Sttn? iEurnmQ Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER nr1-irnr..ii'iji.rggtMiiM7gamia8rT,Trri--iTgaMjggri ... ;. i-nr c-ifr t rrn Eleventh Year N. J,SO KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1917. Price Flva Canta Wilson Offers Plan for World Peace ijjinjtnnonrinri"or"Tnri" --- - - Armed Shipesfion Before Wilson Agami MAY USE DIPLOMATIC EXCHANGE POR SETTLEMENT Ambassador Oerard Cable From Sor Iln That British Steamer Captured by 0rman Sea Raider Brought 44) Prlsonere to Germany If Any Were Americana Wlln May Demand Im mediate Release. WAHIIINOTON. I). C. aJn. 22. Am nerlean Ambaaaador Gerard cabled tu lb state department today that the British prize steamer Yarruwdale. which arrived at a German port Hatur day, carried prisoner. Ha did not ibeatlon any American aa among the prisoner. It Is believed now tbat America will engage In a diplomatic eacbaug In an attempt to ttle Ibe armed ship Muni tion. Should It develop tbat the Yarrow, dale carried American prisoners, Irrl trot Wilson probably will demand the Imaffffcte release of the prisoner. PRESIDENT MAY CHANGE OFFICES WILL "IMPROVE DIPLOMATIC SER VICE WITH LESS POLITICS AND MORE REGARD FOR EFFICIEN CY" IS REPORT WAHIIINOTON, I). C. Jan. 22. President Wilson la planning a shake up In the diplomatic service after hi Inauguration March 4th. Under the old custom all American diplomat submit heir resignation after each preslden Hal term. The president will then "Improve the diplomatic service with lea poli tic and more regard for efficiency," II l authoritatively Minted. It In unconfirmedly rumored thnt Krcreiary of State Landing may sue reed Ambassador Page at Iondon. Here Frem Merrill. Fred Hlukel and L. I Pariah and lfo of Merrill spent I he week end In too county seat. Senate Passes Bill to Abolish Office Baldwin's Measure of Clerk of Circuit Smooth Sleding In tho Oregon senate, tho bill offered hy Senator George. T. Baldwin of this nlMrlct to abollah the olloe of clerk of the circuit court haa found araootb HKddlng. The senate paaaed the bill I ilday by u uoonlmoua vote, according ' advice received bare. The bouie haa not acted on the bill, o far aa ran be. learned. Voicing their opposition lo Ihe hill, he member of Klamath County Bar ""uciauon drafted Ike follow reaolu Ion, nnd forwarded It Friday to Sen ...r. - .....J.rrirn.riirirr. rLfl -1-- juhju Saved the Lives of Thousands Temlp McNamara, telephone switch board Ctrl nt the ChiiiuIImi Car and foundry company plant m Kingston. N, J., recently, mlaht he run away when iihe saw rlnmr IhmiIiir from one of the limine ni-nr a pile of shell. In stead he leleplioneil each of the llilr-t)-eveu building where ttiounandn of men were at work, "Hun!" hr raid. She worked till piicih of cxplmlltiK shell Iipknii to fall Ih roil eh the roof of thn bullilliiK she oc cupied. When the Inst mil wax made he fainted and wn carried out by tin; firemen. American Is Killed By Bandit WAHIIINOTON. I). (J Jan. 22. Pri vate Olson of tho Fiftieth murine com pany wua killed and Corporal Wilson of the Fifty-second compn'ny waa wounded In engagement Saturday be tween American marines and Santo Itomlnlcan bnndltH in Mncorlsj accord ln to offlclal announcement by the alato dcparlment. Wiping Out Office Court Meets With in Upper House ulor llaldwln nnd Representatives Toibca and Uurdock of thin district: The Klamulb County llur Aaaocla- tlun having on thi ISth day of Janu ary, 'A. I). 1917, directed drafting of a resolution earnestly instating tbat the I office of cleik of tho circuit court la Klutnatb county, Oregon, ahould be continued, we, the undcralKned law tiraclltlonera nnd monitor of aald bar iuaunnlnfllnn ullhuprltm in lllH MAIIlfi flH Continued on Page 4 P W'l !P55llll! I BBMLf' ifr Mil BSBk- tmtn BBBH .,, ik nffffffffffMnffjr-.. 3gv! MVVaHP' B (ADDRESSES SENATE FOR err nun mm: IN AAaatJts1 PEITON SAYS All SHOULD HELPNEW ROAD TO KLAMATH OIVES S50 FOR PA8SENOER TER MINAL FUND Fort Klamath Stockman, Spending Winter In Portland, Write te W. Paul Jehnaen That Strahent Ran. read Will Have Oaae) EWeet en All Klamath, and Should Receive Sup per! From All Quarter. The fallowing letter from James Pel ton. Wood llhcr Valley Mockman. to W. I'aul Jobnon. head of the main Straborn railroad paenRer terminal fund committee, 1 elf eiplanatery: Krlend I'aul I am walchlnR with wry much Intere!, the proreaa being nmile in the matter of the Strauorn ri.llioad, While there aeema to be n amount of cnthulaam abown by ii few, I fear there I not the general fi-ellng exUtlng that there ahould be. Of coure, I am looking al the altua Hon from afar, and get only the float in!; txpieiMlonK and opinion. Klam ath rail ahould naturally take the lorn!, imii ahow what Ihe town or city htioiiW do. Uut I feel that Ihe actual ti !li! In it of the propoaed line blngea on the u:rltanco from that particular point, t.nd the benefit to be derived do not mii with Klamath Kail, but tho whole county will be greatly benefited In mr.ny way, and the whole county Hhimhl help bear the burden. ' There I no question but that thoao poh'.tx which the line paaaea directly through will receive the greater Den tint, but thr aurroundlng part ahould iv'ond to Ihe call willingly. Ax for me, I will never be within (und of the whlatle. but I feci euro that vfen our aaaeaament roll la aug nci.lod by 11,000,000 or more, we will feel p, decreaae In our tax rate, and If nothing elo I am willing to add to your collection a trifle of which I am will bo aaved by every taxpayer 'n I It county. Kvery taxpayer In the (vuuity ahould give toward helping Klamath Kail raise ' the desired lunounl. I :io not know what the feeling la with the country people toward tho l-iopi rltlon. I don't auppoae weather toiuillion now will admit a county wMi cim van, but, really, I believe nt I hie putllcular time, the people ahould n jt wait for aotueone to make a ape clul trip lo get their little mite, but thnt I Ley abould aend it In, and if tho c.,iik allll needa more money, bend aoiiie more. Another thing, at thin particular time, la pointing to where some real benefita will be derived by thoHe of ua who live In the north end of the rounty and who have occaalon to do any whipping In car lota north from Klamath Fall, eapeclally to Portland. In December of ISIS, a neighbor and mvielf were both la Portland, and af ter ordering a earload of registered stock, shlppad than to Cblloqula, Ore gon. After putting la the order for a box car It waa Ave days before we could get out. The rate charged haa been taxed against me twice In the Continued on Page i COMMON PARTICIPATION IN SEN EFITf IS PLAN .; I America' President' In Second Speech of Eaecutiv Before Upper Houee Telle Hew Lastjng World Peace May c Assured yVould Have World Force Too Large for Any Power or Alliance to Withstand. WASHINGTON., I). C. Jan. 22. President Woodrow Wllnon addrced the senate today and outlined a world peace program wtiicti, be believe, would keep UMwdyld safe from future aggreaaion. He, 1 " red that the only laatlng peace Is ibaaed upon "equal- Ity and cotumo rtlclpation in the common President Wilson proposed to add the authority and power of America to the authority of other nations to guar antee peace and JuWicc throughout the world. He laid dew a the following bnni for peace: Peace founded on equality of right. United, independent and autonomous plan of organisation. Freedom of nil nation for the full development of their reource. ' Direct outlet to all nations to the grent highway of the sea, and free dom of thn sea to nil nation. Limitation of naval and military armament. Prealdent Wilson proposed that all nation adopt the Monroe doctrine as a world doctrine, and avoid any entang ling alliance which might drive them Into competition for power. He said aurunces from powers now belligerent imply that peace can not come without victory, and that lc tory will be the victor's terms imposed upon the vanquished, j "It I absolutely necessary Unit a force be created a a guarantor of the permanency of settlement so much I greater than the force of any tuition I now engaged In war, or any alliance hitherto formed or projected, thnt no nation or probable combination of na tions could withstand It," said Presi dent Wilson. "A settlement to guarantee pence 'cannot be Ioiik postponed, nnd Amer ica should foi tnulate the conditions upon which to ask It people to ap prove an ndheient league for peace. ' Alfred Noyes, the great KnglUh poet, who has returned to the United States, can see no end for the war. "I believe peace la very far away," aald be wben be landed. "There scorns to ba no end to our res ovlrces. Prepar ations have been made to carry on the war for a long time to come. What I aaw on the Sommo front three months ago looked to me that the war uitsut Inst ten years." HlCTftPV rH0U0Ui0 WOMEN 6ET $71 MORE FOR FUND FOR TERMINALS MRS. C. P. STEWART GIVES TWEN-TY-FIVE DOLLARS Writea From Hollywood That She WanU to Help Get Strahorn Rail road, Although She la Not Here to Actively Get Into Campaign Nine Other Subscriber Make Saturday's Contracts Reach $71. The people of Klaiuutb Falls, wheth er they live here now and feel directly the spirit or the times, arc coming to the front with support for the Stra horn railroad. The case of Mrs. Chas. P. Stewart 1 an example. Tbl morning the Women's 1.000 Itallroad Club received a letter from Mr. Stewart, who I spending the win ter In Hollywood, Calif., and in the let- jur Mr. Stewart enclosed a check for $25 to help get a passenger terminal bile for the new road.' Mr. Stewart al ready has given 1250 to the terminal fund. ! Seeral person living in Klumnth Fall subscribed to the fund Saturday 'tin ouch the effort of the Women's 1 000 Hnllroad Club. These are: Ophelia Green 10.00 Mrs. Hnttle Stcmwell 5.00 '.Mrs. W, A. DeUell . 5.00 J. C. llrockenbrough 5.00 Mrs. II. II. Edmonds 5.00 Mrs. W. M. Duncan 5.00 I Stocker . 5.00 Ambrose Tiahler 5.00 Mrs. Shnttuck 1-00 1 With the $25 from Mrs. Stewart this makes $71 raised by the women since the last llt of subscriber was pub lished. Will DANCE AT ALTAMONT RANCH 8LEIGH RIDE PARTY WILL LEAVE HOTEL HALL WEDNESDAY EVE NING TO ENJOY DANCE AT AL TAMONT RANCH AGAIN In response to Ihe urgent teqiiest of many of those who attended, a well as r. large number who were unable to bo present, at Ihe dunce given at the Attn niont ranch three weeks ago, arrange ment are being mndo to give another one Wednesday evening. Special efforts will be made to try ami mii pass the success that attended the lust party, and those who contem plate intending look forward to one of the most enjoyable evenings of tho winter. The party will leave the Hotel Hall nbout t o'clock in big bobsleds, and after u sleigh ride, which will prob ably bo "one of the last of the season, on of the rapidity with whloh Ihe mow is disappearing, the ranch will ho renched. where dancing nnd re f.imhiaenta will be the order of the evening. The music for the evening will be t WWWWW0WWW0 German Sea Raider Has Changed Field of Work WWWMWWWWWWWWWWWWWMWWWWWW! German Socialist Goes to Prison KarULIebknecht, German socialist lender in and outside the Reichstag. has again lost hi appeal against his' sentence of four and a half years in j prison for hi connection with the antl-j war demonstration of last May, andi now he must go to prison. He is sen-. tenced to hard labor during his term.! and will be excluded from the bar -Htril UK- sew uui. !.. I.n ..... ... $120 More Signed Up For Fund The committee on the Strahorn rail vnA turmlnnl fiintl ntinAiln,H thA fnl. lowing new subscriptions from busi- ness men not in the Business Men's Associatien: I)aid H. Lennox $50.00. G. K. Van Itiper Jr. 10.00 C. P. Burmestel - 10.00 Chus. B. Otey 25.00 A. H. Johns .: 25,00 MH'p'icd bj the Barlow orchestra and for those who so much enjoy tho music and dances of the early days, old-time "fiddlers" will be on hand to add a touch oC the frontier to the occasion. BaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaB ' bbbbib!1 dFkwBtHH LeV T JbT B Farmers Organize for Federal Loans Eleven Farmers From Pine Grove to Keno Form Association to Borrow Money Under Farm Loan Act On Saturday last about twenty-five fuimers met at the office of County Ag riculturist Glulsyer to study the pro visions of the Federal Farm Loan Act. Mr. Glalsyer presided after the meet ing was called to order by Mr. L. P. Hague, and gave a thorough exposition of the meaning of the act and the necessary steps In organizing to securo funds ncordlng to the terms of the bill. Bleven farmers then voted to organ ize, and proceeded to elect a board of directors, composed ns follews: Chus. SOUTH ATLANTIC SWARMS WITH SEARCHERS So Fruitless Have Been Efforts to Locate Commerce Destroyer That It I Relieved She Haa Moved Chilean Navy la Watching West Coast, Fear ing Raider May Have Moved Into South Pacific. MJENOS AIRES. JaaC 22. With the South Atlantic literally swarming: with searchers for the German sea raiders, the commerce destroyer apparently baa dropped from sight. It I believed the raider baa changed her field of operations. The Chilean navy la carefully patrol ling the coast, fearing that the raider might visit the South Pacific. FRANZ BOPP IS GIVEN 2 YEARS German consul convicted of viM iTIklft MCIITD1I ITV- -. TENCED TO PRISON AND ALSO HEAVILY FINED Ii $fc .: ,' It SAN FRANCISCO, Ja Bopp, German consul. waavaJMtenced today by Judge W. H. Hunt to three years imprisonment and was fined $10,000 for violating American neutrality.- Judge Hunt overruled the motion for a new trial. Bopp was convicted on two indict ments. He was sentenced to two years imprisonment and fined $5,000 on the first and one year imprisonment and $5,000 fine on the second. The prison sentences will run concurrently. Vice Consul von Schack and Lieuten ant von Bricken were sentenced the same as Bopp. Attorneys for the defendants an nounced they would appeal immedi ately. Yreka Man Visit. James D. Fairchild of Yreka is spending a few days hi Klamath Falls on business. Mack, Captain J. P. D. M. Cun ningham, F. H. Nelson and J. P. Sat terlee. The name of the new organization la tn be the Klamath Falls National Farm Loan Association. The directors then went Into jtlve session and elected Chat. afMk'M president, uapiain as viev yrvw dent and Mrs, L. B. Hague m'b,"' tary treasurer. The election m al Contiaaed e Tag 4 V H fct. ,v,tffrwt -