oftn v?nhw Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER jaaaac3ssrasurxLti7aiiia tlivsnth Year Ne. 9,20ft KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1S17. Prlen Plvt CMto Sea Raider Had Pigmy Submarines Aboard .MWiiiiwm) SWISS FORCES ARE ORDERED CONSUL TOLD TO SEND RBSERV. ISTS HOME Minister Rlttar Further Calls Out Triii Additional Army Corf, Bay Ira Nfw Man Should Replace Troop Now on Duty Malng of Qtrman Forces an SwIm Frontier Believed ta Be Waal Reaeen af Order. WASHINGTON. I. C. Jan. M. Rwlss MlaUtar Rlttar baa Issued or dan through all Swiss consuls abroad, ordering all reservists on conditional km la return lo Hwltmlsnd Imrae dlataly. Rillar alao ordered three additional Swiss army corpa lo be mobilised noon. Ha sy Harllaarland doe not (rat a hostile move, but believe new troor should b used la relieve those now mobollted. London reports recently have men tioned a maaalng of Uartnaa force on the Hwl frontier, and Ibla It believed to bo Ik rent reason for Minister Hit tor's ordtra of mobilisation. FARMERS WILL HELP NEW ROAD LAND OWNERS BETWEEN KLAM ATH PALLS AND OLENE WILL QIT RIGHT OF WAV FOR STRA HORN RAILROAO The farmer of the district between Klamath Palls and Olene are organls- Ins; lo help get the Btrahorn railroad, according to a telephone message re-j celved today from It B. Ilradbury. one of tba farmers. Thesa fanners are enthusiastic for the toad, aaya Ilradbury, and plan lo Klamath county, and nt last has sue take It upon themselves to get nil creded. At present he is '.n Salem right of way between Olene and the and t'oillnnd. meeting with other mem city llmlta of Klamath Kalis. They bers if Ihe commission. also txpect lo help with the fund for - a passenger terminal within this city. Yarrowdal Brings Survivors am A.MBTKKDAM, Jan. 20. The llrltlsh KANAPOLI8, Kan. Jan. 30. James steamer Yarrowdnte, currying survlv towle, ion of lha president of the Kx-jorw of several victims of the German change Htata bank, waa wounded In a sea raider, arrived hero this mornliiR. running Bght hero today with five bank The vessel will be harbored at Swine robbers. Tba robbera dynamited lhe,munde, a rorllOed Prussian town on bank vault tad escaped with $3,600. ' tho liultlc Klamath May Get Federal Building Representative Wires That House Votes $10,000 for Purchase of Site for Federal Buildings Here Klamath Fall may have a federal bulldlag. A Ulegram received this woralag from Representative N. J. HlaaoU of thia district aaya the house of rBrMMUtlvM yesterday appropri ated 110,000 for the purchase of a site for s fader) bulldlgg it Klamath Fall. The refrUtiaa kaa yet to paia the nestle aid Ikes be algned by Pros- Nest Wilson, it la eipeeted by many. werer, that the prealdent may veto tM atUra Mil for public building a tH rtUtta( ,., i MOBILIZED KLAMATH TO 6ET : ELK CALVESFROM WALLOWA COUNTY I TWKNTV CALVES-WILL BK HERK ABOUT FEBRUARY 1ST Stata Plan and Oam Cemmlaaiansr Stan Wrltaa ta Oam Warden Stout to Expect Calva and Arrange far Tholr Tranapartatlan From Chile- quln to Fort Klamath, Whore They Will Be Cared far. About twenty elk calves arc expect rd lo arrive In Klamath codnty within the next ten day or two week for planting In the wild of thin country. In a letter to (lame Warden Unity Stout rerehed thin morning, Charles K. Hlone, Mlr Ash and came commis sioner, says the elk will be shipped In crate from Wallowa count)' noon, and bould arrhe here about February Jut. The elk caheii will be unloaded at ClillMUln and taken from there to the Wood River Valley. U C. Slscmorc and other stockmen of that alley will care for the caltcii until they nre turn er. Then they will be telrnxed. fly thin meanii Klnmalh may In the future yearn become nn elk raising (jr rltnry of some consequence, nnd tin1 lime may come when there will bel enough elk lo allow hunters to shoot Kill them under certain restrictions, The state has a considerable band of !!: In Wallowa county. Finn nnd Game ( nmmloo loner Ktone for some lima has been trying to get elk calves for The clause for 110,000 for a site at Klamath Kails was Included In the bill Introduced before (ho Christmas holl days, but tho measure did not get to a vote until yesterday. Doaldoa the poslofflce, Klamath Falls hu (bo office of the reclamation ser vice for the Klamath project. The Klamath Indian reservation la the cause of much business for the federal court and cost of transportation to Portland of witnesses Is large) Much would be saved to the government by a federal bulldlntr hprof Russia's "Sacred Devil" Assassinated aBBBBBfJBBBBBY!! BBBBBBBBmaa jaBaaw3JBBBkBSi LRRRRRRff BRfc?jRK I ifjfMPaVv -'wlLm! BBBm maV4 i -? wr.m rrVIh I ErrV I RRRRRRRRRRRRRSBJ ' BBBBBBBBBBBBT' '. tireRur) Itaspulln. called the "Sacred I tot II of Ituimla." whonn lufluence over Hie ni)al family, particularly the csir- dm, became obnoxious, waa quietly a' hi-lnmrl by several relatives of the rrar and hlcb official. He waa one of OtoM strange mystical characters who hate floated through all Russian hU' lory. Ilanputlii had gained such power owr the royal family that It waa feared he would Interfere seriously with the conduct of the war. At any rate be Interfered Willi oOclals of such Importance that the Russian police frar to prosecute the men wbo killed him. WOMEN 6ET $200 MOREFOR FUNO WALFORD A WANN OF YAINAX GIVE HANDSOMELY, AND FARM ERS OF KLAMATH BASIN HELP GET STRAHORN RAILROAD Two hundred dollars for tho Btra horn railroad passenger tedminal fund was secured yesterday by tho Wo men's 1.000 Kallrond Club. These sub scriptions were secured largely out side of Klamath Kails, showing tho wo men nre not confining their efforts lo IH'rsuns In town only. Yesterday's subscribers were: Walfnrd & Wnnn, Yalnax f 150.00 Kred Plum. Keno road 20.00 Clyde Uradley. Merrill 15.00 Harks V Sons, Klamath Valley.... 16 00 Krom business men not In the busi ness Men's Association, the main tor mlnal fund committee yesterday se cured $35 mote for tho fund, as fol lews: Klamath Transfer Co 110.00 K. C. Mnrkwardt 25.00 COMMITTEES HAVE GOOD MEETIN6S W. PAUL JOHNSON SAYS HE SATISFIED WITH PROGRESS FOR FIRST TIME SINCE TERMINAL CAMPAIGN STARTED "Our new commltteea mean bual neaa; we are going to get the rest of the terminal fund," aald W. Paul John son, who la In general charge of all work for the Btrahorn railroad passen ger terminal fund. "We have had aomo tne meetings of the committee which have iven no l(ttle enoouragentant. "For the first time, alnee thia cam paign, started, l am aatlaied with the progress being made," Fred Houston and 8yd Evana are the cliulrtmni of tho two committees. TV-.L-.inrinrjuuinvinnruTjmrULW--u1.-Lr' BUCK ANDERSON BOUND OVER TO THE GRAND JURY OIVES BONO IN SUM OF THOUS ! AND DOLLARS I 1 i Bly Stockman Who la Charged With Bringing Liquor on Klamath Indian Reservation, Must Face Federal Grand Jury Former Employe, Who Would Take All Blame for Act, Must Alao Await Jury's Verdict O. T. Anderson, Illy stockman, thia morning was bound otcr to the federal grand Jury' by United States Commis sioner Dert C. Thomas ou a charge of Introducing liquor on the Klamath In dian reservation. Ills bond waa placed at f 1.000. which was furnished by W. K. Arant and C. D. Wlllaon. V. A. Saunders, a former employe of Anderson, wab bound over to tho federal grand Jury on the name chare. His bond also wis placed at 11,900. Ills sureties are Joe Joseph and O. T. Andron founder Mas with Anderson When the booze waa haued onto tho reserva tion In Anderson's automobile. Saun ders nt the hearing early this morn Inn swore be bought the booze at Dor lis and was taking 1t with him 'o runts, which he said waa his ultimate ileMinatiou. Pershing Not Moving SAN ANTONIO. Jan. 20. "Abso lutely nothing to it," said General Kunston today when asked If reports that General IVrshlng's forces were movinn from Mexico were correct. Another Town Falls UBRLIN, Jan. 20. The capture of the Rumanian town Nanesti. on the River 8ereth, is officially announced. The capture was made during a henvy snow storm, which Impeded the ar tillery. Clean Up' Chicago s Police Department EHWViW,l .fpSRRRRf-w Mayor Thompson of Chicago haa ap pointed aa chief of police First Deputy Herman F. Schuettler In place of Chief Charles C, Healey, who waa arrested on bribery chargee after be had left Ike force, , Chief Schuettler, who has been on the force for thirty-four yean, announced there; weuldbe a akake-np In his department. He will proceed to clean up the department, several of whose membora were arrested along whose membora were arrested along I with the chief on charges of bribery and conspiracy with dive keepers, I BBBBBBBBBBBBKB!roBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV ' bbbbbWBsRPJbT 'BBBBBTBbV. 'U L eBBBBaLgBB IB bbbVVbbbbbbbbbbbbbKS RRRRRRv'HRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRftTaaRRRRl Elected New Canal Zone Governor I kLadBBBBBBBBBBBBBte-- aBBBBBBBBBSBHRBBBBBBBl bH3H :RRRbBBBBBBBBBBBBwERbBBBBb bbbbbbbHBHbK I rBBBBBBBBHiwS BRRRRRfKairRa '' RbbbbbbbbISbbbbI I sHbIbbbI uBBBBmJkHbc3?SBBBBBBBBBBI I' bbbbKbSbbbbbbbbbbbbI ! BBBBBllalBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB! I bbbbbbEbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbTI i BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB- Colonel Chester A. Harding has just been apolnted governor of. the Panama Canal Zone by PresldentXWilaon. He was formerly engineer commissioner of the District of Columbia. He is sow at work in Panama. i SKATERS TO Br IN THIS C. R. MILLER WILL COMPLETE REEL OP MOVING PICTURES AT MODOC PARK RINK TOMORROW AFTERNOON Again tomorrow afternoon moving pictures will be taken of the ice skat ers at the Modoc Park rink. The film was partly made last Sunday and to morrow one reel will be completed. C. H. Miller Is taking the movies. The Ice skating at the rink is all that could be asked. Each night the pond is flooded with warm water, and next day the Ice is slick as glass. Large crowds are enjoying the skat ing, especially on Sundays. OREGON ACCEPTS SHACKLEFORD ACT SHARP DEBATE MARKS PASSAGE IN OREGON HOUSE OF REPRE SENTATIVES BEAN'S HIGHWAY MEASURE 8AI.KM, Jan. 20. State co-operation with the Shackleford federal act, pro viding that the government shall np !ror(ate dollar for dollar with the stnto in the construction of highways which run through or partly through national reservations was accepted In the house on behalf of Oregon. Representative Bean's bill providing that the state board of control should have the power to Issue bonds for hUhway construction .to meet with the conditions of the Shackleford act brought on an oratorical display that laated for Borne time. -P Fir Claim Eight Victims SHATTLS. Wash,, Jan. 30. Fred Qtlkaoi. hnttalton cklef of the ire de partment, waa burned to death today when the roof of tke Grand theater col- lopsed and caused the rise of fire. Kight other firemen were seriously in jured. WERE 18 FEET LONG AND HAD TORPEDOES 0w0wm00ww0w0w00wi4 COMPLICATIONS WITH GERMANY REGARDED NEAR SI1UATICU McRE CRITICAL THAN1 FCn MONTHS Capturing of Neutrals and Imprisoning of Them on Ships, aa Well aa Wider ; Submarinlna af Vaaaala la Caualna I No Littl Concern With Adminis trationOfficial German Statement Tell Yarrowdale's Arrival. WASHINGTON. Jan. 20 Danger of serious complication with Germany over the marine problems seemed near er today than for many month. The capturing of neutrals and Im prisoning tbetn aboard the Tarrowdale, one of the steamer taken by the Ger man sea raider, and the strong trend of German sentiment toward a wider submarine campaign have made possi bilities ominous, to say the least The official German statement re counting the arrival in Germany of the Yanowdale with neutrals among the prisoners haa caused grave concern In Washington. President's Action Attacked WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 20. To day's Issue of the Army and Navy Journal bitterly attacked the promo tion of Dr. Carey Grayson, President Wilson's private physician, to the posi tion of medical director of the navy. The Journal says this is the direct re sult of the substitution of the merit system for the seniority system. Car Shortage la Serious , WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 20. De claring that the car shortage is very serious and that it requires immediate relief, the Interstate Commerce Com mission directed the immediate return of all coal and refrigerator cars to their own lines when they have been re- celved empty. ' Siemens Reelected President of Club Will Guide Destinies of Klamath Com mercial Club for Another Year New Directors Chosen About 100 backers of Klamath Com mercial Club and boosters for Klamath Falls and Klamath county gathered around the banquet table laat night at the Moose ball to hear the annual re port of Secretary Fred Fleet, liaten to rousing addresses by membera of the club and elect officers for 1917. The banquet table waa filled; the spirit of the gathering waa fine; the interest great J, w. Siemens was re-elected presi dent ot the elub, Harold D. Mortenaon was elected first vie president, W. Paul Joknaon second vice prealdent, R. H. Dunbar treasurer nnd Fred Fleet secretary-manager. The following, dl lectori, were chesen: H, N. Moe, O. J, Hi a BRAZILIAN STEAMER SIGHTS GERMAN RAIDER Seen Off South American Coast Travel ing North Southern Republic Are CloMly Regarding Neutrality, and Raider la Doing Sam, la Report. Uruguayan Steamer la Patrolling tne Southern Coast. I tiUKNOS AIRES, Jan. 20. Accord ing to the captain of the British steam er Nethcrby Kail, several pigmy anb- marine were carried aboard the Ger man raider in the South Atlantic Three of these submarines on board the raider were about eighteen feet long, and were equipped with torpedo, dynamite and ammunition. The captain sated that he was treat ed well aboard the raider, but the quar ters on board the prison ahip Hodaoa Mara were very cramped. , RIO DE JANEIRO. Jan. 20. Thex BraxiUan packet atuneFBhtt report ed today as having sighted a veaael which is believed to be the German raider on Thursday. The vessel was sighted off the coast of Rio Grande del Norte, and was trav eling north at twenty knot per hour. The majority of the South American countries axe strictly guarding neu trality in their territorial waters: the steamer Coraario la patrolling tne Urn- Iguayan coast Several Brazilian war ships are now scouting In the South Atlantic. American Consul Gottscbalk declar ed today that official advice to him In dicate that the Germans are punctili ously observing International law, and have planned to avoid attacking any passenger ships. m Charge Dismissed. The charge against C. M. Adams on the Upper Merrill road, and his daugh ter. Rose Jensen, of obstructing jus tice, was dismissed last evening by Pnited Statea Commissioner Bert C. Thomas. Adams and daughter were charged with giving Deputy United States Marshal Frank T. Berry a "bum steer" when Berry was looking for Fred Hickey, wanted at Yakima, Wash. Eskelson. Carl A. Platb, Percy Evans, 1. D. Wbltmore, M. S. West and K. bugarman. W. Paul Johnson will bead the com mittee on membership, H. N. Moe will head the tourist and publicity branch, O. J, Eskelson mercantile, Carl A. Plata traffic and transportation, Percy Evans agriculture, I. D. Wkltmore so cial, M. S. West Industrial and K. , tarrnan civic. r ' J Good humor and optimism cnac;;,i teed the SDcha latnW.Tn, -?l naaVara warn J. W.' aUaaa.:XV-. J1 O. H. Bennett, C. X. JWnav:WfV' DeUell. E. a Hall "nnd ! Pnnl , ij son. Dr. E. P. Joknaon w',t, l""'ef' .i5f '. .si &m