"ihn-- 'wwj lupnfnn Herald KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEW1PAPER KLAMATH FAtLT OFFICIAL NEW1PAPXS 'il . Wreath Year N. S.1MI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, PEIRUARY i, 1S17. 1 SThi ""'" ' IJHI,I'.. I- .11 i.., i. M,. .!. Tension in Washington Increases I AVAVM It hCA 111 A MnOViAvtn RJR RR RRRR RRFH " aaaa taaaW RR aaaaaW aaa" sHa?"' -jjr jrs smmfgaj aaBaBaaWaaaaa 'j'aav'- 'aaa"' aBa""- naw aaa' jv 'aaaa' RRm TWO FACTORS MAY DEVELOP SERIOUS UNKING OF Mill ASH PAHHPOHTH RKPi'MKl) rert That Loae Anarrkaa Aboard Uarr Saved May Prove NtosHfcr Thread of Pear Orr Hiaalag of CaHfarnte Vailed Ntataa Ntaadsj AIm Aaaeag KeeMraa ia Break ttka Cliraiany. WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. . That lb crista between the United Bute and Germany l drawing near It fait hem today. Two factors that contribute to th testing tbat relation may develop Into mora serious phases. First, tba torpedoing of tba liner California with women and children aboard, and trrund, United Prcs Correspondent Atkrman"s cablegram tbat Ucrmsiiy U withholding the Issuance of Amer Iran passport. The fact that a lour American aboard the California waa saved roar prove a (lender thread of peace. Tho Inking of tho ship, however, may convince the prealdent that Germany means to carry out their submarine warfare policy. TUii United Htatea stands alono among the neutrala of tho world In the break with Germany. Other na tion, however, are protesting and leading their moral auppart. The all- Catholics Will Support Wilson Says W.A.Barrett, of Columbus, in Address Here Last Night "Should tho necessity arise, every Catholic, In America will bo found u "nit In support of tho flag, and In ine vanguard will bu tho Knights of COllimbua. Tho Uoaltlon that. Ihn President takca will bu our position, t in doing ao wo arc only follow ing In the footsteps of tho Catholic "lurch from tbo beginning. TUo ac tion taken by President Wilson Is In defense of International law. Inter national law la the outgrowth of tho law of chivalry: tho law of chivalry was founded by the Catholic church, with tbe pope at the head of It." Thua succinctly did W. A. Barrett, Mate deputy of the Knlgbta of Colum bus, exprosa the minds of tho local ttd state Cathollca at tbe reception iven last evening In tho assombly room of the Sacred Heart church to " trvattaa of the perish and ameers tbe Altar Society. "IM la El Paso-lasi (ill where locate two'of thVUrgait camps of tbo aea called to arms through our oiaeultlea with Mexico, in these two Pa ware B0,09 Men. Twenty tbouiand of these were registered b am aBB maim. m ma. mm mm m.smmi aMHHHMaiHMMHaMHVM AMWWMWMNMWWNWWWiVWWWWW MWMWWWWMWMWWWWWWM MUCH LIVESTOCK LEAVES VALLEY O. T. MrKK.MHtKK. PIIKI) HTt'KI.K AND L. UKHIIKH 8IIIP LAMIM. CATTLE AM) IIOUM Til CALI FORMA AND lOltTL.t.M) , Twenty-Are car of linstock left thla city and Midland yesterday to tbe .California and Cortland market. O. T. McKcndraa hipped gftaen carloads of lambs from Midland to ling & Co. of Han Francisco. Fred Htukcl sent out live carloads of cattlo to Kwanson A Co. of Sac ramento. i tenuis Gerbcr shipped 17& bead of fine hogs through !. V. ORIeld of Merrill for the Portland market. K. II. Henry llolgna B II, Henry, county surveyor, bn hnuded his resignation to tin; county court, and J. C. Clegborn, formerly with tht II, H. It. K. here, waa ap pointed his successor today. imtlon Is Iticreuslugly delicate, with ottlclnl lufiirmiitlon received Hint both I the California and Knvestono were sunk .without warning. State Deputy Knight Catholics and fi.OOO were Knights of ColumbUH. Thla hIiowh what our ratio will always bo In u cull to arms, mid effectively answers tho' thought less cluirgus of lack of patriotism placed against Catholics." Mr. Barrett's visit waa unexpected, nud was made for tho purposo of look ing over the Hold with a vlow to granting permission for tho Institu tion of u council of tho Knlgbta or Columbus. BffortH to socuru a coun cil buve boon made during the past thrco years, und tbu probabilities are that nuil sanction will be secured through tho visit of Mr. Darrett. If such la the caao, It will tuko aoverul months beforo tbo council la Insti tuted, since much preliminary work will have to bo done. Following the Dllng of application for membership, a committee of Investigation will be sent here to examine Into tbe eligibil ity of tie applicants. The report of idle commutes la pasted on In detail bv the state officers, when, If meeting With their approval, it is forwarded Continued on Page 4 Uncle Sam's Aeroplanes ' l wv5S-.r swtKsssssRflsasB''I'?ltXy iCiiiSA ; SigawBv SaaS'taSsayeBBBBBBBBamy fy"! -,h ?' SsBBBViaBBBBBBBBBBBBSSLHblt.'BBBBBfeVSKB ejaaaBBBBBBsBBBBBBBaaBaT aaaasBBa 3bbbbbbbbbbbbbb .9aeaaBBT7- i7sSBBBBBBHLw4Pv$ xaaBaBBK " fc. i. - i!BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK&v' 1" wT'SBjgS'S i 4 -- " uRRRRRRRRR3RaHlu22) raaasKSSf? v T f ' -J? . V- BBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBgHBBlBBBTaBBBMaB -t V?4 ' fe- f & fr '1$ & I'vVaBBBBBBB $ i 5l: U . JBasKmaafcRstflFiBBlaBBBaBB Aeroplanes for the United States r.iniy are now to be equipped with telcphctos, Just like thone used by the combatants of Kurope. This picture shows Sergeant J. 8. Krewer, official MRS. HOBBS IS ON STAND YET v AKTKt KI'KMH.MI WKONKHOAY AITKItXOON AM) 1'AItT OV THIM Mtm.MNO ON HTAXI), MltS. IIOHIIH (UI.I.KI) AGAIN Mrs. Ilobbs, wlfo of the man on trial for his life in the circuit court here, look the witness stand again this morning at 10 o'clock. This nfternoou direct examination of tho witness by the atato waa begun. Her story of yesterday of tho events lending up I'1, during, and after tbo deiith if Way waa being roviowed thoroughly wheu tho Horald went to prcis this afternoon. Concluded oa Paso X MANY WARANTS GLEAREBJJP 1 91 6 AMrTHKR YKAIt Oil HO MKK liAHT YKAIt WILL CLEAN VV MOHT OV OUi COUNTY WAK HANTS OUTSTANllN A roport submitted by Oeorge Hay- don, Klamath county treasurer, shows that tbe yoar 1916 waa a banner year In cleaning up old county warrants. Another such year or two would practically cloan up the couatya old warranta, according to Mr. Haydon, though what thla yoar will do cannot be foreseen. Last year was much bat ttrtUaBlsl5. Tho total amount of warrants paw, in ll waa llll.SIMl, and the to. Ml IIIVW1B.V ,,, wa ,-) H7e,78. The total amount of warrants re cotved for Utes was fl4,3S1.ll. ... . iW the Telephoto photographer of tbe United 8tatea flying corps. He has taken wonder fu photographs while flying ninety miles an hour at a height of Ave tbou- ssnd feet. TOIES SHIPPED TOJGHIGAN WltlTKIt TO COMMRnCIAL CLUD ANK8 TOK atMl'LGH, AND IN. QUIRKS AH TO QUANTITY OB TAINAULK. The Klamath tulea are to come Into their own, If experiments being con ducted by a Michigan man prove fruitful. At leaat a place for 100 pounds or ao have been found, and perhaps moro will be placed, according to a letter received by Fred Floot, secretary of tbe Klamath Commercial Club. A letter has been received by Mr. Fleet from Roger M. Carroll of Hol land, Mich., asking for a sample bale, and Inquiring aa to how extensively they grow In this locality. Mr. Carroll says tbat he is conduct lug experiments with tulea, and may want them in quantities later on. Mr. Fleet answered bla Inquiry aa to how plentiful they are by atatlng that there la a small plat covering 64,000 acres In the Immediate vicin ity of this city, and perhaps 300,000 acres In aud adjacent to the county. Like Buaiacae Atatosplierv Here Fred Plalta haa atopped off In Klamath Falls for a abort stay to visit with Mr. and Mrs. C, A. Platb of thla city. Mr. Plath la engaged In the fruit canning buslneaa In North Yak ima, Wash., and la looking up new territory. Ho la favorably Impressed with the business air of Klamath Falls, and predicts a good future for this city. sm Bank Man Bays Property E. A. Popbam of ataaks, Ore., has purchased from tsrtaW. Smith forty aorea of land six aallos want of Bo naata. The nropertrwloeatH lathe north half of tho attrtharett waiter of seettoa 14. towaahl40 soath, range IS east. The deal waa made through the R. B. Malta Realty earn. paay of this city. sjeassjBSaaajaafs DIAMONDS ARE LOCATED BY THE GREAT KAZAN MIBHING KAROROPH OF VALUK Ql'ICKLY RECOVERED Vpou AeMce of Mtod Reader Who Assaeara at Opera Hotaae faxJer the; Awamdcf of Woaacm'e 1.008 Htrw horm Cla. DiaaaotMla HeiowgiaaT to Mrs. Martta Are Foemdl ta Cerpet Hweewr After four daya of anxious search, advertising and Inquiry, the Great llaten, mind- reader who appears at the opera house tonight, aelved the mystery of a missing diamond ear, drop lest laat Saturday night by Ita owner, Mrs. Martin, of tbe Hotel Hall.j tbl city. i Mrs. Martin waa relating tbe losing, of tbe diamond to tbe Great Hasan at the hotel yesterday afternoon. The Great Hasan Immediately told Mrs. Martin to look in tbe carpet sweeper i uaed at the hotel, and abe would And J her diamonds. A paper waa secured and spread on J tne noor ana tne sweeper emptied. Concealed In tbe dust, but quickly found waa tbe diamond eardrop. A city wide search, almost, bad been conducted by Mrs. Martin for tin. recovery of the ornament, which abe missed Saturday night, and U of'00 - wn nBae an tUck on -considerable value. The 8tar theater at a dinner in Waahlngton. He de waa awept especially that night. In anjnounccd the principle of an interna- afTnr tn flnif It a ah liaa af tnnrfjMl I the bbow there that evening. A anarch waa mad An thA atrewt and nt the hotel, where ahe resides. I A classified advertisement has been running In the Herald during the week. Mrs. Martin had given the pin up for lost. Mrs. Maptln waa greatly pleased to find the lost Jewel, and the Great Hasan haa been receiving tbanka and congratulations on his marvelous powers demonstrated tn such a prac tical manner. He la appearing tonight at the op era houae under the auspices of the Women's 1,000 Strahorn Club to raise money for the rallroadtermlnal fund. Extensive preparatlona have been made for the program, and an Inter esting entertainment la promised by tho committee in charge. The Great Hasan will demonstrate bis powera of mind reading to the. fullest extent. He Is also a sleight of hand artist that baffles the best de tectors known. The Peerleaa orchestra of thla city will furnish speclsl music for tho oc casion. Its reputation is well known In the city to lovers of good music. The ticket selling committee of the women's organisation announced this morning that all tlcketa had been sold, and that It haa been necessary to have more printed to supply the demand. They look for a record crowd tonight. Ubrarr Clab to Meat. Tbo Woma's Library Club will hold a regular meeting at lb club rooms Friday, February 'fib, at I:t0 p.m. A short program dedleatod to; tho life or Abraham uncoin win oe; lOIIOWea "jr bucibi Huwr, va . bo aerved to members and .friends who are Interested In the club work. Crisis Near AMERICAN HELD IN aaaVaeVveVaSsjaw Assails Wilson Peace Plan StNAftm WIX aK?Uj Without making a direct reference to Prealdent Wilsons talk to the Unit ed States senate, Senator William E. tlonal league aa "perfectly vicious, perfectly heinous and indefensible In moral8 "BaBaaaamr,':' ii -&.!"mt SSflSemBBmBBmBHBBmV"mBBBtv 9R v 'OSJSSBfevgjj&eyj:v Klamath Must Make Haste in Raising Fund Captain Siemens Expected Home To night From Conference With Robert E. Strahorn Captain J. W. Siemens of thla city la expected to return tonight from Portland, where he haa been confer ring with Robert E, Strahorn on tbe local situation In regard to the rais ing of tho money for tbe proposed railroad into this city. Mr. Chas. Eberlein received word-j from Mr. Strahorn today In regard to tbe local situation, and he aaya that Mr. 8trahorn la becoming anxloua, and that Klamath must make some big strides in tho, near future to raise the needed money. Captain Siemens haa been conferr ing with Mr. Strahorn on the situa tion, according to Mr, Eberlein, and will be able to definitely state on his return what Klamath Falls must do. The situation te' realty serlatta "ac cording to Mr.' Eberlein, and aUaawth people must bestir tbemselvea imme diately to uee that the project does not fall down. Some developments at tbe state CITIZENS GERMANY ItERNHTOHKF GRAXTED HAPS COXDCCT BY TWO NATIOXH Germany CMes OW Rajeelaai Treaijr, GlTtea; Cttlaetaa Nta atammw as Wind I'p Basriawoa Asncra After BrraJUag Relations Beta) lioaun aid EagJoad Have GraatVel Pasaage to voa BeraetoraT. BERLIN, Feb. 8. Germany wUl not permit Arabasaador Gerard oraay American dtlsena to leave Gormaay until Count von BerBstoraT is granted safe conduct home. American Dasaiort have beea aaads contlncent noon Waahlaaaoa'a attlv! itude toward tbe old treatywersaJtUnr citisena nine months to adjust tkoJtt business relations after breaklng'dip lomatlc relations. WASHINGTON. O. C, Feb. 8. Tbe state department has announced that both France and England have granted von Bernstorff aafe conduct' home. In, City From Bly. U. W. Parker of Bly arrived la t&e' county seat Wednesday on a buslneaa trip. Deed for Big Reach Filed. Tbe deed from W. A. Brown et ux. to Robert Casey and Chester H. De Lap, covering, approximately 3J0 acres or land In the district weat of thla city, waa filed with the county clerk today. capital in tbe legislature are making it all the more important that Mr. Strahorn doea not become discour aged lu any manner in tho Klamath Falls railroad. Six subscriptions for a total of ISIS were reported today by tbe Business Men's Association,' two of which came from outside of the city, tor a' total of ITS, One subscription for received from W. F. Hopka, of Wain etoek Lubln company of Sacramento. Mr. Hopka la an owner of Klamath Falls property to some extent, and Is a frequent visitor to the city; Another came from L. Eagle of New York city. Mr. Eagle to also an owner of property ' In Hala eRy., fcr. ,: - ',vi A SUBSET ywwfl '. . a?" ,""" t-i calved frmdtaw.aarvf,s.VfW,nCJ grocery atore of ihtUffm is a nstive otKUim9M' &;; m!WfmirMiMmi', Coatlaaai . fii i it (t f t i ,ti M l I j... .. ::u S?ffP v ..,. "'' a.; 'w.iV$43il