KLAMATH COUNTY! OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER r-easxBssxsuaiMBsmBaiirin i Meruit II Vrrti N. 3ttye lEurnfnn Herald - Ill ll I IllIBM II III I Mil I IBM! I I KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1917. Price Fir Cent U. S. BREAKS WITH GERMANY , WILSON INFORMS CONGRESS AT 2 P. M. German Ambassador is Given Passports Decision Arouses Consternation at the Capitol President Expects Ali Neutrals to Follow PAlWWWAMWWWWW0fW0l0m0l0l0k WASHINGTON, Feb. Jl. Il we. oftVUIIy aimunnectl IliU mumlMg thai 4vtlnti MlUun luttl ttHmnlMrtl In liffnk relation Nllii Germany (in tuuni "I iImI cuunir' iunti4ti'N ( submarine Marfan agalnai rocr tlunitiiini. He Mill notify mgrr al a .iittt mmIiki al '2 u'rlork IliU af" irraiMu to ilmi effect. Antbeuattor Grrnril liaa tier ordered liunic (rum Berlin, ami Count m IternMorsT, Grrrnnn nwilian itor In (he fulled State, III It (lirn liU paaapuru Imrnrdiatrl). Il tlrprtiits upon Germany whether ar l ilrt lured ur not, ' Ttie rrllriii readied till drrUlun leatrnuy morning, bul mI(IiImIiI I'ublir aiiiiiiunrernenl, Mlillr ttr was carefully working uul drlalla if future iep lu be taken, lie worked late last nlghl writing lila mrwage In run kit un hU imu typewriter. Tlif derWi"n of I lie prealdrnl aroMsrd .rHit front ton al . the .rapltol. Brattle a11n was etprrted, hut Matrix clung lu I lie belief llial I lie prrl deal would mil arttMlljr break relation. BONE DRY BILL SI6NED TODAY GOVFHNOH WmiYCUMUK GIVES MGXATVHE TO MEASURE PHO IHIUTI.XG IMPORTATION Ol I.IOt Oil INTO OREGON WASIUNlirTlN, Feb. 3. Prcsldeiil Wlltun Itiln afternoon tolit the Joint rthiii ( (iui(!ri-n of the breaking of illiomiiilc nliitlniiK wlili Germany, and rallid iihjii nil iiuUlral tialloiia to follow the course of America government at n moil critlcul mo motil, I refuse la licllovu that It In llic Intent Ion of tlic German authorities lu do what llicy hate warned. I ctiunot believe Hint they will pay no regsrd to What will follow tin- severance of the undent friendship between llielr rtlMlcn depend ii win Germany's People and our, or tho Holomn obllg- HAI.h'M. Feb 3. Governor Janet With) comb It xprcted to alga IIm "b'inu dry" prohibition law at 4 i.' lock title aftcrnoni., It haa passed bolit house by an slmoat unanimous vote. The new 'low dry" Measure iMfCimo, cuccllve Immediately follov; Ing the signing of II I- bill, and pru biblti tin- inli;ni:il of all intoclcei IhC Uivorup Imu tiii atale excrp: by (UctiKcu HmruiurM.i fcavlnc'a apoclit IKtrtnlt (mm ttit d'ltrlet atiorcev. u IHTmltt, however, tlm ablimeul of or der that nrn cow- In, provided aucU hluent are revived within Cvo ity from tin- lliuo Hip bill U nlmtJ. Undur tin- new Itw an intoslcnt. irkon will Iv brouslit before iho jinilK'u of Otc ( fare, Inalcad of the lcllre judge, tbc tihlty (or ih brst oftonae b Iiik a it-rir. In the county Jul! of ihlrt) daa ami .'. One of forty did lar. ami foi llit utond offcmui an .m prUnnnirnl of nil nl daye ami a fl:ie vf ono bumlictj I'.oicrH AMMMWMMMVWWWMVMaMaiaaAMMVWMWMMMMMMMMMN NORTHWESTERN PUNT IS SOLD jakeieeeaeaaeeeia ALI. OF HACBIKBttV AND TVI'K Ol' FOIIMKR DAILY KKWHPA PKR IB HOLD IX BILK TO HAX rILXCIHCO MAN Dave Jalumatein of Nan Krauclnco,1 baa purcbiMd Ike Machinery, type and ether prlatlac aMterlal formerly owned by the Klamath Palla North' wuttcrn. Mr. Jaluautola la now lu KUoiath Palli, and will remain here for a week or so attpertatvndinK the hipping of the plant to San Francis co. It Is understood that many of the) marhiufs hare already been disposed of ta California uewspapers. and some of the material awy be sold locally nud the balance skipped. It Is not known wkat amount was rteeived for the pMRtclDioHgb It Is rrKirted that the original Investment was aomMklag over 160,000 and prob ably more than 1100,000 was spent In Ibis venture In the newspaper busi ness, AIL CONSOLS IN GERMANY ARE ORDERED HOME KI'.tl.N WILL HAMILK AMKItlCAN ! JURY COMPLETED GENERAL STAFF ! IN HOBBS CASE! OFFERS PLANS IN CASE OF WAR i nil-' Kt.tuivtTinv tit? wtrsvuu. Kii Al ACTUAL TltlAL OK CASK INTKItKiTH WILL IIKfil.V NKXT MONDAY IN rilKTIT IXH'RT l-'OLR WKAH ARK Hl'OESTKD UY TIIK ARMY OKFK7KR8 llerwstorff O'lvrn Paiwport at U o'Clix-k Ml Xarwn Mwlaa With the election of the lait li'.r Mirh. the panel In the case of the State i f j Plain Do Xor (fenienplet ScMdJac AnilHiKviikir l"i.,Knmkt nenry iilbg ond wlfe for' Refirraent Uermuiiy Here (irranl le murder of Kdwln C. Way at Al- to Arrange for Amrrirana to Ix-nvr Ucrmaay. Troop iu Karoie t-r Preaewt Uo lllltle One l Similar to That Fo. lowed by Japan, Who la KtoadHy IwcmwlRK KStrlewry. C'jtna in Not ember row In progress i In the circuit cni.rt of Judge D. V. Kiiykendall, n coniiile'ed. The fol-j lowing iurym-n havr been selected' . Aiuuiit Bucsing, (.to. W. Maxwell. F.J Il Jobes. O. O. King. M J. Lytic Win. I.igl-'r. II -. '.ffer. J. O. Beardsiuy.l ii Fnllil3. I. K. Struble. 8. K.. German ambassador, at 2 o'clock this rcenblte anil Tienc Combs. The rx-iPon declaration of war on Gen afternoon Ambassador WASHINGTON. Feb. J. Passports were handed to Count von BcrntoriT,' u WASHINGTON. Feb. 3. Four Im mediate plans for action contingent ny He haa named the Swiss jur.ilniilloii of vltnue will commecrc(bav been prepared, by the general to handle" Germany's af-'-voul'' "'"' " staff. The following IdlnsTbave been rondutt. Aftr riiouiitliig the events liadiiiK up to the luvvrunre of rela lln. Wilson said: "I have, there fore, dim ted the secretnry lo nil 'ounce to I( (lernuin imilmssado; Hut all diplomatic relations between lions which have been exchanged. Only artuiil overt acts can make me bi'lleir It now. "If my Inveterate roulldem-w In ttie Mibrleiy, iind prudent foresight of their purpose proves unfounded, and the Unllml Htnles und Germany have. If Amaricin ahlns and lives are sue Ucnscuml; I hut the American am- illtced needlessly In contravention of bsfMdor at llerlln be Immediately ' International law, It Is obvious that In "itlnJruuii und to hand tho German 'the dictates of humuulty I shall comn arnbssHaiitir his passports, 'again beforu congress and ask author- "NotMlttuilaiidlng tho unexpected !lty to use any means necessary for tho sniun of the German government und i protection of our seamen and people lis sudden nud deeply deplorable re- in the presocutlon of legitimate er- nuncutiun of the usurnncea given Ibis rands. I take II (or granted thcit all County Teachers Form Association Organization is Being Formed Today so I as to Secure Representation in State Association lu secure representative council of.tatlvii council, which his chargo of , ' O,oii Htuto Touohers'-Assocln-'tlie bitklness matters of the assocla '". n county teachers' organliallon tlen. " w'lbr foriiiod-tliis aftsruoon at the Klamath Falls, through Ita-olty or- iHl kchool building. f.uuliailon, of which . H.'Dirok-ar is file COnilllllllnn f .k. A...... .....! J...1 ....JU k0M . llvfin leacbsrs' Asioclation nrovides and the county organlitUon will pro- ivtry teachers' organisation in vide fir another. A temporary assO- I'uvlng more than fifteen ,cUtlon was effected on Jununry J5th. und meeting mora than and the meeting today will perfect ahull bo nud make psrmamat the new organ- roprenpn- lluxtlon, that "''J lllltu inenibers - m ' m(,H ,,,,r,U't h0 W itltleii to a dolegnto In the n Mure Pella From Uonataaa Four coyote and six bobcat pelts were submitted for county bounty yi sterility by C. II. Dechdolt of Do nanxc. One coyote was brought lu from the Klamath Ageucy by Guy 8ih-nrhln. State and county bounty on co)utcs Is ii.iio, and on bobcats 1 2. Should the now measure Intro duced yesterday Into the atato legls- Iniu re for an Increased stale bounty become a law It will provide a greater Incentive (or (he extermination of this iltuiKerous pest. NKW LONDON, Feb. 3. The cargo intended (or the German subma'rlne merchantman, Doutachlaud caught lire thlK morning. Only small damage resulted before It was under control. neutral governments will take tho same course. "I don't desire our people to cuter n conflict with Germany. W are sin cere friends with the German people, and earnestly desire to remain at peace with the government which npeaks for them, t shall not believe that thoy are hostile to us unless we nt-c obliged to believe It. We propose nothing more than reasonable defense of tho rights of our people. We wish to secure no selfish ends. Wo see'.t merely to stand true In thought and action to lha Immortal principles ot our people which 1 sought to express In my address to tho senate a fort night ngo. We see meroly to vlndl- cuto the right of n life of liberty and JuKtlce unmolested. These are the basis of peace, not war God grant (hut we may not be challenged to de fend them by acta of wilful Injustice on the part of the government of Ger many." WASHINGTON. Feb. 3. Immsdl- ntalr unon returning to the white House from bis address toeeBgreaw, President Wilton calls tte etcteUr lei of war ant navy Into conference. WAtHINOTON. Feb. a. A com- raunlcatlon from Austria kaa arrived. If It la similar to that of Germany's message Secretary Lansing may re fiifo Count Tarnowskla' credentials, fairs in America. Ambassador Gerard boa been order ed to notify ail American consuls in' . . , . ... U'Jeruiany to return tmuiciiintely. ami II is stated that the remalnlng.(ur-(ln ,, ,, lh r,r , Am I niiurc in ine uuuaing waa noi inctuu- ed In the sale to Mr. Jalumsteln. and la to be disposed of by Mr. Hotalllng' sgunl. BENEFIT FUND SHOW THURSDAY HUGH PKRFORMAXCK FOR HTRA HORN RAILROAD FUND UKXK" FIT IXCLL'DKH THK "GREAT HA SAN" AMONG FK.TIHKH Icons desiring to leave Germany. K i lain will handle American inter ests in Germany since the severance' of relations was announced, it Is ex-' peeled that Germany will give a peri od, of grace of fifteen or thirty daK for Americans to leave. No steps luie yet been taken to get Americans from WOMEN'S 1000 CLUB WORKING Austria. i ATTEMPT MADE TO SINK DESTROYER FOI II Xi:V COXTHIDCTORS TO II.ULKOAIf TKRMIXAL FVND MUTRKD YKSTERDAY BY MEM IlKltS (IF THE CLl'll sugKeeted. .Using the regular army militia as a nucleus with which to train 3.000.000 men yearly. The plan.does not con template sending troops to Europe during that period. ! The Immediate passage of a unlver isal military law, v which will call out I. MECHANIC TRIES TO SING AMEll-j If'AN VESSEL 'AT PHILAIIEI.-1 PHIA BY OPENING SEACOCKS.) TWO FEET OF WATER IN HOLD1 To swell the fund (or tho Struhorn railroad terminals at Klamath Falls. a Hugo benefit performance win ue staged Thursday evening, - Fobruary Sflh At llnmitnn'n nncira hniis.. tindpr t . ..... . .aI PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 3. An ef- tho auspices of the Women's 1,000', ,.. . M1.,. , .,,, ,h Ami Club. i J destroyer Jacob Jones at the 1-cugito Unusual public spirit on the part of Island navy yard this aftt-rnoon. A a number of Klamath Falls citlsens ntechanlc opened the seacocks, nud i... .ri. ii .uti.iM r th .nm.n nr ft of water poured Into the hold this organisation to provide 'an at tractive entertainment for the assist- the Irst three classes. The extensUe establishment of training camps in all states. similar lo those opened the past summer, but on u larger scale. I The immediate installation of mu- jnltion plants and factories, In which The following donatious to the Stra-.sufficient munitions and army supplies hot n terminal fund have been secured L,,, furnjthed to equip an army of by the womeu of the 1.000 Club yes-' . . , , 1 2.000.000 men. terda. It is considered futile to attempt to send our army to engage in the pres ent hostilities in Europe. The new plans call for a hundred army divi sions of 30,000 each. Out of 50,000 officers needed, 6,000 are now avail able. Youths of 18, 19 and 20 years are to be called first. This plan U similar to that followed by Japan, who is steadily increasing her effi ciency, although; she has sent no troops to Europe. :.irf. w. c Bail rs.oo Mr. Dorothy Luce 3.00 .Mrs. V. It. Uojd 5.00 A Ft lend 3.00 Natal SlntioiHt Guarded WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb 3. ( The navy department has Issued ot- jders that nobody be admitted to any of the United States naval stations ex- cept euiploes. Guirds have been trebled at all stations. "" before it was discovered by tho uifi ceis. The man was flared under ar-rwt. tnce of the railroad movement. The principal feature of the even-1 Ing la to be the demonstration of mind reading, mental telepathy, magic and psychology by "The Great Hasan," whose success on the Zone at the Ban Francisco worlds (air and on the Orpheum circuit along the lines of his profession ere already well kuowu to many Klamath Fall people. It has been reported that W. Paul Johnson, B. D. Hall and Fred Houaton are to be placed under hypnotlo slumber by thla wlsard, and It la generally ad mitted that to see this group together and silent will be worth the price of admission alone. In addition to "The Great Hasen" a two reel movie comedy to to tte shown on the acreen. The Teertaaa.Orchei tra1 ta t fnralsn ntunlo for the per fori SECURES MORE RIGHT OF WAY COMMITTEE FINALLY Sl'tX'EEDS IN SECURING RIGHT OF WAY FOR RAILROAD OVER TRACT THAT HAS BEEN HELD L'P Right of way for tho Stratum rail road waa secured yesterday through the property 6f C. N. Mjers, which ml Jains the government canal on the east. Although involving a short The music the ball ana the movie stretch, there has been some difficulty have been olered without chargo, and In obtaining a title to It. The 'right Mr. Davla Is contributing his services to the Btrahoru cause. of way committee (eels greatly olited ut securing the deed, Car of Young Elk Arrives Tomorrow Local Passenger Will Bring in About Twenty Elk Calves to Be Taken to Wood River Valley Aitordiug to u wire received from Slate Game Warden Shoemaker by Commissioner stone ibis morning, the car of elk calves, which have been De mote ranch und kept in corral until spilng. Mr. Mitchell accompanied the car from Wullomu tounty. the place of cured for Klamath county from the i shipment , and the Wells Fargo Ex- smtc Huh aud game commission, will lurlve iu Klamutb Foils at 5:50 Sun day e ening. The elk are being shipped by ex prtbfc. and the car, which probably contaius twenty animals, is attacned to the tegular pabsenger train. Mon day morning the car will be taken to Chlloquln, and from there the animals nro to be hauled in sleds to the Stse- press company also bus a man along to ufcsUt In looking after the animals. Game Warden Stout and other local spnrUmun here and at Fort Klamath will uslst iu transporting the animaU ke Sisemore ranch, "'it is expected tbt loeal people will bavean oppor tunity to see the young lk at,the de pot after the arrival of the train to morrow evening. ' ' i -. ' - Set v ,',i! n,': ,l .. t. "ts - jW