:t...v. rwJ " 1 " ii .. . ,. "'H KLAMATH COUNTY'! OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Metii yrar""X " lIDHimFT;,KT'nr'" i.fM-miaMna;i!--m-BrTnmT 8Hy lEurnutn HraUi M"''T",wn-'HT Tt " ' II I I I I I I I I H - " ' III KLAMATH VAULT OFFICIAL NEW! PAFBK KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 16, 1917. Sr SCHOONER LAW SUNK, U. S. FLAG FLYING GERMAN NOTE READY: BERNSTORFF SHIP AT HALIFAX Germany is Acting risr'a' Lyman Law Sunk By Bombs in Hold FrfWWWWWWWWMMMMWWWWW OrrtCKK AI.M.TM IH At'HTHIA AFTKIt IM.UtlIXJ Urt-nnrinr Hlghlcd When Flvr Mllm Aar and ImmrdMlrljr HnUteri llw Amrrkaa Flag, Captain Wlrea I'wll n) nrx Hl.tra i.f Submarine Ov end Hllli hum and Htrlpn. AImi. AnMiUn tHttcer ltara llumlw. COI'KNHAGKN. Feb, I. Today's Imih nf thr Ilrrllirrr Tiflillt declared llmt ruKo tlalluiu between America ami AulrU over tlm "ruthless" tubitinrlne warfare bun brn broken, p cording lit Berlin dU-patchr. Germans Taking Oat the 1 Hyphen at Naturalization fyureau BONDING HOUS E Will WIRE SOON K0MK, Kfb. !. Tho American Kboowr Lyman l.iw, sunk In thr Mt4itrraieiiu by nit Austrian aiibma riot, en( down after the aub-boit rrtr fisted bombs In the bold. Tts schooner flow.ihe American flag. Captain Meltonough of . Lyman'. ATTORNEY GHOKHHKCK HAH U iit4 the United Prraa today. ItKEX IX COMMI'XICATIOX WITII TOLKDO IIOl'AE, AXD EX PEtTK lil.'I'IMTi; ANSWER held fchlch ank her." The Captain eild: "When I tlrat the lubmarlne ah wit five mile faUat. We Immediately hoUted an Aaerlrun flan. The stare nnd stripes ears alw fainted on the aide of our Vrwl. -When Hie ubmarlne crey hoarded "A definite answer n to w hether or our hip tbey thru aald they wern not Hpltier- Itorlck bonding houne of Autrhn.. My crew on to rod tbti Toledo, Ohio, U to buy tho rlty honda boat, and soon afterwarda an Aus- for a, rOM1,,rucUoi, llf , ri,rollt Msar nicer exploded l ho bomb In (he ... ' . I peeled within it day or mo, mrordliiK to tolvgriiphlc rommunlcatloiiH with tho Toledo hojise," said Hollo C. '(Jrocsberk, city attorney, today. "Wo anticipate no trouble In din- posing of (ho bond through other .methods If Spllscr-ltorlik do not take I (hem, nuld Mr. Groesbcck tbU morn. In. "We have bren In coinmunlcn in.AMiMiw. JEMHE DREW MAIU, lion with other parties,, and ahould I tlin IVkl.lii Iwillun tint nrriilil Ihnlll. Wit will hiiu no troubla III dlionlnK of them nt par," Tho bonila were nrreptcd nnd n 1 .1,01)0 bond placed by Hpltter-llor-lek on condition t tint (he traiiHcrlpt mill liv I (in ellv la nrrplitnble. Thin Mr, and Mm, JeHo lrw arrived In Iimh been In (heir ponciwlon prnrtlc- city lam nlKht from Aahlnnd, ally to wcoka now. b(Te (hey iru rerentlv mnrrl.ul m "l left today for tho groom'a farm In na Valley, whero he la well "own. The urootii inn hoon ...i.i.... ... Wamath county for yeara, nnd la well' wn m (he rounty. Tho bride wna FARMER BRINGS BRIDE HOME! IW IX ASIIIM), AIIIIIVK UT XKJIIT AXI I.KWK XNI lKW KIHM THIS MOUM.MI 1 HaBllalHRCSW$r?i IHiaV.lHlllHH9B9i aaBBBBBaaarw '.Ma'a.iIjVHSfilHL' aaaaaaaaaaaam BaafK5B?9WPaaK4H i : K allalHt':T:i3BBiBHaai riailllllllllllllllWBSTf',aBBBUratia",'C g & 'TM:wzsssiz?i2Msm',:s:2i Kroui (l:c day nfler (he kahtcr'a lime at. iisrlM-d here (irrmnns ho had m". tnken out their nalurallxatlon p.iltern tlotkid to the unturalliallon bun no In Xm Vork clly to awcar they would become American clllxens. Seernl widows and unmarried wo men nppeAred, nud were aa nnxlous as tho mull to take tho oath of ullcgl- nnro to I'ncle Sam. COUNT'S LINER SIGHTED AT NOON OFF PORT HALIFAX I'tTH OITT TO KKA AOA1X f XDKH IIRITIHH IXSTULtmOXH Will Itrturn Tonlxlit, anil Canadian Oflclala Will Kxamlne tlw VcmcI Under Cover of Darknnat Halifax lllg EnclUi Xaal Station, and An. thorltlcw Do Not Want Gcrataaa to fW KorliflralkxM. German Conditions Bad; Army Forward Hindenburg's Plant Coldy Calculated to Send Army Forward Despite Everything formerly una. MIkh lluiel Smith ot Aah- COYOTES, BOBS BRING BOUNTIES A bridal Miipper wna tendered thorn Mil nUhi ...... ... ". Krcd I'otorium. Mrir. Io(oraon Ih "cr of (bo groom. I I.M.e.VTH I'llKMKXTKI) AT THK MEXICANS TURNED OVER FOR TRIAL WWtWoXK I'AKTICU'ATI.Va IX "OMJIIIll'H IUU l-LACKI) IN HANIJ8 01' UKI'AIITMKNT OF 'IWlCi: AT COtVMBirH T.!nl8!!,N?.T0N' D' C" - nty.oue Mexican. ...i.j i. n.. ('lii:ilK'H OFIK'K FOIl llOtj.V TU-: AMOl'XTIXO TO 7. Twonty-two coyotes mid ulno bob- rata have been proaeiitcd to County iCIork Dol.up diirlnv thn pant ton daya for bountloa, f 7U hcliiR paid out for thorn. Tho aum of t5 woh paid for coy o tea and $18 for tho bobcata. Thoio who huvo turned in tho ecalpa for bountloa uro us follews: Albert Koolor. cno coyote, 3.50; Cliaa Jason, Chlloquln, two coyotoa. $S; Edgar A. Johnmn, Malln, one coyoto, 13.50; John R. llagelateln, lit. ..! I... Sit.. .1.-.- .... l.kAnia Cfi IT. WAV .. -n iiwiq uj uu Aiiomi, lour uuunum i ' Caiuifc ' ,or Plclrtlon In th DaPuy. Midland, one coyote, 13.60; totli. j. -. ram lunn or w. i. itbiii, urawi i.,i -v,""iwont or JuatiM roDraton. coi Juatlce ropraaon. coyotea, four boboati,. (lay. one (tan coyotea, 1 30. Calif,, aoven 135,50; Den dti. -""u ui juaio ropra ,..?. l uluubua today, it la an- nay. one bobcat. IS, and A. H. Whlma "HUL'Bn - lly CAUI- ACKF.KMAX l'AIUS, Fob. 16. (With Ambaaaa- dor Oornrd) Gornvany la undernour ished, food nud economic condition Hteadlly growing orae. There la ondleaa graft In the food dUtilhutlon'plan conducted by the government, nnd tho transportation problems aro Increasing In magnitude. However, von Hlndonburg'a plans aro coldly calculated to send the army on ulone, and nothlnn will bo spared to Kcnd It forward. One million women now form an Industrial force which la replacing tho mon In tho urmy, who havo left the factorlos. Von Hlnduuburg hope to achlovo u bi cut military victory this year be for advocates in Germany reaumo their clamoring for, poico. Germuuy'a efforts this year will ex ceed thoso horotoforo put forth. This year will ace tho final attempt of Ger many to win from tho allies. LONDON, Fob. 10. Authoritlvo Information haa been received that In From M- kl. J, W. Odhim of the Mt, Lakl dis trict waa in the city today on business llorraany Iiuh cut in half (he rations allowed the civilian population ot Uel-glum. POE VALLEY WOMAN HURT MIW. HOLUHOOK 1IKHK FOIt MKO- 1CAL TltKAT.MKXT AX1) IH8SI- IIIA' OI'KIUTIOX FO14A)WIX0 ACC1UKXT vksti:uuav Mir. h. R. Holbrook ot loe Valley Is In this city for medical treatment aud poBfbly an operation aa tho re sult ot tho running uway of a team ) caterday, Doth Mr. and Mrs. Holbrook were In tbo buggy when the tongue drop ped as they woro driving along tbo road near thla city, frightening tbo team, and causing then) to become un manageable by Mr. Holbrook. Both ware thrown out of the wag on, Mr. Holbrook first. He alighted In the anow by tbo side of tbo road, but Mrs, Holbrook struck in the road. It Is potalble an operation may be HALIFAX. Feb. 16. The liner Frederick VIII., bearing Count Bcrn Ktorff and party, was sighted off Hali fax at noon today. She went out to sen again under Dritlsh instructions. The Frederick wilt enter the harbor hero tonight, and dominion authori ties will examine the vessel under cover of darkness. Halifax is a bis llritiah naval sta tion, and the authorities do not wnnt the- Germans aboard the Frederick to dec the fortifications In the harbor. The liner will enter nnd depart un i.Vi ceter of darkness. BIG TIME HELD BY KLAMATH ELKS lll'8IXK8S SECTIOX OK CITV CJIV KX KXTKltTAIXMKXT FUKCKU IXG INITIATION KKUV1CKS LAST XIGHT FOR LAKGK CLASS Grudgling,Admitted 400mWW00WWV On Way to Germany gaBjBaw aTsPsPsaal-"'' . '" i aaa saaaaK jaaaaaaaa4 ;,1M afJJHf-j BBBBBbV aBBBBBBBBBBVjH ' aaaaasm a. T sjbbbbbbbbbbW Saaaaam I AsaaaaaaaaH' it jm kaTkm aaBaaam iVaVM '' a A K rm XOTK CIVICS TKKATMEXT Of CF.RMAX IXTERESTB HERS Mayor to Be aUck toon, o. D. Crlaler. mayor, will return from California poInU to this city tbe necessary, hor back being Injured. first of next week, word baa been ro- They roalde on tho 8. II. 0 Heath oetved In the city. place In Foe Valley. f The biggest celebi atlou held by the Elks Lodge of this city for the past year took place yesterday, nnd lust night, when fifteen unbrnnded calves wcro fitted with antlers. Tho business section of (ho city was treated to the lighter aldo of tho oc casion when the "Big Ben" O. K. Transfer company's big nuto truck successfully surmounted the ley bil lows of Main Btreet, carrying a riot ous crowd of guardians and neo phytes. Not the least Important part of the parade was tho band, the in struraents resembling the major por tion of an up-to-date culinary depart ment. This was followed by a patrol wagon and uniformed policemen to guard against escapes. The initiation ceremony and social time was held In tho evening at tho Elks' Temple ut the corner ot Main and Third streets. Tho class was tho largest to tako the rites for tho past year and a half, n large number of them being residents from outside points in the county. A large attend ance of tho brethren was proscnt at the tomplo. e Drastic IUII Passea Senate WASHINGTON, P. C, Foo. 16. A bill containing a drastic provision againet the Importation of liquor Into prohibition states, and appropriating 1330,000,000 for the postofflce de partment passed the senate today. la From the Gap. F. P. Corponlug was 4n the county seat today from tho,Kscondldo luu Y the Olene Gap. LjrV7X?3 t COUNT VON I 0EWH5TOrF3 III a f.irewell statement before'leav Iiik for Now Vory to sail for home, Count urn Ilerustorfl expressed the hoi e that war between the Unite I States rnd Germany might be averted, and that friendly relations might be boon re-established. In leaving the United States after a stay ot eight years,.! wish to extend to my many personal friends my heartfelt thanks for the great kind ness and cordial hospitality they have shown me. My heart is full of grati tude to those whose personal feelings never wavered during the trying years of the war. In the Inst days I have received to many cordial farewell messages that It was Impossible to bend thanks for them Individually. "I hope that war may be averted and that old friendly relatione be tween the United States and Germany, may soon be restored. "Will I ever como back to Washing ton?" ho continued, in response to an other query. "Well, 1 am not think ing aboui (hat now. I am (htnklng about golug back to Germany. "Where am I going when I get to Germany? That all depends. I am going first to Borlln. Then maybe I will go to my place near Munich, I don't know just what I shall do. It is all so uncertain If I knew 1 would tell you." . America May Bead Xote Release of Prisoners DeaalUi ! Itrporta That Sailota Released Pew tailed Stateaeeat of Aaserfcaai Afti. fade Toward German Cltcseaa aaal Sailors Set Forth. WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. II. America may aend a note to Geraany demanding the release of Aaserleaa prisoners oa tbe Yarrowcale, desatta press reports that the American sail ors have been released. United States 6ciaVere eSlsattT tbat Germany is acting in a "grudging manner" about releasing" the sailors. The note to Germany is now ready. . and contains detailed statements re garding the treatment of German sail ors, citizens and property in America. The state department naa received further word from Constantinople de tailing the treatment of Americans' la Turkey. Though he declined to make public the mesages. Secretary Lan sing said that conditions in Turkey arc good. HATCHERY WORK STARTS SHORTLY BBSBanBBBBBSaat Sl'l'KKIXTKXDEXT STRAS8 HERB AXD WILL LMaVE FOR CROOK. KO CREEK LARGEST TROCT HATCHERY IX STATE GERMANS CAPTURE 20 MACHINE GUNS ALSO TAKE MOO ALLIED TROOPS FKIKOXKItS IX ASSAULT AXD CAPTURE MILE OF TREXCHES IX CHAMPAGXE DISTRICT BERLIN, Feb. 16 Pour French lines, of halt a mile depth and more than a mile long,' have been stormed and captured by tbe Germans In the Champagne district. More than 800 French were taken prlsouera aud twenty machluo guns have been captured. Superintendent Stress of the state fish hatchery at Bonneville Is In the city, and wilt leave within a day or so for the Klamath hatchery, to De locat ed on .Crooked Creek, to Immediately start construction work, according to C. F. Btone ot the State Fish and Game commlaalon, of thla city. The Klamath hatchery will be equipped to hatch and feed 4,000.000 trout thla year, and handle 5,000,000 eggs, tr tney nave gooa iuck, Becom ing to Mr. Stone. This hatchery will be the largest tiout hatchery In the state. They will also take care of a large number of brood 11 ah. . Tho Spencer Creek hatchery Is to be enlarged, also. The eggs will be held there until tbey are "eyed," and then taken to the Klamath hatchery. Mr. Stress haa been In caarg at Bonneville for a number of yeara Md will be located here now. It fat plan- ned to arrange with tbe hatchery 'oa Crooked Creek so as'to keep tbere the year round. Pj "w r HXl Merrill Has R DeseaaUoa. Merrill bad a blc deJegwtle In the city last nlgat orUe lalttatiea eere monies heldby tMlP;tijWlif,l i valine, m luuuwiaeu ,ami, sas&it i, fl those, In the city: c:g..MsrrlM.Jj. fty tfl lloDonald. Hay Merrill. H. u. wwa jiur ow,' Elmer Merrltt, W. MiMtmtmm 1 Will Adams and Joha;es)l M .figf&j&y R7v? . cm' Wvt -v W b3 m rtia'i 1 , ..x