ii KLAMATH COUNTTi OFFICIAL NIWIPAFIR KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. iaKMawiM',,a!3Ja r;ii'imint..f.i,l niiiMiiHi iii - --- L " KVwMli Ver Ma KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY FEBRUARY 13, 1917. Pries Ft vaCewte MAY OPEN PORTS TO ALLY WARSHIPS PttiVsKiBiggjtJig mmAa MMMMMNMMMWMWMMNMMMMMMMMMWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWMNNi Understood Wilson Favors Resolution President Wilson Notifying Congress of Breaking Relations With Germany WeE3SaL3t AMKMI'ANK AMAIN HKM ON HOARD YARHOWDAI4C Afown OaWel Aner at Waahgtae. iaualto Throwing Down Hera of Reatrwatty of AM Porta (Nfwt. Near Oppose It Mtasself NeiSMiw ef tisrmaa Crewe l Pirwert (N dmtloM t Harts tfeedatarit. WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 13. liMtor Saulsbury off red today res- .lien proposing lo throw down tho antrallty bare of the United Mate sad ops all Ameriraa porta to allied vtnalps. Tat senator Mid tata would ea tat tat government, wlthou t declar lag w, to assist those oaenbaltlag alaafvl submarlalag. It It understood that the resolution bat President's Wlltoa'a approval. (sailor Rtone, chairman of tat for 'ttta afalra committee, declared tkal at k opposed to the resolution, aa far at be hlalf la concerned. Preparation arc bring made lo lm. MdlaMy demand of Germany the rriMw of the Americana who are held J tills aboard the Varrowdale. It will alao be etplnlnrd that America ha aot lird the (lerman ship In Araer kan hirlmni, hut only the crew, to that the ships are not aunk and obttruct the harbor. OBclal nollre received that the Aawrlfani aboard the Varrowdale kare again been detained haa aroused nth anger among Waahington ot". dels. WABIIINdTON. D. (J reb. IS. Knzlsnit la considering landing sol diers tu protect her oil Interesta at Tiaplcn, it intimated In diplomatic amies today. rWMAMMAMMMMMMMMAMWMMWW HIGH CRIMES ARE CHARGED MEMBER OK HOUSE OK REPRE SENTATIVE MYH ADMINIS TRATION OK CURRENCY L(WH IN CROOKED WASHINGTON. I). C, Feb. 13. Charging "high crime and misde meanors" In the administration of currency lawa In the United States, Representative Lindbcrg haa asked that Impeachment proceedings be brought agalnat Clovernor llardlag. Paul Warburg and other members of the federal reeenre board. , Representatives Untgerg charge thai a conspiracy haa been made with the Morgan and the Kuhn LoebjQim paalea. It Is also asserted that Americana have been Injured to the extent of several billions of dollars through maladministration of Khe currency laws. DID NOT EXPECT U. S J BREAK "a OFFICIALS THINK ANKRICA WANT WAR NOW, MVB CORRESI'ONDENT IN WiTZKItliAN'D My CARL ACKKRMAN JH.RNK. Switzerland, reb. IS. wm WM t0',h aeu Prealdent wuson broke diplomatic relations, wrman omcl.il. had been aaaurod that Wilson would nut sever relatione for "Jf of a (lorman-Amerlcan uprising. "' afn public hold the earao bo. When n,o apodal train carrying mbawu.lor (lorard and his party left "! Dr. von Qothmann-Ilollwog, "rrnan chancellor, was ' admittedly nc.i vor he iUutll00 beHeving EL... m,rir Wtt,,toa " " !.!!??" rorlM eecrotary. waa iw. y nervo. nd Inslrtsd that Srmln mu W"Bt w,r "M Narku.. aubaiarlge warfare came iJJL November, wheg Oermaaya la- crS. flra TMObed tbelr greatest Wiih.i. .: www wwged Kaiaer tt. ,wltely, they would bead wm. Both land owo.ro and la- YREKA TEAMS WIN 6AMES (HUM 1'iaV TtK, llt'T KOIIKKIT AT KXM OK U.XMK ON AttXIUNT OK ItKKKKKK, WHIM (XACH Hl'OniNH ANHM.NU TONIUHT YKKKA, Calif., Kcb. 13. Olrla tie game, forfeit to Yrcka. Hoys game 33 to IS, (avor of Vreka. Called girls off floor at end of game on account of referee. Yreka team not the sanvi we played at Klumalh. tatter fol lows, explaining. The above message waa received this morning by C. It. Ilowman, prln. clpal of the high school, from O. Chca- ter Huggltis, roach of the high school tcatna which played at Yreka last night. The Klamath tesma are acheduled to play Aahland tonight and tomorrow night and Yreka again Thursday ulght. Navy fllll Paaaee Hoawa e WA8HIN0TON. D. C. ITeb. 13. Carrying $369,000,000 appropriation, the navy bill passed the bouse this at lornoon. Amendments to the bill au thorises the president to rommandoer prlvuto shipyards and munition nlanta. It nrovldea ll.uoo.uuu to purchase basle aeroplane patents, au thorliea three battleships, one battle cruiser, three' scout cruisers, flfteou 'destroyers and eighteen submarines. duitrlal Icadera demanded the unllm- Ited use of the submarines. Then Oermnny's poaco proposal united Germany. The answers glvoo bv tha entente frightened Turkey ao that the Ottoman empire will continue to Mat long aa Germany darenaa Coastaatlaople. r aeaeral von Hladenhurg IsUt coa. trol la Bulgaria, and meanwhile ep aellaa ara lyinc over Uerlla poa staatly. ' QnBKMMKURttBKKKEKMMKSKBBKMKKnBBSBMiaMKKKKKKKmamammmMKmm wzstimm. SHgl.liRRRRRR I fflfl HlaaaaBaBaBaBaBH 1 I flfl alBaaBHalaBHaaBaB RW' BrrrrHrrrrr RRRwRRRRRRRRRRRRRRvRRRRRRRRRRRRmRRRRRRfaRggggg RBreaaRRrRRRRmRRRRaRRaRRRRRRRfl wRRKJaaRRRRRB dflRmAaRRRRw ViaV -aimmr amapmpmwyrjaaaBmH BSBSBaBSB"BSBgBSBSBSBaBBSBSBSBSaSBB wwI-Sr-,aS3aaaSSSaW 4 rBlBVBlKlBlBBlBmBlgggBBlBlBlBlBl r y- gBBgaaV RRRRRRmRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRvRRRsRmfR ' aVBawssivH RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR'aRRR s&iSH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalalaaaaB I gaaaaaaaaaaaaW aaaaaaaaagwaM I ill II aaaaaaaanw ,' - a in'' 1F 1a, bbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbI HrRRrMrRRRRRRRr!9r9!KJ UaRH rHrrrsrrrrrrHrrMBrIrr ' ' ,l$zmtii SMHrrBrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR HtaaJRRRRl J ftmliHflRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR - aa-Kv MMB ,mtRS-SmOBUKKKgr'KUJ9Sm9Ri, RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT-RRRRti. BBBaRRRRRRRRRaataBaBMwvaV.aRRRFRRR at aRRRTWSRRvRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRBRRRafkV'f RRRRRRRRMRlRRRRRakJRRRRRRvRRRRR aRRRT Rfcj RJPv!Rbbbbbb BBKlBnmtiJaBBWBBBBBBBBBBBBB .BBBbYSBBBbV BBliBWHiBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBB BBBBBaBBBBVaTBBBBBBBBaVrBBBBBBB HHErrrrrBLrrB awWalalaaaWaWaBaPa g RRaVaVaVaMSWaMslB The most Important artlou taken by a president of the United State I n many years wua President Wilson V' official notification of the Senate and houae In Joint session la the chamber of the latter on Saturday, Pebr uary 3d. of-hla aeveraarv of relation s with Germany. aaaaaaaaBaaBaaaaBBaaaaBabaaaaaaajs WHITE STAR LINER SUNK BY 6ERMANS AKRIC COXHIDEBKD THE BIGGEST KRIZE MNCK FEBRUARY 1 HeTeatern Member of Crew Mhsriig, Is Heport British Stesuner Fore IssmI Alao Samk Two Csssard Uav era Arrive at New York Uaeaaect - v edly-Paaeeagers Say Raajlaad Raw Ublistted Veritable Isuse DEFENSE MAY FINISH TODAY IIOllllK TAKri HTAM AGAIN THIK MORNING CHARACTER WIT. NKMM OIUKCTED TO MAY CON. t'MDK KVIDKXCK TODAY The taking of evidence In the 3. II. Hobbe murder trial In the circuit court may be finished this evening, I hough It Is possible that It will not be fnlshed until tomorrow, according to the defense. Henry llobbs again took the stand this morning for the continued cross examination of the atate. Hobba met every attempt of the atate to confuse F. J. ERZ WILL3 mm STORE LOCATION IN JACOBS BLOCK WILL HAVE NEW FRONT FOR DRY GOODS STORE TO MOVE I'FIIRI'ARY 1MTH A new front Is being rapidly put Into placo In the Jacobs block for the new location to be occupied by the novelty and dry goods store operated by F. J. Krs of this city. Mr. Era said today "that he will moe on February 14th. The new lo cation will be the rooms formerly oc cupied by L. Jacobs, owner of' the building, and by Wm. A. Musten, OIL COMPANY FILES PAPERS IOKT RIVER lHOglKCTIN AMI MINING COMPANY FILES ARTI CLES OF INCORPORATIOX-CAF-ITAIJXKD AT $.1,000. BONANZA SAFE TURNS TURTLE BREAKS THBOl'GH PLATFORM AND BEING OF CYLINDRICAL SHAPE GIVES EMPLOYES MICH TBOl'BLE him, and was not Impeached on his 'jnwele. testimony. After Hobba left the "My son, M. 11. Era, who haa been stand, A. Condrey, aawfller at the Al-!connected with tho bank at Sellwvod, goma camp for the laat two yeara wnajnetr Portland, for several years past, placed on the stand. Ho testified aaWl be here In a short time, and will to the good character of the Hobbs g0 jnto business with me," said Mr. people In the csmp. The defenso t;n today attempted to Introduce evidence rola-l vo will increase our stock con-l tho to the appearance and condition I .idorably. and will have a larger atore of Way at U o'clock the day of the W,en wc locnto In the new building. abootlng, but the atate fought against We expect to give our customers tho the Introduction or the testimony, and aarue treatment that we havo hereto- the objection waa austalned. The atate forp, nd will be better prepared, to also placed 8. Padgett ana jack Miner. (til their wants ou the stand, Miller testifying to sell- lug Way some liquor about ten days prior to the tragedy and Padgett tea- Mexico to Mop Wnr WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 12.- tlfylng to seeing Way on his return ; Carrnntn hag mode a move to end tho from Dorrls at that time, but the atato European wnr, In a note addressed to objected to the admission of such evl- a neutrala, asking them to prohibit itence, und the court sustained the ob- tho exportation of food stuffs and Jectlan. C, C. Connolly, who lived below Keno on the river, and had known Way tor twenty yeara or more, waa not allowed to testify regarding Way's Articles of Incorporation of the Lost River Prospecting and Mining company were filed today with County Clerk DeLop at the court bouse. The incorporators are J. T. Rob erts. E. W. Roberta. Ell Wolfe. J. O. Hamaker of Donansa and J. W. Siem ens of Klamath Falls. Klamath Falls is laftnetl as the placo of business of the corporation. and tho capitalization is $.',000. The papers flled entitle the com pany to bore for oil.' operate placer mines and lease and hold lands for these, purposes. This company Is formed of perons residing at and near Bonanza and of I this city who havo been interested In' oil prospects In that district, and who havo found what they believe are promising prospects for rich oil de- posits. llll.LSBORO, Ore.. Feb. 13. How to tight a 5.000 ik) und safe which crashed through the freight depot platform Is a problem which is puz zling the lorul Southern Pacific em ilucs, und a bridge, gang has been summoned to aid. 1 lie f.ife nas being shipped by the American National Bnnk to the Bank of Itctiauzu at Bonanza, but its weight provvd too great for the platform. In falling It turned a complete sonier- siult. and being of tr-e Conical type, the life of jacks is impossible. Work man handling the safe had a narrow emine nlien the platform gave way, but no one was injured. LONDON, Feb. 13. The White Star liner Afric, 12.000 tons dis placement, haa been submarined aad seventeen members of the crew are miming, It is reported here today. This is considered Geraaay'e big gest prise since the unlimited sab marine proclamation went Into effect February 1st. The British steamer Foreland haa also been sunk, it la reported. NEW YORK. Feb. 13 The Cun- ard liners Laeonla and Aacenla en tered tne New York harbor today un expectedly, both carrying passengers and light cargoes. The Aacenla regu larly docks at Montreal. Stories told by the passengers Indi cate that England established a verit able lane from England to America, guarded by warships for the protec tion of ships. ALTURAS HAS RAILPROJECT L E A RXKI) FROM R L I A B L E SOURCE STRAHORN WANTS RIGHT OF WAY FROM LAKE VIEW TO FANDANGO PASS WILL PROBE munitions to tho belligerent nations, the Mexican bureau haa annouueed. Two Mora Sink LONDON, Feb. IS. Tho British general reputation by objection of steamer Lycla and Netherlee have Drake and the objection aalag sue.! been sunk, It unreported. tal'ned by the court. II, M. Manning at thts time aaked tho court for a deflalte ruling or the admission of testimony o the oarae- loe Wagon Outt Tama Cold. The lea wagon of the Klamath Val. ley Warehouse and Forwarding com. ter of Way, and waa Informed that If PW out Monday. 0,x L. Carter be' cared to submit Ma aranmeat 1Uyi that ae was rushing the tea. writing that a rullag would be nude, .bob anar laeiura in iae weamer won but tnai tne matter must aot aw nip ther, placed before the Jury until he had made a ruling. The court took a TWeaa to allow the day algbi and today. Introduction of the argument by Mr. Manning. 'FRISCO VICE MAYOR HOIJH APPOINTS COM MITTER TO PROVIDE WORK FOR RESIDENTS OF TENDER. 1AHN WHO DESIRE TO LEAVE SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 13 Mayor Rolph has appointed u coraraU.teo of twouty-uve citizens from all walks of life to investigate vice in this city. The mayor also named a commltt09 of five to securo employment for resi dents of tho tenderloin who wish to leate. HOTEL FIRE CAUSES DEATHS THiin i:i:x deaths are believ. Ml TO BE RESULT OF EARLY FIRi: MONDAY AT MINXEAPO LIS 1 WELVE BURIED IN ICE MINNI.APOMS, Minn., Feb. 13. Tlilitren persons are believed dead at u result of n fire which destvojed the Kenwood hotel early yesterday morn ing. The bodies of twelve are burled In tlw debits, und encased In Ice.,.. One uomau v.as killed when she Jumped from a third floor window. Five fell back Into the flames when a ledge from which tb'ey were preparing to jump caved in. A gasoline explosion la believed to havo caused tho blase. i ALTURAS, FeH 13. From a relia ble source we leara that Mr. Straborn Is asking that the rights of way be so cured from Lakevlew to tbe west por tal of Fandango Pass tunnel. It is stated that the financing of the Strahorn road is progressing In good shape, but no great forward iuoement can be made until all of the rights of way have been secured. The town council of New Pine Creok gome time ago appointed A. C. Robnett, J. J. Mimroe and J. Duke n committee of three to attend to the matter of rights of way, and the com mittee is getting in touch with the cwnerB of tbe land through which the ( road will pass. Lone Pine "Poison" Chib Meets. A meeting will be held at the Lone Pine school house, two miles below the Stukel bridge, on the west o't'Lost River, next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock for tbe reorganization of the "poison" club. Special work will be taken up this time on the squirrel pest. R. A. Ward, government biolo gist, will be present at the meetlag to explain tho methods used. f Roy Born Sunday. An 8-pound son waa born to, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rightmlef, who reside at the cornet of .Ninth and Rote streets, this city, Sunday,' February 11th, Dr. George I. Wright ttpor'a. tliUir Former Locay Man Owelty. ) Marcua McCall. letper barber ta this city, waa found guHry of saVtiujr. der of William sttaaer oa 'CaraHataa day at Portland; las weskg. vrtt. , .?' - ..A.?' .VfKdW V i iifc.fTf .'.