KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Eltvtnlh Year N. J.IOt TROOPS REMOVED FROM BORDER PERSHING'S COLUMN ALSO WILL BE WMWWMWMMMWMWNMWWWWWWW Cruiser Milwaukee Aground Near Wreckage of the H-3 MUMiOLDT DAY CLAIMS ANOTH. ER VESSEL Unlud Statta Crulter, Wkm Pulling Wrecked Submarine Away, Lea Way In Fe and It Oreanded Tha Brtaktre Peund Vaaaal, and Incam ln0 Tlda May Caaalaa II, aa tha List Ssaward EUREKA. Calif., Jan. 23. Tha Unit ed Htate cruder Milwaukee went aerouud early thin morning near the scene of the 11-3 wreckage. The eruls er wa engaged In pulling the wrecked submarine out of II position, and m armunt of I lip dense fog lost her way. Wtirn Ihe fog lifted Ihe cruiser waa t-m In be lying broadside to the sea, and wan listing heavily seaward. The breaker arc pounding completely oer, her and the lives of the eamen are en dance red. The Milwaukee Ilea 400 yard from utitirr, and she I declared to be In a perllou ponltlnn, an It Is feared she tuny rapnlie when the tide comes In. A tine wan floated aaliore thin morning and the breeched buoy -way be used thin afternoon to remove the crew. A seaman from the atranded vessel said that the monitor Cheyenne and Ihe lug Iriquola both had tinea froa the Milwaukee, but these parted, and ixe drifted Inshore rapidly. British Oaln Foothold ilKIIMN, Jan. 13 The war office nn nuunces today thai Ihe llritlnh violent I) nlncked In Ihe Scrrn district, and era who are down town shopping may mined a foothold In one place. leave their children at the club while m they do their shopping. Tboy will Quarrel Causea Suicide m know that the children not only lire HAN r'ltANCIBCO, Jan. 13. Carrfcelng cared for. but are being Instruct Jvnix, a marine fireman, shot and aerl- ed and entertained with talca dear to oiHly wounded Dora Graham today and the hoart of every child, then killed himself at the Hex hotel. Definite anouncement a lo when tho Tho plrl may, recover. The trouble atory hour will begin will be mado n nroho from a Jentoua quarrel. soon aa possible. Hamaker Occupies the Witness Stand Bonanza Resident. Who Was at Cabin Where Two Women Were Killed, Tells Jury of Conditions J. O. Hamuker of Bonanza, who waa at the Htcno of tha tragedy In Langnll Valley February 8, 1016. when Mary Wilcox .and Maggie Jonea loat their liven, occupied the wllnesa stand to day In the trial of William Doyle, who ik cnargen with the murder of the. women. " llumnker told in detail what other, ltiiese ultemly had described aa tha' condition of tl)lnga whon the ofllcera urrlved at the eabln at dusk the day of Ihn Itllllns. Hp and Allornry lien-, Slr lEurolttg Herald AAAAMAAAMtfWWWWMAAWfeAMAMAAAAAAAAMWWVVWMWWVMWWMWWWWWWVWWWMWWVWWWVMVVMta 900 Miners Are Buried in Colliery TOKIYO, Jan. 13. Nino hundred I ' Irtua miner were burled whan I ho futhun colliery In Manchuria explod ed. Only 130 of ihe worker ware res cued. CHILDREN TO BF TOLD STORIES STORY HOUR WILL IK INAUGU RATED V WOMEN'S LIBRARY CLUB TO ENTERTAIN CHILDREN SATURDAY AFTERNOONS A atory hour for children Is the Intent work to be taken up by tho Wo men's Ubrary Club, an organliallon ' at already haa many and varied en lerprliea for both young and old. Mr. It. K. Wattenburg, prealdenl of (ho rlub, will have charge of thl hour,! and will be assisted by Mr. G. A. Kraute. On each Saturday afternoon throe women will be at the library rlub room to tell atorlea to children. Moth- ner for the defenae fought back and forth considerably during hla cross ex nmlnatlon, aad several tlmea Judge Kuykendall bad to Intercede. Thus far tha state haa put six wit aaaea oa tha staad. and aa to findings at the cabin where tha woman loat their Uvea have tastllad auhataatlally tha lama. All agree as to the atory told there by Doyle about the killing, except that some of .the witnesses rt nttashar aaora than others of what Ddylt told. I KLAMATH MMVMWWWMMWMMWMMMWMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWMWWWWMWMMMMWWMMMMMWWWMMMWWWWWXMMMMMWW $1,850 IS ADDED BY BUSINESS MEN TO BUY TERMINAL FOUR SUBSCRIBERS OIVI THIS AMOUNT Duffy Company, Sugarman and Qolden Rule Give 11,550 and M. L. Allleen Adda $100 Business Men In and Out ef Association and women f Team Make Terminal 'and ta Data Reach i. , 24,tei50. - Vannlce Itrother K. K. K. Store K. Sugarman ... .. 600.00 650.00 400.00 V. 1'uul Johnson, chairman of the main committee on subscriptions for tlu Kirnhorn railroad passenger termi nal, announce the above new con tracts from members of Klamalh Kails tluslness Men'a Association. With what has already been aubacrlbed, the Iluslness Men' Association to date hna raised 10,155 to buy a passenger ter minal. M. I,. Allison yeelerday,booted the subscription from-peraoaa-not la tha nsroclutlon by 1100. aaakiag thla total fH,65!i. The two added together, plus that rnled to data by the Women's 1.V00 llallroad Club.i makes a grand total of KM52.IIQ. '" other subscrip tions not signed up, but which are ex pected from several corporations and Individuals, will swell tola total con slderably. THOMAS HOME IS TAKEN BY FIRE HOME OF LEE THOMAS NEAR MERRILL BURNS TO GROUND YESTERDAY MORNING ORIGIN OF FIRE IS UNKNOWN Fire destroyed the Lee Thomas home about three miles south! from Merrill ut 10:30 yesterday morning. The ori gin of the fire la yet unknown, but it Is supposed to have started from aparka from the chimney. Mr. Thomaa waa attending to the stock when he noticed tha upper part of the house waa la taawa. He and hla wife 'made ovary poeslble afort to save what beloaafaaa'taoy could, aad with the' aid of two Herri!) n who had noticed the enoka. atoat of tha household goods were saved, hut near ly all their other personal belonging were destroyed. Mra. Thomaa la the daughter or W. , J. hobVr'tB of thla city. ''V I FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1017. Woman Censured for British Army Scandal and Officers 1 f Vriflrl tift'iBnnVlgaliannn gW ''iVi?-tti' I -flgaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV -I ;ggggggggSiygl I T2raiBgaftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftl I U-BgVVrBgaWF aVSBinBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVI I'H'r :ggggggggggggB 1 -fQggggggggggggggggggggggggggggga I BgggaMMMMay StgaMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMTaT' fPi2gsSSSSSSsV9HBk? gf'7f ? igsssssfMgwR2RtJBgssw k gsgsssssssssssssssssssssssssssswjBf ' ? PyggMggMPfrffiaBJ S . gaaaxTEBrL u t? BaM0mggggggavasaKc&Ba lggggBWgaWgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggBM I Bl5igaW'f$l3 - vi QfrMvmp:; Tk . - r n s M-aaHgSiHgiBOrakifl a iwmmm iLHam"HBgH4 fBlgafe-l 3 nmA.&tjm&Ms'-'rii! h ri'' t. ikT j,'. i. jcyiv1 ' " s S? a. 3JJ SiWNNMN$$Si:i!j5?ttSR iauwu uarwuisMtai jtfiaWrtat JaOyaVsi! Four States IV. jaasst: By Powder Explosion NEW YORK. Jan. 13. The toll of the Dupont powder plant disaster at Haskell, N. J last night haa so far amounted to $2,000,000 damage and the loss of two lives. WOMEN INCREASE TERMINAL FUND BY WORK YESTERDAY 1,000 CLUB ADD8 $240 TO TOTAL FUND. WOMEN ARE NOW CREDITED WITH 14.022.5a The Women's 1,000 Railroad Club yesterday Increased the Straborn rail road poaenger terminal fund by $240. Tha women secured thla aatount from seventeen different subscribers, tha amount ranging from $S0 to $5. . Ye&torday'u aubacrlpttoaa awellad tha total fund ralaad by tha woatea to $4,011.50. Following is a list of the subscriber secured yesterday: Mra. Harold Morteasen 16.09 OrorRo Mltrhell 15.00 Mrs. Cornwallis-Weat. saother of Ihe man who married the yeear Mra. Jerome of New York, haa beaa aevere ly ceaaured by a British court of In quiry for meddling with army affair. In her efforta tret to help aad then to punish Lieutenant ' Pathlck Barret, General Macklnnon. now retired, be came Involved, a did General Sir John Cowans. The oticial report aald the need woman had takes "aaore than ordinary Interest, la Lieutenant Bar rett, to which he bad failed to re spond." Shaken r The company statea that the explo sloa accldently started ta a giaslng barrel, where satokelea powder waa being laiahed. The exploaloa waa ae terrllc that it (hook (oar atatee. Hall Lambert 15.00 J. B. Howie SO.00 KrediPleet 10.00 C. K. Brockman 10.00 H. P. Dow 10.00 H. M. Snow 10.00 I E. H. Lawrence 15.00 JB. J. Murray 15.00 Mike Motachenbaoher 16.00 A Friend 5.00 Mrs. S. Grennon . 5.00 Mra. M. DeLap 6.00 I L. Low R.00 Alexander Bishop 5.00 Mra. C. W. Arnold 5.00 Turka Take Oarriaan BERLIN. Jaa. IS. It I aaaouaced that Turklah troop have captured Mihalaa, la Ruauala, with aa eatlre Ruailaa.sarrtioa. Mra. White Return. Mra. O. W. WJMte rataraad laat avaa lag fraca Madaata-to attaad Mr. Wkltt. who la atrickaa with paeaaaoala. 1 ' uaalo Laavea. . Cob Blatk, better kaowa u "Ottasle." laft thla taaralag tor Aritoai. WITHDRAWN Peace Commission is to Adjourn Soon WWWWWWWWW0W00WW0 Leak Probe Reopened in The House WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 13. At a meeting of the rules committee today 1 a a announced that there would be a complete reopening of the leak proba 'Inj thl thf bouse of representatives. v.a further announced that Thoa. W, Lawson and aeveral other proaai nent brokers would be subpoenaed. Broker Who Mikes Charges of Leak William R. Weed Congressman from Indiana Congressman William R. Wood of Indiana, the man who started the in vestigation of leaks from the capltol to Wall street, won a point on the floor of the house when the rules committee this morning decided to reopen the probe after bitter opposition from the democratic side. BBBPnSgaaaBBBBBBBBBBBIi gaaaBBBBLIsBgaBBBBBBBBBBBBlHaa! BHBHBr-VsfKgl Terminal Situation is Serious-Johnson Chairman of Terminal Fund Committee Says Outcome of Enterprise Practi cally Rests on Securing Money 'The situation regarding money to buy a passenger terminal for the Strn horn railroad Is serious. 8omethlns must be done at once." In thla way W. Paul Johnson, chairman of the head committee on raising the fund, charac terises the terminal situation. "We will do nothing more now until Monday, and then everyone must get together and the money to buy the terminals must be raised quickly," says Mr. Johnson. "Robert E. Stra born Is here watting for Klamath Falls to do It part of the proposition he made laat fall. Blda on the bond are to be opened next Monday. Mr. Stra horn la eager to aee construction work started, tluu Is getting short. KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Price Five Cewte SOON Last meeting of commission MONDAY Plan la to Announce Official With- drawal ef Perehing and Militia Treepa at Final Seaaion ef Peace Talker Actual Withdrawal Then Will Start Seen Afterward, Unit Praaa Laarna Today, x WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 13. The admialatratlon plana to remove the rallltla troop from the Mexican bor der before March IsC The United Pre learned of the troop withdrawal thla morning from oBelal aourcea. Withdrawal of General John Penh inaa column la slated for an early day and the militia will be removed, soon afterwards. It la planned to announce officially the withdrawal at Monday's final ses sion of the American-Mexican peace commission. Actual withdrawal will start soon after the commission ad journs. " Ferty Windjammara Sunk LONDON, Jan. 13. According to a Petrograd dispatch, a Russian naval t-quadron raided the Anatolian coast en Junuary 6th and sank forty Turkish windjammer, which were en route to Constantinople, heavily laden. Tnawa Mother Checra PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 13. Harry Thaw ' mother has engagd a suite of moms adjoining her son's room in St. Mary's hospital. She will soon be with her son to stand by him throughout the trial. "The stumbling block seems to bo the passenger terminal. Evorythlng else seems to be progressing well, but the money to buy thla terminal la not forthcoming us It should be, especially from those well able to give, and who undoubtedly will profit greatly from the Impetus given to business and de velopment by the railroad. "The terminal fund must be raised next week. Within a few daya Klam ath Falls must decide whether it shall aecure the terminal aad have a rail road to Portland, or whether it aball crawl back in Its shell aadaUad stljl aa it haa aince the Southern PaeMo Ltniiiuxi hulldlnr." f ' Vl y T I Xt ' itf - rM.