iM' tt ' nr r 7MUM0DAY, JANUARY 11, (01 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON . . PAQK TWO The Evening Herald GRAND SALE STARTS January 13 at 8 a. m. W. O. SMITH, Editor SALE STARTS Pabltehed dally except Sunday by ! Herald Publishing Company ct January 13 at 8 a. m. Rtaaath Falls, at US Fourth street Entered at the post office at Klamath CLEARANCE SALE rail. Oregon, for transmission through Um nulla m second-class matter. Subscription terms by mall to any 'I tfdrcss In the United 8tates: On jear $5.00 One month .60' I SIM? - Iff THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1917 j Heralds Classified Advs. U to.. . Advertisements In the Classified columns are printed at the rate of Five Cents a line, Invariably In ad vance. Hereafter no advertisement will be accepted unless accompanied by the cash. MISCELLANEOUS AMaMMMMMMMMM WANTED Poland China boar. Noti fy Malt's Second Hand store. Sixth street jr. W. Burke. E-6t HIGHEST cash paid for furs, hides and pelts. B. P. Lewis, Sixth street, near Klamath. 19-tf U'CABE'S EXPRESS Call Mecca billiard parlor, phone 153. 15-lmo; LOST AND FOUND WMWAMAAaAAMMMWMIAAMMWWMWMWW L08T Six weeks old collie spits pup. Finder notify Albert While, 416 Pine street. 92t YOUR CHANCE Tor a few daya only I can sell you an Inside lot in the best part of Mills Addition for $150.00 en easy terms. Can sell the corner adjoining for $178.00, or both for $325.00. You'll likely not have the same chance again, See Chilcote. 10 NOTICE Why not stock your ranges to their full capacity. San Francisco Cattle Loan company will loan you the money. For particulars apply GSO WATT, Klamath Falls, Ore. PostoOc box C$C 18-26t PROFESSIONAL CARDS A0WWmmA0www0w0wwwwww DR J. H. CARTER DENTIST OFFICE, ROOMS 7 and WHITE BUILDING A Supreme Sacrifice A grand clearance of the entire stock will be in vogue to gether with the fact that prices have advanced and still going higher we are now buying everything that is new and up to date for next season this is the greatest effort and most supreme reduction and selling sacrifice ever inaugar ated in Klamath Falls. Prices will remain in effect as long as the sale lasts and the goods are here. Some special lots will be sold very quickly, so be here early and supply your wants. We live up to every promise and fulfill every state ment made in print. Everything on Sale The entire stock of high grade Men's Clothing, Shoes, Furnishings and Hats will be put on sale at sensational cut slash prices. In spite of the fact that the wholesale prices on all classes of merchandise has gone skyward and are higher than they have been in 25 years. We are in a position to give you excep tional low prices during this great sale. So follow the wise one to Sugarman's where you get the best and most mer chandise for less than you have to pay elsewhere. See Friday's Herald for Prices SUGARMAN See Friday's Herald for Prices DR. F. M. WHITE Eye, Ear, None aad Throat yet Tested Classes Fitted 107 Odd Fellows Binding DR F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Fhyslelan Sato Sl, L O. O. F. Tesnpl REMEMBER I never charge for nmlnatlon and consultation. FURTHER This places yon un der no obligation, and you will not be asked to take treatment Heurs: 9 to 11:30 a. m.; 3 to 6; 7 to 8 p. m. Pboae 821 Residence Phone 288R City & County Abstract Co. ABSTRACTS INSURANCE Member Oregon Association Title Men DR. A. A. SOULE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Rms 1 to 8, Emma Blk. Phone 151J (English pronunciation of Soule is Soul; French, Su-lay.) 'CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS TeUs Row To Get Quick ReUef front Head-Colds. It's Splendidly STATE IN HANDS OF A RECEIVER RADICAL PRESIDENT OF ARGEN TINE APPOINTS INTERVIEWER FOR PROVINCE IN ARGENTINE TO FORCE ACTION BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 11. The Ar gentine state of Enere Rlos today is in the bands of a receiver, whose duty is not to wind'up the province's affaire, but to straighten them out. jii cue minute your clogged no trll will open, the air passages of youi bead will clear and jou can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffing, blowing, hearache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be gone. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the bead, soothes the Inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief cornea instantly. If'fe.-W'- Juat line. Don't stay stuffed-up Hl.M w ""ty catarrh relict , A. tmm ultk!y. Ar. Adding Days to the Years That's what a watch will do for you, Mr .Farmer. It will keep you from wasting time enable you to make the most of each day. You can't guess at the time without wasting it anil if you don't have a watch you've simply got to guess at the time when you ale in the field. You'll find a watch a much more valuable piece of prop erty than the actual intrinsic worth It represents. A good, thoroughly reliable, guaranteed watch In a hand some, dust-proof case a watch which will giw you the best of service at every season of the year, and at all kinds of work costs only a hmall sum at Upp's. Come in the ilist time you are in town make u special point of it nnd look at our watchps. You'll not ho urged to buy. Frank M. Upp Jeweler 433 Main Street Official 8. P. Watch Inspector The Entre Rlos receiver, or inter tentor, is Dr. Joaquin S. de Anchorenn. The provincial governor is Dr. Niguel Laurencena. Dr. Laurencena is a rad ical, like National President Irigoyen. The Entre Rlos legislature is due to elect two senators to send to the fed eral upper house in Duenos Aires. In joint ballot the legislature Is radical by a majority of two votes. Therefore the two senators presumably will oc radicals. The conservative members of the legislature do not want this to happen. Consequently they stay away from the sessions, and Governor Laurencena cannot get a quorum. After repeated attempts to overcome this difficulty the governor appealed to the (.resident. The president placed the situation in the hands of Dr. de An chorena, as receiver, or interventor. redoral intervention in the province is not unusual in Argentina. When president Irigoyen went into as a radical there were many pre dictions that he would radicalize all the conservative states by means of in tervention. This was the way in which it was prophesied President Irigoyen would do It, but there has been only the one case so far. SHORT STORY IS TO BE OISCOSSED Notice of Poumhnastcr's .Ulo Notice Is hereby given that the un- -lerslgncd poundma.tcr of the city of """ '"' .T ?'. C? 'T,' Klamath Falls. Oren ,-ld input'! M'C ',' ", "' K1;U' '"J'"' m " the pound of saw r.t, the fo.lnln,opJ ?J ,P' "' J""U,nry 'f'"" described animals on the 3.1. .lay of' SaM ,,om " -H In pursuance Jimnry 1DI" i nn n,m'ml"",t Section 87, Article 'one old bnV l.nn,n l.n.,1 fP ,.,,.,. IV "f ,,,n Cl,ar,,r f '' X ' Klnm- MEM.'r.i T2 nn rid,, hm ,.i.,. .n i nUl "" """Ron. which amendment . . fTt.ifit H'fin mlnnfml V.... .....I... fli I A I . All sealed bids or proposals for the 'and by virtue of a writ of execution purchase of such bond will be opened In foreclosure, laatird out of the dr am! considered by the common coun-,ctllt court of (he Slate of Oregon, for WOMEN'S LIBRARY CLUB BERS WILL DISCUSS SHORT rlehl hln: hnhfnll- wlM ,.(. .r.r. mcM Wn adopted November 11. 19H5. TOMORROW AFTERNOON nounds . . K:xcU l,r0t,onl purchase said bonds Klamath county. In the cj of It. H. Moore, the plalnilff, vs. John Connolly, the defendant, which said wtlt wnji dated the 19lh day of December, A l. 191C, I will, on the :0(h day of Jauu ary, A. I). 1917, nt the front door of Hut court house of Klamath rniinly. Ore. KOlt. In the City of Klniimth Fall. CTnou TfMinnDntii arTPnainai AND REVIEW TALES One ol.l bay horse. rlL-ht hoof snllt: l m". b" nccon'lanl' certified. Oregon, nl the hour of : o'clock In the - ' i .hliflf Fn. r. n ...n, ..V I. . . ..... ul.. . ... ..vv ,w. ,..., i,., , , miiuuni ui-niieninon on sniil ilate, proceed to sell "The Short Story" will be the topic 7U ln '"V bran",,U ,m "" ,,ou' for discussion tomorrow afternoon at "''r.: wt'arlnK hal,,,r ...., .i ... . .,.,. ... .. f And that unless tho owner or own- w- n-kumi iiiri-iuiK ui mo uiiirii i , ,, , . nonauy in tno Tl .. t.t p.,,u animal, wi umer uurnun or . .., ., ., ., , i.-.,i u., -u... : ' hlnmnth Falls. - - -"" - " , ume, iHxerii in pi. n the bids or proposal, drawn on soma' at public auction, to tho highest bid- rerponsiblo bank, payable uncondl tlonally to tho Treasurer of the City Library Club at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs H It HarrUon will lent ti.r, ' IH'R having an Interest therein shall i , . discussion, "a." r;KLuseaw '- f ' -t-W uS2?JPth?M' , ,. . , , , . , , pay all costs and charges for tho'mu1 oe unrndlllnnal, and the sue- give one of Grimm' fairy tales and a ' , , . ., " 7 'censfnt i.i,i,tr n, i,m win .- - fable. Mrs Hoy Moore will review kcPln advertising thereof, to-'00""1" bludcr ""'ers will bo re- Mrs C II now man will tell nf 1W nnnC0 of Ml,i c"y ff u . ld . """ '""" Ju ""y" " h0 time SdtIlu,g.'D::rMnrW i iu , w,, ""'-is w, be sold at public auction ZVJu 1 SSZ'TP" tell about Guv DeM-uin-msaM' -The 'or ea,,h ,lt lbc cl," )OUn,1 at Klnmnih ' ",0 bon, aro r"" r delivery, or NeckKce" l,pMl,uP',J",Bnl a,,p stables, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. i I tott ". deposit to tho city. '""""- .. . All members ami frlen.U nf .he elm.' on IB0 ""' r January. 1917. are invited. Radium Supply Trebled DKNVER, Jan. 11. The ores of ScutbwPHtern Colorado will double or treble the'world'H supply of radium, nc roiuing to a statement issued today by the expert at tho State School of Mines at Golden. The report declares that the ore accessible in Southern Colorado and in the La Sal mountains .ti l.'tah contains nearly 200 grains of radium, or nearly three times the w m id's present output. The carnetite fields of Utah and Col orado already have produced about ore half the world's supply of radium. Rumanians Turned Back BERLIN, Jan. 11. The German forces have repulsed heavy night at tacks on the Macedonian front. Strong Russian attacks on the Riga front also have been turned back. It was officially announced today that the British cruiser Shannon was sunk in a mine explosion last November. LEGAL NOTTCES i"i"iwvrss-MVinru-irLftj NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Not Coal Lands United States Land Office nt Lakcvlow, Ore., December 1C, 1916. Notice Is hereby given that Perry I. Neil, whoso postoffico address Is Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, on the 22d day of April, 191C.flle In this of fire sworn statement and application, No. 0S21 1, to purchase the NEU SE'i Section 20, Township 37 south, Range R. T. BALDWIN, Chief of Pollco and Poundmaster. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, January 10, 1917. lira The Common Council of the City of der for rash, the right, title and In. lerest of the said John Connolly In hnd to the southwest quarter of Hie northeast quarter, the west Imlfiil the southeast quarter, the east half of the southwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Kectlon C, In Township in south, Range 7 east of the Willamette meridian, In Klamath county, Oregon, or so much thereof as mny he neces sary to satisfy a judgment rendered " " ' i ' 1 JKWftlllt'lll 1,'llWI'M'tl Klnmnth Falls hereby reserves to It., In the above entitled suit on thn fitlt ne uiu rigui io reject any and nii.ony oi iwcemner, A. I). 191C, which 300,000.00 CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS MUNI CIPAL RAILROAD BONDS. bids and proposals for the nurchnnn of said bonds or any part thereof. Said bonds are offered for sale in pursunnco of Ordinance No. 102 of snld city, adopted by the Common said Judgment Is for the sum of one thousand and eighteen nnd 17-100 .(M.0IS.17) dollnrs. with Interest there, on from snld Dili day of December. A. I). 1918, nt the rate of six per rent Hamilton Cash Markst Now open at 1026 Main street. Choice meats at very reasonable prices. Your patronage solicited. Fresh fish every) Frioay. j iHt E. E. HAMILTON. NOTICE OF SALE. rOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN, That scaled bids will be recolved by the Police Judgo of tho City of Klamath I'nllff. fflnmnfh emmtu n,nnnn .... n nvciiun i,, jownsmp 37 south, flange ' w" "" "w", "v " 9 east, Willamette Meiidlan. nnd the'"nU 'ncludlnif timber thereon, under the provisions JANUARY 15. 1917, of the act of June 3. 1878, and acta At llo hour of 2 o'clock p. m , for the amendatory, known as tho "Timber' sain of (300,000 City of Klamath Falls and Stone Law," at such valuo as municipal railroad bonds of tho de might bo fixed by appraisement, and nomination of 1,000 each, and niim that, pursuant to such application, tho bored 1 to 300 Inclusive, nil bearing land and timber thereon havo been date December 1, 191C, payablo fifty appra'sed at I1C0, the timber estl-J years after date, nnd bearing Intoiett mated 110.000 board fent nt linn ner'nt thn mln n lL a ...... . . T-.. r - .. u. ,vj iu u j,i!i vviii, pay- M, and the land $20.00; that said ap- nblo semiannually, on Juno 1st nnd tlleanf will nlfnr m-nn In ............ 'n.. I ... .. . ... I r -... . ,..uU, ,i, oujjjiwu ui jutuuiuur loi oi eacn year, wiin op.i '.o uiimitaiiuii ana sworn statement lion nr nnvmnnt nn -.. .. r. ou the 27th day of February, 1917, be- comber 1. 1920, for tho construction .-. . . uviMV, ciem oi mo county or a municipal railroad from a point Court, at Klamath Falls, Oregon. within said city designated as tho In Any person la at liberty to protest lerscctlon of First street and Klam this purchase before entry, or Initiate nth avonuo to n point without said a contest at any time beforo patent, city designate as tho northerly end Issues by filing a corroborated af- of Dairy station, located on tho south fldavlt in this office, alleging facta cast quarter of the northeast quarter which would defeat the entry. of Section 27, Township 38, south, i, i. , ,n F" DUREaa' n" H f. Willamette meridian, "" 220 Register. J Klamath County, Orogon. Mtii-u uy mo common : " iiu, m me rate or six per cent Council Decomber 11, 1916, nnd ap ' l'"r annum, and one hundred (1100.00) proved by tho Mayor on December 11, 1916. A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judge of tho City of Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon. 1211 to 1-15. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION I Notlco Is hereby given that under' 21-28 1-11-18 dollurs nttnrney's fees, nnd the fur tl.or Mini of thirty-one O31.00) ontn nnd (he costs nnd cxpcntie of this sale on r.-.fcutlon. Hated this 191b day of December, A- D. M6. C. ('. LOW. Sheriff of Klamath CouMy, Oregon. By HIEMEN0, Deputy. The Laugh Will Be on the Burglars who break Into n place and nftcr all their troublo find only a check book Instead of tho cash they oxpccled. You can disappoint burglars the saino way. Deposit your cash with the First Statu and Savings Bank and it will bo nsbolutely safu front thluvcH, Hie, dampnoHH, rats or any other similar danger. Isn't that Hecutity worth having? FIRST STATE 6M SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON fWiM,-9WtW tMfcWfWSiwi