W1" M - I p, - 1 If (?. lEurnfrai Herald tfV.TH COUNTY'S KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWfPAFBli ICIAL NEWSPAPER I , yaar X MIC KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1917. PrleaFrre Carta MERICA WILL REFUSE PASSPORTS '. 8h "I ' YTTABLE BREAK WITH GERMANY IS FORESEEN yyyVMflAMVMMWWAAAtAAMMMVMAMMMM MMWMWM MMMMIMWMMIMMMMWMMWMMMMMIW ffFICULTIES WITH IAPANAREEXPECTED NWMWlMMMVIMMMWM 10$ Will. MT SEE JAPANESE ENVOY ar l"ulk i.f Slate Drfwrtatrat i the Ont"t Nd Idaho I?. H. lu Prerrnl Stale UaU- KrtHM PaaUag Allen Land Un Abaed l Japan Helorn ntOrRrfN. WAWIINUTON, i. c. ru. I. M rtUtUms with Germany at the king pewl. the possibility of dip- atledlnVuttlrs villi Japea nppear- I Mar when Coutucllor Polk of the department asked Senators Lane: Chamberlain of Oregon ami idr of Idaho in uw Ihelr Influence prnent the Oregon and Idaho legis- turs from pasting alien land law laed at Japsnese. GERMAN SEA WAR STARTS WITH 4 VICTIMS TODAY IH'IXM VESSEL FIRST Til FALL TKtTO.V PREY Tlurr IIHIMi FMilag Katark Air hrnt lu Hultm lomln Hay Fag Ibli Governs! Nut Surprised nt (h-rmaay'a Aanuunrewtrai, and Had Jlam Pi raw Hag for Nurh More fur UaaarTliajr.w LONDON. Feb. J. Germany's sub- Although It U believed Counsellor mnriM 0f ruthleM destruction of hl. oik told them audi law would like ping U already under wax. r bring about a erlcni altuatlon, Iho The Hutch ati-amer r.paiiun waa (ho tnalora refuted to Interfere with ihe "rat victim. She a submarined thla klslatare of their Male. morning. The Japanrae ambassador railed at! Thw HrltUh flatting Mtinrk Merit. Be Mite department today. 1'resl- wan nnu vt emeriti ntsti were khjik nt Wllnon declined to ee him when today pursuant to German order. Jt railed at the Capitol. The prrsl- Germsny's announcement of iinre nt also declined to too the British i1 trained warfare In no surprise to Imbuudor. England. Thla government expected It, and haa been preparing. DIVER DAMAGES . BRITISH VESSEL CRUISER AMETIIIST INJURED IN FIGHT NORTH OF PERNAM HUCO WITH SUHMAHINE AND AUXILIARY CRUISER IIUENOS AIRES, Feb. I Tlio llrlt- DEFENSE OF HOME EXPECTED TO BE HOBBS' DEFENSE MAX AND WIFE HILL UO TO TIIIAL FOR MURDER KNMilualluN of lYuspmlve Jurors by Attorney Manning Indira tea Right lo IMrad Helf and Home WM1 B Kftraar of Hettry MsM for KMItac Mm In V, Way Laat Xotribcr-ir- lertion of Jarora Xow la I'liigwaa. CANDIDATES Will JOIN ELKS MI'AI. IIILIJ1 WILL IXITIATK KI.KVKN I'AXDIDATKH AT lllfl TIMK TOMOIIT OCIAL TIMK 4TKIlWAIIim tonlglit Mill bu n blx limn foe Iho Mil hlkn, Klovotl eandldntca will Uli rrnlinr AmethliiL arrived at Per- Irlde (tut gunt tonight for the enter- namburo lodiiy badly danincoil after lUlnmrnt of tlu raombora. 'a flarlit with a Oermun aubnmrlno nnd no new Klk ara from Itnnna. miTllUrv Jnnunrv Ktlh north of l'or I Merrill and Klamath FalU. Inambueo. "r Iho Inltlullon a aoclil time Tho rnptnln of the Amotlilnt Miya tho Qormana withdrew and eacaped. lll be enjoyed by tho Ullla. Guards Are Placed Over German Ships Interned Teuton Vessels at New York Are Watched-No Departure Order Lifted by State Department NEW YORK, Fab. 1, Ailer a Dedal tain neutrality." No milllngn of mrr- Im beon Mtnbl'hl But cnintman or pasaensor llnora have wterneil Qernan llncrt Bschored berp'bern cuncolled. order prohibiting tbadapartura of. I The American liner Philadelphia .. p WM ,ut8d b'r(Ba broke hor crank abaft MOO miles niont. ' from Liverpool. Sho l proceeding to in JT Amoricn deatroyort are atand Liverpool nt reduced apood. No nnxl- -. jM-i outaida ihe harbor to "main- ety l feH. The rlgbl for a man to defead hla home la exiKTled lo be theaWenae Henry llobb will offer lo the Jury la Judge Kuykendall'a court, la which he aa placed on trial thla morning for tho murder of Edwin C. Way. Horace M. MgMjnk attorney for Ihe defeaae; tayMklitttg proanective juroaay i y BJarSSaM.lttto-i.raa. pedlve Juror lielleted In the right of a man to defend hla home. He aaked alao If Ihe Juror believed In the rule of self defenae. Ily thla It la Indicat ed that Iho defenae will attempt to how that Hobba' victim had nought a place In Hobba' home, and will try alto to aluiw that Hobba shot Way bc- raumt Im bvllcted hla own llfo wua In dnngcr. Iiulh tho proaecutlon and defenae n 10 making free uae of their pre vmptory chntlengoa. It la eipectcd that eonalderable trouble will be ex perienced In getting a Jury becauee of the nature of the raae, and became Way waa known to many people. Cat (llbbona, cook at the Algoma Lumber company' logging camp, and Harry Meaner, time keeper for Ihe camp, are expected to be Important ultncMca In the raae. Attorney Man- uliiK caked prospective Jurora If they v.crc ucqualnted with theao men. Hobba and hla wire, who la charged Jointly with her huaband with first degree murder, appeared In court thla morning with their two email chil dren, both far too young to reallio the horlmmnem of tho altuatlon In .which their parenta found themaelvea. Judge Thornm Drake, who la aaalatlng Dl- trlci Attorney W, M. Duncan In tho prosecution of the raae, took occaalon to nnk A. K. Ilenalnger If tho fact that thu defendanta "were parading their two children before the Jury" would lurimmca Mr. Denalnger In making up n verdict. Attorney Manning took ex ception to tho queatlon. When be and Drake were through talking, Judge Kuykendall aeverely reprimanded both, and explained that the children were In court becauaa there waa no other place for them. WWMMIMM lAMMMMrfMWWkl g0M MWWWMMWmMmMrfMMWMM Declares Germany Now Will Fight Allies to the Finish KLAMATH DKORKKTKAM WILL WORK FOR MKRRILL I. O. O.F. On next Wedneaday night the mem bers of tho degree team of Klamath Lodgo Ne: 137, I. O. O. P. will go to Merrill to Initiate a claaa of eleven candidate for Tule Lake Lodge. The candldatea will bo put through all dogroea, and a big time la antici pated by Iho Odd Fellow. aw i ii White Huffere Kara. O, W. White auatalned burns on the face and hands and lost much of hla beard and mustache when an- ex plosion occurred la Bis furnace la the basement of the White building on Main street. Mr, White was showing a rooently hired employe how to oper ate the furnace, when the explosion occurred. i ; -rff i A . i i "? SjBinnnnnT fcaaa r .isBssssrn BBBiBSSf BBBBBBsPif I Rl assssssssssnaW. I LMk aw -7iaanHkVrM .tN. ' V m' v t "innnnTiawjr & - zmdtv . - 'r-Jvu- " - x , imxti&s T WILSON REVERSES HIS FORMER STAND asaaaaaa(aaaaaaaa)aaaaaaBaaa GERMAN WARNIN6 EFFECTS MARKET Uft VAX'S VIEW 18 FINALLY AC CEDED TO irnoi OF TWO POINTS IN MANY 8TOCKH STEEL GOES BELOW FAR FOR FIRST TIME IN MANY MONTHS NEW YORK, Feb. 1. The atock market dropped two to twenty potata today In the mad rush to unload fol lowing Germany's warning that ahe would tolerate no restrictions on sub marine warfare. Bethlehem Stec showed the biggest loot. For the first time in many months eteef-aold-below par. Late today there were some recov eries. Grain dropped 8 to 14 cents, but later recovered somewhat. Is Esther Preaideat U Modify Stassd oa Travel by Aasert. caas or Plans Drastic Actlesw OaMal Oaaaloa la Aaassss to Answer Garaaaay'a Wi srhse Warfare. WASHINQTON. D. C, Feb. 1. Exactly contrary to the stand taken when William Jennings Bryan left the cabinet, the state department today Is sued aa order refaalag to Hanae naaav ports to all travelers ptaaatas to go to Earope. v , Preaideat Wilton la aearly ready to announce bis answer to Oersaaay'a warning that sh(wUinVnlait-to- u rS VON HKTH.MAXN-HOLLWMi CU'iuccllor of the (iermun Empire H0L1WEG OECLARES GERMANY IS READY TO FIGHT TO THE FINISH anaaajaBa1nanMsjieala TELLS THE REICHSTAG TKXTO.si,lcn, Wilson's maxims agree entirely WILL STAKE EVERTHIVNU TO WIN THE WAR Heclarea WllaoiiN Maxima Agree With Alms of (ieiiiuins, Uut Coiulltlon Imnosed by Allien Mram Teutons' Defenatve Force Must Be Destroyed. Danlsli nnd SruuUsh Government Arc Aroused. AMSTERDAM, Feb. 1. Germany accepts the challengo of tho allies to fight to n finish, staking everything to win, von Bethtnnnn-Hollweg, chnniol Irfr of' nermnny. told the Imperial retchstig this morning". Hollweg declared tunny of Prost- with Oormany's alms, but the enemy's conditions mean that Germany's de fensive force must be destroyed. To this Germany never will submit, said tho chancellor. Danes Are Aroused AMSTERDAM, Feb. 1 The Danish rkBdag was summoned to a secret session this morning to ineol with the cabinet at Copenhagen to consider the German note, which declared Ger many no longer will permit restric tions upon her methods or sea war rare. Spain Is Agitated AMSTERDAM, Feb. '1 Word from Madrid says the king of Spain and his cabinet are profoundly agitated'over Germany's declaration to fight to a finish. A special meeting of the Spanish cabinet lms been called, SHIPS MAY LEAVE NEW YOMBOR TREASURY DEPARTMENT NIGHT DENIED SHIPS TO DE PART AS .NEUTRALITY MEAnV a-Tt? 4-JU atyi day. a unrestrained sabaaartae war- 'S far agalat the allies. SeeraUry'of -- State Lansing prepared the commnnt catlea. which Is guarded in strictest . secrecy. ! Refusal by the government to issue passports- to Europe Is netiaved to j mean either that America is planning I most drastic action, foreseeing aa la ! cvltable break in relations with Ger I many, or President Wilson la deter mined to modify his former stand, nnd I prevent Americans from traveling on the high seas. I President Wilson and Secretary of LAST; state Laneinn conferred far a loan time today. Both refused to talk afterwards. t'RE, DL'T CHANGED TODAY WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. J. The treasury department announced today that all ships will be permitted to loave New York harbor In regular order. The order of lust night wasn't a complete fouling of the port, but was merely a neutrality measure, it is announced, ' la Uehiad President PHOENIX, Arix., Feb. 1. The Art. sona state legislature today passed a resolution expressing entire faith and confidence in President Wilson, pledg ing the support of Arlsona In what ever acttou the president takes re garding Germany. CHARLESTON, 8. C. Fab. 1 The German steamer Uebeafels, In terned here, this morning began sink ing mysteriously. It la believed she was deliberately ssntttled. Charges Cranky. Cruelty and an unbearable disposi tion are set forth an ground for di vorce in an action tiled in circuit court by Edward Campbell against Amy Campbell. J. H. Carnabaa appears for plaintiff. Cupid Loses Oat. Minnie Elberger has filed suit in circuit court against Otto E. Elberger for divorce. Plaintiff asks that her maiden' name of Minnie Ingraham be restored to her. W. H. A. Renner Is attorney for plalntlnV Germany .Endorses Wilson Principles Official Reply to President's Senate Speech Says Germany Would as- Welcome Freedom BERLIN, Feb. 1. plied to President Wilson's senate speech In which he suggested a world lengue to, prevent war sjlth alb na tions independent. The reply endorses the principles Germany haa re- set forth by President WUtnn, ut ctare that Germany' wonld slnaraly welcome the, freedom el ladkvaanl Ire- land la the furtherance of'tsVal-M iho ui sou uvcrutnvHiv A'K a- Ki?' ... I P f?X'7T Ltfxts?v- Anv?.. ".. &' & t . ... ..iAk39 ,i-t;.amqjaM -'-js