KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER juiajgaarggtJKrijjxgTgtiftjtJWFXJinj-i-afaja MieawrarasagaaBBBasMtttanija ma. Eleventh Year No. 3,191 SHj lEuimmg Herald KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1917.' frlc Flva Ctata BELIEVE WILSON WIELDS WAR THREAT GERMANY THINKS AMERICA IS DRIFTING TO ALLIES " - r-nrrn-n.rrinnrirMnnrnnyrirrnrrirnnnnnnrrirnnrirnii r mr runnm -annfwrtf jl jijvvvtjwuvvvvtjvvvuvwuuvw I RiicJimmk Men Nnr Momhorc FAIR FOR FIVE .FINANCIAL PAPERS C AmV I Business men im manners mm m mmmm toy America Isn t of Association subscribe i be a em peace note leak $10,475 to Terminal Fund First State Bank fives Biggest Amount to Date TALK FOR BIG FAIR NEXT FALL IS STARTED Say Wilson Hasn't Been Given Terms CLLMAN AND JACOBS GIVE 1,000 EACH Herald Today Begins Publication of Subscriber to Fund to Buy Terml. nal for Strahorn Railroad Commit. let Promises Full Lilt of All Sub. ecribers at Lltl It Complltd From Day to Oay, 'KltinhiK today, Urn Herald will fur rihli n fnr ns Kmlbln the name uf lli many person who hn subncrlhctl 1 1 the terminal fund for tin? Htrahorn Mllroail. W. Paul Johnson, head of the committee on raising lli fund. )! morn name will bo available fr in ilny to dny. mill lll m furnished, ll.nl tlio people may know tho progress of dm work of raising the money. The First Sliilr ninl Having bank the forges! single subscriber In dale, lili 5,ooii. Jacob nml A. A.IIoll lift u tt Son have given 11,000 each. IV.-t.-.il other business turn have given liberally, Mr, .'ohmum announces Iho follow Inn list uf subscriptions from binlnc in'M i( Kliiitmlh Full who on- not In tin- Klnm.ith Falls lluilnes Men's Ak Miintieii: First State mi,) HnvlnKN Ititntc $5,ooo,oo A. A. lii'iimun k Hon l.ooo.oo " K- Htnlll 250.00 1'iilm Peel iiooni . 350.0 Mecca I'imiI It(Hiii) 100.0') J'We Cafe. 150.00 Kluiimih Hardware Co 100.00 Faaaaaaaaaaaaammmaamaamwwwwmwm The (iun Hiorc , l(n oQ Frrd IIUrslltK &' 1300 00 U Jnrnb , I.DOO.oO John Shannon liKI 00 K M. rtillrolp . ..... .... . 100 00 Mllfn Sign Co, .. . . . 50.00 Carry llnun.li) " ... Mt.Oil II. II, Hi" . . ., 300.00 Klnmnth County Ah'lrnrt Co snuiwi lylHIMr Bros. .. 5llO(l t'llv nml Cot! il IV Abtrnrl Co. . 2.',li 00 I Hot Hptlni: Gun-cry 50 oo Will lAf 50.00 w, r. joiniMiii r.oo.oo J J. Hlelger 200 00 Klamath IVnrlmriit Slot.. ino.oo TIik HiiK.tr Howl . soo.oo 'i:. i:, iinmiiioii :r,)Hi Whitman Drug Co. 100,00 r. W. Snyder Heart of Talk and Glvct Hearty Endoracmcnt Plan la Form Atociatlon to Back Fair and Net Take Subtcrlptlont From Any, tody, But Make It Py for Ittalf Ffc.r. Receipt. OTHERWISE NEWS CAME BACK FROM EUROPE I A ill.il r Id fiilr nMH-:itlim. made up of stirkhulders from Klnmnth, take, nml 7ok couiitlt'tt In Oregon, and Mo doc nml Hlskljoii counties In Cnilfor- COPENHAGEN. nJn fi, The l-oknl '' I"" '"'' proposed by several Aliili-Krr nml Hip Volmlnchf Zi-ltmiL- l.lnmRlh riilli rltlt-n nml by ranch- tn of lriimnrk'i. lnr:i'M m-papi. j'-rx f il. county. Tlio ilnn yet Is In hii unltitl In it denial Hint 1'irKldcnt l '' u Iru. but m.iy mke doflnlto Ulloon n-cehnl OcnimnyV jieaco '""' ",. ti'tnw from nn otlklnl nourif. I V. SndT, mImt of purebred They ny Hint In no wny will tSer-i Heret'onl cuttle In Swan Uike Valley, ! the IJitejit iieiucK niKer to tiiKe up ninny imike lldnnle. I'teiildent Wllnon lier con- TRIAL OF DOYLE BEGINS MONDAY THIS AND OTHER CRIMINAL CASES ARE TO BE TRIED AT THIS SESSION OF JUDGE KUY- KENDALL'S COURT 110,471 00 Thin mukco n lolnl of $10,475 Mill fclbcd by biiKltienii ttieu not In the iik Koclullon. The nimoclutlim nlreiuly Iiiin rnlMl nearly fti.uno. Tim WomnnV I.Oih) Itnllrond Club linn In more ilinii 13,000. W. I'll u I Joluiiion iii)H the llxl of ilili- Hi-rlbeiH In Hie lliirtlneHK Men'i Ahm.-' A,.r ,H, holiday recwn, the circuit elation will be ready for publication t.,nl w ri.Ume the trial of jury about next Tuendny. Me mim Intcrcitt ,.,, Mtimlay. The cimo nr.ilnst Wll In Iho cnmpnlKii Ih HtlrrlnK the enlhe'u,,,,, K(, t.,rKOj w, imm,.r. Is community an nothliiK Iih before, nml lw , i,t,K Monday momliii;. that enlhiii.lnniu In KrowliiK dally. T,,M ,.I1H Ih .irawlnc Intcrrat from many hoiiitcm, 0CC1HOVEN WILL BE DISCUSSED MONDAY "IlerlluiU'ii" ninl "('laxHlcal l)iel- especially from Lungell Vnlley, where Doyle Ih ncciiHcd of Imv Ihk mmdei-ed two women. The llobbit muider trial nlfo Ih cV ii,.fl,.it 1,1 lm lrlt.il llilri til, mill fiA n'nll ,..... ... .. ...... , opincm" ).-lll Id dliiciimied nt Momtay'H iih the (lerrue rupo cane. UieellnR of the Htudy cIiihh of Iho Wo-' All Jurom on the panel have been or- inen'rt Library Club. The meetliiK will deted to be on hand Monday niornliiK, be held nl the home of Mm. J. (J. Cnmpl ' m and will begin at 3:45 o'clock. All frlendH of the club are Invited, Women Add $75 to the Terminal Fund U New Subscribers Secured Yesterday Make Total Due to Women's Efforts Amount to $2,237.50 HEAD OF PACKING COMPANY MARRIES At the home of Kdmtmd (lowon hint ctcniiiK, Elizabeth A. Hall or Onklnnd nml Ham lli-cnolcr of Klnmnth Kail were married by JuhIIco of the I'ence I!. (Uiwen. Only Immediate, rein liven nml cIohv frlendH of Iho couple wore prenent. Mr. and Mm. HreMHler will make I heir home In Klnmnth Falls. Mr. llreHHler la mnmiKer of tho Klum- tilth Tacking company, and n bUHlncsa man of ability. Ilia brldo hna mndo her homo In Oakland, nnd ennm to Klamath Kulla only a few dayn bko. Klovcn more people were added yon- 'rday to the t of clllzeiiH who arc Kivlnu lo the Strahorn railroad lorml- nl fund becauae of the efforts of too Women l.ooo Railroad Club. Thcoe eivn eMwt BWUkJ ,bi (UB(J by fi nd made It total f3.337.60. ThonubHcrlptlona gained by the wo men yoMerdny are aa follewa: "it. Mnbcl c. Morrymnu COO Mian Allien Leo u.00 Mih. Kdllh CoHclmom 5.00 A Friend R.O" Mra. M. I Poland S.00 Miti. Charmaln Jobnuon R00 Mrn. .1. B. naybourn 5.00 Rutalana Take Poaltlon IHOHI.IN, Jan. 6. II waa announced loduy that HuHlan troopn have en tered the German powltlon near lUga by u violent artillery Are. A Flrltlnh nlnht attack pierced the (lorninn advance trenches near fierrc Germans Deny Murdar BERLIN, Jan. 6. Qerman offlclaU Mm. Harry Peltx 5.00, brand tho report that woman and Mm. II. S. drluaby COO boy with thirteen others were execut- Miss Ida Momyer 5.00 ed na spies in Belgium as "absolutely Bnrl Miller 35.00 jtinliue." Hie inciM llient. ' I !ite been n.iktd by a number of inlii'!iti If It wotild bo poMblo to III l ii'xi the cltlteiiK of Klnmnth and nil Joining iiitintleK lo combine and kIi a I1I3 fi.lr Hils romliiK fall,'" ia) Mr. j-ii)iler 'The time lb ripe, and I feel ncMired that the country peopln In general would lend a helping hand. There np- pe.ir.4 to be a general desire for xuch a hltuv; iI:,h je.ir. Come, let uh get t relher, "all a meeting of the citizens form an association, get everyone In teiesteil, nml hate a grent show. "I.i I t:s build an ehiblllon hall, glto ptrinliiim, exhibit our immpklns, chick eiy, li i r-ticU: In furl, ever thing thill will be of interest. Let us become be tcr nc'iunlittctl, associate our business InleiVfis, tart the country on on a pii.speious wnvt'. "It ci.n be done. Why not do It? See what we can accomplish. Let us lienv II out olheis who me Interested In I li 1.4 big fair, and by all means start I he rood woik along." AIIIhiucIi county fairs In Klamath or.i't;' i.nd small district falls lme int been a howling success In the last few M'ltrs, nor did the rodeo make miicli money the hist year, yet ninny people think (hey can explain these fnlluivs. They assert there were not enough in ople Involved nnd not enough territory embraced. Crook, "Luke, Modoc, Siskiyou nnd Klnmnth counties are declared to be In u little group by themselves, with Interests very much akin. Each raised about tho mime products the other does, lCach Is innde up of about tho sntue kind of people. Bach has tho same character of territory. Tho talk is that this big district fair should be handled by nn association, controlled by stockholders . who uro successful business men and good boosters, nnd that premiums offered should bo largo enough lo attract ex hibitors. Horse races, Wild West stunts, good amusements should be in cluded, It Is said. In short, tho pro gram of entertainment should bo so good thnf people coming from Ilend-or Alturus or Vreka would'fcel well re paid for their time and money spent. Hunting for Peace MWWaWMaWWWaWVaMkaVMaWWMM Slttl of NeW York Financial Publics tlona May Bt Subpoenaed Laming Will Ttatlfy Before House Invest! gation Committee Nott Waa Tipped i t Off Four Hour Before Officially An-! Uncle Sam May Build Factories WASHINGTON, li. C. Jan. 6. It win. announced today that the leak lit Wr.ll street was caused by financial J impers unless the news came back from Europe. ' Itepreaentathc Harris says the house committee has subpoenaed the entire Washington staffs of two New York llnnncinl papers, and ordered them to produce copies of their corre spondence regarding the note by rrcs (dent Wilson. WASHINGTON. 1. C, Jun. 6. Uob ert Iinsing, secretary of state, will nppcur Monday before the house of representative's committee which Is investigating the "leak" on 1'resldent Wilson's peace note to the belligerent countries. Kcprcsentuthe Gardner of the house strongly recommended questioning President Wilson about the note. Il was discovered today that the president's peace noU had been tipped oft four hours before he had announced it for publication. MILLION GIVEN FOR NEW ROADS CONGRESS APPROPRIATES THIS AMOUNT TO BUILD NEW AND IMPROVE OLD ROADS IN THE NATIONAL FORESTS WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 6. Sec rrtnry of War Daniels announced to tiny that a government board is form ing plans for the erection for a huge government projectile factory- This is due, says Daniels, to the out- r rsvgeous prices different projectile fac tories are asking government for large projectiles. GERMANS TAKE MORE VILLAGES FIVE MORE RUMANIAN TOWNS FALL INTO HANDS OF ADVANC ING TEUTONS, MAKING SUBJEC TION MORE COMPLETE OTHER NEUTRALS CO-OPERATING FOR PEACE Bcjieved in Washington That Subma rine Affaire Will Be Used aa an Ex cuae for Breaking Rclationa With Germany if Preaent Peace Maneuv ers Fail Entente Reply to Wilson Note Expected Daily. UBKLIN. Jan. 6. Announcements liom Uerlln state that the Teutons have captured live more towns In Ru mania. German outposts have arrived at points along the Sercth River. Galatz, tho last Rumanian city now remaining, is under a hard Ore from the Teutons. WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 6. Ex perts on international affairs declared today that the administration Is wield ing a war threat to be used as a aew club against Germany In order to force her into making peace terms. It is believed that the administra tion is now convinced that it must break all relations with Germany over submarining affairs If the peace ma neuvers fall. The reply from the entente powers to president Wilson's peace note is ex pected momentarily. RERUN, Jan. 6. Congressional dis cussion today over America's' Intel- national relations following the issuing of President Wilson's peace nott. re- (suited in the belief that America and the allies are gradually drifting to gether. The sentiment toward America's re lations is that instead of America striving for peace, it is the other neu tral countries which are co-operating for peace. No Taxla for Pleasure DERLIN. Jan. 6. Now la the winter of. too taxlcabby's discontent. Recent ly Imposed regulations provide a fine of 15 for persons using taxloa for pleasure, and thut Includes theater trips, the driver's old-tlmo source of his mi venue. WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 6. It was announced today that a special al lotment of 11,000,000 has been made by congress to build good roads and trails through natloual forests through out the country. The stnto of California receives 1110,000 for these Improvements. ARIZONA'S AFFAIRS SAILL IN MUDLE su- PHOENIX, Ariz., Jan. 6. The preme court toduy baa deferred until next week a decision on the Campbell mandamus proceedings to oust Gov ernor Hunt. Affairs are In n worse muddle than ever. The stato legislature meets on Monday, and both govornors will send mesages to the meeting. Doctor I Arretted " HEMET. Calif., Jan. 6. Doctor Per cival Allan, charged by Settfittjsr iUes as the mrderer of AniptMilel son, a Seattle girl, baa beeR.smatad. When apprehended here he raajMy ad mitted that be was the maatHia was being sought. ' ' Steel la High MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Jan. 6. Ar ticles made of steel, bought three years ago, may be sold today for more than the original purchase price, Irre spective of their depreciation by wear, Mutt Be Fit VIENNA. Jan. 6. Prospective con ductresses are examined as to physical as well as mental expanse when trying out for jobs on the motor buses. The inuoor spaco is so sinau uiai uie nar row maid, physically speaking, has tho better chance of landing. TARENTUM. Pa., Jan. 6. A bank George L. Gillette, a Minneapolis steel messenger of one of the local banks, man said today, in explaining the high with a special guard, was held up to cost of steel. I day and robbed of $9,000. Strahorn Can't Be Here Sunday Night Illness of Mrs. Strahorn Makes Date of Arrival of Railroad Builder Later Than Was First Planned iVccording to a telegram received this morning, Robert E. 8trahorn, pres ident of the Oregon, California & East ern' railroad, will not be able to reach Klamath Palls tomorrow evening as planned, because of the Illness of Mrs. Strahorn. The telegram from Mr. Strahorn lays: Please advise Mayor Crisler and oth ers interested. Will advise soon as I know when I can be there. "ROBERT E. 8TRAHORN." Mr. Strahorn hoped to be here all next week to confer with Mayor Cris ler and tba city council regarding the contract proposed between blm and the city for building the municipal rail road from Klamath Falls to Dairy. "Referring to yours of second, regret However, if be does not arrive until very much to say I will be unable to j Tuesday be will have four or ive day -r In which to talk thing over wltavtfte council before bids for constructloaf uie opened on January 15tb. reach Klamath Falls before Monday or Tuesday nlgbt, date being uncertain. Serious illness of Mrs. Btruharu.