If? 3umnw Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ratamncgir.in -..j..,.. ..-, 1,T-Tr.- ,l. Vr-X. rtU,M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1917. Price Firo Csats OBS RIOT ON INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE W00l0&AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'Al M'WWMM(WWMMMMWWM xnjytAAAAAAXXTUVXAAAriArwVVVVVVVVVVVVV''" ''ViYriVtViYri'i'i'! rench Lose on Dead Man's II Removing Dewey Casket From Capitol tor Procession . . jCrmS$3&&WW. SW' 5"' i38Jti-XS'fcA" h U1AL HtATKMKXT TM.LH OF KKillTIM) llnl rVwh Trlwl AlUck Wllh. I lYrfartiig HrfifrluMMt Wllh llrllllwT AUiwanl Thrv Ttmtm rwlltly. Oersnaii State i at TruluM Kntw . French ' irhea at HartmaimawWk'rfc.opl- i BERLIN'. Jan. 33. -The official rnaa statement describing lht vlu- II tallica of the lat few days und Ifesd Man' Hill claims Hint French galnrd no ground. he lUtvmvnt say I be rrench1 a urtrUi stuck without nr- kit nrcparatlnn and wr repulsed Ik grral l u( moil. the French opened lth a Irr rifle aturdniriit and attar k (wire later. attack wa (rtillli's. tlrrman stunning dr-larhmeM etui r'rench iff nclim at Hurt- lnttiwrlptlop( Jitneys Decrease Incomes HAN FltANCIHCO. Jan. 5? He-1 cauat Jitney competition Imn reduced Mm grta Income ot the I'arlltn Mec trie company fl.OOU.uuu below ex peium, Ittr atatr railroad rftmmlntlon today refused Ihn npt'llrnlinii of tin? city of l,oa Angeles (or n 6-cent (are Hlthlu the city limits, J . v-"'- - H " lttiB imsssMlssWBEtKM f W?SMftvB?MsSSMSlsSM BM,rtrf!!4BBBBiBlJlbiMBj"lJBf:i 7r 4ntti --a -K P JI. i '. 3HPB IT . ..., t. wTk. i- a. Unclean Mexicans Can't Go Across WWMMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWawa it. . . . .,..,Ji.T.JSAtXJWl'"l j Hws-;wrr'"s-xrTvTv. ," C52!?rmmxrmx3srRiaz22B; .5?X!2l ife s Not Guilty Man i . .SKATTM-:. Jan. 29. Maor Hlrm 1 (iill today pleaded not guilty to a fed- CROWD 8HOUT8 "DEATH TO THE GRIXGOK8" Tli rntikot t-ontiilniiii: tht rcnialiirildliiloitiutlc rurpx. Ji u plnri-d on n made niniik of inont American states orul Indictment charging blm with of Adtnltul I !-)" wna rcnuivi-il from (-ulon to licud tlio funurjl irocun-l iiirn lit have died within the lui- tin- c.tiiioi in tint prfM-iuo or rrcxi-iNiou in AriuiKOn rviiirii-r. Tlio' t Hurler or a ii'iiturr. lit- wan com- tleltl Wilton, nil HKMiitirrn of the ciib-ldrnlli innk of tlio adttllr.il iuj mado missioned lo do this work by the Itn t, iiKiiiitx-m of ronsreMi and of the' by V K. J liunbur, mIio h:i nlto Naiy Impart nient. Aawrlcaa Cmtom Ciwrds Woa't Let Sfeslcaait Ctom to failed Hulaa I'BUl.Ttiey Take a lUtb Mexirsa Cavalrrmra Drive Mob Iron Bridge WIUi Whlpa--XaUTe EUtcd at Perahiag'a More. complicity in liquor shipments Into E, pABO , 2.srloum rlot- i Washington In violation of the pro-' , , . ,. , . ,, , l.tbltlon law. i '" '" ""'" """ v" u,c -" Police officers of Seattle entered I0YOTE HUNTER CAN GET A JOB ll'KUT IV I'rT KXTKHMIX.V 10.V WA.STS K.lKltT (XIVHTKi HXTKIt W.IU MIH)X TO IIK HK( KHKI U.V AMMAI.H BALDWIN BILL PASSES SENATE mi ici: ok ct.i:itK of t iitrriT UU'ltT Hill KI.AMATM I OIX1V Wll.l. UK AIIOI.lHHKD II' IIOV KIIXOII HHJ.VK llll. I. Wintul-A oyi huiiler. A rral loie Imntrr, u man who can gol f. la wanim by It. A. Ward, naalat- in I lie I'Mtird Ktntia hloloalrtl' f. hu U hero in heln Klamath wra ami utockniun get rid of "tea and JncknibhllH. InricoiuTiitloii Mil), ii. t. tnla)i-r, inly airlriiltiiriil iiki.hi. Mr. Wiird 1'ilng to bt-Kln war on tlio coyottH liUnnlli UMilitv. mill wuiiIm a muii Mp him. Ih run bo found at Mr.i "m olllcc In tlio Loom la build-1 Only llii" algnalurt' of (luwrnor Wlttiycombo now la needed lo make law of tint bill nbollahliiK the office of clerk of the circuit court for Klnmntli contiiy. The Iioumi of rnprnn'iitn llvm of t lie Oregon Irglalnturo iinwied llir bill Friday, ncrordlng lo tlio Ore Kiinlim which urrtved laat iiveuliiK. TbU hill wna introduced In Hie Miintc by (Seorgu T. Ilaldwln, rnn tor from thla district. It puancd the senate aoine I Imn ago. The bill pro ldex that the office almll he nbollNhod nt the end of the tt-rm of th liicum hint of the office, tleorgo Ohuatnlii. Thla will ho the flrat Monday In Jan nary, till 9. Horn on .Vote. Ann;. II. Morrow of Portland today rtarti'd suit In circuit court iignlnal 8. K. MrKrnalo to recover lVi itllfKod in bo il'iio on a note. Whllu tt Wliltn of iMiilnnd reproneiit plaintiff. 'ack Rabbits Are Scarce in Klamath (pert in Pest Extermination is Not Satisfied in Killing 85 Rabbits in two Nights at One Haystack iTliero nro not m,Ugh jnckrubhtU "IU1H1UII COIllllv In muk.. . r..il vniivniliiution campaign, inya U. llllfll i.ul..a . .. ... 1 . " iuni in llio blologltul '"Yt Who U lini'ii t iui,hI. ...lit. uny Agriculturist II. It. CJIalsycr." ward la uu expert on pest citer nut on. ... ' ii,h rrt Rock cuntry thla win. .. , urn, B1B Knlod thoustndi ot rabbits wiih .!.. -.....-i- m 300 m 4 :;:'::': ":!" i.,.i. i " rovn ounce or 'llllle, I.BKI Vl. In n.ni. ...... IK kill vivumi- Dut -on Vr 75,00 Bt 0Mt ot k,f- Wind la Homowlmt dUnpimlnt eil. TliiirHtlity iind Friday nlglit Ke. jler hrotliem of I.ingell Vulley put ut ' ..!.,. r.mnil .inn IlllVHlack Btlll KOt rwiBU WflWMt.M M..w .,..,... - 'only 85 rabbits. In the Orlndnlo dls- irlcL iwcnty-tlvo ruhhlls were puis onml ono nla-ht. There Just simply aren't enough rabbits to poison, says Mr. Word. Anv community wanting lo clean out the rabbits In Its section may have tn btlp of Mr. ward and Mr ni.l.Mr hw annlvlnr for II. For lix,,!.. f lha nnlaan will bo furnished free, too couuty wjll donuie the strychnlno, and Instruction In using It will be given gladly. T. CampbeD Takes Office as Governor of Arizona I the same ptea. GET $55 MORE i FOR TERMINI - y I'.riltiK USOX GIVr 933 AXD I'llOKNIX, Arli.. Jun. 2!. Tom t the Biipreiue court's decision that he fniiipbell took po.neio.Ioii of thu ex- I '' de fucto governor iienditiK set .,...!. ,.m...u ..f .1.1. .mm n.i- .,i.,r.ll,,"u't "f 'h gubernatorial contest. .... I Kx-l.overnor Hunt's office force lug. and beg.,., wading through n(M ( ,,. ,,,, morn,nf ,. kiius of busliiemi which hns piled up. ,MK, Campbell announced thnt he' luce the fight between he aud ex- would retnln them. Coventor Hunt started. Campbell will deliver hU message Campbell took office a n result of 'to the leghitiiiurc this afternoon. j SUBMARINE 6ETS THREE STEAMERS (.F.IIMA.V OFFICIAL HAYH OXF VFHSFI. WAS TIlAXNIIHtT CUAMMKI) WITH TIUM)S, AMI WIIXT IKIW.V IX TKX MI.M'TFi PERSHING MOVES OUT OF MEXICO GF.XF.UAIj FU.XKTOX officially AXXOUXCr ItF.TIItKMKXT OF AMKIUCAX AIIMY FUOM SOIL OF MF.XICO WmW0WWWWmm0WW0m0W0WW Indians Plead Guilty . ItKDDINC. Jan. 2U. Chief Alex j under mid three tribesmen, Wlntun Indians, pleaded guilty here today to ( killing deer out of season. They were sentenced to ninety duH In Jail. The Indians of this section arc Kiently aroused oxer tho operations 'of the law. IILIlLIN. Jan. 29. A German stib inurlno operutltiR In tho Mediterra nean Koi has sunk three ships since SON ANTONIO. Jan. 29. (iniu-rnl John I'ei'shliiK, In command cf the, lHinitlvo expedition which was sent January 9th, according to the oiriclul'into Mexico to get I'uticho Villa, Is on Cerman btatemeni. his way out of Mexico, Oeneral Fred-. One ot the veiwels was an unlden-' Crlck Fu lib ton onlclnlly announced to-, tll'ed sterner of 5,000 tons, another , was nu armed transport crammed, , .. ... ,. , with troops, which ssnk In ten mln- Uinurul ,,'h"' '" ,roceJ!a t0 Kl tites, mill the third was the Urltlsh '" -" continue to report to (len tiinkur l.nrlleld, whose captain was crnl Funstoy until ssliipd to suuii'i SUTTON KILLS A COYOTE AT NIGHT ANIMAL IIF.1.IKVF.D TO UK ItAUIli AS IT WOltlUFD IHMi AXI MD XOT IlUX AWAY WIIFX 81'TTOX CAMK OUT TO SHOOT IT. bridge was resumed this morning at 7 o'clock. Five hundred men and women, la censed because they were ot allowed to cross the bridge until they had bathed, threw atones and bottles at the American custom guards. Two of the guards were Injured. Mexican cavalrymen with whips dtove the mob off the bridge. The crowd shouted "daath to lb Grlngoes." Mexican newspapers declare that WOMKX'S 1,000 CLIB GET I lbe Hot,,, u the outgrowth of a feel I'HOM TWO XF.W SUIMCniBKRS TO Fl'XD Iiurge W. Mason is the latest con tri.iWor to the fund to buy terminals mid rights of way in Klamath Falfe for the Strahorn railroad. Mr. Mat-on l.a? signed a contract for 125. He l; not a member of KUmaih Falls Uusines8 Men'a Association. The Women's 1,000 club Saturday b-.'iiteil $30 more for the terminal fjud. Mrs. Ada Johnson gave 125, :md Mrs. Julia Darlow $5. MAl'DF. F.VAXS SUCCUMBS to nuiGirrs diseask Tho queen of Klamath Falls' re stricted district is no more. After an illness of many days, Maude Evans died yesterday morning at the Black- Jbiirn hospital of Urlght's disease. Nu funeral arrangements have yet been made. Ins of triumph over the withdrawal ot General Pershing's punitive expedi tion. The Mexicans believe President Carranxa forced Pershing out of Mexico. MEDFORD BILLS MAY BOWL HERE J. K. BODGE, JUST RETUBXKD FROM MEDFORD, SAYS ELKS THERE WANT TO MEEt LOCAL ELKS IX TOURNAMENT 3. E. Bodge returned last evening from a short trip "to Medford. Mr. Bodge states that the Elka at Med ford would like to meet the Klamath Bills in a bowling tournament. The Medford boys are willing to come to Klamath Falls first. If the boys here wilt give them a return game at Medford. The matter will be taken up with Klupcl Rekigus. A. Klnspel, who has been employed by K.Sugnrmnn during the early win-' tno loca, bowlers, and It Is believed tor. bus restgued and will leave for ( that arrangements can 'be made for California. the series. taken tulMoncr. SKINS OF JACK RABBITS WANTED post a h major goucntl. I Una New Dtllvry Truck. After no Utile trouble. Kos Sutton of Yonuu valley a few nights ago' na .in niti-t; ,., .tiioi a cuyuiu wiiieu lie ueneves as O. w. Itobertson. proprietor of the i abld. The head hus been sent to Kluinuth Falls Htenm Laundry, hus purchased u uow auto truck to deliver tho finished bundle and guther up soiled clothes. In consequence, Guy Walters, driver, Is much elated. HLVKIUL SAMPLE SKINS WAXTW) BY FOR TESTING firm which wants' to try out juckrr.b UFJblt skins, and has asked Mr. Ward to I are! i.nimiluri. KLAMATH JACKI1.H!IIT8 ARK M. Wrrd 8HyH ,r, to 18 ccuts EASTERN FIRM I'011"'1 l'"r 'nl,blt skins la nut enoug1! to iiiuko ;ni:Kranuu iiuniiug proiua ble, nor enough for the skins them selves. Ho csks that anyono having skins msy bring them to the office of 11. R. Glalsyer. county agriculturist, and tlity will bo made up Into a ship ncn. Bklna ot poisoned rajiblta are ac ceptable. Mr. Ward saya poisoning does tint hurt rubbll sktui. Mr. Firmer and Mr. Stockman, If you want to help develop a marKet for Jackrabblt skins, hore la your op portunity. 11. A. Ward, biological imurvcy assistant, says he la in com timmlcullon wllh uu Eastern furrlor 11. K. (ilnlcjer, county iigticulturnl iipout, who will have It exnmlncd for I'iibles. Mr. Sutton shot tho coyote at his ranch after being awakened at night by his dog, which was chasing tlio coyote about the yard. After Mr. Sutton uroso and went outside tho coyote run under tho chicken houte and at there while Mr. Sutton shot htm. Apparently the coyote was not in tho least frightened and made no uttempt to elude Sutton, beyond run utug under the chicken house. MIm Reed Leaves. Mlsg Rose Reed left this morning for Oakland, where she will enter the Fablola hospital to become a trained nurse. Will Learn What California Gets Local Men Today Are Getting Data on Amount of Business Klamath Does With California House To gather information on the union in of business done by people of Klamath Falls and Klamath county with Buvrumento, MarysvtlW and Baa Frundkco, Fred Fleet; secretary of the Klamath Commercial Club, Law rence Mehaffey and J. E. Swansea to day are culling on local reUllera and wholesalers. The figure unexpected to be laige, as Klamath doea moat of Its l null n g with California. This Information la to b'e used In the campaign for the Strahorn railroad.- By the figures gathered to day It will be shows that as enor mous amount of business Portland Is losing each year because Klamath has no quick railroad connection wlUt I'ortlaad. . " The 8trahora railroad will furnish this Quick connection. h 4 s -T I . V ..f;r H.V . t,f lbfflRa'tV.'f , jXQtte&frt&ht. , i -