KUMATH COUNTY'S KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER - - r.MmjaMjJgiTOrXBCTa.CTi inralh Vr-i N KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1917. ' i Price Fite Cents ernian Envoy Expecting Passports ernstorff in doom; Ready to Leave America '' mwwwwwmwwwwmwwww( i-i-n-i-i-i-n-i i i"-T - j .t.-.-.-.-. L-rwLn.-i.-.-i.iuuL i.n.n inr W GERMANS THINK ERICA WILL FIGHT IEHMA.N HKMW HPKCIAL wiiii: OX (IKIIMAN VIF.W Foreign Correspondent Hey jr Thlna ,r Mulimanno Will Force KagtatHl lo Afc IV, llrtwuw if Hluraatli if .W Wuraade trrtter Ha. skftl Teaton Kraptrr. IKHI.IN. Fib. 2 - OVtUI in ull kH'I'rcM Papers, from Outl W. rata, I'nltrd l'it torrrinil In IVHIti)- rVw (!trmn lcllev rfl will declare tir. be belief It, rathor, Mini KiikImiiiI U romuollrtl to mnko pcsw? ) i of the blockade of tho HfllUh by (lumtin nuhmnrlneii. nmitinrttl by itn Kovprunii'tit nf Mockailo orilt-r Inn it-ikimI polit illlfMriirM hi tin- (iermtiii cmplru united nil railliuin, rman) l ii:nvnrril that the nnw nnm piicy win .nl tlm war In unonrr GHETTO DISTRICT STRUCK BY FIRE; 40 ARE VICTIMS lll'MUIKUM FOItCF.D l.Tl fouii RKMtW WI'-ATIIM! ALIEN LAND LAW INOREGONSENATE IS Mr. Whipkle Smile at Stock Exchange Magnates' Contusion WITHDRAWN lulu Wnlrr From Fire ll" Ftre- Ire ftuoti. Cent-ring All ll Htrlkr Willi I PATIILH UK DILL WONT ADD TO Hl'RDF.NH Japanese Government Much Opposed l Allen Land Lan. Secretary ' SUte Lamitag Talk Senator Harsh. Fale of Idaho Uw It I'nuericXx. Borah lactam Measure Nut Alntr nl Jnpane. WATTEN8URG t'UK'ACO, Krli. 2 An exploit'! I mill Urn ilt'irii)ii i.ii. teiirm-.nt '(.Iii'tlii ilUlrlrl till morning. It N I'licllfxnl lorty live ri' Iohi. . Iliitnlrril of ti'tirmciit ilwdlt-ri scantily chid mp furred lulu tliti In-ctit with tile temperature four below IITI, ! Firemen nro clearing nwny tho wreckage of lie. When miiim of tliu ilnbrln was removed the nrmuuii ll- covered n woman, iitlll living, hut liluo front iIhi colli, Wnicr from itio tlrnmon'a hu frnto rapidly, forming a heavy routing of Icp on nil It struck, i I Tli In iiflnriioon llvo tiomoiiH were Inlion nllvp from nn Ice-encased lotnli. Olio wn n Httli' ulrl, who illnl on t'u wiiv In I lui Iwmlillnl. All urn hiiillv VlMl about '.Ifi Itllhckllll IjiiIcoj rni..n nml llw.lr rornVflrv In ildlllilf III i Wlllaini tti. VnH,.y ami I'ortlmul - Itt, Mm. It. i:. Wnttimliiirif, iroi.l llonrlmtU May Follow u tH( Itiilitknli AMomblv of I IflVlin.V KVIi. Tin. llrlllHli for. ion, left UiU mornliiK. cIkii offlro Iiiih imki-il Amcrloi lo In- '. tloiiliiirKt'XlH.ctll lo lo sonn fnrni Ci.rmi.nv Unit ri'iirlxuU will fill- t B tnnntli A f,;w WiikH nitn nlm Inu- it n.iiiiiiinv Mink .1 iinv luiHiilliil fncil from 11 Unit of 103 JoiUcn In Mhlim. 11 u wim tlirtuttiutl In hor re- W jh! .1 kul 11 mi t litli MIIW Mt'KHIimwih WAKIIINOTON, I). ., Feb. 2. Hubert Lanslnc, crUry at mic. Inlil Krnator llomh of Idabo thin af- Ihtttlr Art llcrrrnl' "'rn""n""1 Jal' dlMpprovea of the iroootd Idaho and Orcou alien land Half Frwrn Fnioi Drlirl, Which Uw. j I Hriiator llorli dvclarr that tho. lawn are not aimed particularly nt or HKaliint JnpaiU'kC, but ncalnat all . nllriiH, I CouuM'ltor I'olk yesterday appivilcil lo th Orccon and Idaho Mjualorn to. tiiio thi'lr Inltuoncc to prevent pnisaico of the Ihwk. Forninl lnl' lrwicncl Toinh. hurlo Suflrr S'trrcl). IS. TO VISIT LODGES M TOIMV FOIl TOl'll OF 0.1 MWK.tll I.OIKJKK IV UKMT. UltKliOV AMI tllillivik IWTUMI I ji I WltlidniHii SAI.KM. Feb. 2. Senator William tlil.t ufternooii withdrew lila bill pro- hlliltliiK Jiipaneae ownership of tandi In thin Mute. no ucu.ireii mure, roiupucaiions lih Cerinuny hud arlnen he waa not lllliiK lo burden tho national itov iinmi'iil further. BLIZZARD BLOCKS WYOMING TRAINS CIIKYKNNK, Wyo. Feb. 2. A so voru bllMurd ucnln today blocked tho Union I'ucltlc trulna between Laranilo mid llnwllngii. I Kight truing arc atallod at Aock Itlver mid othem lire held up else where. H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSItriSn'WftU bm SbHbPISbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIEkIjUbe I BBBaBBBBBBBBBVHBBBBBBKr bV bbbbBu!bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbbbb1bbbbbbbbjNb?S. BS BBHp ?BBBBBBVBBHBBBfcaBBBBBBEt.Vl BV BBVKiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV-,litJ? BffilliBBBBBBV'SIf BHPBi$BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJKwl5VXV' I BKfcBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBs3l' BM BBrNSbmBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHB'vS I MBMBBMBBMBBMBkBMBBMBBMBBMBMBBMBBri wt M IbmbbmbbmbbmbW&mbbmP BBMBBMallfcI?. B bmbbmbIbIPbmbbmbbmbbmWbmbbmb Kyl BmH BMBBmEVJC5SbSbS!SBBBMbW kBBMBBMaBaBMBBMBrBMBBMBBMi H HIHIbT f bBMBBiE3HBMBSBMBW. BMBBmBI 3KLM I xllllllBflB B K 'O SBMBBMBTBMBlSkBHBlBMBBMt.Vv v H f " bmbbLRi a. x $ bmBbvbTVJ c?iRw T ml bVJ 3 J bmHbmhhE HbW. t V bmbVbmbT Vp-V'tS' CABINET MEETS TO 1 DISCUSS SITUATION WWVMWWMWWWWWWWWWMWWMWWWW REEDER KILLS RABID COYOTE A FIT DURING SHOT A.MMAIi WH1LK IT 8liF'EH FROM H.IUIK8 Coyote la lliacovered bjr Htnll School filrl Xenr Fence Apparently Waa Too Sick to Fight or to Try to Ka cape Vpper Poe Valley Fa nun Seen Anotlier Peculiarly Acting Co yote 011 Dairy ttoari. HKLATIONS I1KLIKVED AT THE BREAKI. POINT rrcxldeat Fare Moot Critical Sctaa lion Since War SUrtctl Playa Golf and Retains Smiliog Bat After Conference With Laosing U Hoc- gard "I'aespected May pected From PreaWent." Be Ex. L t glt JHHHa L. WnL MlK 1 On tho first diiy of thn boutto of repreitentittlveti ruli (mmlttec leak liuiulry In New York city, Sherman I. Whipple of lloston, counsel for the I committee, put on the Ki'lll Samuel F. Slrelt, chulrmiin of the stock exchango eltiirliiic Iiouho. and Henry 0. 8. Noble, president of the Now York atcck ex--Iiiiiko. lie told them he wauteil rec- Hofci.E.1 ordn of all devils on the exchange be tween December 10 nud December 23. during which period thu "leak" spec ulation 1.1 believed to have tuken place. Shocked at the demand, these officials called a meeting of (ho board of governors at once, but Mr. Whipple Just mulled. He smiled when he told them he whs going to tho bottom of slock speculation during the erlod. Another rabid coyote bus been killed. U. K. Iteeder. farmer of Pine Grove, yesterday morning shot the an imal during one of Its fits. Mr. Reeder was Informed by a school girl of the presence of the co yote by a fence. Mr. Reeder went to hunt tho animal, and found it suf fering from a IlL He shot it at once. The coyote had apparently beeu roll ing around the spot for some time. A mad coyote was seen today near first news of Germany's intention to WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. j. President Woodrow Wilson today la stniCRltnr with the'mosMeridai' Itt uatlon America has faced since the Kurouean war started. The cabinet convened this after noon at 3:30 o'clock In probably what will be the most historic meeting since the Spanish-American war. Although It Is felt in official circles that a break with Germany is Inevit able, there Is another feeling that the "tinexpeyed may be expected from tho president.' After golflnu this morning, the president appeared smiling. After a long conference with Secretary of state Lansing he looked haggard. Some officials have openly expressed annoyance ever the puxxling attitude of Count von Ftcrcstorff, German am bassador. A studied gloom baa sur rounded the Teuton embassy since tho the Chambers sawmill on tho Olene Dairy road by A. W. Slover of Upper l'oo Valley, according to telephone ad v ices received by the Herald late this afternoon. ive Cents Each for Rabbit Skins kern Firm Has Asked R. A. Ward to Pay This Price for Sample Ship mentEqual 40 Cents Pound Contirs With the President OUNBAR TO TAKE JOB ON HERALD ANOTHER HOUSE IS AFTER SKINS Here From Fort. It. K. Gordon of Fort Klamath is a county Beat business visitor today. Mrs. C. I. Wennek of Fort Klamath Islthe next twenty-four hours. also in town today. throw aside all restrictions in subma rine warfare. It is admitted in German circles that von Bernstorff baa "all but pack ed his trunks," and expects to get his passports in two daysl It Is strongly hinted that America's announcement regarding Germany's communication will be forthcoming In The ladles of the Christian church will hold a cooked food sale all day tomorrow at Klamath Falls Music House. Return to Home. James Straw returned to his home stead In the Odessa country today af ter a few days in Klamath Falls on business. vo nls for every skin. Thi- I M that will be, paid for lack. 11 'kind (hot hfiva bfnti uti-M!....! "ved to the offlo of n n r, roumy agricultural agent. A. Wsrd, unnlutnnt In the bloleg. '"' nan bunii ii nirr i.p tins been nut horded lo pay live cents each for thn skim. If tho rabbit skins prove valuable tho Eastern house will enter thn focal Hold for skins In as large qumtltlea an can be furnished, iiya Mr, Ward IgUaKSlll IHsBBIiSKSil ROBKRT LANSING Secretary of State WASHINGTON. D, 0., Feb. I. Secretary of State Lansing stated, at noon today that nothing bad gone (on ward from America to Germany rela- LOCAL BOY WHO HAS HKF.X AT- FADING HTATF. U.MVKHHITY WILL AMUMK CITY h'DiTOHSHIP OK KVK.MXG HF.RAM) Fred Dunbar, a graduate of the University of Oregon in the school of journalism, will nrrive Sunday even ing from Kugone, to take tho posi tion of city editor of the Herald. Mr. Dunbar Is a son of R. H, Dun bar, superintendent of tho city schools of Klamath Palls, He flulsbed from the local high school, and this week graduated from the University of Ore gon with a bacholor or arts degree. While in Eugene he baa been em ployed on the Morning Register. Forrest Pell, who has been city ed itor of the Herald since last June, le:ivea tomorrow for Eugene to take I Dunbar's place ok the Morning Regis- i At five cents a akin, Jackrabblt live to the present crisis. asliod by an skins will brlna about 40 cents per ('resident Wilson and Secretary of tor and to resume his studies In tho IlQttttd lit nnllnAl n ., ... .,kl..l. I .ilww. I)Q nrnilu mrn Qlattn t .BMalnav WAP rtlta.afl alii sMAVH. I f Til Kntalt t9 AhasMm ITa. Weill ahiu.1i flllflttili - " vw"'. llUUIIMl nilUII IIVOUl W'llW " .MIW HMHWHg, nflV IWWeH RM KNHH'-VHOMBII W VVVH V Nl VUIVI MlWttlltUy Of BkillU.1...l j...!.. si : a... ...I... --..-,..1 I I mi.A ......J -I.U U..HM .- .ki.a . I..- I- J . P. fflnin iiivui jipr IUUI1U lllllll UW iTKV uuiTi-u u n iiir. ihv vmrfw wi iu ui n ruwuiwn', uijuiiii iu journal' r finry f0r teMnEi Mr. Wnrd.Ht. Louli firm. Ifacea. Main. JONKPH BONDY'H SONS OF XKW YORK WANTS JACK RABBIT SKINS IN liAHGK QUANTITIKS, aY8 liKTTER Haviug seou in au Kastein news paper an item saying Klamath farm ers uro seeking a market for jackrab blt skins, Joseph Uondy's Sons of New York has written to Klamath Com mercial Club, The firm says there Is a good de mand for furs of all kinds just now, and that it would like very much to receive Information on tho amount of Jackrabblt skins which could be se cured from Klamath county. Has Sore Finger. O. W. Robertson, proprietor of Klamath Falls Steam Itundry, Is suf fering from blood poisoning in the finger. He Injured the finger when laboring ut his luundry recently. Marshall is Head Loan Association Poe Valley Farmers Organize to Borrow Money From Government Under Federal Loan Act A. 1.. Marshall was named presi dent of the Poo Valley National Farm Loun Association at a meeting of the funners of Poe Valley Wednesday Frank Corpenlng was selected vice prebident and Glen Van Meter secre tary and treasurer. The directors of the association are the three above named officers and A,, Ktimoy and Clarence Mitchell. The organization Is temporary, but will be made permanent nt tho nest meeting. The Poe Valley Niwtioual Form Loan Association was organized at the meeting Wednesday, after H. R. Glais yer, county agricultural agent, had ljYn1ulnAf Ihn ii'Ailrlnra nt th furfural farm loan act. Eleven farmer Joined the association, but the msmoershlp In expected to be shortly Increased to twenty. , Secretary Van Meter has communi cated with the newly organised fed eral bank nt Spokane, from which the farmers expect to borrow several thousand dollars. -S'A . "I i - .. , .... 'J 11 , -j h l tfrl StSatji afc-A . ? Jk,i1 .' lift' r.jv.i