-VI if t 3u intmn H?ratf KLAMATH COUNTY'! OFFICIAL NBWIPAPBR KLAMATH 7ALLT OFFICIAL NEWIPAKR j.aznrrrnri mirr j-. .t.r.-tM.T..Tllntlt Bltvtnth Year Ne. 104 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1917. Prle Five Coat Germans Take Movies of Sinking Vessels Raider Sinks Six More Merchantmen THIRTY. TWO VESSELS HAVI FALLEN VICTIM Captain ef Sunken Ship Radnorshire Ttll Mew Hit Ship Wa Eapleded After Germans Had Taken Cart ef Cerlte and All Other Feed Says H Saw Othtr Freighter Sunk In Iht tarn Manntr. UK KNOB AIRES. Jan. !. Tbe tier man rnldrr which haa been playing havoc with French anil Ilrlllah ship ping along the South American coast la villi at large. If lhi reports from Rio tie Janeiro arc com-cl, she ha captuied ala more merchantmen. Thla approximately nuke Ihlrty-two vr el which have fallen victims to her raid. The leu of the captain of the Ilrlllah sttamar Radnorshire tell a graphic atory of the activities of the raider. "On the night of January 7th, about 10 o'clock, we sighted a vesael ahead," ara the ci plain. "We were, traveling without light, aad when having alght ed Um stranger, imaaedlalrly changed our roorte. "Boon we aaw another atranger, ami shifted again. We were quickly pur turd and our crew donned lite belt. We hove to tbe it range ablp. and x German olBcera with twenty men came aboard, aeliad our cargo of coffee, look all our food and slanted aoveral dynu mite humha. We were Imprisoned on board tbe raider. "The following day I aaw two ven ala aval: In the aarae manner, and severs! store a Utile while later. "When any capturea occurred la the :)llnie. a German photographer calm ly look moving pictures of the sink ing." MAY HAVE SEEDS FOR THE ASKING ANY VINSON IN KLAMATH COUN. TV MAY OIT PACKAGE OF FLOWER AND ONI OF VSOETA LE SEED FROM HERALD The Herald received nearly WO pack agea of flower and vegetable aeeda thla morning from the United State de partment of agriculture at Washing ton. Through the direction of Itepre aentatlve N. J. Slnnott of thla district, thta department haa dlatributed thaae aoeda to thla district, In order lo fos ter the belter development of flowers and vegetable. The aeeda are of two atla, ono of flowera and one of vegetable. The flower aeeda are of candytuft, eoreop- via, morning glory, nasturtium and i poppy. The vegetable packagea con - tain pea, beet, lettuce, muakmellon and radlah aeada. Any peraon wlahlng (o experiment with theae aeeda may have a package of each by calling at tbe.Herald oce Haalay Imprevea. ( There la steady improvement In the condition of a L. Hosley's eye, ac eorclas to UfomatioR which baa been received here f ram tarn rraaelaco. Mr. 1 SeeJty'baa. be ts.SasrraseUoatQr vwrai waeaaraeatvwg traauseati Wa aesdrUa waa at trat rer44 aa very aertoui. it'U saw axpecied thgt U will be able to retura aoaie la the Msrfstsra, Thousand Club Meets Tomorrow To eomldrr matters of Importance In Ihe club and lo Ibe Htraburn rail road terminal fund, Ihe Women'a 1.100 Itallroad Club will meet tomorrow af ternoon at 2:30 o'clock on the metta nine floor of the Hall hotel. Mm. C. W. Kberlrln, prealdenl of Ihe organliatlon, requmla lhal all aub crlbfin arcured by tbe club attend the meeting tomorrow. WANTS SKINS OF JACK RABBITS i. . PORTLANO MAN WRITES HC IS AGENT FOR IASTCRN FURRIER HOUSE WHICH WANT RABBIT SKINS IN QUANTITIES Another msrket for jackrabblt skins baa been discovered. Ralph M. Camp- Den or rvruanu which io Kiumam Commercial Club, saying he wanta aklna or Jackrabblt In large quanti ties. Ilia address ! 7J5 Prospect Drive, 10(1 land. Mr. Campbell cay be la rrprrscnta live for a large Eastern furrier houi.0. and wlabea Klamath county farmers o correapond with him If ihcy want to tell jackrabblt aklna. LEE SAYS NO MORE STRIKES PRESIDENT OF RAILWAY TRAIN MEN FREOICTS THIS COUNTRY WILL NOT EXPERIENCE ANOTH ER NATION WIDE STRIKE WA8UINOTON. O. C, Jan. 11. President !ee of the nrotberhood of Railway Trainmen today expressed re gret that the brotherhooda had re acindod the slrlko vote, which reaulted lu thn paaago of the Adamaon law, He protcHlod lo the houso Inlvrstnto commerce committee against passage of Hrlko prevention legislation, and said be bolloved thia country never will wltneaa another nation wide strike, Prealdent'a Deeter Premettd WA8HIN(1T0N, Jan. 19. Dr. Cary T. Gray son, closo friend and private phytdclan lo President Wilson, today waa promoted to tho position of med ical director of the navy, with rank of rear admiral. Ir. Grayson baa been rreaiaent Wil son's constant companion since his lrt wife died. saw 1 .' OfskaJfaaL grippe. , , ,, JsdM Thaasaa Drake la astttrlas rroat s sayere cold, contracted while ha waV helping praaecsto the caaa agalnitWIllUm PoyHe. jjybjasjasjj THREE RAIOERS NOW 0PERATIN6 SAY DISPATCHES BRITISH STEAMER CAPTURED AND ARMED Many Snipe en the Eaet Ceatt Smith America Have Canceled Sailing te Chllt, Pterins Qerman Raider May New Re In Paalfle Nine Americana en Captured Ship Are Landed at Pernambwce. IJtT.NOH AIRES. Jan. 19. Three Gctiuan aea raldcra are now believed to Im op rating In tbe Atlantic ocean, ni ar Kouth America. Diapatchea from llln dn Janlero aay the DrltUb mrr- cLinlman St. Theodore haa been armed and outfltled for aervlee aa a raider. It la believed the ateamer Or tega haa been almllarly need. Fearing the raider haw entered the Inilfic ocean, areamd Cape Horn, tinny ship have cancelled Ballings to Chilean porta. Hln de Janlero report authoritative ly lhat the Dritiab freighter Yarrow dal, with many survivor from eight prlrea, baa arrived at Cape Verde Iv land. Americana Ara Victims WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 1-Nlne Americans were Involved In the activi ties of the German aea raider, Consul Stewart cabled to Washington this morning from Pernambuco. Theae nlnn were among tbe aunivora landed here. Right were crewmen of the Hrl'.lsh ateamer 81. Theodore. GENTRY HOME IS FOUND IN ASHES LONC LAKE HOMESTEADER RE TURNS TO HOME TO FIND HOUSE COMPLETELY CONSUM ED SY FIRE TOTAL LOSS When returning to hla home at Long take jratorday, J. D. Gentry, who baa been living on the Martin McAndrewa place, found all that remained ot hla heme wna black, amoulderlng ashes. Mr. Gentry and hla wife had left a little Ere in the stove when starting for town to'sell some chickens, aad to this Is attributed the cause of the ire. Tliftr- are no neighbors near the Gentry home. The personal and house hold belongings ot the Gentrys were destroyed, and all that the sorrowful couple could do waa to return to Klam nth falla. The house belonged to Mer lin McAndrewa. Mr. Gentry and hla wife came from California, and have bees living in the !nnK Lake dlatrict for nearly three months. HUMAN STERILIZATION PURPOSE OF MEASURE SALBM. Jan. 1, "A Mil for an act for the sterlllutioa of aezual perverts aad feeble mladed ladividuala." reads the title to a measure tatroduoed by Senator Farrall of, Multsasub county. The bill ymMM.rw4a,atarUIa- ties of'yerMsa farHseiaMy (sees. spOeptla aw fesMs, halssad, amd ys tf ta pwrtaaibaaajalTii ortbair ajsar. uw do sat slvo aosaoM tho ooara- tie aaay bo perforawr by order of tho oossty eosrt upon raooauMadtUo of a board of esamlalhg phyaiclau, i Suffragettes Picket the'.White House ! fM W eH aEMEtPeyR'WejaaaakAMEwJe BB iO EEESILbbbbV Beaaaam &aw' AaaeaBBBBBBBBBBa SEBK'gr T-!4"'W 'VsBBBaBaVEEVlHBaEH a BBBBBBBr"", aW I .'J-W TeRJaaK'BBBawlnSBBBBBwEJ m BBBBSii"'.jujBB m "ft-. 2aBr aBl . 4J? ?BB aSaSSKaSBBTLBBl iMPRje'e?V BBBBBBBBBk9fBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLl f ' M '"Oyy'r" T T rriELD. When a delegation of women from theConisresaluaal Union. led by Miss Maud Younger. Mrs. Sarah D. Field. Mrs. John W. Urannan and Mrs. Clar ence M. Smith, called on President Wilson to present resolutions adopted nl Varioua memorial meeting for Mrs. Ines Mllhollaml Dolssevain. failed tajxa they lost, because no attention was get n favorable response from blra.'paid to them by tbe president. Russians Advance; Rumanians Retreat LONDON. Jan. 19. "Disaster h.v overtaken tho enemy" la the wirelesi sent nut from Pctrograd lo Home tblt morning. Itiidges over tho Danube have beer awept nvny mid the Russians and Ku DOYLE GETS ONE TO FIFTEEN YEARS MAN CONVICTED OF MANSLAUGH TER GIVEN INDETERMINATE SENTENCE BY CIRCUIT JUDGE KUYKENDALL William Doyle, convicted in circuit court of manslaughter In connection with the death of Mary Wilcox and Mangle Jones in Langell Valley Feb ruary 8, 1015, thla afternoon waa sen tenced to tho atate penitentiary for an Indeterminate term of from one to fifteen years. Whrn asked by Judge Kuykendall if he had anything to say before sen tence was pased, Doyle replied: "No, air.'" Doyle will be taken to Salem soon. Tho new Indictment against Moses, O. Gerue, charged with rape, waa read to tbe defendant thla afternoon. It doe not contain the semicolon which caused the tret to be quashed. Ger rue will plead next Tuesday afternoon. WASHINGTON, D.C.. Jan. 19.-Sn- sttr,Fla4PfOrof Washington today offered in tbo aosat the wwnen'a atif frago constitutional amendment pro viding that "no one ahall bo prevent od from voting because of raceae or color." MW.iW tT!Pl fc i. -v mtvr 3 v it hey cccided te BtekeeB White House grounds. Aecorunsly they 1 placed there several yoonr women with banners which 'bor-the legend. "Mr. President, what will you do for woman suffrage?" outside the White . House gates on Pennsylvania avenue, ! Maybe they expected to be arrested. If ntnnians arc advancing on a wide front, the wireless says. Uerlln reports complete failure of Ihe attacks made by the Rumanians atone, and says heavy losses were In flicted by tho Germans. PRESIDENTS SENATE TO HURRY SAYS EXTRA SESSION OF CON GRE8S SHOULD IE AVOIDED. WILL NOT ANSWER HYPOTHET ICAL QUESTIONS WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 19. For o hojrs rnUay President Wilson urged the steering committee to hasten legislative affairs and avoid an extra KeRsion of coni-.ress. When asked whether failure to pass the railroad legislation asked by him would nmjerfsltate en extra session of congress, President Wilson replied that he wouldn't uiswer hypothetical questions. Ship Line Merger SAN FRANCI8CO. Jan. 19 A gigan tic steamship merger involving the Pa cific Coast Steamship company, Alaska Puclfic Steamship company and Great Northern Steamship company is re ported, hero. Although, it is dgi4 the merger, has been consummated, a man generally regarded as authoritative de clared it to be only a nutter of a few dayp. before the deal will be completed. Business After Terminals a1tsaijfljaMejAAsaMpe 428,000 Germans Captured PE1ROGRAO, Jan. It. It is aav r.ounced that tbe Russians captared ::o,000 German soldiers and S.0T7 Oer- man officers during the year of 111. It is estimated that SO per cent of these captures were made at the three monthh operations at BmslloaTs. SIEMENS NAMEO BANK PRESIDENT IS RE-ELECTED TO HEAD OF FIRST CTATE AND SAVINGS RANK. JOHN SIEMENS JR. IS RE-ELECT-, CO CASHIER J. W. Siemens waa re-elected presi dent oi tbe First Bute aad Savings bank of Klamath Falls at the annual election of officers this week. Tbe other officers chosen by the directors were: Ed Bloomingcamp, vice president: John Siemena Jr.. cashier; L. W. Me haffey, R. A. Mitchell and Louis Bol- dischar, assistant cashiers Tbe stockholders elected the follow ing directers: J. W. Siemens. George T. Baldwin, E. L. Elliott, Ed Blooming- camp and John Siemens Jr. 1000GLUB16ETS $115 FOR FUND DR. HAMILTON GIVES 100 ROB ERT CHEYNE, FARMER ON MER RILL ROAD, SENDS IN CON TRACT FOR 950. Tb Women's 1.000 Railroad Club yesterday boosted the fund being se cured by it tor a passenger terminal for the Strahom railroad by 1115. Tho new contracts secured were as fol fel fol eows: Dr. It. It. Hamilton -..100.00 Mrs. George Watt 5.00 Mrs. E. E. Lyon - - 5.00 Mrs. O. M. Hector 6.00 The main committee yesterday se cured a subscription of $50 from Rob ert Cheyne, a farmer on the Merrill road. Mr. Cheyne is one of the Erst farmer to give for the passenger ter minal. PLYMALE WINS POOL TOURNAMENT AT MECCA Leslie Plymale won the weekly pool tournament last night at the Mecca billiard parlors. Wade Short waa sec ond and Chester Rouso third. War Odditis LONDON. Jan. 1.-Mrt. Sarah Anhpy. who couldn't bear te let her son Arthur enlist in tho amy, wMwmMX-,W-JaMmmiJ fined $60 for concealing hint when tecttves raided their home aad found At tie under the bed. Men Go NAME COMMITTEE FOR VIGOR OUS CAMPAIGN Sahorrlbra t Paeeenger Terminal Fund for Strahom Railroad Hear De tail ef Situation and Organia to See Theee Who Have Net Swb ecrihed- Attitude ef the Council lo Lai. Tbe appointment of two additional committees to carry forward tho rail road movement was made at a roMtag meeting held by Strahom railroad en thusiasts at the city hall last evening. A determined lot of men gathered at the call of Chairman W. Paul Johaaoa ot the railroad committee and Presi dent O. J. Eskelson of the Klarntt Falls Business Men's Association, to derise ways aad meaaa for. Increasing ithe Strahom terminal fond. FatigBed with the atreauos eCorts ot the past few weeks in aeenriag too funds already secured and the obsta cles which have continually arisen to block the progress of the- wovesntat all appeared ready for any further ex- icruuii uni wvj Diui n csitcu upon to make. Stirring, peppery talks were made by Paul Johnson and Chaa. W. Eber- lelr. which met immediate response from the audience. BberlelH.'gave det nlle figures as to the amount now in contracts, tbe amount paid and amount promised. He gave the sum yet to bo secured, and outlined suggestions for going about the work. Following his talk a cossalttee con sisting of Fred Houston, K. 8agarmaa, Charles Riley. Walter Cofer aad B. B. Hall was appointed to work oat plana for securing funds from property own ers end those not already subscribiug. Eberlein asked that a finance commit tee be appointed to check over the funds received by aha, take over the contracts and attend to the collection ot same. Pedcy Evans, J. P. Canape!!. O. J. Eskelaon, C. A. Plath. M Van nice were selected tor thla work. E. B. Hall of the right of way eont- mlttee asked for the release of part' of the funds subscribed for expense In undertaking the necessary condemna tion suits for right of way in the coun try districts. Subscribers .present re leased over $3,700 for this .purpose If It proved necessary to use it Plans were made for the program of the committee which will be selected and sent to San Francisco, Sacramento and Marysvllle within a few days to seek financial assistance from the wholesale houses and chambers of commerce. Praiseworthy remarks regarding the effective work of the city council in handling the knotty problems before It tone of the meeting left the impression a KLAMATH IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR MICHAEL A. L. Michael, formerly of tbe Dairy country, returned lasr evening front Petaluma, Calif., where be tried the chicken business. He is back to make Klamath hla home for good. Mr. Michael says ho lost thirty pound In weight since he left Klam ath last October, and Is done with Southern California. He again will go Into the lumber business near Dairy,' Pout Kills Randlta. 1.-X unmui4i(ib. uiua., MM. ..,,.. posse this morning killed thro ban-: a IdlU, Oscar .PotWiU" Ar,tnja2aMWt .Hart, in a sg,t e4jfteenuiajjj.v; )of Okmulgee waa jaajajiol jgJmm.Sf day two other,roheiwf kOled by rtJ u posse at Okevah. 7 L' t( -rf i-wvi,.!i. - '"'.,m - 1 ,(fe$ 1 f&ajff ',. '"vysjsv 1 , J