i m i jt-i tsK c t r if tjlj? lEuimmg HraU . 5 KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER jxMttzxaaeaitcasasBisaimnitiA-UTtrijax Eleventh Year Na. J.J01 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1917. Prlca Five Cmto vf -v,i'r- GERMAN RAIDER SINKS TWENTY ATLANTIC OCEAN SWEPT FROM NORTH TO Survivors Are Put Aboard Other Ships BRITISH ADMIRALTY AOMITS DEPREOATIONS Relator Had Twelve Cannon and Four Torpedo Tubee, ana Mad Two Cap tured Vaaaala Into Raiders la Am 1st It Alllcat Warship lay Raider la Now 1,800 Mllaa South af Virginia Can I" " Atlanlk. 1HJKN08 AIRE. Jan. IT.-A Oar roan ssa raider baa aunk nineteen or twtnty antmy merchantmen, besides two French chooaara, according In flUpalcbes from Fernambuco. near Ulo dt Janero, South America. A Japanese ateaaier landed 117 sur vivors at Pernambueo Ibia morning Among Iba victim of tha raider rr Iba British steamers Voltaire, Dramatist, Radnorshire. Drina, Hnow. denrangr and llammershue. It I reported Ihnt the raider wm tha Vlnex, arnird with twalve cannon and (our torpedo tube. Home of tha vurvlvora have been aboard the Vines for a month. It U re ported. The steamer llelherby arrived at Rloj de Janlero today and reported that an-J other nrltlub ship baa been aunk with out warning, with a loss of 400 liven. Admiralty Cancedaa Leaa. LONDON. Jan. 17. The. British ad miralty announce that a (Jerman raid er tin mink eight llritlnh and two Vrench merrhanttnen In the South Al iunde. It nay the Hermann raptured the HI. Theodora and put a ptUe crew aboard. Then It took the Yarrowdale, Doyle is Convicted of Manslaughter Jury Finds Him Guilty After Deliber ation of Five Hours Indictment First Degree Murder "Oullty of manslaughter," waa the verdict of the jury In tho caia of Wil liam Doyle. The Jury returned lutt night at 10 o'clock after being nut about Ave hour. S Doyle probably will be sentenced Friday. The penalty for manslaughter li from one to fifteen years, with n 15,000 Una In addition. The Jury stood for all forma of pen alty or the Irat ballot, from acquittal to first decree murder. On the flfto "allot a verdict of mamlaugbter wai greed upon. Unyle wai acouted of the murder of Mary Wlleos and Maiaie Josea, real deale of Langall Valley, on rebruar S. 11X6. He waa the only wltnava to tha tragedy, and aaU tha wnaua wera (hot accldenlnlly' while they nnd he were fight lag for Boaaeaaloa of a abut run, He told tbe same atory the night MWWWW(WWWWW(WWWWWWWWW Asks Who Appears for Wilson WASHINGTON, I). C. Jan." 178en ntor Work f California today Intro duced a resolution asking Secretary of fttaie Lansing, who U representing America or President Wilson lu lor rliB countries. ' ' Kator Wotka denied (bat the reao refer especially to Colonel C M. House, personal advlaer to tbo I'retldent. and put 400 of the prUoner on that vessel. The Oeorgica, one of the largest freighter afloat, waa among thoe the admiralty haa announced unk. Among the other are the Mount Temple, Nelherby Hall, King George. MlnUh. Voltaire, Dramatlntn, Radnor nhlre, Nante and Ainlere. NKW YORK. Jan. 17. The grealent German commerce raid of the wnr I revealed In today' dispatchea by tho United l're from llueno Aire. It I Indicated Ihnt the vessel sunk or raptured may reach twenty-two. Apparently (be raider awept the At lantic from north to oulh, and con erted at leant two of the prize vessel into raider. NORFOLK. Jan. 17 Allied warship have rlanhed warning broadcast that a (lerman raider In now operating 1,000 mile nouth of Virginia capo. of February 8th that he told ou tho wltnea atand. II Im believed hi dr.ronw whh weak ened conaldorably by powder markH on tho door caning! which many tbouRhl tended to ahow ho Htood In tho door und abol tho women. The nhotuuu waa found by the door. DUtrict Attorney W. M. Duncan made tho only nddrena to thu Jury, At torney Honnor for the dorenne waiving argument. DUtrict Attorney Duncan briefly reviewed tbo evidence, and laid apeclal atreaa on tho conversation be tween Doyle and Fred Hilton, a etas driver, the morning of the shooting, In which Hilton aay Doyle referred to Mr. Wllcoy an old battleaxe. Ho alao particularly pointed out the brief apace of timet Between this conven tion and tbe hour Doyle arrived at tho Malone borne to tell of the kllllnu of tbe two women " rrnm-r S1 1,362 GIVEN 8Y K. 0. CO. FOR RIGHT OF WAY COLD CASH PUT UP FOR RIQH1 OF WAY Big Corporation That Haa in Im portant Factor In Klamath'a Dsvtl cpntent for Soma Tim Dig Up Money for Bend Heldara to Release MM and Half of Right af Way In City Limit for Strahorn. For Mime )rarn the Klamath Detvl ' opment company haa bad a large part In the making of Klamath Falln. Itn Influence for good ha been felt many time and in many way. Many tlmi-4 have the people wondered what thu Klamath Development Company would uo In a glen instance. In short, thin company haa been looked upon a on of no little Importanre. and aluc to Klftinnth Fall. An Instancen, by Itn building of the White I'cllrnn hotel, which for nevvml i-itm h been oternteil for tho benefit of the community nt a lonn, by npend lug tbounnmi of dollars In advertlnlng thin community on the outalde, by tin effortn In behalf of the 8blpptnston rand, nnd by much energy apent by it In Inducing Industrie to come Into this community. On the other hand, not a few per son have had unkind words to nny about this corporation; It has been considered by I bene people an a cog In that glnnt machine called Dig Bun!-ni-M. It oven might bo said that It motives have been wrong and its meth ods and accomplishments prejudlcisl to (In Inlerents of the wholo town. Hence, when the Strahorn railroad Tlrot wan mentioned to sleeping Central Oregon, and ever since that time and up to and Including the present time, the people of Klamath Falls havo been wondering what stand the Klamath Development would tako toward the new railroad; they wondered If, assum ing It would bo for the road, this cot- Concluded on rag a 1635 IS ADDED FOR TERMINALS CHARLES RILEY tilVES $800 AND CTHER lUSINESt) TIRMS 8UR. 6CRIRE FUND OUTSIDE A 8 80 CIATION IS $15,940. Six hundred und thirly-flvo dollurs worn subscribed yesterday by business men of this city wbo are not members of the Business Men's Association. These subscriptions were: Charles K. Riley .. Uuperlor Laundry Frod Nltacbelm - M. J. Poland Qcorpt Ulrlcb 500.00 60.00 60.00 25.00 10.00 With $14,006 already secured outr.ldo the association, tho total fund now In in,640. Within the association (6, 113 lint been raUed to date, '"""irmrrrr" - "ijv"trryrifvvyyyvYyyjvvvvvvmnnr Delegates to Mexican Constitu- tional Congress Taking Oath fc tMi ii .j.-... r 1. vir , mum mi i i r' i"-"ar''BajaaaTffJrMrnffTri BBH tl " J r t?v -Vji iigtTSr jn-v -J fi ft,' Tifi gel V c " " i..p ':Ss3 y r rTTtB w I iC JBt I t j-: BBi99 Bk w 1 Bhi tjiMt M& BO aajfaali 'JsWaaaalalaaaaiaaaaaaaf T JRaBBnBBaMrlll B H taaaV "aaaaaaaW aaBaaaBaaalBaBaBaK BVBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaiBaBaBaBaBaBan'BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBU TfaSviBBAjBM LBaBaBaaV, BBBBBBHPVBB9aCflBBBBJSL jBS aPtVHPA ' 'VjBjB,BBBkflSBJSHSHjS r jfaafjjBky riJiBrJrJBT ' tr-.,-':PraSHkl am-'BaeBBMT-afaaaaaBr.sBBBBBBjfci jdPA M Hl Bm I aaBwfVISfijkBim'- EflL v'BHI LbbbibH ataW.' IliBfBaBaaaBHAaHl BSl 'VaW 1 fHaaiBBHal ok. -.--aM! f; llHnBBBVaaKSBBBBBS aaaUaSSn ' 1 '5 HaBaBBBSBmAaPBHP V - -i fy WsajiKaiae3aMKaaaaieaaaaaaM a ajaaaaaaa-' ,tfgfTjajfJ j mam iin nwMMBmWT m i I aKaEaSmg i Mercury Dropped! to 13 Below Zero Last Night Government Theromometer Recorded This Temperature Was Coldest Night This Winter, Although Be low Zero Weather is Common Thirteen degrees below zero. Tlint't. how cold It was last night, according to the government thermometer nt tin office of the United States reclamation sorvlce. Iist night wns tho coldest night this winter. At the J. W. Bryant ranch, near Alta mont, last night tho mercury dropped to 16 degrees below. At tho old Court ranch, operated by Chorion l'olndexter, !( degrees In-low whs teriched. IS ARRESTED FOR PEDDLING BOOZE henry Hlckey, wanted on a fedeial wurtanl for Introducing liquor on tho Yakima Indluu reservation, was arrest- S ibis afternoon by Deputy United States Marshall 0. 11 Jackson of Pott land, near Nuia Lake. .Tackson will probably leave for Port land with Hlckcl (omoirow. Qlri;t Horn Mr, and Mr. V, C. Curry, 934 Wal nut ktreet, last night became the proud parents of an Sponinl fill. IK-U-Kali-k IU IIIC .MUJIIClin lunsuiu t'onal conRres at Queretaro are here iI:o-ii takliiK the oath of office. The lower picture shows Oeneral Carransn it'tuling tils message to them. They are at oik framing a constitution. v.hith they say will be enforced when adopted by the people. Last Saturday night as the coldest, excepting last night. Saturday night 11 dcgiees below zero was recorded. For two weeksthe thermometor at nli;ht and early morning has remained from rero to 10 degrees below. All roads are frozen tight, and the lakc are covered with thick Ice. This is great weather for coastcr, t-katcre and wood dealers. May Probe Exchange WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 17, Kep icbcutatlvo r-mcrson toddy IntioduceJ a resolution asking for an Investlra tlon of tho New York stock exchange by four rcprcsentatlvea for tho put pose of preventing fraud. m Mob Arinoye arlln ROME, Jan. 17. Rome wirelesses that serious disorders are taking place In Berlin, and that tbe'authorltlea are issuing a t manifesto. It is rumored that the relcbstag inay meet elsewhere 1 becauue tif the disorders. ' ' Railroad Depends on Terminal Fund WWWWWMWWMM Lassen is Giving Up Inky Smoke HKDDING, Jan. 17. Tbe most spec tacular eruption of Mount Lasses since Us first outbreak 'two years ago, began this morning. It is believed the entire crater bag been opened. Inky nnioke of tremendous volume) besan rolling out this morning at 10 Wlock. taking a conical shape. As the smoke drifted southwest tbo ."pcctaclc was awe Inspiring. LICENSES DRING "' IN ABOUT 13,000 OF THIS SUM COUNTY GETS ONLY $154 HUNTING LICENSES LEAD IN NUMBER ISSUED DURING YEAR OF 1916 A total of $2,930 waa collected la Klamath county during 191S for hunt orV bud anglers' licenses, according to the official report mailed yeatarday by County Clerk DeLap to tbe atate treas uror. Of this sum Klamath county will keep $154. During 1916, 1.3S2 hunting licenses were Issued, 1,042 fishing. SSI combi nation and 14 non-resident Admiral Dewey is , Dead; Saw 80 Years Hero of Manila Bay ease After Illness of 10 Days ' Was Active Until Recently WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. IT, Ad miral George Dewey, hero of Manila Bay, med at his home early last night of urtcric scerosU, He had been III for 1. out ten da;.. Admiral Dewey waa born In 1837. In 1S5S ho was graduated from Annapolis, naval academy, and at the outbreak cf the civil war was commissioned a lieu tenant under Admiral Farragut, and assigned to tbe sloop of war Missis slppl. The history of his life records many exploits of bravery during the Civil War. i At the beginning of IMS. a' few weeks before tba outbreak of tho Bfan- lib-American war, be was planed lit command of tbe Asiatic squadrM. and was thus given a chance to distinguish himself, which he so brilliantly. Im With his squ.uliun lie left M1rs Buy, v SHIPS , t s t SOUTH JOHNSON SAYS CITIZENS MUST ACT NOW Now That the Bend Issue la at Root While Council Inveatlaatae, People Have Short Time to Carry Terminal , Campaign to Conclusion, Say Chair man Main Committee in a State. ment to Herald. Klamath Falls will go ahead to the realization of Its , possibilities la .tho nest week, or It will slip back into the rut it-has Hied i sue the Sesrtheni Wciae 'company stopped 'construction work in 1911. " This' tth?tuafi6Vlboy aa out lined by W. Paul Johnson, chairman of the Strahorn, railroad terminal com roittee. Twenty-ecven thousand. Ire hundred dollars must be raised to com plete the fund to buy a'paaenger ter rains I and right of way within tbe city limits of Klamath Falls. What money has been raised baa I come with work. The biggest work T.ust be done now. Tbe first big atop will be taken.. tonight at a meeting of KUuamth FajU Business MenV Asso ciation; the nest big step wIU be'mado tomorrow night when busiSeeaunwn who have subscribed to the terminal fund, within or' without the associa tion, meet' at-the City halt "It is now up to tbe' subscribers, especially to tbe men of the business center of town', to get the noa-rabecrlb-er to do bis part toward getting tbe railroad." said W. Paul Johnson this morning. " "We shall name a committee of . (Continued" on Page, tj" 11 Succumbs to Du- China, April 27, 189. with orders "to capture or destroy the Spanish squad ron," then supposed to be la Manila Bay. Tbe American fleet entered the channel at 11:30 p. m.. April 39. and early next morning, sank, burned or captured all the, ships, of the Spanish -sipioaron in me nay, nnenceu aaa l atroyed three land batteriee. ebUlaed complete control of the bay, that he could take the city, the "chief port of the Philippine Island, at anytime, and all without losing a aingle man i. and. having only nine augntir wounaoo. On August 18th Dewey and hit) ships auiea uenerai werri jpay wfiwv of Manila.- - T;-a.', t) " la recogiUUonrMtW;JMVi Admiral: Dowey.iwa'.:: mirahand lladsaffsjl'ef and Uter sam'miadsrVjifbJ united sauadTM ' 'a"-Soota, Nawat.ili mnmicii aaopiWaod Jr.. ' tor exfrwrdMrmagfl rfJJJifj -tfnrtji . j;-r-. t Ci1 ' A A WW fc