Vrt i it j. ?AtSFWtV' o-- i'-li'5-ir.--i-- :,. ' " m A 0.AMATJICOUNTY1 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER L-""-"" BnsruauBSiKiistaiatu Klrvrelh Vrnr X. MM I &l?g lEiiimmg Iterate KLAMATH FALLS' OPFICTAL NCWSPAPn UNEMH KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1917. Price Fire Cent PLOT TO POISON PREMIER FE OF LLYOD GEORGE IS SOUGHT BY CHEMIST 30 Witnesses Will f . innmnnrimrrlri iivirmjvu-jvuxfuAJiJuvxarLruLT.Airujinnt eneral Wood Bares Weak Spot in Army WWWWMWWMWWWWWMW I I.LH MK.VATK COMMITTEE OK. real conditiox I 152 Allied Ships Sunk in December lrr cjunrtrrmiMrr Corps ! L-p.nl Raring Ferly MatilllaaOoa, MM Hs.l It Ikwn Able lu Deliver Mnpl-Hr', XatluMl Guardsmen Were do Inralririil liter Wet t'eSl for Vtthllag. WAkllllNOTO.V. I). C. Jan. 31 fhe iiMrmn(or department of tho an official announcement Issued today. H)s Klie I Korrrd to Throw tMT He-! roltrd ttiAin army complntely eol-j BERLIN. Jan. 31. During Docem tr, 1914, German submarines, inline ami Inrpedoe nt)k I S3 hcwtlle ships, totalling 330,000 lout, according to GERMANY WILL FIGHT ON SEA 10 SUIT SELF IJIVK NOTICE Tt AMERICA AMI OTHER XEITUALM lj!xnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnvPnnLnnnfc. SM'2SMi-feip?'B,'-'J ' f ? Support the Charge tr during the early stage of the ulllila mblllatlon (or duty on tlt Ktlcan bo-tier. Major General Wood IuM I tip mule military romuiltlrv hi liiumlni fSuernl WdchI toutemlcd, hocter. llul rrrn liml Hip iiiinrlermaMer tu n Ho in deliver supplle and l'iilimcn(, llm imtlonnl guard wan nlr 10 (Kir rrnl trained, and nbiw lolvljr unlit rr nervlre. WILSON WOULD SAVE DAYLIGHT RUSSIANS LOSE 00 SOLDIERS ENDORSES I'KIX TO SAVE HOUR (IF DAYLIGHT EACH DAV Xi:.T Kl'MMEH AM) OFFERS TO HACK MOVEMENT utrirtloMi on Hen Warfare, and Will Regie New Method Tomorrow, mVh That Amrriran Ships tie Warned 'Away From Water In the Danger Zone. rmwPnWV:WVMZWl IKHJMXH TAKE TIIIH MAXV IX IWWMIKO ok SEVERAL POftl. TIOX8 OX ItKlA FRONT COUX TKIt ATTACKS REPULSED. .KKI.IX, Jan. 31. Nino hundred fllrtUn prlsmier-i have been rnlilurnd p Hie (loniwiiM .In ilio storming of pcroi iiumlmi HiltloiiH on Iho Rig F"l. AH counter iittnckn by iho ItuuUim l(l tfen relllllllMl nrmnlln n il. iMnl Oermnn nnnouncement, I1KUMN, Jan. SI. Germany for- miilly i-en'rd notice today on Araer- Iru mid other neutrala that ahe U forced to do away with all restric tion on fighting. Tim notice urge thit American khl be warned away from the dan ger none. The danger tone la defined NEW YOllK, Jail. 31. I'rwldtmt ii water about allied eountrlea. Woodraw Wilton approven the plan I The notice alio aaka the co-opera lo wvo d j) light In the United Stale ''" "' America In Imprculng upou i.erniuny h aiivcrtariee me innuman- i.rxt aumnicr. Marcua Mark, preldent of the Daylight Saving league, now In e- nlon here, thU morning rent veil a iioiinteiiieiit ay letter from tlio "prcaldtiit endorxlnc """" the daylight navlng pliiu, iind declir lug ha would bo glad to back the movcniunt. Iiy of a hiurvatlon blockade. The now mothoda of tea warfare lll begin February 11, tho an- Know Doreii't Hlop 'Km PETROflRAD, Jan. 31. Ailvum- Ing wnUt deep through the hiiiiw. thu Ruailana stormed and riipturml with bnyonota several (Icimun pohIHohh east of Jnrobcnl this inoriilng. BISHOP PADDOCK heepmen Will Go After the Coyote lational Wool Growers Association Will Furnish Poison and Expert Here Will Show How to Use It tUruury. ifn 7 .u i ...... unlun. . ' "" """H BTOISHH I'ouon inonih" i. n. ,. ii,. . - " wbuuitb com- "! Of thu Natlniuil wn..i n....i 1,r.(Lai'01' acordln, t0 0' rowlved ' mornlns Ku ii n .i.. Mrtam- nr,:,,y;:i."ri- rmcn n all mm. .u. it..Ji in .; ;:-;:: ".rs iynli, h.. , . - ThT Pffl,"0B," them. -- -,,vo commltloo of the iw- "wciBtlon says each wool anal poisoned by a special process. Opsulns containing the prepared poison (or coyotes will be furnished by the assochUlon. Addrens of where to get the capsules may bo obtained t tb oHce of County Agricultural Agtnl Qlalsyar and also R. A-Wood, tpert ! peat exUrmlntttegwlII help sheepmen In putting out balta. and show them how to prepare the Uillu to attract coyotes. Mr, Ward may be TO PREACH HERE Wll.l. AllltlVK TOXIQHT OB TO MUniUIW AND HOLD SKRVICEM C'l'NDAY MOKMXU IN ODD FrX. I.JV8 UUILDINU The Right Ruverend Robert L. Fed dock, bishop of tho Eastern Oregon dlui'two of the Episcopal church, will nriivo In Klamath Falls tonight or tomorrow evening, according to word received this morning. liUliop Paddock will hold services iio.t Ciinduy morning at 11 o'clock lu tho 'vent hull of the I. O, O. F. build ItiK As a man uud a preacher be I well known In KUmoth FVtll. ;ilHiiop I'oduock viu meet with ir.o lorul Kplseoptt ii'i'tt Friday aftu H'ioii nt the bourn of Mrs. 1X a lirldg'M on Fourth mtel. Wilson May Call World Conference (or Peace Next Move of President Expected to Be Suggestion for International Con ference to Carry Out is Plan HOUSE MAY BE IN CONTROL OF SMALL PARTIES "" s I'ltOHIMTIOMRT ORGAMZIXU Df. DKPEXDEXT HOLOXK Kept Mutative ReadaU OiHIwaT Oa fcience to Ansage for Five or Six Cangnmmtm toiiet Ctmtu.it M lower Hoittr-i4)njr Wo t'l Mew- l-el Will lit !l ImMiel ClIMlhjIM iin. f SCOTLAND YARI DMCOVERs' j COX8PIR.cn Cli aslii owd Three 8esTragtte Ar ' rexteal m Ckarsc of Co teecy te MswdetArtlHM-Jfe-sdert-OB of the Ktm BriOah Ooboeet Ahe 81 led OtM ay Plotter, 8ey HmtlasMl IMerUtres. WASHINGTON, D. C, nJn. 31. Rett to the ntlur nations such n con A conference of ell nations of thc.'-crcnce earth will be necessary to determine arrnaqcmcnls for future, world peuro, according to olllrinl opinions advanced In Washington hIiico President Wll- No duvclopineut In the situation .iro eiierted untlK'ermany'sreiiponsetoPr No developments In the situation are expected until Germuny's resonse to President's Wilson's setute address WASHINGTON. II. C, Jan. 31 Tl.ieueh orcaul-jktloi of ths (nil-. lip .r t-ntfl. nnr!.-ilitt -irnlilliltin.,"ktti - ' --. . -- -- ,- -..wB.t.M . iiinl progressives. Representative Ran- ii. II i r Calif i n. tiro'ilbitioulst. ipl.i i tc get con'.--i oi the next house t r i resentatlvcs Miss Jeanette Rankin, representa tive elect from Montana, and the first woman ever to sit in the national con gress, will be a member of the com bination. Representative Randall baa written to the members of these parties ar ranging a conference to hold the bal ance of power. The republicans and democrats will be so evenly divided In the next house DERBY. England. Jan. 31. A plot to1 poison Premier Lloyd George aad Arthur Henderson, labor leader la parliament and cabinet aseaaker with oat aartaeahi. was ravealed today .y - when three women tad one mas were arraigned la Guild ball, charged with coupireey to murder. They are Albert Mason, a chemist, his wife. Mrs. Winifred Mason, Mrs. Alice Wbeeldon and her daughter, Harriet. " Mason is a conscientious objector to Lloyd George's reorganisation of the Government; the women suppos edly are sulragettes. The prisoners were remanded to jail untH Saturday. The crown baa only formally stated the charge agauut the quartet. It Is understood the government will have thirty wltneeaes to support the charge of conspiracy to murder. The poison plot was unearthed by . Scotland YereJ detectives. Misuse Hospital Ships BERLIN, ajn. 81. Declaring that she 1b convinced tha British are. mim- that the five or six members of other 'using their hosplta ships, Germany son's speech to the seunte lost week, arrives. It is belleM'd the president's net Tho Swiss minister will confer with num Hill be to coll or formally siiK-ltho prcsldeut tomorrow. parties by voting solidly can swing legislation as they choose. DECHAINE FINED tlli AND COSTS KII.XD Ul'ILTY IIY J I' STICK (IOW AX OF A8MAUI.T AXD HATTKRY OX DALE IIOXD ItEXXEIt PRO TIsATM COURT'S ACTION' o h,i. ox,'c,ctetl -o Put out at least found at tbe ofJce of Mr. aialsyer In -..u uii fiin rAllVA -m... k.tA .. . k..iljM. ...BW. n-. imiib -ire me ijooriis uuuuina. Fire Deatrered MmH Fires burnod J5.000.000 bo4r4 feet of timber on the Rational foreeU of Oregon. Wtahlagtoa aad AleakV'ia 1116, The forest oervlce toagki 1UI fires is this region during the ye" at an uxpeaie of 119,000. lUtealc does to Portland. ' v J, 0. Rutealc, local lawyer, la la J Port laud on business. Fifteen dollars itnd. costs was the fine Justice of the Pence E. W, Gownu Imposed upon Fred D. DeCbaine this morning after finding DeChalue guil ty of assault and battery on the per son of Dale Bend. The cost will amouul to $16 or 180. it Is expected that Attorney W. H. A. Keuner will aak for a writ of re view. He asked for a Jury trial by Juror selected by both tides, Instead of drawing the Jury from the regular box In Justice Gowan'a oftce. This motion waa overruled. AM Seeeaty WIU The Ladles Aid Society of the Meth odist ehurch will meet Thursday af ternoon with Mr. W. A. Leonard at 1109 Pine street, nt 8:30 o'clock. GERMANS KILLED AND IMPRISONED FRENCH SAY ALL DEFENDERS OF THE FIRST AND SECOND TIIENCHKH SOUTH OF LINTRAY KILLED OR CAITl'RED PARIS, Jnn. 31. All German de fenders of the first "nil second lino German trenches south of Llntrny havo lieeu killed or brought back ax prisoners by the French, who pene trated tho lines last night and this morning. The regular meeting of the Home ami Foreign Missionary Society of the Emanuel Baptist church will be held Thursday afternoon at 3:30 O'clock 1007 High street, be "Japan." The subject will today forbade hosatttal ships from crossing the Britten, channel between certain points. Another Bank Fail SEATTLE, Jan. 31. The German American Mercantile bank railed to nt tho home of Mrs, Georgia Davis, f open tts doors this morning following the failure yesterday of the Northern Bank and Trust company. Hobbs Trial Will Start Tomorrow o Anderson Files Suit. O, T. Anderson, Bly stockman, thin morning filled suit ugainst D. Ferris and Leo Tillsqn, to recover $137.50, Alleged to be due on a contract by the term of which Anderson assisted defendants In the purchase of horses. H. M. Manning la attorney for An-demon. Man and Wife Charged With Murder of Edwin C. Way Will Face Court Tomorrow k v.7 ,j5wm Mrs. Setta Leave, Mrs. C. K. Selti left this morning for 'Long Beach, Calif. After a recessed ton days, Ujo cir-llhiuran will be assisted by Judge cult court will ittonvene to try Jur. Thomas Drake In the prosecutien: dices tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Hornco M. Manning will defend The trial of Henry Hobbs and wife. 'Hobbs. accused of kllllug Edwin C. Way last full, la first ou the calendar. ' Selection of the Jury te try Hebea vvtid wife will be started at 10 o'eMck tomorrow, it la estimated tkt three days will be required to get a Jury. Witnesses will be aubpoened to appear Saturday or Monday. ThU trial la expected to be a hard fouKht one, District Attorney W M, Mlse May Asklns, half alster to Hobbs. will be the principal, wttaeea for the state. Mies Asklna we an eye witness of the ahooOnf ef"WTi aud will be the only eye wlnMseT, tke tat will km. Bh'a is id asiaahl UnehMerett luua.fcgM $$$& T (F - --.. .' ! r-T -"1 . -! m A.. a. - ..Lu. .uhtfHbW w?' ..-aa whom Way was logging foretMa.WFJ - - ., . .0 illv. ..JJl A,.i:i 't1 'M ' e t1?Vt'T- OeTrfSr. ' !J.c .-V", ', , $f&&.- 4i it-j-,,t,