m KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER -TTr'-,T,,"1r"'',l tTt WirHlf-5r Stty? iEmmfnn IteraUl cajBrj. :y fi i' f i ii i ii i i i .. I. ..,., ... . . . . . . KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER lltvsnth Var-N. 1,107 T. .n l m,-r rmrr , KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY. 23, 1917. Prlea Plva Canto ENATE WILL CONSIDER PEACE PLAN 1ENAT0R JONES BRINGS UP DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM Wilson Waiting to - ,., ij-i.-.v.tjvi.vut. , Tjy.n yuyi.ru aider is Expected in Other Oceans 4AI DISAPPEARED AS MVSTERI- OUSLV At IT ARRIVED Rumer tmi cruiser oiatgew unx Raider It Discredited German Sub- marine Reported to Have Stepped Spanish Steamer, luminal Htr P art, ana Than Allowed Mar ta Pro ct4 an Har Way. 8UBNA8 AIRK8. Jan. . The Orr Imaa sea raider which terrorised allied Wilson Is Cheeredby Englishmen MANCIIKHTBIl. Kugland. Jan. 23. Tb name of President Wilson of the United Stales waa cheered (or five ruin utea wkaa It waa mentioned caaually by U. J, Warder at tot owning of the merchant .hip In th. South Atlantic fTMU" of ,b" Btfaw pittr apparently haa disappeared aa Wy.teri- XoJ- Tb otr,lon Pnteieoue. ouly aa It arrived In theae waters- , """ overwhelmingly ap- Her appearance. In aatfher part of rov ,he MlnWrr Mender- lib world wltlr another drive on allied hipping U predicted today. , The rumor that the cnilaer Glasgow liuak the raider la entirely dlieredlled. K la reported bare that n aubmarlne, supposedly Garmaa, stopped a Span- lh steamer off the Platte Hlvar. exam Ined her papcra and then permitted her to proceed. on, Mod in anil Ilarne In supporting Lloyd Oeodgc's formation of the recon strutted government. elm follows WILSON IDEAS FORMER PUPIL OF PRESIDENT AT VAN MAWRtSAVS SHE WILL CARRY OUT PRECEPTS TAUGHT NCR IV EXECUTIVE WASHINGTON, Jan. WOMEN WILL BE ADDED TO CLOD KLAMATH COMMERCIAL CLUB TO START CAMPAION TO QKT WO MEN INTO ITS MEMBERSHIP ON EQUALITY WITH MEN A campaign to add women of Klam ath Fnlla to the membership of Klam ath Commercial Club In to be launched poon, according to J, W. Siemens, president. Afl'er they heard tlm re Kirt of the club' work in 1916, many women at the annual banquet taut Frl- ... !... - . " " day night, expressed themselves hk Hlegel, former pupil of President V. .nxlous to Identify theniaelvea with the nun whrn he waa profeaaor of polltlrnl Commercial Club. science at llrn Mawr, today Joined tho suffragette silent aentlnela at tht While House galea Accordingly the club will makn a special effort to get aa many women ah poaaiblo Into It membership. The duet WITHDRAWAL OF PERSHING FORGE IS BEING MADE CUTPOSTS ALREADY HAVE BEEN ORAWN IN Moveirent Toward American Line Will He Started Immediately, It la Official- ly Learned Oetpltt Withdrawal, Tnere la Na Intintlen of Lifting Em. Largo on Arma and Munltlana Inta Mealca WASHINGTON I). C. Jan. M. The withdrawal of General John Pershing's ixpedltion from Mexico la now under .'. The outK.i.tn already bavo been iti'n In. and the general movement tou.rd the north will follow immedi ately. This rut officially learned to day. Tht laat chupter of the American ex pedition to gel Villa Is being written. No date haa been net for sending Ambassador Hatcher to Mexico City. there li no Immediate Intention bv President Wll.in to lift the embargo on i.tmo Into Mexico. IMMMMMMWM WOWMMMWDWOWrtWOWOW I wwwwMWWXWWWWWWWW Men Lawson Has Dragged Into "The Leak PENROSE FORCES FIGHT FOR BOSS UNITED STATES SENATOR PROM PENNSYLVANIA HOLDS BAL- IN STATE LEGISLATURE ANCF. AS IT ASSEMBLES TODAY Miss Megitl declare ahe proposes to ityf women nrobablv will bo Ichh than oarry out tho precepta I'renldent Wll- for men. W. I'aul Johnaon la head of "or taught her. I the memborahlp work for tho club. Congress Advances on the White House President and Mrs. Wilson Will Give Annual Reception to Congressmen and Wives Tonight KAItUltillli'IUS. I'a.. Jan. 23. I'enii- rltinia'a legUlaluru reaiHembled X iliiv. vlth the power of the no-called llot-H, Unlrwl Stnlea Senator Holes I'euno. leader of the republican or- vnnUntlon Hlnce Matthew Stanley Quay died in 1901, in the balance. I!v electing IUchard J. Ualdwln na rpe;ikrr of the houao three weeka ago. rcim-HC men defeated the oppoaltlon led by thnernor Martin Q. Brumbaugh ami din Varen. The apeakerahlp wus only Incidental to tho battle. Tho real 'aST tliBi ' ' -.SSSP,., mSEWTm H 'BEEvk 4n -"ak -vSEEV J9m eEEEEEfl InSf ' " "5? aftV -LHaal m&mE-i m , uSsu Saflr m JzmM. r TW'V' .liafiSflSEt -TSBar SiSLTaTaT M yvsVk7-H i v'jhbbbbbW bbra -iBRflH f rrV bsrp v4 IMyPWBWf -4jSR. SRMaS M& faV WaTyiJni NPjHnrL.asT .RR HbLeRRRw iRRRfPiwcRRRRRR . eRRRRRRRRSx .bbbbRRRS BsjRRRRRRrW -aWjRRRRRRV .RflBRi .'bIsbBjB ,M MrRRRRRRRRrWjRRRRRRRRRRRibJ rtir-'1" TTrRRW BbbbRRRRrI MrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrV-rrrH IKTW'-rrrrr bbbbbbTeRrI $&? Ve.RrVbbbbbbRRr1 -K H MX: W1rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr1 BRRRRRRRRRRRv BRJ -SBV Lm laBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRl BM BBBBBBBRRRRRRR BR mSbJ BBR EfjEfjEajEajEaigEBeEBBBBBBBfJ I-brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrW v brrrW BjJ a. & K3iMBtjM3Bi--i Sv-eRRRRB: -i BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRvBRa " Vt ii H'VBBbb BRlBM flB sRRRRRRRbbbuIbbVNVBRrI .LBRRRRRR SRV'I R jj Jfy'fJm sR Hear From Europe A0AAAAAmA000tmA00mAAAA000Wn Swindle in Food Revealed IJKIILIN, Jan. 23. X giganiic food cwindlln? scheme waa uneorered to day through the arrest of Frau Kopfer I and daughter, alleged prominent real dlntof Derlin, who are believed to i have-ttrindled a million marks, j Frau Kupfer went to Leipzig at the J Leginning of the war and borrowed 409 ; marks. With this abe bought and tt- -old food. Recently ahe organized' a M.0W.000 mark concern, and then te cs n a systematic smuggling game. FOREIGN NATIONS MAY FAVOR WORLD LEAGUE PUNV, FIK. COUNT VON BEW5TORFF. WM,C MC AVOO L, PAUL M. WARBUR6. lit 1. HENRV. STUART .m3UNV. AffqUBALP S. WHITE. ; Working Out of Presidents Prefram Would Mean Neutraliaatien of Pan ama, Kiel and Sues Canala and Dar danelles and Gibraltar Speech Ex pected to Add Momentum to Peace Movement 23.-r- for a MANNING MAY SHE, CITY FOR CLAIM Ilefore the rules committee of the Iioukc of Harvey Fisk & Sons, and n house of representatives Thomas V. aenntor whose name began with "O" Uwaon said ery prominent men hBllnlnuinl an account In the market. , I Stuart Glbbvny, a New York lawyer, some knowledge or connection with ' Md ,)e miJ heard acw, np n the leak of information about Pre!-1 between. He said I'aul M. Warburg dent'a pence nolo-'or Secretary Ijin-' formerly member of the Wall street sing's explanations of It. . house or Kuhn, I.oeb Co., one of tho Lawson said Chairman Henry of the largest in the country, and now vice rules committee suid he had heard Se:-'governor of the federal reerve board, rotary of the Treasury McAUoo wus was a banker who Had knowledge of concerned in stock market operations. Mho U'ak. He gae Chairman Henry a Tho Doston niuu said Archibald S. laulliorlty for the rumor that the Oei White. of the Wall street house of man ambassador to the United State. White & Co., had said Secretary Ml-i Count on nernstorff. made J2.00O.OC0 lon as to ,ne lsallty of the claim.. WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. President Wilson's propoaals worid league to prevent future wars will be brought before the senate next Monday for consideration. A resolution" to this effect -by Senator Albert B. Cummins was carried by the senate rttais morning. Debate will be limited to one bour for each member. - hT" jW7 tit Jl Senator Jones of Washington. Wt-en Cummins' resolution was before .tJiOj .., , senate, asked that sections of the dent- ,--; ocratic platform of 1904 and 1912 re lating to executive usurpation and rights of states be read. This was done, and then the senate without fur ther comment ceased consideration of' the president's speech until tomorrow. President Wilson is now waiting to hear bow the belligerent nations of Europe receive his' Bpeecb. He antici pates objections, but believes his pro posal will add momentum to the peaco movement. The finance committee, of the city Foreign diplomats agree that the lit; council last night reported adversely eral working out or president Wilson nn .h rinin, of Homrp m Manning tnr suggestions would mean complete neu- ... , .., , ..... trallratlon of the, Panama, Suex and J00 as pay for his services in drafting, K,e, cana,g 0fibf) DHe and tho city charter of 1911. known as tn( Gibraltar. Somo of the diplomats in Sanderson charter. (Washington have indicated that their The council referred the matter to ' governments would favor the program. City Attorney Groesbeck for an opin- LOCAL ATTORNEY WHO DRAFTED SANDERSON CHARTER INTI MATES SUIT IF COUNCIL d6E8 NOT PAY FOR HIS LABOR Adoo, Pliny Klsk of the big Wall street out of the stock market. Absolute limit on all dobato of any legislative subject , thirty seconds. ' There shall bo no party slanders ut- Nn tlmo limit on discussion by the wife of one congressman on the dress WASHINGTON. Jan. 13 fnnrre.. I'i donnlnv itu u.-kit.. -... .. .it.-. I " "" "l,V TVil U 0WKMUP- all today, preparatory to moving Into hO White llnil.n fno tmtf kniim KI. "tnlng for tho rnoual cons reaaloan'l i ,,reU or ,0",c' i aired, ewptioa given by Prealdent and Mr. v.IIuob. It always marks tbe largest ri gatnering In Waablsgton of eon- of the wife of another congressman. gTMiloBal talent, abetted by (be beau- That every confidence is held In the y of tbeir wivaa. ability of Beoator Lewie' 1917 model At a special mooting of tbe commit- knftar. to mako a sensational hit. tee on rules In both bouaea today, tho That oxeoutlvo aesslona of membera ""owing resolutions nn Mnni4.l mil In iha -lata illnlnir room where refresh- nod acted upon Immediately to servo inants will be served, shall bo limited slrurRlf was for control of thaatstaor " euldnnee ut ih reception tonlghi : ' to foily-flve minutes. ' ulxutiou und control of next years Rfisr i ' v vrs BBHiS-F.c ss, ' cSf 4jT V'1 1 V--RRR---k- '- V4---SS C . BB-iV''iH'ViRwB e 1 s-----a-Mi VH -a-H k B-BRv '.s' ' 'aSRRl BB-rT-Rws-B-v IaB-BBBBBJ-I Submarine H-3 May Be Salvaged; Moved 3 Feet KUHKKA, Calif.. Jan. -T'jp stranded United States submarine !!:'. was moved three feet up shore today bya donkey engine. Salvage of tho diver appears to be certain. Investigation of the stranding of tho I'-.s tomorrow with tho arrival of Ad mirals Caperton and Fullam. Simultaneously Cuptaln Windani, roast guard sen'ice inspector, begins un iuu-rtigatlon of charges of Lieu termnl Howe, commanding the monitor Cheyenne, that tho crew inefficiently United States cruiser Milwaukee be- handled the stranded aubmarlne. rrlmaiics, when candidates nru to oe nominated for governor, congress and tho Ivttlblature. .Vined with the veto power. Cover- i.t I tumbaugh may rpoll his cnvniVr. plain. Penrose must get a twoihlrls vote to override a veto. Penrose lieutenants have been talk ing "Investigation" and "impeachment" of the governor,. Declarations that bo will be "SuUerlzed" have been made more, or less openly. Assemblyman Isadora Stern of Philadelphia haa re peatedly declared ha will Introduce Im peachment proceedings. Treaty Ratified WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 23. Tha president notified tho senate today that Denmark' and the United States have both ratified the treaty fof the pur ehuse of tUaVonlsh West Indies. I'" i'-i lh-)---i Only .Thirty Million NEW YORK'. Jan: 88. Directors of the Bethlehem Steal company tbls nf ternoon cut the common stock dividend twi 150,000,000. Tbey authorized that a 116,000,000 stock Issue be offered to thu stock holders at par, making tbe cap ita! Btuek of the company SCO.OOO.OOO. Manning declares he was hired by ex-Mayor F. T. Sanderson to draw up the charter, that the council acquiesced nnd that members of it assisted him in the draft, that the council accepted it and placed it on the ballot for ap proval by the people, and that the city med it for two years. It is believed certain that Manning Soldiers to Get Work WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 23. Tho United States employment bureau an nounced today that it had completed arrangements to obtain employment for all militiamen returning from tho Mexican border without work. will sue the city If the council does not pay the claim. May Get a Lower Insurance Rate Underwriters Man Will Make Survey of City Soon City Hold New Fire Truck and Two Paid Men Through the efforts of the city coun cil and City Attorney Groesbeck, prop erty owners of Klamath Falls may get a lower insurance rate. City Attorney Groesbeck last nlgbt road to the coun cil a letter from James McCune ot Portland, manager of the Underwrit ers Equitable Rating Bureau, la which Mr. McCune aald one of bla mea would visit Klamath Falls lu u few weelw, IV ii m make a suivey of the town, examine, the city'a new fire fighting apparatus, and report. Tbe city Is asking for. lower fire In surance rates on -the ground thai with an up-to-date Are auto truck, caeatWal ' . a . ,J I ,k -L ta apparatus una iwu uaiu uu mj ia ,..,. ,,(.: department tbe danger of loss wr wij ...v,-,- reus w iesa man swwya. In Klamath fore, ?"? ifi. &' - t' -,"- if -i JU . .yJ -! -3, Mlv L . , . it jjM$nib , vrv, t1 mrkMMi'mn? .. jt5 .6lViK ' 'jMi: gyn-UMf 'i u. u. .