Wim- ?& r b 5"r U S i-'vi ' hy-. 1$. TfT W " , IP" ' K"'. IM, ls hr "V I" , j- t .1" 'v nh rV- MI "1. rlr- & w, ;v? teJwi-V V-? 'ik.y ,fv -M m&Ut f laTTH Cttltnr IIAl-RmM PuW.aleg Coaaaar CW& aUSBWS " " " " irxj? r r fWWtf. ktt- . ,." t tki postoBce at Klaauua jtl raHa-Omoa, tor traaamUsloa throat S OM aula m mmm-cum Bauer. .Eaaecrlatloa term by Bull to Morass ia tha UBltod States: lOao'roer 1 ,OM Most 8 - 00 .6 SATURDAY, JANUARY t, 1917 HenkTsChssified Adrs. AMWMMIRRRARMMRW Advertisements In thi Classified colsmno are printed at tha rata af Pivt Canto a line, Invariably In ad vanaa. Htraafttr no advartlaemant wlH M aectptta Hnlcat accompanied kytliacaah. t?nt DPMT 0-WWW FOR RENT Steam heated room, close lMM m. . . j - to business district. Phone 135J. 2tf TOR RENT-Two well Mmlshed i.m,..v.in. n.i. nh.M. imrt. - menu. 5 3t MISCELLANEOUS SisMWWMMlVVWfWMMAMMM WANTED Poland China boar. Not! " fjr MatCa Second Hand store. Sixth street J. W. Burke. 5-6t HIGHEST cash paid for furs, hides aad pelts. B. P. Lewis, Sixth street,! aaar Klamath. 19-U M"CAB17S EXPRESS-Call Mecca Millard parlor, phone 153. lS-lmo Haw men enct dreaded lllnaaa and aecidentl Meant euffering far the fam ily; dependence aerhasje. en relatives er charity. Oat NOW any man can ETM-IZE St trivial eeet And no matter what his dlsaMllty or hew it may result, his Jfitna Diaabillty Policy aooomea his tare, steady woajo-oarner. . CHILCOTC Aaent St ' .ISMkMAAilMAAMMMaWliMMkMMMMAAtftAMiWMMMMI 0m0mmm0tm0mAm0000W0W00A00 DR J. H. CARTER DENTIST OFFICE, ROOMS 7 and WHITE IUILDINQ DR. F. If. WHITE Bf. Bar, Noes aa4 Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted St7 Odd FeBowa BaUdmg DR. F. R. GODDARi Oetiipathle Fhyatelaw Easts Ut. L O.O. F. Teoaals ,. REMEMBER I aerer charat for aaaataatiom aad coaaultatioa. FURTHER This places yoa ai der bo obligation, and yon will aot ho asked to take treatBMat Heurs: to 11:30 a. m.; 3 to 5; 7 to S j. at. Psoas SHI Fbos 3S8R City ft County Abstract Co. ABSTRACTS INSURANCE Member Oregon AasoclaUon Title Men DR. A. A. SOULE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Rma 1 to S, Emma Blk. Phone 151J (English pronunciation of Soule is Seul: French, Su-lay.) OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATARRH "JV0 Whoa Head aai Now art Staffed Us. . SStSIKaaa count fifty. Your cold in head of catarrh disappears. Your t lowed T-J7, nostrils will open, the air passages & . . r neaa win clear and you can '-? .. breathe frealr. v mn ..!.- '5w'4 . 4, '.L.,t,i- -.... ..... . IWRfViA "' ""u,iwUB cuarge, orynesa iM-r . f'or, headache: no trUiin fn. tn. mmmin.7Z e' ."" ", ur!tB iVWri&V IT. ' " wruoswt una sppiy m $M&JK'Jm. wu 'r,r"t "rtlaeptlo cream rsYm ror B0t'"' K Penetrate, through &)Wr&wjr,aJr WS ot the head, sooth-M;tf;JS'-aad .healing the swollen or i. ri.TfTVfw. 1 ' SJi - lwvwisnb ffijjffmm'WLMH neMkrane, ctvlag you kr t r i'Miu iu in.. - .,. n .. . . H-O'TWat-J:..'.' - 1 . ' r. ' nmw ! uii aiay t'jifga1.. asKisaraais. neilOC la W&fc ' (OrESTa Kja Q-WQM of (Written for the United Press) Alack, her lark of lacquer Stamp a lady a passe. For ever thins is lacquered That l up to date today NEW YORK, Jan. S-Kvcry aay! artist and decorator In New York U Kept ousy tneso uaxs turning out "sen- ulnc real old antique Chinese lacquer" tables, chairs, mirror frame, de.-.k cabinets, bedstead and what not (not) Wl,rk taxhs c:in,t, b,n,,s aml ,,., IH,a ,. lwl Kll0VV wh(l ,l be whatnot, noacior) .der boxes ar so Unely of lacquer that 1 Em,,rm,r ,VM,. u, 1,.,;, stature im-ets '" w "ure """" ""' a srem nisny true Chinese piece aNo. for the .itute Chinamen, taking adxantaRe of forced stoppaw or imports from bells "w',!r.n nnntrl: h, a alniol.. an nr....l ' ' ' --""" are all o:rosot up in black and soul 01 jour market with the Rlorle of their' amI IacqUfr m, un, un arts, consequently Chinese lacquers haxo bocomo (,rltablo Chlnt,,0 ,,,,, and embroideries are to be met with wlh rrtWnB oxco,, th-,nk at cxer,- turn for the better or turn heaven, the muic. Chinese. to the rlKht. . ........... ' n. -:.. .... .. ui. u .1. -nd nsht here it i only moot to an j Rut with such audity hae the' ; . American Uners of the beautiful cob- mi .. .!. . t i.i- .u I "" "' " "ir- iiujii viiiiui iiiai rhlnb. Mn Ait u- , f. .1,,,!, , IK- nnimlan .laimnj lln H,.- .Vin. J"'- '' uv....... .mv iiiv uuu .l., f h,. -vn - tlK I- i!" --. uui "i quers that defy detection eien hij!he. latQUer ?,ul rUi. ,,AB1M. . . , -. ''7 "3'"! "Vn, "r'h, a ,!" ribbon flower, or the Chi ". ,b. ,0. afP redolent of the Eat. . exen if it is only the East Side . '"" '" ' "" '" The most popular lacquer I, in the1"110 wl aml -T"''," I"-'- cold on black or red. but sold on old fwioniie boxes are efTeetlxe. and the - . I n-inif.M -lint ... Un.i4 Kj-. a.s nt ,I.m I?i,.' hlll nr M cnfl rr-j- mu,n f oua . effective. Whole rooms are loel) .done in lacquer, and especially bed rooms and dinine rooms with Chinese rues and Chinest embroideries to carr nut th Orients! -itmnsnharo t !..i..r floor ip,. are beautiful! with pagoda shaped shades of silk and the lacquer mirrors beggar description. Certainly an one holding the mirror up to na - ture ought to be sure it is a lacquer one. Set a serene and wise-ejed Buddha on a lacquer stand and back him up with a Chinese mirror on the wall, and you bare an artistic touch in jour liv ing room that is hard to beat this side of the Chinese wall. There are lacquer candle sticks and lacquer trays, after seeing which you will exclaim, "the deuce take all other trays." There are lacquer screens to lacquer picture frames fittingly beauti ful to encase him or her . When it comes to boxes, this I At the Churches Grace Methodist Epiacoaal Charch Corner Tenth and High. Rer. Geo. H. Bennett, pastor, residence 1122 East street 10 a. m.. Snaday school, E. M. Cbll eote. superintendent Subject of sermon at 11:00 a. iu.. "God's Purpose in the World." subject of sermoo et 7:30 p. in , "Open Books." "Sunset in Eden." V. T. Motschenbacber, chorister. Miss Maude Newbury, pianist Church of CfarUt Sclentlsta Services will be held Sunday morning at 113 Fourth street, Withrow-Melhase building, opposite the court house. The subject for tomorrow's lesson will be "God." Sunday school from 9:45 to 10:tn. Wednesday evening meeting, 7:30. Emanuel Baptist Church Eleventh st. Rev. W. H. Cox, pastor. Residence 235 Tenth street Dr. O. C. Wright of Portland will speak this evening and Sunday morn ing and evening. Sunday school at 10 a. m., Mr. Per- kinH superintendent. Preaching service at 11 a. m., B. P, Y. U. at C:30 p. m., Mrs. Perkins, president. Preaching services at 7:30 p. re. You are cordially invited to attend those services.. Christian Church Corner 9th are. and Pine street. W. E. Rambo. minister, residence 818 Ninth street. Phone 334. P.lble school 10 a. m. All depart ment!:. Geo. A. Haydon. sunerinten- dent. Mrs. Geo. C. Mitchell, primary superintendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Eicnlng worship at 7:30. Meeting for Bible study and prayers Wednesday etenlng at 7:30. Choir practice Wednesday evening at 8:30. Flrat Pretbyterlan Church Corner of Pine and Second streets, Rev. C. T. Hurd, pastor. Until further notice, services will be held In this church as follews: Sunday, 10 a. m.. Sunday school. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in., preaching services. 6:30 p. m., Young People's service. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., midweek service. Taanday, 7:30 p. m., ladies' chorus rehearsal, Hits Parker director. 35N A MARGARET MASOX where lacquer really shines, especlall.v when tt Is built to enhine different sorts of hoe polish or my ll " Jewel. For holding thing- that go up in smoke, like coal, wood, eicnrette. t ?... V, YlddKh, clears or loe letters, lacquer boxen a iv iillurinR in all shape and .sites Krom the head to the foot of the N c!a, hat boxes and shoe boxe of lac quer sell with alacrlt -,,, p.imtora herself would hnie be'n ' 0 pntran.,Hi with ,hl.ir .,,rn. iMMU. the',lo, tnat ,, RO,,r woultl ,,.,, x,.arm,(, , s ..,, ..... ,,,,,., ,.v .-,lr,,lw ... " " ' . " U,"J "". "" " I ciimes 10 canuy i.oe. 11 useij to ot 'l. .... f na "'" numoie oox 01 pateooani wa I " 8deqU.lt P rCCCptaCle for ptacle for sweet to im in 1917. Next to, y box In H.pularlt I of brocade, sold lace J - j . . 13 me ornaio do ;..--. ..in. . ...,! -, .... .. i.t. . . 1 - .-...m ....... m ... mi u. .... ... sian peasants show viid bits of color' that enhance the beauty .of nestlins chocolate bonbon to perfection j Hand-painted tin boxes, round and Ions, short and tall, fat and thick, ob-l 'lone and octagon came in all color J schemes and designs, and hae the further advantage of keeping the en 'closed sweetmeats fresh and moist Such .1 box will keep them from the raxages of time, if not 'from the ra- W of female unhampered by sub- scrvience to "Eat and grow thin " Those tin boxes and also the more elaborate brocade coered one are cake boxes as well. You may not be able to eat your cake and hae it. but now you can eat our cake .and hae the box. This is decidedly worth while, for these boxes certainly are the dearest things. Oh, these are the days when a box for candy or cake costs quite as much as a box for opera or theater, my dears . First Monday of each month, bus! ness meting of the Christian Endeivor Society. Second and fourth Thursday after noons, Ladies' Aid Society. Third Thursday afternoon, Woman's Missionary Society. Third Thursday evening, the Session will meet. First Friday eiening, trustees will meet. Catholic Church No services tomor row. Father Marshall will be in Merrill. Baptist Cliarcb Coraer Eighth and Canal streets. Rer. J. B. Griffith pastor. Bible school at 10 a. m., C. R. D Lap, superintendent Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Everyone cordially Invited to these services. Regular sen ices of the Seventh Day Ad enlist church are held at the Li brary building. Sabba'h school (Sat urday) at 10 o'clock, and preaching Mt. Lakl Mr. Tlz Griffith will preach nt 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Socialists Expel Him From Their Party Bouck White, pastor of the chuich of the Social Revolution, one of the leading exponents of socialism In the United States, has been expelled by me party in New York city. Ho dared to vote in the last election for other men than socialists, and the party managers will not tolerate that. It has been said others aa pi eminent in tho movement ai White will also be cast out R'BSEsBs'Ta' ''''EEsacI THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH GOVERNOR FOR ARIZONA LECISLATURC SCMCDULCD TO MET MONDAY, ALTHOUGH THL STATE HAS NO CXCCUTIVE DE. CAUSC Of CONTCST OY HUNT PHOENIX. .WU..J 111 1! -Tliocomll I it. tti tt Htitnqd ii.iliitf la Ut ilt.littit Momlaj. No one knows whether the admlnls t ration or auti-admliii-ti wlon will ilotn Inntc a- the .uliitlnl-.tr. turn is ,t to hj.jJ- Jt9 EM i VL , iff ! if ' ' -j I .. 4M X&L. Governor George W P. Hunt be determined. No one knows an) thing about it, except that there Is ever) in y SjLV VeJi dlcition of one of the liveliest sessions . lerslgned poundmaster of tho city of In the brief hlstorx of the baby state I Kl.-.miith Pulls. 0-e,-.m i'Id itnNtn. M The governorship is at present tlil 'Le pound of said cit) the fo.lo.vlfK up In the courts. Tom Campbell, re-'desvrlbid .inlmals on the 3lst day of publican, was elected b thirt) xotes I), cetuber, llllfi over Coventor George W. P Hunt onj One buy mare, r, or fi jeart old, the face of the returns. Hunt is con- weight about 9So pounds, wire ut on testing, and despite, every efTorl to It ft hind ankle, no brum! visible, speed up the case, it is almost 1 erlalnj One blown Ally, weight about Sou that the recount and the court pro 'pounds. branded M on left hip ceedings will not bo completed In time And That unless the owner or own for the inauguration of the new gov- ers of said animal, or other person or ernor- j persons h.i Ing an Interest therein sh ill Campbell will seek to take his seat before the time of sale stated below, by virtue of the certified returns. Hunt 'pay all costs and charges for tho will seel: to have him restrained until keeping and advertising thereof, to the contest Is decided. gither with all fees provided by ordl- jnis unusual situation Is occup ing, the attention of politicians to the ex clusion of plans for a legislative pro- jgram. Neither the present nor the do facto gov ernor elect have dono any thing toward preparing a message. The' legislature Is almost overwhelminglyi democratic, but is almost equally dl vided between the Hunt and the anti Hunt factions. Fire insurance written In leading companies. See Chilcote. 39 flOMB SAGE TEA INTO GRAY HAIR ARKENS DEAUTIULFLY AND RE STORES IT8 NATURAL COLOR AND LUSTRC AT ONCE oiBtijnrt 7.m!eri s.tt-e tin-Weil Into a envy tea. wlili sulphur and nlcobol Mel, will tii u gia). streaked ami iJel hair h. n ifmli ilail. and luxuri ui. Mmug ike ffigy tta and hulpliu ijpe til Ii'iuie, ihnugh. Is iroublesoun a wuler wnj I tu yt the roudy-to '' pu-IMidluiu iuip.ovid by the aUdi ion cf other Ingredients, costlug about 0 cents a bottle, at drug stoies, known i "Wretb'a Sano and Sulnhur r.nm ound." thus avoiding a lot of muss. While gray, faded Lair is not sinful all desire to ictain our youthful ap earance and attractiveness. My dark nlng your hair with W)otb's Sai;e and lulptiur Compound, no one can tell iccauee it does It so uaturally, ho even v. You Junt dampen a sponge or sof riish with it and draw this tbrougl 'our hair, taking one smuil strand at s ime; by morning all gray hairs bnvi 'appeared. After another r.ppllea Jon of two your hair becomes beau irully daik, glossy, soft and luxurl nt and you appear years younger -Vyetb's Sage and Sulphur Compouni a delightful toilet requisite. It Is no' ntended for tho cure, mitigation 01 irsTMUoa ol dlasase, adv. KALLS, OREGON .. MAY KILL ALL MINISTER OK AROENTINE AQRICULTU RC or WANTS om?c ncrrnrn to rxTERMI. NATOR OF PESTS GRASSHOPPERS Ht'CNOS AlUKS, IVo lit Ih main Notlio Is hrretit tiUeii that I will. Minister of AkiIcuHuio llonorlu.'on the 21th day of January, II7, at ruetvdou wautti toturcss to nppropri 'the front door of the courthouse In nto l.OOO.Ot'O fnvnee (about ISOii.ooi?' Klntiiitlli l"all. Ureison, In Count) of Culled States mono)) to be kIwmi as .1 ' Klamath, at two o'cloek In the after ltixi to auxbodv who supplies A t Kt-n 'noon of said dnv, sell at public auction Una with an eiTeetlie scheme for ex to the hldicst Milder for rash the fid ! tenulnatitiK urnsshoppers, or locusts, as tlii-.x an loeall) known The pest here Is tte.irl) as bad ns In Kaiif a mid other Western pat ts of the t'nlted States for a few seasons twen t or thirty ear ago Crop this ear luxe suffered enormousl) from the etasshopper's appetites Congress favors the appniprlatiott but man members think the minister ha et his tlgur tutnecessarlly hlijli ruerrdon Insists on the sum he Mas nentioned and may get It. He refers to lit in fnuu-.s rather than Iu pesls. be - '.'itise, foi some renson. he seems to hutk the price's, cl.lef appeal will b. to Europe As a matter of fact the Argentine government has had one unsatlsfnc- lorj experience of the kind with an European This was a celebrated French expert named dilerelle. who made 11 contract in 1911 to wipe out the pet. and devoted three jeam to attempts to do It. without accomplish Ing much. IVHerelle's version, how. ever, was that he would have suc- reeded but for the interference of the iKrlfUllura! defense department of the ministr, which, be said, wanted as manv grasshoiper ns passible. In or der to make Jobs for the maximum number of departmental nrilnst their aitlvltles. defenders LEGAL NOTICES .Notice of I'ounirmaster' Sale Notice Is hereby given that the un nance of said city for such csws. said animals will be sold at public auction for cash at Klamath stables, Mitchells Klamath Falls, Oregon at the hour of 2 o'clock p 111. on the Sth da) of Januar), 191". It. T BALDWIN. Chief of Police and Poundmaster. Dated nt Klamath Falls, Oregon, Jnnuarj 2, 1917. 3 It SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. 1' I. Monroe, Plaintiff, xs. J IL Akin and (irace n Akin, Do- fendnnts. To Crncii K Akin, one of tho above. named Defendants: In Ihe name of the Slate of Oregon ii'j sue hereby required to appeir and apir-wr Ihe eotnpliilnt filed against tin Iu the above entitled cult on or "be fore the 2nd day of February, 1917, aid date being six weeks from Iho (list publication of tiiix rmmmons, nnJ i" ou fall to so appear, f:r want t'lCirof, plaintiff will apply to tho court for the relief prayed for in Ida complaint, to-wlt: For n decreo for ever foreclosing all right, title and in terest jou now havo or may hnvo in the southeast (S. E. ) of tho south- art (S. E i,), SeC.'jn thirty fvj .',), Township thirrrnU (30), south, Hnngo fou-tcen (14) enst of tho Wll Inmnte meridian, Klamath Countw, Oregon; and for such other and fur ther relief as prayed for in plalntlff'a complaint and as'ecjulty may require. ,Thls summons is served upon you by an order of the Honorable D. V, Kuvl'tndnll, Judge of tho aboveentltlol crurt made, and entered herein on ili.i uih day of Decemh-n. lyjij dlretilng tii" this summons ho jiub.'h-iind fur 1 Pdiod of six conH.:utiv,i weeks In tit.' Evening Herald, a newepaper of gneral clrculatlm. printed and ji'.t. Ibhcd In Klamath County, 'Slato of Oiegon. The date of first publication belnir Dor ember lfith, 191C, and tho dato of tno jaHt publication being tho 27th nay or January, 1917. J. 0. ARNOLD. Attorney for Plalnt'.lf. 09 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Port land, Ore. 16-33-30 6-13-20-27 Notice of Shtrlft'a Salt Hy vliluo of nit execution lit fore closure duly Issued by the clerk of the circuit cnuit of Urn County of Kluuv uiti State of urvron, dated fecerubor VS. Il'lti In i certain ull In the ilr iVilt vouit fo.- said county and state' ulteiein Mil) Slow ell n plaintiff le voveied lodgment against I' U Foun. J twin a eucutorof the estate nl James It Moiuold. dcco.uVd. and William. oo,ogOjVl11(t ,MUltKOttl. and each of tliein. lor Hie mud 01 evcn muuirco miiiiin, jvith Interest front Juno IA. tVH. at' the 1 ate of ten pet cent per annum, and In the furthi'r sunt of one hundred dollars nttoine)!' feed IowIiik described property Lot seien In llloek seienleen, Orlul tial Town of Klnmnlh 1'alU (fortiori) t.lnkWIle). Oregon. Taken and leiled Upon as the prop erty of P. U Fountain, as executor of the estate of James C Mongold. 110. censed, and William Delbert .MotiKotd, deft miauls In said suit, or as tiiurli thereof as mav bo neeessary to untlufy itho said JudKiuetit In fax or of Ma) Sum ell against (he raid defendants, ( together with nil costs and disburse intent tl'nt may accrue J C C LOW. Sherl.t of Klamath County. Oregon, j 1 L LOW, Deputy. Htted at Ixlatt'itth Falls, IVctmber II. 1SK. 13-30 0-13-10 Administrator's Notice In tho County Court of the Stite of Oregon, for the County of Klam- nth ln the Matter of the Esate of Thomas L. Robert. Deceased. The public will please take notice that, on the 9th day of September, 1 9 1 C , the undersigned wit duly ap- pointed ndmlulntrator of tho above- entitled estate claims ngnliut All persons having the said estate will present them, together with the nee- eisary vouchers, to this ndminlra- 'tor at the office, of Horace M. Man- nliig. atlurtii'y-nt-hiw, loml build. Ing. Klamath Fall. Oregon, which t place tho undersigned select a the place for transacting tho btislnrwi of slid estate: lhal all claim anlnt inld estate mint bo presented "u or before six month from date of this "llr' Dated Decvmber S, 19IC. lllltAM II. UOllKltTS. Administrator of thn Ktalo of Thomas I. Hoberts. Dccoaned. II M .Manning. Klamath Fall. Ore. Attorney for AdmlnUlrator. 9-I0-23-30-C Xoil.rlnvHiuiiPr,iMwtiPurTlwej (;ou,,r December II. I91B, and np Cily of Klamatli Full Improve- proved by the Maor on December ini-rit IU1111U .Sealed proposjl will bo received by the Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls Oregon, up to and in cluding Moudny, January Sth, 1917, nt the hour of S o'clock p. m for tho purchase of City of Klamath Fall lm-t provement bonds, aggregating In amount eleven thousand four hun dred and fourteen and HI-100 ($11.. Ilir.l) dollars. These bonds am authorized by ordinance No. 399 of said city, ami will mature In ten years from d'lto r,l issue; and are op tlonnl after one )enr, and may be re deemed in num'rical order at the option of the ciiv nt nny semlannuil rot:jon period, nt or after ono year from date of Issue, These bonds are authorized to pro vide funds for payment of the cost of grading and Improving of Eleventh street from main street to Upham street, exclusive of United States gov ernment Irrigation canal right of way, and Upham street from Its Intersec tion with Eleventh street to Prospect streot, Including Intersections. These bonds will bo sold to tho highest and host bidder for cash for not less than par value and accrued Interest; and will hoar Interest not to exceed six per cent (C per cent). Earn proposal to purchase must be accompanied by a cent of the amount of bid, certified by omo responsible bank, payable to the city of Klamath Falls. Proposals must bo sealed and en dorsed "Proposal to Purcham fm. provement Bonds. " With a Bank Book for Company you need never bo lonely cither In youth or old ago. Why not start to ow n a big one by opening an ac count with The FiiHl State and Savings Hank. Just a few dollurs will start one, and onco you acqulro tho habit of saving you'll bo sur prised at how lapldly your savings will giow, A 4 FIRST STATE L SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH FALL!, OREGON SATURDAY, JANUARY fl, loir The toinmon cuumll reserves dm right In reject any and all lild ami proposals. Dated at Klaintth Palls, Oregon, litnbr 1V10 A L LEAVITT. Police Judge of the Vl'.f of Klamath - , hall. Urrfoii, 13.9 . "-"- 300,000.00 CITY O F KLAMATH FALLS MUNI CIPAL nAILROAD BONDS. NOTICC OF SALE. reTici: is iii:ui:iiv uim:n, 'rimt eue bids will be leoidied by tlm "ollre Judtte of the City of Klntimtli Calls, Klamath County, Otecon, up tu tud Inrludlur; JANCAIIV IS. 1917. At tl-e hour of 2 oVlocx p, 111 , for Hip sale of $300,000 City of Klalimth Calls municipal railroad bonds of the ! iiumlliallon of 11,000 each, and llllin trred I to 300 Incluuhe, all beatlus ilale IVecudier I, I'JIO payaldn flf' Ijcat after date, and t'l-arlnu lntcn-i 'at tho rate of Hi to tl percent, pt nhle urml annually, on June, let and "trember Inl of inch year, with up. Hon of pat,init, on and after IV. ember I, I91d, fur the ronntruftlutt of a municipal railroad ftom a point within said city dmlKnainl na thn In. inci-tlmi of 1'lrst rtrl and Klmtt. V! Meutie to a point without said et dilKttntel as (h northerly end of Dairy station, located on the south' east quarter of the northeast quarter of .Section IT, Towtuhlp 3l, south. Itatue lll evtt, Wlllametto meridian, (month County, OrrKoit ll rati it bills or propoaal for the nil e'a'e of utich bond will be opened and considered by the common conn ll of f e Clt) nl Klamath Pall, at J ii'rteck p m January 18, 1317 Said bond me Untied In pursuance of an amendment Hi Section R7. Arllcln IV. of the Charier of the City of Klam- attt 1'nll. Oregon, which amimdment pient wa adopietl November II, 1916 Each proinl to purrhase said Imnd shall be arrompanlrd by a certified check for & per rent of the amount of the bids or proponal. drawn on some tenpoimlble bank, payable, unrondl- llonnllv to Ihe Treasurer of tho City of Klamath Pall tlld or proposals for said bond must be unconditional, and Ihe sue cessful bidder or bidder will be re ijulntl to complete pament for said bond within 30 day from the time notified by the Common Council that the bond am ready for delivery, or j forfeit the deposit to the city. . Tln Common Council of the City of I Klamath Fall hereby rerrvr to It- vt the right to reject any and all bid and proposals for the pureha '.if .ml, I i.n.u nr ,,. n..i n....r Maid bond are oflered fnr .! m pursuance of Ordinance. No. 403 of said city, adopted by the Common II. 191C A I LEAVirr. Pollro Judge of the City of Klamath Fall. Klamath County, Oregon. 12-11 to 1-1S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Not Coal Lands United State l.nnd Office at Lake view, Ore, December Id, 1910. Notice i hereby given that Perry I. Nell, whoso potoffico address I j Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, on ttm 22.1 day or April, 1916, file In this of. flee sworn statement and application, No. 09211, to purchase ihe NEU 8EU. Section 26, Township 37 south. Range 9 east, Wlllametto Mi. Mian, and the timber thereon, under the provision of thn act of Juno 3, 1878. anil art amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stono Ijiw," at such value a j might bo fixed by appraisement, and inni, pursuant to such application, thn land and timber thereon havo been appra'sed at 1160, tho Umber esti mated 140,000 hoard feet at 1.00 per M, and tho land $20.00; that said ap plicant will offer proof In support of bis application and sworn ntatcracnt on the 27th day of February, 1917, be fore C. R. DeUp, Clerk of tho County Court, at Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any nerson 1 nt Hlmriv tn nmi,i C,'LC,C.k f.B JPur!,hl" l'1"-''"'" before entry, or Initiate a contest nt any time before patont Issues, by filing a corroborated af fidavit In this ofllce, nlleglng fact which would defeat tho entry. JAS. P. BUROE8S, 2- 2-20 Roglster. MIT7I JITAL- ittp.' , 1 ' Ur.!'vr ami j' mmjt MB m Am .... u r 8w...rAr, vi 1 5 O ' ffBfcS B.T& rrcTOM AM frfcrcaal KJ 7 It WuH L.lmXSiZ rfta 'TdJWKW r XI .r . yivi iaireaauba-arf m.EVlEE4B4BC 'i aaniiBaBaaBBMii' rAZMITTH EaEL1EUEaEaEaiaBKara VEFV9 PEEaVaUll ;. -vs . VaWtiS. . PVfga,