ttAMATH COUNTYl OfFIClAL NEWSPAPER .at Mawnagwcrajt'nroraMMrn Tr.inT.m:1,jmu gj Stye iEiumfnn Hrrald KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWIPAPIR Year.. !I.UH KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1917. Price Fire Cents EXPECT GERMANY'S REPLY IN 24 HOURS Declaration of War is Expected in Washington 9 mmm " - .--. nnnr-JVyirrr tmmnMKstH of officials IflttKOTHF.Nrt IIEUEF ptsrff, Amha mine Hens thai a DMuMlir Been Wmirl tatirruwny ImnsrdUtHy w. War nbtH Mreta i NsttttfcM. WAIHINGTON. D. C, Feb. . dfir'i aeswer lu President Wll Mi sett of the diplomatic break a NfatM to arrive here within maty-tor hour. Taat M any ee a declaration of ! wist belief thai la rapidly erya- Mai aoaf government officiate. nn Mares by them that tbU step la rNaeW sad lty Hl not b aur- rtki If Canaan? declared war with Ik CaMei State. 1U sUteaent made by Foreign WaMirUaiBvrmanal Berlin follow, hi Ha break ibat "there U no step Mtkiirs" strengthen (tin belief. lib mailed (bat Count llcrnstorff. &nen aabaiMdur to America, who Ut lata banded bit passport, aald ftar la torpedoing of the Sumox. IW a krnklng off of diplomatic re. tt between tbe United State, and Cnuy would result In Germany liu- "l'ly declaring war. Count "erutort recently reiterated this m W m0m0WW00m aMMMMbaaKMaaaM NEGRO SAILOR DIES WHEN SUB SHELLS BRITISH CLAIMED LIFEBOATS SHELLED HV SUBMARINE l'''WIWW,,..,, - -.-.-.-.-L-.-l.-n-Ll-L-L-U-u-LT-rUTJ-n Greatest Preparedness Omul vim llrrtMrir German awibaaaador to the United Plate, who received liU pan. (torn from Hie soxmimetit l.ii Saturday, and who lm arranged to learn till government' welfare here with the 8w embaasy. If Amrrttwt Sailor Died a Keatalt of Shelling or Lifeboat, Would lie Grounds for Action by fulled Hum Government fMklali In Washington Richard Wallace of IWIilinore Victim. MAJOR WOROEN . r BUYS CEMETERY heuimes interested ix mount SCOTT CEMETERY ASStM'IA Tl' IX PORTLAND PI.ANS TO IMPROVE PROPERTY TWamldenfi cabinet met tbla af- i to esavaaa tbe altuatlon and for tbe mobilising of MMtry'a reaourcr In raan thu WteMei. Ury Danlela of the navy will today wltb leaden In con MitbtadVltlbllltr of Intraductal a JJ imidlBg that the government " liven control of all wireless Meat, AWIIMITON. li. n v.t. .t - 1t of trouble with Jauan la - Nneui to the lintixi m.t.. . HL.-i .. . . " " - ia man the break wltb Ocr- W. Inator Tolndexter declared " tka atnate thla afternoon. ArrordltiK to tlip I'orilnnd Jonriml. the Mount Krott Cemetery Ao elation, formerly ironiotrl nml toii- Irolled by II. It. Keymild ntnl nhso clntra, hmt lircn taken oir by Major Cbarle K. Wordcn of Klumnth KiiIIh, who I one of the Inrgeet capltnlliita In Klamath county; Jittnt WlUon, n lockman of Mitchell, On., and Wll ran Campbell and Andrew (Irelner of Condon, heavy whent groworH of (Jill man county. Otlicrx Inlereittfd' lu the cemutery iinoclatlon ure Clmrle-t U. Moon-a of TortUm! and A. N. Moore of Hnleiu nnd the MciVmiii oh late. Thete Intenula t-ontrol the cemetery, which U now mild to be on a aallafactory flnnnclul IiuhIn. Mr, Iteynold httit removed to Cnllfornln, where tin will make bin home. Major Wordeu'a luomimnt In uii nounced na $70,000, repreNentlng the purchase price of the utoek and bondn hold by Royuold. The InveHtment of the other mentioned la said to aggre gate IISO.OOO. The now officer or the cemetery natoclatlon are Dr. It. Kelly, preeldent: O, N. Hanen, aec rotary: I. W. Knnpp, mnnngor. The board of director Ih roiniMmed of Judge David K. Jolmnon, Judge Fred I.. OUon, W. K. I'eunton und J. C Nlrkum. The wmoclntlon haa taken downtown onicea In r.33 Morgan building. "The aMocintlon," nld Major Wor dcn, "Ja through with nil the (rouble Ihut.hnvo embgrraHaed It, nnd will be prepared to give faultier eervlce, atnd It will tio mulntnlned iih the peer of LONDON. Feb. . Tbe admiralty anuounre that Itlchard Wallace, an Atnrrlcin Mllor from Ilalllmore, waa kllliM yeterday when a aubmarlne nhelled boat of the llrltlab ateamer Kavrittone. Prominent United States Senators 6EN BOBH-IDAHO SEN. LEWIS- ILLINOIS .j:slTiPTiBr zr: r i& A&imwwm avv iv tr 3&. j SEN. STONE f MISSOURI. SEN. GORE - OKLAHOMA kaftfclgs , I L:-Jm. jm$$ III ill M-' II k jzzJMlj i SEN. REED - MISSOURI Measure in Congress 000WWWWWW WAHIIINOTON, D. C. Feb. 6. Connul Vrtnn at guenttown aald In hU ruble to the date department re garding the detail of the killing of Itlchard Wallace, that the provtatonil collier KavcMone wa tunk by ihell Ore from a Ocrman vubmarlne In the vicinity of FaMnet. lie further aald that the American teaman kill wa a negro, lllchird Wnlluce, of Ilalllmore. and that he wm killed after he had left the Kavc Mone In the boat, which were "helled by the aubmarlne. Government official here declare the fact that the Kavcatono I a Ilrlt lah natnl hlp doe not affect the ltu- ntlou, and the renult of the killing of Wallace, If tho lifeboat a were really .who arc expected to take prominent helled. Member of the senate of ttn; rou- grck of tho United State of America I KalllMk. WAatifUfiM.... " ninuiuN. n n w-u. m "j4'' from Norway (o 'rQal American Conaul lChrlitiawl. "J ti, TaVa cue, neigh., tltr Wvcrnment, after nego. Tb Kngland and France, haa ", take over ih. ii-ii. .... tath l an reiiui DrltUh ambaaaador haa In m retary of state Unilng, k.trLy'0rWeek''t0PP'"nt nliaii hniL. a -. . nij - . r. arfiasgjio "Wllae h" W,U ,t,rt fcU ,lfh00lw,,, vo B r0PlM)n ,Uu '.aadth' D'ry n Avtl Ui t,,,,, lecture. Bnitdwlchea and cocoa " Mil eill ' run h,,, ' HI Lo rvcd, and all dcalrlug to ai- Mjkjgtf 5u fr "" W'I"P Ml,0,,itn' ,Pe 'vUed br h0 ontartalnaaent conimltteo of the lltornry aocieiy. any cometury on tho coast t. A meeting of tho Summer Mtcrury Hoclely of the Summer district will bo held at 8 o'clock Thuriduy night PALM BOWLERS WIN TWO GAMES IIOIX A TOTAL OF 113 W IM.N8 TO TIIKIH OFFON'KVTM, THK KLKH, aam on klkh allots in sec ond UAMK OF BKIUKS 5E.N. JONES - WASH. be'iliKi'ient iintlons of Kurope. Sen ator Ketd of Missouri, this week, Uis plucd foresight Into the future when NEUTRALS TAKE ACTION AGAINST SUB WARFARE Ali:itICA. SHIP ALMIWKD TO I'KOCKKD I1Y GKItMA.V V IIOAT .lTHOKIf FKMIDKNT TO COM MAND HHIFS AND PLANTS Netr Torkisli Cabinet la Formed anil It I AauMvaced ao Change In Pol ity Will Follow Spain Protest Sub Warfare and WUJ Break lame dUtely Brazil Protceta Abo Ef fori Made fo Avoid Contact MADRID. Feb. 6. Spain banded tbe German ambaaador a note formal ly protesting tbe aubmarlne warfare. Tl e sending of tbe note preclude an immediate break of relation. Flare $100,000,000 at WUeon'a Die ixnal for Preparedness Plans and $1,000,000 for Purchase of Aero, plane Base and lo Patent Plane Suitable to Ue by Both the Amy and the Navy. FLASH The preparedness home bill the house late tills afternoon. $809,. 000,000 involved. WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. . T(ie greatest preparedness measure ever Introduced in congress was fa vorably reported on today In tbe hCJse by Chairman Hadgett of tbe naval committee. The bill authorises tbe president to command all ship, building plants and alt plants capable of producing raunV tinns of war. It places 1130.000,000 at the dls- RIO JANEIRO, Feb. 6. The Bra- posal of President Wilson, to rush to slliau government today announced !tom,,eUon work under wa tnd for tliut a protest has been made against Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare. Iiib it was stated every effort wilt be made to avoid' a conflict. the shipping of war materials to rolnts where needed. The measure also nnuronrlalosi Following u cabinet meet- $tnflO,,00 for ti'.j purchase of a-. aeroplane base to patent aeroplanes suitable for uc by bot!. the army and the navy. LONDON, Feb. 6. The German submarine U-45 stopped the American Heniner Wcstwego, but permitted her part in the direction of the afT:ilr of the country, military or IckUIu- i:e. in cae oi a tem-or Hiiuniiou no- URW hl whlcll refcrs , j, twceti this country and any ol iliu people lu this country he fought the anti-alien bill wliich he' . . .,.,. ...I I to procoed when the Captain furnish-' eiainii'd win nroiibe Julian against tlicl eu me suuraarinc wun inree uarreis of lubricating oil from his cargo. It'nltcd Status through seeral pjts-j The I'alma bowling team won two gamot out of three from the Elks team Inst night In the second game of the series of games being held, at tho Klks bowling alleys In this city. The I'alm total pine for tbo three games was 2,510, and the Elks, 1,386. Much rivalry exists betwoon the members of the teams. The scores of the games were as follows; 1st Snd 3rd I'nlnm ....800 806 9042510 Klks 701 881 764 S886 Tho toama llnod up aa folio we: I'alma Wright, Dale, Jester, Boyd. Kent, Caruahan, Upp. Klks Aekley. Hayden, Bmlth.Rog- er, Dodge, DeUp. BeauUe of Orvgaa TeM Incidents Surrounding Death of Ed. Way Told Plaintiff and Defense Introducing Evi dence Preliminary to and Following the Shooting to Put Cases on Basis ' for Final Arguments The examination of witnesses tu I for tho state. Four wore offered for the Hobba murder trial In th? cli- eildence by Drake, but Manning ob- cult court continued this morning. Jetted, holding that appearance of E. B. Henry waa recalled to the' certain tigureg in the picture had not r.i;ULlN. Feb. 6. The formation' of a new Turkish cabiuet was an nounced here, and that C'.raud Vlzi?r Ilnllmpasha has resigned on acount of Illness. Minister of the Interior Tnlatbey lias formed tho cabinet and is the new vlxler himself. No change of pol icy is expected. CHURCH ELECTS OFFICERS T0NI6HT wBa SACKED IIEAJIT ELECTION FOL LOWED TOMOIWOW MUHT BV lXSTA MOTION AND ENTE1U T.UNMENT staud for the purpose of establishing distance between point a Indicated on tbe plat prepared by himself. lie also testified to finding two boxes con taining ahotguu shells In tho Hobbs home. When asked to Identify two bom which were Introduce as ov- this week. A program will be given, WABHINOTON. D. 0.. Feb, .-Jenc. by the .Ute. be ..Id ono was a after which Mr. Sexton, of tbo Henley Samuel 0. Lancaster of Portland jr... H-tauge No. S chiliad .hot,. tcrday afternoon gave hi addreaa olna aw own uWpcn. ana iwemy "Tho Scenic rtc.utlce of Oregon" be-;0" ot "U fore entbruslustlo audience, laoludlag Dn- the mombersblp ot Ota National Oeo- 0. R. Miller, photographer, Intro graphic society. duced six photo taken on the scene been established by the prosecution, nor icison for appearance of same cs Jubllbhcd. Mr. Manning later with drew his objection on condition that pictures taken by the same party at tho Instanco ot tho defense be admit ted. Under this arrangement three photos ot the stato's witness were placed on record, ' Fielding Morgan, who was driving bunching team for tho Algoma Lum ber compauy, aud was working in the Continued on Page 4 MOONEY DEFENSE RESTS ITS CASE TESTIMONY INTRODUCED SHOW 1NG THAT PRIVATE DETECTIVE OFFERED WEINBVRG $5,000 TO .'.TESTIFV AGAINST MOONEY ' SAN FRANCISCO, Fob. 6 The do fense rested this morning in the trial of Thomas Mooney, charged with, murder In connection with the plac ing ot dynamite during the prepared ness parade here last July. Tb(c t-tate will Introduce aa rebuttal witnesses Mooney and hi. wife, who testified perfunctorily previously. Welnburg testified today that a pri vate detective offered him 15,000 If The annual election ot the officers of Sacred Heart church will be held tonight. Tomorroy evening Father Marshall will entertain the trustees a ud past and present officii ot tbe various societies ot the church. The order of the evening will be Installa tion of the newly elected officers, ad dress by Mr, Barrett of Albany, a card social and refreshments. The men aud women of the parish ure cordially Invited to attend and to extend a like invitation to their friends. It has beeu planned to have a so cial evening for the children later In the month. City Council Provide New Quarters. Tbe city council erorMed for the expenditure of 8125 for furnishing a vacant room In the city hall tor tho firemen as a lounging room and also another bedroom. The ordlnanco de claring for a posting of tbe rebate to property owner, on Klamath avenue was passed by th council, The etty attorney waa ordered to tske-. he would testify against Moonoy In , tton on the liens against property on the rase ot dynamiting the United .Canal street between-Teath and Kiev Railway towors. lentil streets, $' r. .. a) "