' t, oftn lEunlnn Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'! OFFICIAL NEWIPAPER KLAMATH PALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER tlevanth Year No. 1,201 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1917. Prleo.Flva Carta -m.S LAWSON SAYS HENRY IS PERJURER REITERATES HENRY INVOLVED CABINET MEMBER wimimmwwm INITIATIVE AMENDEDBYCOUNCIL MILLER AND STRUBLt VOTED AOAINST AMINOMINT Amending Ordinance Passed Lait Night Olvee Authority U Council to Submit at llectlons Called by Inltla liv Petition Measure to Compete With On Offered by People at Said election. The city orttlnaaca naming to the elly of Klanutk rails the right to oxer c!m tha Initiative aad referendum vaa amended laal night by the city cottnell when It passed by a three to one rota n (.mvadmeat proposed by Council man M. R. Doty. Councilman Shoots, 'Mmhcwa aad Doty vote ye aad Coot cltmrn 8irubl and Miller nay. The new ordlaanca amende aecllon 7 of ordlaanca SIS of the rlty of Klanv lb Kail, by adding the following werd: 'If the council hall rKct nli or dinance or amendment, or lokt nu ac tion thereon, It may ordain a renin.;. Inn ordinance or amendment, vhlch hull b submitted by the rlty clerk, auditor or recorder, a the cane may be, to the people of the ald city or tuwn. at the iimn election at which Mid Initiative proposal Id aubmltted. Hurh competing ordinance or amend ment. If any, shall be prepared by the council and ordained within thirty dn allowed for It action on the ntcaxure proposed by Initiative peti tion." The above provUlon In a portion of the slate law and ' omitted, accord ing to Police J lid iso Kravltt, from the ordinance passed November 14th by the people at a special election. On that date the people, voted to reserve to this municipality the Initiative and referendum by voting an ordinance prepared by altornc) for Heeler UrotherH. Police Judge Leavltt nna the provision quoted above wan left out of the ordinance prepared by Heeler Ilrolhora. The effect of the amendment will bo to give to tha council authority to offer at any election called by the Initiative petition n competing ordinance, ehur ter amendment or other meaaure, and let the people chooae. Councilman Htiublo opposed the Terminal Fund to Date is $25,552.50 $150 it Signed up Outside of Business Men's Association. $100 in Associ ation and $4,492.50 by Women Thad McIIatlaa 100.00 W. 8. Slough 50.00 Tliube are the new aubacrlpllona mc cured yeatarday from Xtamatb Falls bttilsaaa bouaea, set BMaaberg of tha Butinaaa Men'a Aiaoeiatlon. Tbla In creaae of $150 mnkea tha total ralaed outnlde the aaoolatlott to buy a pa, 'anger terminal for the 8trauorn rail road amount to f H.I03, AtA&m&iim0i0m0mAA000i0t0AimA000m mmmnwwwwwwwwmwwi MEASURE raAMMMVaMaMWMMMWtMWaMMWMaWWV House Kills Booze Part of Measure WA8IIINUTON. D. U.. Jan. 16. Tim postofflca appropriation bill pacd the house this afternoon without a roll call after the provision for aa Increaae In second claaa ratea bad been eliminated. Tha amendment prohibiting uo of the BMlkt for liquor advertisement alao waa Mlebed. -iV i. WOMEN INCREASE TERMINAL FUND rur four nkw contracts YES TERDAY CALLINO FOR SUB SCRIPTION8 AMOUNTINO TO $110 FOR TERMINAL One hundred and thirty dollars wui ndded to the Slrahorn paengcr ter nan.il fund )eterday by the Women' l.nov Hallroad Club. The contract se cured by the women were aa follew: Ktraw'a Dairy ... 100.00 A Friend . . 10.00 J. 8. Klllolt - 15 00 Dennett Tranafer Co. E.00 Yeaterday'a new contracta hnvo boomed the total rained by the women to f 4,3.60. amendment berauae ho didn't under atand It thoroughly, he aald, and be cauite he aaw In It a way for the coun cil to aubmlt a competing franchlao lit the Initiative election when the Keno Power company ahall go brforo Iho people with a franchlao to distribute electricity In Klamath Falltt. On the other band, It wna atated lait nlglit, that the amendment pro- teeta the city at any and all tlmea when tho council feela aa repreaentu Uvea of the people that It ahould pro- poae a competing meaauro to one pro- poaed by Initiative petition. J. H. Oarrclt, a member of the Bus! nea Men'a Aaaoclatlon, yeaterday Biib nerlbed 100 to tha paaienger termlnnl fund, making the amount credited (o tho aaaaclatlo I6.J51 Tha Wowan'a 1,000 Ttallroad Club lo data baa ralaed 14,493.60. The three aiuouut added make tho caab fund to buy a paaienger terminal total to data ? 5,W SO. Telling What They Didn't Know About the "Leak" 1 I HaaaaLaHaiaaaaH I SBlMS m SMm m w i 'v 2s&i!f(EfJL SflSBBBBBBBBOBABBBBBBr f 4flBS3?BBBBBjBViiaMBW LBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBh Srcrriiir) of Minie tiiuiliiK. Jocph I. Tumulty, aearvlnry to the prcoldent, and Thomas V. Lawaon of Boeton Tfr alar wlteVai"i beforrthe leak In qulry'of the ruleaHmmittee of the houae of repreaentalivea -at lla aacwod m-toilon. MerSnt. IhihIiic and Tumult y auld they knew nolhlng about it. l.i waon aald be dia, but would not telL Keeler Brothers' Bid for R. R. Bonds is Rejected The city council at the 2 o'clocK special aeaaion thla afternoon rejected the bid of Keeler Irothera of Denver, Colo., for the $300,000 Strahorn railroad bond iatue. The certified check for $15,000 accompanying the bid was ordered to be returned. Rejection of Keeler rothcra' bid was decided upon when last night' mall brought a bid from Spitxer, Rorlck A Co., of Toledo, Ohio, of par and accrued interest, plus a premium of $4,025. Thla bid la about $18,000 better than that submitted by Keeler Brother. The bid of Spitser, Rorlck A Co. did not arrive In time to be opened Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the time aet for opening bids. It wamalled January 10th from Toledo. It Is now undecided whether the rouncll will again advertise for bids or will sell the bonds at private aale. Spitxer, Rorlck A Co. will be conferred with, and it la probable other bond housea will be mailed coplca of all proceedinga of the council leading up to the bond issue that the bond houses may know whether or not they care to bid. If no other bond houses are Interested, either by advertisement or prlvaely, it la generally believed that Spit xer, Rorlck A Co. will get tha bonds faome hard lick, aald W. Paul Johnson, after the meeting this afternoon. All members of the main committee expressed pralae for the prompt and oood spirited action of the council on the Keeler rothsra bid. There now seems to be complete harmony of purpee between the council and all other periona who want to see Klamath Falls have a railroad to Portland. Thla alight delay In aale of the boniia will give additional time for the paucnger terminal committee to get In or par, accrued Interest and a premium of $4,028. RATHEONE HOTEL IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS Mrs. M, J. lleubt) baa Icnaed that par Hon of tbo old American hotel owned by A. A. Bollman A Son at 630 Main street, and will call her now apart mimta Iho Kathbono botol. Ttmt vet of rootna ovor tho Motsch- vuuachor and Davonport stores will bo conducted by Frank Barrows a a rooming house. Mr. Barrowa formerly bad charge of all the rooms. m FALBM. Jaa. 6.-MItts the search and aelaure clause, the total prohibi tion bill carrying into effect the con stitutional amendment voted laat No- ember was Introduced In tho legisla ture (bin afternoon, .j RUSSIAN FRONT IS STIFFENING LONDON, Jan. l.Realataiue of ll'.o rtUHbluna and Kumanluna to tho German machine Is dally growing more desperate. The Russians strongly attacked cround Fundeni thla moraine, after t talent artillery preparation. Though tho attack weie repulsed, they stop ped the German advance. Tbo Kumanlnua havo seized tbo of fmiHlve In tho Sulalta Valley, and bnvo Ul:rn several Oermnn trencliea. eaaeaMMMeMMMMMMea J APOPLEXY KILLS MRS C. H. HALBER1" Apoplexy this morning took Mrs. Laurie Halbert, wife or C. H. Halbert. Sixth street. Death came at 5: it) o'clock. Tho deceased whs 45 years old. In tenncii' will bemnde in the local cem ett'iy. Pop Congratulates Wllten WASHINGTON. Jan. 16.-Pope Ben odlct today sent formal con gra tula Horn Ui President Wilson for hia ef fcitx to secure a statement fiom tho belligerent uatloos. The Spanish nni l(i5;;ulor delivered (ho menxage, SPECULATORS USE WARS FOR PROFIT ww.mW0WAww00A0m0 Democrats Will Tax Incomes WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 16. Ad ditional in inheritance taxes and a cor poration tax will be need to raiae $35, 000,000, demoerata of the hooae deckl ed today. Tbla deciaion baa the approval of 1'resident Wilson and Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo. . ORGANIZE FOR FEDERAL LOAN FARMERS IN DISTRICT WEST OF KLAMATH RIVER WILL MEET SATURDAY TO ORGANIZE UN. 9ER FEDERAL ACT Mtncments are on foot in several tart of the county to form local asso ciations of tanners in order to avail themselves of the provisions of the Federal Farm Loan Act and secure money at low rate of interest for long terms of enrs. One organisation waa perfected at Merrill and another isi no? under way to be composed prin cipally of farmers west of the lake and mer, so as to avoid the technlcallt'.CJ Incident to such farms as are under the government ditch, with the conse quent first lien given for litigation. A meeting of Interested farmers will be held at County Agriculturist Glals er"s office Saturday. January 20th, at S p. m.. to study the provisions of tbo Kcjiia act. Twelve nmes of thoso 'toi.inp to join the nev rranlzatn ti.-ue been presented, and others are I.-.nv.i tc be censidering: the mutter Ar.jni' wishing to lean f-dl demit of the ntw movement is Invited to at tend. l.j.rer the Federal Farm oan Act Klamath Interests the Other Fellow People on the Outside Write to Com mercial Club and Realty Dealers About Available Farm Lands The outside world Is becoming mightily Interested In Klamath farm lands. Some of the inquiries concern particularly Use Tule lake area to be opened next spring, while numerous otheia simply ask about land on which in tinllil u homn anil rnluA u emit. Each mall brings to Klamath Cow meiclul Club letters Inquiring about the LAWSON DETAILS CONVERSATION WITH HENRY Offlcere Cant Find Woman Who Mao Name of Brokers Who Made Money .by Leak, But United Preae Oatt Her on Phone for a Minute Marfan anal Other New York Bankera May B Subpoenaed. WASHINGTON. D.C.. Jan. 16. "Om of us is a rank perjarer," krto4 Tliomas W. Lawaon at Chairman Hoa ry of the bouse rules committee when on the stand today in the peace note leak investigation. Lawson resumed the witness atand thteneealng. aad reiteratoaUk charge that Chairman Henry bad Involved a cabinet member in the leak. He detailed the alleged conversation with Henry, during which be aald Henry told him of hearsay evidence which the committee bad. He asserted the Mexican situation and European war had been used by speculators for n.aking profits. KfTorts to find Mrs. Kuth VIsconil, who gave Lawson names of bocm per sons who bad advance inforaaatloa on the peace note, were unavailing: Tbo subpoenae servers couldnt And ker. The United Press reached her by tete rhoue, but she refused to nuke a state ment Then she left her borne. Representative Harrison today ask ed the rules committee to subpoena J. V. Morgan. H. P. Davidson and F. A. Vanderlip. New York bankers. Dewey Near Death WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 16. Ad miral Dewey taTnearing death thla af ternoon. His physician atated that "Admiral Dewey is worse than at anr time since he became ill." Art eric sclerosis is affecting hbt luiigt- and kidneys. Two Ships Go Down PETROGRAD, Jan. 16. Two enemy ships were sunk near the Bosporus by a Russian submarine yesterday. money is to be loancl to fanners or r-iobpective farmers to buy farms, llve &tH:k. machinery, bulM buildings or to ra.- of high rate nortKBRes. contract cr old debts. Tule lake lands. Many of tboao letters contain clippings from varkNW auo jK papers telling abttrt.th owphjf t '. the lands to hoawteadw.YTfJ; j il M. Chlleote. local real (eaut ,w operator. sayaeyfjoitfbrlpWny M. a letter asking about farm -IM la ?. Klamath county, and some 4aya M gel two and" three letters. n r, &i" A jI a .1