. release of tie imarledeje keM ay Pet. many abeej tae Yarrwsleae syte" oeers was asm awerear, ecresarr LejMiag aaaewBcedtoder '' Ij yeeWrersaef word from serua taetitae Would -'be released skertry"' i. Reports have varied aa to'erketker mot. the Amerinswe'takesi treae wrMicn fMiki ny, iv . na.-!1 M keM'Ssti Board.the Taiiew- man uiBuriaa la a maaiaa- dual at dile.haTe been released, bat word re seai the creW reported today, on ar-,T "lMS; ? riving here from Bordeaux. ir thatfcey areatlM to e-atody. . - ,. . t iae Busteris wsks uensur sbs The eubmartne 'Bred three tneJree-i .,,, v,. ',..:,. Jfc.. . tlve ahota. Tke eecoBd,Bket lm tte UCB nrptttmMt toward. Oetv Guayne's deck gun struck the dtver,. . WaaiW ' slnklBg ker. - - vaputn Jtouseeiot or tne unayae new lis earn: NEW YORK, - Feeb. !. The i. or "We left Bordeaux January Hat At boob on tke following day a freight Boat appeared, oaT our port aide. Aa wo wateked, n submarine darted from Clarence Montgomery, member of the Klamath eouaty klgk achooi bao ketball team, Iremalned tm Medferd arte,' the team, trip of teat: week, tar mreiral treatmeat for kta eyes. Aa beklBd the freigkter, aad started f or j accident waen ke waa a. asaall hoit ua. I immediately awaag the boat severed' tke nerve coatreHiag on s around aad trained our deck guns on ' kla eyes., He returned heme last evee- tke aabmariae. "We ired hurriedly and mlesed. The. submsrtae ired twice aad also mlesed. 1 told the gmaaers tollm carefully, aad aa tke submarine Ired tke tklrd time, we Ired. Tke sub marine apparently collapsed, aad sank soon afterwards." Iirave for Oklahoma. Mrs'. Colvln aad daughter left this mornlux for Oklahoma to join Mr. Colvln and son, who left tor there! some time ago; lag. tad It la tkowgkt cow tkat tho oi:erittTi waa entlfely'auccess'uJ, ,, Celled MVsettsm of W. C T.V. There will be a called meetlag ot the Women's Christian Temperaneo UbIob Tuoeday st 1:S0 p..m. at ta Some of Mrs. B. 9. Orlgsby, at ISIS eteraoa street. VpomVeReyFBraaN. ', , Harry dames waa a Klamath Falls visitor today from' his farm down the valley, near Stiikel bridge - ' " Valley Basin Fair Association Formed i C. D. Chorpening President of Organri ' zation, 0mmitteet Make Ready ' for March The Klamath Baaln JMhoot, Fair Association waa formed at a meeting of the teachers of the county la this city Saturday afternoon. "The officers elected were .0. D, Chorpening presi dent, M. B. Ford treasurer, Miss Kdna Wells Beoretary,., " A motion, was carried to ask the sckool boarts e parent toackera' as- seciatloa of the several districts to taw pelat one natron of each district to attend the next meetlag, of ther elation in March, "when. bylawi will he (drafted andvpresented. .CommR tees wll arrange tor tke nieetlBg; ' Those present at' the meeting wetw 4 CD, bherpenlng, P; K. Hoe..Mle.:: Kmma Murray, John .HHtekinBMdsR " ' Mattte Foster, M, B. Ford. Mlaa A,-'nV" -HanssnF. W, SextbaVFred rtsroan and Mies Rdse. sUs(;eoBtyaekal superiBteadsBt. . '. ':v"kict'" H I ORE lace I ' f""erer j.1,1 tl - !1 "k. nrv htm I Jfirt'-V r St '. : ' ,V.il i-. Sit, fUlr- jf X -iS' r , 'i