KLAMATH C0UNTY1 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER t 3Tlf lwnum Iterato KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NEWIPAPtft jjEiweritrnarrai3CT,3anrragjcpu3;sg gkiaih Year N. IM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 15, 1917. WAR WITH GERMANY SEEMSINEVITABLE 4 NATIONAL PROHIBITION BILL FAVORABLY REPORTED MWWMWMWMWWWMW WMMWWWMWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWMMMWMMMWWMMMW' Official Confirmation ot Brussels Act Here Her wihtlock xt off in. CKKAtfrM GRAVITY gnat MM Kctlu MncT Diplomatic BrHi-r- lUvkru Off. end Bring t'eked HmIim M' l War Since That THne United Slat Probably nwml Immediate Ktplaitallott Whan Ceilel Fart Received. DEMAND AMERICANS' RELEASE WASHINGTON. I). C Feb. It. Tt ittP department an- setae today that a formal do- 4M ill In nt to Germany tor the rlc nf the American Mai Mi prUoner on the Yar- , rowdale, Tnt department lq announe- (4 (bat the train carrying Amor- Iran ronmilt from Germany U proceeding (rum Munich to Kwlt- ' Mrtaad. GAINING CONTKOL IN CUB4, B F I L F DISPATCHES TODADY INDICATE HICTI.SG IS HUT DESULTORY, THOUGH TROOPS Itlll.XCl COX CE.NTHATKD IN OHIE.NTE HAVANA. Cuba, Feb. IS. Prcal tlvnt McncaU' military force are gradually gaining control over the febet which havp bean In rebellion (or several daya, It U bellovvd. Dispatches from vnrluua part of lb Ulead today Indicate thai the rloi I lie la but deultory. The Iniurgcul urn making a Und In Orleute province, and the govern-, nent la concentrating ltd troop there to illtvre them. Interned German Liners in Bdkto Believed, to ton Have Been Damaged COUSIN SHOOTS WASHINGTON, I). C Feb. 15. OsMal confirmation wan received to. T by the government that llranil Wbltlock. American mlnlater In tairia of tho llelilum rellof work, art bacn ordered to lower the Amer icas Dag over the American legation MBruuel, and bring war nearer be KB tbo United State and derma ny tan my event which linn occurred lac diplomatic relation wero sev ntd. Tbe (art Hint Whltlock la not al io! to communicate with Wushlng- li greatly Increasing tho gravity Mh iltuatlon. Wbn the complete oOlclal (acta are iKslvtd the government will probably Me-sautorlly demand that Germany Hla the nctlon Immediately. Ttli, with the (Inking of tho Amor n schooner In tho Mediterranean yesterday, wa n sovero blow to Uitarlng hope that hoatllltloa bo- America mid (lermauy might Wavarted. Abaiador (lerard has aent In hla Mai report that German official ? Jo force him to rc-ratlfy the old """ treaty, providing nine for alien to wind up their w"jw, coiintrlca at war, under J"" that American newspaper cor "Wondenta , cjormany would be MM K hottagcN, WAWIINHTON, I). C. Fob. 15.- - ...uv0 uuruner called upon AJOWn,mont loday to " oil " dc,,rc ' If armament la not a.- ' Aranrlcn veaaela ahould Xm by A-wrle-n bltleahlpa. utMur acathlngly denounced W. fclen ? 2r fon,,,,c"" Pm , C0!rrulce or tho people." CbSTac., Feb. Iff.- ttt WUcox ot th0 republican wZ?' ' " vliltcd PraBldent M Ti. 8,t0r noon "dock to tSSLsyUt a,,u M,ur b,m ih h u?!r w? miy wl" wVrt him UeUto!?? my uk0 tor pro. U0"ufAmerlcaurlghU. NAVAL MILITIA EXPECTS ORDERS IM)lf.TUK t:itT.IX THAT OIU IIKHS TO MOIIII.I.K OIU-:dO.N XAV.ll. MIMTI Wll.l. IIKHK. ;KIVK WITHIN WKKK 1'OltTI.ANI), Feb. 15. A dUpatch received by Lieutenant John A. Heck- with, acting commander of tbo Oregon naval mllltln, from l.leutenunt Com innnder tleorri I'. Htnlr. who l en inula from n viall to WanhltiKlon, 1. C, where he attended n conforonco of navul mlllt In cfflrin. anya the call for incl'IIU-illou of the naval mllltla ! expected hortly. Tho navy depart, niciit i ronrcutMiIng nil effortii on mi'bllltallon. Commander lllalr urgoa l.loutcuant lleckwltti to lui-rtmiiu tho atrongtli of the Oregon naval mllltla without de lay. I'oaltlvo Information waa ob tained by Captain lllalr that tho coin, mlwiloned ofllcera of tho Oregou naval mllltla will ahortly bo aaalgned to apeclui duty and name Lieutenant C. J. Dwyer, l.lmilenant doorgo II. Jett, Lieutenant John A. Heck with and Kn- nlgn H. II. Wakeman. Kerrultlng olllce Imvo boon opened at 345 Waahlnglnn afreet, und overy effort will bo mudo to lucronao tho rneed of enlUtmeuta. Tho ofllco of tho Oregon nnvul mllltla will bo open with an officer to receive unllatmonta, Tho barge Bwnn, at the foot of Jeffer eon ktreot wharf, will bo open for drill and enllatment on Monday und Tuca- day night. Coast patrol work ana training on men of war will bo tho principal dutlea aligned In raao tho mobilisation fall, which I expected within a weok, la Inauod. m CUmp Puirhaaoa Rldeo. J. CI. Camp, manager of the Klara ath rMlmatlon project, haa purchna ed tho realdenco formorly owned by Dr. U h. Truax of this city, and locat ed at tho corner of Twelfth and Lin coln atroet. Mr. Camp dooa not ex pert to move until about April it. i'M iafeiFKiflgaiillBI I Jf i .MM2.ldjgjHfllBMKH iaggHgPgggHpaBgggH9gNlIg iagegegVgegegegegeggegegegegegegegeBgegeiegegegegegegeV" ' -m gHgniiaSflg Mm :'lS-r3aaiBgiiiiiiiiiWiaj,P'g rKOLW?WPPgllSSMCaBgaaBgWaS RELATIVE IN HOTEL HOY TAKKN TO SAX FIMXCI8CO to hi: i:x.mi.kd"a8 to his sax1tv kii.ia his col'six in THI.IIt HOOM MIST NOW PASS HOL'SR AND SEN ATK BY TWO-THIItUM VOTB "Incumbent on CoRgreaa to Amendracat to Stale." Sejra Refraw I sctatlTe Cariin, in Makfav Kepert Ileforr Home of RcprcfUUw Slut Be Paaaed by Threc-Fonrtba of State to Amend CoastltaitlOB. SAN FHANCISCC. Feb. 15. Hear- 13. The collet tor of custom at Iloatou has ent word to the aecrelary of the treaaury ho ban beard the interned (Senium linen Cincinnati and Amerlka havo been damaged. Thla work I believed to have been done by Ger man Kyiiipaihlier aome lime after AnibMtador von Mcrnatroff received hi paaaporta from Secretary Laming. There I the nam? report regarding the larger number of German liner Interned at New York city. WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. i The fudlciarr committee of the houaa lug a shot in a hotel room here, a! ., . , ., Chambermaid entered and found I f repreaentatlrea reported farorably Jonepli Rosatco. 19 yeara old. of Reno.j'n the Webb national prohibition con Nov., lying on the bed with a bullet stltutional amendment today. hole In his neck. Reprwenu'tlve Carlln. In making Hla cousin, also named Joseph Ro- tho renort on thc bi -,Id. ..,, u j easco, aged 21, wag altttng- uncon- . , ,.,.i .. . u, i .1.. cumbent upon congresa to submit this The bill Bat Pfas the senate and the house by a two tblrdR vote before It la aent to the cornrdlv on another bed in the room.' The father of the eldert vouth had! bill to the statea. brought htm to San Franclaco from! Reno for examination Into hla sanity. bbs Murder Not Expect Ho Case Go to Jury Tonight Judge Drake Opens Court This Morning for State and Resumes Argument Until This Afternoon MRS.INNES FOUND mill tw i inn mil i " : liUnBllTo WILL r Judge Druko made tho oenlng ttttemont for tho atato this morning In thc llolilm murder case, and held over the niHin recea, resuming hla ar gument thla afternoon. Drako roado a careful and minute lovlew of the evidence given on tho stand throughout tho trial. Attorney Manning for the defense began hla argument .at 3 o'clock thla afternoon. Tho case la expected to go to Iho Jury In tho morning. Aa a Dual effort to prove the pre medlted death of Edward C. Way at the hands of Henry Hobba, the atate cloaed Its rnao by placing three sur geon and tho former county coroner on the wltneaa stand lute ycaterday afternoon. Karl Whltlock Introduced now ten LIQUOR "ADS" DILL PASSED HKXATK UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTS AMENDMENT PROHIBITING AD. VKKT1HKMENTH IN MAILS TO PROHIBITION TERRITORY WASIIINOTON, D. C, Feb. 15. The aenit unanimously adopted the constitutional anandeat bill which denlea the uae of the malla to nowapapera and periodicals which con tain liquor advertising, when the den tlnntlon of the matter I to .prohibi tion territory. tlmony when placed on tho stand that In washing the mouth of tho deceased he had found particle of wadding and Bhrcds of hair in tho mouth. Dr. Cathey then told ot making testa almilar to those of E. B. Henry, but no discrepancies or disagreement between the two testa were foumT! Dr. Cathey aald it waa hla belief that the Run mussle was within the mouth of Way when the trlggor waa pulled. Dr. Patterson of Merrill wus then placed on tho stand, and after Drake had stated a hypothetical cae. the hypothosia that there wero no pow der burns outside tho face and there were within the mouth, and tho charge being intact ut point of en trance In tho roof of the mouth, whero In hla opinion tho gun would Imvo to liavo been held with reference to the proximity of tho mussle to the mouth. Ho answered, "within tho mouth." Dr. E. D, Johnson waa then placed on tho aland and testified thut Way had been u, patient of hla for some tlrao from tho lat of July to the Inst of August, and from tho nature of his condition, In his opinion, Wuy was Impotent. Dr. R. R. Hamilton waa the only wltneaa uaed by the defense In their rebuttal of state's rebuttal, and he testified that the examination made at the autopsy by himself aneDr. Catbey waa Made prior to the preparing of the body for burial, and from hla ex amination no wadding was seen save the one wad located In the back of the head, but that there might have been and probably were a few shred of hair and pieces or the wad loatMn the passage through the head. Drake mode the opening argument for tho state, speaking until 5 o'clock when an adjournment was taken till this morning. STATE & SAVINGS BANK m PLACE CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEE SAYS CONTRACTS WILL HE KEPT THERE AND PAYMENTS MAY HE MADE AT THAT INSTITUTION WIFE OF FORMER FEDERAL DIS TRICT ATTORNEY' SENTENCED TO THREE YEARS BELIEVED DARKER CRIME WAS ENACTED 'ATLANTA, Ga., Feb. 13. Mrs. Ida limes', wife of Victor Innes, former federal district attorney of Nevada, was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary yesterday on conviction of larceny in connection with the dis appearance and supposed murder of KloUe und lleutrice Nelms. Judge Hill declared: "I am led by the evidence to believe that larceny in this case was followed by a darker,! deeper and deadlier crime In San An- tonlo." state legislatures. "And before becoming an amend'- ment to the constitution It must be passed by three-fourths of the states of the Union." Thc lunes wero arrested In the mountains near Eugene, Ore., when tought iu this case several years ago. SURPRIS SPRUNG The Firqt State ami Savings bank has been decided upon as tho place for thoo subscribing to tho Strahorn railroad fund to pay their monthly and quarterly contracts, Percy Evuns, chairman of the llnnuco committee an nounced today. All contracts for pledges received will bo kopt ut tho bank, and all pay ments may bo made there. Most of tho contracts arc for monthly payments, and the persons having made, thorn, will be expected to pay ut tho bank. Snow Light at Crater Lake. Word received some time ago from H. E, .Momyer.'Who Is stationed at Crater Lake National Park headquar ters, said that the snow there Is but 7V4 feet deep, considered mi excep tionally light depth- for thnt time of year. Ho la expected to como out about tho middle of tiio mouth. ' , E IN MOONEY CASE TESTIMONY OF OREGON CATTLE MAN, STAR WITNESS FOR PROS. ECUTION, IS DECCLAKED TO BE LIE NEW TRIAL TO BE ASKED SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 13. An other surpilso was sprung in the case of Thomas J. Mooney, convicted of (lrt degrco murder as a conspirator iu tho preparedness parade bomb out rage, when Mrs. E. R. LaPosse, wife of n shoo salesman, openly charged thnt Frank Oxman, Oregon cattlemtn und stnr witness for the prosecution, lied on the witness stand. The woman said that all the tinio Ovmnn claimed to have been In the vicinity of the explosion he stood with Iter nt'n curb, watching the parade, foveral blocks away. She told her story to Attorney Max well McNutt, counsel for the defense, who will cite It Monday aa an argu ment before Judge Griffin for a new trial. ' L. O, Mills returned to Keno today, after being in on business for a day or so. RESCUE CITIZENS FIFTY LEAVE HACH1TA, MEXICO, TO REACH THREE AMERICANS CAITIRED BY MEXICAN RAID ERS LAST TUESDAY . HACH1TA. N. M., Feb. 15. Fifty American cowboys left here this morn ing to rescue three Americana whom Mexlcaii raiders captured Tuesday. They will enter Mexico to reach them. it is unconflrmedly reported that Mexicans have killed two American ranchers at the Langes ranch. FIFTEEN CARLOADS SHEEP SHIPPED LESLIE ROGERS, HARRY STILTS AND GEORGE WATTS SEND 1000 TO SAN FRANCISCO, RECEIVING 11 )i CENTS A POUND Fifteen carloads of sheep were shupped from this city to the Western Meat company yesterday by Leslie Rogers, Geo. Watts and Harry Stilts of this city. There were 1,500 head of sheep In the lot, Mr. Rogers' sheep have been kept on the Tom Martin rancn near Merrill during the winter months, where they have been fed hay and grain. Mr. Rogers had ten carloads In the lot, all of which wero wether sheep, and he said today he received 11 H cents per pound for bis lot. The sheep are said to have aver aged 83 pounds throughout; bringing 19.54 each, considered an exceptional good price. Mr. Rogera said today that he bought bis sheep for an experiment In feeding them for the market. County Court Finishes Business. The Klamath county court, which haa been In session for the' patvasv eral days, finished up tho business, on hand last night, and adjourned until culled together again, nLv , l W !, i-fl .XrfMi.'Hft'V'l ..'tiv .1 11JU,