KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Eleventh Year No. 9,164 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY S, 1917. Price Plvt Canto LAWSON NEARLY FIGHTS WHEN PROBED SAYS HE AND wwwwiwiw.,wW,,.. w Doyle Murder Trial is Begun Today ACCIDENTAL 8HOOTINO WILL BC DEFENSE Much Difficulty I Espected In Steui. Ing JuryAfter Two Hpurt of E amlnatlcn Today Only Ont Juror It Actpled Judge Drake la AMlitlng District Allornty Duncan for tlit Slat. Will) IHcUlcl Attorney W. M. Dun dtti mid Judge Ttiomaii Drake, pmrn I UllllK. and W. II A. It-Miner defmdlnrf. ihr (flat of William laiyle wan begun In Judge l. V, Kutkmdall'ii court at lii o'clock till morning. At niMin only on Juror, John Jcnen (it Hwaii l.ake Valley, hail been accept rd. Kml llrrk, I. O. little milt Allen Htoan lint) been eicused. It I expect ed that selection of the Jury probably III not be completed unlit tomorrow veiling. Whet, court opened this morning A' ii'int'." limner challenged the right cf Judge Drake to appear In Inn case, bt caure n record uf hi appointment a a deputy district attorney or special pHiitiulor appeared In the office of otir.i) Clerk llel-ap or Circuit Couu lerk ChaKialn. IMalrlrl Attorney Wn. I uiiian then appointed him aa assist mil, and the appointment waa record ed. Ilenner declared that Duncan and hi? vtere able to handle the trial tin teidrted by other counsel. Itvnner a pen re In the raxe aa defender of Doyle by appointment from Judge Kuykni dall. Questions put to prospective Juror In counsel Indicate, that Ihn slate must rel on circumstantial evidence to prove Doln'a guilt. Doylu In accused U murdering Mary A. Wilcox and her dmighici, Maggie Jonea, In the south eastern part of Uiugcll Valley on Fob- uary X, 1910. I.oyle la the only living person who witnessed (lio tragedy. At the cor oner' Inquest tho next day after the t-njtedy be declared the women killed themselves and that ho la Innocent. According to Doyle's atnry, given ut the inquest, he planted tho grain cro; Women Add $495 to Terminal Fund Nineteen New Subscribers Secured Sat urday Make Total Due to Women's Efforts Amount to $2,732.50 The Women' 1,000 lUllroad Club Biiluiday Increased that part of ton Hiraliorn railroad terminal fund bains raided by Ihem to 12,737.50. The nnoiint secured Saturday waa ItOfi, and van given aa follews: W. P. Johnson J60.00 Harr Peltx 150.00 Mrs. J, Q, Camp S.00 Mra. S. A. Hutchlna 6,00 Mm, U N. Haines S.00 Mr:!. 0, C, Hogiu 5,00 Pa.,.......-.--. .... i-i-iriririri.rir.i u ji ECLIPSE OF MOON SEEN LAST NIGHT LIOHTER SHADOW ENTERED AT S:M:7 LAST NIQHT AND TOTAL ECLIPSE tEOAN AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK Many people of Klamath Palls lait night watched the total cell pur of the moon. The moon entered the pcnuui bra, or lighter shadow, at S.-3&,. slan dard time. It entered the umbra", or deeper shadow, at 9:50.1 p. m. The total eclipse began at four tenth of a minute after II o'clock, and by S:GJ o'clock ihla morning the phi notrena was completely over. I The beginning of the eclipse -xat- generally vlnlble In Central and Went, ern Kurope, Northwestern Africa and North and South America, and the cen trnl and eastern portion of the Pa clflr ocean. The end waa visible gen rally In North Amerlra, Northwestern South America. Northern and North eastern Aria and Knstcrn Australia, on the tanch In the fall, the agreement bi'lr.f; that he w to fiiim the trait on shale. He say the women hadj been trying to set him off the land for some lime, and had made threat. On I lie inoinlng of the shooting, saldl Dole, there had been some quarreling .Unit the situation. He allege that' the Jonea woman entered the room he. was in with a rllle, and wan Martins to n Im lit him. He say he grappled with hot, and after the weapon had been diirlu.rgcd In the air once he took It frum ler. Immediately after the sound of the tliot. Doyle, aayn, tho Wilcox womnn came running In, atao armed. Mr. Wilcox had it aholgun, say Doyle, and all three grappled for this. While they vi.ro struggling Doyle contends, I ho gun waa nccldentully dlacharged, killing the two women. Mrs. K. t Waitonburg 5.00 Nam Olloiheln 10.00 W. M. Olaon 5.00 Miy. Huth M. Oowen 5.00 Edmund fiowen Jr i 10,00 Mm. J. J, Stelgrr 5.00 Alia ,', I'.. Vollroen 5.00 J. II. tntlmar 5.00 John Hutchlna 5,00 Joy and Joe Evana 6.00 A Krlend 6.00 Glon Johnson ..-. 10.00 Hurl Tlinmaa 5,00 OTHERS rWM. .;'t3SHBBBBBBBk-M ) i MtjmPiS it ti ib x JRi 7. si KMgg. CWASJ HrSAttll j When Charles II Siihln, president of the dual unt y Tiust company of New Voik city, married Mis, Pauline Mor ton .Smith, daughter of the late Paul Morton, whote father was the secre lary of agriculture under tSrover Cleve land, the first Mis. Siihln, who had ill vorcl.il him, whs angry. Not so her son, however. He was delighted. He had long known the new Mrs. Siibln. "Mother's awful angry about this," Mil. I he. '"Hut I'm not; she's a peach." Hiram Has Control of the Solons SACltAMKNTO, Jun. S. Governor Hiram Johnson Is In practically com plete control of tho slate legislature at noon today. There la some opposition to hint, but it Is very feeble Governor Johnson delivered hla bien nial message this afternoon. LAW MAKERS DO NOTjtECOCNIZE NEITHER CAMPBELL OR HUNT ARE RECOQNIZEO AS OOVER NOR8 OF ARIZONA BY 8TATC LEGISLATORS I'HOKNIX, Ariz., Jan. 8. Tho statu legislature of ArUona will refuse to tttcoRiiUe either Tom Campbell or George W. 1. Hunt na governor of thU etate. it Will adjourn Immediately' af ter organising. Tho legislative prqgram Is tpiar ranged. Doth governors were at tbo capltoi'at noon, ready to deliver their llU'SHftKI'H, PROFITED FROM NEWS LEAK . . TERMINAL SITE TOWN6END, MANC AND BOIVIN SUBSCRIBE MONEY Thli Makes Total From Butlnett Houict Not In Butlnett Men't Alio elation Amount to J11.07S Aiaocia tlon Adda Another 1,000 List of Subscribers May Be Published In Herald Tomorrow. Six hundred dollum un secured to- ' day for the Struhoni railroad tenulniil fund from Klamath Tail buMneaa Iiuhm-h nut In the Ilunlnexa Men's As- rorliilion. The aubitcribera were: V" ('. Townn-nd .Stella Mnng It. Ilolvln 2.10.00 S50.00 100.00 1 This makes tin- total subscriptions iioi:i business men outside the aso i!:.'lui) now total J 11.075. 'I lie association loday added about J I. Ceo to the amount raised among Its ircinbcrs, making the total from the aini-lnllon now reach nearly 17.000. It In i peeled that the Hernld tomorrow v-lll be nlilo to jmhllsirthe list of sub-M'liU-ih in the alocllltlon. TWO WOMEN IN ' THE LEGISLATURE ONE WOMAN IN SENATE AND1 PROBABLY ONE IN COLORADO FOR DEMOCRATICALLY CON-j TROLLED LEGISLATURE DICNVKIt. Colo, Jan. S. Reversing Itepubllcan contiol of two .vcars ago, democrats have a majority of one in . the senate, and at least thirteen in tho I house J of the Colorado legislature, which Is now In session. There will be one woman member hi the senate 'mul possibly a woman member In the ' Iioum! after a contest is decided, I Tho chief tight at this session prob ably will center around proposed amendments to tho Industrial law. Labor objects to certain clauses of the law, especlallly the one compelling thirty das' notice before a strike can be called. Prohibition legislation will also hold an Important place. The "dry" law may be strengthened by bills prohibit ing ahlpment of liquor Into the stale, and making It a criminal offense to have liquor In one's possession. Parral Captured by Carranzista Soldiers k-r.. .. . . . . Kb tabu, tox., Jan. 8. American authorities here believe that General Villa is detouring Into Southwestern Chihuahua, to elude General Murgla's j column of Carranxn soldiers. )HMt WF- v'aiHBBBBSHBB I HHbbbbbbBbW- -v;;ry . ." bbbV'Mb1 H. I bTbbBBb1 1 Ibbbbk? ' ' JtmlWZk mMm i HjBJBBBJBBAASHBdSEaBg4Ba HsBBBBBBBBSBBBflBSHBBSfl BBBBH, A If m MWm HfJJBBBM' Hi f IsTasH isBbBbBB i 3 1 1 '.rlaaiisaBH IliW Ir If lkkiiBl IIbV if Iff IQbH ll&Hi -If llf sCEdBal i HBHBBBflBi fVffilBlBBBB9Bv Ml BW1f I I This I Mrs. Grace Colbert Robert, pretty widow of S3, whoae picture baa been seen thousands of times In tho advertisements of a certain make of stockings. She was murdered in J'hil adelphia on the night of December 31 by llernard V. Lewis, a lawyer, who committed suicide In his hotel room Just before the detectives seeking him had battered down the door. Pope Says This Isn't Peace Time ItOMrJ. Jan. 8. Pope Dcnedict wid declare that the moment for a peace movement is inopportune, the newspa per, Messagero, asserted today. 'The pope will address notes to Germany ' and America, the Messagero declares.' IRST PORTUGUESE SOLDIERS ARRIVE - 1'AHIS, Jan. 8. With British army ollicers, the first Portuguese expedi tionary force arrived today prepara tory to fighting on the western, front for the allies. This Is the first actual participation in the war by Portuguese soldiers. HEULIN. Jan. 8. Tbe Germans have 'captured Fokabani, in Rumania, with 3,900 prisoners. 'Murgla and men last nlgbt occupied Parral, capturing nine locomotive and 100 care. Tbe VUllsta garrison fled when the Carranslstas appeared. Refugees arriving here aay Villa's men are being maintained by ranchers. Know About Note MWMMWMAMIMWWWMMMAMWMWMWMAAl THOMAS NAMED LOCAL LAWYER GETS APPOINT MENT AS UNITED STATES COM MISSIONER, SUCCEEDING WM. M. DUNCAN Word has Just been received here of the appointment of Bert C. Xiioma as United States Commissioner for the District of Oregon, to reside aljxlam ath KalU. Tbe appointment war made by tbe Hon. Cbas. E. Wolverton. Unit ed States district judge at Portland, for a period of four years. This appointment la made necessary by reason of tbe fact that W. M. Dun can, who has been serving aa commis sioner here, resigned the position after bis election aa district attorney last November. Mr. Thomas H a graduate of George Washington University Law School at Washington. I). C, in the class of 1910, although be did not enter the practice of law here until in November, 1914. WOULD REMOVE FEDERAL JUDGE SENATOR OWEN WOULD- KICK OUT AND HOLD GUILTY JUDGE WHO DECLARES LAWS UNCON-STITUTIONAL COMMISSIONER WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 8. ' by Japan under the gentlemen's agree Senator Clarence J. Owen today offer- ment. , ed a resolution profiding that anyj 'ederal judfge who declares an act j passed by congress unconstitutional to be guilty of "Judicial usurpation." Re- moval of such judges and appointment of successors by the president also is . provided. I Andrew Kirshner Answers Last Call Was Ex-Sheriff of Klamath County and Highly Respected Citizen Born in Michigan 75 Years Ago After a.arlef illness, Andrew Kirsh ner, Klamath resident of many years, died early yesterday morning at tho Blackburn hospital. Death waa due to fatty degeneration of the heart. Tbe deceased baa relatives la the East, with whom Undertaker Earl Whltlock la 'communicating. He was M Not LAW80N AND CONGRESSMAN COME NEAR ENCOUNTER Secretary of State Lansing Says Pres ident Wrote Note en Own Type writer Lawson Says He and Other Profited From Advance Information and That Leaks From the Capitol Were Common. WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 8. Wrangling which threatened to de velop Into a personal encounter be tween Thomas W. Lawson and Hepre- Uentatlve Chipperfleld 'resulted today when Lawson was testifying: before the bouse investigation committee regard ing the leak on President Wilson V note to tbe belligerents. Lawson declared be knew maay ruen who bad profited from tbe leak, and that be himself profited. He as serted leaks from tbe supreme court, the senate and tbe cabinet are com mon. Again this afternoon when on the stand he said a congressman bad told him that a member; of President Wilson's cabinet bad speculated in stocks on advance information con cerning the president's note. Joseph .Tumulty, secretary to Presi dent Wilson, testified that be bad In troduced Ambassador Gerard to brok erage offices, but re-asserted that be knew nothing of the peace note until It was announced. President Wilson sent a note to tbe committee corroborating Tumulty. Secretary or State Lansing testiled regarding the writing, and certifying of tbe note, which be says tbe preet- I dent wrote on bis own typewriter. Conference Report Passed WASHINGTON, D. C Jan. 8. Tbe senate today passed the conference re port on the immigration bill, leaving Japanese Immigration to be regulated Woodmen to Meet. The Woodmen of the World will meet tomorrow night in the west hall ot the I. O. O. P. Temple. Important btistnesh is to come up, and all officers and members are urged to attend. a member of tbe local Odd Fellews lodge. No funeral arrangements have been made. I Andrew Kirshner was bora in Mett; I ville, San Joae county, lilehigaa. ' 1 enty-flve years ago. He cause to Kkii' nth county in tbe nineties, and waa sheriff of this county from 1898 to ISM, Since then he has been retired. 51 &8A wm t . .7a4Sv