elu? uettittn Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER tut! riTVMtamvMnmwinnauaaan'rirnrrrrriKvzirrn Tr7T,Tir7TT'";-' -"""-j-'--tt- " ' Eleventh YearNo. 3,115 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1917. Price Flv Cento LEEVEE BREAKS; QUARTER MUE FACTORY SITE LAND ....j-fc- . Withycombe Urges Economy DELIVERS BIENNIAL TODAY MESSAGE Warns Agalntt Decentralisation In Slat Government Say New Rev. nue Could Got From Inheritance Tai and Tai en Gross Premium of Iniuranct Companies Favor Steer, llliatlon of Criminal. Jame Wllhycombe, Kutrrnnr of Ore gon. IhU afternoon delivered ih fol lowing biennial mrnKr In lh Joint pruinn of bilh hour of lint Oregon IrKUIaturr: Thin, I lrul, Ik Ik be n run Ion of julitellkti acrumplthmrut and wr rrimomy productive of needed Ii-rIiIa-tlun only There Ik opportunity to rw iabllh a record for excellence, anlty and brevity. Much. I am nurr. would be appreciated by I lie citlienn of the Mate ami would Imm fulnil rxUiIng require ments, In my Inaugural mexr aiirntlim wan dlrerted lo deceMralitatlon, which Im developed In Oregon governmental prm-eilure OurlriR the. lam decade, audi HOW nk-alll II seems fitting to lefer lii llild tendency. Ill a large measure Oregon has .i i-oiiiiiiIikIom form of government. Tln governor him been more unit mnrv ill- tmlrd of authority. An u member of the board of cunlrol, In most liuportunt slate matter Im liiut Identically lhi same power lo obtain the result he do aire on other member of Ihr board, although tin- imbllc vest him with a far larger measure of reNponibllily. J I believe thla tendency toward do rrntralUatlou Im III advised, that It nurim ngaimii wie uet interests oi urn, Male, niul Unit the. resulting decrease of Individual responsibility lessen cm- ' ry ,n m,,,ln ,,."rvlc"' m""rritM, drmwrimic inrmbPrn of Iho l.oua9 In ortH.!ili,l. mil li.rttiiHii I liutinmt In I "" ff" '!.. be the executive and neek lucreaae of, polililral power, nor lo iirKe Immediate iliimllc ncilon. but rather to point it i ii lendeney which, In my opinion, will! nliill liicreiiHlnnly harmful remiltM. Strahorn Praises the Women of Klamath Railroad Builder Say Local Women Are "Wonderful" in Letter to C. W. Eberlein of Committee No portion la wntchlns moro careful ly tho development In Iho railroad nit nation In Klanrnth Fnlla 'than la Kobert K. Hlrahom, builder of Iho propoaed road. And no peraon tiaa a higher re tard for th work of tho women of Klunath Falls wbo are helping to got the terminal fund than baa Mr. Btra born. He cat the Herald regularly, and cloaely obaarvaa all move In con nection with the railroad altuatlon. In a lettor received tbla morning by ICharloa W, Kberleln, Mr. Btraborn wrlti'H an rullowH! Mnm,H.a,,mmMtMm to Solons, MAMMAMMMMMMMWMWWWV Jimei Withycombe fSovrroor of Oregon Penitentiary Admlnlttratlon The penitentiary properly ohnulil under the tuwriior jurlxillrllun Tin ronnlllutlon clirn the exevtlthe the iVJftSlaaal bbbbtt sibbbbbbbbbbbbIibbbbI aLLLLw aLLPktLLLLLLLLBiLLB bVBBBBWIBBBbVbVBbI bbbbbv rt SiaLaLH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB bVbPbBbVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb! bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbKbvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbRI riciunivn pariiuuinK aim paiuie pow. i nere t nexerui lliouoanil In the nt , rrn. He, and no one elne, reKUlaten thivniK-liitlim already ralneil, und oer. release of prlmmeiii, anil In In n inrii Concluded on l'afio 3 Democrats Face Huge Shortage WASHINGTON. I. ('.. Jim, Finnl ,. deficit estimated at H'j.VHiO.OUH. , .. I., ,.. wnn nun iiirnim i-iiiiiiiiiim'it hm-i iikih.i eonnlder nrheiueN In rnlo more ie- '' No ilerlnliin wim leached. The ilrni oernta will meet iiKitln Thunntay. "ItcfenlnK lu youra of Iho S7tli lilt., In regiinl tu tho Hiibitniplloim oIiIhIiumI lo tho tormliml niul iltilit of way fund: I fool that your Klnmiith Fullx women are nlmply wumlvrful. 1 never knew of KUi'h u cuno, ami, nn Mix, Blrajmrn often aaya, they arc denorvlng of every good thing that could pnnMbly como from the largont kind or railway da velopment we, In our most enthusiastic, momenta hope for. Of courre, tho men are doing thoir aharo aluo, but wo at way look for tbat na a part of their legitimate work, niul In purauance of their greater periwnul InlereHl." , ffi"S (300 TO FUND TO BUILD TERMINAL I SWANSEN GIVES f 150 MORE, MAK 1 I NO 1250 ' Qullltch Give a Hundred and Rich. ardson and Councilman Sheets 8u. crll)Tcrmlnal Fund From Butt. net Men Not In Attoclation Now Total 111,4)5 Lltt of Subscribers In Attoclation Net Ready. Jhiiii'ii K Smiuim-m Qullltch Hiiriy Itlcluirtlhiin It J Kht-rtn I ISO 00 .. -. J00.CO ... HO.OO . . Gti.00 Thrtr ai' thi- Mllmrrlilluni ctll jiti-uliiy by lln trtmlnnl fuinl rum llillli-f, acrtililltIR to iillliuutirrliiriit by W. I'uul JoluiMin.'rJtiriniiaii'of th roni lillllfo. J. K. .Suiwiim'U bifori' Kno llun, iinikliiK hi total tmbirrlilloii iimuuiit lo f:Su, Tin insu niibucrlbiMt jeMrrda) mnken the total already oeciired iinnmK ,, ,,.,,,. .... ,., ,,,,,,, wiling iiimiiis Wien .senator William J. stonn or .mis the bunlnefiH men not In the llunlne Mmil, clmlnnnn of the forln relations '..Men' AMMKlallon iimouut lo $11,415 roitnnlttee. referred In n upench to 13.00(1 mined h the Vollien" 1,(1,10 llalltoiul Clilh The lleriild I'Mierlnl tml.is to lie . , i utile to puhlltih I lie lift of Mibsrriptlnim ' In the llilnlnruM MenV Ahnoelatlon, but theiie roiild not tie furulrtheil by W I '.i n I JoluiMtu, elmlrmau of the com mlttee. PIONEER WOMAN DIES YESTERDAY MRS. H. D. WELCH, FIRST WOMAN HOTEL PROPRIETOR IN LINK VILLE, PASSES TO iEYOND AT END OF 89 USEFUL YEAR8 Pi om the Inflrmitlex of hcnlllly, Miv. II. II. Weleh piiMHed to her reward yen terday nftornoon at 2:20 o'clock nt her home lu Mills Addition. The remains will be interred In Merrill. Mm. Welch wan one of Klaimith'ti oltlext ploueet'ii, beltiK 89 yearn tho 13th of IIiIh month. She wn.s the flrxt woman to run n hotel in Klamath l'nlln when it wiih l.lnkvllle, and the r)rt womiin to run n hotel In Merrill. Her Iiuslmml, Dob Welch, left her for tho In ml of pence about alx yearn ago. The tleceiiMod In Htinivcd by two hIhIith, Mm. M, II. I'owell nnd Mrs Mnrtlin Spears of 1'ilnevllle, ami bv n brother, Alex Zevely of Cmia county. EMMETT BEESON DIE8 OF CANCER OF TONGUE Kmmutt UevHon, well known in Klamath county, died yesterday at Tal ent, Ore., of cancer of tho tonguo. Ho became nflllcled with tho awful disease laat July, and rapidly became worse. Mis. Kd Dunham, a alator, left thla morning to attend tbe funeral. The docoaaed will bo burled at Talent, WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 9,-8en; ator Thomas today threatened a fili buster against the navy program un less something la done to relievo oc ctinaittii of government oil lauds, PROPERTY FLOODED , A Lawson is an Ass," :' ,, Says Senator Stone if , . H JH aK IBbSWv jBBBBPj CBBBBBBBBBH H UjB , saLLLLH tAlBBBBBBBHyff. "v tBJBBBPI; !. b1 BBBBBLtBBh' n tLLJL pStNATpa WW, .. 3T?Ma,J" Tlu intTfjt nrouitid when Tboniaa V. I'iwaon of llontVin n1d If there 'cri' n coiiiplolr liivtftiKatlon of leaks to Wall Mrvvt from WanhlnRton there ttoulil not be n (tuurum of either houiie foimil nn echo In the yenate January 2. when Senator William J. Stonn of Ml ljiwMm aH it "low cri-nture lmihiIiil- hkk " ' and a "dli' Eight Jurors for Doyle wpj Nh7. " atfaSBBaBM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBK v Vt Jiv VBBBl' aBBBBBBBBBBi;.. Special Venire Needed to Complete Jury Because Many of Regular Panel Are Rejected by Attorneys Con ducting the Case. When the circuit court adjourned nt G o'clock last evcnliiK elKht juror to ( try William Doyle for murder had been M'rured. Two on the regular panel has not been examined, and there weie two vacant chairs lu the Juiy box. Judge Kuykemlall ordered a special venire of ten Jurors drawn, and from these the remaining jurors are being chosen this afternoon, lly tbe time the first eight Jurors weie accepted the defense had exercised sevea of Its twelve prr-emptorle.s Bad .the state two of Its Mix. At C o'clock laat evening court ad journed until 1:30 tbls afternoon, to give Jurors on the special venire time to get to the 'court house. It Is expect ed that tho jury will be completed be fore court adjourns this afternoon. It wns Indicated in tho examination of Jurors yesterday that Ddylo will not tnkn the witness stand In ills own de fense Attorney ltennor usks prcu- pcctlvo juran If audi action by Doyle, and the city tho other half, would prejudice them against the dc The county court last night present fondant. Hie awestlons also Indicate d to the city a bill for 1377.37. being tbat the state glght show by Ita own evidence that Daelo killed Mary Wil cox and MagBl Jones laat February In self .detaM, er that the shooting was accidental.' In extwjMc&si jurors Judge Drako for the ttata asked It circumstantial evidence mlfM'not be as strong us di- I P . mvr zbbbbbbbWbMbv VBVBBJHBBE3BJBJf1 BBBBTBBBHaviBB .BBBBMBBBK ' SBBBBrBBlBBT f " V iH r VbH y 'aPaV ; PaVaB VBBBI J BBBBV i ? bB BBBBf ' Kami 1 1 -twiAt'.muia" i Secured Murder Case reel. He also asked prospective juror if people sometimes didn't lie, and that in such cnaes circumstantial evidence might be stronger than positive. Trial, of the case Is sure to be a real battle, with Judge Drake and Attorney ltenner occupying the center of the atage. Beth are lawyers of experience and recognized ability, and more than once yesterday clashed. Judge Kuy kemlall once had to remind them that both were hired by the county, after ltenner remarked about Drake's eon duct, which he said wasn't what the county was paying Drake for. COSTS S354.74 TO RUN FERRY MONTH It cost Klamath county and the city of Klamath Falls $554.74 to operate the ferry across Link River while the new steel bridge was being put In place. The county pays half of this the city's half of tbe expense of main taining tbe ferry. Murderer Must Hani 08SIPEB, N. H.. Jan. 9. Judge Kivel today sentenced Frederick Small to hang January 15th for the. murder of his wife. IS INUNDATED 1 Two Boys To Have )WWWWWWIWWWIWW)WIWWIMWWWW. LAWSON SAYS HE WOULD NAME A HIGH OFFICIAL BUS MUST BE ORDERED BY HIGH BODY Say Revelation of Man Now Would - Hurt .Nation and Administration. Declare He I Making... Expote Through Desire to See Wall Street Probed May Be Held by Houe in Contempt. WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. Thomas W. lawson today promised to reveal tbe name of a high official implicated lit the peace note leak, provided an Inves tigation body higher than the house of tepresentatives committee so order.. l-ixvi-on declared such a revelation now would be disastrous to the nation and to the administration. He admitted that his only purpose in exposing the whole affair was to have a thorough probe made of Wall street und its practices. He persistently dodged queries, resulting in two mo tions being presented in the house to hold him in contempt. Educational BUI Passe WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 9. The house of representatives this afternoon passed the vocational education bill, carrying an appropriation of $3S.000, 000. Spain's Cabinet Quits MADItll), Jan. 9. The Spanish cab inet resigned today. Johnson Expresses Regard for Women Chairman of Terminal Fund Committee t Says Women's Efforts Have Been Inspiration to Men at Work 'As chairman of the main committee on raising the terminal fund, I want to publlcally express my very high appreciation for the work of the wo men of Klamath Falls who have so nobly come forward to help this move ment, a movement that means the future of Klamath Falls if successful," said W. Paul Johnson this morning after totalling up the subscriptions secured yesterday by the Women's 1000 Railroad Club. These amounted to 1335 and represent one day's work. "It baa been the enthusiastic and unabated efforts of tbe women which has given inspiration and courage to the men who ure shouldering the bur den of raising the terminal money! ' . Believed Drowned TRACTION SERVICE IN OAKLAND HALTED House Are Washed From Foundation and Person Rescued in Boat When Levee on Oakland Estuary Give Way Boy Are Believed Drowned Because Last Seen Asleep in Shed Now Covered With Water. ALAMEDA, Jan. 9. Two boys are believed drowned, traction service baa been baited and millions of dotlara of property is jeopardized by tbe break thU morning in the northern levee protecting- the municipal reclamation pro ject on the Oakland estuary aide. A quarter of a mile of factory site land is inundated, and 500 men are at work repairing buildings damaged and the levee itself. Three bouses have been washed from their foundations. Several per sons have been rescued in rowboaU. The boys believed to be drowned were last seen asleep In a shed which the deluge covered with mud. Chief of Police is Arraigned CHICAGO. Jan. 9. Chief of Police Healy today was arraigned on a charge of conspiracy arid corruption, and re leased on $23,000vbonds. It is alleged that Chief Healy for seme time has been collecting bribes that amounted to thousands of dollars each week. The highest esteem of every person in ftivor of the Sirnhorn railroad should bo held for the women of Klamath Falls. This Is not idle talk; I mean it and believe I am expressing tho mind of every man behind the Stra. horn railroad." The Women's 1000 Ilallroad Club yesterday secured subscriptions to the terminal fund from 34 different per sons, which shows the effort tbat must have put forth to even call on tbat many different persons scattered In all parts. of tbe town. Yesterday's subscriptions of $375 makes the totul raised by the wo- Continued on Paga 4 I y