'VI -? 1 KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NBWIPAPBK Jjra!3axxsia!asax.-tauaBaaaL-.tiatrtKi Eleventh Year Ne. 1,209 CREWS OF THOUSANDS OF SEAMEN ARE -MMHWOWaWlWWWWWWWWWWWXOWWWW, Johnson Says I'm With You TAR BULL MOOSER ENDORSE PERKINS MOVE Says He U In Hurty Accerd With Ef fect te Make Republican Party Pre greealve ana" Tatla Perklna ta "Oo ta It, ana All PregreMlves Will With Veu- Wllltes May Hava ta to Oawn and Out. NKW YOltK. Jan. U.-Jrors Tor kins, leader of the progreaelve-repub- lleaa revolt against the republican aa tlonal committee, announced (hi mor ning ih receipt of the followlnc mea ssge from Hiram Johnson, governor aad senator-civet of Califernia: "With your efforts to make the. re publican party progressive I am In full sympathy and hearty accord. "Go to It. and all progressives will be with you." Perkins baa started a fight to ouitt Chairman Wlllcos or the national com mittee. Oreeca Aetata Ultimatum A", HENS, Jan. !, The crown coun cil laat night decided to accept the at Ilea' uttlmatuai uarenervedly, and hai adloed the entente minister of He declaion. Nam Mlnlatar Named PETKOGRAD.-Jaa. . General U llaell haa been appointed nlnlater of war and General Chouvaloff councillor of the empire. Buck91 Anderson is Arrested by Indian Bly Stockman is Charged With Intro ducing Liquor on Reservation Case May Become Unique One Charged with Introducing liquor on .Aismath Indian reservation, O. T. "lluck" Anderson, a stockman of tho Illy country, has been arreatiwl nnd brought before fieri C. Thomas, United owes commissioner. Ho waa released on his own recognliance, pending u bearing. lieputy United States Attorney Ran kin Is expected from Portland tonight to conduct the bearing for the govern ment. Anderson waa arrested SaVurday or Sunday by Indian Bolloe,and bis auto mobile searched. Two demijohns con lalnlng whiskey and two bottles of oth er liquor ara said to hava bee foufcd. Andarsoa baa baas living an an Indlaa llotment on (he reservation, feeding cattle. Anderson's caaa may become a unique ono la law, It Is understood that tho government will attempt w fflqz iEutntftu l IWIII li wrTCTrrgri . tAMMMWMAMMMMMMMAMWVWMWMW 200 Drown When Boat Goes Down LONDON. Jan. II. A dispatch from Copenhagrn ay over 300 people were drowned when the Hulan steamer Hklftrl was torpedoed by a German diver yesterday. j FORT KLAMATH SEES 27 BELOW THERMOMETER DROPS WAY DOWN AT WOOD RIVER AT HORSEFLY REACHES 33 BELOW, AND 24 BELOW AT LORELLA It wasn't quite so cold last night. It was only 10 dearer below zero. Tues day night It waa 13 below. Ilut Klamath Kail can't complain about cold weather If It doesn't get colder than 13 degrees below zero. Tuesday nlghl It was 37 degrees below at Fort Klamath. 33 below at Horsefly, II below at I-orella. At Alturas, In Modoc county, Calif., It has been hovering around 30 below for some time. have condemned and confiscated tho automobile. In which he was carrying (be boose. An old federal atatute enumerates aleds, wagons, boats, etc., as subject to confiscation If used to carry llauor Into an Indian reserva tion. 'Automobiles are not mentioned, aa the statute waa passed before tho day of autos, nor are such words aa "other vehicles" used. Tho ,gwern .rnent may make a test case here to see If autoa can oe taaen. Today Anderson died a suit In the circuit court for recovery of the auto mobile, a Rao, which he vatuea at f S00. Ia asks recovery of the car or Ita equivalent and MM aa damages. William B. Freer, superintendent of Klamath Indian reservation, and Tom Iiarolay and John Jackson, Indian po liceman, ara named aa defendants. Horace M. Manning la attorney for Andersou. -m-jr WTI r KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, SUNKEN SHIPS l I Chicago's Accused Chief 0 Police and Others in Graft Case !BaW BBele"BnnaBBmBBBBBBiv m i j . , Kr .'." fcZaWaT ft , i BBbiI lAadB I't ' jBBjlBjttBjgiEBBB!?. ' ar i gnVBi apaaw'''ie " j ''"HflaaB- aWgejevwfflBjev s dt'c I BBBflaWiMBfaCBBRHs i.?r .aflBWBBBBBfc:& ' BBaBSVaWaVBRBBZBBBZBBERRff JBWBaTBWflBWBw7BWBWBWBmB& it BVMBlBBBBRLaBflBJBBBBBBfl S BV?BBEBaS'f'l s5' 2 TBBHh! VjaBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH n BBaBBBra k7j- Vf i .n'tLBBBBBBBBl l BWaBBWaBBWaBBWaBBWaaBBWaBBWaBBBl 1 BbF?..' f r2:cTiBWtr c. IBBBBBBBBKHbBBBH Fr - "-"--SBBM,a;'-v tMBWaBWaBWaBWaBWffeBTBWaaWaBI r- jarBaBgemgBBBBgvJUdpi I aBWBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBt 3BWBBBB1 vBBBhPtvBBvTV iu jasseespBe"t j EBbbBwbB'qbbiPi L jsbBwBwBwBj flaBBBBBaVBBVaaBaRRaw EBEB"Sjr avbbbbbbbk 3 WWBBBBBBJSppBBP L nBJS YSr rfPSRBBBBBK ff Vk v- .-. ,'. lJ , lVCK.'T 5 n jf i i fi , t M '?' . f SN-i?v;i $C3Y3 e .a --1 w (HARttS C HEALEY "MIKIDt rtKI" HttTUR- if, ,-v. ' v? a, I Mbvn rinnnn nniiK i ill i; M -SBnnW iWvTlm.N jjvv Avm. a y m. F v Pest Experl"Arrives Rabbits Are Doomed Biological Assistant Will Help County Agriculturist Glaisyer to Kill Rab bitsCounty Gives Free Poison To conduct a vigorous campaign against Jsckrabblts In Klamath coun ty, It. A. Ward, biological assistant In the United Btstes department of agri culture, will arrive this evening. Ho will remain In Klamath county about a month. Mr. Ward Is an expert In rabbit and other pest extermination. He will co operate with H. R. Glaisyer, county ag riculturist, in the work here. Mr. Glaisyer announced today that the county court haa set aside funds for the purchase of strychnine, nnd that thla poison will be furnished free OBRMANr tOSE TOWN ' AFTER tTORMINQ nWKBAlDin fan IS k Stlt. slans have stormed and recaptured I Vandwl in Rumania. Heavily rela-J lorcvu un uvriuuia buvwihvh iu re take the position. They advanced In a dense formation and Buffered great loaa. They were re- pulsed. j LIEUT. cn nil Charles C. Healey, former chief of nolicn of Chlcaso. has been charged -" . . ::.., ,., j wun laainx ktsu irom uisorucni nun ambling houses. Lieutenant Martin aii.ii MAmm.nrf.. mi ttiM TIca street " wmi. - -- nation, was also arrested on the same . . . jharre. Olliy BKiamore, a ssioon kvcp- ir. and leader on the West Bide, ana 'Mike de Pike Heltler, dive keeper, were alfo arrested In the same connec tion. to farmers who want to kill rabbits and other pests. To geTTho free strychnine, farmers of a community must organise a club and request thu poison through Uieir club. Tho request must be made to County Agriculturist Glaisyer, who will supervise all pola onlng. Clubs and other organisations al ready formed for such purposes may apply at any time for poison and tor tho assistance of -Mr. Glaisyer and Mr. Ward. ENOLISH FIRM WILL MAKE BIO PROJECTILE WASHINGTON, a C. Jan. IS. The navy department today awarded to Hadlalda. of 8nemeld. England, tho contract for manufacture of heavy or mor piercing projectjlaa for the Amer ican navy. ' a Mra. Haaalg Visits. -Mrs. Jon Hoaslg of Beawlck la a Klamutb Falls visitor. . . Herald JANUARY 18, 1917. NOT ACCOUNTED FOR Ships Sunk by May Reach Twenty-Six aaiaaaaMajaaiaaiajaaijajAaaaAaBaawaM KLAMATH WHEAT WINS PRIZE IN CORVALLIS SHOW C. O. HUNT AND JAMS CTANSRIC ARE WINNERS Hunt Takaa-Firat Award in Blue Stan) CemaatltienT and Stana4a-WHti Early Swart Oeta Second in Free for All Peterson, Baldwin, Glaisyer and Hunt of Klamath Attended Farmers' Week. Klamath county wheat captured two important prises at the farmers' week ahow at Corvallis, according to H. R. Glaisyer, county agriculturist, who has returned from Corvallis. C. G. Hunt, a farmer on the Keno road, won first prise in the blue stem competition. The prite was $35 cash Blue stem wheat from all sections of the state was in competition. James Stansbio of the same district took away the second award in the free for all wheat competition. This prize was a $15 grain tester. Mr. 8tnnsbie exhibited Early Baart wheat, which was introduced into Klamath county last year by County Agricul turist Glaisyer. Farmers' Wet'k was a big success according to Mr. Glaisyer. About 1,700 farmers attended. Klamath coun ty people in attendance were Mr. Glaisyer, C. G. Hunt, Fred Peterson and George T. Baldwin. STEWART GIVES $250 TO FUND WOMEN'S 1,000 RAILROAD CLUB INCREASES ITS FUND FOR PAS SENOER TERMINAL BY $165 YESTERDAY Charles P. Stewart fSSO.OO This ia the new subscription secured yesterday by the main committee on the Btrahorn railroad passenger ter minal fund. Mr. Stewart ta not a mem ber of the Klamath Falls Business Men's Association, but is a heavy prop erty bolder here. The Women's 1.000 Railroad Club yesterday added 1165 to the fund raised by It. Following are the sub scribersi CvC. Hague ,...1100.00 Mra. 8. 8. Johnson 15.00 Mrs. 8. O. Johnson 85,00 Mra. J. W. McCoy 5.00 Mra. Elizabeth A. Dressier 5.00 Mrs. K. E. Heldrlch 5.00 ARE May Name IslandsFor Sea Fighter WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 18. The three Danish West India Islands re cently purchased from Denmark by j the Unitad Statee may be re-named in! honor of Admiral George Dewey, who died Taaaday night. Represeatatlve Allen today Intro duced a bill to nametbe islands "Dew ey Islands." V BILL MAY STRIKE SNAG IN SENATE PRESIDENTS RAILROAD PRO. ORAM WILL HAVE EASY SAIL ING IN HOUSE COMPULSORY ARBITRATION AGREEABLE WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. In Chairman Adamson of the bouse Inter- It is understood that four fast' Brit state Commerce committee told Presl- ish cruisers, the Glasgow, Vindictive, dent Wilson today that his railroad program would pass the house. He said the real difficulty lies in the sen ate. Members of the senate committee ugreed today on the compulsory arbi tration of the president's program. Carransistaa Arrive WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 18. Pre-1 lared to occupy the territory which General Pershing's forces will vacate. 1 10.000 CarranzUtas have arrived at i Torreon from the south, the state de partment announces. Subscribers Will Talk Fund Tonight Meeting of' Business Men Who Have Subscribed to Terminal Fund Will Be in the City Hall Business men who have subscribed to the 8trahorn railroad passenger ter minal fund, whether In or out of the Business Men's Association, are acbeduled to meet tonight at the city ball at o'clock to work, out the des tiny of the railroad. ' - It will be a meeting where those who have will decide to meat those who haven't It will be n meeting for subscribers to discuss waya and means of getting help from non-subscribers. KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAKK Pried flvn Cento LOST Raider SURVIVORS COMPLAIN OF TREAT. MENT SY GERMANS r Four Fast British Crulsera Are Search ing South Atlantic for Raider Ru- -mor Saya Raider Haa Base With Food and Wiretcee at Remeta South American Port Flew Danish Flag From Kiel. BUENOS AIRES. Jan. IS The mar ber of ship sunk by the German raid, er In the Atlantic probably Is twenty. fix. it was learned today. The raider is of the Vineta or tho Moewe type. She la still at large, and is plentifully supplied with food, coal and ammunition. - ..; The French ship Admiral TreviUe: and the British ship Arguaya are mis- , ing and believed lost. The Japanese steamer Hudson Mara, which brought the survivors of the sunk vessels to Pernambuco, waa a prize In charge of a German crew.-.She may flee from Pernambuco and start ' raiding, it Is thought. Captives of the raider complain bit terly against treatment aboard' the prize vessels. They declare the food was Insufficient and the quarters poor., The raider left Kiel under the Dan. ish flag, with iron for ballast. , Orama and Edlnburg Castle ara searching for the raider. The fate of the crews of many of I ho merchantmen minlc is niralinr. i Less than 200 have been landed at Pernambuco although there must have been several thousand aboard all the vessels sunk by the raider. I The report still persists that 400 sea. men periBhed In the sinking of an un- named ship. Rumors have revived that the Ger mans have a good supply of food and ammunition and a wireless base at some remote South American port. Every business man who has sub scribed is expected to attend, "We must settle the question of a terminal fund tonight," saya W. Paul Johnson, head of the main terminal fund rnmmltt'aa.'KvWii mtut MtVUira aid new bjeoijkto tha campaign.-' IT-?4 night we eapdet tb'name eawgmilUa' of business men to. go after new au scrlpUons, both In Klamath Falla Sad In San Francisco. Sacraaaeato and Marysville." ' tfl V i l U 1H m ' &J . "(i :m Z& .A &W , f & l,."i"? It L. " . WAS