KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER gltvsnlh Year Ne. J.I00. WHITE SLAVE ACT IS DIGGS DOYLE TAKES STAND ON HIS OWN BEHALF ALL EVIDENCE IN CAM MAY II IN TODAY Ult Rested Saturday Evening and Defense Olfere Testimony Today, tata Would llacl Death ef Maggie Junta an Which la Rely far Cenvlc tien, But Attorney Renner Reelete Thla Meve. TfcHni of evidence In the trial of WUlUm Doyle, charged with the mur der of Mary Wilcox and Maggie Jones, h rictrd to be concluded IhU after roon The defendant la on the aland Ute this afiarnoon. It l believed that argument by cuun ) will begin tomorrow, and that be fore nightfall tomorrow the jury will have lha car. No lllite argument look up lha lima of thu court IhU morning over the question of lha ataln riveting on wbwrn duaih It would rely for a conviction. Attorney W. II. A. Ilenner Katurtlny at ir moon asked until thla morning to Move lo make the state elect. Whan tourt convened thla morning he dldn'l v-nnt to makn wuch a motion, but IHs itlct Attorney Duncan u ready to elect the death of Maggie Jones. Itrnncr then reaUled the motion, and after argument Jl waa decided by Judge Kuykendall that the atata abould elect after the defenae had Introduced In testimony. Skatera In Mevlea. The large crowd of skater at the Modoc Park Ice rink yeaterriay will be Keen on the movie screen aoon. C. It. Miller Aimed the crowd yeaterday af ternoon. Liave far Unlvaralty. MUs Octavla DeLap, Miaa Harriet Kink and Mlia Itasel Fry left thla mor ning for Berkeley to attend lha Unlvci Ity of California. They warn homo for three weeka to apand the holiday with their parent. turna ta Mareh Charles Iens Jr. left thla morning for Kurt Klamath, from when ha will akla to the Leal atock ranch on Klamath Marah. Mrs. Strahorn is Donor for Women Sends Appreciation of 1000 Club's Work Much is Expected of Wo men in Future Affairs The membera of the Women's 1,000 Railroad Club wart stuck aurprlsed and greatly plaaaad to receive Satur day from Mra. Robert B. Btraborn a contribution of $300 to the fund being rafted by them to buy terminate. U U needle to say tbla contribu tion came unallotted, and waa a gra tJoua god sincere appreciation of the mv luntmg Herald AND CAMINETTI MUST I T00m00mm0m0 Old Fight Threatens Congress WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. Ilepre-en-lathe Cary today Introduced a reeoln i.Vn requiring that thla government warn Americana to stay off armed ahlpa. Tba reaolutlon threaten a renewal of the old figbt over the warning ques tion, a fight which drove William Jen-nlum- Dryan out of U cabinet ADMIRAL DEWEY OF MANILA BAY SINKING LOWER DEATH OF SEA FIGHTER EXPECT- a ED ANY TIME Passed Eightieth Mllaatana Laat Month ut Until Ha Teak Sick Last Weak Waa at Hla Office Every Day Waa Irratlenal Uat Night, and Taday la Rapidly Declining, and Little Hope la Held Out. WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. IB. The death of Admiral George Dewey, hero of the battle of Manila Day. la expect ed momentarily. Hla physician an nounced thla morning JJiat Admiral Dewey waa Irrational, and wna declin ing rapidly. Ha ia Buffering a general breakdown consequent upon hi 10 yearn. Ho waa at hla office dally until ho took alck laat week. Admiral Dewey celebrated hla 80th birthday December 26th. At 2 o'clock thla afternoon hla physl clan announced ha waa sinking alowly work of the women or (hi organiza tion. It la all' the more appreciated at thla time became Mra. Strahorn ia villi vary ill. but notwlthatandlng bar vari ous illneaa, abe baa kept In touch with thla work and baa expreaaed bar won der and admiration of the Klamath CoBtllvew M Pat KLAMATH MMMMMpMMMMWMMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWMWW House Rules Committee at Work XSXBSV3B2&8PZW V " at i: j ,? f. w yk-. jsf I mi J tl'i lniK 7vaaaHaiHBBSBiaaiaaBa7l,HSl9B MfmtgHKtWfyJ1 t't''-, ., tikV - , " mi, g?.-JwiA - alaWiaWiaWJVEwaeTf9aS'7xfecii l jj ...MaiittliaaWlnHMiJg Left ta right Repreaantatlvaa Jamaa C Cantrlll, Kentucky; Martin D. Feat er, Illinois; Finle J. Garrett, Tennes aea; Rabeert L. Henry (chairman I , Teaae; fhlllp p. Campbell, Kanaas; I rvine L. Lanreet, Wisconsin ; William 6. tennett. New York, and Burnett M. Chlparflald, IHInols. Keeler Brothers Bid Par and Accrued Interest for $300,000 Railroad Bonds Far and accrued Intareat waa offcied thla afternoon by Keeler Brothers o? Ocnver for th (300,000 rallru-d bend ; voted by the people November .h. The bid waa epanad at 2 o'clock at a special seaslon of the city council. There were no other bids for the Qeorge Keeler of Keeler Bretheia waa present and explained the bid. The bid waa accompanied by a certified check for $15,000. Kcclcr Brothers ask for $14,500 for fiscal agent fees. About $10,000 would be gained by the city if all the $300,000 waa not usad at once, aa the remainder would draw approximately that much Interest, said Mr. Keeler. The bid was submitted subject to Immediate consideration. After the bid waa opened, the council adjourned until o'clock thia evening. SIEMENS ATTENDS TOURIST MEETING PACIFIC NORTHWEST TOURIST ASOCIATION WILL ASK LEGIS LATURE FOR $$0,000 TO BRING TOURISTS HERE ' Captain J. W. Siemens, president of Klamath Commercial Club, returned laat night from Portland, whore ho .at tended the meeting of directors of tho Pacific Northwest Tourist Association. Directors from British Columbia, Washington and Oregon were in it tendance. Captain Siemens aaya the associa tion decided lo aak the atate legisla ture for an appropriation of $15,000 for two years, or $60,000 altogether, to pay oeets of campaign to bring more tourist travel Into the'PacUc North west. While in Portland, Captain Siemens also attended the banquet ot the Ore eon Irrigation Congress, FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, Magulrea Leave. Mr. und Mrn. J. V. Munuiro Imve om to Loh Amnios and other Call-1 fornla citloa lo und n few weeka. I Beckley Visits. j J. II, Hecklry of Portland, brother of, I J. I,. Beckley of this city, arrived lattt evening to look after buslnea matters here. MAN FREEZES AT CRESCENT F, M. CLEAVES SENDS WORD TO CORONER SOULE THAT UN KNOWN MAN IS FOUND FROZEN NEAR CRESCENT An unknown man waa frozen to death near Crescent Saturday night, according to a message received Sun der morning by Coroner A. A. Soule. from F. M. Cleaves, Justice of the peace at Crescent. Detalla concerning the tragedy were not in the message, , OU'iirex in conducting an limuliy. da aomD .sbm aTBaaX:- gf?t$jSM fp jki m'p Jail ids. &tf I Ui?WaiaaBiijexBBBBBMBBk.BlBBBl 'VIBBBBBBBBW BBBBBBBV"' .emi"W iPsjWBjftWBBHgBjgH ' WJaB.SaBBm : --l?lt tim gm.M)fcMJ$jbm ' gaaiaaiaaiaaiaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiW aaaaaaMEgSggggKJggJgBBgW& LiaaiHBaDBflKiTBTBiaawvVl laiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaBaBiaam BiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaKaejgaKBT iSTIS'SS $ y ?ft7 JANUARY IS, 1917. CONSTITUTIONAL NOW on the "Leak LOCAL SOLONS GET POSITIONS REPRESENTATIVES BURDICK AND FORBE8 OF THIS DISTRICT ARE PLACEO ON IMPORTANT HOUSE COMMITTEE8 Membera from this district In the house of representatives In the Oregon legislature have been well honored in the committee appointments of Robert N. Stannetd, prenldent of tho house. Vernon A. Forbes has been made chairman of the Judiciary committee, which is next to the ways and commit tee In imporlance. Forbes also is a member of the committee on counties, livestock and rules and joint rules. Denton O. Burdlck or this district has been made chairman of the com mittee on resolutions and a member of the committee on game. Irrigation and revision of laws. Stockman Visits. L. R. Holbrook, stockman of la;i gell Valley, Is a county seat visitor today. GO TO THREE JUSTICES OF HIGH COURT DISSENT wwwiwwwwaa 30 Degrees Below Zero in Alturus AL.TURAS. Jan. 15. Modoc county ii laving the coldest apell In Its his tory. Today and yesterday the thermom eter recorded 30 degrees below zero. One man was nearly frozen to death nu i he street. HENRY IS NAMED ASCONGRESSMAN WHO MADE MONEY LAWSON NAMES HIM WHEN TES TIFYING TODAY Says Henry Told Him Secretary of the Treasury McAdeo Waa Connected With Wall Street Leak German Ambassador von Bernsterff Said to Have Made Over $2,000,000 as Re sult of the Leak. WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 15. Thomas W. Lawson, broker, this after noon named Chairman Henry of tho house rules committee as the con gressman who told him that a cabinet officer proBted through the Wall street leak on President Wilson's peace mes sage. William O. McAdoo. secretary of the treasury, was the cabinet member who be heard was connected with the leak, said Lawson. Tl answer that statement later," said Chairman Henry when Lawson blurted out Henry's name. Lawson named Archibald Whlto, a Women Hear Miller, Strahorn, Bennett These Men Speak at Meeting of 1000 Club Saturday---Resolutioiis Are Passed Thanking Newspaper The mezzanine floor of the Hotel Hall was filled on Saturday afternoon with the ladies of the 1.000 Railroad Ciui. All the meetinr held b too club have been entaasiaotl.11 and '.'til mtcitucd, but Saturlav'a meetlnK n i li- . ..aax. rurcllman A. . Vlller adl.sel '.lie r'ub, und waa Vwtlly applauded KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Price Five Cent PRISON ACT APPLIES TO NON-COMMERCIAL VICE Young Man Who Transported Two Girls From Sacramento to Rene Few Years Age Loee Long Fight fer Free dom Beaidea Going to Jail, They Must Pay Finee for Violating Fed era) Law. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 15. The United States supreme court today upheld the conviction of Maury Digx and Drew Camlnettl for transporting Lola Norria and Marah Warrington to Keno from Sacramento. The court held that the Mann white slate act applies to non-commercial ic, and Is constitutional. Maury Dlggs must serve two years In jail and pay a fine of $2,000. Drew Cnminetti must serve eighteen months In jail and pay a fine of 11,500. " Three justices, White. McKenna and Clarke, dissented In the decision. Get Marriage Licenae. A marriage license was issued Satur day afternoon to Edward Henry Oweni and Lillian Emma Markwardt. Mr. Owens is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben. 8. Owens and the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Markwardt. Motschenbacher Married. Lawrence Motschenbacher, son ot Motschenbacher, and Mary Elisa beth Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas, were married yeater day. and will leave soon for California. New York banker, as bis informant. The rules committee ordered Whlto subpoenaed. Lawson read a letter from a woman named Mrs. Vincent, which said Wil liam Price, a Washington Star report er, was the go-between. tawson said Chairman Henry had declared the committee had heard that Count von Berntstorff, German ambas sador, had profiled by over $2,000,000 as a result of the leak. In no case but Henry's did Lawson profess to have direct knowledge. Late this afternoon Henry took 'the stand, and violently denied he had named iny cabinet member. lr. t-t-orge H. Bspnr. paster of 'he M. i.. church of tw. city, nade a Mron and Inspiring u'k. The ioctot t.iis tecently conn V; this putorutr, Vu ban been helper false muulfipal alfiir. to the piano of practtoaiii tlanlty. A bright and unusual IneMant r Continued on Page 4 ) wl ti'4 M ji .?