I 1 rnlDAV.JANUARV 12. 1017 THE EVENING HEKALD, KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON PA0S THRU it''l Twirled a Cane as He Led Assault of French Captain of nifvrnlh Company i De corated 'Vai Ooix de Guerre for Coolness a.d Bravery in Leading the Charge Of MENnV wooo Miiri'ly tii A momi-nl Imfori' Ihn ' fct for llm limn to Kcrnintiltt out WITH TH': I'HI.NCII AUMIKM, Jan. " "'" Sntw ' "" iMomjufif i. i.-.t.ii.iM Uwimiiu..ji.. imiunml' f uiill Hin parapet, ami nilJuMInn Ha Hi.' I.l.'vnth f.mumiiy of out. i.f '' monocli. no lliui lm . mi 1,1 niiney iv- iiKlm"iiii Hint rraptur-l IHmu .ni lit. ftlil at tilitiratlmiri mmILimI fntlttlv liKllil'llli Uim rrrnjiiuriMi iimu. - - " ml ni. .XtlituM. loday vn .tr-rnl-it '!' - 1 IwlrllliK til emit. Ill III i-llll lti l nil ! Hunt" In Iitokiii. lor of In ikIh."" Mini liramry In I. rt.lum lum iitcii n. Hit iiiiili, lil. i itmi iuUiik ', run ' Hi.' t'filnnlnis of th priurnt ,tr 1'ixnclt uiflri'tp lif rtid ran. iiir ii.nht iutr)i( on "llr pmaili', ii lit,: l II IHI'T UrrIM' a it .rntn III IrmllliK mi ntlnck Ihy trtii) i u ! iiii'irl) tltHr rrvolvi.r. I'.tnnn iltrnt pnrailn unit Infantry n rmiu lliry lirtiriiil)- irr mil)' n ( ilir In planning lli BMaull on Foit i.Mi.iiti"iil. Hi" l-'iniich "lalt workt out III ail I rt III.' irty iMftll, vm down 10 i-i .rf Hi.' men wrr to follow In or iUr nut to mhniir faatrr then the l,.(riK" if nnlll,r)' flr- un.tnr eovrr of wlilrli the iiK'ii wete lo o forward Tin' pare irMablihr4 for Captain IMtuiiiurr.'"" rnnipan) wan a rather Sensational Offers do not effect our trade Wood and Hay W. E. Seehorn Company h? Mnin Mrrft PADE & SHANNON PLUMBINO AND STEAM FITTINQ Stoves Bought, Purnaeee Sold and Repaired Installed 8HEBT MBTAL WORK OF ALU KIND 1023 Main St. New City Laundry We Guarantee Our Work. Shirts and Collar! Laundered. We alto wail silk, wool, and col. orcd goclt very carefully. Try ua once and bo convinced. Our prleoa are right. Phono 154. 127 Fourth Street Oack of First .National lank j Passengers and Baggage Anywhere w the City Quick Service Reasonable Rates PHONE 187 Western Transfer Company tinker, XX'lien the prrclnK uunnent for Hip an nutt rniti.', lie turned ijulfll)' to liln itn'ii In tlm Hfni-lifM ami r.-nmiknl In nn rv-n ton of velcn: "All rluht, M Kiifant, wn'rr off" Then an llif mrn (rnino out tlif raptaln nonchalantly lu.rrilnj llinii, IwlrllliK hU rani wllli nil Hip nonrhalanrt. of a I'arUlan dan it)' on the Umlpril. Ilpamiurml lo tlir fulpi fftont by tht roolnp of ihrlr trailer, tlif wn followitl until, nt Hip PipcUp ttionipnt. arraiiKPl In adtnnr b Hip Klaff offlrni, tti rouiany, ai m tya crpnpl by tin t-'rench artillpry larrP flfp. arrival wlililn lrlkliiK dUtanre of (Iip objpcllvp aimUnnt to tbrtn With Ihp amp prrclnlon Hip Krpncli urilllrry barren at that inmin-nt Iraprd forward, leaving the Uennan Kion PiMMPd lo Hip alack of Hip advanclna Infantry company. Throw nt alip hU ranp ami tlrawInK hU ip vnlror. Ihp raptaln Kp Hip cry of Kn anni. Mro Knfanln." and u mo input lalr Hip riitlrp company m nafply lntnllH In Hip Herman immI linn with nil Hip latter' ilefendeix it lift lril or Imprlonned. STRAHORN RAIL ROAD HONOR ROLL Tim following arc tho aubicrlpllon lakrn to data by tho Womon'a 1,000 Itallioad Club to buy leimlnal (round In Klamnlh I'ulU for Him Hlrahoro rail roi.l WOROIN WHISPERINGS V Towiifi-nil , Kli'llti MutiK . II llolv III W I' J.lllllHOII llnr' rl'x . Mif J (J ('aiiip Mm S A llutdilmt Mm I. N IlKln.K Mn " C llocuo . ., Mt I. I' Wntli'iiburK Niim ()II'Im-i .. , .M )iin . ,. Mif Until M (Sowrn . Ilinuii'l Howen Jr. . ... ,Mrn, J J Hlrljcer . ilm ' i:. Vollmcn .. J. II Vii.lirer .. Jiilm liiiulilnn .,... Jnv mi. I Joe Kvanit A Krlrnd . ....... C.l.n J.iliixiin . .. . licit Thorna ,. .. Mr. Mabel C. Merryman , MUm Acnea I . . Mr. KM I til (,'oneboom . . A Krlend Mra. M. U I'oland Mrn Chamialn Johnaon . Mm. J, A. Ila bourn ,-. Mm Harry I'ulU ,-.. Mm. II. H. (Ulaxby Minn Ida Motnyer ljtl Mlllrr lr Oeorp A. Cathoy ., Ir. " A. Ionanl , lc A. A. Soul tr I U Truax J II, lliditn .J Mm. .' A. Goldncumldt Mr. ' I'aul Johnnon . Mm. Jolir M. Moor A .'rlrml A Krlrnd Mm. XV. I.. Moor J Mm, Onrar IVyton i Mm. U G. Van llellen Mm. Kmma J. XVont Clon II. Jentor .... A Krlcnd JW, . A. J. XVIard Our ronntablp. recently elected, tin lifllrtrd. Any bulnen lntruted to Mr. McCullom will rrceU prompt at tentlon. XV I- Owen ban purchaned a cream Mlarn(nr, which with a well choncn ttnlry herd place Hint gentlemen with Hie iruKtplvra. XX'orden'n new utor niaterlalltrd on the Int. A clean apa room, a well ne nelectinl utock and courleouri treatment mi' Mime of ih attraction. The W. t:. Cordon home wnn Int ailed Hnlurday eenlna by friend. A nodal reunion endlnK .In danrina waa n ioyml by all preitent. Mm. K. A. Downlne In Inclined to ward rniitInK a black ball on tho prop ortion of Krncral houinwarmlna. Her frlenda, howver. know th atrenRth of numbrm. Th good Hlelahlna la havlna a direct effect on tho wood pile of th com munitysolid comfort looms up every where. A. XX'. 8hur ahlpped a connlcnmpnt of wheat mid vcKitnblcn to Klamath Knlln Hi flrat of thn week. Ucn Gay, timber foreman with tho Klamath Lumber company of tho 8wnn I.nko dlatrlcl, came In th fore part of Mm. J. R Swannon IV II. Hall i it. ;: p. j oh n k on .. I A. Kenon 1 1 . O. Mill . 0 It. Mnnnlna Mm XX. K Townnend . Mm Aime Vkelon .Mm. C. K. Jay Mm. K. lirander.bur..K . Mrn I. I). XVhltmoro Mm. XV. J. Itoberta Mm. Chan. Martin Mm. tliora K. XVIrtx Mm. !. A. Kenyon .... Mm. Z. C. Kimball . ( II. Ilalbert Mm. XX. K. Kauaht .. Mm. J. ll". Maaon .-..-. Mm. I'ercy Kvana .. Mm. Hert XVIthrow Mm. XV. K. Seehorn Mm. J. II. (larrclt Mm. U. I Truax Mm. XX'. IV McMillan Miita Greta McMillan Mm. C. V. IVLap Mm. Ilerl Thontaa ....... Mm. K. U. nrewbakor Mm. Glen Jolinnon .. Mrn. J. Perkins ..... J. T. I'erklna .. MIhh Dorothy XVcekt V. Hill Hunter Mm. V. Hill Hunter Mm. It. M. Torrey . 5.00 ISO 00 250.CMJ 100.00 .2S0.00 .160.00 . COO . COO . COO . coo . coo . 10.09 . coo . coo . 10.00 . coo '. coo coo coo coo coo 10 00 coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo - J6 00 1100.00 .J00.0O .100.00 scoo 25.00 25.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 coo .- COO', - coo . 5.00 ,- coo .. 6.00 coo 5.00 1500.00 100.00 -100.00 50.00 15.00 coo coo 5.00 6.00 COO 500 5.00 .. COO 6.00 .. 5.00 .. 10.00 10.00 6.00 6.00 COO 6.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 Lafayette Home i$ Bought by Americans I i'&SM WSPFtaW I8KI nay, Xmn m ta Mly way u m Ma alstara waa lo kaka It at boata, wkltk fa BMsay mi tranUaaoaM. Nowadata wa alaaal ajk ai an drartera for "Wyata'a Sa and 8nl- WfOBINM." Tan will sat a largo tatU 0t tMs BM tlM fMtoa laaafM. ed by tba a44ltton of other Inaredlrata. for aboat 60 cent. Everybody uaaa tbta croMratlon now. Itccaasa no one can poaalkly tell that yon darkaned yimr hair, as It tloen It no oaturally and vraly. Yon dampen a iDonae or xoft braah wltk II, and draw this through your hair, taklag one amall itrand at Him; by nornlna the crar balr din. MMSfB, aai after aaothar aanUea- tla ar twa. yaw hair haeoaaaa aaaatl fatly Bark, thick aai gtoaay, aad yoa h rmn Towatar. Wwath'a San iad falpbar raiaaaaJ la a fat taltat nlaHBi H hi Ml 'or lha cmra, BrftlajtUaa ar of dlaeaM. d. iKaw wl,rX jfATnP fWJJt f St rn Americana maklnc up the American committee of the French Ileroea' fund, headed by Mm. William Aator Chanter, hava purcbaaed the old chateau of the Manjuln de iJifayette, the Chateau de Cbavanlaa Payette, birthplace of the i m m m viwnmmtwnwwwnwvviMvwNni WOOD .lnt phone IH7 and aak for Pry I ton. He i the man who caa aoHa your nood problem for yoa, Klamath Fuel Ct. ijinnn(WMMJMliWMMWMWWWW Frenchman who helped win Americas Independence. They will turn the cha teau Into a memorial muaeum. and a home for the orphan of aoldlera and for Midler who have been disabled In ! the war. I Urn. K. 8uarman . Mra. Georga Chamberlain , - Mrs. I'boebe Hammer. MUn iJiura Hammer. Mra. B. A. Creaa . Mra. C. V. Flsbar. Mrs. Kd. Oowan. Ijiwrence Mehaffy.. Mrs. Harry BUIta. Mm. Hnzol Powell Mm. J. A. Gordon Mm. A. J. Kyle thin week lo set n lino on hla Intercuts , m,, Krcl Kleot (ere and to further aomo linprovv menta on hla ranch, to meet the time vhen he and family wilt be anchored permanently umonK the beat on earth. ClmrlcH Goodwin, foreman of an H. P. carpenter crew, la upending a few dayn with homo folk. Lena and Gotdlo I.ewln aro ubaent from Bchool this week throuah lllnosn. Mrn. V. R. Call Mloa nnchael Applesate ... Mrs. GcorRe II. Dennett,..- 5.00 6.00 - 5.00 5.00 . 5.00 - 6.00 ..$ 5.00 Good meals from 11 to t for 26o; rise thort orders at Klamath Lunch It.K.m. 121 N. 8lxth street. ll-t Ask Chlleote country. about tha Klamath 10 IH J WphrigiQal Turkish Blend mWSmsMe Mrs. K. T. Shophord Mrs. Jean Oroakcek- A Friend Mrs. R. D. Henry- Mrs. Andrew Collier- Mrs. W. O. flmlth Mrs. Alex Martin.. Mrs. F. T. Sanderson . Mrs. J. M. Evans Mm. 8yd Evaaa Mrs. J. D. Cbambara Mra. II. P. Dow Gertrude Eckmaa Mrs. F. C. Murphay Mrs. O. It Manning Mm. Addle Williams Mm. Bertha Exell . Mrs. Fred Cofer . Mm. E. B. Magoa . Mra. Itobort Sloan ... Mm. Nate Otterbeln Mra. W. C. Davenport Now City Laundry Mrs. W. H. Mason .- Mrs. D. A. Leggett M. Cook Ix-e Simons Mi Almee XX'olf D. K. McDonald Irving Bradford II. B. Barry- Mm. Svan R. Reaaea Mm. 1.'. a Hall Mm. Chaa. W. Eberleln Mm. Lottie Martin Mlas Mabel Martin James Lytle William Timms Mrs. C. C. Low .. Ely Nlckeraon . .- Mrs. T. H. Lynch ........... Mrs. W. Dalton Mm. K. M. Patrick P. D. McDonald John Corey ....... N. E. McClory Mrs. Chas. Ferguson ...... Mrs. Mary Wlthrow Mrs. Don Zumwalt ..., Mrs. M. L. Allison Mr. Alice Goeller . A. Carlson .... ...... Mm. Harry Rlchardaon Mrs. Emma Mason ........... Mra. Carl Cummlnga ..... MIm Restorla French ... Mr?. Ed Martin . Mrs. T.ouls Oerber Mr. Earl Whltlock Mra. II J. Winters Mra. 8am Smith Mrs. O. E. Wllley Cigarette JOferl5l Mm. J. C. Brockenbrougk Mra. George Cathey ...... Mra. I.. O. Mills Mrs. R. R. Hamlltoa Mra. F. II. Mills Mra. A, C. Henllne Mr.'. Bulge Mason Mia. J. W. Biemena Mra. Laura Wilson ... Mrv. M. A. WUklna . Mm. Elsie Siemens .. Mrs. C. R Wheeler Mr Loula Uoldlahar Mrs. It. A. Mitchell Mra. A. D. Miller MIh tvutatnnca Millar Miia Margaret Pitts Georga Watt Mra. 3. J. Parker .-., B. St. Georga Blshup .. Arthur Bole .. Sllaa AUea McCourt A. L. Alaxaadsr ... Mra. J. . llUott MIh Uayaal coo 'coo 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 COO 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.00! 5.00 5.00 500 20.00 5.00 6.00 6.0) 6.00 ; 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 C00 600 6.00 5.00 600 6.00 25.00 25.00 6.00 10.00 25.00 5.00 12.50 10.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 .1.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 500 25.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 600 6.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 6,00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 25.00 6.00 6.W 6.00 6.0V 6.0 6.00 M0 6.00 A Friend Mrs. H. Oram T. H. Mitchell Mra. R. E. Smith Mra. 3. Frank Adams . Ml Marie McMillan . Archie Henllne Dr. W. R. Boyd L. K. Haines W. 8. Hogan C. C. Iw II. Wechaler . W. H. A. Renner . F. N. Frakes R. O. Parks . Mra. O. W. Robertson Mra. J. N. Bridges Mr. Mildred Elder Mra. Arthur Franklin . R. Madaen Mm. Joa Koaop , Mrs- E. Deyo Mra. C. R. Bowman J. T. Colman Mrs. George Walton Mrs. George Fry Mm. XX. E. Townaend Mra. John E. Drehr Iealle Price v A Friend Mra. Mary E. Anderson ..- Mm. H. J. Lincoln Mrs. C. L. Roberta Mra. Roxana P. Wilson Mra. H. E. Calkins Mrs. Rosa B. Thomas -Mra. J. G. McCollom Mra. Mike Taylor Mm. XX. D. Miller ... XX'. A. Delxell . Dr. C. X. Flaher . Dr. J. H. Carter . George B. Chamberlain James E. Pade A. Klnspeel W. H. McPberren J Hlrvl Jr. Mra. J. Hlrvl Jr. Leslie Olds H. W. Poole Mra. Chas. W. Magulre Mrs. George B. Downing Mrs. E. E. Hedrlck Mra. J. W. McCoy Mra. II. B. Moe Mra. M. J. Bcebe Mrs. Nettle Ooddard John Stade . . Mra. Augusta Slade Mra. C. J. Swingle Mrs. Chester Avery .. Mrs. J. Thorson . ...... Mra. Olive E. Seltx Miss Maud E. Baldwin .. Harry 'Stilts V. T. Motachenbacher and wife Mra. XV. D. Cofer Mra. J. E. Howie Mrs. L. J. Morfer .... Mrs. Jessie A. Furber .. ........ John J. Furber ... .. . . Mra. Ore Fltspatrlck Mr. F. W. Rlggs Mrs. C E. Davis Mra. Robert Alexander .... COO 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 KM 25.00 25.00 26.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 15.00 10.00 Cfc 5.00 5.00 6.60 5.00 5.00, 6.00. S.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 COO 5.00 COO COO 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.09 5.00 25.00 50.00 10.00 75.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 COO 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 25.00 25.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 10.01 60.00 10.00 6.00 5.00 COO 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 VAN RIPER BROS. . . Grocers to Her Majesty . . . The Klamath Falls Housewife MALT O' MEAI Tho Instant breakfast food, package RIM OLIVES "Coming Brand," per can LOOANBERRIES "IS-Karat Brand," No. 10 can, solid pack SOc Fin far Fits or Preserves. CHICKEN, A LA KINO A royal dish, ready to serve, per can 2Be ORAXAIO SOAP POWDER Regular 10c; special . "S. A W." SALAD DRESSING-Regular 30c; special TOMATOES, "COSMOS" No 2t cans, two for Case ef twe down f.7S GET THE HABIT 7 m,mmj . ,BaaaaaaBBBaBaaaaaaBsaaaaaBaii.s Gmne'scnmcMm mnesoMien the correct xmrnNG paper Underwood's Pharmacy xssx V OLD RECIPE 10 DARKEN HAIR SAtl TtA AND tULPHUR TURNS ORAV, FA0IO HAIR DARK AND LOSSY . , that StflO TM4SS MplHtr. pwnrty m vnUt HrlBBi hsak Ob BBtanl aator aai Ma IN iB tkB kSlT WtMB tUM, StlBSfeBi Bf ?IWB0ffilKffO?' I Hot Water Each Morning Puts Rosesjn Your Cheeks I (IfllflflflflflKflflflOwOr H H h is h i . Ky'SSvNJSJ ?7lE'SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS?t9l3i i 5j1ilAl&1IV&''- -! JHPSEBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBEBBBBBBTj t KNK'-vM.'-.v.vQHPVa; nBBaJHBKBSBBBJ ' viMwTfeir v'' vsn asBBaaaaaaaaaKAaBaaaaaaIBsaaaaaa1 BaaBm1!!!! BaaaaaalfcBHaayJsgfejisjy'B BSBBBBBBaMPjWBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTjBKC 1 HP aBaBaaBaaaVllfl'i 'iKBJ ! ' s""5 aaaBBaaaaw:cI N Baamr-. J. -. v asB To look one's best and feat ona'a best la to enjoy an Inside bath aach morning to fluah from the system the previous day'a waste, sour fermenta tions and poisonous toxins before It la absorbed Into the blood. Just aa coal, when it burns, teavaa behind a certain amount of Incombustible ma tsrlal In the form of ashes, so the food and drink taken each day leave In the alimentary organs a certain amount of rndlsestible material, which. It sot eliminated, form toxins and poisons which are then sucked Into the blood through the very ducts which are in tended to suck Id only nourishment to sustain the body. If you want to see the glow ot healthy bloom In your cheeks, to aee your akin set clearer and clearer, you ar told to drink every morning upon arising, a glasa ot hot water with a teaspoonful ot limestone phosphate In it. which is a harmless means of wash lag the waste ataterlal aad toxJaa front the atoawch, liver, kldaays aad bowel, thue cleaaeiBff, eweetening aad purifying the satire alimeatary tract, before putting more food Into the stomach. Girls and women with aallow alias. ller spots, plmplea or pallid eoas plexlon, also those who wake up with a coated tongue, had taate, aaatr breath, others who are bothered with, headaches, bullous spella. add stom ach or constipation, should begla tale phosphated hot water drtakiai an are assured ot very pronounced re sults In one or two weeka. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate costs very little at the drar nore but I sufficient to demonstrate that just as soap aad hat water cleanses, puriflea aad freaheaa tha skin on the outside, eo hot wataua limestone phosphate act sa the tasMe organs. We must always coaaMar that Internal sanitatloa Is vastly atera Important than outside cleaatlaees, because the skin pores do aet aheerb Impurities Into the blood, while bowel pores do. Women who desire to eaaaaee the beauty of their oompleaiOB akBaM Bst try thla for a week aad (AdvertleeaMBt) . ft lwS t -mm va .- v < . , ,. " ' 1 ti$$w&'. JZMX&- w&z.& -y . AmIAa