1 ' ji 1 iy? iEueitftw, Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S KLAMATH FALL!' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER sstiHiiBsoniaBKiaiQRjCBBsnntn Igpriuih Vnr '" W1 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 14, 1917. Prlr0 Fire Crate TROUBLE SEEN IN CUBA AND MEXICO V ...,, mwomww.,.,.,.. , ...,.,. ,.,,, r,owiwlw)wwww)WWMWWMWWWWWWWWMWWMWWWWW)wwWWWWWWW))i aWWM MWWWWMWWAAAiWMWWWWMWWV Whitlock Cut Off and Belgium Workers Held AMKKKAN FLAW OKNANHNil MrttKKED AT llltl'MMKlil AHMbr ft American Kmhtu-r l IHr. Ha Arrived at Bros Willi Hturtr tt (jemuM)' Arlna American fMnt Kubwarlned lnd r4 Hsftljr Austrian Hutiniartne U UlMNTtl. flCHKK, Frb, H German author ftin In lUlglum have ordered that Bn4 Wttlilock. Atari Iran mluUtvr It iK.'flum, Ittwrr itip American Rag em the legation at llruvneU. Tt( Hermans lime topiwd Whit Ixk's teroit t com in ti n Ira I r with 'tblnflcit, anil are bidding A tiler Idi rtllef workers a vrlKotier. ( uitiUta llvrter, an attache (if the Merlin tmbiMy uf the United State writ! nrre today bringing ttiU word t AmWssenr (itrard. lit drtlucd that Germany horr to Mfktfa America InUi remaining iipu Inl littler was arrested at the bor der ana thrown In jnll at 'Matt. ! Via Ultr rrttmicil and ordered to ken Germany within twelve hour. Hi narked Ileroe exhausted. WASHINGTON, I). l. Feb. 14. Tfc Aaurlran M-hnonrr Lyman l.aw lu tern luliiiiarlned In the. Medller fiMsn'to-i, the stain department I tttUed . Tfce American crew of ten wa Und l siMy. M Maim stale that at AtnttUn mitmmrlue stopiied tit wkooncr mi it ct her ariro with bomb Tk Utr wan onrouto to Palermo w' I cuio cf lumber. Gerard lavea Tonight a&flNB. Feb. H. Ambassador fitrsrd It forwarding to Washington fill report of conditions attending Us Carman ailinlnlatratlau In Bel Ihira, Intituling n report on the depor Ion f iielglum workmen by tier- Crrd and parly leave tonight for brli. ARE NnMEOJY COURT '? MKMIIKH AI'IHHNTKI) OX W4MATH n)l TV KAIIl IK)AUI AID.iav OIUJANH8B I'KK. AAT KAIIl ANHOC1ATIOX ... f """ of m w " fowl Prvl.or of DUirkt No. I, and Thoa. Won of )Mrlct NOi , by ,h0 coun " I,, oMiot. today. V- V. finyder of Hwan Lake wna KuB.n.?mi'1 ,h,rd "mtor f tl whmi. conmy fnr bogrd, to tnko Kurt K'jmath vltono term ha. oiplrod. ro.7c'. "" ,Utr,ct include ..II dhirt.. ,,, coun,Jr "oit tha niy Jrtct ..d (he Langell Vnlloy dla- bel'" rU,,"MV'"or ,or which Iim not Mo rpolncd yot. "ie oilmr li, 'Cfiunl. i . Mi-muwra i Ills HH f",r boa,' "o eo. T. Baldwin mrmbcra of the ik. ..? "I! " neceuary, to finance! 'D min . g tl,e ,,,r "MocUtlon W'Bitnent org.nlintlon. hIJU,.l?,U".,y 0,,rt ' ' 55u?,,ul,u,,,w;,UtotQi, expected to or to. ERVISORS 0""""r-sgrrTjvruxnj Ministers May Be Recalled AMA99A0 F. C AMM55AOOM A. MIMISTt CO. PtNFIELP I. tLKUS VOriCKA ,ii. i.iO li...i'l til ,... .i;-..ti or (lerud to ijull llrrlln, It nn inomrn tarlly entecUd In WaNhlngton thnt compllratloni with (HTinnny'a nlllea would become audi that It would be necessary to recall also Ambnnaadors Frederick C. I'enfleld at Vienna. Abra ham I. Klkua at ConMniitlnople and Minister C. 0. VoplAn. enl to Itul girlj and Hotimnnla. Rlnce Minister Vonlckn makes his official realdenro In llucharest, Koumanln, such an or der would menu lie would remain lln.ni and sever his rvlatlohM with llulgarjs. GfRMMW SEND SUB HERE VVVJCK.t T I'ANAMA," MH ACCKKItMAX AT IIKIINK Al KXI'WT T HAVK AMJKH AT MKIU'V IN' HIX MONTHS Hy CAIIIi AOKKIIMAX I1KUNI0. Feb. H. Out many Is pro tmicil to send a tmlinmrlno to Amcrl- can walciH, nnd espuelully to ranama Witters, Oormnn offlcluls linvo curofully ron- slduird the poHajblllty of America en torlng the war. NovortholeiH they ex pect to have the enlenlo allies ut their mercy within six months, regardlesn of development lu America. They are contldent tlmt the subma rine warfare will paralyse the allies Industries nnd meanwhile arc prepnr Inir lo luunch a gigantic offcnslvo on laud, till and by torpedo noui noem. Germany Is atrongor na n military nation today than at any time since the war began. '''J St k HHb t .. SBpgsss I mnumV m wsm. r ' 1 K K iam7 . I COUNCIL TAKES IMPORTANT STEP ON RIGHT Of WAY aaanBiaBi IIKMOI.L-TIONH KIIUTT HTKP IN nNIr:MN-ATfX I'lUH'KKDIXUH Council (.'enaurra llulea lieft hs !. mrnt fnun CMttlng lieea)t Oaw illtlon uf NliKwaMia HaW to lie IWmI. Omni)' Hill txtt ac ttcqtHWIa That HiwrllHg la Clljr II Ctareed Other MMlIrm Taken Vp. itvsolullons dsalgnstlng that four teen pieces of property In this city and between here and the Olene Cap are needed for the proposed Oregon. California ft Kastern railroad were unanimously passed by the city coun cil laI night when presented by Chas. K. Kberleln. The resolutions were accompanied by a description cf.eacb piece of prop, erty and read to the effect that the property described la necveaaxy and desirable for the right of way for the proposed line of railroad of the city of Klamath Kails, proposed io be con structed from First street to Dairy station, and for the saalateaaBce aad lcrat!ou of said proesssed line-, aide tracks, spurs, laterals and for proper cuttings and embankment, and for roper conveniences for operation of ha line. All of the property described Is out- Me the city limit with tho exception 'f one piece. Thin Is the first step owurd talcing condemnation proceed- tgi against tho property. Tie recurlng cf a stencil and letter nn for the marking of all property! longing to the city was left by the Minrll to Acting Mayor Doty to sup-!-. All furniture, tools and other ar ticles belonging to the city which mlgbt stray or be taken la to be marked In ntich manner m to Insuro Its return and lessen the possibility of lotlng It. Censure was mido by members of the council on tho manner In which the pavements In the city have been cut and left afterwards, It being said that In n considerable number of places bad holes are left In the pave ment. Severe steps wore threatened by the council In Instances of such neglect. Tho general condition of many of the sidewalks, Including some stretch en on Main street, were censured also by members of tho council. It was decided by the council to leave the matter of a bill for tSOO prekentcd at the last meeting of the council by the county for the main tenance of the ferry across Link River during tho construction of the bridge, until Mayor Crlaler returns, since ar rangements were made through him at tho time It waa paid. The bill waa presented at the meeting of the coun cil a week ago, and waa laid aside. The speeding of automobiles In the city and on Main street to the depot cHi'ticlally, wns severely crltlclied by Councilman Miller, who declared that tho members of the police force are not doing their duty. Chief llaldwin stated that the mem bers of tho force are without atop watches, and practically unable to do anything. Tho council voted to pro vide the members of the force with stop watches, and ask that arrests be made of all speeders. The leaving of machines on the ntreota without lights burning also was up. Council man Miller stated that maeblaea are traveling all the wsy front IS to 40 miles per hour on Mali street to the depot." He said he could take the council und show them flfteeu cars ex ceeding a speed of 35 miles an hour CMtlBWi arPtfSJ.f Swiss Minister, Who Now Represents Germany, and Wife CatttHassCr BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBslg 91 jKBBBBBjjPaK jSgl T iBssssssssssssssssssssssssssssPgB JHJLV SSSWSSSmSSSmsWSilM11 " (ggggggrgB ' ngH ' aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflHsaBBBBBttV 1 ggggggggggK 'T'slB BBgirS' KT mMW - KaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTlff'BBBB gaBBBTBBLaVgSBBll ' gBBBBBBBBBBBBBl T SbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbF M-Zar lBgarlgaly I .gagagagaBkr . BBBBBBBBBfaaaaaaaam V JL'' V igPg 9 VUlaskvl',5H''' i It Y&m a " asL Ym&sM Dr. Paul Hitter, Swiss minister touho United States, has become the Cermati represeatatlte in the Unite! Stat-n hi nee Count von Dernstorff, (S'trman ambassador, has been hande.t hU passports. He und Mme. Ritter are very popalar In Washington socletr. Dr. Ritter U n (lerman Swiss. M fsBfek ..iag ---i- V - H"m Kauroao tampa With Renewed Spirit Capt. Siemens Reports Receipt of $1,- 135 in Last Few Days First Step to Taking Condemnation Proceed ings Against Needed Land Taken. Tito receipt of 91,185 for the rail road was announced today by Captain J. W. Hleenena aa being received alncv lie returned from Portland laat week. A ronewod spirit in tho work of se curing subscriptions to the railroad fund this week kIiico Captain J. W. Siemens has taken charge of the cam paign to push It through to comple tion. This money has been received from the following pet nuns, S6S0 coming from persons not desiring their names to be made public at this time: Dan W. Parker, Illy . . I. P. Tabor, Dorrls . . . Medford ptocory Co. . J. A. (lordon Ferd Williams L. O. Mills Warren Patterson . . . . L. L. aaghagen Otbera .$ 50.00 r.o.oo 25.00 250,00 50.00 50.00 5.00 5.00 050.00 Captaiu Siemens said on his return from Portland that tho matter of so curing the rights of way would be taken up.jmmedlntely nnd secured as soon as is possible. The city couucll last night unani mously passed resolutions, which stat ed that certain property la desired and aecosaary.for the construction of tho proposed railroad. This la the first step previous to the taking of condemnation proceedings against the property needed for the railroad right of way which Captain Siemens aald yesterday will be taken up Immediately. No atone is being left unturned by tha memhere of the committees direct ing the raising of the needed funds for tha railroad and all are working with a determination to raise tho bal ance of approximately MO.OOQ, which L,tffrt.AittvHHt.yfaTtt, - i iignon Ik needed to fulfill Mr. Strnhorn's re quest of thtsAlty. Klamath has agreed to rnlso this money to lime work started here first. Tho great need of raising this money as quickly as possible is em phasised, us Mr. Btrnhorn is des!rou3 that this work shall start by March 1st. If Kl'amnth Falls does her part this Is pioml?ed by Mr. Strnhorn, but ho must hao absolute assurance that all the money will be cnhand as quickly as possible. Altliough subscriptions are tomtng In dally, they must be larger antl como lu mote rapidly if the lequlred amount Is to be raised to nssure the railroad for Klamath county and Klamath Fulls. I GERMAN CONSULS LEAVETONIGHT BOARD I.IXEIt FREDERICK THIS MOKXI.NG, Ul'T DELAYED OX ACCOUNT OF COAUXC1 BKRX. 8TORFF AND PARTY TO LEAVE AT S O'CLOCK NEW YORK, Feb. 14. Count von Bernitorff and all German, consuls will be en route for Berlin tonight. The party boatded the liner Freder ick this morning, and Is scheduled to sail at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The sailing time wag delayed on account of coaling, and they will probably tart at 6 oclock tonight. United States Sends Wanting VWWWW0WWWWWWWQ THREE NEUTRALS SEND PROTESTS TO BERLIN ALSO ahi: 8IMILAK TO ONE HKXT UV CXTTED HTATE8 Demmrk, Swedes. and Norway Deny Itiglit of UeUfgerenU to Obntrnct Peaceful XavlgaUoa ao Far From t'oaM Lines Hold Only Const Sub ject to Blockade Recall Prevtons Protests antl Say Mas Stand by 'em COPENHAGEN. Feb. 14. Den mark, Sweden and Norway have for warded notes to Germany protesting the establishment of the barred traffic xone, identical to the note sent by the United States. Their notes deny the right of bel ligerents to obstruct peaceful navlga - Min on f frrtm tha Anomv'a' rtif t tlU OU ! WSU IMV VU, J tWMWfc line. They say that only the coast is subject to a legitimate blockade. They recall their previous protests against the "ruthless' submarine war fare, and declare that they must adhere to their previous position. REBUTTAL HOLDS H0B8S CASE OVER AlUil'MEXT EXPECTED TO START IX MORNING FOLLOWING IX TRODl'CTIOX OF CHARACTER WITNESS OVER OBJECTION'S lu spite of objections by Attorney .Manning, four character witnesses were placed on the stand by the state tliU uioiulng and two more folowed tliU i.ftoinuon. The defense was not allow eil to touch upon the character of Wav In their direct case, but the sthte'd contention and rulings of the coutt are that the state can introduce evlitetuv showing the deceased to hato bee u a peaceable, inoffensive ;nn. , Tiank Ward, R. E. Hunsaker. Hetuy Stout and Sam 8. Hill have been examined along this line already, und till testified to the good reputa tion of the deceased. The tebuttal testimony w-as taken up l bin uftornocn, and It is expected tlmt the pleas will probably begin the hint thing in the morning. The case nay go to the Jury in the afternoon. The court ruled yesterday after noon that testimony relative to the character of Way could not be Intro duced. Attorney Manning asking tor au exceptance to the ruling of the court, which was granted. E. B. Hen ry was then placed on the stand by the defense; told of his findings In tests made with a twelve gauge choke- bore shotgun, shooting the same site shot and charge Identical with the shell tho charge or which killed Way. Ho tested at the distances of six inches, one, three, four, five and six feet, and at three and eight-tenths feet distance from the munle of the gun barrel . He testmea that up to three feet powder marks were notlce- to Cubans OHtMAN BLOCKADED SHIPS AT DOCKS KKEPM German HaiM Seen In Organised Re otlH in Cuba and in Mexican Tron. Mr Should Carranxa Stand Pat, Kngland Forced to Interfere on Acount of Oil at Tamptco Moat Serious Congestion la History J4& WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 14.- The state department issued a warn ing today to Cuba, through the Amer ican minister. Gonzales, against "gov ernments not established through legal and constitutional methods." It Is said that the (United States la re ceiving with great apprehension re ports of organised revolts now In progress against the Cuban govern nent Government officials privately Intl. mated they can seo Germany's lain ence in Cuban and Mexican troubles. Should Carranxa act on his own suggestion and prohibit exportation, to ix'lllgerentx. England would cer tainly net if America did not, aa It would Interfere with her large oil sup- ... Tam ', NEW YORK". fVb. 14. The moat wrlyug freight tieup In the history of the country prevailed today- here ow iig to congestion resulting from the fart hat few- ships have sailed on ac inunt of the German submarine block ade. The Lackawanna railroad announc ed an embargo today on all freight west of Buffalo following a lead taken br other roads. oral Boy la Army. Alfred Turpin of this city, arrived jliere last night and left this morning I for Texas, where he is to be stationed' lurpl-i was recently enlisted by a re cruiting officer of the army who was here, end was sent to Vancouver, He is now on bis way to Texas, and stop ped here to visit his parents. lVtlllimc to Be AdaUaierrator. A petition to be appointed admin istrator in the estate of Effle S. Wiley has beeu filed with the county clerk by W. S. Wiley with the accompany ing bond. The deceased died at Wash ington, D. C. in February. 1916. The estate is valued at 1500. able on the targets, and above three feet they were uot. At a distance up to five feet the charge occupied the space of a 50-cent piece, or very slightly larger., and that from three feet up but one wad waa found to have gone through the bole made by the charge, the other threo having dropped out at the side. Dr. Hamilton, who assisted at the per formance of tho datopay verified his former statements that but one wad was found in the head, and that none of the charge had passed on out of the skull. He alBO , testified that the burned appearance In the mouth was not powder marks. Following the Introduction of a few more witnesses on the character of vHobbs, the state rested at S p. m. The state took up Its rebutal testi mony, and at closing time had Intro duced four witnesses to prove that Way had not been drinking at the time he left for his ranch on the af ternoon on which ha met hla death, and alio Introduced further testimony to show a motive for the act hy 'evi dence that Hobbs waa angry at Way oyer being out of work aid atilv- Ing the moved. balance of hla timber' re- , f I M j 'hi Jl 7il fl b$$i h " ? if 11., ,H5i a .w: