Ew Vmrp Jf iEimtmn Herald e-Zmf&uXKttaczzxmcarzirm., , , , KLAMATH COUNTY'S KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER a.aa-geajaMwraiiniarT SJffalh Yswi ' -W KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1917. Price Fife Ceat SENATE WILL BACK WILSON, IS BELIEF niimr ii-.-iru- - - . & " WWWMWWXX,.. I. ,.,..,. ., , , wt. ..,...,. vm . ,WWVWS. King George Says Allies 'mo German Steeled to Fight to End MMMMMAAMAAMAMMMMMIAMWMAMVA I kVMAAMWMk nuini wi IX MtrOT ii MHIH MHt I'KAI'K MIMAX l-ltOIKKIt .1 JU-W I'-Mlmou! AirmJ tit fWurr Jatf RM-niltiin, Ittwtllutkiti. ami Q-iMlrM (r (tan- VIiImu WamittK Mtlp llrportc.1 UM llrlmn War Bulletins LONDON The tnptnlu uf (lie lirlt. tali atramrr Porlndiittldo wn lutprla. oitnl when hl r,iol uk. Ninety of dtp crew mill MNi'itKr lintn been Fumrr ltll otcd Tliw IttittUn nli'iuiir Cerent iiina iirtut ti ti ii. -To' LONDON. Fob. 7.-The atlle utv MmM nnanlmoualy tt secure Jtit nftnUon, rwtltutlon, guarantee fur tat fsUr and no threats uf further atrafei can chang Ihnlr ddcrntlnn I.ONIION llrliuli (aillm raided llrusrv, dropplm; bomb iin lorprdo lint. Iitlllitlncn nilil dorktt, whirl) Ml'tlt tlUIIU'll. WASHINGTON. 1) -Tim Iron gate about the While llmiM- Hern rltxirj ntiil torkrd jrittcrdiiy for the flrt iliim In limn) j inn. Gunrda hate been eiuluiuit at etery entrance. Use, Mid King llroe tif Kuitninl, M j tMoetBlng of Parliament today, j LONDON Tint llrltltli Ha stld there I no ialblt limU WnrtriitcU lm been tout. hr asset toDUloril lit Germany' r-1 Mt proftr of the olive branch. ' atcituirr LONDON, Feb. T.TIik admiralty iwum thai the PortBtldalde was tiMMrtned n route 10 I .on item from Aastrtili, and was attacked wltliuut ttmlag. Alto report that the I't-rti-visa l8djninnr Union wa aunk In IfUWh atcr Hunday. LONDON, fb. 7. ItrltUh steam n Vastrs. Crown I'olnl. Haxmt llrlt . Bad Arul ware sunk today. Twit srt killed on Saxon llrlion. 6RANTSPASSMAN TO RUN SAWMILL KIMTKHHO.V M.IKM AltllAXtJK MKXTH Tt) OPKHATK TIIK x:v. WW MUX AT WOltDKN DUIt WOTHK niNIXd HKAHOX rrniemrui Imvn ii.-i... uriinipni. Ir completed for Km Hinrtlnc nml nit. ELK PICTURES ADVERTISE FALLS mOWS TAKK.V Ol' VntKliK Cllt ash vmn:s iii:.i ok ki.k mii.i. hi: kk.t to M.wazixi: WITH wiim: (IIU'lUaTIO.V SHIPS HAVE BEEN SEIZED iim:.rn or iiMai.tTio.vH imhm OT r,tOi: MT.iTI'H rrcHituiioiwir) 5lmuri' IUe llfrn Tnkrii I'irtriit lrMri)iii of I'ttHH-rly Ktilrnrr Fiiuml Ttti O'rrtttnn 'tvw Vrn l'rrrlnt 1 Sink ll4Mt at MnnlU mol Colon, Ni KiMMliiry Itnkrr. ti. WAHIIINOTON. I. C. Feb. 7. Krrnuii' of rvldwice dlwovcrrd thai tin rri-Mtt of (ii'riiiuii t'MU nt Miinlln nml Colon liavc bt-cn ilannlng to uliik tin M--l tln Rovcrnntcnt has tukon Iiiirntitloiiary nivaauri-a to prevent lhi ilniiKtr, Secretary linker an. ileum I'd today. No Merman u-tmoU have boon M-lrnl. tiowcvrr, nml hi ntated that thu brrnch of diplomatic rrlntliini hlut lint tluiitnl tbc ri-latlonthlit of theao tlili to tin Armr!raii Rovvrntnetit. "Nor luivi- tlu-y forfcltt'd their rlshtu to Ainrrlnui lioapltnllty," unit) Maker. ftrpa hae bren tnken only to pre nt Injury of properly or obatrucllon of l-prhor wler. American Consul Leaves Capitol of Germany wsssssssssssm Arriinri'iiii'iil tunc ln-i-n unulo by J J. I'arki-r, lornl nRi'iit of Wetla Kiirito ronipnny, for the tine of pic turea of the 1'ipreM enr nml the fifteen elk whlrli iirrlveil here dial Sunday nltthl from Wullouii uuitity. I'li'tlin-H were tnkeit of the rnr while It wiim here, mid iirrut)K'iiieiit.4 were nlno niniln lo luke pleliircK of the elk nfter Ihey wem uuliutilcil nt Chllo. iulu, iiropiintory to plurliiK them on the I.. C, Klaemoru ritnch lit Wood lllver Valley for the winter. Theu plitwreit, with a write-up of whtit Klnmiith vunniy - I'-B N'tiwhlirl unu'itilll ..I it .! it... l."lt...ill UiuiilMtii.ii Ai ' -"" " ,,... ...1...1 l...l.k.l ...l.i. !....!.. .l.. .!.... Ke.ter.on of (Ir.H.U wiclallmi und the i.luto Huh mid Kumii ,""" """""" -- ' .".- "ion of Dm f4to by l. n UV bw" nnounceil hero, rotnmlaalou with the elk, will be Hunt Ik '"n " '" K,,," Ka,lH ' twlillliftl In the Welln Karso IM tnt of the week, IchvIiik Tue. MvaMunrnr, a monthly publlutllon Im. Jj lulled by the oxpiem eompttuy mid aenl Mr. KMloraon'H father la IntorexU to nil iikciiIh In nil mrta of thn United !...? ,Vc' mll, I" Iho territory Htnlen tind In forelitn i,ouutrle-i. " . city, liiclndlliK Iho Dor. The mat'iillim In u live puhllrntlon " Mr. Keateraon la Inlereated ileulliiK with mini) w number of the iiiIIIh with hlu pren IiiihIiiohh In -J" world. Klainuth will tteciire uu tin- til M Wur,,,, ,,,1 ,0 x" '' Hmlteii niiiotuit of ndvertlahiK from MOd.te mu ,,,, n fnpujUy of ni,. (() )p ()f ,,1U ,,Ctr,,M lim thoatory. " lr 30.000 f,.,.t W..H M ,,lirkort "GREAT HAZAN" DUE THURSDAY SI'KCIAI. Ml SIC Wll.l. UK Kilt MSI1I.II IIV I'KKHI.I-XS OIICIII-H. TltA, AMI IIMi TIMK ASHIUKO AT'KAII.IIOAir HHOW .b"7HbiIL .. BAHHHMf ?' ""- f aaaMF Vr V aBaEflBrBElBSBDf4-C 35 MS i d.SJl -m KVv SJBjBjw , '311 NOV. Jlf ' l?A-5MtV?vJ s J li: ' J: im $ , . APOR A! MKg. GE.RARP AMBAS (ier.-.ltloni, but JL la-known that- he baa 'rtififln ill tirtti4 pal tr.it a r li-eiVn tlint country quickly In case of hostilities announced breaking: of rein-' with the United States. American rcpreaewutlvc in ninny hns not made statement ilnce Wilson Thurioliiy of tlilu week In to bo a i-rriit dny for Kliiniuth KnIU. The (Irent llaian will be nt thn opora hoiiHe. He will do home wonderful i -1 1 1 k I o. mid will purforin his (rent mind roidltiK tituut. You intiat hnye phiiHi'M of the ex ult piirlu of tho Start River Survey to Pacific Coast 'Wdent Engineer of Highway Commisi ion Says Work to Be Done This Winter and Spring AlHl.iwr, ... NBlaaatT.lT' T,B' W' I'OWdein, lul0. , i Tr or'tho "'Bhwny com. l Mru",Hn..R!!r...,r" IK . ' pro-e winter and k a;. "' Tin' Thla will mean 1 the anrln. Ula la,. . wor,c ' ao It la rumored Hint tho fuel that work will bo done on the Orleans Happy Camp unit will hitve a ten dency to ruh tho completion of thin llyear route. A road down the Klamath River to tho coaat will nmko ncceialble ono of tho most desired portlonu of Califor nia for the new aottlor, minor, farmer, lock ruNor nnd lumberman. or he might hnvu to "hIiip" you. Just think. If he wan to read your nilud, nml lio was to tny right out what la on It! A Koudly number of tho village "eui men' nro to bo on the atago for the hypnotic net n scream from tho stmt. You know that some folks, when Ihey nro under the Influence, can do some funny things, so you must bo sure nnd not miss this won derful exhibition of ono of the clev erest performers on the stage today. Do Bine and have your mind pure or Iciivo It at home. Hasan fives thh show free to the worker of the 8tra hoi it rttllroad. When you spend your money in this show you nro promoting ,nr own prosperity. If we hnve ti railroad start hero this year i.nd llulsh next, Hints bettor than wnltlnK till 1957 for presout "twin" to do Homrtlilng for us lions! ! Don't ho n tight wnil, Your life Is Dueling each day. llainn will do tome marvelous things In finding lost inilclcii, tolling you of friends loim lost, nnd, in fact, anything yon want la Know. Don't miss tomorrow night ut tho opnrn homo. Under tho auspices of the Women's 1,000 Strahorn Club. The rei'Mt-H orchestra of this city Is to furnish special music for the en tertalnment, nnd a number of choice numbers have been selected for the occasion. State Rests Case; Mrs.Hobbs Takes the Stand Late Today Expected that Hobbs Murder Trial Will Take Until End of Week Mrs. Hobbs Goes on Stand for Defense Senator Works Rants on Unneutral America MMWWNViiWMWMWiMVMVWMWWWWMVJ HOUSE PASSES. BIG NAVAL BILL STICKS Of KMKHOKXCY I.KADS TO I'AVOIUItl.K ACCKITAXCK OK ItKlttltT FOIt :.V),000,000 Hilt IIKKKXSK KIHST OI-lOSITIO.V TO BREAK DKVKLOI-H Senator Stone Itecalb ReaolMtletl Patetl by Senate in Support of Wil wn'x Action Said He atrteil Solejr Within Confttltutlonal lUghto Beat, ator liocLxe Saya IJtrty Unes Are Wlpe Otat WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 7. De- WASH1NOTON, I). C, Feb. 7. jcIar,nK that the unted State Baa Under stres of the emergency facing not been a neutral; that England kas this country, the house yesterday af- persistently violated Amerlca'a rlgbU; terauon almost unanimously adoj'ted tltat the United States has borne these Chairman Padgett's naval committee .' violations as though an ally of Eng- rcport appropriating additional mil lions of dollars for naval prepared' ness. The house acted as a commit tee of the whole, assuring the pans- age of the item. The preparations provide for $1 2o0.0000 for machine guns. $1,000.- 000 for anti-aircraft guns. $3,000,000 for baterles for merchant auxilliarlcs nnd $7,000,000 for ammunition. These appropriations, besides the 000000. The statp rested Its rase In the llol.Ls murder trial in tho circuit court here at 1M0 this afternoon, nod the court declared a recurs until 2 o'clock. Tuesday afternoon's session was bitterly fought, on the ono hand by Drake and Maiming on the other. Munnlng resisted efforts of tho state to introduce evidence relating to 'hotting a feeling against the tie- This morning witnesses Meaner ceahed by the defendant!,, and upon and Magness were recalled to give evi-j,;russ examination Drake as fctubhorii denco concerning lugging contracts ty oliiected to the most of the oppos- iind the removal of a railroad track. Magness lord of threats made by Hobbs over difficulties hud In cutting timber. Immediately after recess Mrs. Hobbs took the stand for the defense. It Is expected that It will be Saturday before the case comes to n conclusion. Ua lawyer's queries. Judge Kuykon dall was Dually forced to Instruct both that cross examination only on the points brought out In tho direct ex amination would be allowed. Tuesday afternoon's session opened Concluded on 'rage 3 FIREMEN WILL HAVE CLUB ROOM COUNCILS I'KOVISIOX WILL IMtO Vllt: MKX WITH UKADIXt; AM) I.OU.iIX(i HOOJI. AM) KKKI IIICM IIO.MK, SAYS CHIKF The action of the clt- council Mon day night in allowing the sum of $123 for the firemen's rooms nt tho city hal will give the lire boys a club nnd land, nnd that Germany has no reason to feel friendly toward America, Sen ator Works of California today voiced th- first opposition In the senate to the severance of German relations by President Wilson. Senator Works admitted that Ger many has violated the rights of Amer ican citizens, but protested against any movement tending toward a war' wttl. n.pmonv tn allot Htiu "U'"r-nftVal UU amounLl 330H'Affef-Vrks-hd"wTrclVded;8eir- .-itor Stone recalled the resolution en dowing the break with Germany pass ed by the senate. He declared that the President acted solely within his constitutional rights, and the resolu tion had been presented so that the .vorld might know that the senate is suppcrtlns the resident. Scnntor Lodge, tepubllcan, who op posed the president's efforts to estab lish world peace tribunal, pledged hi support to the president, and declared that all parly Hues have been re moved. Senator Smith. Michigan, declared that to repudiate the president's stand would be a national humiliation. WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 7. President Wilson 4s not yet determlB, cd that he shall call an extra session i of congress. Tbu present German and an additional (t'''ises or lhe completion of his legis lative program session. may force an extra Mr. and Mri. Cary V. Looiely of Wood River Valley arrlvod In the city Tuesday night from Portland, where thoy have been apondlng the winter, mid are on their way home. THREE FIRES FOR JANUARY MONTHLY HKlHHtT OK CHIKF AM HltOSK SHOWS KOUIl CALLS, THHF.K K1UKH FIHKMF.X UK CMYK KIHST ATTKXDAXCK PAY Tho monthly report made by Keith Ambrose, chief of tho Klamath nro department, to tho city council this week, shows that during January tho department responded to four calls, one of which was a false alarm. The Area occurred on January IS, IS, II and U. A total time of two hours and forty minutes was spent at the fires. Causes wore duo to u de fective flreplaco, a defoctlvo fiuo nnd 'o'clock vatelesanoss lit thawing u pipe, tic-1 noon cording lo the report. Damage was reported In but ono case. The firemen of the city received pay for their work for January for the first time. Rate of puy Is made on at tendance at fires und calls, as pro vided by the city council some time, ngo. Tne tire expenses for Jtinuary, nc eordiUR to the chief's report, were as follews: Clay Wilson, tl; W. D. Mil ler. ?a.t0; O. II. Ilronnoman, $2.50; (Icovge Tugnot, $3. SO; Leslie Terwil llger, $2; Jess Hunsakcr, $2.50; Dave Kenyon, ft. GO; Harry Uocller, $1.50; L. It. Robertson. $1.50. Total l8.r.0. lounging room sleeping room In the future. The rooms on the tlrst floor of the building heretofore designated as tho city englncor's, but which hns not been In use, will l utilized ns a lounging, reading and club room for Tho house Judiciary committee has the men. agreed upon u general espionage bill. Chief Keith Ambrose believes the which enacts heavy penalties for spy- providlng of such a room will tend to,ing on shops, forts, reservations, dl kcen the firemen at tho hall ranch of i vnls-nK defense secrets and general KtpionaKe Dill Agreed on WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. the time, to be on hand Tor emergen do. The additional sleeping room will permit tho chief, who has been forced to sleep down stairs, to sleep upstairs with the other fireboys, thus keeping the men together. conspiracies. It Is to be reported to the house tomorrow. LONDON The British steamers Warley, Pickering and Fioridian have been submarined, it was announced today. Want Money In Tomorrow. The committee in chargo of tho Women's 1,000 Strahorn Club or this city, which Is btaglng tho railroad terminal bejtent show at Houston's opera house tomorrow night, deslro that all ladies selling tickets for the (how will turn In the untold tickets and tho cash collected to Mrs, Martin at the Hall hotel not later than -i tomorrow, Thursday after- Gov. Withycombe Wires Pres. Wilson Oregon Back of President Asks Press to Avoid Hysteria and Jingoism in This Time of Stress SALEM, Feb. 7. Governor Withy- combe has wired President Wilson, as suring him that Oregon will stand patriotically back of him in the pres ent break between the United States and Germany. The message says; 'You may depend upon it that Ore gcu will stand patriotically with you in any uatlonul crisis that may arise. Now Is a time for the exercise of ne, sober judgment on the. part of, the American people, Durlnra crista like this, agitation and excltemttvaMM be deprecated and the people pre serve as far as possible a cool, normal attitude, I am particularly hopeful that the American press avoid hya-. lerln. it is no time for Jingoism." tf 1. fl i - Wt -FTV ,Ti A