--,- v a Wqs iEtmtfng IteraUi - , . xrsp. i:t.tiill Vi N'. JI.U1H KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1917 Prlcr, H Cent GERMAN-U. S. OUTLOOK BETTER MWWWMWMWWWWWMMyWWWWWWMWN Germany Yields on Three Late Incidents BnlfsA Premiers in Council Empire rgsarrgaegK t?'w"yy i t. il, AMKNIM4 MAIIK HV KR. MtY IN MOVHATONMl CASK W-A""""""Jfc" AUSTRIA SENDS SUB 80AI NOTE TO AMERICA M of I'mUt HUM ill Kmb Fellow I'l M-rwl ln tmp. Ret fav iot AtiMttoM r ieHi Stan a Altuwdr f Uw Vartee New Ml Onentre. WAKIIINUTON. I). C, Fb. C Antrim liy Mtered lb real dan xtt r-ftM of hrr pccltlon Inward Ktrminy. The time if grace for the. oftly of nrutnil hipping In tho tarred n'i" ba rsplrcti. . Thrtr ilmulunruu development. Iaim, have Iroproxrd th ullns-Hot. fltrmany l yielded to America's j.arflHr( w- ,,,,,, lmUy, U"inu I or inr rvivan- i mnfiiraiip lnrlond at Yarrowdal IM SIMILAR T UKKMAN OKC'LAII- ATlON UK VMUMTKII.TKI) HKA WARFARE NOTK V. M. Wll.l. AVOH IIUKAK IK POHMIIII.K WAMIINTONO, I), C. Feb. &. Austria lias writ the United Mate n note practically Idrntlml to the (Irr man declaration of unrestricted w takft off bl( either aunk or cap turtd rxtitly by the Oeraaaa. frwldfnt Wllnoa asked all neutral to follow bit course la vrlag r4 Cot of (irrmany should atart the ue- rtrictd warfare oa (at high aaa, hskVvlag that such acUoa "would auk for th pear of the world." Germany Ma act fall dsaaadc aa 4r the International law la regard to tat slaking ef the Hoeaateaic. Taw three lucldaaU have greatly rtittti la llhalllMad of trouble be- twn Ovrataay aad the tlalted Stale sac baa raatarvd th atttatloa of th Aawrksn sornraaeat oa tie aeatral MtlOM. j rreikjuit Vllroa weal to the state. war tud navy bJlldlaga ihU aornn Oa nicrlBis the buildings k atari? tOTvy1 snip, int uminivinmun in who re,,kiH mwmrif .aw, ,n rk,.nB. im. Irla'a druraalaallon, and to avoid a break aiaallar to tkat of ibo (leraian rupture aow aalitlng. FIFTEEN ELK ARRIVE HERE ARM CKXTKR CK.YTKR OF AT. TRAtTIOM KN HOtmC TO THW tfTV FROM RIO RLK FARM IN WAMVOWA COCNTY .v. BHaPBaaaaBw .BBaaBBaa ' BB T f '1 '?' " aaaaMaaKidHRv'l Jfr (I l aV F aaaaaaWaW. ,W t XnABBBa9a7 JV N t & - $ iff lat ifiraaat aaaaaaaaaaafc "TT af t LaaaaaV7 lL TC TWri-faW ?i AaVaaaaaT . ... 13V i1 .,t fKJ,jb.raaaV ft ' iV - ' ' w ?ASBMIa 1 i aaBBaffrft,'''''i nm x " <ffit l3Ek . rgyis fj jW lflt :l CSBsiy '.J m.. aaaaarkaaBaaaaaK. u . Vf TJ-m-rjZ-J , JJii'V"' I CUbV M a9aBhaaWIIF fWftiWWKr. - Uacv ijihw wmMiW GERARD LEAVES BERLIN SOON ASOSSIBLE AMKRICAXfl THKRK DO KOT BK UKVK WAR TO COMB jr. OMoatiy atri M Tlaat Tlkat HMIt n0W ' Actio Vafccdj WILSON SAYS SITUATION TOO LAR6E FOR SHIPS FVIRRUM TRANSFER OF RDGmRlaaa TO FOREK2XI MwatfoaiOnNwi Ijr Watdabas drtCffaVHvfdT ale Act wW WJMaWwatwW Watt Net? I H' He BERLIN, Feb. 6. WASHINGTON." D. C. Feb. S. a haiaaaiajilnr I Gerard reeelTed today a fonaal cable-ilretdBt Wllaoa decUrcd today tkaA graaa recalling kla to the United twUoaal eatergeaey waleh la aria- SUtea. He U expected to deHTer,10 araai lor tae aaataar of Amerlca'a eUteaaeat at the Oeraaaa wrin hlpa and taa forblddea Um foreign oRce today. The ambaaa-!,.rmBferT,D by laaricaa owaers et dore aU to bnally preparing to leare.' "aiatry of their ahlpa to Geraaa aatborltlea tUnochly de-;rtetrjr- clare that aenaaay will aot withdraw .1 IF Feb. t BflflfftVfllMlf n Ml b.p nntlr ! th. raM a fc f T.KI ' P miun, . ... ; f reatceBt wiuoa'a rcejaeat or aeatral Btaue- acuoa. Nerertaeleaa. aaaart Americana la thfa city do aot haHere cotrt to Oamaay la Oat war between aenaaay aad the pIeMMjr taat r UaMadBtataa to to follow. aaaay, a toadlag aeatral aipteaaat hew . Ferolga Secretary Hauaenaaa la " 1? T " ,,,iul aa laterrtaw today aald that mu dent Wltooa'a dectoloa la awtalaalag;ari,a,r ta ' WSCW? tniaW3B JOVyiMSra 'w'-Bai aWVTIIealaVVglVliftltM'RISJM Tan - -iwa nw"-"'a.ia ijeiaaawgi nianiaj i j One of the aoat laportaat meet- r laga ever held la Drltlah hUtory will be the meeting of proaalera of tbo rclnnlM and mlanlml nn iiiIdm villi Fifteen head of Ine looking elk ar-l rived la the city laat algbt la charge . lHt Uoyi atOT ta tto cottc ot of O. W. MltAieU of Baterprtoe. Ore.,!Pl- ro rta of the world the premiere are aow apcedlng to Lon don. Decide Premier Ueyd George will be Premier Hughe of Aus tralia, Maaaey ef New Bealaad. Bar dea of the Domuioa of Caaada. htor rla ef Newfeaadlaad aad Botha of 8oathAMw. buaiiNHl into Henry Ford, who had0 mac a fotir,ectloa "fenced-in been onfrrrlag with Secretary Dan Mi ami to tio ho eCered the at of a automobile plaat for a munltloa tottory. in b nrated without proltt. BATON ROUGH, Fab. G The Stan- dard Oil company today dlaalaaed all timuturalUed I German employe. Fifty uud with 'ahotguaa have beea aU Nosed around their docka here. Urge luantitUM or oil for the allien are raage to breed elk for the atate. The animate are of large alae, and are fin looking apeclaan. They have beea the center or attraction wherever the car atopped for any length of time, and etpeclatly In Portland, where a continual atrlng of lieraon vlalled the car. They go lo Oblloquln thla week, and will be kept on the Slaemore ranch for n tlmo before being turned looae. Morwl on the docka. A "W-ixiiind baby daughter '" 'llniradn). Kebrunry lat, to Mr.ron,mMOII, Jim A. J. Hunan of Pwi Valley. wlio rmlde llvii mile eaat of Oletie. ' Gwi. A, t'uihey, attending pliyal fln, reported yotttorday. The elk have been brought hero 'through the Klamath Hportetnen'K r- " norlutlon and the state fluti and gnme Klamath Teachers Organize Association C. R. Bowman, Elected Predvt--PUm Under Way for First Meeting . ( Fifty tenehcra from tho rlty, the in many tracker In the county to Join In I'll)' From l-'arni. CI) de Grlfflth wan In tho city yev tcrUuy from liU farm dowu tho valley. Women SeU Tickets for Benefit Show r The "Great Hazan" WiU Entertain With Sleight of Hand and Mind Reading Ik. lreeta are alive With member o the Women' l.eoo gtrahora Rail- "! t:iub and their frleada, aalllag H for the great eatarUUmaat to lwn Thunday night of tkte wak ' "oulon'a opera kouaa tor tha bag. f (he railroad fiiad. o Oraat Ham wlll.fHral.k th trrlaBHM( Qf , ajaj le,'5 .atoliW ( 1 hand aud mind reading, aupplemrut ed, through the klndneaa of J. V. Houiton by a high claa moving pic ture allow. Thla entertainment la a geauln benefit, it benaata evory one, aad glvea them an evening' ei tartalamtat bealde. Think up all tha matloaa you want aniwerd, for that U a BFNlalty of this glfud mind rdr. t iIiIrIi school and a number of choU iieur Kinntuth FnlU, wero hero Rattir dny afternoon to form tho Klamii'.li County Teacher' Association. C, It. Dowmnn, principal of the Klamath county high school, was elected ipreal- ilunt of tliu new orgnnliatlon. Tbo purpoae of the teacher' orgnn liatlon Ix to advanco the oducatlonr.l IntcroMr of Klamath county and Its teacher, professionally, Intellectually and socially, and for their general wel fare. I'lic other oSlcer elected were: R, If. Dunbar, city auperlnteudem of achools, vice president, and We Edna Well, county auperlntendent, secre tary treasurer. It I planaod to hold three meet lugs a year, at least, for thla the con stitution provide. Plana are aow be ing made forth flrat meeting. ' "Although th weather aad travel condition ware agalast a large at tendance of teaehara from outside tha city, we were wall pleased with th In teract ahown by tit taaehera," aald Mis Walla today. "W,hep te gtlahaal. the organisation as pocalble." Those present at the meeting en rolling a member were: John Kitchens. Midland; M. D. Ford, Spring Lake; Amidol Buasert, Orln- dule; M. ill, Stastny,, Malln; C. U Chorpenlng, Mt. Ukl; F. W. Sexton, Henley: R. K. Hanson. Falrvlew: MatUe Foater, Bummera;yrtle Es, Plevna: Jesale P. Rom. Haaley high Frank H. ajtruble, Lulu Watenburg. to Germany, aad declared tkat there; ttMwaoetaa r?j ANTI-ALIEN BILL PASSED BY SENATE SENATOR RRED FOREOABTS TROtTBUC WRBI JAPAN- RE OAVSE SSR BAR OBJECTED TO FROVMIONS OF BILL WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 6. The iamlgratloa bill paaasd the en ate this afternoon by "the accessary margin to aahe it a law. It waa passed by tho house Friday laat. The bill contain the literacy test aad an antl-allen clause, to which Sen ator Reed declared on the floor that Japan object. The bill goes into ef fect May lat. The vote stood 62 for and 19 against. Senator Reed said that the state de partment has advised him that Japan has expressed objection to the bill. nnd that he has urged the defeat of WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. 6. Theadmlatetratlo. iMoedjaansk, throagh the pre ef the esaatiy be me anaeaa agaiam tea aeug er aa thiag la paaJe or aaete whka aalajat emhams the gorcramaat aerloaalyl ' WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. 8. Ta. Vraveat the pabllcatlea ef moTeaeata, Secretary Daniel appointed Lieutenant Charlea kaap oRdal AlTiVO flaaV NEW YORK, Feb. 6. Tb- Phlladelphla arrived at Ltvernaat; Engtand. last night, aad the Ftaaaacl arrived thla aoralag. according ta r port at the ateaaahip oacea team. Considerable anxiety over their where about had been felt. ' The teamer New York sailed free Liverpool yesterday for New Yorkv cardylng more than S00 passenger. Offers PlaatM to V. 8. V'A8HlNGTON, D. C, Feb. 6. The Ttethlehem Steel company, the United States Steel corporation, tha Itemlngton, Winchester gun and am- munitions, and Henry Ford today Coe lM2Smon, r?w..' taaraabiSMom. "MaaMrewa, nsaaaiaaijaaaw. IwibHnwl fj. Llacoln, Agner. 8. .Bryan, Ethel Chase, Mary Stewart. 01 Pearl Tattry. Augui Rachel MaBaman, Nellie Uaarstoeater, Mr.. J aartrade Parker, Helen Hardenbroek, Mrs. H. Jotaphia jVan Riper, Rdaa .Miller. Mary,.RIeth, Clara Blar, Augusta It Parker, Laura B. Mayer. R. H. Dun bar, Maud Goeller, Nett Ptron. Klaaath Falla city eehaata. Jaa. & Hogg, O, I. Gregg, Mayael Sanderson. 6. JMayer, J. R, Bala, C. R. Bow- aaa, O. o. Huggla, Rachel Apple. ata.iLaetM Marshall; Mabel Mean, Laura Haaaar. Ktaaath bunty high N I U offered their personal service and the tho measure because of tho present j senice of their plants and ofdeera dl status of affairs with regard to Ger- n-cling them to the United State. many. I should they be needed. More Subscriptions for Terminal Fund D. A. Lamb, Agnew, Cal., Send $100 Two More Added to Honor Roll A ubecrlptloa of $10 for the rail road terminal fund waa received to day by Captain J. W, Meaeaa from l. A. Uab ef Agnew, Calif. ' . Mr, Laab wag feraerly la the caw alii buslaaaa la thi eky. aad Ureagh cvmauaJeaUea with Caauia Weaas haa displayed that he la atlll Interest ed in Klaaath' future. Two more addition were reelTeY today to the honor roll et the W Left gtrahora Railreal ab br Klaaath Falla vftaws, aa follews: Mr. Addle Walker ......... !. Jlaaa. Mt -i n I ! -Sa 1 i r : H 1 i I I t " W ! M 4 V ' Jl l.-l, .Vfcw ;&', a.lwTWTrw