. -4$ 5k 't t? -' ' oEfrg Evening jjgralfr KLAMATH COUNTY'! OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER -v r KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NZWiPAKft arrnli Vev tt.'JM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 10, 1917. IMeaFHa Cents NEUTRAL SHIPPING IS TB HP m Germany Not Want Trouble With U. S. SwIKX I.MUTION MAI'S XOTK (tIMIXJ Tl AMERICA IM I'adfrefaod ,tra HagatwU OefTtt grlher by Two raatrea o Amid Iliillltlr irntl Straighten Owl IU Uldin Miner IHpluatetk- Break. May .VrgtHlal lh Mabntarier Wsrtare. 'VAHIIINOTON, t). C, Feb, 10. Utrnsuy U sending her note lo lb uanea maira innmsn me pwmh nun liter, and suggest thai the two gov ernment ! together In an allem( lo avert xiMltit huslllitlna ati4 to ttrslghten out their relationship attire ' la diplomatic break, II la under- llOOl). II U alxi understood that the note propon thjt the United Mate aug srtl way In which negotiation may I brought about In the aubmmlnr wurfare toiitnimay. Herniary l.aulng deule any iooWgedrth( communication, but Ibf 8w. legation hai Indicated Hint the imlu U coming. CITY RESIDENTS GIVE MONEY W. Nl'iwntll-TION'M WKHK AS. MWSVKU TODAV IIV CHAM. WIKHI.KIX FIUIM IIKSIOKNTH Ol'THIIIK OK llt'HI.N'KHH MKX'H AHN4M1ATION. 8U Htibcrliitlon to the Htrnhorn railroad fund are aunouured today by Chan. Kberleln, ufld wero given by lmlnia men nnd othera of the rlly and county for Ihu Htrnhorn rullrond Itmd. They are aa follows Klamulli FnlUHtenm UuindryllOO.OO I. II. Applegate no, 00 I'lercc Comba 00.00 K. I., Klllott 30.00 Hen P. Uwl J5.00 'jeo. Chandler 10.00 Nitre Claim Options Taken by Boston Co. Development of Valuable Nitre Claims in Eastern Oregon is Believed Now Assured Optiona on fltfty-two nitre claluin Imvo been tnken by the Ronton Nitrate rompimy In Uko and Harney coun If". A number of the claim holder ru riHldnnii of thla city and county. Tho prcporty la in the lake region f Ihoio oountlea neir Wngoutlre, and much speculation ha been rife within Mat few month a to the dovol- epment of thU region, owing to the crett demand Cot; umwunltlcn ttud nufgcturer In which nitrate la' ud. The gnvornmeat ku recently Piroirlaled a large aum of money for the development of suck products d an .ntfort baa been made to have a plant Mtakllined on thli property. .-s JJJ-"TYnrnrB-yvij.funAAJUM MOONEY IS FOUND GUILTY IN FIRST DEGREE n.KMK.wv for iwmii thrower NOT lir.COMEMIED .,n.rr Will lie Krnlenred Tucmley. Vi-ntirt Reached on Kir Ballot. Took Tin lUlloU l Deride N tlrsnrtiry Jury (hit Over Mk Hunt Defrn Will Appeal, il la Aiinouiwrd. " HAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 10. .The Jury In the Mootiey bomb planting cie returned a verdict laat night. finding' Mooncy guilty or rourdor In llu firm degree. The verdict did not lentinmcnd clemency. Judge (IrllTi'ii will euletne the prUcner Tueiday lo bang. The jury wn out over mU boum, tnklng ten Imllnu to determine whether cr not In urge clemency. The erdlrl of guilt wan reached on J the first biillot. The defense will op- peal, ' Study lleMrtiiiriil Me-t MiNHlny Tli0 Hi inly department of the Wo. men'k Club uf thla city will meet Mon day afteriKMin t SMi o'clock nt the home of Mr, tl, A. Kriiime. at 804 Walnut atreet. The- subject for the nflernoon Ik "The Voice and Song Wrlten." Mr. Don J. Zumwalt will have charge of the afterncon'a pro gram. Mr. McCarthy nnd Mr. V. T. MotaeheubnchL.r will uKjtl.t, aw lumlirmnii la IWt-k It. I.. While, miniiKcr of the Hupor lor l.aumliy of thU returned ln night from it IiiihIiichm trip to Sun FriinclNro. In Kroiii I'lite (Jroie John Hhopard of Pine Orovo wna In the rlty todny on bualneait. The tloaton company routractg to do 100,QOO worth of work on the project within alx month. If the uulu Is completed, euoh clulm holder la to receive $10,000 for each clulm. Should tho option r bo glvoit up the claim holdorn will hive the work on the claims, which will niuko them lliut iiiucli mote Valuable. Tho BJgo lieu prcperty of 3,000 acres Is a sim ilar project, and is In Harney county. The local claim hojders are: Chria Conley 8 claims, 0,D, Craven. S; Fred Morloy I, Ocorge Orlisle 1, Bill Brennen I, John 0oir 4, Glen Mc cormick 1 and Mrs. Qlen McCor- ralck, 1, New Amhouodor Loads in Time Count Tarnowakl, the Austria-Hun-gary ambssaador to the United Stales, who wi, Hble to cerae hero because Gnat Itrltaln guaranteed him aate lngp, landed the day the German note to the United Btaten waa pub llil-ril, nnd when the queatlon of the dUmlunl of the envoy of the central loer "M being dUruaaed In Wash ington. He reurhed'kere Juit In time to get Into trouble. , WOMEN RECEIVE TWO DONATIONS Kl'IWTAXTIAIi Ht'M IIKCKIVKII FROM URKAT KAZAN HHOW A.l axil PMN'H ON CONTIN IIX(J WORK Two more subscription were an nounced yeaterdiy by the Women's 1,0(10 Htrahom Club. A aubitantlal autu wim received by the women' crganlmtlon from the (lieat lluian how given at Houaton's opera houie Thuraduy night, the ex act future for which have not been ((inplled a et. The women'a club will continue Ha urllvltle In raiting money forthe rtllrcnd fund until the required aum I Hoeured, Tho Inst two aubacrlptlona are aa follew: Mm. Kay Telford $5.00 Mr. I,. 8. Will COO BONANZA LOAN MEETING HELD .MI.r.TINQ HKLU UURINU FAST WKK AT ODD KKLLOW8 HALL WKLL ATTENDKD D1RKCT0R8 ARK NAMKD 110NAN8A, Feb. 10. Through ike efforts of J. R. Paddock, tke farmers of Ungell Valley, Poe Valley, Yonna VMIey.and Rly met at the Odd Fel lowa' hall here this week, and organ lied a Federal Farm Loan Associa tion of twenty-five members. Another meeting will be held noon to form a permanent organisation. I. a Morris. J. K. Paddook, A. R. Oslo, a. O. Keller. Roes' Sutton, Frank Nichols, Mrs.1. Frank Morris, J. Mo Fall ansTJ. O. HajMker were aaned as directors. Swan Lake Man la VMas P. W. Snyder of Swan Lake was In tho city today from his place, , H .tjiiMBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamh. Kg I snaaTSasnaamt aaaaWl ignam ssnaaaaa?sssnL e -- iTir.r. - ".ai - ia - iA'inirr." - mmu - .iiia CAPT. SIEMENS Will DIRECT THE CAMPAIGN BEND TRYING TO t OCT WORK KTARTKU nUCKK KIRKT Haw llit t'p Two PraiHMllloiM, t Ho Far Mr. hiraJuai Haw Turned Tliean lMmm for - KUmatli Kcart Walnic of LoraJ Mtaatioai IaveXI. i gated AoH Ralacd Vet 9JM9 to Be It Is anaonaced today that Captain J. W. Siemens baa taken over the dl- tectlon of the raislag of the balance of the money and tke securing of the right of way and other matters per taining to ibe etariliig of construc tion work on tke ftrakorn railroad from this -lty to Bnfague River. There la something In the neigh borhood of 120,000'to be raised jet la money, according to Captain Stem- ins, and eviry effort Is to be expend ed to secure this isisssy. Tho exact ,- aiaiiia ot eneira w lareaugwe. JM - a m9 Dend ha mdw two proposltlona lo Robert E. Btraborn In an effort to get him to start work there first," said Captain 8lemena today. "One of these Is to tho effect that they will grade and lay the ties on a certain nmount of the road If he will start work there first. So far he has turn ed them down for the Klamath plans. "Thus If Klamath Falls I to have work atarted here first. It is necessary that rapid steps be taken to see that it Is done, and In the near future. 'Klamath Falls Is raising more money than the other localities la or der to secure construction work here first. Mr. Strahorn says Klamath Falla will be the largest city on the lines, but to make sure of this, the road must start here now." A committee of Ave men of this city atteuded a meeting at tho Spring Lake school this afternoon which was held to confer on a power project for that district with Kerns Bros., This committee wag to put up a proposi tion that ponton residing in the dis trict raise money for'the railroad. Mr. Siemens announces that work will start Immediately on the work of finishing up the campaign, that the right of way msttera will be straight ened out and the project brought to a closo as rapidly a possible. BUSINESS MEN GET TWO MORE TWO NUMBERS OF ORGANISA TION DONATR TO KLAMATH ( RimiNRHHMRN'H AHSOC1ATIOX FOR TOTAL OF 91113. The Klaawth Falls Business Meu's Association announces two more sub- scrlptlans to tke railroad fund from business men In thee city, aa follews: J. F. Magulre Co 1100.00 J. 8. Mills 8on S5.00 oTha members of t&e Askland girls' basketball, team are being entertained by high active! girl while they are la (he city. Miss Vara Moffat, coach aad chaperoae, lastopplag at the Halt hotel. The boya. team and coach. "Heine" Heldeareteh, are also af the Hall, I MMMMNMMMWMMMMMMMMWI Should "Be Pot Behind the Bon" srstttS n$fti&W lfrU Jail '" rH' sy-Bi- Pliny Flak, a member of the big banking Arm of Harvey Fisk Bone. t.old tbe."leak":commlttee. "I believe -n.M.wv si w r -awvv -. JtSld thOi-leak'tcommltte. "I believe -W. " i ." be. (Thomur.W.-Laweon). phoatd be taken at bis word and put behind the bar on a besla of perjury." Lawson bad told the committee Archibald White, another banker of New York, had wild Kink boasted he could con trol Secretary of the Treasury Mc- Ado, and to prove It had offered to cell Washington on the telephone from New York and have the secre tary go there. TEAMS LEAVE NEXT MONDAY ROTH GIRLS AND BOYS' ftlSKKT. HALL TEAMS TO TAKE TRIP TO Y REKA AND ASHLAND, WILL PIAY MEDFORD, PERHAPS Both the girls' and boys' basketball testa of the Klamath county hieh school leave on Monday for a trip In Northern California and the Rogue River Valley. Two game will be played with both Yreka and Ashland, and there Is n possibility of games being played with Medford. The girls who will mske tho trip are Karle Montgomery, Helen DuFault, Erma Bamber, Ida Brown, Ruth Humphrey, Dorothy Sanderson and Florence DuFault. The boys making the trip are Jake Stelger, Maurice Graves, Clarence Lennox, John Houston, Clsrenco Montgomery and Kenneth Perry. COUNTY AUDIT RILL IS PASSED IN HOUSE SALEM, Feb. 10. Speaker Stan Hold made his first appearance' on the floor during the session, when 'he left the chair Wednesday to fight for the passage of Burdlck'a bill, providing that the state tax commission should adopt a uniform system of publlo aud iting and accounting for all county offices, and supervise the work. The bill waa passed with forty-two voting for It. Conpto Married Were -"i ,, John Naubertaad Mtu Helen, Ston- er of Swan Lake were marrled.Thurs day afternoon at 5 o'clock by Rev,' Charles T. Hurd, pastor of the Prea- byterlaa church of thla city, In the presence of the necessary witnesses. I UaaV ' ' 9 igaEEBaaaaaaaaaVftiajgf i KgaaaaaaaaV??f1 wv 'snaaaaaaaaV.?! m' si -aaaaaaaaaaaa g- - i 'i '( iiignnMagaiK? ji OmntfMmMmnnt'f r- 1 1 aw aaat ''JjaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaM'f f a'i -fBaaaaaBaaalaBaaaaaaaaf ' , laaatltfSStBaaT' aaaaaWiiaaaaW; HaiaalBaaaTVi i aaVaaaaaaaalBlv. ' Laaaaar'aaV. LaaaaaaaaalP. -iaaaaaaT awr 'aaaaaaaaaaaa1 JaaaaWaalaaL aaaaaaaaafli f Laaaaf aaaaaavaaaaaaaaaaaaali aaaffaaaVQaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalp BaafgKaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVfi HRaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaali 'laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaRI Th gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPLrf? JOOmmF'&S'' i xmzi Germany Carries on Submarine Warfare AA0AAA0lAA000AA0A000Wm0W0A HOBBS GOES ON STAND IN OWN DEFENSE MANY OBJECTIONS TO TESTDiO NY 8LOW8 UP TRIAL Corroborate Wife's Testimony fp to Noon R. B. Henry, e&Coamtjr Saw veyor, Kpbiln the Plat That He Drew fp for Trial Shotgsm StteUs Introduced and Opeaed Before the Jei Caw WIM Hold Over. Henry Hokbs took the stand at 1 1 : 1 0 this morning. His testimony is coming la slowly, owing to the numer ous- objectless of the stateand' argu ments by Manning ror the defense. The witness Is cool and deliberate. Evidence introduced by the noon re cess was corroborative of the story told by Mrs. Hobhs wherein she re lated telling her husband on October 8th of the relations between herself and Way, and of threats against the life of Hobbs. K. D. Henry, ou the stand for the defense this morning, testified to dis tances from the various points en the plat prepared by himself. He also tes tified to finding the two boxes of shot gun shells which had been Introduced In evidence by the state. When asked by the defense to open one of these M.ella, It was done. Four wads were fouud In the shell opened, and to sat isfy an Inquiry by one of the Jurors, another was also opened, with the same result. The ttsttmony or tne doctors performing the autopsy was that one wad only was found. What significance this testimony has yet to be developed. will have In City Front Chlloquln Mr. nnd Mrs. H. L. Clement of Chll- oquln are registered here at the Hall hotel. Great Hazan Show Declared Big Success n Entertains People for Two Without Perhaps the largest crowd to at tend an occasion of Ita kind waa at Houston's opera house Thursday night of this week for the Great Hasan ahow, given under the auspices of the Women's 1.000 Strahorn Club of this city In their money raising campaign for the railroad. For two and a half hours the Qreat Hasan had no difficulty In entertain ing the 500 or more people present with his sleight of hand, hypnotism and mind leading stunts, , Preceding his opening the Peerless orchestra entertained with a long ov erture well aolected and classically played. The muslo throughout the eveniug was of the beet, DESIRE TO KEEP MARTIAL SPIRIT IN l. S. ALIVE Administration Wishes to Gwarel Against Sapping laflswaeew of Vm dee Sense of Sersn-hjr No Manifest Mew to Raise Army, Bat 1 Made Toward Naval ' Coavoys Coastdered by Waste WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb.UO. After a week of broken relations, neu tral shipping ordinarily plying the Atlantic Is lying shivering In home ports while Germanyis conductng aa Indiscriminate Me warfare that Is de stroying shipping at the rate of three quarters of a million tons a month. Fearing that war may come with Germany, the administration is nan lous to keep the martial spirit alive In America, and wishes to guard against lapping influences of aa un due sense of security. llow evernfcrenVtfaatterawvr to raise an army for war, though some' ' progress has been made toward naval and economical preparedness. ThU epitomises the governments position after a week of broken rela- , tlons vlth Germany. , Convoys or the issuance or guns for defense of merchantmen are the two likely precautions being considered by president Wilson. Kersaaer WIN b Probated The will of Adrew Kershaer was filed this wgek at the office of the county clerk, Fred Baeestng la named as administrator. The estate ls val ued at approximately 110.000. The sum of 1.000 waa left to his srife. Julia, and the residue to his brothers. Jos. D. Kershner and George D. Kershner. Poetosace Closes Monday i be postofnci' delivery window will be closed all day Maaday for Uncoln'i birthday except between the hours of js to 10 a. m. Tke general deliver) j window will be open from 8 to 9 a.m. and the carrier rervlce window from jo 10 a. m. No delivery will be made in th,e city. Crowd of Over 500 and a Half Hours Difficulty K. B. Hall thanked the large audi ence on behalf of the Wouiea'a Club for their attendance and hearty sup port cf the women's organisation In tbe i dtslng of tho money. ' Especial thanks are conveyed to the Greut Hasan, who wus largely respon sible for tho entertainment, the great eat responsibility for which fell on his shoulders; to the members of the Peerlevs orchestra for their ftae wort; to these who-easlsteUrt'd'Haaan and to JohirVHeaitewtae Wa4?v ly gave the useof'tke'eiwra aeuse,' luruiigu mwm. vmm . riwy dent of the Woates)itl?;'ffr0'r Club, on behalf of thr, )