Jftl I " Sin burning IteraUl JS, KLAMATH COUNTY'S KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1917. H tli Year- No. n.aitt lade Thousands By Peace Hunches e . ( f 4 all Street Plunger Denies Peace Note Leak i - - i i umiimi i irinnnnnnfmnnnnr inn innnnnnnnnnnfinnnnnnnnnfnnnnnfml" WWWWIiWOHIWIIIWIWWIKWOIMWW! wwWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW A --.-arinrii-.ri.r.n.-.-.-L-.-i.TjinAn.".' ".". a JJJ . JJJJ. .1 wwwwwi wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww IERNSTORFFJcADOO GIVEN CLEAN SLATE KAM IIAHl'CH T9XTIKUM run investigator l He mm otsMi at hihn Ote M F Until It WM AsV med r WnM Have MM I larger Prut--Dclrr He tie- ltd l AlnwM Half MIINon In iTMrtera lta Im ppuwht. NKW YOHK. Jan. 30. Bernard irurh. Wall street plunger, cleared 171.000 playing pear hunches on New York stock exchange during llrtun dart In December, be told ! ku rule committee, which la In- tl(illo the peace nol Irak today. "If I bad known what waa coming wiaber 30th, I would have nold all iy. Inttrad of covering, and my unit would have born much larger," IJ Mr. Ilarueh. Ttic latikrr ald ho had no advance formation on President Wilson's W to the belligerent power, tin ild hr Mild war stocka on lite irrnith cf l.lnyd George's 'speech, Mth rcfuntfd the (lorinan proffers, Ml left the way open for uegotla- mt. lUruch admitted ho had talked to erttary of the Treaaury William (J. loAiloo and to Count von Hermitorff, rmin ambassador, but In theae tnrmatlon nothing waa tald about mm or market. Th probe committee tried through rucb to establish a German aource ft lb leak, but waa unaiicceaaful. PNWWWWWWWWWWWW(WWW(WW. WARSHIPS WHICH L00KE0 POR SEA RAIDER 6IVE UP HAVE NOT FOUND GERMAN COM. MERCK DESTROYER Entire North Atssallr Squadron of UritMi Fleet Ordered lalo Around Now York-OauNi Known, AlllKittjli NtMNMn from tlallfat Gar Information Prompt log tinier. fJOD XlflltT HIGH HACK HONK CHANGED IIKH NAME nROCTON. N. I).. Jan. 30. ThU Ity today wltncMod tho wadding of PNia Hog, Mm of Clood Voice Hawk I Deer flood Voice Hawk, to Hood llkt High Hack Hone, daughter of Me Htnokc and Hiitllu Tall, flood llbt High Hnrk Hone, a bluahlng pan, wore u new atrlnc of beada urlng tho ceremony. All am flloux Mi".. NKW YOHK, Jan. 30. The entire North Atlantic squadron of tho Ilrll lah navy has been ordered Into water adjacent to New York, I authorita tively learned today. Report from steamers arriving here from Halifax caused the issu ance of the order. The North Atlantic Kquudrou baa been searching for the neriuan not raider which destroyed and captured many allied merchantmen. llrltlnh consulate source Indicated that tho raider la believed to be with in 900 nlloa of Sandy Hook. Master of varloua ateaniahlpa re ported aeelng myaterloua vesael. Two declared poalllvely the vessel boeii were German sea raider. 1,000 German Taken POTHOOK AD, Jnn. 30. The rap ture of thirty oUlcera and more than 1,00b German soldier In tho Russian vlilory nortlm-tn of Jnkobonl flotur tiny U oflltlnllv nnnouiiced. a l'mier In Town. Huy Prouer of Upper Poo Valley I trammeling business In (ho county aeal today. lamath Fair to Be Talked Feb. 10 .ath Stockmen and Farmers WU1 Meet Here Feb. 10 to Consider Suggestion of Big Fair Tbo Idea of u Southern Grecon. fbru California dlalrlot fair, first "fntloued in the Herald a few week lo. will bo dlicuucd n Kiakatb ," rury loth. A aeatlug of 'Uumtb atockm.n .a ..... .. ' ru ot he county haa bean callad ai anin, mith win informal dlicinw'tha (euflhlllty of aucb a fair ut that time, and thtu thla county will commitnl caje with Modoc and Slaklyou eoun tlea In California and Uke and Crook couutlea is Orogoo. Nowipaperi in tUa othar eouatiea have commented or the dea of a flr to embrace all Iw countie. There haa beeu uo note of lUaapproval aouudod, ao far aa tho Herald haa learwd. wjSRRRRxSRfBt'Bpj uShSRbHRtv CX)i:NT VON IIKRNMTORrr German Ambaaaador WAHIIINOTON. I). C. Jan. 30. Onrmany will nd to Count von Hernatorff. German aaabaaaador to the United Hlatea. IU rejoiader to President Wllaon'a aeoate apeeeb, urging a world league to prevent war. LOCAL PEOPLE WANT A HARBOR HKJN MKMOUIAI. TO (XNIU3iH, ANKI.MS APPIIOPIIIATItlN TO IM PHOVK IIAIUIOU AT CltKSC'K.NT CITV. CAI.IHIHNU A mi'inorlul urging rongrcaa to ap- pniprlctu 93VO.UOO.OOO for improve- incut ol tho harbor at Crvacent City, Cullf., u circulated among local (Itlteiu )caturdny. It waa liberally rJetu-d. The memorial was aent hero by the Conciicrclat Club of Crcacent City. It ili'tlru.'H that IK'I Norte county, Cat Iforuin, will appropriate 9100,000 it coiiitrrnti will give 9390,000,000. Crescent City harbor ia at tho mouth of tho Klamath River. A good liuiboi thuro may be valuable to Klumath county, ckpeclally If tho pro poied commercial highway down tbo Khiiuath Itlver la built. Tho agita tion for thla road is atrong. BUSINESS MEN ASK OUTSIDERS TO HELP ROAD NO.V.HKKIMCNT I'ltOPKItTV OWN' KIM APPKAtKH TO to 1K? r - i EMMITT RANCH IS SOLD TODAY NutwUMtUI Bwalae Moumt, aad In dtvldaato Are MafcUag Ltltcm Now Rwld t Proprrty Owoern AkJg Thcw lo OMtribme to tho Hirahom Railroad Terminal FnjhI m an NoMwt DtHjr. The buaioiiM men of Klamath Falli are going outatde of Klamath county to get funda ta purchaao ter minal for the -Btrmhora. railroad. They are going after tho' non-real-dent property owner, the man who will profit by the railroad a much an any other clatu of men. Pcraonal letter, algned by numer oua bualnCM house, aro being mailed to ctcry non-rcHldent property owner, asking him to do hi part toward developing Klamath county and the re it ot central Oregon. The business house are lgnlug the letter today. Thla is the first step toward getting persona and firms outside Klamath county who yet will profit by the new railroad, to help got the road. The following ia a copy ot the let- tor being sent eut: I Dear Sir This Is the day ot Ktuni-j ath county's opportunity. You know , of tho railroad we can Ket if we all! pull together, and there ia no necessi ty for enlarging on what that rail road means to this country. Klam ath Falls has bonded Itself for 9300. 000, and we aro trying to raise 975, 000 noro for terminal sites, and have most of It In sight now. Tho undersigned are actiug for the committee of the whole, and doing our best individually and collectively to make this railroad a reality. We have canvassed the lists of subscrib ing, and your unmo does not appear (there yet. Wo appeal to you now, feeling euro that you aro Interested, either through your property Inter cat, or In more gonorul way. Wo cannot put the necessity each one doing his patt too strongly, aud wo urge that ou contribute ut once. Your neighbors, friends and A1- AmbbbW. 5 aitSJiH I -JntatHsalmBJi "ASRRRBK d 3 aMatsaMatsaMatsaMHSBBBBalsaH BBBBBBBBBBBbIsbmRT lalalRBVsa-il SbbbmbIsbmbIsbbI 40 4 - aMBBBBBBBTS" 1 !ic?;sBvfel H -'' SBBBBBwH'V ' n & bbbbbbbbLbH ,&$ i J .-" BBnMBBMBBMBBBBBBF -Kb1 fJSjSw w-a 09 fr BrRy !,SRjaWrRWTPSFy 6000 REFUGEES ARE . FOLLOWING PERSHING WWWWW00W00 m0Wwwww000Ap PERSHIN6 WILL BE IN COMMAND OF EL PASO POST WILT, ASSUME CHARGE THEBK UPON WITHDRAWAL i William G. McAdoo, secretary of the treasury, has been exonerated fiom nil connection with the peace nolo leak. Pliny Flsk, his former bunking partner, find Bernard Bar uch. Wall street speculator, hao de clared they had no dealings with Mr. McAdoo. SENATE WON'T DISCUSS PLAN WILSON'S PKACK IJCAGUK OK ALL NATIONS WONT UK CONSIDER' l.l UY SENATE CUMMINS RES OLL'TION IS TAULED Oregon autd Washington Tmef at CaleaJco Ordered Home to Be Maw tared Ont PnH of FiialdaMrt Present Force Win Gaard ia Place of Rodrkag SUtcMiUOa. WASHINGTON, U. C, Jan. 30. The senate this afternoon tabled tho resolution of Senator Cummin ask Ing debate on President Wilson's re ccul speech , faoilng u world league. to enforce poaeo. The debato on the resolution lasted all morning. The vote to tablo the ot resolution waa 38 to 30. Tho seuute hence will not discuss the address. . FINK STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH Dutlno aMOclates of the present and ON KKNO ROAD OV OOI ACRES, of the past years are doing all they can many of them have given to tho Wlldl UK 1IOMK Ol' TitUHULUM- HRED LIVESTOCK point where giving hurts and we feel sure thut you do not want to be left out. V InrlnaA tilntikn for tho mih. , -. .V.w-w V.-...-H -. ... ' uapIiiI Inn Mnrf 1&,1I Innlr fnt. vmii ia. The Robert A. Kmmltt ranch of. "'--" V ' T. i UIU ( fyCUsak nv lev IIHtU f wv 601 acres on tho Keno road today was sold to Dr. E. H, Hawkins of Oard norvllle, Nov. Tho ranch Is consider ed ono of tbo best in the Klamath country, being fortlo, Irrlgatod by a prlvato aystera, and well drained. Dr. Hawkins Is a stockman and furmcr of exiwrlouoe and mean, Hlaj bobby la thorougnoreo iivmiook, ana on his now Klamath ranek nothing but pure bred animals will bo railed. lu tie eow line, Dr Hiwklna will raise Hblsteina, already haying one of; tbo best bulla In the west, ne win grow Poland China hogs. Dr. Hawkins la an old acquaintance of the Kll brother! of this city, foro tho committee get together again to canvass this roll a second time, Ploase let us hear by February 3d at latest. Yours for the Btrahorn railroad and prosperity for Klamath county. SKATING AT MODOC PARK IS GOOD ACJAIN Following the Chinook wind Satur (21,000,000 IN PROFITS DIVIDED STOCKHOLDERS IN UNITED MATES STEEL COHPORAl'IOV DIVIDE EXTRA POT ON BOTH PREFERRED AND COMMON NEW YORK, Jan. 30. The United States Steel corporation today declar ed an extra dividend of 3 per cent on day, the Ice at the Modoc Park rink 'common stock and 14 on preferred frose tight Sunday night, and now la stock. In fine couditlon for skating-. This means that tho stockholders The wow which fell last ulgnt has will divide more tbau 981.0,00,000 in been swept off, leaving the Ice smooth, profit. WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 30.- Troop A cavalry, battery A field ar tillery of Oregon, and company A alg iih corps, Washington, all stationed at Calexico, have been ordered home aud mustered out, the war depart ment stated today. Simultaneously It was announced thut General John Pershing, in com mand of the returning expedition into Mexico, will assume command of the El Paso district. Other troops will be distributed along the oorder. Earthquake Recorded CLEVELAND, Jan. 30. The seis mograph at St. Ignatius station this morning recorded a most severe earth quake, lasting eighty minutes. The qtiako apparently was in Europe or Asia. Steamer Blown Up LONDON, Jan. 30. The Norwe gian steamer Argo was blown up in tho North Sea yesterday. Nine men were lost. Horseman Visits, Leu II. Dot en, expert horsebreaker employed by J. Frank Adams, Is spending a few days in Klamath Fulls. FEAR VILLA WHEN LEFT WITH. OUT PROTECTION Carranslata Cowniandei Sy Be Can't Occnpy Eracmated TiiHij BecMBse It Wonld Weaken ' haw City Garrtoon 1.8M VI Are AwatUac to Take the ; Left by the. EL PASO, Tex., Jan. 30. Fifteen hundred Villlstas are encamped at San Bneaa Ventura, awattlas the evacuation of Mexico by General Per ahlag'a force. Near Case Graades a Mtdlisr-bghd of -VMlir followers la waiting to starch late few boars af ter the American retire. The Mexican consulate here rays General Pershing, with two regimeaU ot cavalry which remained behind to protect the refugees, will move north ward today. Six thousand refugees are leaving the entire district where General Per shing has been camped. They fear VlUUtas raids after the American force has left the territory. General Murgla. CarrantUta com mander, at Chihuahua City, said frankly today that he could not occu py the evacuated territory because to do so would weaken his garrison and leave Chihuahua City open to attack by Pancho Villa. ConlibVt Uae Sleigh, Louie Wampler, mall carrier be tween Klamath falls .and Odessa. made the trip to Odees this morn ing by nack horse. Hal feared the snow which tell last night had drifted In the mountains too deep for a sleigh. Stork Buyers Visit. J! C. Mitchell and H. W, Mitchell ot Siskiyou county, livestock buyers, arrived yesterday on business. WliiUk Leave. F A. White and wife left yester day for California to remain. Mr. White bus been manager of the Su perior laundry. Poe Valley Men to Borrow Money Will Meet Tomorrow Afternoon to Dis cuss Federal Loan Act R. A. Ward to Tall of Killing PU To hear an explanation ot the Fed eral Farm Loan Act, the farmers ef Poe Valley aud the Oieae, districts will meet tomorrow afternoon tt the Lower Poo Valley school, H. R. Gists yer, county agricultural agent, will explain tbe act. v The farmers of Poe Valley are con- ' J tl.Ui.liVf;I templatlng tbe formation of an asso ciaUon through which to borrow mon ey from the government nadsr the terms of the farm Iota act " After, the, act Is discussed. X. AV Ward, asstathnt la the biological aur-t vy. will tell tbe farmers hsw.te if- t . sa iackrabbUs and, coyote .ftttm-ife ... .. " " - Rs!.' T?"' v " v? ' ? 3 ' a j' Si $& xa H '4 nftfi J??Xi-l s " 4u "$ri I AT' -r'l rui. i art'- .SMWl i'l ats&S leu" . "Y